Catálogo Garrafa Hidráulica
Catálogo Garrafa Hidráulica
Catálogo Garrafa Hidráulica
Heating distributor
Oil distributor
Sanitary distributor
sleeve ¾"
Type flow rate size of fitting Total height supply supply
WST in m³/h chamber dimensions in mm
501AÆ 170 Æ 500 mm DN 250 1900
501BÆ 225 Æ 500 mm DN 300 2000
601AÆ 300 Æ 600 mm DN 350 2350
601BÆ 400 Æ 600 mm DN 400 2500
701 Æ 540 Æ 700 mm DN 500 2815
801 Æ 700 Æ 800 mm DN 500 2865
901 Æ 890 Æ 900 mm DN 600 3120
1001 Æ 1100 Æ 1000 mm DN 600 3170
1101 Æ 1335 Æ 1100 mm DN 700 3380 return return
sleeve 1"(1¼")
Type 501AÆ - 501BÆ - 601AÆ - 601BÆ - 701Æ - 801Æ - 901Æ - 1001Æ - 1101Æ WST
flow rate m³/h
max. operating gauge bar
rated flange pressure PN
Material: Wage:
MAGRA-ready-made insulation with galvanized steel sheet jacket and mineral fibre according to EnEV for above hydraulic
(pcs.) diverter (up to Type 601B), consisting of galvanized steel sheet jacket with quick-acting closures and 100 mm thick mineral
fibre, designed as half-shells. With cut-outs for outlet nozzles, de-sludging and de-aeration.
Material: Wage:
MAGRA-identification labels 85 for identification of the outlet nozzles. The labels are fixed to the MAGRA-ready-made
(pcs.) insulation using the enclosed screws. Identification can be effected using standard text strips 100 x 9.25 mm (Simplex,
Sikla, Klug), inserting embossed labels or by creating your own labels. The identification field is protected by a plug-type
transparent cap. Size of label: 110 x 24 mm.
Material: Wage:
WST501_1101_AUSS_01_E.CDR 10/06 DY
MAGRA-WST hydraulic diverter with sludge trap and cleaning opening, consisting of:
(pcs.) Exchanger chamber of steel with welded dished bottoms. Connection nozzle for heat consumer and heat
generator, made of steel tubes with welding neck flanges according to DIN, PN 6, PN 10 or PN 16.
Cleaning opening with blind flange and de-sludging connection 1"(1¼"). Sleeve ¾" for de-aeration. Bases
with floor anchoring plates.
The hydraulic diverter has been pressure-tested and prime-coated in the factory.
sleeve ¾"
sleeve 1"(1¼")
Type 500AÆ - 500BÆ - 600AÆ - 600BÆ - 700Æ - 800Æ - 900Æ - 1000Æ - 1100Æ WST
flow rate m³/h
max. operating gauge bar
rated flange pressure PN
Material: Wage:
MAGRA-ready-made insulation with galvanized steel sheet jacket and mineral fibre according to EnEV for above hydraulic
(pcs.) diverter (up to Type 600B), consisting of galvanized steel sheet jacket with quick-acting closures and 100 mm thick mineral
fibre, designed as half-shells. With cut-outs for outlet nozzles, de-sludging and de-aeration.
Material: Wage:
MAGRA-identification labels 85 for identification of the outlet nozzles. The labels are fixed to the MAGRA-ready-made
(pcs.) insulation using the enclosed screws. Identification can be effected using standard text strips 100 x 9.25 mm (Simplex,
Sikla, Klug), inserting embossed labels or by creating your own labels. The identification field is protected by a plug-type
transparent cap. Size of label: 110 x 24 mm.
Material: Wage:
WST500_1100_AUSS_02_E.CDR 10/06 DY
o Sanitary distributor
Heat consumer
1 2 3
Boiler 2 Boiler 1
- Heating distributor
Heat generator -WST
hydraulic diverter
The flow rate in the heat generator is independent of the flow rate
in the heat consumer.
Boilers which are not in operation can be locked hydraulically.
For each boiler, the return temperature can be adjusted accordingly.
-WST hydraulic diverter for optimum hydraulic control of multi-boiler plants
Boiler Boiler Boiler As shown in the illustration as an example, the boilers are controlled,
depending on the load, via a boiler sequence circuit. The operating
heating boiler(s) is/are connected to the MAGRA-WST. Boilers which are
not in operation can be locked hydraulically. The circulation pump of the
operating boiler demands the minimum flow rate via the boiler.
The water not used by the consumers (heating circuits) flows back to the
boiler via the return line.
