Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Group Members
Mithul Motty
Divyanand. L
Maria Thankam Kattukaren
Riya Rajesh
Snehith Pradeep
Vinu .D
Hazel Mary Kurian
Aathira Sekhar
We hereby declare that the project work entitled A STUDY OF THE ORGANISATION’S HR
COCHIN OF BUSINESS is a record of an original work done under the Guidance of
Dr.Madhu.P,HOD,HRM, and Prof Lishin.J, Assistant Professor,HRM,PGDM.I further declare
that the detail reported in the project has not been submitted either in part or in any other degree
or diploma in this institute or any other institute or Universities.
We team Esprit De Corps would like to express our gratitude to our HR Professors Dr. Madhu.P
(HOD) and Assistant Professor Lishin L.J for providing us such a valuable opportunity and
supportive for doing this Project.
The project was successfully completed only through the help of Mr.Suneesh (HR), Renai
Hotel,cochin was very supportive and cooperative for the information given to our team and
educated us through the valuable information.
We would to express our gratitude towards Dr. Filomena P. George, Director of SCMS COCHIN
BUSINESS and our Mentor Ms.Anjali.A for granting us permission for this experience with the
expert of HR Department for doing the project activity.
The organisation study was conducted in THE RENAI HOTEL COCHIN at Palarivattom.The
objective of the studies are :
So in RENAI COCHIN employees have a strong job security and an enjoyable workspace.
The Renai Cochin is more than just another luxury hotel in the bustling metropolis of Kochi, the
commercial gateway to Kerala. It was established in 1998. This exclusive boutique hotel takes
pride in offering not just gracious hospitality in an opulent setting , but an array of personalized
services reminiscent of the classic grandeur of the 15th century Renaissance period.
In Renai Kochi the organizational structure is based on hierarchical type ie. from top to bottom.
During 1988 when Renai Cochin was started, the top management or the head was Polakulath
Narayanan who was the founder of Renai Group. After the death of Polakulath Narayanan its
was taken care by his family members.
The company does not have any merges with any company. From the time of beginning thats is
from 1988 to 2004 there was a high increase in the growth in the company. From 2014 to 2017
since there is a change in the policy there was a small decline. But taking the overall
performance the company has a constant growth.
The communication of information is passed from top management to the lower level. The top
management consist of Managing partners. The Managing Partners are the family members of
Polakulath Narayanan. The main decisions or major decisions are being taken by these managing
partners together.
The next level comes the corporate general managers. The Renai Hotels have various branches
such as in Palarivattom, Cherai etc. Each of these branches are headed by a corporate general
Then come the general managers for each department. In accounts department it is headed by
the finance controller who manages all the financial activities of the firm. Then there is HR
department which is headed by the HR manager who takes care of all the employee related
activities and customer problems. There is an executive chef who takes care of all the food and
beverage related activities. Every hotels main attraction or the main focus will be on the food
they serve. So the executive chef plays a major role in the directing to maintain a standard in the
food they serve. Then comes the Business development manager. They are the driving force for
bring new customers and also to maintain a goodwill for the organisation. They implement new
strategies for attracting new customers. The other department is the front office executive. They
are the people who directly in contact with the customers. So they need to have a good
knowledge about the policies related to the hotel. Then comes the executive housekeepers. They
coordinate to maintain cleanliness and room service to the customers.
There are number of employees who are working under these general managers. In Renai Cochin
there are around 124 employees. The communication among these employees are though a
specific path. If a communication need to be done the employee's first report to the head of their
department. Then these head will report it to their superior.
An organization's structure refers to the nature of the distribution of the units and positions
within it, also to the nature of the relationships among those units and positions. The
organization follows a flat type of structure. A flat organization (also known as horizontal
organization) has few levels of middle management between staff and executives.
In this company, the number of people directly supervised by each manager is large, and the
number of people in the chain of command above one is small. They believe that well-trained
workers will be more productive when they are more directly involved in the decision making
process, rather than closely supervised by many layers of management. This company promotes
employee involvement through a decentralized decision-making process. In this way comments
and feedback reach all personnel involved in decisions more quickly and the expected response
to customer feedback becomes more rapid.
Since employees are the main assets of the company,Renai Cochin follows a open door policy.
