Anti Emesis
Anti Emesis
Anti Emesis
Version 1.2018 — March 14, 2018
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®.
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
David S. Ettinger, MD/Chair † Ruth Lagman, MD, MPH, MBA, FACP, FAAHPM £ Eric Roeland, MD † £
The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Case Comprehensive Cancer Center/ UC San Diego
Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Moores Cancer Center
Center and Cleveland Clinic Taussig
* Michael J. Berger, PharmD/BCOP, Vice Chair Σ Cancer Institute Hope S. Rugo, MD † ‡
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer UCSF Helen Diller Family
Center - James Cancer Hospital Dean Lim, MD † Comprehensive Cancer Center
and Solove Research Institute City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
Lee S. Schwartzberg, MD, FACP
Jonathan Aston, PharmD, BCOP Σ † Charles Loprinzi, MD St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital/The
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Mayo Clinic Cancer Center University of
Tennessee Health Science Center
Sally Barbour, PharmD, BCOP, CPP Σ ‡ † Cynthia X. Ma, MD, PhD † Þ
Duke Cancer Institute Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes- Bridget Scullion, PharmD, BCOP £
Jewish Hospital and Washington Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s
Jason Bergsbaken, PharmD, BCOP Σ University School of Medicine Cancer Center | Massachusetts General
University of Wisconsin Hospital Cancer Center
Carbone Cancer Center Victoria Maurer, MSN, OCN, RN †
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of John Timoney, PharmD, BCOP † ‡
Debra Brandt, DO † Northwestern University Memorial Sloan Kettering
Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital Cancer Center
Laura Boehnke Michaud, PharmD, BCOP † Σ
Jennie R. Crews, MD † The University of Texas Susan G. Urba, MD † £
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/ Seattle MD Anderson Cancer Center University of Michigan Comprehensive
Cancer Care Alliance Cancer Center
Rudolph M. Navari, MD, PhD, FACP †
Eun Jeong Kim, PharmD, MS Σ University of Alabama at Birmingham
Stanford Cancer Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®.
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Radiation-Induced Emesis:
Radiation-Induced Emesis Prevention/Treatment (AE-11)
Anticipatory Emesis:
Anticipatory Emesis Prevention/Treatment (AE-12)
The NCCN Guidelines® are a statement of evidence and consensus of the authors regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment.
Any clinician seeking to apply or consult the NCCN Guidelines is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual clinical
circumstances to determine any patient’s care or treatment. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) makes no representations or
warranties of any kind regarding their content, use or application and disclaims any responsibility for their application or use in any way. The NCCN
Guidelines are copyrighted by National Comprehensive Cancer Network®. All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines and the illustrations herein may
not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN. ©2018.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®.
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Updates in Version 1.2018 of the NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis from Version 2.2017 include:
AE-1 • Footnote "k" is new "Aprepitant injectable emulsion is a unique formulation
• The last bullet is new: "While chemotherapy or radiation therapy-induced of aprepitant and is NOT interchangeable with the intravenous formulation
nausea and vomiting can significantly impact a patient's quality of life and of fosaprepitant."
lead to poor outcomes, providers must be aware of the potential for the AE-8
overuse of prophylactic antiemetics, especially for chemotherapy with • Footnotes j and v were added to metoclopramide and prochlorperazine.
minimal and low emetic risks, which may expose the patient to potential • Footnote v was added to 5-HT3-RA.
adverse effects from antiemetic drugs and pose an undue economic AE-10
burden. Guideline adherence is always encouraged."Okuyama A, Nakamura • Cannabinoid bullet, first sub-bullet was modified: "Dronabinol 5-10 mg PO
F, Higashi T. Prescription of prophylactic antiemetic drugs for patients every 4-6 h 3-4 times daily"
receiving chemotherapy with minimal and low emetic risk. JAMA Oncol. • Footnote bb is new to the page. "Dronabinol oral solution has greater oral
2017;3(3):344-350. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2016.4096 bioavailability than dronabinol capsules. 2.1 mg oral solution = 2.5 mg
Encinosa W, Davidoff AJ. Changes in Antiemetic Overuse in Response capsules. Dronabinol capsules 5-10 mg PO or dronabinol oral solution 2.1-
to Choosing Wisely Recommendations. JAMA Oncol. 2017;3(3):320–326. 4.2 mg/m² PO, given three-four times daily."
doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2016.2530. AE-12
AE-2, AE-3, and AE-4 • Behavioral therapy bullet:
• "Antineoplastic" was replaced with "Anticancer". Relaxation exercises sub-bullet: "Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)"
AE-2 and "Biofeedback" bullets are new
• Moderate emetic risk "Cognitive distraction" and "Yoga (if approved by physician)" are new
Added "Dual-drug liposomal encapsulation of cytarabine and • Last bullet, sub-bullet was modified: alprazolam and dosing were removed
daunorubicin." AE-A (1 of 2)
AE-3 • General principles, the following was added to the last bullet: "If patients
• Low emetic riskw cannot tolerate dexamethasone, consider replacing with olanzapine."
Added "Olaratumab" AE-A (2 of 2)
• Minimal emetic risk • NK1 antagonists: "aprepitant injectable emulsion" was added to the
Added "Avelumab" and "Rituximab and hyaluronidase human injection for second, fifth, and sixth bullets
SQ use." AE-B (1 of 3)
"(2-chlorodeoxyadenosine)" was removed from cladribine. • NK1 antagonists: "aprepitant injectable emulsion" was added to the first
AE-4 bullet
• Moderate to high emetic risk AE-B (2 of 3)
Added "Enasidenib", "Midostaurin", and "Niraparib." • The following reference was added to the last sub-bullet under Olanzapine:
• Minimal to low emetic risk Yanai T, Iwasa S, Hashimoto H, et al. A double-blind randomized phase
Added "Abemaciclib", "Brigatinib", "Neratinib", and "Ribociclib." II dose-finding study of olanzapine 10 mg or 5 mg for the prophylaxis of
AE-5 and AE-6 emesis induced by highly emetogenic cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Int J
• The dose of dexamethasone was reduced to 12 mg for day 1 throughout. Clin Oncol 2017 Oct 16. [Epub ahead of print]
• New: Aprepitant injectable emulsion 130 mg IV once. • The third and fourth bullets under benzodiazepines are new:
• AE-5 and AE-6 formatting was extensively revised. Parenteral olanzapine use with concomitant parenteral benzodiazepine
AE-7 use is contraindicated.
• The footnotes were extensively revised and references were updated. Use caution in patients with scheduled opioids.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. UPDATES
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-1
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
High emetic risk • AC combination defined as any • Carmustine >250 mg/m2 • Epirubicin >90 mg/m2
(>90% frequency of emesis)b,c chemotherapy regimen that • Cisplatin • Ifosfamide ≥2 g/m2 per dose
contains an anthracycline and • Cyclophosphamide >1,500 mg/m2 • Mechlorethamine
cyclophosphamide • Dacarbazine • Streptozocin
• Carboplatin AUC ≥4 • Doxorubicin ≥60 mg/m2
aPotential drug interactions between antineoplastic agents/antiemetic therapies and various other drugs should always be considered.
bProportion of patients who experience emesis in the absence of effective antiemetic prophylaxis. Low Emetic Risk (See AE-3)
cContinuous infusion may make an agent less emetogenic. Minimal Emetic Risk (See AE-3)
dThese agents may be highly emetogenic in certain patients. Oral Chemotherapy (See AE-4)
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-2
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Low emetic risk • Ado-trastuzumab emtansine • Etoposide • Omacetaxine
(10%–30% frequency of emesis)b • Aldesleukin ≤12 million IU/m2 • 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) • Paclitaxel
• Amifostine ≤300 mg/m2 • Floxuridine • Paclitaxel-albumin
• Atezolizumab • Gemcitabine • Pemetrexed
• Belinostat • Interferon alfa >5 - <10 million • Pentostatin
• Blinatumomab international units/m2 • Pralatrexate
• Brentuximab vedotin • Irinotecan (liposomal) • Romidepsin
• Cabazitaxel • Ixabepilone • Talimogene laherparepvec
• Carfilzomib • Methotrexate >50 mg/m2 - <250 mg/m2 • Thiotepa
• Cytarabine (low dose) 100–200 mg/m2 • Mitomycin • Topotecan
• Docetaxel • Mitoxantrone • Ziv-aflibercept
• Doxorubicin (liposomal) • Necitumumab
• Eribulin • Olaratumab
Minimal emetic risk • Alemtuzumab • Elotuzumab • Ramucirumab
(<10% frequency of emesis)b • Avelumab • Fludarabine • Rituximab
• Asparaginase • Interferon alpha ≤5 million IU/m2 • Rituximab and hyaluronidase
• Bevacizumab • Ipilimumab human injection for SQ use
• Bleomycin • Methotrexate ≤50 mg/m2 • Siltuximab
• Bortezomib • Nelarabine • Temsirolimus
• Cetuximab • Nivolumab • Trastuzumab
• Cladribine • Obinutuzumab • Valrubicin
• Cytarabine <100 mg/m2 • Ofatumumab • Vinblastine
• Daratumumab • Panitumumab • Vincristine
• Decitabine • Pegaspargase • Vincristine (liposomal)
• Denileukin diftitox • Peginterferon • Vinorelbine
• Dexrazoxane • Pembrolizumab
• Durvalumab • Pertuzumab
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-3
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Moderate to high emetic riskb • Altretamine • Etoposide • Panobinostat
(≥30% frequency of emesis) • Busulfan (≥4 mg/d) • Lenvatinib • Procarbazine
• Ceritinib • Lomustine (single day) • Rucaparib
• Crizotinib • Midostaurin • Temozolomide (>75 mg/m2/d)
• Cyclophosphamide (≥100 mg/m2/d) • Mitotane • Trifluridine/tipiracil
• Enasidenib • Niraparib
• Estramustine • Olaparib
Minimal to low emetic riskb • Abemaciclib • Gefitinib • Regorafenib
(<30% frequency of emesis) • Afatinib • Hydroxyurea • Ribociclib
• Alectinib • Ibrutinib • Ruxolitinib
• Axitinib • Idelalisib • Sonidegib
• Bexarotene • Imatinib • Sorafenib
• Brigatinib • Ixazomib • Sunitinib
• Bosutinib • Lapatinib • Temozolomide (≤75 mg/m2/d)e
• Busulfan (<4 mg/d) • Lenalidomide • Thalidomide
• Cabozantinib • Melphalan • Thioguanine
• Capecitabine • Mercaptopurine • Topotecan
• Chlorambucil • Methotrexate • Trametinib
• Cobimetinib • Nilotinib • Tretinoin
• Cyclophosphamide (<100 mg/m2/d) • Neratinib • Vandetanib
• Dasatinib • Osimertinib • Vemurafenib
• Dabrafenib • Palbociclib • Venetoclax
• Erlotinib • Pazopanib • Vismodegib
• Everolimus • Pomalidomide • Vorinostat
• Fludarabine • Ponatinib
Adapted with permission from:
Hesketh PJ, et al. Proposal for classifying the acute emetogenicity of cancer chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 1997;15:103-109.
