Using Cryptography Algorithms To Secure Cloud Computing Data and Services
Using Cryptography Algorithms To Secure Cloud Computing Data and Services
Using Cryptography Algorithms To Secure Cloud Computing Data and Services
ABSTRACT: These days regrading to the high demand on usingthe cloud computing services for storing and
processing data, there is awareness about the information security and cloud computing. This paper present and
take you to see an overview about the cryptography algorithm to detect the best cryptography algorithms for
protecting and securing data on cloud computing. In this paper, we are reviewing the asymmetric and
symmetric key cryptography with concentration on the symmetric key cryptography with consideration on the
best algorithm to use for cloud application and services that require data security.
Keywords: Cloud, Cloud Computing, Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, Security, Symmetric-Key,
Asymmetric Key, etc.
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Date of Submission: 13-10-2017 Date of acceptance: 31-10-2017
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Cloud Computing is the process of providing cloud services on the internet. Cloud services allows the
organizations and individuals to use the software that managed by cloud services provider. Cloud computing
model allow accessing the services and information remotely. Because of moving data to cloud services,
organizations are looking for protecting their data against unauthorized access. Securing the cloud means secure
the calculation, storage and applications. Security goals located into three points: confidentiality, integrity and
availability. Cryptography is caring about the confidentiality of data in the cloud. Cryptography these days is a
combination of three algorithms types: (1) Symmetric Key Algorithms (2) Asymmetric Key Algorithms and (3)
Data cryptography is encoding the content of the data like text and media to make it not
understandable, meaningless and invisible during transmission and storage, this term known as encryption. The
opposite process of retrieving the original data from encrypted data known as decryption. To encrypt data on
cloud storage both symmetric key and asymmetric key can be used, but according to the huge size of the
database and data stored in cloud storage using of symmetric key algorithm is faster than asymmetric key.
Process of RSA
Chose two large prime number p and q then calculate n = p*q.
Select the public key (e), encryption key such that it is not a factor of (p - 1) and (q – 1).
Select the private key d (decryption key) such that the following equation is true: (d*e)mod(p – 1)(q – 1) =
For encryption, calculate the cipher text (CT) from the plaintext (PT), CT = (PT)e mod n. Send CT to the
For decryption: PT = (CT)d mod n.
Cloud computing is defined as a set of services provided by the cloud service provider to be accessed
over the internet. Most of the organization are shifting their data over the cloud, which means that they are using
the storage service provided by cloud service providers. Therefore, there is a need to secure the data uploaded
over the cloud storage. To ensure about the security of the data over the cloud storage, we are using the
cryptography term to secure the data. For that purpose, we are embedding two algorithms from different
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