Monograph: Conductometry - Conductivity Measurement
Monograph: Conductometry - Conductivity Measurement
Monograph: Conductometry - Conductivity Measurement
Peter A. Bruttel
4 Foreword
4 Terms / definitions
21 Measuring instruments
23 Calibration
26 Practical applications
41 Literature
42 Tables
Terms / Definitions
Activity a
In water and polar solvents ionic compounds dissociate into their single ions (e.g. NaCl →
Na+ + Cl–). At normal concentrations, strong electrolytes (e.g. HCl, K2SO4) are completely
dissociated, but weak electrolytes (e.g. NH3, CH3COOH) are always incompletely dissociated.
However, strong electrolytes behave as if an incomplete dissociation were present. This is
caused by the fact that interactions (associations) occur between the oppositely charged
ions and these reduce the chemical potential. For this reason the electrical conductivity is
not a linear function of the concentration. The effective concentration (c) is known as the
activity a. (Of course, these interactions also occur with weak electrolytes, but can normally
be neglected because of the low ionic concentration.)
Activity coefficient
In real ionic solutions the interaction (association tendency) causes the «mass action» of
the ions to be smaller than would be expected from the weight present. The stoichiometric
concentration c must therefore be multiplied with a correction factor so that the mass
action law continues to remain valid. This concentration-independent factor is known as
the activity coefficient fi, the effective concentration as the activity a (see above).
Amount-of-substance concentration
c(X) = amount-of-substance concentration of substance X in mol/L, e.g. c(KCl) =
0.01 mol/L.
The ash content of sugars can be determined by measuring the electrical conductivity. This
method is much more rapid than the ashing process itself and provides usable results.
The theoretical basis is that the majority of the ash components consist of electrolytes,
whereas the sugar itself is a non-electrolyte. This means that the electrical conductivity of
sugar solutions is practically only determined by their ash content.
See the Calibration section.
Calibration solutions
These solutions are used for calibrating conductivity cells, i.e. for determining the cell
constant. See also the Calibration section.
Calibration solutions are solutions whose electrical conductivity γ is known exactly. It is
best to use so-called secondary standards. These are certified and can be directly traced
to standard reference materials (e.g. National Institute of Standards and Technology
Of course, you can also make up your own calibration solutions by dissolving the
corresponding salts in ultrapure water or by diluting concentrated solutions (e.g. c(KCl) =
0.1000 mol/L – Metrohm no. 6.2301.060). However, for electrical conductivities <100 µS/cm
we recommend that you purchase these standards (they are extremely difficult to prepare
by ordinary means). Sources are, for example:
– Hamilton (5 µS/cm...100 µS/cm, accuracy ±1%)
– Reagecon, Shannon (Ireland) – – (1 µS/cm…100 µS/cm).
The following table shows the electrical conductivity of KCl solutions at two different
c(KCl) 20 °C 25 °C
0.001 mol/L 133 µS/cm 147 µS/cm
0.010 mol/L 1.28 mS/cm 1.41 mS/cm
0.100 mol/L 11.67 mS/cm 12.90 mS/cm
Cell constant
In principle most instruments for measuring the electrical conductivity are instruments for
measuring the resistance RX or the conductance GX = 1/RX of a measuring cell filled with
the sample.
Charge number
The charge number zi gives the charge of the particular ion including its sign.
NaCl → Na+ + Cl– z+ = +1; z– = –1
CaCl2 → Ca 2+
+ 2 Cl –
z+ = +2; z– = –1
K3PO4 → 3 K+ + PO43– z+ = +1; z– = –3
The conductance G is the reciprocal of the electrical resistance (1/R) and has the unit
Siemens (S) = Ω–1. The electrical conductivity is obtained by multiplying it with the cell
constant. Conductivity titrations only require the conductance G.
Conductivity cells
See section on Measuring cells/conductivity cells.
Conductivity standards
See Calibration solutions.
Conductivity titration
See conductometric titration
Conductivity water
Term (introduced by W. Ostwald) for highly pure water with a very small self-conductivity. It
expresses the fact that such a water is suitable for even demanding studies in the field of
electrical conductivity (e.g. preparation of Conductivity standards). The term also applies
to the ultrapure water used in the pharmaceutical industry. USP Monograph 645 defines
the specifications for such a water as <1.3 µS/cm at 25 °C.
See Instruments section.
Conductometric titrations
In addition to colored indicators, measuring the conductivity is one of the oldest methods
for indicating titration endpoints.