Grunberg SM, Warr D, Gralla RJ, et al. Evaluation of new antiemetic agents and definition of antineoplastic agent emetogenicity-state of the art. Support Care Cancer 2010;19:S43-47.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-4
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
DAY 1: Select option A, B, or C (order does not imply preference) DAYS 2, 3, 4:
All are category 1, start before chemotherapy:h
• NK-1RA (choose one): • Aprepitant 80 mg PO daily on days 2, 3
Aprepitant 125 mg PO once (if aprepitant PO used on day 1)
Aprepitant injectable emulsion 130 mg IV oncek • Dexamethasone 8 mgp PO/IV daily on days 2, 3, 4
Fosaprepitant 150 mg IV once
Netupitant 300 mg / Palonosetron 0.5 mg (available as fixed combination product only) PO oncel
Rolapitant 180 mg PO oncem
Rolapitant 166.5 mg IV oncem
• 5-HT3 RA (choose one):n,o
Dolasetron 100 mg PO once
Granisetron 10 mg SQ oncep, or 2 mg PO once, or 0.01 mg/kg (max 1 mg) IV once, or 3.1 mg/24-h
transdermal patch applied 24–48 h prior to first dose of chemotherapy.
Ondansetron 16–24 mg PO once, or 8-16 mg IV once
Palonosetron 0.25 mg IV once
• Dexamethasone 12 mg PO/IV onceq
• Olanzapine 10 mg PO oncer • Olanzapine 10 mg PO daily on days 2, 3, 4r
• Palonosetron 0.25 mg IV once
• Dexamethasone 12 mg PO/IV onceq
• Olanzapine 10 mg PO oncer,s,t • Olanzapine 10 mg PO daily on days 2, 3, 4r
• NK-1RA (choose one): • Aprepitant 80 mg PO daily on days 2, 3
Aprepitant 125 mg PO once (if aprepitant PO used on day 1)
Aprepitant injectable emulsion 130 mg IV oncek • Dexamethasone 8 mgp PO/IV daily on days 2, 3, 4
Fosaprepitant 150 mg IV once
Netupitant 300 mg / Palonosetron 0.5 mg (available as fixed combination product only) PO oncel
Rolapitant 180 mg PO oncem
Rolapitant 166.5 mg IV oncem
• 5-HT3 RA (choose one):n,o
Dolasetron 100 mg PO once
Granisetron 10 mg SQ oncep, or 2 mg PO once, or 0.01 mg/kg (max 1 mg) IV once,
or 3.1 mg/24-h transdermal patch applied 24–48 h prior to first dose of chemotherapy.
Ondansetron 16–24 mg PO once, or 8-16 mg IV once
Palonosetron 0.25 mg IV once
• Dexamethasone 12 mg PO/IV onceq
See Footnotes on AE-7
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-5
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
• Olanzapine 10 mg PO oncer • Olanzapine 10 mg PO daily on days 2, 3r
• Palonosetron 0.25 mg IV once
• Dexamethasone 12 mg PO/IV onceq
Note: an NK-1RA should be added (to dexamethasone and a 5-HT3 RA regimen) for select patients • Aprepitant 80 mg PO daily on days 2, 3
with additional risk factors or previous treatment failure with a steroid + 5HT3 RA alone. See AE-5 (if aprepitant PO used on day 1)
• NK-1RA (choose one): • ± Dexamethasone 8 mgq PO/IV daily on days 2, 3
Aprepitant 125 mg PO once
Aprepitant injectable emulsion 130 mg IV oncek
Fosaprepitant 150 mg IV once
Netupitant 300 mg / Palonosetron 0.5 mg (available as fixed combination product only) PO oncel
Rolapitant 180 mg PO oncem
Rolapitant 166.5 mg IV oncem
• 5-HT3 RA (choose one):n,o
Dolasetron 100 mg PO once
Granisetron 10 mg SQ oncep, or 2 mg PO once, or 0.01 mg/kg (max 1 mg) IV once,
or 3.1 mg/24-h transdermal patch applied 24-48 h prior to first dose of chemotherapy.
Ondansetron 16–24 mg PO once, or 8-16 mg IV once
Palonosetron 0.25 mg IV once
• Dexamethasone 12 mg PO/IV onceq
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-6
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-7
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-8
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Start before chemotherapy and continue daily (order does not imply preference)v
• 5-HT3 RA (Choose one):j
High to Breakthrough Treatment
moderate Dolasetron 100 mg PO daily
for Chemotherapy-Induced
emetic risk Granisetron 1–2 mg (total dose) PO daily or 3.1 mg/24 h transdermal patch every
Nausea/Vomiting (AE-10)
7 days
Ondansetron 8–16 mg (total dose) PO daily
gAntiemetic regimens should be chosen based on the drug with the highest emetic
risk as well as patient-specific risk factors.
hSee Principles of Managing Multiday Emetogenic Chemotherapy Regimens (AE-A).
jSee Pharmacologic Considerations for Antiemetic Prescribing (AE-B). xThese antiemetic recommendations apply to oral chemotherapy only.
vWith or without lorazepam 0.5–2 mg PO or IV or sublingual every 6 hours as When combined with IV agents in a combination chemotherapy regimen,
needed days 1–4. With or without H2 blocker or proton pump inhibitor. See the antiemetic recommendations for the agent with the highest level of
Principles of Emesis Control for the Cancer Patient (AE-1). emetogenicity should be followed. If multiple oral agents are combined, emetic
wSee Emetogenic Potential of Oral Antineoplastic Agents (AE-4). risk may increase and require prophylaxis.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-9
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-10
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-11
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
• Prevention is key:
Use optimal antiemetic therapy during every cycle of treatment
Avoidance of strong smells that may precipitate symptoms
• Behavioral therapy:
Relaxation/systematic desensitization
Relaxation exercises
See Emesis Prevention and
◊◊Guided imagery
Anticipatory Breakthrough Treatment for
◊◊Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)
nausea/vomiting Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea
and Vomiting (Antiemesis Table
◊◊Music therapy
of Contents)
Cognitive distraction
Yoga (if approved by physician)
• Acupuncture/acupressure
• Consider anxiolytic therapy:
For example, lorazepam 0.5–2 mg PO beginning on the night
before treatment and then repeated the next day 1–2 hours
before chemotherapy begins
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-12
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
1The panel acknowledges that evidence is lacking to support every clinical scenario.
Decisions should be individualized for each chemotherapy regimen and each
patient. An extensive knowledge of the available clinical data, pharmacology,
pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics of the antiemetics and the 4Aapro M, Fabi A, Nole F, et al. Double-blind, randomized, controlled study of
chemotherapy and experience with patients (regarding tolerability and efficacy) are the efficacy and tolerability of palonosetron plus dexamethasone for 1 day with
all paramount to successfully implementing these guidelines into clinical practice. or without dexamethasone on days 2 and 3 in the prevention of nausea and
2Matsuzaki K, Ito Y, Fukuda M, et al. Placebo-controlled phase III study comparing vomiting induced by moderately emetogenic chemotherapy. Ann Oncol 2010;
dexamethasone on day 1 to day 1-3 with NK1 receptor antagonist and 21(5):1083-1088.
palonosetron in high emetogenic chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 2016;34: abstract 5Celio L, Bonizzoni E, Bajetta E, et al. Palonosetron plus single-dose
10019. dexamethasone for the prevention of nausea and vomiting in women receiving
3Rolia F, Ruggeri B, Ballatori E, et al Aprepitant versus dexamethasone for anthracycline/cyclophosphamide-containing chemotherapy: meta-analysis of
preventing chemotherapy-induced delayed emesis in patients with breast cancer: A individual patient data examining the effect of age on outcome in two phase III
randomized double-blind study. J Clin Oncol 2014;32:101-106. trials. Supportive Care Cancer 2013; 21(2): 565-573.
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. 1 OF 2
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
1Use caution and monitor ECG in patients with other risk factors for QT prolongation.
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. 1 OF 3
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
1Use caution and monitor ECG in patients with other risk factors for QT prolongation.
2Use diphenhydramine 25–50 mg PO/IV either every 4 or every 6 h for dystonic reactions. If allergic to diphenhydramine, use benztropine at 1–2 mg IV or IM
x 1 dose, followed by oral dose of 1–2 mg daily or BID if needed.
Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.
Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any patient with cancer is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. 2 OF 3
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
1Use caution and monitor ECG in patients with other risk factors for QT prolongation.
2Use diphenhydramine 25–50 mg PO/IV either every 4 or every 6 h for dystonic reactions. If allergic to diphenhydramine, use benztropine at 1–2 mg IV or IM x 1 dose,
followed by oral dose of 1–2 mg daily or BID if needed.
3Haloperidol prescribing information. January 2016.
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. AE-C
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
This discussion is being updated to correspond with the Serotonin (5-HT3) Antagonists ........................................................................ MS-5
Discussion newly updated algorithm. Last updated 03/28/17
Ondansetron, Granisetron, and Dolasetron ................................................. MS-5
NCCN Categories of Evidence and Consensus Palonosetron .............................................................................................. MS-8
Category 1: Based upon high-level evidence, there is uniform Neurokinin-1–Receptor Antagonists ................................................................ MS-9
NCCN consensus that the intervention is appropriate.
Aprepitant ................................................................................................... MS-9
Category 2A: Based upon lower-level evidence, there is uniform
Netupitant ................................................................................................. MS-12
NCCN consensus that the intervention is appropriate.
Rolapitant ................................................................................................. MS-12
Category 2B: Based upon lower-level evidence, there is NCCN
consensus that the intervention is appropriate. Other Antiemetics ......................................................................................... MS-13
Category 3: Based upon any level of evidence, there is major Dexamethasone ....................................................................................... MS-13
All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise noted. Treatment Issues .............................................................................................. MS-16
Version 1.2018, 03/14/18 © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2018, All rights reserved. The NCCN Guidelines® and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN®. MS-1
Printed by Felipe Albornoz on 3/18/2018 11:26:55 PM. For personal use only. Not approved for distribution. Copyright © 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Overview therapies. The NCCN Guidelines® for Antiemesis are updated at least
Systemic therapy–induced, or radiation therapy (RT)–induced, vomiting once a year by a multidisciplinary panel of experts (see Updates in the
(emesis) and nausea can significantly affect a patient’s quality of life, NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis). Some of the updates for 2017
leading to poor compliance with further chemotherapy or RT. In include: 1) the emetogenic status of carboplatin was revised, and 2) a
addition, nausea and vomiting can result in metabolic imbalances, new antiemetic regimen was added for HEC (see Prechemotherapy
degeneration of self-care and functional ability, nutrient depletion, Emesis Prevention and Olanzapine in this Discussion). The Summary of
anorexia, decline of the patient’s performance status and mental status, the Guidelines Updates describes the most recent revisions to the
wound dehiscence, esophageal tears, and withdrawal from potentially algorithms, which have been incorporated into this updated Discussion
useful or curative anticancer treatment.1-4 Systemic therapy includes text (see the NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis). By definition, the NCCN
chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy, which will all be Guidelines cannot incorporate all possible clinical variations and are not
referred to as chemotherapy throughout this Discussion text. intended to replace good clinical judgment or individualization of
The incidence and severity of nausea and/or vomiting in patients
receiving chemotherapy, RT, or chemoradiation is affected by Literature Search Criteria and Guidelines Update
numerous factors, including: 1) the specific therapeutic agents used; 2) Methodology
dosage of the agents; 3) schedule and route of administration of the An electronic search of the PubMed database was performed to obtain
agents; 4) target of the RT (eg, whole body, upper abdomen); and 5) key literature in antiemesis using the following search terms:
individual patient variability (eg, age, sex, prior chemotherapy, history of chemotherapy induced nausea vomiting, antiemetics chemotherapy.
alcohol use).5,6 More than 90% of patients receiving highly emetogenic The PubMed database was chosen, because it is the most widely used
chemotherapy (HEC) will have episodes of vomiting. However, if resource for medical literature and indexes only peer-reviewed
patients receive prophylactic (preventive) antiemetic regimens before biomedical literature. The search results were narrowed by selecting
treatment with HEC, then only about 30% of these patients will vomit.5,7,8 studies in humans published in English. Results were confined to the
Although vomiting can often be prevented or substantially decreased by following article types: Clinical Trial, Phase 2; Clinical Trial, Phase 3;
using prophylactic antiemetic regimens, nausea is much harder to Clinical Trial, Phase 4; Guideline; Meta-Analysis; Randomized
control.9-11 Controlled Trial; Systematic Reviews; and Validation Studies.
The NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN The data from key PubMed articles selected by the NCCN Panel for
Guidelines®) for Antiemesis are intended to provide an overview of the review during the NCCN Guidelines update meeting, as well as articles
treatment principles for preventing chemotherapy-induced or from additional sources deemed as relevant to these guidelines and
RT-induced vomiting and nausea, and recommendations for antiemetic discussed by the NCCN Panel, have been included in this version of the
prophylaxis according to the emetogenic potential of anti-tumor Discussion section (eg, e-publications ahead of print, meeting
abstracts). If high-level evidence is lacking, recommendations are
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based on the panel’s review of lower-level evidence and expert opinion. Nausea
The complete details of the development and update of the NCCN With use of effective antiemetic regimens, patients receiving
Guidelines are available on the NCCN website ( emetogenic chemotherapy often experience more nausea than
vomiting.9,18-22 Vomiting and nausea are related; however, they may
Pathophysiology of Emesis
occur via different mechanisms.23,24 In general, younger patients are
Vomiting results from stimulation of a multistep reflex pathway more likely to have nausea than older patients. Younger women
controlled by the brain.5,12 Vomiting is triggered by afferent impulses to receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer are more prone to nausea
the vomiting center (located in the medulla) from the chemoreceptor than other populations.11 Delayed nausea is more common than acute
trigger zone, pharynx and gastrointestinal (GI) tract (via vagal afferent nausea, is often more severe, and tends to be resistant to treatment
fibers), and cerebral cortex. Vomiting occurs when efferent impulses are (see Delayed Nausea in this Discussion).22
sent from the vomiting center to the salivation center, abdominal
muscles, respiratory center, and cranial nerves.13 Types of Nausea and/or Vomiting
Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and/or Vomiting
The chemoreceptor trigger zone, vomiting center, and GI tract have
many neurotransmitter receptors. Activation of these receptors by Nausea and/or vomiting induced by antineoplastic agents is often
chemotherapeutic agents or their metabolites may be responsible for referred to as chemotherapy-induced nausea and/or vomiting (CINV); it
chemotherapy-induced emesis. The principal neuroreceptors involved in is commonly classified as acute, delayed, anticipatory, breakthrough, or
the emetic response are the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT3]) refractory. Acute-onset nausea and/or vomiting usually occur within a
and dopamine receptors.14,15 Other neuroreceptors involved in emesis few minutes to several hours after drug administration and commonly
include acetylcholine, corticosteroid, histamine, cannabinoid, opioid, resolve within the first 24 hours. The intensity of acute-onset emesis
and neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptors, which are located in the vomiting and generally peaks after 5 to 6 hours. The occurrence of acute emesis is
vestibular centers of the brain.16 high in younger (<50 years) women with low ethanol use, history of
motion sickness, and history of morning sickness. Other factors that
Antiemetic agents can block different neuronal pathways, exert their influence acute emesis include history of nausea and vomiting,
effects at different points during the course of emesis, or behave environment in which chemotherapy is administered, dosage of the
synergistically with other antiemetic agents to potentiate an antiemetic emetogenic agent, and efficacy of the antiemetic regimen.25
effect. When used at a certain concentration, each antiemetic agent
predominantly blocks one receptor type. Olanzapine is the exception in Delayed-onset CINV develops in patients more than 24 hours after
that it acts on multiple receptors involved in the emetic pathway.17 A chemotherapy administration.26,27 It occurs commonly with the
final common pathway for emesis has yet to be identified. Therefore, no administration of cisplatin, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, and/or
single agent can be expected to provide complete protection from the doxorubicin. For cisplatin, emesis reaches its maximal intensity 48 to 72
various emetic phases of chemotherapy. hours after administration and can last 6 to 7 days.
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Anticipatory CINV occurs before patients receive their next emetogenicity of chemotherapy; however, none has been universally
chemotherapy treatment. Because it is primarily considered a accepted.13,36-39
conditioned response, anticipatory emesis typically occurs after a
negative past experience with chemotherapy. The incidence of Hesketh and colleagues developed a classification of the acute
anticipatory CINV ranges from 18% to 57%, and nausea is more emetogenicity of anticancer chemotherapeutic agents and developed
common than vomiting.28,29 Younger patients may be more susceptible an algorithm to define the emetogenicity of combination
to anticipatory nausea and vomiting, because they generally receive chemotherapeutic regimens.7 The classification was updated by
more aggressive chemotherapy and, overall, have poorer emesis Grunberg and colleagues; it divides chemotherapeutic agents into 4
control than older patients.30 levels according to the percentage of patients who experience acute
emesis when they do not receive antiemetic prophylaxis.10,40 This
Breakthrough CINV refers to nausea and/or vomiting that occurs classification is used in these NCCN Guidelines and is updated each
despite prophylactic treatment and/or requires rescue with antiemetic year by the NCCN Panel with recently introduced drugs. The NCCN
agents.31 Refractory CINV refers to nausea and/or vomiting that occurs Guidelines currently outline treatment using 4 categories of emetogenic
during subsequent treatment cycles when antiemetic prophylaxis and/or potential for intravenous agents, which correspond to the Grunberg
rescue has not been effective in earlier cycles.32 classification as follows:
Radiation-Induced Nausea and/or Vomiting • High emetic risk—more than 90% of patients experience acute
Patients receiving whole body or upper abdominal RT have the greatest emesis;
likelihood of developing nausea and/or vomiting.31,33,34 The GI tract • Moderate emetic risk— more than 30% to 90% of patients experience
(specifically, the small intestine) contains rapidly dividing cells that are acute emesis;
particularly sensitive to RT. In addition, the potential for nausea and/or • Low emetic risk—10% to 30% of patients experience acute emesis;
vomiting increases with larger daily fractional doses of RT, larger total • Minimal emetic risk—fewer than 10% of patients experience acute
doses, and larger amounts of irradiated tissue. Total body irradiation, emesis.
when given before bone marrow transplantation, commonly induces
nausea and/or vomiting.31,35 In addition, the NCCN Guidelines attempt to define antiemetic regimens
for particular chemotherapy drugs that cover the entire duration of time
Emetogenicity of Chemotherapy a patient is at risk for nausea and/or vomiting. Panel members were
concerned that some patients may not receive adequate prophylaxis for
The frequency of chemotherapy-induced emesis depends primarily on
delayed emesis; therefore, the NCCN Guidelines incorporate a dosing
the emetogenic potential of the specific chemotherapeutic agents used.
schedule that covers both acute and delayed emesis into a single
Several classifications have been developed to define the
algorithm. The NCCN Panel has also categorized the emetogenic
potential of oral antineoplastic agents.10
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Types of Antiemetic Therapies meta-analysis of studies comparing ondansetron with granisetron has
In general, to provide maximal protection against also confirmed the similar efficacy of these first-generation 5-HT3
chemotherapy-induced emesis, antiemetic therapy should be initiated antagonists in controlling acute and delayed nausea and vomiting, with
before chemotherapy. The antiemetic therapy should also be continued similar safety profiles between these agents.77
for the same length of time as the duration of the emetic activity of the
The most recent meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
chemotherapeutic agent being used. However, daily use of certain
comparing palonosetron with the first-generation 5-HT3 antagonists
antiemetics, such as dexamethasone, may not be recommended for
demonstrated that palonosetron was significantly more effective in
some therapeutic agents that are taken on a regular basis long term
preventing acute and delayed nausea and vomiting for both HEC and
(eg, the oral anticancer agents of moderate/high emetic risk that are
moderately emetogenic chemotherapy (MEC).78 Based on this
listed in the algorithm [see the NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis]).
meta-analysis and clinical practice, some NCCN Panel Members feel
Antiemetic agents can be administered by the oral, sublingual, rectal,
that palonosetron should be a preferred 5-HT3 antagonist for both HEC
intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or transdermal route. Oral
and MEC. However, the majority of the NCCN Panel previously decided
and intravenous 5-HT3 antagonists have equivalent efficacy when used
that palonosetron is only preferred for MEC if the regimen does not
at the appropriate doses.8,35 For patients at risk for CINV or unable to
contain an NK1 receptor antagonist (RA) (see Palonosetron in this
swallow or digest tablets because of emesis, non-oral routes are
Discussion).59 Similar to palonosetron, the panel also recommends
recommended. Although studies may show drugs to be equally effective
subcutaneous granisetron extended-release injection as a preferred
on a population basis, individual patients may respond differently.
5-HT3 antagonists option when used with dexamethasone in antiemetic
Therefore, some drug options may be based on a patient’s individual
regimens that do not contain an NK1 RA; subcutaneous granisetron
was added as a preferred agent for the 2017 update based on a phase
Serotonin (5-HT3) Antagonists 3 trial, which is discussed later in this section (see Principles of
Managing Multiday Emetogenic Chemotherapy Regimens in the NCCN
Ondansetron, Granisetron, and Dolasetron
Guidelines for Antiemesis).79
All of the 5-HT3 antagonists—dolasetron mesylate, granisetron,
ondansetron, and palonosetron—have been shown to be effective in Ondansetron, granisetron, and dolasetron are effective in preventing
controlling the acute nausea and/or vomiting associated with cancer acute emesis but appear to be less effective for delayed emesis. A
chemotherapy.41-57 Ondansetron, granisetron, and dolasetron mesylate meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found that adding a 5-HT3
are first-generation 5-HT3 antagonists. Many clinical trials have antagonist to dexamethasone did not improve the antiemetic effect of
compared ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron mesylate, and dexamethasone for preventing delayed emesis.80 Another study found
palonosetron. These trials have used various doses, routes, and that 5-HT3 antagonists (except palonosetron, which was not studied)
schedules of administration.58-75 A meta-analysis found no difference in were not more effective than prochlorperazine for preventing delayed
efficacy between the first-generation 5-HT3 antagonists.76 Another
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emesis.22 A single dose of intravenous palonosetron appears to be approval, the NCCN Panel now recommends intravenous palonosetron
effective for preventing both delayed and acute emesis. or subcutaneous granisetron extended-release injection as preferred
5-HT3 antagonists for MEC when used with dexamethasone in
The NCCN Guidelines recommend intravenous palonosetron as a antiemetic regimens that do not contain an NK1 RA; subcutaneous
preferred 5-HT3 antagonist for MEC when used with dexamethasone granisetron extended-release injection was added as a preferred agent
but without an NK1 RA (see Principles of Managing Multiday for the 2017 update. The panel does not recommend a 2-drug
Emetogenic Chemotherapy Regimens in the NCCN Guidelines for antiemetic regimen containing dexamethasone with either palonosetron
Antiemesis).59 Several studies81-84 have evaluated the efficacy of a or subcutaneous granisetron extended-release injection for HEC; the
3-drug combination regimen with palonosetron, dexamethasone, and panel recommends a 3-drug regimen, which should include an NK-1
NK1 RAs as prophylaxis in patients receiving MEC (see Neurokinin-1– RA.
