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Implementation Guides

Implementation Guides assist internal auditors in applying the Definition of Internal

Auditing, the Code of Ethics, and the Standards and promoting good practices. Implementation
Guides address internal auditing's approach, methodologies, and consideration, but do not detail
processes or procedures. They include practices relating to international, country, or industry-
specific issues; specific types of engagements; and legal or regulatory issues.
First Issued: 1 January, 2017

Copyright © 2017 by The Institute of Internal Auditors Inc. (IIA) 1035 Greenwood Blvd. Suite 401, Lake Mary, FL 32746, USA. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means — electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise — without prior written permission from the publisher.

The IIA publishes this document for informational and educational purposes. This document is intended to provide information, but is not a substitute
for legal or accounting advice. The IIA does not provide such advice and makes no warranty as to any legal or accounting results through its publication
of this document. When legal or accounting issues arise, professional assistance should be retained.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Table of Contents
Implementation Guidance
IG1000 – Purpose, Authority, and Responsibility .......................................................................................................4
IG1010 – Recognizing Mandatory Guidance in the Internal Audit Charter................................................................7
IG1100 – Independence and Objectivity .....................................................................................................................9
IG1110 – Organizational Independence ....................................................................................................................13
IG1111 – Direct Interaction with the Board ..............................................................................................................16
IG1112 – Chief Audit Executive Roles Beyond Internal Auditing ...........................................................................18
IG1120 – Individual Objectivity ...............................................................................................................................22
IG1130 – Impairment to Independence or Objectivity ..............................................................................................25
IG1200 – Proficiency and Due Professional Care .....................................................................................................29
IG1210 – Proficiency ................................................................................................................................................32
IG1220 – Due Professional Care ...............................................................................................................................35
IG1230 – Continuing Professional Development ......................................................................................................38
IG1300 – Quality Assurance and Improvement Program .........................................................................................41
IG1310 – Requirements of the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program ........................................................46
IG1311 – Internal Assessments .................................................................................................................................49
IG1312 – External Assessments ................................................................................................................................54
IG1320 – Reporting on the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program .............................................................59
IG1321 – Use of “Conforms with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing” .64
IG1322 – Disclosure of Nonconformance .................................................................................................................67
IG2000 – Managing the Internal Audit Activity .......................................................................................................70
IG2010 – Planning.....................................................................................................................................................73
IG2020 – Communication and Approval ..................................................................................................................76
IG2030 – Resource Management ..............................................................................................................................79
IG2040 – Policies and Procedures .............................................................................................................................81
IG2050 – Coordination and Reliance ........................................................................................................................84
IG2060 – Reporting to Senior Management and the Board ......................................................................................88
IG2070 – External Service Provider and Organizational Responsibility for Internal Auditing ................................94
IG2100 – Nature of Work..........................................................................................................................................98
IG2110 – Governance..............................................................................................................................................101

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

IG2120 – Risk Management .....................................................................................................................................107

IG2130 – Control......................................................................................................................................................111
IG2200 – Engagement Planning ...............................................................................................................................115
IG2201 – Planning Considerations ...........................................................................................................................118
IG2210 – Engagement Objectives ............................................................................................................................121
IG2220 – Engagement Scope ...................................................................................................................................123
IG2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation ............................................................................................................125
IG2240 – Engagement Work Program .....................................................................................................................128
IG2300 – Performing the Engagement .....................................................................................................................130
IG2310 – Identifying Information ............................................................................................................................134
IG2320 – Analysis and Evaluation ...........................................................................................................................137
IG2330 – Documenting Information ........................................................................................................................142
IG2340 – Engagement Supervision ..........................................................................................................................145
IG2400 – Communicating Results ...........................................................................................................................148
IG2410 – Criteria for Communicating .....................................................................................................................150
IG2420 – Quality of Communications .....................................................................................................................153
IG2421 – Errors and Omissions ...............................................................................................................................156
IG2430 – Use of “Conducted in Conformance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of
Internal Auditing”.....................................................................................................................................................158
IG2431 – Engagement Disclosure of Nonconformance ...........................................................................................160
IG2440 – Disseminating Results ..............................................................................................................................163
IG2450 – Overall Opinions ......................................................................................................................................166
IG2500 – Monitoring Progress .................................................................................................................................170
IG2600 – Communicating the Acceptance of Risks ................................................................................................173

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 1000 – Purpose, Authority, and Responsibility

The purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity must be formally defined in
an internal audit charter, consistent with the Mission of Internal Audit and the mandatory elements
of the International Professional Practices Framework (the Core Principles for the Professional
Practice of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics, the Standards, and the Definition of Internal
Auditing). The chief audit executive must periodically review the internal audit charter and present
it to senior management and the board for approval.

The internal audit charter is a formal document that defines the internal audit activity's purpose,
authority, and responsibility. The internal audit charter establishes the internal audit activity's
position within the organization, including the nature of the chief audit executive’s functional
reporting relationship with the board; authorizes access to records, personnel, and physical
properties relevant to the performance of engagements; and defines the scope of internal audit
activities. Final approval of the internal audit charter resides with the board.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1010 – Recognizing Mandatory Guidance in the

Internal Audit CharterStandard 1000 – Purpose, Authority, and
Getting Started
The internal audit charter is a critical document, as it records the agreed-upon purpose, authority, and
The purpose,of authority,
an organization’s internal audit
and responsibility activity.
of the Toaudit
internal createactivity
this document, the chiefdefined
must be formally audit in
an internal
executive audit
(CAE) charter,
must consistent
understand with the of
the Mission Mission ofAudit
Internal Internal
andAudit and the mandatory
the mandatory elements elements
of The
IIA’s International
of the International Professional
Professional Practices
Practices Framework
Framework (the—
(IPPF) Core Principles
including the for
for the
Practice ofPractice
Professional InternalofAuditing, the Code of
Internal Auditing, theEthics,
Code oftheEthics,
Standards, and the Definition
the International of Internal
Standards for the
Professional The chiefofaudit executive
Internal must
Auditing, periodically
and review
the Definition the internal
of Internal audit charter and present
it to senior management and the board for approval.
This understanding provides the foundation for a discussion among the CAE, senior management, and
The internal audit charter is a formal document that defines the internal audit activity's purpose,
authority, and responsibility. The internal audit charter establishes the internal audit activity's
position within the organization, including the nature
of the chief audit executive’s functional
reporting relationship with the board; authorizes access to records, personnel, and physical
properties relevant to the performance of engagements; and defines the scope of internal audit
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

the board to mutually agree upon:

 Internal audit objectives and responsibilities.

 The expectations for the internal audit activity.
 The CAE’s functional and administrative reporting lines.
 The level of authority (including access to records, physical property, and personnel) required
for the internal audit activity to perform engagements and fulfill its agreed-upon objectives
and responsibilities.

The CAE may need to confer with the organization’s legal counsel or the board secretary regarding the
preferred format for charters and how to effectively and efficiently submit the proposed internal audit
charter for board approval.

Considerations for Implementation

Based on the agreed-upon elements, as noted above, the CAE (or a delegate) drafts an internal audit
charter. The IIA offers a model internal audit charter that may be used as a guide. Although charters may
vary by organization, they typically include the following sections:

 Introduction – to explain the overall role and professionalism of the internal audit activity.
Relevant elements of the IPPF are often cited in the introduction.
 Authority – to specify the internal audit activity’s full access to the records, physical
property, and personnel required to perform engagements and to declare internal auditors’
accountability for safeguarding assets and confidentiality.
 Organization and reporting structure – to document the CAE’s reporting structure. The
CAE should report functionally to the board and administratively to a level within the
organization that allows the internal audit activity to fulfill its responsibilities (see Standard
1110 – Organizational Independence). This section may delve into specific functional
responsibilities, such as approving the charter and internal audit plan and hiring,
compensating, and terminating the CAE. It may also describe administrative responsibilities,
such as supporting information flow within the organization or approving the internal audit
activity’s human resource administration and budgets.
 Independence and objectivity – to describe the importance of internal audit independence
and objectivity and how these will be maintained, such as prohibiting internal auditors from
having operational responsibility or authority over areas audited.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

 Responsibilities – to lay out major areas of ongoing responsibility, such as defining the scope
of assessments, writing an internal audit plan, submitting the plan to the board for approval,
performing engagements, communicating the results, providing a written engagement report,
and monitoring corrective actions taken by management.
 Quality assurance and improvement – to describe the expectations for developing,
maintaining, evaluating, and communicating the results of a quality assurance and
improvement program that covers all aspects of the internal audit activity.
 Signatures – to document agreement among the CAE, a designated board representative, and
the individual to whom the CAE reports. This section includes the date, names, and titles of

Once drafted, the proposed internal audit charter should be discussed with senior management and the
board to confirm that it accurately describes the agreed-upon role and expectations or to identify desired
changes. Once the draft has been accepted, the CAE formally presents it during a board meeting to be
discussed and approved. The CAE and the board may also agree on the frequency with which to review
and reaffirm whether the agreement’s provisions continue to enable the internal audit activity to
accomplish its objectives, or whether any changes are warranted. If a question should arise in the
interim, the charter may be referenced and updated as needed.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

The minutes of the board meetings during which the CAE initially discusses and then formally presents
the internal audit charter provide documentation of conformance. In addition, the CAE retains the
approved charter. Typically, the CAE asks the board to create a standing annual agenda item to discuss,
update, and approve the internal audit charter as needed. Evidence that the CAE periodically reviews the
internal audit charter with senior management and the board also exists in minutes from those meetings.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 1010 – Recognizing Mandatory Guidance in the

Internal Audit Charter

The mandatory nature of the Core Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the
Code of Ethics, the Standards, and the Definition of Internal Auditing must be recognized in the
internal audit charter. The chief audit executive should discuss the Mission of Internal Audit and
the mandatory elements of the International Professional Practices Framework with senior
management and the board.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1100 – Independence and ObjectivityStandard 1010 –

Getting StartedMandatory Guidance in the Internal Audit Charter
Before writing or revising the internal audit charter, the chief audit executive (CAE) typically reviews
The mandatory nature of the Core Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the
The IIA’s International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) to refresh his or her understanding of
Code of Ethics, the Standards, and the Definition of Internal Auditing must be recognized in the
the Mission of Internal Audit and the mandatory elements, including the Core Principles for the
internal audit charter. The chief audit executive should discuss the Mission of Internal Audit and
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics, the International Standards for the
the mandatory elements of the International Professional Practices Framework with senior
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, and the Definition of Internal Auditing. The CAE is required
management and the board.
to review the internal audit charter periodically and present it to senior management and the board for
approval (see Standard 1000 – Purpose, Authority, Revised Standards, Effective
and Responsibility). 1 January
It is helpful 2017
if the CAE knows
the organization’s process for submitting the internal audit charter for approval. The CAE may also
arrange a discussion of the charter with senior management and the board as part of the periodic review
andStandard 1100 – Independence and Objectivity
revision process.

Considerations for Implementation

The internal audit activity must be independent, and internal auditors must be objective in
performing their work.
To recognize the mandatory elements of the IPPF in the internal audit charter, the CAE may make
specific statements. One example is:
Independence is the freedom from conditions that threaten the ability of the internal audit activity
to carry out internal audit responsibilities in an unbiased manner. To achieve the degree of
independence necessary to effectively carry out the responsibilities of the internal audit activity,
the chief audit executive has direct and unrestricted access to senior management and the board.
This can be achieved through a dual-reporting relationship. Threats to independence must be
managed at the individual auditor, engagement, functional, and organizational levels.
Objectivity is an unbiased mental attitude that allows internal auditors to perform engagements in
such a manner that they believe in their work product and that no quality compromises are made.
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

“The internal audit activity will govern itself by adherence to The Institute of Internal Auditors’
Mandatory Guidance, which includes the Core Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing, the Code of Ethics, the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing, and the Definition of Internal Auditing. The IIA’s Mandatory Guidance constitutes the
fundamental requirements for the professional practice of internal auditing and the principles against
which to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal audit activity’s performance.”

An alternative to using any specific wording is to use language and content throughout the internal audit
charter that require conformance with the Mandatory Guidance.

The CAE’s discussion of the internal audit charter with senior management and the board provides a
good opportunity to explain the Mission of Internal Audit and the mandatory elements of the IPPF, as
well as how the charter recognizes those elements. After the charter has been adopted, it is important for
the CAE to monitor The IIA’s Mandatory Guidance and to discuss any changes that may be warranted
during the next charter review.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Conformance with Standard 1010 is evidenced in the written and approved internal audit charter that
recognizes the Core Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics, the
Standards, and Definition of Internal Auditing as mandatory elements. Conformance may also be
demonstrated through the minutes of meetings during which these mandatory elements and the Mission
of Internal Audit were discussed with senior management and the board. This may also include minutes
from meetings during which the CAE discussed periodic reviews of the charter.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 1100 – Independence and Objectivity

The internal audit activity must be independent, and internal auditors must be objective in
performing their work.

Independence is the freedom from conditions that threaten the ability of the internal audit activity
to carry out internal audit responsibilities in an unbiased manner. To achieve the degree of
independence necessary to effectively carry out the responsibilities of the internal audit activity,
the chief audit executive has direct and unrestricted access to senior management and the board.
This can be achieved through a dual-reporting relationship. Threats to independence must be
managed at the individual auditor, engagement, functional, and organizational levels.

Objectivity is an unbiased mental attitude that allows internal auditors to perform engagements in
such a manner that they believe in their work product and that no quality compromises are made.
Objectivity requires that internal auditors do not subordinate their judgment on audit matters to
others. Threats to objectivity must be managed at the individual auditor, engagement, functional,
and organizational levels.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1110 – Organizational IndependenceStandard 1100 –

Getting Started and Objectivity
The internalisaudit
defined as, “The
activity mustfreedom from conditions
be independent, that threaten
and internal auditors the
mustability of the internal
be objective in audit
activity to carrytheir
performing internal audit responsibilities in an unbiased manner.” Often, such conditions stem
out work.
from the organizational placement and assigned responsibilities of internal audit. For example, when
internal audit reports within other functions in an organization, it is not considered independent of that
function, which isissubject
the freedom from
to audit. conditions
Similarly, thatchief
if the threaten
auditthe ability of
executive the internal
(CAE) audit activity
has functional
to carry out internal audit responsibilities in an unbiased manner. To achieve the degree of
responsibilities broader than internal audit, such as risk management or compliance, internal audit is not
independence necessary to effectively carry out the responsibilities of the internal audit activity,
independent of these additional functions, which are also subject to audit.
the chief audit executive has direct and unrestricted access to senior management and the board.
This canthe
However, beCAE
solely adetermine
dual-reporting relationship.independence
the organizational Threats to independence
and placementmust forbeinternal
managed at the individual auditor, engagement, functional, and organizational levels.