Contact-free methods
As the name says, in these methods (for measuring the electrical conductivity) there is
no contact between the measuring cell electrodes and the sample. These methods are
frequently called «electrode-free» which is, of course, incorrect. Two basic methods are
1. Capacitive method
See under the term High-frequency measurement.
2. Inductive method
In this case the sample forms a coupling loop between two windings of a transformer that
are magnetically shielded from each other. Measuring frequencies of 50 Hz...500 Hz are
used in this case. There is a relationship between the electrical conductivity of the sample
and the voltage transferred from the primary to the secondary winding throughout a very
wide range. This means that it is possible to evaluate the measured values by using the
cell constant.
Contact-free methods have the advantage that the measured values can never be falsified
by polarization. There are also no corrosion or contamination problems with the electrodes.
However, the cost and complexity of the necessary apparatus is considerably higher when
compared with those for «normal» instruments.
For this reason such methods are used, if at all, for industrial applications.
One of the three mechanisms (convection, migration, diffusion) by which ion transport
can take place is convection – ions travel as a result of liquid flow, e.g. thermal convection
(temperature gradient).
Degree of dissociation
Quantity that describes the extent to which dissociation occurs. It represents the ratio be-
tween the free ions and the total molecules present in the solution and is given either rela-
tively or as a percentage (1 or 100% means complete dissociation, 0.5 or 50% means that
only half the molecules are dissociated).
Dielectric constant D
In electrochemistry the dielectric constant is important wherever opposite charges act on
each other. Examples are dissociation or ionic interaction. The larger the relative dielectric
constant (Dvacuum = 1), the better the ionic compounds dissociate in the particular solvent.
A few examples:
One of the three mechanisms (convection, migration, diffusion) by which ion transport
can take place is diffusion – ions travel as a result of differences in chemical potential
(concentration gradients).
Diffusion is described quantitatively by Fick’s law.
Dissociation constant
This quantity is used to describe the ionic equilibrium in aqueous solutions of weak
electrolytes and is defined by the following equation:
K = (CA x CC) / CCA
CA and CC are the concentrations of the anions and cations formed by dissociation, CCA is
the concentration of the molecules that remain undissociated.
K increases as the degree of dissociation increases and therefore represents a usable
quantity for describing the strength of a weak acid or weak base.
The negative common logarithm of K is also known as the pK value; pK = –log K. As all
dissociation equilibria are temperature-dependent this also applies to K and pK.
Metrohm term for motor-powered piston burets. Dosimats are high-precision universal
dosing devices that can be controlled manually or remotely. Dosimats are equipped with
so-called Exchange Units.
Metrohm term for a stepper-motor-controlled drive for precise dosing in small spaces.
Dosing Units are attached to the dosing drive by a quick-action coupling and screwed
directly onto the reagent bottle.
Electrical conductivity
The electrical conductivity γ is equal to the reciprocal of the electrical resistance (conduc-
tance G) multiplied by the cell constant c:
γ = conductivity unit: S cm–1 (S m–1)
R = resistance unit: Ω
G = 1/R conductance unit: S (Siemens) = Ω–1
l = length of measuring path unit: cm (m)
A = cross sectional area unit: cm2 (m2)
c = l/A cell constant unit: cm–1 (m–1)
Electrolytes are substances that, in solutions or melts, undergo heterolytic dissociation
into ions that conduct the electrical current. Electrolytes include acids, bases and salts.
Strong electrolytes dissociate completely, weak electrolytes only partially.
Emulsions («water in oil» or «oil in water») normally belong to the group of non-electrolytes.
Migration of ions in an electric field and the resulting electrical conductivity do not occur.
However, a technical effect can be used for measurement – this is charge transport in an
electric field. According to Coehn’s law, two phases that are immiscible are characterized
by the occurrence of surface charges. The phase with the higher dielectric constant
(water) assumes a positive charge, that with the lower one (oil) a negative charge. At
maximum viscosity the stability of the emulsion is also at its maximum, but also has the
lowest «electrical conductivity». This means that under defined measuring conditions
conclusions can be drawn about the stability of emulsions.
Dahms, G.H., Jung, A., Seidel, H.
