A Study On Preference For Tata Nano: Reshmi 35 PGDM
A Study On Preference For Tata Nano: Reshmi 35 PGDM
A Study On Preference For Tata Nano: Reshmi 35 PGDM
Literature Review
Conceptual Model
Research Methodology
Data Interpretation and Analysis
TATA NANO is India's largest company in the automobile and commercial vehicle
sector with upwards of 70% cumulative Market share in the Domestic Commercial
vehicle segment, and had a 0.81% share of the world market in 2007 according to
OICA data. The OICA ranked it as the 19th largest automaker, based on figures for
2007, and the second largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in the world. The
company is the world’s fourth largest truck manufacturer, and the world’s second
largest bus manufacturer. In India Tata ranks as the leader in every commercial
vehicle segment, and is in the top 3 makers of passenger cars. Tata Motors is the
designer and manufacturer of the iconic Tata Nano, which at INR 100,000 or
approximately USD 2300, is the cheapest car in the world.
Tata Nano, The people’s car, an engineering marvel, the middle class’ dream
however you refer to it. The Tata nano is on every one’s minds. The cheapest car in
the world is all over the news and people can’t just get enough of it.
Ratan tata’s people’s car is offered at the price of Rs one lakh. Though the road tax,
service tax etc will augment the cost and the car will finally be available at a price of
about one lakh and thirty thousand rupees.
TATA Motors began development of the world's cheapest production car in 2003,
inspired by the number of Indian families with two-wheeled rather than four-wheeled
vehicles. Tata Nano, people’s car is the dream of Ratan Tata to give every family in
Indian accessibility to travel in a four wheeler. Tata Nano under Tata Motors, by its
name defines its product. Tata one of the strongest and the oldest brands in India is
trustworthy and reliable so even its products carry the same tagline. Tata Nano which
will be the world’s cheapest car will be priced from Rs. 1,000000 and vary according
to its model.
It isn’t just this variant of the Nano which is making waves, even the Tata nano
Europa will make its debut in the European countries in the early part of 2011. The
Europa model is already creating a wave in the western media. The Tata nano is
expected to take the segment of such cars segment in India by storm. Even the two
wheeler segment might get affected and so will the replacement sector. Tata nano is
an engineering marvel to come out of India in terms of cost efficiency, fuel efficiency
and space efficiency. And every Indian should be proud of this marvel.
Tata nano is one of the most awaited cars of year as it’s cheap and also caters to the
requirement of middle class in India. In Indian market it has proved to be a
Secondary objective
Safer Than A Scooter - Indian consumers bought about 7 million two-wheelers and
1 million cars in 2006/07. Tipping the ratio from scooters to cars, and so improving
public safety on India’s crowded and sometimes chaotic roads, was one rationale for
creating the People’s Car, according to Ratan Tata, the company’s 70-year old
chairman: - “That’s what drove me - a man on a two-wheeler with a child standing in
front, his wife sitting behind, add to that the wet roads - a family in potential danger,”
Tata wrote on the company Web site.
The Price - Retailing for 100,000 rupees (or “one lakh”), Tata’s rear-engine, 4-seater
is expected to put automotive ownership within the grasp of the millions of young
families who make up the country’s aspirational middle class. - At that price, it will
cost less than half the cheapest car on the market now, the mini Maruti 800, and more
than double an entry-level 100cc motorbike.
Small cars, for years the best sellers in India, are being touted as a new global trend,
with Renault’s Logan entering new markets and India’s Bajaj Auto, Renault and
Nissan looking into the feasibility of a $3,000 car.
Jobs - The Tata group chief has said the car will be manufactured in three to four
locations, including West Bengal and Uttarakhand states. A plant in Singur, in eastern
West Bengal state, is expected to employ 10,000 people.
Protests - Farmers and activists staged violent protests at Tata Motor’s Singur plant
last February, saying local people were forced off prime farmland to make room for
the plant. The government says it has compensated most of the affected farmers.
Environment - Environmentalists worry that a car so cheap could lead millions down
what they see as the wrong road, with soaring car ownership damaging the
environment and locking India into greater dependence on oil. India imports 70 per
cent of its crude oil. - Indian climate change expert R K Pachauri, chairman of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, says the One Lakh Car is giving him
Abstract: The article reports on the Tata Nano automobile and India. A Nano
prototype was introduced in India in January 2008 and, as of May 2009, there will be
100,000 sold over a period of 12 months after entry into a lottery. The lottery requires
an $80 deposit and the Nano costs $2,000. Tata Motors, due to not having enough
factories, is unable to provide enough cars for the amount of customers wanting them
in India.
2.Title: Tata Nano heralds new era for Asian car brands.
Source: Media: Asia's Media & Marketing Newspaper; 10/16/2008, p20-20, 1/2p
Abstract: The article reports on the launch of a car by Tata Nano in India. The car
is intended for the masses since it costs for only $2,500. Its market segment starts in
India followed in the emerging markets in Asia. According to Shiva Seth Raman, a
CEO of TBWA, Tata Nano follows the Suzuki Maruti 800 in the democratizing car
ownership in India. The Nano prototypes have been featured to be 20 percent more
spacious than Maruti 800. The Indian group is producing the cheapest car in the
world. The potential for Asia’s masses is huge. The Nano, then, could transform
Car marketing in the region. Rival car makers are working on their responses.