Objectivity is an unbiased mental attitude that allows internal auditors to perform engagements in
such a manner that they believe in their work product and that no quality compromises are made.
Objectivity requires that internal auditors do not 9subordinate their judgment on audit matters to
others. Threats to objectivity must be managed at the individual auditor, engagement, functional,
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

audit; the CAE needs help from the board and senior management to address independence effectively.
Typically, the CAE, the board, and senior management reach a shared understanding of internal audit’s
responsibility, authority, and expectations, which lays the groundwork for a discussion on independence
and organizational placement.

Depending on board and senior management experience and expectations, reaching a common vision
may require numerous discussions to increase the awareness of senior management and the board on the
importance of independence, the means of achieving it, and key considerations such as reporting lines,
professional and regulatory requirements, benchmarking, and organization’s cultural issues.

Generally, the internal audit charter will reflect the decisions reached regarding internal audit’s
responsibility, authority, and expectations, as well as organizational placement and reporting lines.

Objectivity refers to an unbiased mental attitude of internal auditors. To implement this standard, the
CAE will want to understand policies or activities within the organization and within internal audit that
could enhance or hinder such a mindset. For example, many organizations have standard performance
evaluation and compensation policies, as well as employee conflict of interest policies. The CAE will
want to understand the nature of relevant policies identified and consider their potential impact on
internal audit objectivity. Internal audit will often customize these organizationwide policies to address
internal audit roles specifically and may develop other relevant policies specifically for internal audit,
such as policies pertaining to training requirements.

Considerations for Implementation

As noted above, the CAE works with the board and senior management to avoid conditions that would
affect internal audit’s ability to perform its responsibilities in an unbiased manner. Often, the CAE has a
direct functional reporting line to the board and an administrative reporting line to a member of senior
management. The reporting line to the board provides the CAE with direct board access for sensitive
matters and enables sufficient organizational status. Administrative reporting to a member of senior
management also provides the CAE with sufficient organizational status, as well as authority to perform
duties without impediment and to address difficult issues with other senior leaders. For example, the
CAE would not typically report to a controller or mid-level manager, who may be subject to audit

The IIA recommends that the CAE report administratively to the chief executive officer (CEO), both so
that the CAE is clearly a senior position and so that internal audit is not positioned within an operation

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

that is subject to audit. The CAE should also be aware of any requirements from regulators or other
governing bodies that may specify a required reporting relationship. The Implementation Guide for
Standard 1110 – Organizational Independence provides further guidance on CAE reporting

It is also recommended that the CAE not have operational responsibilities beyond internal audit, as these
other responsibilities may, themselves, be subject to audit. In some organizations, the CAE is asked to
assume operational responsibilities, such as for risk management or compliance. In such situations, the
CAE typically discusses the independence concerns and the potential objectivity impairment with the
board and senior management, who will implement safeguards to limit the impairment. Safeguards are
oversight activities, generally undertaken by the board, to monitor and address independence conflicts.
Examples include periodically evaluating CAE responsibilities, developing alternate processes to obtain
assurance related to the additional areas of responsibility, and being aware of the potential objectivity
impairment when considering internal audit risk assessments.

To manage internal audit objectivity effectively, many CAEs have an internal audit policy manual or
handbook that describes expectations and requirements for an unbiased mindset. Such a policy manual
may describe:

 The critical importance of objectivity to the internal audit profession.

 Typical situations that could undermine objectivity, due to self-interest, self-review,
familiarity, bias, and undue influence. Examples include auditing in an area where an internal
auditor recently worked; auditing a family member or a close friend; or assuming, without
evidence that an area under audit is acceptable based solely on prior positive experiences.
 Actions the internal auditor should take if he or she becomes aware of a current or potential
objectivity concern, such as discussing the concern with an internal audit manager or the
 Reporting requirements where each internal auditor periodically considers and discloses
conflicts of interest.

To reinforce the importance of these policies and help ensure all internal auditors internalize their
importance, some CAEs will hold routine workshops or training on these fundamental concepts. Such
training sessions will often allow internal auditors to better understand objectivity by considering
objectivity-impairing scenarios and how best to address them. Further, when assigning internal auditors
to specific engagements, the CAE will consider potential objectivity impairments and avoid assigning

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

team members who may have a conflict.

It is widely understood that performance and compensation practices can significantly and negatively
affect an individual’s objectivity. For example, if an internal auditor’s performance evaluation, salary, or
bonus are significantly based on client satisfaction surveys, the internal auditor may hesitate to report
negative results that may cause the client to report low satisfaction ratings. Therefore, the CAE needs to
be thoughtful in designing the internal audit performance evaluation and compensation system and
consider whether the measurements used could impair an internal auditor’s objectivity. Ideally, the
evaluation process will balance internal auditor performance, audit results, and client feedback
measurements. The Implementation Guide for Standard 1120 – Individual Objectivity provides further
guidance on objectivity.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Multiple items may indicate conformance with the standard, including the internal audit charter itself; an
organization chart with reporting responsibilities; an internal audit policy manual that includes policies
on independence, objectivity, addressing conflicts, and performance evaluation; training records; and
conflict-of-interest disclosure forms. If applicable, documentation showing disclosure of impairments,
consistent with Standard 1130 – Impairment to Independence or Objectivity, may also demonstrate

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 1110 – Organizational Independence

The chief audit executive must report to a level within the organization that allows the internal
audit activity to fulfill its responsibilities. The chief audit executive must confirm to the board, at
least annually, the organizational independence of the internal audit activity.

Organizational independence is effectively achieved when the chief audit executive reports
functionally to the board. Examples of functional reporting to the board involve the board:

 Approving the internal audit charter.

 Approving the risk-based internal audit plan.
 Approving the internal audit budget and resource plan.
 Receiving communications from the chief audit executive on the internal audit activity’s
performance relative to its plan and other matters.
 Approving decisions regarding the appointment and removal of the chief audit
 Approving the remuneration of the chief audit executive.
 Making appropriate inquiries of management and the chief audit executive to determine
whether there are inappropriate scope or resource limitations.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1111 – Direct Interaction with the BoardStandard 1110

– Organizational
Getting Started Independence
standard requires
chief audit the chief
executive audit
must executive
report (CAE)
to a level to report
within to a level within
the organization the organization
that allows the internalthat
activityaudit to fulfill
to fulfill its responsibilities.
its responsibilities. The Therefore,
chief audit itexecutive
is necessary
board, at
placement and supervisory
least annually, oversight/reporting
the organizational linesofofthe
independence internal audit
internal to activity.
audit ensure organizational
The CAE does not solely determine the organizational placement of internal audit, the CAE’s reporting
Organizational independence is effectively achieved when the chief audit executive reports
functionally to the board. Examples of functional reporting to the board involve the board:

 Approving the internal audit charter.

 Approving the risk-based internal audit plan.
 Approving the internal audit budget and resource plan.
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

relationships, or the nature of board or senior management supervision; the CAE needs help from the
board and senior management to address these items effectively. Typically, the CAE, the board, and
senior management reach a shared understanding of internal audit’s responsibility, authority, and
expectations, as well as the role of the board and senior management in overseeing internal audit.
Generally, the internal audit charter documents the decisions reached on organizational placement and
reporting lines.

It may also be helpful for the CAE to be aware of regulatory requirements for both internal audit
positioning and CAE reporting lines.

Considerations for Implementation

As noted above, the CAE works with the board and senior management to determine organizational
placement of internal audit, including the CAE’s reporting relationships. To ensure effective
organizational independence, the CAE has a direct functional reporting line to the board. Generally, the
CAE also has an administrative, or “dotted,” reporting line to a member of senior management.

A functional reporting line to the board provides the CAE with direct board access for sensitive matters
and enables sufficient organizational status. It ensures that the CAE has unrestricted access to the board,
typically the highest level of governance in the organization.

Functional oversight requires the board to create the right working conditions to permit the operation of
an independent and effective internal audit activity. As noted, the board assumes responsibility for
approving the internal audit charter, the internal audit plan, the budget and resource plan, the evaluation
and compensation of the CAE, and the appointment and removal of the CAE. Further, the board
monitors the ability of internal audit to operate independently. It does so by asking the CAE and
members of management questions regarding internal audit scope, resource limitations, or other
pressures or hindrances on internal audit.

CAEs who find themselves with a board that does not assume these important functional oversight
duties may share Standard 1110 and recommended governance practices — including board
responsibilities — with the board to pursue a stronger functional relationship over time.

To facilitate board oversight, the CAE routinely provides the board with performance updates, generally
at quarterly meetings of the board. Often, the CAE is involved in crafting board meeting agendas and
can plan for sufficient time to discuss internal audit performance relative to plan as well as other matters,

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

including key findings or emerging risks that warrant the board’s attention. Further, to ensure that
organizational independence is discussed annually, as required by this standard, the CAE will often
create a standing board agenda item for a specific board meeting each year.

Generally, the CAE also has an administrative reporting line to senior management, which further
enables the requisite stature and authority of internal audit to fulfill responsibilities. For example, the
CAE typically would not report to a controller, accounting manager, or mid-level functional manager.
To enhance stature and credibility, The IIA recommends that the CAE report administratively to the
chief executive officer (CEO) so that the CAE is clearly in a senior position, with the authority to
perform duties unimpeded.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

There are several documents that may demonstrate conformance with this standard, including the
internal audit charter and the audit committee charter, which would describe the audit committee’s
oversight duties. The CAE’s job description and performance evaluation would note reporting
relationships and supervisory oversight. If available, CAE hiring documentation may include who
interviewed the CAE and who made the hiring decision. Further, an internal audit policy manual that
addresses policies like independence and board communication requirements or an organization chart
with reporting responsibilities may demonstrate conformance. Board reports, meeting minutes, and
agendas can demonstrate that internal audit has appropriately communicated items such as the internal
audit plan, budget, and performance, as well as the state of organizational independence.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 1111 – Direct Interaction with the Board

The chief audit executive must communicate and interact directly with the board.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

 Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting Started
Generally, the chief audit executive (CAE), the board, and senior management have discussed and
agreed on internal audit’s responsibility, authority, and expectations as well as the necessary
Standard 1112 – Chief Audit Executive Roles Beyond Internal
organizational placement of internal audit and CAE reporting relationships to enable internal audit to
fulfill its duties. The reporting 1111 – Direct
relationship typically Interaction
includes a direct with thereporting
functional Boardrelationship
with the board. Refer to Implementation Guides 1100 – Independence and Objectivity and
The chief audit
Implementation Guide 1110 –must
executive communicate
Organizational and interact for
Independence directly with the
additional board.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Considerations for Implementation

If the CAE has a directStandards,
Revised functionalEffective
January 2017with the board, then the board assumes
 for approving the internal audit charter, internal audit plan, internal audit budget and

resource plan, evaluation and compensation of the CAE, and appointment and removal of the CAE.
Further, the board monitors the ability of internal audit to operate independently and fulfill its charter.

With such a reporting relationship, the CAE will have many opportunities to communicate and interact
directly 1112as–required
with the board, ChiefbyAudit Executive
this standard. Roles
For example, the CAEBeyond Internal
will participate in audit
committee and/or full board meetings, generally quarterly, to communicate such things as the proposed
internal audit plan, budget, progress, and any challenges. Further, the CAE will have the ability to
Where thethe
chair or audit
chief any member of has
executive the board to communicate
or is expected sensitive
to have roles matters
and/or or issues facing
responsibilities internal
that fall
audit or theoforganization.
outside Typically,
internal auditing, and atmust
safeguards least be
in placea to
private meeting withtothe
limit impairments board or audit
independence or
committee and
objectivity. the CAE (without senior management present) is formally conducted to discuss such
matters or issues. It is also helpful for the CAE to participate in one-on-one meetings or phone calls
periodically with the board or audit committee chair, either prior to scheduled meetings or routinely
The chief audit executive may be asked to take on additional roles and responsibilities outside of
internal auditing, such as responsibility for compliance or risk management activities. These roles
and responsibilities may impair, or appear to impair, the organizational independence of the
internal audit activity or the individual objectivity of the internal auditor. Safeguards are those
oversight activities, often undertaken by the board, 16 to address these potential impairments, and

may include such activities as periodically evaluating reporting lines and responsibilities and
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during the year, to ensure direct and open communication.

CAEs who find themselves without direct access to the board can share Standard 1111 (as well as
standards 1100 and 1110), recommended governance practices, and board/audit committee best practice
studies to pursue a stronger relationship and direct access. Further, CAEs in such a situation can
consider written communications to the board until a direct line of communication, as required by this
standard, is available.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Board meeting agendas and minutes are often sufficient to demonstrate whether the CAE has
communicated and interacted directly with the board. The CAE’s calendar may also demonstrate
conformance. Further, a policy that requires the CAE to meet privately with the board periodically may
be documented in board or audit committee charters.