Predicting emulsion stability with focus on conductivity analysis
Cosmetics & Toiletries Manufacture Worldwide 2003, p. 223–228
Equivalent conductivity
The equivalent conductivity Λ* is a quantity that is primarily used in theoretical studies. It
can be obtained from the molar conductivity Λ and the electrochemical valency ne:
Λ* = Λ / ne
The electrochemical valency ne can be calculated for a molecule that dissociates into
ν– anions and ν+ cations with the corresponding valencies z– und z+ as follows:
ne = ν– x z– = ν+ x z+
NaCl → Na+ + Cl– ν+ = ν– ne = 1
AlCl3 → Al 3+
+ 3 Cl –
ν+ = 1 and z+ = 3 ne = 3
Thanks to advances made in the fields of measuring and electrode technology we have
been able to establish that, despite its advantages, this method with its extra costs for
apparatus cannot replace the classical two-electrode measuring technique and that the
extra costs involved for laboratory applications are not justified.
High-frequency measurement
This term is used in connection with capacitive, contact-free methods for measuring the
electrical conductivity. It refers in particular to the relatively high frequencies (3 MHz...100
MHz) used for this type of measurement.
The special measuring cells are constructed so that two ring-shaped metal electrodes are
attached to the outer sides of a non-metallic cell body (e.g. glass beaker).
The electric field penetrates the cell body and is influenced by the properties of the sample
that it contains.
A major component of all instruments used for measuring the high-frequency conductivity
is an oscillating circuit. The contact-free measuring cell is located parallel to the rotary
condenser of the oscillating circuit. If resonance tuning is carried out during the
measurement (maximum value of voltage U), then evaluation is carried out by the reactive
component method. In contrast, if after resonance tuning has been carried out the value
of U is divided by the conductance G, the evaluation takes place according to the active
component method. Both types of evaluation require calibration with different conductance
standards and also produce different calibration curves.
In comparison to the classical method, high-frequency measurement has practically no
advantages – this is why it has never been able to establish itself on the market.
In an aqueous solution all the ions are surrounded by a sheath of oriented water dipoles
(hydration sheath). This phenomenon is known as hydration.
Interionic interaction
In infinitely dilute solutions no electrostatic attraction can occur between the oppositely
charged anions and cations of a dissolved electrolyte. This condition would occur for an ion
i at the hypothetical concentration ci = 0, which can only be achieved by extrapolation.
As the concentration increases the ions move closer together. This causes an interaction
between the ions in which each cation is surrounded by a cloud of oppositely charged
anions. In the same way each anion is surrounded by a cloud of cations. Interionic
interaction is particularly important for strong electrolytes.
Ionic mobility Ii
The product of the migration speed ui and the Faraday constant F is the ionic mobility. ui
refers to a uniform field with a field strength of 1 V/cm. The distance covered by an ion i is
given in cm. The ionic mobility depends on the temperature and the concentration. It usually
Cation I+ Anion I–
(cm2 / Ω) (cm2 / Ω)
H+ 350 OH– 199
Li +
39 Cl– 76
Na +
50 NO 3
K+ 74 CH3COO– 41
1⁄2 Mg2+ 53 1⁄2 SO42– 80
1⁄2 Ca 2+
60 1⁄2 CO 3
Ionic strength
The ionic strength is a measure of the interionic interaction occurring in the solution of an
electrolyte. It is determined solely by the concentration ci and charge zi of the ions, and not
by their characteristic features. The following applies for the ionic strength:
J = (1/2) Σci x zi2
The calculation of the ionic strength J of a known molar concentration ci of a particular
electrolyte is simplified by the fact that there is a multiplication factor for each type of
electrolyte. It is calculated for 1-molar solutions and can then be used generally:
The ionic strength is obtained by multiplying the particular molar salt concentration by this
factor. Example:
c(MgSO4) = 0.0025 mol/L
J = 4 x 0.0025 mol/L = 0.01 mol/L
are positively or negatively charged atoms or molecules that are formed by dissociation
from compounds with ionogenic or heteropolar bonds. In an electric field the positively
charged ions (cations) migrate to the cathode (negative pole), negatively charged ions
(anions) to the anode (positive pole).
Kohlrausch cells
See section on Measuring cells/conductivity cells.
The equation states that the molar conductivity extrapolated to infinite dilution decreases as
the square root of the concentration. The constant A depends on the type of electrolyte.
Limiting conductivity
Λ0 is the limiting equivalent conductivity or limiting conductivity for short. Λ0 is the sum of
the limiting conductivities of the cations (λ0+) and anions (λ0–) (law of independent ionic
For Λ see the definition under equivalent conductivity.
