Rev. Luis Ao-As, Et Al. v. Court of Appeals
Rev. Luis Ao-As, Et Al. v. Court of Appeals
Rev. Luis Ao-As, Et Al. v. Court of Appeals
Court of Appeals
G.R. No. 128464
June 20, 2006
Issue: Whether or not the manner of election of the BOD of LCP as provided in its By-Laws is
Ruling: No.
The matter of how the directors or other leaders of a church shall be chosen is a matter of
ecclesiastical law or custom which is outside the jurisdiction of civil courts. In any case, the
stipulation in the By-Laws is not contrary to the Corporation Code. Section 89 of the Corporation
Code pertaining to non-stock corporations provides that "(t)he right of the members of any class
or classes (of a non-stock corporation) to vote may be limited, broadened or denied to the extent
specified in the articles of incorporation or the by-laws. This is an exception to Section 6 of the
same code where it is provided that "no share may be deprived of voting rights except those
classified and issued as ‘preferred’ or ‘redeemable’ shares, unless otherwise provided in this
Code." The stipulation in the By-Laws providing for the election of the Board of Directors by
districts is a form of limitation on the voting rights of the members of a non-stock corporation as
recognized under the aforesaid Section 89. Section 24, which requires the presence of a majority
of the members entitled to vote in the election of the board of directors, applies only when the
directors are elected by the members at large, such as is always the case in stock corporations by
virtue of Section 6.