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Standard 1112 – Chief Audit Executive Roles Beyond Internal


Where the chief audit executive has or is expected to have roles and/or responsibilities that fall
outside of internal auditing, safeguards must be in place to limit impairments to independence or

The chief audit executive may be asked to take on additional roles and responsibilities outside of
internal auditing, such as responsibility for compliance or risk management activities. These roles
and responsibilities may impair, or appear to impair, the organizational independence of the
internal audit activity or the individual objectivity of the internal auditor. Safeguards are those
oversight activities, often undertaken by the board, to address these potential impairments, and
may include such activities as periodically evaluating reporting lines and responsibilities and
developing alternative processes to obtain assurance related to the areas of additional

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1120 – Individual ObjectivityStandard 1112 – Chief

Audit Started
Getting Executive Roles Beyond Internal Auditing

TheWhere the chiefofaudit

Interpretation executive
Standard 1112has or isthat
notes expected to have
when the chief roles
auditand/or responsibilities
executive (CAE) takesthat fall
on roles
and/or of internal auditing,
responsibilities safeguards
outside of must be in
internal auditing, place to limitindependence
organizational impairments of to the
independence or
internal audit
activity or the individual objectivity of the internal auditor may be impaired or may appear to be
impaired. However, in certain circumstances, the board and senior management may find that it is
appropriate for the organization to expand the CAE’s role beyond internal auditing.
The chief audit executive may be asked to take on additional roles and responsibilities outside of
Examples such
situations as responsibility
when the CAE may for compliance
be asked or risk
to perform management
roles for which activities.
management These roles
is normally
and responsibilities
responsible include: may impair, or appear to impair, the organizational independence of the
internal audit activity or the individual objectivity of the internal auditor. Safeguards are those
 A new
oversight regulatory
activities, often requirement
undertaken byprompts a pressing
the board, need these
to address to develop policies,
potential procedures,
impairments, and
may include such activities as periodically evaluating reporting lines and responsibilities and
developing alternative processes to obtain assurance related to the areas of additional

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
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controls, and risk management activities to ensure compliance.

 An organization needs current risk management activities to be adapted for the addition of a
new business segment or geographical market.
 The organization’s resources are too constrained, or the organization is too small, to afford a
separate compliance function.
 The organization’s processes are immature, and the CAE has the most appropriate expertise to
introduce risk management principles in the organization.

In some cases, the CAE may be expected to assume responsibilities in the areas of risk management,
design and operation of controls, and compliance. For example, if a CAE is asked to take on a role that
reports functionally to senior management instead of the board, the CAE’s independence related to
internal audit responsibilities may be impaired. (See Implementation Guide 1130 – Impairment to
Independence or Objectivity for additional examples of potential impairments.) Standard 1112 guides
the CAE in such cases.

To implement Standard 1112, the CAE must have a clear understanding of The IIA’s Code of Ethics and
the concepts of independence and objectivity, as explained in the 1100 series of standards and
implementation guides. Additionally, several of The IIA’s Core Principles for the Professional Practice
of Internal Auditing address independence and objectivity of the CAE. The internal audit activity’s
mission statement and charter, the audit committee charter, and the organization’s policies and code of
ethics may include additional relevant guidance specific to the organization.

To address the risks of impairment, the CAE should gain an understanding of any proposed role that
falls outside of internal auditing and speak with senior management and the board about the reporting
relationships, responsibilities, and expectations related to the role. During such a discussion, the CAE
should emphasize the IIA standards related to independence and objectivity, the potential impairment
presented by the proposed role, the risks associated with the proposed role, and safeguards that could
mitigate those risks.

Considerations for Implementation

Standard 1112 emphasizes the importance of safeguards such as oversight activities, often undertaken by
the board, to address potential impairments to the CAE’s independence and objectivity. One safeguard is
the CAE’s organizational position and reporting relationship. According to Standard 1110 –
Organizational Independence, “The CAE must report to a level within the organization that allows the

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internal audit activity to fulfill its responsibilities.” This is effectively achieved when the CAE reports
functionally to the board, which usually involves board oversight of the hiring, evaluation, and
compensation of the CAE and board approval of the internal audit charter and internal audit plan,
budget, and resources. As stated in Standard 1000 – Purpose, Authority, and Responsibility, the internal
audit charter documents the nature of the CAE’s functional reporting relationship with the board.

Changes in the organization and its key personnel may lead to the repositioning or redefinition of roles
and responsibilities. According to the Interpretation of Standard 1112, one safeguard that may address
this situation is the periodic evaluation of reporting lines and responsibilities. The CAE’s review of the
internal audit charter and discussion with senior management and the board, as described in Standard
1000, should include any changes in roles or responsibilities that may affect the internal audit activity,
particularly those that have the potential to impair the CAE’s independence and objectivity, either in fact
or appearance. If the CAE’s nonaudit responsibilities will be ongoing, the internal audit charter should
describe the nature of the work. However, if such responsibilities will be short-term, changes to the
internal audit charter and other documents may not be necessary. In such cases, a plan to transition these
responsibilities to management may be implemented to safeguard the CAE’s independence and
objectivity. The transition plan would ensure the proper resources and timeline to facilitate
management’s acceptance of these responsibilities.

Standard 1130 requires the CAE to disclose the details of any impairment to independence or
objectivity, whether in fact or appearance. Disclosures, which enable the board to evaluate the overall
risk of potential impairments, typically take place during a board meeting and may include a discussion
of related topics, such as:

 Roles and responsibilities that the CAE is being asked to undertake.

 Risks related to the undertaking.
 Safeguards to the CAE’s independence and objectivity, including consideration of
 Controls in place to validate that the safeguards are operating effectively.
 Transition plan, if the assignment is short-term.
 Agreement with senior management and the board.

The board can monitor the CAE’s objectivity by increasing the level of scrutiny applied to the CAE’s
risk assessment, internal audit plan, and engagement communications, and considering any potential
bias the CAE may have related to an area for which he or she performed duties beyond internal auditing.

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To help safeguard the CAE from impairments to objectivity, Standard 1130.A1 prohibits internal
auditors from assessing specific operations for which they were responsible within the previous year,
and Standard 1130.A2 requires a party outside the internal audit activity to oversee assurance
engagements for functions over which the CAE has responsibility. If the CAE has responsibilities in
areas outside the internal audit activity that are subject to internal auditing, the provision of assurance
would be outsourced to an objective, competent assurance provider that reports independently to the
board, rather than the CAE. Such an assurance provider could be either internal or external.

An external assessment of the internal audit activity (see Standard 1312 – External Assessments) that
includes a review of the CAE’s independence and objectivity — particularly in areas where the CAE has
executed nonaudit responsibilities — can provide additional assurance to the board, as long as the
independence of the external assessor can be validated.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documentation of any safeguards that were established to address potential impairments to the CAE’s
independence and objectivity may help demonstrate conformance with Standard 1112. Such
documentation may include statements in the organization’s policies and code of ethics, the audit
committee’s charter, and the internal audit activity’s mission statement and approved audit charter,
which specifies the CAE’s roles and responsibilities as agreed with senior management and the board.
Conformance may also be demonstrated through periodic revisions of the internal audit charter, which
reflect the internal audit activity’s changing roles and responsibilities. Likewise, plans to transition roles
and responsibilities that fall outside of internal auditing (e.g., compliance or risk management activities)
from the CAE to management may also demonstrate conformance. Additional evidence could include
the minutes of board meetings during which the CAE disclosed potential impairments to independence
or objectivity, and proposed safeguards to mitigate the risks of impairment to acceptable levels.

The CAE could demonstrate conformance by showing that other assurance providers assessed the areas
where the CAE had undertaken roles beyond internal auditing, and the internal audit plan, risk
assessments, and engagement communications were independently assessed for independence and
objectivity. Surveys of audit clients and board evaluations of the CAE’s performance may include
feedback on the perception of the CAE’s independence and objectivity. Conformance may also be
validated in the results of external assessments performed by an independent assessor.

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Standard 1120 – Individual Objectivity

Internal auditors must have an impartial, unbiased attitude and avoid any conflict of interest.

Conflict of interest is a situation in which an internal auditor, who is in a position of trust, has a
competing professional or personal interest. Such competing interests can make it difficult to
fulfill his or her duties impartially. A conflict of interest exists even if no unethical or improper act
results. A conflict of interest can create an appearance of impropriety that can undermine
confidence in the internal auditor, the internal audit activity, and the profession. A conflict of
interest could impair an individual's ability to perform his or her duties and responsibilities

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1130 – Impairment to Independence or

ObjectivityStandard 1120 – Individual Objectivity
Getting Started
Internal auditors must have an impartial, unbiased attitude and avoid any conflict of interest.
Objectivity refers to an internal auditor’s impartial and unbiased mindset, which is facilitated by
avoiding conflicts of interest. Therefore, to implement this standard, the chief audit executive (CAE)
first want to understand
of interest policiesinorwhich
is a situation activities within the
an internal organization
auditor, who is inand within internal
a position of trust,audit
has athat
could enhanceprofessional
competing or hinder such a mindset.interest.
or personal For example, many organizations
Such competing interests canhave standard
make performance
it difficult to
fulfill hisand
or compensation policies, Aasconflict
her duties impartially. well as ofemployee conflict
interest exists of interest
even policies.orInternal
if no unethical improperaudit
willresults. A conflict these
often customize of interest cantocreate
policies addressan internal
impropriety thatand
specifically canmay
have other
relevant in the internal
departmental policies,auditor,
such asthe internal
policies audit
that activity,
specify and requirements.
training the profession.TheA conflict
CAE will of want to
interest could
understand impair
the nature of an individual's
relevant policiesability to perform
identified his or her
and consider duties
their and responsibilities
potential impact on internal audit
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
Considerations for Implementation
To manage internal audit objectivity effectively, many CAEs have an internal audit policy manual or
Standard 1130 – Impairment to Independence or Objectivity

If independence or objectivity is impaired in fact or appearance, the details of the impairment must
be disclosed to appropriate parties. The nature of the disclosure will depend upon the impairment.
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

handbook that describes the expectation and requirements for an unbiased mindset for every internal
auditor. Such a policy manual may describe:

 The critical importance of objectivity to the internal audit profession.

 Typical situations that could undermine objectivity, such as auditing in an area where an
internal auditor recently worked; auditing a family member or a close friend; or assuming,
without evidence, that an area under audit is acceptable based solely on prior positive
 Actions the internal auditor should take if he or she becomes aware of a current or potential
objectivity concern, such as discussing the concern with an internal audit manager or the
 Reporting requirements, where each internal auditor periodically considers and discloses
conflicts of interest. Often, policies require internal auditors to indicate that they understand
the conflict of interest policy and to disclose potential conflicts. Internal auditors sign annual
statements indicating that no potential threats exist or acknowledging any known potential

To reinforce the importance of these policies and help ensure all internal auditors internalize their
importance, many CAEs will hold routine workshops or training on these fundamental concepts. Such
training sessions will often allow internal auditors to better understand objectivity by considering
objectivity-impairing scenarios and how best to address them. For example, more senior auditors and
managers may share personal experiences where objectivity was called into question or where they self-
disclosed a relationship or experience that was a conflict. Another common related training topic is
professional skepticism. Such training reinforces the nature of skepticism and the criticality of avoiding
bias and maintaining an open and curious mindset.

Further, when assigning internal auditors to specific engagements, the CAE (or delegate) will consider
potential objectivity impairments and avoid assigning team members who may have a conflict, as
described above. For example, when internal auditors have moved into internal audit from other
departments, the CAE must follow Standard 1130.A1, which requires internal auditors to refrain from
assessing operations for which they were previously responsible for at least one year after leaving the
operation. In addition, the CAE (or delegate) will discuss with potential team members the nature of an
assignment and the individuals and departments involved, and explore whether there is a conflict that
would impair (or appear to impair) an internal auditor’s objectivity. Internal auditors are encouraged to
share any concerns they may have so that internal audit management can determine whether the internal

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auditor may participate on the engagement.

It is widely understood that performance and compensation practices can significantly and negatively
affect an individual’s objectivity. For example, if an internal auditor’s performance evaluation, salary or
bonus are significantly based on client satisfaction surveys, the internal auditor may hesitate to report
negative results that may cause the client to report low satisfaction ratings. Or, if the auditor evaluation
process is heavily focused on the number of observations, or on staying within the audit budget, it could
cause the internal auditor to lose objectivity and either report a relatively minor issue as an audit finding,
or ignore warning signs of new issues that arise near the end of an engagement, when the budget is
nearly depleted. Therefore, the CAE needs to be thoughtful in designing the internal audit performance
evaluation and compensation system and consider whether the measurements used could impair an
internal auditor’s objectivity. Ideally, the evaluation process will balance auditor performance, audit
results, and client feedback measurements.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documentation that may demonstrate conformance with the standard includes the internal policy
manual, which contains performance evaluation and compensation processes as well as clear policies on
objectivity and avoiding and reporting conflicts of interest. Training records or materials may
demonstrate that internal auditors have been made aware of the importance of objectivity, the nature of
threats to objectivity, and examples of conflicts of interest.

In addition, if a related policy at the organization or internal audit level exists, there may be signed
acknowledgement forms to disclose the existence (or nonexistence) of conflicts. Engagement
workpapers would document the team assigned and could be compared to employment records or
acknowledgement forms to confirm that known conflicts were avoided.

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Standard 1130 – Impairment to Independence or Objectivity

If independence or objectivity is impaired in fact or appearance, the details of the impairment must
be disclosed to appropriate parties. The nature of the disclosure will depend upon the impairment.

Impairment to organizational independence and individual objectivity may include, but is not
limited to, personal conflict of interest; scope limitations; restrictions on access to records,
personnel, and properties; and resource limitations, such as funding.

The determination of appropriate parties to which the details of an impairment to independence or

objectivity must be disclosed is dependent upon the expectations of the internal audit activity’s
and the chief audit executive’s responsibilities to senior management and the board as described
in the internal audit charter, as well as the nature of the impairment.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1200 – Proficiency and Due Professional CareStandard

1130 – Impairment to Independence or Objectivity

If independence or objectivity is impaired in fact or appearance, the details of the impairment must
be disclosed to appropriate parties. The nature of the disclosure will depend upon the impairment.
Getting Started
Impairment to organizational independence and individual objectivity may include, but is not
The standard requires the chief audit executive (CAE) to disclose real or perceived impairments to
limited to, personal conflict of interest; scope limitations; restrictions on access to records,
independence or objectivity.
personnel, and properties;Therefore, the CAE
and resource must have
limitations, suchaas
clear understanding of independence and
objectivity requirements, as described in the Code of Ethics and standards 1100, 1110, 1111, 1112, and
1120. determination of appropriate
by communicating parties
these to which to
requirements thethe
an senior
impairment to independence
management, the CAEor
objectivity must be disclosed is dependent upon the expectations of the internal audit activity’s
help ensure that they understand the criticality of independence and objectivity for an effective internal
and the chief audit executive’s responsibilities to senior management and the board as described
audit activity. Generally, the board and senior management will want to discuss how and to whom
in the internal audit charter, as well as the nature of the impairment.
impairments are disclosed, depending on the nature and potential impact of the impairment.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1200 – Proficiency and Due Professional Care


Engagements must be performed with proficiency and due professional care.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

To fully understand and appreciate independence and objectivity, it is important that internal auditors
consider the perspectives of their various stakeholders and the conditions that could be perceived as
undermining (or appearing to undermine) independence or objectivity. Often, the CAE will develop an
internal audit policy manual or handbook that includes a discussion of organizational independence and
internal auditor objectivity, the nature of impairments, and how internal auditors should handle potential

Considerations for Implementation

As noted above, to effectively manage independence and objectivity, including impairments, many
CAEs have an internal audit policy manual or handbook that describes the related expectations and
requirements. In addition to defining independence and objectivity, such a manual may identify the
specific related standards; describe the types of situations that could create, or appear to create,
impairments; and specify the expected actions the internal auditor should undertake if faced with a
potential impairment.