Limiting conductivities of some ions in water at 25 °C
Mass fraction
w(X) mass fraction of the substance X in %, e.g. w(NaOH) = 25%
Mass concentration
ρ(X) mass concentration of the substance X in g/L, e.g. ρ(NaCl) = 2.5 g/L
Measuring frequency
For conductivities the measuring frequency has a decisive influence on the correctness
of the measured conductance G. Interfering polarization effects can be eliminated by
Measuring range
The usable measuring range depends on the type of conductivity cell (platinized/non-
platinized), the cell constant and the measuring frequency. Unfortunately no universal
measuring cell exists for the whole usable range. This is why Metrohm offers measuring
cells with different cell constants. The following tables should make your choice easier:
One of the three mechanisms (convection, migration, diffusion) by which ion transport can
take place – ions travel (or are transported) in an electric field (field gradient).
Migration speed
Electrical conductivity in aqueous solutions takes place by the charge transport of the ions.
This means that anions and cations can be differentiated by their direction of movement
(in a direct current field). The migration speed wi of an ion is obtained from the force Ki
acting on the ion and the friction Ri inhibiting the migration.
The force Ki is produced by electrostatic attraction (Coulomb’s law). On the other hand,
the friction Ri depends on the ionic radius ri and the viscosity η of the solution.
If E is the field strength and if the ion zi carries one electron charge e0, then the following
applies for the migration speed wi:
wi = Ki/Ri = (zi x e0 x E) / 300 x 6π x η x ri)
If wi is divided by the field strength E, then for a field of 1 volt/cm we obtain for the migration
speed ui:
ui = wi/E
Molar conductivity
The molar conductivity Λ is defined as the quotient of the specific conductivity γ and the
concentration c (mol/L) of the dissolved substance:
In contrast to electrolytes, non-electrolytes release no freely mobile anions and cations
and therefore make no contribution to the electrical conductivity in aqueous solutions.
Typical representatives of this group are e.g. alcohols, urea, sugar (raw sugar), nonionic
surfactants and emulsions.
Electrolytic contaminations may contribute to the electrical conductivity – see Ash.
However, higher concentrations of non-electrolytes may influence the viscosity of the
solution, which also affects the ionic mobility.
See under high-frequency measurement.
The equation states that the molar conductivity extrapolated to infinite dilution decreases
as the square root of the concentration.
The constant A depends on the type of electrolyte. See also Kohlrausch’s square-root
Platinization is the deposition of finely dispersed platinum (platinum black) on smooth
platinum electrodes. It is an important feature of all classical conductivity cells and is
used to avoid polarization effects (and the measuring errors they cause), particularly at
high electrical conductivities. Platinized measuring cells are not suitable for industrial
applications. Application Bulletin no. 64 provides information about the pretreatment and
platinization of measuring cells (the 712 Conductometer has a built-in 20 mA DC source).
In the measurement of the electrical conductivity a number of technical measurement
effects that produce incorrect measured values are grouped together under polarization.
Their source lies at the electrode/solution boundary. Of chief interest here are the
Reference temperature
The electrical conductivity measured at a given temperature is converted to a reference
temperature. The conversion is carried out (usually automatically) by using the temperature
The normal reference temperatures are 20 °C and 25 °C.
Applications exist in which it is not the electrical conductivity that is of interest, but rather
the total content of the dissolved salts. Separation into the individual ions cannot be
achieved by measuring the conductivity, as each type of ion makes a different contribution
to the total conductivity. This is why when the salinity is measured it is the electrical
conductivity of the sample solution which is compared with those of pure NaCl solutions
and the corresponding NaCl concentration is given. The salinity is given in mg/L or g/L
NaCl as the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids).
Solvents, non-polar
Non-polar (also known as aprotic) solvents have no self-dissociation. Molecules with ionic
bonding only decompose in them to form ions on rare occasions.
Solvents, polar
Polar (also known as amphiprotic) solvents have an appreciable self-dissociation. In such
solvents molecules with ionic bonding decompose by dissociation to form ions (the higher
the dielectric constant, the better). The most polar solvent is water:
Specific conductivity
Earlier term for the electrical conductivity γ (EN and ISO standard). It was known as κ and
had the same units, i.e. S/cm (from conductance G x cell constant c).
Specific resistance
The specific resistance ρ is the reciprocal of the specific conductivity κ – electrical
conductivity γ – with the unit Ω x cm.