Sleeves for
temperature sensor
T1 T3 T2 T4
Vp > V s Vp > V s
T 1 = T3 T 1 = T3
V primary V secondary V primary V secondary
T2 > T4 T2 < T4
T2 T4 T1 T3
Qp = Qs Qp = Qs
T1 T3 T2 T4
Vp < V s Vp < V s
T 1 > T3 T 1 < T3
V primary V secondary V primary V secondary
T2 = T4 T2 = T4
T2 T4 T1 T3
Qp = Qs Qp = Qs
The design of the MAGRA-WST hydraulic diverter ensures that the water circulation rate of the heat generator. This means that, in the case of
flows of the heat generator and the heat consumers are independent of partial load operation of the boiler plant (low circulation rate on the
one another. The water flows are not separated physically. By using a generator side), the temperature on the consumer side is decisive for the
hydraulic diverter, minimum flow rates are ensured on the heat generator sequence controller, not the flow temperature of the lower circulation rate
side (primary) despite greatly varying flow rates on the heat consumer in the boiler circuit.
side (secondary). In the case of multi-boiler plants, this results in an Since the circulation rates do not influence one another, the boiler water
improved overall behaviour of the plant, as regards the interactions of the circulation rate can be adjusted to the boilers which are actually in
control and hydraulic systems. operation. This also enables increasing the return temperature separately
The measuring point of the boiler pilot temperature is selected such that and shutting down individual boilers hydraulically.
the flow temperature of the heat consumer is detected independent of the
-WST hydraulic diverter Types 121 to 401 with sludge trap
h2 MAGRA-WST hydraulic diverter with sludge trap, consisting of: exchanger chamber of steel, with
sleeve welded lid and bottom. Connection nozzle for heat consumer and heat generator, made of steel
1" tubes with welding neck flanges according to DIN, PN 6, PN 10 or PN 16. De-sludging connection
1" (lateral). In the case of types WST 120 to 400 additionally with large cleaning opening with blind
cleaning opening Sleeves ¾" in lid for temperature sensor. Bases with floor anchoring plates.
(types WST 120 to 400) The MAGRA hydraulic diverter has been pressure-tested and prime-coated in the factory.
dimensions in mm
Type WST flow rate chamber size fitting
in m³/h in mm dimensions B h2 h3 Total height
500AÆ 170 m³/h Æ 500 mm DN 250 870 500 1100 1900
500BÆ 225 m³/h Æ 500 mm DN 300 930 500 1200 2000
600AÆ 300 m³/h Æ 600 mm DN 350 980 550 1400 2350
600BÆ 400 m³/h Æ 600 mm DN 400 1040 550 1550 2500
h3 701 Æ
700 Æ 540 m³/h Æ 700 mm DN 500 1280 650 1715 2815
801 Æ
800 Æ 700 m³/h Æ 800 mm DN 500 1380 675 1715 2865
901 Æ
900 Æ 890 m³/h Æ 900 mm DN 600 1490 740 1840 3120
1001 Æ
1000 Æ 1100 m³/h Æ 1000 mm DN 600 1590 765 1840 3170
1101 Æ
1100 Æ 1335 m³/h Æ 1100 mm DN 700 1700 835 1910 3380
h2 MAGRA-WST hydraulic diverter with sludge trap, consisting of: exchanger chamber of steel, with
welded dished bottoms. Connection nozzle for heat consumer and heat generator, made of steel
tubes with welding neck flanges according to DIN, PN 6, PN 10 or PN 16. De-sludging connection
cleaning 1" (1 ¼"). In the case of types WST 500Æ to 1100Æ additionally with large cleaning opening with
opening sleeve 1"(1¼") blind flange.
(types WST Sleeve ¾" for de-aeration. Bases with floor anchoring plates.
500Æ to 1100Æ) The MAGRA hydraulic diverter has been pressure-tested and prime-coated in the factory.
-ready-made insulation -identification label 85
made of PU hard foam with for identification of the outlet nozzles.
aluminium sheet jacket or Can be screwed on MAGRA-ready-made
mineral fibre with galv. steel insulation.
sheet jacket.
Practical application examples
1 2 3
exhaust gas
heat exchanger
Condensing value multi-boiler plant with
WST Boiler 1 Boiler 2 -WST hydraulic diverter
hydraulic diverter
install sensor
single-boiler plant for 3 residential
buildings with -WST hydraulic
gas burner
Filling pressure
1.9 bar
Admission pressure
1.7 bar
Sheet: 13 6. W. 25e