Receptor Antagonists in this Discussion). However, these studies do not
provide evidence that a single dose of palonosetron is better than a A recent phase 3 trial (MAGIC) assessed a single dose of
single dose of a first-generation 5-HT3 antagonist when using an subcutaneous granisetron extended-release injection compared with a
NK1-antagonist–containing regimen for MEC. single dose of intravenous ondansetron in a 3-drug regimen with
dexamethasone and fosaprepitant for patients receiving HEC.85 The
A phase 3 trial assessed subcutaneous granisetron extended-release data show that the regimen containing granisetron extended-release
injection versus intravenous palonosetron in a 2-drug regimen with injection improved the CR rate (no emesis or rescue medication) for
dexamethasone for patients receiving HEC or MEC.79 Two doses of delayed-phase CINV (24–120 hours) when compared with the
subcutaneous granisetron extended-release injection were assessed: 5 ondansetron regimen (P = .014). This is the first published trial which
and 10 mg. The data show that subcutaneous granisetron compared a single dose of 2 different 5-HT3 antagonists when used in
extended-release injection is not inferior to intravenous palonosetron for combination with dexamethasone and an NK-1 RA. As a result,
preventing acute and delayed CINV after either HEC or MEC. For granisetron extended-release injection is the first FDA-approved 5-HT3
patients receiving HEC, acute complete responses (CRs) for the 5 or 10 antagonist indicated for the prevention of delayed CINV associated with
mg granisetron dose were 77.7% (−12.1, 6.1) and 81.3% (−8.2, 9.3), AC chemotherapy (which is HEC). When administered subcutaneously,
respectively, compared with 80.7% for those receiving palonosetron granisetron extended-release injection is effective for 5 or more days.
0.25 mg intravenous. For patients receiving MEC, acute CRs for 5- or The NCCN Panel added a new recommendation for the 2017 update for
10-mg of subcutaneous granisetron were 74.8% (−9.8, 9.3) and 76.9% a 10-mg dose of subcutaneous granisetron extended-release injection
(−7.5, 11.4), respectively, compared with 75.0% for palonosetron. The on day 1 only for patients receiving either HEC or MEC when used in
FDA recently approved the use of a 10-mg dose of subcutaneous the antiemetic regimens recommended in the NCCN Guidelines based
granisetron extended-release injection when used in antiemetic on the MAGIC trial, the trial comparing dexamethasone with either
regimens for MEC or anthracycline plus cyclophosphamide (AC) palonosetron or subcutaneous granisetron, and the FDA approval.79,85 It
combination chemotherapy regimens. Based on this trial and the FDA
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is important to note that granisetron extended-release injection is a granisetron was not inferior to palonosetron for preventing nausea and
unique formulation of granisetron using a polymer-based drug delivery vomiting in the acute stage.92
system. This formulation is specifically intended for subcutaneous
administration and is NOT interchangeable with the intravenous The addition of dexamethasone improves the efficacy of the antiemetic
formulation. Subcutaneous granisetron extended-release injection has regimen containing 5-HT3 antagonists (see Dexamethasone in this
an extended half-life and should not be administered at less than Discussion). However, dexamethasone is associated with side effects
1-week intervals. (such as insomnia). When dexamethasone is used with palonosetron
for MEC, a randomized trial suggests that the dose of dexamethasone
Ondansetron and granisetron can be delivered orally or intravenously; can be decreased to 8 mg on day 1 and also eliminated on days 2 to
granisetron extended-release injection is administered subcutaneously. 3.93
Note that intravenous dolasetron is no longer recommended for the
prevention of nausea and vomiting because it has been associated with Cardiac Side Effects
an increased risk for cardiac arrhythmias.86,87 Oral dolasetron is still Ondansetron, granisetron, and dolasetron have been associated with
recommended. A single intravenous dose of 32 mg of ondansetron is no an increased risk for developing abnormal electrical activity of the heart
longer recommended based on FDA review of clinical data suggesting (detectable on ECG, including prolongation of electrocardiographic
prolongation of the QT interval at this dose.86,88,89 At this time, the FDA intervals such as PR or QT intervals).86,87,94-101 However, the
recommends a maximum single intravenous dose of 16 mg of palonosetron, granisetron extended-release injection and the
ondansetron given once on the first day; the dose recommendations for granisetron transdermal patch package inserts do not contain this
oral administration of ondansetron are 16 to 24 mg given once on the warning. Although the ECG changes can be reversible and
first day.89 Oral administration of ondansetron poses less of a risk of asymptomatic, abnormal activity can also result in potentially fatal
cardiac arrhythmias than intravenous administration.86 cardiac arrhythmias (including torsade de pointes) in some cases.86
Patients who may be particularly at risk for developing torsade de
In addition, the FDA has approved the use of a granisetron transdermal pointes include those with congenital long QT syndrome or other
system for CINV. The patch containing 3.1 mg of granisetron/24 hours underlying cardiac diseases, congestive heart failure, bradycardia,
is applied approximately 24 to 48 hours before the first dose of those with electrolyte abnormalities (eg, hypokalemia,
chemotherapy; the maximum duration of the patch is 7 days. A phase 3 hypomagnesemia), and those taking other medications that can lead to
randomized trial compared the patch to oral granisetron in patients QT prolongation.87,98,102 Routine ECG monitoring during treatment with
receiving either HEC or MEC. The patch proved non-inferior to repeat regimens that include 5-HT3 antagonists may be useful for these
dosing of the oral antiemetic granisetron over 3 to 5 days.90,91 A recent patients who may have concomitant risk factors for QT prolongation. As
phase 4 trial assessed a transdermal granisetron regimen versus a previously mentioned, intravenous dolasetron is no longer
palonosetron regimen for patients receiving MEC; transdermal recommended for the prevention of nausea and vomiting because it has
been associated with an increased risk for cardiac arrhythmias.86,87
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Palonosetron this study.61 The safety and side-effect profiles of palonosetron were
Palonosetron is a 5-HT3 antagonist with an approximately 100-fold indistinguishable from the control 5-HT3 antagonists (ondansetron and
higher binding affinity for the 5-HT3 receptor compared to ondansetron, dolasetron). Note that the FDA now recommends a maximum of 16 mg
granisetron, and dolasetron. Palonosetron has a half-life of for a single dose of intravenous ondansetron.86
approximately 40 hours, which is significantly longer than other
commercially available 5-HT3 antagonists.43 Data suggest that In a phase 3 randomized trial that compared palonosetron with
palonosetron is associated with prolonged inhibition of the 5-HT3 ondansetron in patients receiving HEC (N = 667), the majority (67%)
receptor and thus differs from ondansetron, granisetron, and had received dexamethasone on day 1 of antiemetic therapy; NK1 RAs
dolasetron.103,104 By suppressing cross talk between 5-HT3 and NK1 were not used in this trial.58 Among this subgroup of patients who
signaling pathways, palonosetron may indirectly inhibit substance P. received concomitant dexamethasone (n = 447), palonosetron (0.25 mg
intravenous) was similar to ondansetron (32 mg intravenous) in
Several large, multicenter, double-blind, randomized phase 3 trials have preventing acute emesis (CR rate, 65% vs. 56%); however,
assessed the efficacy of palonosetron compared with other 5-HT3 palonosetron was significantly more effective in preventing delayed
antagonists in preventing emesis associated with both moderate and emesis (CR rate, 41% vs. 25%; P = .021).
high emetic risk chemotherapy regimens, particularly for delayed
emesis.58-61 In these studies, the primary efficacy endpoint was CR, Another phase 3 randomized trial in patients treated with HEC (N=1114
defined as having no emesis and no rescue treatments. A study in evaluable) compared a single dose of palonosetron (at a higher dose of
patients receiving MEC (N = 569 evaluable) showed that a single dose 0.75 mg intravenous) with a single dose of granisetron (40 mcg/kg
of palonosetron (0.25 mg intravenous) was comparable to a single dose intravenous), both in combination with dexamethasone; NK1 RAs were
of dolasetron (100 mg intravenous) for the prevention of acute CINV not used in this trial. Palonosetron showed similar activity to granisetron
(CR rate, 63% vs. 53%, respectively). Moreover, intravenous in preventing acute emesis (CR rate, 75% vs. 73%), with superior
palonosetron was superior to dolasetron in preventing delayed emesis activity in preventing delayed emesis (CR rate, 57% vs. 44.5%;
(CR rate, 54% vs. 39%; P = .004).60 Approximately 60% of patients in P<.0001).59 However, the NCCN Panel does not recommend
the palonosetron arms and 70% in the dolasetron arm had received palonosetron as the preferred 5-HT3 antagonist in regimens for HEC,
anthracycline in combination with cyclophosphamide; only 6% and 5% because an NK1 RA was not used in this study and it is unknown if a
of patients, respectively, received concomitant corticosteroids.60 In single dose of palonosetron would be superior to a single dose of
another study in patients receiving MEC (N = 563 evaluable), a single granisetron in the presence of an NK1 RA. As previously mentioned, the
dose of palonosetron (0.25 mg intravenous) was found to be superior to NCCN Panel now recommends either palonosetron or subcutaneous
a single dose of ondansetron (32 mg intravenous) in preventing both granisetron extended-release injection as preferred 5-HT3 antagonists
acute (CR rate, 81% vs. 69%; P < .01) and delayed emesis (CR rate, for MEC when used with dexamethasone in antiemetic regimens that do
74% vs. 55%; P < .01); no concomitant corticosteroids were given in not contain an NK1 RA; subcutaneous granisetron was added as a
preferred agent for the 2017 update based on a phase 3 trial (see
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Ondansetron, Granisetron, and Dolasetron in this Discussion and dexamethasone to prevent both acute and delayed cisplatin-induced
Principles of Managing Multiday Emetogenic Chemotherapy Regimens emesis.106-108 A randomized phase 3 trial compared ondansetron 32 mg
in the NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis).79 Palonosetron (0.25 mg intravenous and oral dexamethasone with or without the addition of
intravenous) is FDA approved as a single dose on day 1 for the aprepitant in patients receiving emetogenic chemotherapy with
prevention of acute and delayed nausea and vomiting associated with high-dose cisplatin (N = 521 evaluable). The addition of aprepitant was
MEC and for the prevention of acute nausea and vomiting associated significantly more effective than the 2-drug regimen in controlling both
with HEC. acute (CR rate, 89% vs. 78%; P < .001) and delayed emesis (CR rate,
75% vs. 56%; P < .001).107 Another similarly designed randomized
Intravenous palonosetron is superior to other first generation 5-HT3 phase 3 study (N = 523 evaluable) also showed a significant benefit of
antagonists for preventing delayed nausea.20,58-61 Repeat dosing of adding aprepitant to ondansetron and dexamethasone compared with
palonosetron on days 2 or 3 after chemotherapy is likely to be safe. the 2-drug regimen alone for controlling both acute (CR rate, 83% vs.