In earlier days it was usual in water purification plants to give the water quality in these
units. 1 µS/cm corresponds to a specific resistance of 1 MΩ x cm.
Temperature coefficient
25 and °C are temperatures at which the electrical conductivities have been measured.
The temperature coefficient can be given as reciprocal Kelvin or % per °C.
The temperature coefficient depends primarily on the ions contained in the solution and
shows seldom a linear behavior. We recommend that it is determined automatically by the
712 Conductometer.
Temperature compensation
See under the term Reference temperature.
Temperature dependency
The temperature dependency of the electrical conductivity can be explained by
observations concerning the migration speed of the ions in an electric field. See also
Walden’s rule. This can be used to explain at least the positive temperature coefficient.
However, the quantitative relationships are complicated and calculations are therefore
practically impossible.
Even with uniform substances (e.g. KCl solutions) the temperature coefficient changes
with the concentration. In mixtures all the ions contribute to a new, mixed temperature
If high accuracy is required the temperature coefficient must therefore be determined
See also under the terms Reference temperature, Temperature coefficient and Temperature
Conductometry – Conductivity Measurement 17
Metrohm name for the most modern titration system on the market. The Titrando provides
flexibility at the user interface and dosing system. The basic unit can be extended to form
a fully automated «supertitrator».
Metrohm name for a whole range of titrators. The range of titrators covers everything from
a simple endpoint titrator up to potentiometric and Karl Fischer titrators for universal use.
Transference number
The transference numbers n+ und n– describe the current fraction transported by the
cation and anion respectively.
n+ = λ+/Λ = u+ / (u+ + u–)
n– = λ–/Λ = u– / (u+ + u–)
Experimental determination of the transference numbers allows the calculation of the ionic
conductivities and ionic mobilities.
Validation is the systematic checking of analysis procedures and/or measuring devices
with the aim of ensuring that if defined SOPs (= Standard Operating Procedures) are
observed then reliable and reproducible measurements and results will be obtained.
See also the Calibration section.
The (dynamic) viscosity η is the property of a liquid to resist (by internal friction) the
mutual laminar displacement of two neighboring layers. For Newtonian liquids at a given
temperature, η is a material constant with the SI unit Pascal per second (Pa s–1).
In connection with the measurement of conductivity there is the fact that, as the viscosity
increases, the ionic mobility and therefore the electrical conductivity decreases and vice
versa. See also Walden’s rule.
Walden’s rule
In its general form this rule states that the product of the ionic mobility Ii of an ion and the
viscosity η of a solvent is constant:
Ii x η = K
An increase in the viscosity results in a reduction of the ionic mobility (and therefore the
electrical conductivity) and vice versa.
Water, self-conductivity
Kohlrausch already recognized about 150 years ago that even the most overdone
purification of the water by distillation resulted in a self-conductivity that could not be
lowered any further. The cause is the self-dissociation of the water, which is also known as
°C µS/cm
0 0.010
18 0.038
25 0.060
34 0.090
50 0.170
At the 767 Calibrated Reference the cover over the solar cells is closed. The two banana
plugs of the electrode cable are inserted into the input sockets (measuring cell) of the
conductometer and the electrode plug screwed onto socket 5 or socket 6 of the 767. The
two 6.2106.020 cables are now used to connect the two input sockets of the 712 with
sockets 1 and 2, or 2 and 3, respectively, of the 767.
– c(Na2SO4) = 0.05 mol/L. 7.10 g Na2SO4 or 16.11 g Na2SO4 x 10 H2O is dissolved in con-
ductivity water and made up to 1000 mL.
– Conductivity water
The conditioned measuring cell is rinsed with conductivity water and then with Na2SO4
solution. Sufficient Na2SO4 solution is filled into the measuring vessel and the measuring
cell inserted and made bubble-free.
The following settings are made on the 712 Conductometer (see also parameter report):
Start temperature 40.0 °C
Stop temperature 15.0 °C
Reference temperature 20.0 °C
Frequency auto
Temperature coefficient 0.00%
Cell constant actual value
The stirrer is switched on and the solution is brought to approx. 45 °C by using the
thermostat. The automatic determination is started and the solution is allowed to cool
down slowly (not faster than 1 °C / min).
Measured value; TC = 2.35 ±0.09% / °C (n = 8)
The instrument
– Set the measuring frequency to «auto» – this ensures that the measurement is made at
the optimal measuring frequency. Generally: Measure low conductivity at a low measur-
ing frequency and high conductivity at a high one.