Impairment situations generally include self-interest, self-review, familiarity, bias, or undue influence.
These situations can lead to personal conflicts of interest, scope limitations, resource limitations, or
restrictions on access to records, personnel, or properties. Internal audit examples of organizational
independence impairments include the following, which, if in effect, can also undermine internal auditor

 The CAE has broader functional responsibility than internal audit and executes an audit of a
functional area that is also under the CAE’s oversight.
 The CAE’s supervisor has broader responsibility than internal audit, and the CAE executes an
audit within his or her supervisor’s functional responsibility.
 The CAE does not have direct communication or interaction with the board.
 The budget for the internal audit activity is reduced to the point that internal audit cannot
fulfill its responsibilities as outlined in the charter. (Standard 2020 – Communication and
Approval, provides further guidance on communicating the impact of resource limitations.

Examples of objectivity impairments include:

 An internal auditor audits an area in which he or she recently worked, such as when an
employee transfers into internal audit from a different functional area of the organization and
then is assigned to an audit of that function. (Standard 1130.A1 specifically addresses this

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 An internal auditor audits an area where a relative or close friend is employed.
 An internal auditor assumes, without evidence, that an area being audited has effectively
mitigated risks based solely on a prior positive audit or personal experiences (e.g., a lack of
professional skepticism).
 An internal auditor modifies the planned approach or results based on the undue influence of
another person, often someone senior to the internal auditor, without appropriate justification.

Often, the internal audit policy manual describes the appropriate actions for an internal auditor to take
should he or she become aware of, or concerned about, such impairments. Typically, the first step is to
discuss the concern with an internal audit manager or the CAE to determine whether the situation is
truly an impairment and how best to proceed. Both the nature of the impairment and board/senior
management expectations will determine the appropriate parties to be notified of the impairment and the
ideal communication approach. For example:

 When the CAE believes the impairment is not real, but recognizes there could be a perception
of impairment, the CAE may choose to discuss the concern in engagement planning meetings
with the operating management, document the discussion (such as in an audit planning
memo), and explain why the concern is without merit. Such a disclosure may also be
appropriate for a final engagement report.
 When the CAE believes the impairment is real and is affecting the ability of internal audit to
perform its duties independently and objectively, the CAE is likely to discuss the impairment
with the board and senior management and seek their support to resolve the situation.
 When an impairment comes to light after an audit has been executed, and it impacts the
reliability (or perceived reliability) of the engagement results, the CAE will discuss it with
operating and senior management, as well as the board. (Standard 2421 – Errors and
Omissions states that if a final communication contains a significant error or omission, the
CAE must communicate corrected information to all parties who received the original

The CAE is usually personally involved in determining the best disclosure approach.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Multiple documents may demonstrate conformance with the standard, including an internal audit policy

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manual that includes policies on independence, objectivity, addressing conflicts, and the nature of
impairments, and how to communicate them. Other documentation may include board meeting minutes,
if impairments to independence or objectivity were discussed; memos to file; or reports that contain such

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 1200 – Proficiency and Due Professional Care

Engagements must be performed with proficiency and due professional care.

Revised Standards Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1210 – ProficiencyStandard 1200 – Proficiency and

Getting Started
Due Professional Care
Performing engagements with proficiency and due professional care is the responsibility of every
Engagements must be performed with proficiency and due professional care.
internal auditor. Achieving the two attributes begins with an understanding of the Mandatory Guidance
of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), Standards
especially TheEffective 1 January
IIA’s Code 2017
of Ethics.

Internal auditors usually develop proficiency via education, experience, professional development
opportunities, and1210 – Proficiency
qualifications such as the internal audit profession’s most relevant certification, the
Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®), granted by The IIA. Internal auditors who have attained
professional certifications
Internal auditors need tothe
must possess be knowledge,
aware of theskills,
continuing education
and other requirements
competencies to to
needed keep their
certifications current.
their individual responsibilities. The internal audit activity collectively must possess or obtain the
knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform its responsibilities.
Due professional care requires understanding the IPPF’s systematic and disciplined approach to internal
auditing, which is supplemented by organization-specific policies and procedures established by the
chief audit executive
Proficiency (CAE). term that refers to the knowledge, skills, and other competencies
is a collective
CAE is of internal auditors
responsible to effectively
for ensuring carrywith
conformance out their professional
this standard responsibilities.
by the It
internal audit activity as a
encompasses consideration of current activities, trends, and emerging issues, to enable relevant
whole. As part of managing the internal audit activity, the CAE establishes policies and procedures that
advice and recommendations. Internal auditors are encouraged to demonstrate their proficiency
enable internal auditors to perform engagements with proficiency and due professional care. This
by obtaining appropriate professional certifications and qualifications, such as the Certified
involves the CAE’s recruitment and training of internal auditors, as well as the proper planning, staffing,
Internal Auditor designation and other designations offered by The Institute of Internal Auditors
and supervising of engagements. To start, the CAE may review the responsibilities established in the
and other appropriate professional organizations.
internal audit charter and internal audit plan and reflect on the knowledge, skills, and other competencies
that the internal audit activity will need to possessRevised
to complete
the planned
1 January

Standard 1220 – Due Professional CareStandard 1210 –

ProficiencyStandard 1200 – Proficiency and Due Professional

Engagements must be performed with proficiency

29 and due professional care.

Revised Standards Effective 1 January 2017

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Considerations for Implementation

For internal auditors, due professional care requires conformance with The IIA’s Code of Ethics and
may entail compliance to the organization’s code of conduct and any additional codes of conduct
relevant to other professional designations attained. Internal audit activities may have a formal process
requiring an internal auditor to sign an annual declaration related to The IIA’s Code of Ethics or the
organization’s code of conduct.

Internal auditors generally develop individual proficiency throughout their careers by obtaining and
maintaining appropriate certifications, experience, and professional education, which includes
continuing professional development. The CAE may use The IIA’s Global Internal Audit Competency
Framework or a similar benchmark to establish the criteria by which to assess the proficiency of internal
auditors. The criteria may be used to create job descriptions and an inventory of the competencies
needed within the internal audit activity. Additionally, the CAE may develop a strategy for recruiting,
assigning, training, and professionally developing staff in order to establish a proficient internal audit
activity and ensure that its competencies remain current and sufficient.

In developing the internal audit plan, the CAE generally thinks about alignment between the knowledge,
skills, and other competencies needed to complete the plan and the resources available among the
internal audit activity and other providers of assurance and consulting services. The CAE and internal
audit supervisors may compare the skills needed to accomplish each engagement’s scope and objectives
with the proficiency of each available internal auditor.

To ensure due professional care is applied, the CAE must establish policies and procedures (Standard
2040), which generally incorporate the Mandatory Guidance of the IPPF and provide a systematic and
disciplined approach to the engagement process. The CAE may require individual auditors to sign forms
acknowledging that they understand policies and procedures.

Internal auditors can use their knowledge to assess the engagement’s scope and objectives and determine
how to complete the engagement effectively. By following the Mandatory Guidance of the IPPF and the
internal audit policies and procedures for planning, executing, and documenting audit engagements,
internal auditors are essentially exercising due professional care. Standards 1220 through 1220.A3
identify fundamental elements that internal auditors must address to demonstrate due professional care.

After engagements are completed, the CAE or engagement supervisor generally reviews the engagement
process, results, and conclusions. This may be followed by a meeting with the internal audit staff that

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conducted the engagement to discuss relevant observations and inform a supervisory assessment of how
diligently the established procedures were followed.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Evidence demonstrating conformance with Standard 1200 could include any of the following:

 Competency assessments of the internal audit activity.

 Records of a recruitment and training strategy, job descriptions, and resumes.
 Internal audit policies and procedures and workpaper templates.
 Evidence that internal audit policies and procedures were communicated and signed
acknowledgement that the internal audit staff understand them.
 Evidence supporting annual declaration related to The IIA’s Code of Ethics and the
organization’s code of conduct.
 The internal audit plan and engagement plans, which demonstrate the sufficient and
appropriate allocation of internal audit staff.

Internal auditors’ due professional care may be evidenced in engagement workpapers or other
documentation of the procedures and processes used during the audit engagement. Documented
supervisory reviews of engagements and post-engagement client surveys or other forms of feedback
could indicate the proficiency and due professional care exhibited by individual internal auditors.
Independent external assessments, performed as part of the quality assurance and improvement program,
may provide additional assurance that engagements were performed with proficiency and due
professional care.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 1210 – Proficiency

Internal auditors must possess the knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform
their individual responsibilities. The internal audit activity collectively must possess or obtain the
knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform its responsibilities.

Proficiency is a collective term that refers to the knowledge, skills, and other competencies
required of internal auditors to effectively carry out their professional responsibilities. It
encompasses consideration of current activities, trends, and emerging issues, to enable relevant
advice and recommendations. Internal auditors are encouraged to demonstrate their proficiency
by obtaining appropriate professional certifications and qualifications, such as the Certified
Internal Auditor designation and other designations offered by The Institute of Internal Auditors
and other appropriate professional organizations.

Revised Standards Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1220 – Due Professional CareStandard 1210 –


Internal auditors must possess the knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform
Getting Started
their individual responsibilities. The internal audit activity collectively must possess or obtain the
knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform its responsibilities.
To achieve this standard, it is essential that internal auditors understand and apply the Mandatory
Guidance of The IIA’s International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) and have certain
knowledge, is aand
skills, collective term thatEnsuring
competencies. refers tothe
knowledge, skills, andofother
proficiency competencies
the internal audit activity is
therequired of internal auditors
overall responsibility to effectively
of the chief carry out
audit executive their professional
(CAE), responsibilities.
who must effectively manageItthe internal
audit activity andconsideration of accomplish
its resources to current activities, trends,audit
the internal andplan
emerging issues,
and add valuetotoenable relevant
the organization.
advice and recommendations. Internal auditors are encouraged to demonstrate their proficiency
(The 2000 series of standards addresses the details of managing the internal audit activity and internal
by obtaining appropriate professional certifications and qualifications, such as the Certified
audit resources.)
Internal Auditor designation and other designations offered by The Institute of Internal Auditors
other appropriate
Global Internal professional organizations.
Audit Competency Framework defines the core competencies needed to fulfill

Revised Standards Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1220 – Due Professional

32 Care
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

IPPF requirements for all occupational levels of the internal audit profession, including staff,
management, and executive. To conform with Standard 1210, the CAE and internal auditors may want
to review, understand, and reflect on the competencies that comprise the Competency Framework.

Considerations for Implementation

To build and maintain the proficiency of the internal audit activity, the CAE may develop a competency
assessment tool or skills assessment based on the Competency Framework or another benchmark (e.g., a
mature internal audit activity). Then, the CAE could incorporate the basic criteria of internal audit
competency into job descriptions and recruitment material to help attract and hire internal auditors with
the appropriate educational background and experience. The CAE may also use the competency
assessment tool to complete a periodic skills assessment of the internal audit activity to identify gaps.
When doing so, the CAE should consider risks related to fraud and IT, as well as available technology-
based audit techniques, as required by standards 1210.A2 and 1210.A3.

The CAE has additional obligations related to ensuring the collective proficiency of the internal audit
activity. These include managing the internal audit activity in conformance with the Mandatory
Guidance of the IPPF (Standard 2000 – Managing the Internal Audit Activity) and ensuring that the
internal audit activity has the appropriate mix of knowledge, skills, and other competencies to fulfill the
internal audit plan (Standard 2030 – Resource Management). If the internal audit activity does not have
appropriate and sufficient resources on staff, the CAE is expected to obtain competent advice or
assistance to fill any gaps. The CAE can use the criteria defined in the Competency Framework to
identify gaps in the internal audit activity’s collective proficiency and to develop plans for filling
coverage gaps through hiring, training, outsourcing, and other methods. (Standard 2050 and its
respective implementation guide address the details of coordinating activities with other internal and
external providers of assurance and consulting services.)

To enhance proficiency of the internal audit activity, the CAE would encourage professional
development of internal auditors, whether that occurs through on-the-job training, attendance at
professional conferences and seminars, or encouraging the pursuit of professional certifications. By
regularly reviewing the performance of internal auditors, the CAE may gain insight into training needs
and provide feedback to help develop individuals.

This standard also requires individual internal auditors to possess the knowledge, skills, and
competencies needed to carry out their responsibilities effectively. Individuals may use the Competency

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Framework as a basis for self-assessment. Moreover, the standard encourages internal auditors to obtain
appropriate certifications and qualifications to further support professional growth and increased
proficiency for both the individual and the internal audit activity as a whole. Likewise, Standard 1230 –
Continuing Professional Development requires internal auditors to enhance their competencies through
continuing professional development. Internal auditors should keep themselves informed about the
continuing education that may be required to maintain any professional certifications they hold.

Because Standard 1210 requires proficiency that encompasses consideration of current activities, trends,
and emerging issues, continuing education could include opportunities to learn about changes in the
industry that may affect the organization or the internal audit profession. The CAE may help ensure the
internal audit activity’s overall proficiency in this regard. For example, the CAE could subscribe to
industry news services or emailed newsletters, which are likely to include information about recently
published studies and white papers. The CAE may also attend or recommend to the audit staff online or
in-person seminars. Periodically, the CAE may schedule internal staff training events to introduce new
technology or changes in internal audit practices.