However, in the setting of multiday chemotherapy, limited data are 68%; P < .001) and delayed emesis (CR rate, 68% vs. 47%; P <.001).108
available to recommend multiday dosing with palonosetron (see A pooled analysis of data combined from these two phase 3 trials found
Principles of Managing Multiday Emetogenic Chemotherapy Regimens that the aprepitant regimen was particularly beneficial in improving CR
in the NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis).105 rates for patients receiving concomitant emetogenic therapy with
doxorubicin and/or cyclophosphamide, along with high-dose cisplatin
Neurokinin-1–Receptor Antagonists
For patients receiving HEC and MEC, the NCCN Panel recommends
several options for prophylactic antiemetic regimens based on clinical A meta-analysis (of 7 randomized controlled trials) of patients receiving
trial data and FDA approvals, including: 1) NK1 RA-containing HEC found that aprepitant used alone or with standard therapy did not
regimens, which are discussed in this section; and 2) significantly increase protection from acute emesis or nausea; however,
olanzapine-containing regimens. NK1 RA regimens include aprepitant, for delayed emesis and nausea, aprepitant was associated with
fosaprepitant, rolapitant, or netupitant. A 2-drug regimen of one of the significantly increased protection compared with control.109 A larger
5-HT3 options plus dexamethasone is recommended for MEC but not meta-analysis (of 17 randomized controlled trials) evaluated outcomes
HEC. with standard antiemetic therapy with or without aprepitant in patients
receiving MEC or HEC. The addition of aprepitant was associated with
significantly improved CR (no emetic episodes and no rescue
Aprepitant selectively blocks the binding of substance P at the NK1 medication) rate compared with standard therapy (72% vs. 54%;
receptor in the central nervous system. Thus, aprepitant provides a P<.001) during the overall time frame from 0 to 120 hours after starting
different and complementary mechanism of action to other commercially chemotherapy.110 The significant increase in CR rate associated with
available antiemetics. Aprepitant has been shown to augment the aprepitant was observed for both the acute and delayed periods. Based
antiemetic activity of the 5-HT3 antagonists and the corticosteroid
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on data from 3 trials that reported on infectious complications, both during the overall study period. Grade 1 or 2 constipation was the most
aprepitant and standard therapy were associated with a low rate of commonly reported adverse event.84
severe infections (6% vs. 2%; P < .001); the risk of febrile neutropenia
or other hematologic toxicities was not increased.110 A randomized A phase 3 trial added oral aprepitant to a standard regimen of oral
phase 3 trial (N = 866) showed that an aprepitant regimen was more granisetron and oral dexamethasone in patients receiving MEC. The
effective than a standard regimen for preventing vomiting in patients data showed that the addition of aprepitant improved control of nausea,
receiving HEC during 120 hours after initiation of chemotherapy (CR vomiting, and quality of life when compared with granisetron and
rate, 51% vs. 43%, P = .015); no delayed dexamethasone was used in this dexamethasone.112 A phase 2 study (N = 58) found that combining
trial. However, approximately 40% of patients (receiving either regimen) palonosetron (0.25 mg intravenous day 1), aprepitant (125 mg day 1; 80
still experienced significant nausea.111 The aprepitant regimen included mg days 2, 3), and dexamethasone (12 mg day 1; 8 mg days 2, 3) was
ondansetron and dexamethasone; the standard regimen included effective for preventing both acute and delayed emesis and nausea
ondansetron and dexamethasone. when using various chemotherapeutic regimens (moderate to
moderately highly emetogenic); 78% of patients had a CR (no emetic
A 3-drug antiemetic regimen with palonosetron, dexamethasone, and episodes and no rescue medication) during the overall time frame, from
aprepitant has also been investigated in patients undergoing treatment 0 to 120 hours after initiation of emetogenic therapy.81 A phase 2 study
with HEC. A phase 2 study in patients receiving HEC with in patients with breast cancer (N = 41) receiving MEC also found that a
cisplatin-containing regimens (N = 222) showed that the 3-drug single-day regimen of palonosetron (0.25 mg intravenous), aprepitant
combination of palonosetron (0.25 mg intravenous day 1), aprepitant (285 mg oral), and dexamethasone (20 mg) was effective; 76% and
(125 mg day 1; 80 mg days 2, 3), and dexamethasone (20 mg 66% of patients had a CR during the acute and delayed phases,
intravenous day 1; 4 mg oral days 2, 3) resulted in a CR rate (no emetic respectively.82
episodes and no rescue medication) of 70% during the overall study
period (0–120 hours).83 In addition, 93% of patients had no emesis and A randomized double-blind phase 3 trial compared the effectiveness of
60% had no nausea during the study period. Constipation was the most combining ondansetron (8 mg oral twice daily [BID] day 1), aprepitant
commonly reported adverse event (39%).83 A phase 2 study evaluated a (125 mg day 1; 80 mg days 2, 3), and dexamethasone (12 mg day 1)
higher dose of palonosetron (0.75 mg intravenous day 1) with aprepitant versus standard therapy with ondansetron (8 mg oral BID days 1–3)
(125 mg day 1; 80 mg days 2, 3), and dexamethasone (10 mg oral day and dexamethasone (20 mg day 1) in patients receiving MEC
1; 8 mg oral days 2–4) in patients with lung cancer undergoing HEC (N (N=585).113 Dexamethasone was only given on day 1 for both treatment
= 63); the CR rate during the overall study period (0–120 hours) was groups. A significantly higher proportion of patients in the 3-drug
81%.84 The CR rates during the acute and delayed phases were 97% regimen with aprepitant had no vomiting compared with the standard
and 81%, respectively. In addition, 54% of patients had no nausea group (76% vs. 62%; P < .001) during the overall time frame from 0 to
120 hours after starting chemotherapy. In addition, the CR (no emetic
episodes, no rescue medications) rate was significantly increased in the
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aprepitant group (69% vs. 56%; P < .001) during the overall time period. significant with orally administered forms of these drugs than with
The significant improvement in antiemetic activity (with regards to no intravenous forms because of first-pass metabolism. Patients should not
emesis as well as CR rate) in the aprepitant group was observed for take aprepitant with pimozide or astemizole; these combinations are
both the acute and delayed phases. The 3-drug regimen was well contraindicated, because they may cause serious or life-threatening
tolerated, and the incidence of adverse events was similar between reactions (see the aprepitant package insert). Chemotherapeutic agents
treatment groups.113 known to be metabolized by CYP3A4 include docetaxel, paclitaxel,
etoposide, irinotecan, ifosfamide, imatinib, vinorelbine, vinblastine, and
Oral aprepitant is approved by the FDA for the prevention of nausea vincristine. In clinical trials, aprepitant was used concurrently with
and vomiting in patients receiving HEC (eg, cisplatin-containing) and etoposide, vinorelbine, or paclitaxel; although chemotherapy doses
MEC. The oral doses of aprepitant are 125 mg on day 1 (before were not adjusted for potential drug interactions in phase 3 trials,
chemotherapy) and then 80 mg on days 2 and 3 (after caution is urged when using any chemotherapeutic agent that is
chemotherapy).114 An intravenous version of aprepitant (fosaprepitant metabolized by CYP3A4. Aprepitant has been shown to interact with
dimeglumine), which can be given on day 1 only, is also approved by several non-chemotherapeutic drugs (including warfarin,
the FDA. Intravenous fosaprepitant is given 30 minutes before dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, and oral contraceptives). Again,
chemotherapy on day 1 only, per the package insert. If a higher dose of these interactions are more significant with orally administered forms of
fosaprepitant is used (150 mg intravenous) on day 1, then it is not these drugs than with intravenous forms because of first-pass
necessary to give oral aprepitant on days 2 to 3.115,116 Note that the metabolism.
dexamethasone dosing is slightly different on days 3 and 4 (8 mg
oral/intravenous BID) when using the higher dose of fosaprepitant (150 Induction of warfarin metabolism by aprepitant may lead to clinically
mg intravenous) per the package insert. A single dose of 150 mg significant reductions in INR (international normalized ratio) values,
intravenous fosaprepitant was shown to be non-inferior to the standard particularly for patients on therapeutic (as compared to prophylactic)
regimen with 3-day oral aprepitant in a randomized study.117 There are warfarin regimens. These changes, although brief in duration, may
no studies showing efficacy or safety of chronic dosing with aprepitant. require increased patient monitoring. Aprepitant decreases the AUC for
It is possible that the drug-drug interaction profile may change with patients taking oral contraceptives; thus, other methods of birth control
chronic dosing. should be used during treatment with aprepitant and for 1 month after
the last dose of aprepitant. Additionally, certain drugs can affect the
Drug Interactions AUCs of aprepitant. Concomitant administration with CYP3A4 inhibitors
Aprepitant is simultaneously a substrate, moderate inducer, and (eg, ketoconazole, itraconazole, erythromycin) may lead to increased
moderate inhibitor of cytochrome P450 enzyme 3A4 (CYP3A4); aprepitant AUCs, whereas concomitant administration with CYP3A4
aprepitant also induces CYP2C9.118 Thus, aprepitant can alter the inducers (eg, carbamazepine, rifampin, phenytoin) may lead to
metabolism of certain drugs and change their plasma concentrations decreased levels of aprepitant.
(ie, areas under the curve [AUCs]). These interactions are more
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and delayed emesis prevention based on the FDA approval and phase against chemotherapy-induced emesis in both acute and delayed
3 randomized trial.123 phases. There was incremental benefit when adding dexamethasone to
both 5-HT3 antagonist–containing regimens and non-5-HT3 antagonist
Rolapitant has an extended half-life and should be not administered at regimens. Although data suggested that dexamethasone was superior
less than 2-week intervals. If rolapitant is given on day 1 for either HEC to 5-HT3 antagonists for protection against delayed emesis, there was a
or MEC, no further NK1 RA is needed on days 2 and 3. Similar to the lack of a strong dose/response relationship. The authors could not rule
other NK1 RAs, rolapitant improves control for delayed emesis when out a subtle dose/response relationship for total doses less than 20 mg
compared with traditional antiemetic regimens. Rolapitant does not of dexamethasone, but even low doses showed clear efficacy.
inhibit or induce CYP3A4; therefore, the dexamethasone dose does not
need to be adjusted (see Dexamethasone in this Discussion). In The Italian Group for Antiemetic Research conducted 2 randomized,
addition, there are fewer drug interactions with rolapitant when double-blinded, multicenter trials to determine the dose of
compared with aprepitant, fosaprepitant, and netupitant. dexamethasone to be given on day 1 of an antiemetic regimen.138,139
The first trial was conducted in chemo-naive patients receiving 50
Other Antiemetics mg/m2 or more of cisplatin, which is considered HEC.138 Intravenous
Before the advent of the 5-HT3 antagonists and NK1 RAs, the available dexamethasone day 1 doses were 4, 8, 12, and 20 mg (approximately
antiemetic agents included phenothiazines,125 substituted 130 patients/arm). All patients received the following: 1) ondansetron 8
benzamides,126,127 antihistamines,128 butyrophenones,129 mg intravenous on day 1; 2) metoclopramide 20 mg oral every 6 hours
corticosteroids,130-132 benzodiazepines,133,134 and cannabinoids.135,136 on days 2 to 4; and 3) dexamethasone 8 mg oral BID on days 2 and 3,
Based on recent data, the NCCN Panel added olanzapine-containing followed by 4 mg oral BID on day 4. Complete protection from emesis
regimens as another option for antiemesis. Combination antiemetic and nausea was 69.2%; 60.9%, 69.1%, and 61.0%; 78.5%; and 66.9%,
therapy is generally more effective than single-agent therapy. Other 83.2%, and 71.0% for the 4-, 8-, 12-, and 20-mg dexamethasone doses,
agents such as gabapentin have also been evaluated as part of respectively. For protection against acute emesis, the 20-mg dose of
antiemetic regimens. dexamethasone was statistically significant when compared to the
4- and 8-mg doses. However, the 20-mg and the 12-mg doses of
dexamethasone were equivalent for protection against acute emesis.