– Temperature coefficient: If known then set on instrument, otherwise determine it. A fur-
ther possibility is to use a thermostat and to perform the measurement at the reference
temperature, which means that this setting is not necessary.
– Temperature: It is best to use a measuring cell with a built-in temperature sensor. Other-
wise connect a separate temperature sensor or use a thermometer – in the latter case
the measuring temperature must be entered at the instrument.
– Cell constant: Enter the cell constant marked on the measuring cell or determine the
cell constant again.
– Reference temperature: This is normally 20.0 °C; for some applications 25.0 °C is stipu-
lated or preferred (water samples or, e.g., measurements in tropical countries). Any ref-
erence temperature can be entered at the 712 Conductometer.
The measurement
Only use well-conditioned measuring cells. It is best to rinse them with the solution to
be measured before the measurement. Immerse the measuring cell in the measuring
solution to an adequate depth and make sure it is bubble-free. The lateral openings must
be fully immersed. Remove and re-immerse the measuring cell a few times. Wait until the
temperature of the measuring cell and solution become constant.
Sample temperature TC in % / °C
5...10 °C 2.62
10...15 °C 2.41
15...20 °C 2.23
20...25 °C 2.08
25...30 °C 1.94
30...35 °C 1.79
Tap water in Herisau, 25 °C γ = 512.5 ±8.3 µS/cm (n= 10)
Mineral water, 25 °C γ = 1.813 ±0.013 mS/cm (n= 10)
B) Deionized water
Because of possible interferences, a special procedure must be selected for water with a
conductivity of <5 µS/cm. This applies to water with a conductivity <1 µS/cm in particular!
The most important interferences result from:
– Absorption of CO2 (or other «conducting» gases) from the atmosphere.
– Leaching of traces of Na and Ca from the glassware used.
Both interferences cause the settings to drift and finally high-bias conductivities are
measured. We recommend the following procedures to eliminate such interferences to as
great an extent as possible:
• Version 1
Perform flow-through measurements. Because of the small volume of the measuring
setup we recommend to use the 6.0912.110 conductivity cell (PP shaft, built-in Pt 1000
temperature sensor) screwed into the 6.1420.100 flow-through vessel. The water is al-
lowed to flow through the measuring setup and the conductivity is determined in the
usual way.
• Version 2
The measurement is carried out in as large a volume as possible. Nitrogen or argon
should be passed through and over the solution, which should also be stirred. If pos-
sible, use a closed or covered setup.
Please note the high TC (approx. 5.8% / °C) of such water samples!!
Tap water Herisau, 25 °C TDS = 245.6 ±4.2 mg/L NaCl (n = 10)
Mineral water, 25 °C TDS = 894.8 ±6.7 mg/L NaCl (n = 10)
6. Conductometric titrations
For conductometric titrations the cell constant does not normally need to be known. A
double platinum sheet electrode is used for the measuring electrode as the titration is
usually carried out in a beaker. This electrode is easy to clean. Thermostatting is not
required for simple titrations – room temperature is adequate. Alterations in conductivity
caused by temperature variations are of virtually no consequence.
– c(AgNO3) = 0.01 mol/L as titrant (in Exchange Unit)
– c(KCl) = 0.1000 mol/L, e.g. Metrohm no. 6.2301.060
– Conductivity water and acetone
The instruments are connected together as described in the 712 Instructions for Use.
0.25 mL c(KCl) = 0.1 mol/L and 30 mL each of acetone and conductivity water are placed
in a beaker. The electrode and buret tip are immersed and the titration with c(AgNO3) =
0.01 mol/L is started after the following instrument parameters have been set:
L- and V-shaped titration curves are evaluated as follows:
Tangents are applied to the two legs of the curve. The titration endpoint is defined as
the intercept of the tangents. In the Metrodata VESUV 3.0 program this is carried out as
Move Tangent 1 along the curve with the <CTRL> key and the left-hand mouse key,
Tangent 2 with the <Shift> key and the left-hand mouse key.
Ultrapure water from a «Barnstead Nanopure» unit, Application Lab, Herisau.
Hamilton conductivity standard. 5 µS/cm ±5%; WO 1197985, P/N 238926
Sample preparation
Water is taken from the «Nanopure» unit. The first 500 mL is rejected. 1 Liter is then filled
into an amber glass bottle (thoroughly rinsed) and the bottle placed in a thermostat bath
for 1 h at 25 °C.