At the level of the individual engagement, the CAE assumes overall responsibility for supervising the
engagement to ensure quality, achievement of objectives, and staff development (Standard 2340 –
Engagement Supervision). The proficiency and experience of internal auditors help determine the extent
of supervision required. To stay informed, the CAE may periodically reassess the skills of individual
internal auditors. Also, as an engagement is completed, the CAE or an engagement supervisor may
survey and/or interview the engagement client (formally or informally) to solicit feedback about the
internal auditor’s proficiency in performing the engagement.

The individual responsibilities of internal auditors at the level of engagement planning include
considering the appropriateness and sufficiency of resources to achieve engagement objectives
(Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation). Internal auditors usually review the objectives and
scope of audit engagements and then discuss with the CAE any limitations in their competencies that
might prevent them from achieving those engagement objectives.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Individual internal auditors may evidence their proficiency through their resumes or curriculum vitae
and by maintaining records of certifications and continuing professional development (e.g., courses for
continuing education credits; participation in conferences, workshops, and seminars; performance

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Standard 1220 – Due Professional Care

Internal auditors must apply the care and skill expected of a reasonably prudent and competent
internal auditor. Due professional care does not imply infallibility.

Revised Standards Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1230 – Continuing Professional DevelopmentStandard

1220 – Due Professional Care

The CAE’s effort to establish and maintain a proficient internal audit activity may be demonstrated
through theauditors
use of a must apply the
competency care and skill
assessment tool expected of a reasonably
and the development prudentaudit
of internal and competent
internal auditor. Due professional care does not imply infallibility.
procedures, and training materials. Efforts to recruit and hire proficient internal auditors may be
reflected in job descriptions and other recruitment materials.
Revised Standards Effective 1 January 2017
The CAE or an audit engagement supervisor may retain records of their evaluation of individual internal
auditors and the internal audit activity as a whole. Such evaluations may include individual performance
reviews 1230 – Continuing
and post-engagement Professional
discussions, memos, Development
and meeting minutes. Documented feedback from
post-engagement client surveys and interviews may also evidence the proficiency of the internal audit
activity, auditorsinternal
individual must enhance their
auditors, or knowledge,
both. skills, and other competencies through continuing
professional development.
Any of the following documents could evidence the conformance of the internal audit activity as a
whole: Revised Standards Effective 1 January 2017

 The internal audit plan that includes an analysis of resource requirements.

 An inventory of available audit staff skills or individual profiles listing qualifications.
Standard 1300 – Quality Assurance and Improvement
 An assurance map with a list of qualifications of service providers on which the internal audit
activity relies. 1230 – Continuing Professional
 Documented results of internal
DevelopmentStandard 1220 – Due Professional Care

Getting Started
Internal auditors must apply the care and skill expected of a reasonably prudent and competent
internal auditor. Due professional care does not imply infallibility.
Obtaining appropriate education, experience, certifications, and training helps internal auditors develop
Revised Standards Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1230 – Continuing Professional DevelopmentStandard

1220 – Due Professional Care
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

the level of skill and expertise required to perform their duties with due professional care. Additionally,
internal auditors should understand and apply the Mandatory Guidance of the International Professional
Practices Framework (IPPF) and may find it helpful to become familiar with the core competencies
described in The IIA’s Global Internal Audit Competency Framework.

At the engagement level, applying due professional care involves comprehending the objectives and
scope of the engagement, as well as the competencies that will be required to execute the audit work and
any policies and procedures specific to the internal audit activity and the organization.

Considerations for Implementation

For internal auditors, due professional care requires conformance with The IIA’s Code of Ethics and
may entail conformance with the organization’s code of conduct and any additional codes of conduct
relevant to other professional designations attained. The internal audit activity may have a formal
process that requires internal auditors to sign an annual declaration related to The IIA’s Code of Ethics
or the organization’s code of conduct.

Along with the IPPF, the internal audit activity’s policies and procedures provide a systematic and
disciplined approach to planning, executing, and documenting internal audit work. By following this
systematic and disciplined approach, internal auditors essentially apply due professional care. However,
what constitutes due professional care partially depends upon the complexities of the engagement.
Standards 1220.A1, 1220.A2, 1220.A3, and 1220.C1 describe the elements that internal auditors must
consider in exercising due professional care. For example, internal auditors must consider the possibility
of significant errors, fraud, and noncompliance and are expected to conduct examinations and
verifications to the same extent as would a reasonably prudent and competent internal auditor in the
same or similar circumstances. Yet, Standard 1220 also specifies that due professional care does not
imply infallibility. Therefore, internal auditors are not expected to give absolute assurance that
noncompliance or irregularities do not exist.

To ensure due professional care at the engagement level, Standard 2340 – Engagement Supervision
requires engagements to be properly supervised, which generally involves supervisory review of the
engagement workpapers, results, and conclusions to be reported. After such reviews, supervisors usually
provide feedback to the internal auditors who conducted the engagement, often through post-
engagement meetings. Input about internal auditors’ due professional care may be solicited through
post-engagement surveys of audit clients.

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In managing the internal audit activity (2000 series of standards) and implementing a quality assurance
and improvement program (1300 series of standards), the chief audit executive (CAE) assumes overall
responsibility for ensuring that due professional care is applied. Thus, the CAE typically develops
measurement tools such as self-assessments, metrics such as key performance indicators, and a process
to assess the performance of individual internal auditors and the internal audit activity as a whole. In
addition to client surveys, tools to evaluate individual internal auditors could include peer and
supervisory reviews. The internal audit activity as a whole may be evaluated through internal and
external assessments, in accordance with standards 1310 through 1312, as well as client surveys or
similar methods of feedback.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Internal auditors demonstrate conformance with Standard 1220 through proper application of the IPPF’s
Mandatory Guidance, which would be reflected in their engagement plans, work programs, and
workpapers. Performance reviews of internal auditors may reference their application of due
professional care. Appropriate supervisory reviews of engagements is likely to be documented in
workpapers. Due professional care may also be evidenced when the engagement supervisor conducts
post-engagement staff meetings and solicits feedback from audit clients through surveys or other tools.
Additionally, evidence may include an annual declaration related to The IIA’s Code of Ethics and
organization’s code of conduct. Finally, internal and external assessments performed as part of the
internal audit activity’s quality assurance and improvement program also may indicate that due
professional care has been maintained.

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Standard 1230 – Continuing Professional Development

Internal auditors must enhance their knowledge, skills, and other competencies through continuing
professional development.

Revised Standards Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1300 – Quality Assurance and Improvement

Getting Started
ProgramStandard 1230 – Continuing Professional Development
In order to enhance their competencies and continue their professional development, internal auditors
Internal auditors must enhance their knowledge, skills, and other competencies through continuing
may want to reflect on their job requirements, including the training policies and the professional
professional development.
education requirements of their profession, organization, industry, and any certifications or areas of
specialization. Additionally, internal auditors may consider
Revised feedback
Standards from recent
Effective performance
1 January 2017 reviews,
assessment results regarding their conformance with the Mandatory Guidance of the International
Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), and the results of self-assessments based on The IIA’s Global
Internal 1300 – Framework,
Audit Competency Quality or Assurance and Improvement
a similar benchmark. Reflecting on careerProgram
goals may help
internal auditors with long-term planning of their professional development.
The chief audit executive must develop and maintain a quality assurance and improvement
Considerations for Implementation
program that covers all aspects of the internal audit activity.

individual internal auditor may use a self-assessment tool, such as the Competency Framework, as a
basis for creating
A quality a professional
assurance development
and improvement plan.isThe
program development
designed plan
to enable anmay encompass
evaluation on-the-job
of the internal
audit activity’s
training, coaching,conformance
mentoring, and with the internal
other Standards and external
and training,ofvolunteer,
an evaluation or certification
whether internal auditors
apply the Code
opportunities. of Ethics.
Typically, the The program
internal auditor also assessesthe
discusses theplan
efficiency and
with the effectiveness
chief of the (CAE),
audit executive
the twoaudit activity
may agree to and
use identifies opportunities
the professional for improvement.
development The chief
plan as the basis audit executive
for developing measures of
internalencourage board oversight
auditor’s performance (i.e.,inkey
the performance
quality assurance and improvement
indicators), which couldprogram.
be incorporated into
supervisory reviews, client surveys, and annual performance reviews. The results of the reviews can
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
help the CAE and the internal auditor prioritize areas for continuing professional development.
Ultimately, the individual internal auditor is responsible for conforming with Standard 1230.

Opportunities for1310 – Requirements
professional ofparticipating
development include the Quality Assurance
in conferences, and
seminars, training

Improvement ProgramStandard 1300 – Quality Assurance and

Improvement ProgramStandard 1230 – Continuing Professional
Development 38
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

programs, online courses and webinars, self-study programs, or classroom courses; conducting research
projects; volunteering with professional organizations; and pursuing professional certifications such as
The IIA’s Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®). Continuing professional development related to a certain
industry or specialization (e.g., data analytics, financial services, IT, taxation law, or systems design)
may lead to additional professional competencies that could enhance internal audit work in those
specific areas.

At times, internal audit client surveys may reveal a concern regarding internal auditors’ business
acumen. The CAE and internal auditors can address such concerns by participating on various training
or opportunities offered within their organization to better understand the business.

To ensure internal auditors have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge, skills, and other
competencies, the CAE may establish a training and development policy that supports continuing
professional development. Such a policy may specify a minimum number of training hours for each
auditor, such as 40 hours, which is consistent with many professional certification requirements. CAEs
may consider using benchmarking to assess current and emerging needs of the internal profession, as
well as specific trends within the industry or specialized area.

To ensure their internal audit knowledge stays current on a day-to-day basis, internal auditors may seek
guidance from The IIA regarding standards, best practices, procedures, and techniques that could affect
the internal audit profession or their organization and specific industry. This may involve maintaining
current memberships in The IIA and other professional organizations, networking at local events, and
monitoring or subscribing to feeds or notification services related to the internal audit profession and
industry-specific news.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Internal auditors may demonstrate conformance with Standard 1230 by retaining documentation or other
evidence of any of the following:

 Self-assessments against a competency framework or benchmark.

 Professional development and training plans.
 Memberships and participation in professional organizations.
 Subscriptions to sources of professional information.
 Completed training (e.g., continuing education credits, certifications, or certificates of

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Enhanced proficiency achieved through on-the-job training and in-house training is likely to be noted in
performance evaluations, which may also track opportunities for future professional development.
Performance metrics may reflect supervisory or peer observations of new skills and enhanced
capabilities. Internal audit policies, a training schedule, and internal audit staff surveys may evidence
that opportunities for the continuing professional development were provided by the CAE.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 1300 – Quality Assurance and Improvement Program

The chief audit executive must develop and maintain a quality assurance and improvement
program that covers all aspects of the internal audit activity.

A quality assurance and improvement program is designed to enable an evaluation of the internal
audit activity’s conformance with the Standards and an evaluation of whether internal auditors
apply the Code of Ethics. The program also assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the
internal audit activity and identifies opportunities for improvement. The chief audit executive
should encourage board oversight in the quality assurance and improvement program.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1310 – Requirements of the Quality Assurance and

Improvement ProgramStandard 1300 – Quality Assurance and
Getting Started Program
Standard 1300 tasks the chiefmust
and(CAE) witha developing and maintaining a comprehensive
The chief audit executive maintain quality assurance and improvement
quality assurance
program and improvement
that covers all aspects ofprogram (QAIP).
the internal auditThe QAIP should encompass all aspects of
operating and managing the internal audit activity — including consulting engagements — as found in
mandatory elements of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF). It may also be
A quality
beneficial forassurance
the QAIPand improvement
to consider prograministhe
best practices designed
enable an evaluation of the internal
audit activity’s conformance with the Standards and an evaluation of whether internal auditors
The QAIP is designed to enable an evaluation of the internal audit activity’s conformance with the
apply the Code of Ethics. The program also assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the
International Standards
internal audit activityfor
andthe Professional
identifies Practicefor
opportunities of Internal Auditing
improvement. The(Standards) and whether
chief audit executive
shouldauditors applyboard
encourage The IIA’s Codeinofthe
oversight Ethics. Asassurance
quality such, it must
andinclude ongoing
improvement and periodic internal
assessments as well as external assessments by a qualified independent assessor or assessment team (see
Standard 1310 – Requirements of the Quality AssuranceRevised Standards, Effective
and Improvement 1 January 2017

The CAE must have a thorough understanding of the mandatory elements of the IPPF, especially the
Standards and Code of Ethics. Generally, the CAE meets with the board to gain an understanding of the
Standard 1310 – Requirements of the Quality Assurance and
Improvement Program

The quality assurance and improvement program must include both internal and external
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

expectations for the internal audit activity, to discuss the importance of the Standards and the QAIP, and
to encourage the board’s support of these.

Typically, the CAE finds examples of how QAIPs are developed and implemented in other
organizations — particularly those that are similar in nature and maturity — for benchmarking purposes.
Additionally, the CAE may wish to consult IIA Supplemental Guidance and other published guidance
on the matter, including The IIA’s Quality Assessment Manual for the Internal Audit Activity.

Considerations for Implementation

A well-developed QAIP ensures that the concept of quality is embedded in the internal audit activity and
all of its operations. The internal audit activity should not need to assess whether each individual
engagement conforms with the Standards. Rather, engagements should be undertaken in accordance
with an established methodology that promotes quality and, by default, conformance with the Standards.
Additionally, the methodology generally promotes continuous improvement of the internal audit

As Standard 1300 requires, the CAE develops and maintains a QAIP that covers all aspects of the
internal audit activity, with the ultimate goal of developing an internal audit activity with a scope and
quality of work that includes conformance with the Standards and application of the Code of Ethics. The
QAIP enables an internal audit activity to be evaluated for conformance with the Standards and assesses
whether internal auditors apply the Code of Ethics. As such, the QAIP includes assessments of the
internal audit activity’s efficiency and effectiveness, which help to identify opportunities for

The CAE periodically evaluates the QAIP and updates it as needed. For example, as the internal audit
activity matures, or as conditions within the internal audit activity change, adjustments to the QAIP may
become necessary to ensure that it continues to operate in an effective and efficient manner and to assure
stakeholders that it adds value by improving the organization’s operations.