Before the mid-1990s, studies assessing dexamethasone as an The 20-mg dose of dexamethasone was not significantly different from
antiemetic agent were characterized by small sample size and the other doses for protection against acute nausea. Adverse effects
variations in efficacy outcomes between the studies. A meta-analysis of and control of delayed emesis and nausea were similar among the 4
32 studies (published from 1966–1999) was done in 5613 patients; the groups.
day 1 dose range of dexamethasone was 8 to 100 mg, and the mean
total dose (acute and delayed) was 56 mg.137 The authors concluded The second study compared 3 dosing regimens of dexamethasone on
dexamethasone offered a clear advantage over placebo for protection day 1 in patients receiving anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide, or
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carboplatin, either alone or in combination with other chemotherapy The doses and schedules for dexamethasone in the NCCN Guidelines
agents, which is considered MEC.139 For the prevention of acute are mainly based on the doses and schedules used in the clinical trials
emesis, during the first 24 hours, one of the following dexamethasone for each regimen. However, the NCCN Panel feels that dexamethasone
regimens was used in combination with 8 mg of intravenous doses may be individualized; lower doses, frequency, or even
ondansetron: 1) for arm A, 8 mg of intravenous dexamethasone before elimination of dexamethasone on subsequent days may be acceptable
chemotherapy plus 4 mg oral dexamethasone every 6 hours for 4 based on patient characteristics (category 2B) (see the NCCN
doses, starting at the same time of the chemotherapy; 2) for arm B, 24 Guidelines for Antiemesis]. Dexamethasone-sparing strategies may be
mg of intravenous single-dose dexamethasone before chemotherapy; or appropriate for patients receiving MEC or non-cisplatin HEC; limiting
3) for arm C, 8 mg of intravenous single-dose dexamethasone before dexamethasone to day 1 only in these patients may be especially
chemotherapy. All patients received oral dexamethasone 4 mg BID on appropriate for patients with few identifiable risk factors for CINV or for
days 2 to 5. Complete protection from acute vomiting and nausea was those intolerant to steroids (see the NCCN Guidelines for
84.6% and 66.7%, 83.6% and 56.9%, and 89.2% and 61.0% for arms Antiemesis).93,140-142 Dexamethasone is associated with side effects,
A, B, and C, respectively. Side effects and control of delayed vomiting such as insomnia. When dexamethasone is used with palonosetron for
and nausea were not significantly different among the 3 groups. The MEC, a randomized trial suggests that the dose of dexamethasone can
authors concluded that 8 mg of intravenous dexamethasone is the best be decreased to 8 mg on day 1 and also eliminated on days 2 to 3.93 A
dose when using dexamethasone in antiemetic regimens for patients similar phase 3 trial assessed palonosetron with dexamethasone on day
receiving chemotherapy with these agents. Of note, 95% of the patients 1 only versus palonosetron (day 1) with dexamethasone on days 1 to 3
were being treated for breast cancer; thus, most patients were women. in women receiving MEC regimens.141 For women receiving
dexamethasone on day 1 only (n = 166), the overall CR rates were
Information from early studies with aprepitant-containing regimens 67.5% versus 71.1% for those receiving dexamethasone on days 1 to 3
suggested that the dose of dexamethasone should be decreased from (n = 166; difference -3.6% [95% CI, -13.5–6.3]). There was no difference
20 mg to 12 mg because of a near doubling in the AUC of in CR rates between the 2 regimens during the acute (0–24 hours
dexamethasone, presumably due to CYP3A4 inhibition (see Drug postchemotherapy; 88.6% vs. 84.3%; P = .262) and delayed phases
Interactions in this Discussion). This information, along with the (days 2–5; 68.7% vs. 77.7%; P = .116).141
previous data showing a lack of a dose/response correlation, was the
basis of the NCCN Panel’s recommendation of 12 mg of Olanzapine
dexamethasone as the day 1 dose for all emetic categories when using Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic agent that is also useful as an
NK1 RAs. The studies by the Italian Group were done before the NK1 antiemetic agent; it is an antagonist of multiple receptors involved in
RAs were available, and dose finding studies for dexamethasone on CINV including dopamine, serotonin, histamine, and
day 1 in combination with 5-HT3 antagonists and NK1 RAs have not acetylcholine-muscarine.17 Olanzapine-containing antiemetic triple
been done.138,139 regimens with dexamethasone and palonosetron are effective for
preventing acute and delayed emesis based on phase 3 trials, phase 2
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trials, and a meta-analysis.17,143-151 The NCCN Panel recommends without nausea was similar for the acute period (87% in each study
(category 1) an olanzapine-containing triple regimen for both HEC and arm), but the olanzapine regimen was associated with a higher rate of
MEC based on the phase 3 and phase 2 trials. nausea control during the delayed period (69% vs. 38%) compared with
the aprepitant regimen.150
A recent phase 3 randomized trial assessed adding olanzapine or
placebo to an antiemetic regimen of aprepitant or fosaprepitant, a A recent systematic review summarized the phase 1 and 2 studies of
5-HT3 antagonist, and dexamethasone for patients receiving HEC.152 olanzapine for preventing acute and delayed emesis.17 Across 4 studies
The data showed that the 4-drug regimen with olanzapine increased the (201 patients), the CR rate was 97.2%, 83.1%, and 82.8 % for the
CR rate (no emesis, no rescue) during 3 time periods (<24 hours after acute, delayed, and overall phases, respectively. An
chemotherapy, 25-120 hours, and the overall 120 hours: 86% vs. 65% olanzapine-containing regimen was reported as effective for preventing
[P<.001], 67% vs. 52% [P=.007], and 64% vs. 41% [P<.001], acute and delayed emesis in a phase 2 trial in patients (N = 30) who
respectively). In addition, more patients receiving the 4-drug regimen received cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and/or cisplatin.144 Other
with olanzapine had no chemotherapy-induced nausea when compared studies have also showed the value of olanzapine for delayed,
with placebo during the 3 time periods (<24 hours after chemotherapy, refractory, and breakthrough emesis and nausea.145-148,153 Several
25–120 hours, and 120 hours: 74% vs. 45% [P=.002], 42% vs. 25% studies have demonstrated the activity of olanzapine combined with a
[P=.002], 37% vs. 22% [P=.002], respectively). Based on this trial, the 5-HT3 antagonist and dexamethasone in controlling emesis in patients
NCCN Panel recommends (category 1) this as a first-line regimen, or receiving emetogenic chemotherapy regimens.149-151 A phase 2 study
considering switching to the 4-drug antiemetic regimen with olanzapine evaluated the combination of olanzapine with palonosetron and
after the first cycle of HEC if patients have significant emesis using dexamethasone in patients receiving HEC and MEC regimens
other antiemetic regimens such as 1) NK1 RA–containing regimens; or (N=40).149 Among patients undergoing HEC (n = 8), the CR rate was
2) the olanzapine/dexamethasone/palonosetron regimen. 75% during the overall study period (0–120 hours); the CR rates for the
acute phase (0–24 hours) and delayed phase (24–120 hours) were
A randomized phase 3 trial evaluated the effectiveness of an 100% and 75%, respectively. The corresponding CR rates among the
olanzapine (10 mg oral days 1–4) regimen versus an aprepitant (125 patients receiving MEC (n = 32) were 72%, 97%, and 75%,
mg oral day 1, 80 mg oral days 2, 3) regimen with dexamethasone 8 mg respectively.149
on days 2–4 for preventing acute and delayed emesis in patients
(N=251) receiving HEC (cisplatin, or cyclophosphamide plus Common side effects with olanzapine included fatigue, drowsiness, and
doxorubicin regimens); both treatment arms included palonosetron sleep disturbances. Olanzapine should be used with caution in elderly
(0.25 mg intravenous) and dexamethasone administered on day 1.150 patients (see boxed warning/label indication regarding death in patients
The CR (no emesis, no rescue) rate was similar between the with dementia-related psychosis and additional warnings and
olanzapine and aprepitant regimens, both during the acute (97% vs. precautions about type II diabetes and hyperglycemia).154 A preliminary
87%) and delayed (77% vs. 73%) periods. The proportion of patients study suggests that a 5-mg dose of olanzapine may be considered in
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elderly or over sedated patients.155 Parenteral olanzapine use combined regimen, previous experience with antiemetics, and patient-specific risk
with parenteral benzodiazepine use is contraindicated. To avoid factors.10 Patients need to be protected throughout the entire period of
excessive dopamine blockade, caution is recommended when giving risk, which lasts for at least 3 days for high emetic risk agents and 2
olanzapine concurrently with metoclopramide or haloperidol. Rarely, days for moderate emetic risk agents after the last dose of
olanzapine is associated with a serious skin reaction (Drug Reaction chemotherapy.
with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms [DRESS]) (see prescribing
information). Symptoms include a fever with a rash and swollen lymph In addition to using antiemetic regimens, patients can adjust their eating
glands, or swelling in the face; patients with these symptoms should habits and adopt other lifestyle measures that may alleviate nausea and
seek medical care right away. vomiting (see Eating Hints: Before, During, and After Cancer Treatment
from the National Cancer Institute).156 Suggestions include eating small
Treatment Issues frequent meals, food that is easy on the stomach, full liquid foods, and
As new data on the use of antiemetics in patients receiving food at room temperature; patients can also avoid foods that make them
chemotherapy become available, clinicians should consider these data feel nauseated.
when caring for such patients. In contrast to other NCCN Guidelines in
Prevention of Acute and Delayed Emesis
which most of the recommendations are category 2A, many of the
recommendations for antiemetic management are classified as category To prevent acute emesis, antiemetic therapy should start before the
1, reflecting the large number of randomized controlled trials that have administration of chemotherapy and then should cover the first 24
focused on antiemetic management. This NCCN Guideline includes a hours. In the NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis, the specific antiemetic
section on pharmacologic considerations for the different antiemetics regimens are described for patients receiving highly emetogenic
describing: 1) the major classes of antiemetic agents; 2) clinical pearls intravenous drugs, moderately emetogenic intravenous drugs, low
associated with the different types of agents; and 3) possible drug-drug emetogenic intravenous drugs, and minimally emetogenic intravenous
or drug-disease interactions among the different antiemetic agents (see drugs. Emesis prevention for oral chemotherapeutic agents is also
Pharmacologic Considerations for Antiemetic Prescribing in the NCCN described in the NCCN Guidelines. This section discusses
Guidelines for Antiemesis). prechemotherapy and postchemotherapy emesis prevention rather than
primary treatment.
Principles of Emesis Control
Prechemotherapy Emesis Prevention
These principles are described in the algorithm and are summarized The NCCN Guidelines specify different prophylactic antiemetic
here (see Principles of Emesis Control for the Cancer Patient in the regimens for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy of different
NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis). The goal of emesis control is to emetogenic potential (ie, high, moderate, low, and minimal).
prevent nausea and/or vomiting. Antiemetic regimens should be chosen Prophylactic antiemetics should be administered before chemotherapy.
based on the drug with the highest emetic risk in the chemotherapy The recommendations for prophylactic antiemetic treatment include
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drug dosages. The guidelines reflect accumulating experience with the only for select patients receiving MEC with additional CINV risk factors
5-HT3 antagonists, demonstrating their effectiveness in a range of or for those who had failed previous therapy with a steroid and 5-HT3
doses. Unless indicated, the order of listed antiemetics in the NCCN antagonist alone. The panel did not want to create a ”carboplatin
Guidelines does not reflect preference. subset” within the MEC classification; therefore, carboplatin at an AUC
of 4 or more was escalated to the HEC classification, where a
Highly emetogenic intravenous drugs in the NCCN Guidelines include triple-drug regimen (NK1 RA plus 5-HT3 antagonist plus steroid) would
carboplatin (AUC ≥ 4), carmustine (>250 mg/m2), cisplatin (any dose), be preferred for all patients.