Place Calibrated Reference on bench near sensor. The cover remains always closed and therefore the light is
not of importance.
The electrode cap must not necessarily be firmly screwed onto sockets (4), (5), (6) of the 767; plugging it in is
Carry out on 712 or on sensor Remarks Carry out on Enter theo- Enter actual Difference2 Permitted OK
767 retical value value from Difference
from 767 cover 712 display1 ü
1. Screw off cable at the plug-in head Close cover
of the sensor (if no sensor or sensor Sensor cable
without plug-in head is connected: to socket (6)
use 6.2150.020 cable from
accessories in 767 case, insert into
‘Cond. Cell’ socket)
2. Main display: µS/cm (Cover µS value 6: ü
LCD display: conductivity remains 2.167µS 2.169 µS –0.2 µS ±0.04 µS
3. Sensor cable µS value 5: ü
to socket (5) 69.86 µS 69.881 µS –0.0281 µS ±0.77 µS
4. Remove sensor cable from Cond Cell Sensor cable µS value 2)/(3): ü
input and use 2x 6.2150.000 instead to sockets
(2) and (3) 999.80 µS 999.842 µS –0.042 µS ±11 µS
(Pt 1000)
5. Sensor cable µS value 1)/(2): ü
to sockets
(2) and (1) 9990.1µS 9995.202 µS –2.202 µS ±70 µS
(Pt 100)
6. <auto zero> Display 0 ü
7. <az off> Display ü
as before
During pH checks the two Pt 100/Pt 1000 resistances at sockets (1)...(3) can be used at the same time. However,
it must be clear that the measuring temperature assumed by the 712 Conductometer being tested will then be
approx. 0 °C, while the information in the table refers to 25 °C. This must be taken into account.
Wait until display remains stable
The given permitted difference applies for normal room temperatures (20…30 °C) and warmed-up instruments.
Otherwise this should be determined from the technical specifications of the 767 and 712 Conductometer.
The cell constants of the conductivity cells are measured at 25 °C with 100 mL conductivity
standard (Hamilton 5 µS/cm) in a closed, thermostatted titration vessel. When the
conductivity standard has reached the stipulated temperature of 25.0 °C the cell constant
is determined as described in Method 1 above. The temperature compensation is switched
off at the 712 during the measurement. The newly determined cell constant is entered at
the 712 Conductometer or taken over by it. Result reports for two conductivity cells are
shown below:
Conductivity cell PP
cnew [cm–1] = γtheor. [µS/cm] / G [µS]
c = cell constant
γ = electrical conductivity
G = conductance
USP Guideline 645 sets standards for the quality control of ultrapure waters using
electrochemical conductivity measurements. The conductivity test according to USP 645
is a «three-step test». The requirements have been met when the conductivity of the
tested water is <1.3 µS /cm at 25 °C. If this value is exceeded or if no online measurement
is possible, this leads to the second step.
In this case the water is thermostatted in an open vessel at 25 °C under stirring and
the CO2 absorption from the atmosphere is allowed to reach equilibrium. The electrical
conductivity of the solution is measured and the temperature is compensated. If γ >2.1
µS/cm then the third step must be carried out.
The water sample from step two is treated with a small amount of KCl in order to ensure a
stable pH value.
The measured electrical conductivity must be less than a value laid down in a table. If the
value in the table is exceeded then the conditions of the USP test have not been fulfilled.
The cell constant (c) can be determined by two methods:
– directly with a conductivity standard, or
– indirectly by comparison with a conductivity cell with a known, validated cell constant
(precision ±2%).
Temp. °C µS / cm Temp. °C µS / cm
0 0.6 55 2.1
5 0.8 60 2.2
10 0.9 65 2.4
15 1.0 70 2.5
20 1.1 75 2.7
25 1.3 80 2.7
30 1.4 85 2.7
35 1.5 90 2.7
40 1.7 95 2.9
45 1.8 100 3.1
50 1.9
9. If the electrical conductivity (at the corresponding temperature) is not greater than the
value given in the table then the USP requirements have been fulfilled. However, if the
measured electrical conductivity is larger than the corresponding table value then step
two given under «Remarks» is carried out.
– EN 27888: 1993
Water quality – Determination of electrical conductivity
Dependency of the electrical conductivity of dist. H2O and KCl solutions on the
measuring frequency (at 25 °C and c = approx. 1 cm–1)
(own measurements)