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To implement Standard 1300, the CAE must consider the requirements related to its five essential

 Internal assessments (Standard 1311).

 External assessments (Standard 1312).
 Communication of QAIP results (Standard 1320).
 Proper use of a conformance statement (Standard 1321).
 Disclosure of nonconformance (1322).

Internal Assessments
Internal assessments consist of ongoing monitoring and periodic self-assessments (see Standard 1311 –
Internal Assessments), which evaluate the internal audit activity’s conformance with the mandatory
elements of the IPPF, the quality and supervision of audit work performed, the adequacy of internal
audit policies and procedures, the value the internal audit activity adds to the organization, and the
establishment and achievement of key performance indicators.

The CAE should establish ongoing monitoring and ensure that reviews of the internal audit activity
occur periodically. Ongoing monitoring is achieved primarily through continuous activities such as
engagement planning and supervision, standardized work practices, workpaper procedures and signoffs,
report reviews, as well as identification of any weaknesses or areas in need of improvement and action
plans to address them. Ongoing monitoring helps the CAE determine whether internal audit processes
are delivering quality on an engagement-by-engagement basis.

Periodic self-assessments are conducted to validate that ongoing monitoring is operating effectively and
to assess whether the internal audit activity is in conformance with the Standards and whether internal
auditors apply the Code of Ethics. Through conformance with the Standards and the Code of Ethics, the
internal audit activity also achieves alignment with the Definition of Internal Auditing and the Core
Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.

Implementation Guide 1311 – Internal Assessments provides further guidance on the QAIP requirement
for internal assessments.

External Assessments
In addition to internal assessments, the CAE is responsible for ensuring that the internal audit activity

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conducts an external assessment at least once every five years (see Standard 1312 – External
Assessments). The purpose of the assessment, which must be performed by an independent assessor or
assessment team from outside the organization, is to validate whether the internal audit activity
conforms with the Standards and whether internal auditors apply the Code of Ethics.

A self-assessment may be performed in lieu of a full external assessment, provided it is validated by a

qualified, independent, competent, and professional external assessor. In such cases, the scope of the
self-assessment with external independent validation would consist of a comprehensive and fully
documented self-assessment process that emulates the full external process, and an independent, onsite
validation by a qualified, independent assessor.

Implementation Guide 1312 – External Assessments provides further guidance on the QAIP requirement
for external assessments.

Communication of QAIP Results

The CAE must communicate the results of the QAIP to senior management and the board, as stated in
Standard 1320 – Reporting on the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program. Such communication
should include:

 The scope and frequency of both internal and external assessments.

 The qualifications and independence of the assessor(s) or assessment team.
 The conclusions of the assessors.
 Any corrective action plans that have been created from the assessments to address areas that
were not in conformance with the Standards, along with opportunities for improvement.

Implementation Guide 1320 – Reporting on the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program provides
further guidance on QAIP reporting.

Proper Use of a Conformance Statement

The internal audit activity may only communicate — in writing or verbally — that the internal audit
activity conforms with the Standards if results of both the QAIP’s internal and external assessments
support such a statement. Implementation Guide 1321 – Use of “Conforms with the International
Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing” provides further guidance on the proper
use of a conformance statement.

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Disclosure of Nonconformance
If an internal or external assessment concludes that the internal audit activity does not conform with the
IPPF’s mandatory elements, and the lack of conformance impacts the overall scope or operation of the
internal audit activity, the CAE must disclose the nonconformance and its impact to senior management
and the board. Implementation Guide 1322 – Disclosure of Nonconformance provides further guidance
on how and when to report nonconformance.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Multiple activities and documents may demonstrate conformance with Standard 1300, the most notable
of which are the CAE’s documented QAIP itself, the results of internal and external assessments, and
documentation showing the CAE’s communication of QAIP results with the board. The latter typically
consists of findings, corrective action plans, and corrective actions taken to improve the internal audit
activity’s conformance with the Standards and the Code of Ethics. Additionally, any documentation of
actions taken to improve the internal audit activity’s efficiency and effectiveness may help demonstrate
conformance with the standard. For external assessments, documentation from the external assessor or
assessment team, or written independent validation of a self-assessment, may be used to indicate
conformance with Standard 1300. Board meeting minutes where QAIPs and their results were discussed
and presentations to the board or senior management may also help evidence conformance.

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Standard 1310 – Requirements of the Quality Assurance and

Improvement Program

The quality assurance and improvement program must include both internal and external

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting 1311 – Internal AssessmentsStandard 1310 –
Requirements of the Quality Assurance and Improvement
Standard 1310 communicates the requirements that make up the quality assurance and improvement
program (QAIP), which covers all aspects of the internal audit activity. Specifically, the standard
indicates that both internal and external assessments are required.
The quality assurance and improvement program must include both internal and external
chief audit executive (CAE) should be aware of these requirements. Internal assessments are
composed of rigorous, comprehensive processes, continuous supervision and testing of internal audit
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
and consulting work, and periodic validations of conformance with the International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) and whether internal auditors apply the Code of
Ethics. External assessments provide an opportunity for an independent assessor or assessment team to
Standard 1311 – Internal Assessments
conclude as to the internal audit activity’s conformance with the Standards and whether internal auditors
apply the Code of Ethics, and to identify areas for improvement. The QAIP also includes ongoing
Internal assessments must include:
measurements and analyses of performance metrics such as accomplishment of the internal audit plan,
 recommendations
cycle time, accepted,
Ongoing monitoring of theand customer satisfaction.
performance of the internal audit activity.

Typically,the CAE would be aware of any prior results from both internal and external assessments that
Periodic self-assessments or assessments by other persons within the organization with
sufficient knowledge of internal audit practices.
indicate areas upon which the internal audit activity can improve. The CAE would implement action
plans related to any identified improvements through the QAIP.
Ongoing monitoring is an integral part of the day-to-day supervision, review, and measurement of
the internal audit activity. Ongoing monitoring is incorporated into the routine policies and
practices used to manage the internal audit activity and uses processes, tools, and information
considered necessary to evaluate conformance with the Code of Ethics and the Standards.

Periodic assessments are conducted to evaluate conformance with the Code of Ethics and the

Sufficient knowledge of internal audit practices requires at least an understanding of all elements
of the International Professional Practices Framework.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Considerations for Implementation

Standard 1310 requires the QAIP to include both internal and external assessments. Internal assessments
consist of ongoing monitoring and periodic self-assessments (see Standard 1311 – Internal
Assessments), which evaluate the internal audit activity’s conformance with the mandatory elements of
the IPPF, the quality and supervision of audit work performed, the adequacy of internal audit policies
and procedures, the value the internal audit activity adds to the organization, and the establishment and
achievement of key performance indicators.

The CAE should establish ongoing monitoring and ensure that reviews of the internal audit activity
occur periodically. Ongoing monitoring is achieved primarily through continuous activities such as
engagement planning and supervision, standardized work practices, workpaper procedures and signoffs,
report reviews, as well as identification of any weaknesses or areas in need of improvement and action
plans to address them. Continuous monitoring helps the CAE determine whether internal audit processes
are delivering quality on an engagement-by-engagement basis.

Periodic self-assessments are conducted to validate that ongoing monitoring is operating effectively and
to assess whether the internal audit activity is in conformance with the Standards and whether internal
auditors apply the Code of Ethics. Through conformance with the Standards and Code of Ethics, the
internal audit activity also achieves alignment with the Definition of Internal Auditing and the Core
Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.

In addition to internal assessments, the CAE is responsible for ensuring that the internal audit activity
conducts an external assessment at least once every five years (see Standard 1312 – External
Assessments). The purpose of the assessment, which must be performed by an independent assessor or
assessment team from outside the organization, is to validate whether the internal audit activity
conforms with the Standards and whether internal auditors apply the Code of Ethics.

A self-assessment may be performed in lieu of a full external assessment, provided it is validated by a

qualified, independent, competent, and professional external assessor. In such cases, the scope of the
self-assessment with external independent validation would consist of a comprehensive and fully
documented self-assessment process that emulates the full external process, and an independent, onsite
validation by a qualified, independent external assessor.

The implementation guides for Standard 1311 and Standard 1312 provide further guidance on the QAIP
requirements for internal and external assessments.

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Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Multiple items may indicate conformance with Standard 1310, including all documentation that
demonstrates conformance with Standard 1311 and Standard 1312. Additionally, conformance may be
demonstrated by minutes of board meetings where plans for — and results of — assessments were
discussed. A benchmarking report and requests for services may show the organization’s due diligence
in vetting external assessors.

Specific to internal assessments, any evidence that ongoing monitoring activities were completed
according to the internal audit activity’s QAIP may demonstrate conformance (e.g., key performance
indicator reviews or workpaper reviews). In addition, conformance may be demonstrated by
documentation of periodic assessments that have been completed, including the scope of review and
approach plan, workpapers, and communication reports. Finally, QAIP results (e.g., corrective action
plans, corrective actions taken to improve conformance, actions taken to improve efficiency and
effectiveness) may indicate conformance.

For external assessments, the most important indicator of conformance is the external assessor’s report,
which includes a conclusion as to the degree of conformance and corrective action plans. This report
often includes recommendations from the external assessor on ways to improve internal audit quality,
efficiency, and effectiveness, which may help the internal audit activity better serve the organization’s
stakeholders and add value.

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Standard 1311 – Internal Assessments

Internal assessments must include:

 Ongoing monitoring of the performance of the internal audit activity.

 Periodic self-assessments or assessments by other persons within the organization with
sufficient knowledge of internal audit practices.

Ongoing monitoring is an integral part of the day-to-day supervision, review, and measurement of
the internal audit activity. Ongoing monitoring is incorporated into the routine policies and
practices used to manage the internal audit activity and uses processes, tools, and information
considered necessary to evaluate conformance with the Code of Ethics and the Standards.

Periodic assessments are conducted to evaluate conformance with the Code of Ethics and the

Sufficient knowledge of internal audit practices requires at least an understanding of all elements
of the International Professional Practices Framework.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1312 – External AssessmentsStandard 1311 – Internal


Getting Started must include:

Internal assessments

 Ongoing monitoring of the performance of the internal audit activity.

As Standard 1311 indicates, the chief audit executive (CAE) is responsible for ensuring that the internal
 Periodic self-assessments or assessments by other persons within the organization with
audit activity conducts an internal assessment that includes both ongoing monitoring and periodic self-
sufficient knowledge of internal audit practices.
assessments. Internal assessments validate that the internal audit activity continues to conform with the
International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) and the Code of
Ethics. The CAE
Ongoing understands
monitoring that the part
is an integral internal assessments
of the day-to-dayfocus on continuous
supervision, review,improvement of theof
and measurement
internal audit activity
the internal and involve
audit activity. monitoring
Ongoing its efficiency
monitoring and effectiveness.
is incorporated into the routine policies and
practices used to manage the internal audit activity and uses processes, tools, and information
considered necessary to evaluate conformance with the Code of Ethics and the Standards.

Periodic assessments are conducted to evaluate conformance with the Code of Ethics and the
Standards. 49

Sufficient knowledge of internal audit practices requires at least an understanding of all elements
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The IIA’s Quality Assessment Manual for the Internal Audit Activity or comparable guidance and tools
may serve as a guide to conducting an internal assessment.

Considerations for Implementation

The two interrelated parts of internal assessments — ongoing monitoring and periodic self-assessments
— provide an effective structure for the internal audit activity to continuously assess its conformance
with the Standards and whether internal auditors apply the Code of Ethics. Additionally, they may allow
for identification of improvement opportunities.

Ongoing Monitoring
Ongoing monitoring is achieved primarily through continuous activities such as engagement planning
and supervision, standardized work practices, workpaper procedures and signoffs, report reviews, as
well as identification of any weaknesses or areas in need of improvement and action plans to address
them. Ongoing monitoring helps the CAE determine whether internal audit processes are delivering
quality on an engagement-by-engagement basis. Generally, ongoing monitoring occurs routinely
throughout the year via the implementation of standard work practices. To facilitate this, the CAE may
develop templates for internal auditors to use throughout engagements, ensuring consistency in the
application of the Standards.

Adequate supervision is a fundamental element of any quality assurance and improvement program
(QAIP). Supervision begins with planning and continues throughout the performance and
communication phases of the engagement. Adequate supervision is ensured through expectation-setting,
ongoing communications among internal auditors throughout the engagement, and workpaper review
procedures, including timely sign-off by the individual responsible for supervising engagements.
Implementation Guide 2340 – Engagement Supervision provides further guidance on internal audit

The implementation guides for the following series of standards provide further guidance on appropriate
performance of an engagement, from engagement planning through the dissemination of results: 2200,
2300, and 2400.

Additional mechanisms commonly used for ongoing monitoring include:

 Checklists or automation tools to provide assurance on internal auditors’ compliance with

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established practices and procedures and to ensure consistency in the application of

performance standards.
 Feedback from internal audit clients and other stakeholders regarding the efficiency and
effectiveness of the internal audit team. Feedback may be solicited immediately following the
engagement or on a periodic basis (e.g., semi-annually or annually) via survey tools or
conversations between the CAE and management.
 Staff and engagement key performance indicators (KPIs), such as the number of certified
internal auditors on staff, their years of experience in internal auditing, the number of
continuing professional development hours they earned during the year, timeliness of
engagements, and stakeholder satisfaction.
 Other measurements that may be valuable in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of
the internal audit activity. Measures of project budgets, timekeeping systems, and audit plan
completion may help to determine whether the appropriate amount of time is spent on all
aspects of the audit engagement. Budget-to-actual variance can also be valuable measurement
to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audit activity.

In addition to validating conformance with the Standards and Code of Ethics, ongoing monitoring may
identify opportunities to improve the internal audit activity. In such cases, the CAE typically addresses
these opportunities and may develop an action plan. Once changes are implemented, key performance
indicators can be used to monitor success. Results of ongoing monitoring should be reported to the
board at least annually, as required by Standard 1320 – Reporting on the Quality Assurance and
Improvement Program.