Where employees are free with the managers and can share any complaints with the manager.
The HR manager Shri Suneesh P.R said all the employees come up with the issues and solutions
for almost all the problems been given.Feedback sessions and discussions are done every month
in the organisation where there can have a close relation with the employees and thereby they
can report their grievances.This will help to improve their performance in the organisation.
There are 124 employees working in the organisation. Each one of them are not worried about
discussing concerns, asking questions, or making suggestions in their own chain of command.
Employee Trust is the main factor, which can build up the company. Renai Cochin always
focuses on maintaining a good relation with the employees.
The leave policies circulated to the employees when they joined in Renai Cochin. The leave rules
have been formulated to enable them work to maintain a healthy work life balance. Mostly leave
been given to the employees due to sickness and in emergency. The type of leave provided
include paid leave, casual leave, optional leave, privilege leave, maternity leave, paternity leave
etc.An employee in renai gets paid leave after a month. Sick leave employee can take up to 2
days and if there is any extend he need to submit to the medical certificate to Mr.Suneesh P.R.
Also, a n employee is not allowed to take 2 leave per month. When an employee takes leave
more than 5 days, the amount will be deducted from him. An employee is allowed with 30 days
leave in a year.
Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified
applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. The
Renai hotels appoint its employees through systematic hiring process .It includes:-
● HR Planning:-The HR analyses the number of vacancies available in the hotel and the
skills required by them
● Recruitment:-The Company reaches the pool of candidates mainly through
advertisements through newspapers. Then application form from the candidates with the
required documents and CV s . They shortlist the eligible candidates from the applied
one’s and they are called for the interview. From the face-to-face interview, the
candidates are again short-listed.
● Selection: - The selected candidates from the face-to-face interview will get the job offer
and they can join the company after getting the confirmation letter.
The training and development process in Renai hotels mainly aims at improving the quality of
the workforce, employee growth and personal development. After recruiting the fresh candidate,
they have a one day induction programme and an on the job training for one week (varies
according to the posts held in the organisation).
For the existing employees, they give training and development programmes on fire and safety,
skill development, personality development etc.…
The organization is well know for the employee treatment.The organization provides
personalized training to employees to boost the confidence in them.The employees together
celebrate all major festivals like christmas, onam. On birthdays each staff is given a special cake
and they celebrate birthdays by cutting the cake together. There are also bonuses provided at the
time of festival seasons. The employees also have fixed working hours, which provides a greater
flexibility in working hours.
The company follows a strong appraisal system, which are done on quarterly and annual basis.
The performance appraisal technique they follows is a Checklist Method.They have a particular
form which contains a series of statements which includes question regarding to Punctuality ,
Responsibility, Discipline etc. Initially the employees are evaluated on those factors and then
personal interviews are conducted for selected employees and are given promotion at the end of
year. This helps the employees to identify their strengths and weakness and thus they can focus
on improving their individual performance.
The Renai hotel is proud to offer competitive compensation and benefit plans, which reward
performance, development of skills and Group success. The level of compensation and benefits
depends on the role, level, experience, skills and contribution. As the employees grow, this will
also develop. As a long term oriented family Group, They also offer additional benefits to a
competitive salary that add significant value to remuneration package, security and safety at all
The Hotel offers competitive market-level salaries. The compensation policy for staff level
employees is determined by national and local collective agreements.
Their Remuneration System determines the compensation policy for managers and directors.
They offer accommodation to a substantial number of employees in the hotel and also offer an
accommodation subsidy to certain senior level positions.
Discounts and special offers for a range of services and products from various suppliers
Privileged cell phone use
Gas allowance
Parking space
Financial aid for important events in life such as marriage or child birth or cases of emergencies
Special gifts at retirement
Proper Training Programmes - In this the company is giving proper training programmes for
retention of the employee so that the employees can learn and it will benefited to the employees.
Work Timings are Particular - In this the company Renai is fully supportive to the employees so
that the employee feel free to work.
So by the survey of the company of all the queries we come to know that the company has more
than 124 employees and at a flat structure and they are in the profit zone year by year. This
shows that the HR of the company is also more helpful to the employees, those employees are
well trained by the senior, and those senior management are being favour the employees.