cyclophosphamide (>1500 mg/m2), dacarbazine (any dose), doxorubicin
(≥ 60 mg/m2), epirubicin (> 90 mg/m2), ifosfamide (≥ 2 g/m2 per dose), Several drugs listed as moderately emetogenic in the NCCN Guidelines
mechlorethamine (any dose), streptozocin (any dose), or AC may be highly emetogenic in certain patients (eg, carboplatin [AUC < 4],
combination regimens at any dose (eg, doxorubicin or epirubicin with carmustine [≤ 250 mg/m2], dactinomycin, daunorubicin, doxorubicin [<
cyclophosphamide). Although most of these drugs are also considered 60 mg/m2], epirubicin [≤ 90 mg/m2], ifosfamide [< 2 g/m2], irinotecan,
highly emetogenic by the Multinational Association of Supportive Care methotrexate [≥ 250 mg/m2], oxaliplatin, trabectedin). Anthracycline/
in Cancer/European Society for Medical Oncology (MASCC/ESMO) cyclophosphamide–based regimens were reclassified in 2011 as highly
guidelines,8 the NCCN Guidelines for highly, moderately, low, and emetogenic in the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
minimally emetogenic agents differ slightly based on the experience and antiemetic guidelines.162
expertise of the panel members.157,158
The NCCN Guidelines recommend several different antiemetic regimen
For the 2017 update, the NCCN Panel changed the emetogenic options for patients receiving highly emetogenic agents. Recommended
classification for carboplatin. When dosed at an AUC of 4 or antiemetic regimens contain 5-HT3 antagonists, dexamethasone, NK1
more, carboplatin is now considered highly emetogenic; carboplatin at RAs (such as aprepitant [or fosaprepitant], rolapitant, or netupitant), and
an AUC of less than 4 is now considered moderately emetogenic. The olanzapine. Lorazepam and an H2 blocker or a proton pump inhibitor
NCCN Panel revised the classification of carboplatin based on recently may also be added to all of these regimens.31,35,107 Regimens for day 1
published data suggesting that carboplatin, while less emetogenic than therapy (all are category 1) include those containing dexamethasone, a
cisplatin, is perhaps on the higher end of emetogenic potential within 5-HT3 antagonist, and one of the following: aprepitant, fosaprepitant, or
the MEC classification.159 Several trials and a subset analysis have rolapitant. Other antiemetic regimens (category 1) for highly emetogenic
shown benefit, in terms of CR in the overall and delayed phases, of agents on day 1 include: 1) NEPA and dexamethasone; 2) olanzapine,
adding an NK1 RA to the 2-drug regimen of 5-HT3 antagonist and palonosetron, and dexamethasone, or 3) olanzapine, aprepitant or
dexamethasone for the prevention of CINV associated with fosaprepitant, palonosetron, and dexamethasone; this 4-drug regimen
carboplatin-based regimens.123,159-161 All of the commercially available was added for the 2017 update (see Olanzapine in this Discussion).
NK1 RAs have an FDA-approved indication for MEC chemotherapy, but Note that the regimens and doses are often modified on days 2 to 4
previous NCCN Guidelines have supported the addition of an NK1 RA after chemotherapy.
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Although it is not recommended as a single agent, lorazepam is a useful delayed emesis in this meta-analysis.163 Palonosetron was not
adjuvant because it decreases anxiety.35,134 Lorazepam is also assessed in these studies. The NCCN Guidelines do not recommend a
recommended for patients who are at risk for anticipatory nausea and/or 5-HT3 antagonist on days 2 to 4 for HEC, although some feel this may
vomiting (see Anticipatory Emesis Prevention/Treatment in the NCCN be useful if palonosetron or a granisetron patch was not used.
Guidelines for Antiemesis). Antacid therapy (eg, proton pump inhibitors,
H2 blockers) should be considered if patients have dyspepsia, because The NCCN Guidelines recommend several antiemetic regimens for
patients sometimes have difficulty discriminating heartburn from intravenous MEC, including: 1) dexamethasone and a 5-HT3 antagonist
nausea. If appropriate, lorazepam (0.5–2 mg every 6 hours on days 1– with or without NK1 RAs such as aprepitant, fosaprepitant, netupitant,
4; either oral, intravenous, or sublingual) may be used with each of or rolapitant; or 2) olanzapine, palonosetron, and dexamethasone. If
these regimens. needed, lorazepam and either an H2 blocker or a proton pump inhibitor
may be added to these regimens.5 As per high emetic risk prevention,
For intravenous regimens with high emetogenic potential, aprepitant is an NK1 RA should be added (to dexamethasone and a 5-HT3
used at an oral dosage of 125 mg on day 1 and then 80 mg on days 2 antagonist regimen) for select patients with additional risk factors or
and 3. When given with aprepitant, dexamethasone is used at a dosage failure of previous therapy with a steroid and 5-HT3 antagonist alone.
of 12 mg on day 1; the dose can be oral or intravenous. Note that Intravenous fosaprepitant may be substituted for oral aprepitant on day
intravenous fosaprepitant may be substituted for oral aprepitant on day 1 only. The NCCN Guidelines recommend the use of 5-HT3 antagonists
1 only. As previously discussed, a phase 3 randomized trial suggested as one of several options to prevent delayed emesis for MEC. Any one
that palonosetron is preferred over granisetron in combination with of the 5-HT3 antagonists can be used in the first regimen for day 1;
dexamethasone for HEC.59 This trial has been criticized because: 1) the however, either palonosetron or subcutaneous granisetron
control arm was not adequately dosed; thus, the trial “stacked the deck” extended-release injection is preferred when an NK1 RA is not included,
in favor of palonosetron; 2) a larger non-FDA-approved dose of as previously mentioned.59,79
palonosetron was used (ie, 0.75 mg intravenous); and 3) aprepitant was
not used in this study. Therefore, the NCCN Guidelines do not The antiemetic regimen for low emetogenic intravenous drugs includes
recommend palonosetron as the preferred 5-HT3 antagonist for HEC. orally administered 5-HT3 antagonists or agents such as
As previously noted, an alternative antiemetic regimen in the setting of dexamethasone, prochlorperazine, or metoclopramide (see the NCCN
intravenous HEC includes olanzapine (10 mg oral days 1–4), Guidelines for Antiemesis). Lorazepam and an H2 blocker or a proton
palonosetron (0.25 mg intravenous day 1 only), and dexamethasone pump inhibitor may also be added to all of these regimens. When using
(20 mg intravenous day 1 only).150 prochlorperazine or metoclopramide, patients should be monitored for
dystonic reactions.164-166 Diphenhydramine can be used for the treatment
A Canadian meta-analysis suggested that the use of 5-HT3 antagonists of dystonic reactions.167,168 Benztropine may be used in patients who are
(ie, ondansetron) on days 2 to 4 to prevent delayed emesis was not cost allergic to diphenhydramine.165
effective; however, ondansetron (when used alone) did protect against
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The emetogenic potential of oral chemotherapeutic agents is shown in 5-HT3 antagonist, and dexamethasone for patients receiving HEC.152
the NCCN Guidelines. Oral antiemetic prophylaxis is recommended for More patients receiving the 4-drug regimen with olanzapine had no
the following oral agents, which are of high or moderate emetic risk: chemotherapy-induced nausea when compared with placebo during the
altretamine, busulfan (≥ 4 mg/d), ceritinib, crizotinib, cyclophosphamide delayed time period (ie, 25–120 hours, 42% vs. 25% [P=.002]). Nausea
(≥ 100 mg/m2/d), estramustine, etoposide, lenvatinib, lomustine (single was also reduced with the 4-drug regimen with olanzapine during the
day), mitotane, olaparib, panobinostat, procarbazine, rucaparib, acute phase and the overall time period when compared with placebo.
temozolomide (> 75 mg/m2/d or ≤ 75 mg/m2/d with concurrent The data showed that the 4-drug regimen with olanzapine increased the
radiotherapy), and trifluridine/tipiracil. For high or moderate emetic risk CR rate (no emesis, no rescue) during the delayed time period when
oral agents, recommended prophylaxis includes single-agent antiemetic compared with placebo (67% vs. 52% (P=.007).
therapy with an oral 5-HT3 antagonist (such as granisetron,
ondansetron, or dolasetron); lorazepam and an H2 blocker or a proton Delayed Emesis
pump inhibitor may also be added. For low or minimal emetic risk oral The best management for delayed emesis is prevention.169 For HEC
agents, recommended oral agents are given on an as-needed basis chemotherapy, the prophylactic treatment on days 2 to 4 depends on
only (ie, PRN) and include oral 5-HT3 antagonists, metoclopramide, or which antiemetics were used before chemotherapy. Fosaprepitant,
prochlorperazine; for the 2017 update, the NCCN Panel deleted rolapitant, or netupitant are used on day 1 only. If aprepitant was used
haloperidol. Lorazepam and an H2 blocker or a proton pump inhibitor on day 1, then aprepitant is continued on days 2 and 3.
may also be added to all of these regimens. Dexamethasone is continued on days 2 to 4 for all regimens, except for
the 3-drug olanzapine-containing regimen; the dexamethasone dose
Postchemotherapy/Delayed Emesis Prevention varies slightly among the regimens. However, 5-HT3 antagonist are
given on day 1 only.
Delayed Nausea
Many antiemetic regimens are very useful for decreasing vomiting but The antiemetic regimens in the NCCN Guidelines include different
are less useful for decreasing delayed nausea that many patients options on days 2 to 3 for MEC.31,35,169 Postchemotherapy prevention
experience when taking emetogenic chemotherapy.9,18,19,23 Patients rank depends on which antiemetics were used before chemotherapy. If
nausea as more of a problem than vomiting.9 Data suggest that aprepitant was used on day 1, then aprepitant is continued on days 2
rolapitant and netupitant are effective at decreasing delayed and 3; however, fosaprepitant, rolapitant, or netupitant are not given on
nausea.119,121,123,124 Palonosetron and subcutaneous granisetron days 2 and 3. Palonosetron is only administered on day 1.61 Antiemetic
extended-release injection are the preferred 5-HT3 antagonists for therapy on days 2 and 3 may just be single agents. There are several
preventing delayed nausea associated with MEC. possible regimens on days 2 to 3, including: 1) aprepitant (if used on
day 1) with or without dexamethasone; 2) dexamethasone only; 3)
A recent phase 3 randomized trial assessed adding olanzapine or
ondansetron, granisetron, or dolasetron only (if no NK1 RA was given
placebo to an antiemetic regimen of aprepitant or fosaprepitant, a
on day 1); or 4) olanzapine only.169 Each of these regimens may also
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include lorazepam and an H2 blocker or a proton pump inhibitor. It is despite antiemetic prophylaxis (comprising palonosetron,
important to note that the doses of both aprepitant (80 mg oral) and dexamethasone, and fosaprepitant; n = 108 evaluable).170 Patients were
dexamethasone (8 mg oral or intravenous) are decreased when used observed for emesis and nausea during the 72 hours after treatment
on days 2 to 3 (when compared with the doses given on day 1). with olanzapine or metoclopramide. During this observation period,
more patients had no emesis (70% vs. 31%; P<.01) and no nausea
Breakthrough Treatment (68% vs. 23%; P<.01) with olanzapine than with metoclopramide.170
Breakthrough nausea or emesis presents a difficult situation, because Thus, olanzapine was more effective in controlling breakthrough emesis
refractory ongoing nausea and/or vomiting is often challenging to and nausea compared with metoclopramide in this patient population.
reverse (see Principles for Managing Breakthrough Emesis in the The MASCC/ESMO Guidelines recommend olanzapine for
NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis). Generally, it is much easier to breakthrough emesis.171 For the 2017 update, the NCCN Panel revised
prevent nausea and/or vomiting than to treat it. Thus, routine the recommendation for olanzapine for breakthrough emesis to a
around-the-clock administration of antiemetics should be strongly category 1 (from category 2A) if olanzapine was not used on days 1 to 4
considered to prevent emesis, rather than PRN (as required) dosing. as part of a prophylactic regimen. This category 1 recommendation is
The general principle of breakthrough treatment is to add an additional based on the magnitude of superiority shown over another rescue agent
agent as needed from a different drug class.31 Some patients may in a double-blind, randomized, prospective trial.