Periodic Self-assessments
Periodic self-assessments have a different focus than ongoing monitoring in that they generally provide
a more holistic, comprehensive review of the Standards and the internal audit activity. In contrast,
ongoing monitoring is generally focused on reviews conducted at the engagement level. Additionally,
periodic self-assessments address conformance with every standard, whereas ongoing monitoring
frequently is more focused on the performance standards at the engagement level.

Periodic self-assessments are generally conducted by senior members of the internal audit activity, a
dedicated quality assurance team or individual within the internal audit activity who has extensive
experience with the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), Certified Internal Auditors,
or other competent internal audit professionals who may be assigned elsewhere in the organization.

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Whenever possible, it is advantageous to include internal audit activity staff in the self-assessment
process, as it can serve as a useful training opportunity to improve internal auditors’ understanding of
the IPPF.

The internal audit activity conducts periodic self-assessments to validate its continued conformance with
the Standards and Code of Ethics and to evaluate:

 The quality and supervision of work performed.

 The adequacy and appropriateness of internal audit policies and procedures.
 The ways in which the internal audit activity adds value.
 The achievement of key performance indicators.
 The degree to which stakeholder expectations are met.

To accomplish this, the individual or team conducting the self-assessment typically assesses each
standard to determine whether the internal audit activity is operating in conformance. This may include
in-depth interviews and surveys of stakeholders. Through this process, the CAE is typically able to
assess the quality of the internal audit activity’s audit practices, including adherence to policies and
procedures for conducting engagements. Periodic self-assessments may be conducted by a member of
the internal audit activity or by other persons within the organization with sufficient knowledge of
internal audit practices, specifically the Standards and Code of Ethics.

The internal audit activity may perform additional steps to support the periodic self-assessment, such as
conducting post-engagement reviews or analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs).

 Post-engagement review – The internal audit activity may select a sample of engagements
from a particular timeframe and conduct a review to assess compliance with internal audit
policies (see Standard 2040 – Policies and Procedures) and conformance with the Standards
and Code of Ethics. These reviews are typically conducted by internal audit staff who were
not involved in the respective engagement. In a larger or more mature organization, this
process may be handled by a quality assurance specialist or team. In smaller organizations, the
CAE or the individual responsible for reviewing workpapers may use a checklist, completed
after the final report is issued, to accomplish this review and close the file.
 KPI analysis – The internal audit activity may also monitor and analyze KPIs related to the
efficiency of standard internal audit work practices (e.g., budget-to-actual engagement hours,
percentage of the audit plan completed, number of days between fieldwork completion and
report issuance, percentage of audit observations implemented, and timeliness of corrections

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related to audit observations). Other commonly used metrics include the number of certified
internal auditors on staff, their years of experience in internal auditing, and the number of
continuing professional development hours they earned during the year.

Following a periodic self-assessment, where appropriate, the CAE may develop an action plan to
address opportunities for improvement. This plan should include proposed timelines for actions.

Results of periodic self-assessments, which indicate the internal audit activity’s level of conformance
with the Standards and Code of Ethics, must be communicated to the board upon completion, as
required by Standard 1320. A periodic self-assessment performed shortly before an external assessment
may help reduce the time and effort required to complete the external assessment (see Standard 1312 –
External Assessments).

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Multiple items may indicate conformance with Standard 1311, including any evidence that ongoing
monitoring activities were completed according to the internal audit activity’s QAIP. Examples may
include completed checklists that support workpaper reviews, survey results, and KPIs related to the
efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audit activity, such as an analysis of budget-to-actual
engagement hours. In addition, conformance may be demonstrated by documentation of completed
periodic assessments, which include the scope of the review and approach plan, workpapers, and
communication reports. Finally, presentations to the board and management, meeting minutes, and the
results of both ongoing monitoring and periodic self-assessment — including corrective action plans and
corrective actions taken to improve conformance, efficiency, and effectiveness — may indicate

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Standard 1312 – External Assessments

External assessments must be conducted at least once every five years by a qualified, independent
assessor or assessment team from outside the organization. The chief audit executive must discuss
with the board:

 The form and frequency of external assessment.

 The qualifications and independence of the external assessor or assessment team,
including any potential conflict of interest.

External assessments may be accomplished through a full external assessment, or a self-
assessment with independent external validation. The external assessor must conclude as to
conformance with the Code of Ethics and the Standards; the external assessment may also include
operational or strategic comments.

A qualified assessor or assessment team demonstrates competence in two areas: the professional
practice of internal auditing and the external assessment process. Competence can be
demonstrated through a mixture of experience and theoretical learning. Experience gained in
organizations of similar size, complexity, sector or industry, and technical issues is more valuable
than less relevant experience. In the case of an assessment team, not all members of the team need
to have all the competencies; it is the team as a whole that is qualified. The chief audit executive
uses professional judgment when assessing whether an assessor or assessment team demonstrates
sufficient competence to be qualified.

An independent assessor or assessment team means not having either an actual or a perceived
conflict of interest and not being a part of, or under the control of, the organization to which the
internal audit activity belongs. The chief audit executive should encourage board oversight in the
external assessment to reduce perceived or potential conflicts of interest.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1320 – Reporting on the Quality Assurance and

Improvement ProgramStandard 1312 – External Assessments

External assessments must be conducted at least once every five years by a qualified, independent
assessor or assessment team from outside the organization. The chief audit executive must discuss
with the board:
 The form and frequency of external assessment.
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Getting Started
As this standard indicates, the chief audit executive (CAE) is responsible for ensuring that the internal
audit activity conducts an external assessment at least once every five years by an independent assessor
or assessment team from outside the organization. A requirement of the internal audit activity’s quality
and assurance improvement program (QAIP), the external assessment validates that the internal audit
activity conforms with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing
(Standards) and internal auditors apply the Code of Ethics. Thus, it is crucial that the CAE regularly
reviews the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) and is aware of any changes that may
need to be communicated throughout the internal audit activity.

The CAE typically has an understanding of different types of external assessments as well as various
resources available to provide such services. The CAE is also typically aware of any procurement
policies his or her organization may have related to securing an external services provider. In addition,
the CAE should be aware of independence requirements for the external assessor or assessment team
and understand situations that may impair independence or objectivity, or create a conflict of interest.

Considerations for Implementation

Typically, the CAE has discussions with senior management and the board regarding the frequency and
type of external assessment that will be performed. Such discussions enable the CAE to educate
stakeholders and to gain an understanding of, and appreciation for, the organization’s expectations.

The Standards require the internal audit activity to undergo an external assessment at least once every
five years. However, upon discussing these requirements with senior management and the board, the
CAE may determine that it is appropriate to conduct an external assessment more frequently. There are
several reasons to consider a more frequent review, including changes in leadership (e.g., senior
management or the CAE), significant changes in internal audit policies or procedures, the merger of two
or more audit organizations into one internal audit activity, or significant staff turnover. Additionally,
industry-specific or environmental issues may warrant more frequent review.

External assessments assess the internal audit activity’s conformance with the Standards and provide an
evaluation of whether the internal auditors apply the Code of Ethics. As noted in Standard 1320 –
Reporting on the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program, the external assessment results,
including the assessor’s or the assessment team’s conclusion on conformance, must be communicated to

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senior management and the board upon completion.

Two Approaches
External assessments may be accomplished using one of two approaches: a full external assessment, or a
self-assessment with independent external validation (SAIV). A full external assessment would be
conducted by a qualified, independent external assessor or assessment team. The team should be
comprised of competent professionals and led by an experienced and professional project team leader.
The scope of a full external assessment typically includes three core components:

 The level of conformance with the Standards and the Code of Ethics. This may be evaluated
via a review of the internal audit activity’s charter, plans, policies, procedures, and practices.
In some cases, the review may also include applicable legislative and regulatory requirements.
 The efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audit activity. This may be measured through
an assessment of the internal audit activity’s processes and infrastructure, including the QAIP,
and an evaluation of the internal audit staff’s knowledge, experience, and expertise.
 The extent to which the internal audit activity meets expectations of the board, senior
management, and operations management, and adds value to the organization.

The second approach to meeting the requirement for an external assessment is an SAIV. This type of
external assessment typically is conducted by the internal audit activity and then validated by a
qualified, independent external assessor. The scope of an SAIV typically consists of:

 A comprehensive and fully documented self-assessment process that emulates the full external
assessment process, at least with respect to evaluating the internal audit activity’s
conformance with the Standards and the Code of Ethics.
 Onsite validation by a qualified, independent external assessor.
 Limited attention to other areas such as benchmarking; review, consultation, and employment
of leading practices; and interviews with senior and operations management.

External Assessor Qualifications

Regardless of which approach is selected for the external assessment, a qualified, independent external
assessor or assessment team must be retained to complete the assessment. The CAE usually consults
with senior management and the board to select the assessor or assessment team. Assessors or
assessment teams must be competent in two main areas: the professional practice of internal auditing

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(including current in-depth knowledge of the IPPF), and the external quality assessment process.
Preferred qualifications and competencies generally include:

 Certification as an internal audit professional (e.g., Certified Internal Auditor).

 Knowledge of leading internal auditing practices.
 Sufficient recent experience in the practice of internal auditing at a management level, which
demonstrates a working knowledge and application of the IPPF.

Organizations may seek additional qualifications and competencies for assessment team leaders and
independent validators, including:

 An additional level of competence and experience gained from previous external assessment
 Completion of The IIA’s quality assessment training course or similar training.
 CAE (or comparable senior internal audit management) experience.
 Relevant technical expertise and industry experience.

Individuals with expertise in other areas may provide assistance, as appropriate. Examples include
specialists in enterprise risk management, IT auditing, statistical sampling, monitoring systems, and
control self-assessment.

The CAE should determine the skills desired for the external assessment and use professional judgment
to select the assessor or assessment team. Based on the needs of the internal audit activity, for example,
the CAE may prefer individuals with internal audit experience in an organization of a similar size,
complexity, and industry, as these professionals may be more valuable. Each individual on the team
does not need to possess all of the preferred competencies; rather, the team as a whole should possess
the necessary qualifications to provide the best results.

Assessor Independence and Objectivity

The CAE, senior management, and the board should consider and discuss several factors related to
independence and objectivity when selecting an external assessor or assessment team. External
assessors, assessment teams, and their organizations should be free from actual, potential, or perceived
conflicts of interest that could impair objectivity. Potential impairments may include past, present, or
future relationships with the organization, its personnel, or its internal audit activity (e.g., external audit
of financial statements; assistance to the internal audit activity; personal relationships; previous or future

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participation in internal quality assessments; or consulting services in governance, risk management,

financial reporting, internal control, or other related areas).

In cases where the potential assessors are former employees of the internal audit activity’s organization,
consideration should be given to the length of time the assessor has been independent. (Independent, in
this context, means not having a conflict of interest and not being a part of, or under the influence of, the
organization to which the internal audit activity belongs).

Individuals from another department of the organization, although organizationally separate from the
internal audit activity, are not considered independent for the purpose of conducting an external
assessment. In the public sector, internal audit activities in separate entities within the same tier of
government are not considered independent if they report to the same CAE. Likewise, individuals from
a related organization (e.g., a parent organization; an affiliate in the same group of entities; or an entity
with regular oversight, supervision, or quality assurance responsibilities with respect to the subject
organization) are not considered independent.

Reciprocal peer assessments between two organizations would not be considered independent. However,
reciprocal assessments among three or more peer organizations — organizations within the same
industry, regional association, or other affinity group — may be considered independent. Still, care must
be exercised to ensure that independence and objectivity are not impaired and all team members are able
to exercise their responsibilities fully.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

The external assessor’s report is the primary document used to demonstrate conformance with Standard
1312. This report often includes recommendations from the external assessor and management action
plans to improve internal audit quality, efficiency, and effectiveness, which may provide new ideas or
ways for the internal audit activity to better serve the organization’s stakeholders and add value.

Additional documents that may help demonstrate conformance include minutes of board meetings where
plans for, and results of, external assessments were discussed. A benchmarking report and requests for
services may show the organization’s due diligence in vetting external assessors.

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Standard 1320 – Reporting on the Quality Assurance and

Improvement Program

The chief audit executive must communicate the results of the quality assurance and improvement
program to senior management and the board. Disclosure should include:

 The scope and frequency of both the internal and external assessments.
 The qualifications and independence of the assessor(s) or assessment team, including
potential conflicts of interest.
 Conclusions of assessors.
 Corrective action plans.

The form, content, and frequency of communicating the results of the quality assurance and
improvement program is established through discussions with senior management and the board
and considers the responsibilities of the internal audit activity and chief audit executive as
contained in the internal audit charter. To demonstrate conformance with the Code of Ethics and
the Standards, the results of external and periodic internal assessments are communicated upon
completion of such assessments, and the results of ongoing monitoring are communicated at least
annually. The results include the assessor’s or assessment team’s evaluation with respect to the
degree of conformance.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1321 – Use of “Conforms with the International

Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Getting Started
Auditing”Standard 1320 – Reporting on the Quality Assurance
Standard 1320 communicates the
and Improvement minimum criteria that the chief audit executive (CAE) must
communicate to senior management and the board related to the quality assurance and improvement
program (QAIP). Reviewing the requirements related to each element in the standard may help the CAE
The chief audit executive must communicate the results of the quality assurance and improvement
prepare to implement this standard.
program to senior management and the board. Disclosure should include:

 The scope and frequency of both the internal and external assessments.
 The qualifications and independence of the assessor(s) or assessment team, including
potential conflicts of interest.
 Conclusions of assessors. 59

 Corrective action plans.

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As this standard indicates, the CAE is responsible for communicating results of the entire program. To
do this, the CAE must understand the requirements of the QAIP (see Standard 1300 – Quality Assurance
and Improvement Program). Typically, the CAE meets regularly with senior management and the board
to understand and agree upon the expectations for communications surrounding the internal audit
activity, including those regarding the QAIP. The CAE also considers the responsibilities related to the
QAIP that are outlined in the internal audit charter.

The CAE should be aware of any internal assessments, including periodic assessments and ongoing
monitoring, as well as completed external assessments. As such, the CAE should have an understanding
of the internal audit activity’s degree of conformance with the International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) and The IIA’s Code of Ethics.