Renault-Nissan is teaming up with Indian motorcycle producer Bajaj to enter the local
market with an ultra-cheap car of its own. Another potential problem for the
pioneering ultra-cheap cars is durability — especially in light of the fact that the cars
are primarily aimed at first time buyers. According to Seth Raman, the Tata Nano has
built-in brand equity, thanks to the high esteem in which the Tata family’s businesses
are held. However, the proof of the Nano will be whether it survives India’s roads.
This is obviously a concern close to the hearts of many car manufacturers.
3. Title: Tata Nano: not only a product revolution, but also a breakthrough in
product distribution.
Dependent Variable:
Preference for Tata Nano
Independent Variables:
Service and brand image
Independent variable:
Design: this variable talks about the design aspect of the car. Design
of a car plays a vital role for the customers to opt it. Its small size and
trendy looks have attracted a lot of attention from the customers. Tata
Nano has been designed with a family in mind, has a roomy passenger
compartment with generous leg space and head room. It can
comfortably seat four persons. It requires fewer parking spaces.
Service and brand image: this variable measures the impact of brand
“TATA” on the purchase of the car. Tata has got a significant image in
small car segment. Thus it helps us measure whether the brand TATA
and the service network it has would influence the customer to
purchase the car.
Research design tells us the procedure to conduct a marketing research. It details all
the steps which are to be followed to solve the marketing research problem. In this
research the design which is applied is Descriptive Research Design. It’s a formal
design. Under it a sample is identified and research is conducted. Under this analysis
we study the preference of a customer and what factors would persuade an individual
to purchase Nano.
2. Easy to drive: TATA Nano is a small car which would make it easy to
drive especially for women. This would be a major aspect for opting Nano.
1. Affordable car: Nano is the cheapest car in the world which proves to
be a major plus point. It’s cheap and reasonably priced.
Design :
2. Brand Image: The brand name Tata in the market would persuade the
customers to opt for Nano.
Data Collection: The data collected is primary data. A questionnaire was used to
collect the data from the sample. The unit of analysis was customers who are willing
to purchase Tata Nano.
• Reliability analysis
• Correlation
• Regression
Respected Sir/ Mam
Reliability analysis:
N %
Cases Valid 40 100.0
0 .0
Total 40 100.0
a Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
.602 4
The reliability scale for Preference is 0.602. This implies that the values considered
for Preference are consistent.
N %
Cases Valid 40 100.0
0 .0
Total 40 100.0
a Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
.710 4
The reliability scale for Price is 0.710. This implies that the values considered for
Price are consistent.
N %
Cases Valid 40 100.0
0 .0
Total 40 100.0
a Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
.573 3
The reliability scale for Design is 0.573. This implies that the values considered for
design are consistent.
N %
Cases Valid 40 100.0
0 .0
Total 40 100.0
A Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
.650 3
The reliability scale for service and brand image is 0.650. This implies that the values
considered for service and reliability are consistent.
Regression Analysis
Model Summary
Std. Error
Mode Adjusted of the
l R R Square R Square Estimate
1 .703(a) .495 .453 .55555
Predictors: (Constant), brandandsermean, designmean, price mean
From the above table we can analyse that the Adjusted R square value is high. Thus
the model is apt and reliable and the analysis would provide accurate results.
Coefficients (a)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
Mode Std. Std.
l B Error Beta B Error
1 (Constant) .528 .541 .975 .336
price mean .253 .188 .217 1.348 .186
designmean .414 .131 .438 3.156 .003
.185 .148 .192 1.248 .220
A Dependent Variable: prefmean
H0: The independent variable Price has no significant effect on dependent variable
“Preference for Tata Nano”.
H1: The independent variable Price has a significant effect on dependent variable
“Preference for Tata Nano”.
The Significant Level of price from T-test is 0.186 it implies the independent variable
price has 81% confidence on accuracy on data. We accept Null hypothesis H0 i.e. the
independent variable Price as no significant effect on dependent variables “Preference
for Tata Nano”.
H0: The independent variable Design has no significant effect on dependent variable
“Preference for Tata Nano”.
H1: The independent variable Design has a significant effect on dependent variable
“Preference for Tata Nano”.
H0: The independent variable interest rates have no significant effect on dependent
variable “Preference for Tata Nano”.
H1: The independent variable service and brand image have a significant effect on
dependent variable “Preference for Tata Nano”.
The Significant Level of Interest rates from T-test is 0.22. This implies the
independent variable Interest rates have 78.0% confidence on accuracy on data. We
accept Null hypothesis H0 i.e. the independent variable service and brand image has
no significant impact on dependent variable on “Preference for Tata Nano”.
The sample size of the study was 40 respondents. To get better results we can always
go for a bigger sample size.
2. Ebsco.com
3. Google.com