require several agents using different mechanisms of action. The oral
route may not be feasible because of ongoing vomiting; therefore, Dronabinol and nabilone (which are cannabinoids) are approved by the
rectal, topical, subcutaneous, or intravenous therapy is often required. FDA for refractory nausea and vomiting when patients have not
Multiple concurrent agents, perhaps in alternating schedules or by responded to conventional antiemetic agents. Before administering the
alternating routes, may be necessary. Another option is to consider next cycle of chemotherapy, the patient should be reassessed for other
changing from an NK1-containing regimen to an olanzapine-containing possible non-chemotherapy-related reasons for breakthrough emesis
prophylactic regimen, or vice versa, prior to the next cycle of with the current cycle (eg, brain metastases, electrolyte abnormalities,
chemotherapy. Olanzapine is possibly more effective than standard tumor infiltration of the bowel or other GI abnormality, excessive
NK1-antagonist–containing regimens for preventing nausea.17,150,151 secretions [eg, seen in patients with head and neck cancer], other
comorbidities; see Principles for Managing Breakthrough Emesis and
Haloperidol, metoclopramide, olanzapine, scopolamine transdermal Principles of Emesis Control for the Cancer Patient in the NCCN
patch, corticosteroids, and agents such as lorazepam may be Guidelines for Antiemesis). Adequate hydration or fluid repletion should
incorporated for breakthrough treatment. In a randomized study, the be ensured, and any possible electrolyte abnormalities should be
effectiveness of olanzapine (10 mg/d oral for 3 days) as treatment for assessed and corrected.
breakthrough emesis was compared with metoclopramide in patients
treated with HEC who developed breakthrough emesis or nausea In addition, before the next cycle of chemotherapy, the antiemetic
regimen (both the day 1 and postchemotherapeutic) that did not protect
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the patient during the present cycle should be assessed and given with or without oral dexamethasone.8,33,178 Treatment of
alternatives should be considered (see Principles for Managing breakthrough RT-induced emesis is similar to chemotherapy-induced
Breakthrough Emesis in the NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis). Because emesis. Patients who experience breakthrough nausea and/or vomiting
patients sometimes have difficulty discriminating heartburn from may be treated with a different class of agent, or with ondansetron or
nausea, use of antacid therapy (eg, proton pump inhibitors, H2 granisetron if they did not receive primary prophylaxis (see
blockers) should be considered. Breakthrough Treatment for Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea/Vomiting
in the NCCN Guidelines for Antiemesis).
Radiation-Induced Nausea and/or Vomiting
Prophylaxis for RT-induced nausea and/or vomiting is based on the site Anticipatory Nausea and/or Vomiting
of RT and whether it is combined with chemotherapy.33,172,173 When RT About 20% of patients develop anticipatory nausea and/or vomiting.
is combined with chemotherapy, prophylaxis is dictated by the However, the rate of anticipatory nausea and/or vomiting appears to be
emetogenic potential of the chemotherapy regimen. MASCC/ESMO decreasing (when compared with older studies) with current use of
guidelines state that total body irradiation is associated with the highest more effective antiemetic regimens.8 The most effective way to treat
risk for emesis and that upper abdominal RT is associated with anticipatory nausea and/or vomiting is to prevent it by using optimal
moderate risk.33 A meta-analysis suggests that 5-HT3 antagonists are antiemetic therapy during every cycle of treatment.31,179,180 The NCCN
the preferred agents for preventing RT-induced vomiting.174 Guidelines recommend that patients avoid strong smells that may
precipitate symptoms. Behavioral therapy has been used in patients
Patients undergoing RT to the upper abdomen may receive antiemetic with anticipatory nausea and/or vomiting.181-186 Systematic
prophylaxis with oral ondansetron or oral granisetron, with or without desensitization may also be helpful.182 Hypnosis with guided imagery is
oral dexamethasone.8,33 A randomized study compared oral another behavioral technique that has shown some success in treating
ondansetron with placebo in patients receiving daily fractionated this condition.183
radiotherapy including the abdomen. In this study, 67% of patients
given ondansetron had complete control of emesis compared with 45% The antianxiety agents, lorazepam and alprazolam, have been
of patients who received placebo (P < .05).175 A study showed that the combined with antiemetics for anticipatory nausea and/or
addition of oral dexamethasone (4 mg daily) to the ondansetron vomiting.180,187,188 The usual starting dose of alprazolam for anxiety is 0.5
regimen decreases emesis and nausea, although the effect is to 1 mg orally (or lorazepam 0.5–2 mg orally), beginning on the night
modest.176 Another randomized study in patients receiving radiotherapy before treatment and then repeated the next day 1 to 2 hours before
to the upper abdomen found that oral granisetron decreased emesis chemotherapy begins. In elderly patients, patients with debilitating
and nausea when compared with placebo.177 disease, and patients with advanced liver disease, the usual starting
dose of alprazolam or lorazepam is 0.5 mg orally for treatment of
Patients undergoing total body irradiation may receive antiemetic anxiety (see prescribing information). This dose may be gradually
prophylaxis with either ondansetron or granisetron; either agent can be
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increased if needed. Note that the elderly are especially sensitive to the response such as aldesleukin, interferon, ipilimumab, nivolumab,
effects of benzodiazepines. The dose should be gradually reduced atezolizumab, or pembrolizumab.194
when decreasing or discontinuing alprazolam therapy.
A 5-HT3 antagonist should be administered each day before the first
Multiday Emetogenic Chemotherapy Regimens dose of MEC or HEC. Intravenous palonosetron may be used before
Patients receiving multiday chemotherapy are at risk for both acute and the start of a 3-day chemotherapy regimen instead of multiple daily
delayed nausea and/or vomiting based on the emetogenic potential of doses of oral or intravenous 5-HT3 antagonists.195,196 Repeat dosing of
the individual chemotherapy agents and their sequence.31,189-193 It is palonosetron (0.25 mg intravenous) is likely to be safe, based on the
difficult to recommend a specific antiemetic regimen for each day, dose ranging phase 2 trial and the 3 phase 3 trials using palonosetron
especially because acute and delayed emesis may overlap after the as a single fixed dose (0.75 mg intravenous).58,60,61,197 Compared to the
initial day of chemotherapy until the last day of chemotherapy. The approved dose of palonosetron of 0.25 mg intravenous, these higher
period of risk for delayed emesis following completion of chemotherapy doses were not associated with significantly different adverse events.
also depends on the specific regimen and the emetogenic potential of
The need for repeat dosing with palonosetron, either daily or less
the last chemotherapy agent administered in the regimen. For
frequently, in the setting of multiday chemotherapy is not yet known. In
multi-drug regimens, antiemetic therapy should be selected based on
one study, patients receiving highly emetogenic multiday
the drug with the highest emetic risk. General principles for managing
cisplatin-based chemotherapy for testicular cancer (N = 41) received
multiday emetogenic chemotherapy regimens recommended by the
multiday dosing of palonosetron (0.25 mg intravenous on days 1, 3, and
NCCN Panel are described in the algorithm (see Principles of Managing
5) and dexamethasone, which prevented nausea and emesis in most
Multiday Emetogenic Chemotherapy Regimens in the NCCN Guidelines
patients on days 1 to 5 (51%) and on days 6 to 9 (83%); the most
for Antiemesis).
common adverse events were mild headache and constipation.198 A
5-HT3 Antagonists study assessed palonosetron given for 1, 2, or 3 days in combination
For antiemetic prophylaxis of multiday emetogenic chemotherapy with dexamethasone for patients receiving multiday high-dose
regimens (eg, cisplatin-containing regimens), the combination of a chemotherapy prior to stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma (N
5-HT3 antagonist with dexamethasone has been the standard = 73); during the 7-day emesis prevention period, about 40% to 45% of
treatment.8,31 Dexamethasone should be administered once daily either patients had no emesis (with no differences observed between
orally or intravenously for every day of MEC or HEC and continued for 2 palonosetron treatment groups), and no serious adverse events were
to 3 days after chemotherapy for regimens that are likely to cause reported. However, even among the patients who received either 2 or 3
significant delayed emesis. However, dexamethasone should not be days of palonosetron, only 20% had a CR (ie, emesis free without
added when the chemotherapy regimen already includes a rescue medication).105 Another study found that a
corticosteroid. The use of steroids as an antiemetic is not recommended palonosetron/dexamethasone regimen appeared to be more effective
when using treatment regimens containing drugs that elicit an immune for multiday chemotherapy than an ondansetron/dexamethasone
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regimen; patients received a second dose of palonosetron for undergoing 2 cycles of a 5-day cisplatin combination chemotherapy
breakthrough emesis, which was effective in 67% of patients who regimen (n = 69 evaluable).202 Patients were randomized to receive
experienced nausea or vomiting.195 A review also cited the value of aprepitant (125 mg oral day 3, 80 mg oral days 4–7) or placebo,
palonosetron for patients receiving multiday chemotherapy.199 Further combined with a 5-HT3 antagonist (days 1–5) and dexamethasone (20
studies are needed to define whether a need exists for repeat dosing of mg days 1, 2) during the first cycle, and then crossed over to the
palonosetron in the setting of multiday chemotherapy. opposite antiemetic regimen during the second cycle of chemotherapy.
Thus, patients served as their own controls after receiving either
NK1 RAs aprepitant or placebo for cycle 1. Palonosetron was excluded from the
The potential role of NK1 RAs in the antiemetic management of options for 5-HT3 antagonists due to its longer half-life.202 The primary
multiday chemotherapy regimens has been investigated in several endpoint of the study was CR (no emetic episodes and no rescue
studies.124 In one study, the addition of aprepitant to granisetron and medication) during the overall study period (days 1–8). The CR rate for
dexamethasone was evaluated in patients receiving multiday HEC and the overall study period was significantly higher with aprepitant
MEC (N = 78). In this study, the 3-drug antiemetic regimen was given compared with placebo (42% vs. 13%; P<.001). The CR rates were also
during chemotherapy, and aprepitant and dexamethasone were given higher with aprepitant during the acute phase (days 1–5; 47% vs. 15%;
for an additional 2 days following chemotherapy.200 A CR (during the P<.001) and delayed phase (days 6–8; 63% vs. 35%; P<.001).202 No
time period from day 1 until 5 days after chemotherapy) was observed statistically significant differences were observed between treatment
in 58% and 73% of patients who received antiemetic regimens for HEC regimens in terms of nausea (based on patient-reported visual analog
and MEC, respectively.200 In a multicenter phase 2 study, an extended scale). Importantly, no increase in toxicity with aprepitant compared with
7-day regimen with aprepitant (125 mg oral day 1, 80 mg oral days 2–7) placebo was reported.202
combined with a 5-HT3 antagonist (days 1–5) and dexamethasone (8
mg oral days 1–8) was evaluated in patients with germ cell tumors Aprepitant may be used for multiday chemotherapy regimens likely to
undergoing chemotherapy cycles with 5-day cisplatin-based regimens be moderately or highly emetogenic and associated with significant risk
(N = 50).201 During cycle 1 of chemotherapy, 96% of patients had no for delayed nausea and emesis. As per the labeled indication,
emesis on day 1 and 82% had no emesis during days 1 to 7. In aprepitant should be administered 125 mg orally 1 hour prior to
addition, 71% had no nausea on day 1 of cycle 1, and 27% had no chemotherapy on day 1, along with a 5-HT3 antagonist and
nausea during days 1 to 7. Over 80% of patients had no emesis on any dexamethasone. Aprepitant 80 mg should be administered daily on
given day of any given chemotherapy cycle. No unexpected or serious days 2 and 3 after the start of chemotherapy along with
adverse events were reported.201 dexamethasone.189 Repeated dosing of aprepitant over multiple cycles
of cisplatin-based chemotherapy appears to be feasible and well
In a randomized phase 3 trial, the efficacy of adding aprepitant (vs. tolerated; importantly, protection from emesis and from significant
placebo) to an antiemetic regimen with a 5-HT3 antagonist and nausea was maintained during the subsequent cycles of emetogenic
dexamethasone was evaluated in patients with testicular cancer
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