Considerations for Implementation

Typically, details regarding the QAIP are documented in the policies and procedures manual for the
internal audit activity (see Standard 2040 – Policies and Procedures) and the internal audit charter (see
Standard 1010 – Recognizing Mandatory Guidance in the Internal Audit Charter). The CAE may begin
by reviewing this information to understand the communication requirements related to reporting on the
QAIP, which include four core elements:

 Scope and frequency of internal and external assessments.

 Qualifications and independence of the assessors.
 Conclusions of assessors.
 Corrective action plans.

Scope and Frequency of Internal and External Assessments

The scope and frequency of both internal and external assessments must be discussed with the board and
senior management (see Standard 1311 – Internal Assessments and Standard 1312 – External
Assessments). The scope should consider the responsibilities of the internal audit activity and the CAE,
as contained in the internal audit charter. The scope may include board and senior management
expectations of the internal audit activity, as well as expectations expressed by other stakeholders. It
may also include internal audit practices assessed against the Standards, as well as any other regulatory
requirements that may impact the internal audit activity. The frequency of external assessments varies
depending on the size and maturity of the internal audit activity.

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Internal Assessments

The CAE must establish a means for communicating the results of internal assessments at least annually
to enhance the credibility and objectivity of the internal audit activity. The Interpretation of Standard
1320 states that the results of periodic internal assessment should be communicated upon completion of
such assessments, and the results of ongoing monitoring should be completed at least annually.

Periodic internal assessments may include an evaluation of the internal audit activity’s conformance
with the Standards to support the internal audit activity’s statement of conformance (see Standard 1321
– Use of “Conforms with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing”). Larger organizations may conduct periodic internal assessments annually, while smaller or
less mature internal audit activities, may perform them less frequently (e.g., every two years). For
example, the internal audit activity may perform a periodic assessment over a multi-year period, and
report on the results of the work conducted during each period separately.

Ongoing monitoring typically includes reporting on internal audit key performance indicators. The CAE
may provide an annual report to senior management and the board regarding the results of ongoing
monitoring and include any recommendations for improvement.

Generally, those assigned responsibility for conducting ongoing monitoring and periodic internal
assessments communicate the results directly to the CAE while performing the assessments. In a smaller
internal audit activity, the CAE may take a greater direct role in the internal assessment process. The
results of internal assessments include, where appropriate, corrective action plans and progress against
completion. The CAE may distribute internal assessment reports to various stakeholders, including
senior management, the board, and external auditors.

Implementation Guide 1311 – Internal Assessments provides additional detail regarding ongoing
monitoring and periodic internal assessments.

External Assessments

The CAE must discuss the frequency of external assessments with senior management and the board.
The Standards require the internal audit activity to undergo an external assessment at least once every
five years. However, upon discussing these requirements with the senior management and the board, the
CAE may determine that it is appropriate to conduct an external assessment more frequently. There are

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several reasons to consider a more frequent review, including changes in leadership (e.g., senior
management or the CAE), significant changes in internal audit policies or procedures, the merger of two
or more audit organizations into one internal audit activity, or significant staff turnover. Additionally,
industry-specific or environmental issues may warrant more frequent review.

Qualifications and Independence of the Assessors

When selecting an external assessor or assessment team, the CAE typically discusses with senior
management and the board the qualifications of the potential assessor(s) and several factors related to
independence and objectivity, including actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest. Afterward,
when reporting the results of the external assessment, the CAE typically confirms the qualifications and
independence of the external assessor or assessment team. Any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts
of interest should be reported to senior management and the board. Implementation Guide 1312 –
External Assessments provides additional details regarding qualification and independence of external

Conclusion of Assessors
External assessment reports include the expression of an opinion or conclusion on the results of the
external assessment. In addition to concluding on the internal audit activity’s overall degree of
conformance with the Standards, the report may include an assessment for each standard and/or
standard series. The CAE should explain the rating conclusion(s) to senior management and the board,
as well as the impact from the results. An example of a rating scale that may be used to show the degree
of conformance is:

 Generally conforms – This is the top rating, which means that an internal audit activity has a
charter, policies, and processes, and the execution and results of these are judged to be in
conformance with the Standards.
 Partially conforms – Deficiencies in practice are judged to deviate from the Standards, but
these deficiencies did not preclude the internal audit activity from performing its
 Does not conform – Deficiencies in practice are judged to be so significant that they seriously
impair or preclude the internal audit activity from performing adequately in all or in
significant areas of its responsibilities.

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Corrective Action Plans

During an external assessment, the assessor may provide recommendations to address areas that were
not in conformance with the Standards, as well as opportunities for improvement. The CAE should
communicate to senior management and the board any action plans to address recommendations from
the external assessment. The CAE may also consider adding the external assessment recommendations
and action plans to the internal audit activity’s existing monitoring processes related to internal audit
engagement findings (see Standard 2500 – Monitoring Progress). After recommendations identified
during the external assessment have been implemented, the CAE generally communicates this to the
board, either as part of the internal audit activity’s monitoring progress or by following up separately
through the next internal assessment (Standard 1311), as part of the QAIP.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Multiple items may indicate conformance with Standard 1320, including board meeting minutes or
minutes from other meetings to document the discussions with senior management and the board related
to the scope and frequency of both internal and external assessments. Minutes from board or other
meetings should also provide documentation to support the qualifications and independence of the
external assessor or assessment team. Additionally, procurement documentation may show the process
related to any bidding requirements to obtain services.

Other documentation may indicate conformance with the standard, specifically related to the
communication of periodic internal and external assessments. Internal audit communications may
include a copy of the external assessment report. This report typically provides the details that support
the assessor’s conclusion, and may include a rating for each standard. The external assessor may provide
a presentation to senior management and the board, or the CAE may communicate the QAIP results

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Standard 1321 – Use of “Conforms with the International

Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing”

Indicating that the internal audit activity conforms with the International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing is appropriate only if supported by the results of the
quality assurance and improvement program.

The internal audit activity conforms with the Code of Ethics and the Standards when it achieves
the outcomes described therein. The results of the quality assurance and improvement program
include the results of both internal and external assessments. All internal audit activities will have
the results of internal assessments. Internal audit activities in existence for at least five years will
also have the results of external assessments.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1322 – Disclosure of NonconformanceStandard 1321 –

Use of “Conforms with the International Standards for the
Getting Started
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing”
Both internal and external assessments of the internal audit activity are performed to evaluate, and
express an opinion
Indicating on,internal
that the the internal
auditaudit activity’s
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with the International Standards Standards
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of Internal Auditing
Auditing and The
is appropriate
(Standards) onlyIIA’s Code ofby
if supported Ethics. They may
the results of thealso
include assurance and improvement
recommendations program.
for improvement.

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the International will have
Standards for the
the resultsPractice
Professional of internal assessments.
of Internal The
Auditing.” CAE
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activities such usage
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least board
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also haveto
periodically thegain
and of externalanassessments.
maintain understanding of the board’s expectations on the matter.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 1322 – Disclosure of Nonconformance


When nonconformance with the Code of Ethics or the Standards impacts the overall scope or
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Considerations for Implementation

Internal auditors may only communicate — in writing or verbally — that the internal audit activity
conforms with the Standards if results of the QAIP, including both the internal and external assessment
results, support such a statement. Once an external assessment validates conformance with the
Standards, the internal audit activity may continue to use the statement — as long as internal
assessments continue to support such a statement — until the next external assessment.

The following scenarios demonstrate proper use of the conformance statement:

 If the results of either the current internal assessment or most recent external assessment do
not confirm general conformance with the Standards and The IIA’s Code of Ethics, the
internal audit activity must discontinue indicating that it is operating in conformance.
 If an internal audit activity has been in existence at least five years and has not completed an
external assessment, the internal audit activity may not indicate that it is operating in
conformance with the Standards.
 If an internal audit activity has undergone an external assessment within the past five years,
but has not conducted an internal assessment based on disclosures to the board on the
frequency of internal assessment, the CAE should consider whether it is still operating in
conformance and if appropriate to indicate conformance until validated by an internal
 An internal audit activity that has been in existence fewer than five years may indicate that it
is operating in conformance with the Standards only if a documented internal assessment (i.e.,
the periodic self-assessment) supports that conclusion.
 If it has been more than five years since the last external assessment was conducted in
accordance with Standard 1312 – External Assessments, the internal audit activity must cease
indicating that it operates in conformance, until a current external assessment is completed
and supports that conclusion.
 If an external assessment reflects an overall conclusion that the internal audit activity was not
operating in conformance with the Standards, the internal audit activity must immediately
discontinue using any statements that indicate conformance with the Standards. The internal
audit activity may not resume use of a conformance statement until it has remediated the
nonconformance and conducted an external assessment to validate an overall assessment of
conformance with the Standards.

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It is important to note that the Standards are principles-based. In assessing conformance with the
Standards, there may be situations where the internal audit activity achieves only partial conformance
with one or more standards. The internal audit activity may demonstrate a clear intent and commitment
to ultimately achieving the Core Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, on which
the Standards are based, but may have some improvement opportunities to achieve full conformance
with the Standards. In such cases, the internal audit activity should consider the overall conformance
conclusion when determining its ability to use the conformance statement.

In a situation where a specific engagement fails to achieve conformance with the Standards, the internal
audit activity may be required to disclose the lack of conformance. The CAE is responsible for
disclosing such instances of nonconformance. Implementation Guide 1322 – Disclosure of
Nonconformance provides additional information about nonconformance with the Standards.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Multiple items may indicate conformance with Standard 1321, including copies of internal and external
assessments wherein the assessor concludes that the internal audit activity has achieved conformance
with the Standards. Engagement reports, the internal audit charter, board materials and meeting minutes,
and other communications, may also help demonstrate conformance with this standard.

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Standard 1322 – Disclosure of Nonconformance

When nonconformance with the Code of Ethics or the Standards impacts the overall scope or
operation of the internal audit activity, the chief audit executive must disclose the nonconformance
and the impact to senior management and the board.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting Started
The chief audit executive (CAE) is responsible for ensuring that the internal audit activity undergoes
ongoing monitoring, periodic self-assessments, and independent external assessments, as required by the
quality assurance2000 – Managing
and improvement program.theTheseInternal
internal andAudit
assessments are performed, in
part, – Disclosure
to evaluate and express anof Nonconformance
opinion regarding the internal audit activity’s conformance with
International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) and The IIA’s
Whenof Ethics. The CAE should
nonconformance beCode
with the familiar with the
of Ethics or results from recent
the Standards internal
impacts and external
the overall scope or
assessments of the internal audit activity.
operation of the internal audit activity, the chief audit executive must disclose the nonconformance
and the1322
Standard impact to senior management
is applicable and thethe
in instances where board.
CAE concludes that the internal audit activity does
not conform with the Standards and the Code ofRevised
Ethics, and the lackEffective
Standards, of conformance may
1 January impact the
overall scope or operation of the internal audit activity. It is important that the CAE has an

understanding of the mandatory elements of the International Professional Practices Framework, how

potential conformance deviations might affect the overall scope of the internal audit activity, and the
 of the board and senior management for reporting any such conformance issues.

Considerations for Implementation

TheStandard internal–and
results of any2000 Managing the Internal
external assessments, Audit
and the level Activity
of internal audit conformance with the
Standards, must be communicated to senior management and the board at least annually. These
The chief may
assessments audituncover
executive must effectively
impairments manage theorinternal
to independence auditscope
objectivity, activity to ensure itresource
restrictions, adds
limitations, or other
value to the conditions that may affect the internal audit activity’s ability to fulfill its
responsibilities to stakeholders. Such nonconformance is typically reported to the board when identified
The internal audit activity is effectively managed when:

 It achieves the purpose and responsibility included in the internal audit charter.
 It conforms with the Standards. 67

 Its individual members conform with the Code of Ethics and the Standards.
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and recorded in meeting minutes.

If an internal audit activity fails to undergo an external assessment at least once every five years, for
example, it would be unable to state that it conforms with the Standards (see Implementation Guide
1321 – Use of “Conforms with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing”). In such a case, the CAE would evaluate the impact of this nonconformance.

Other common examples of nonconformance may include, but are not limited to, situations in which:

 An internal auditor was assigned to an audit engagement, but did not meet individual
objectivity requirements (see Standard 1120 – Individual Objectivity).
 An internal audit activity undertook an engagement without having the collective knowledge,
skills, and experience needed to perform its responsibilities (see Standard 1210 – Proficiency).
 The CAE failed to consider risk when preparing the internal audit plan (see Standard 2010 –

In such cases, the CAE would need to evaluate the nonconformance and determine whether it impacts
the overall scope or operation of the internal audit activity. It is also important for the CAE to consider
whether, and how much, a nonconformance situation may affect the internal audit activity’s ability to
fulfill its professional responsibilities and/or the expectations of stakeholders. Such responsibilities may
include the ability to provide reliable assurance on specific areas within the organization, to complete
the audit plan, and to address high-risk areas.

After such consideration, the CAE will disclose the nonconformance, as well as the impact of the
nonconformance, to senior management and the board. Often, disclosures of this nature involve a
discussion with senior management and communication to the board during a board meeting. The CAE
may also discuss nonconformance during private sessions with the board, one-on-one meetings with the
board chair, or by other appropriate methods.

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Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

To demonstrate conformance with Standard 1322, the internal audit activity should maintain
documentation of the occurrence and nature of any nonconformance with the Standards or the Code of
Ethics. Other items that may indicate conformance with Standard 1322 include documentation that
supports the determination of overall impact of nonconformance, board meeting minutes where the
internal audit activity’s nonconformance with the Code of Ethics or the Standards was reported, or
memos or emails to senior management and the board that discuss such nonconformance. This may
include the results of any internal or external assessments completed, as well as any communications
that document the lack of conformance and its impact on the scope or operation of the internal audit

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Standard 2000 – Managing the Internal Audit Activity

The chief audit executive must effectively manage the internal audit activity to ensure it adds
value to the organization.

The internal audit activity is effectively managed when:

 It achieves the purpose and responsibility included in the internal audit charter.
 It conforms with the Standards.
 Its individual members conform with the Code of Ethics and the Standards.
 It considers trends and emerging issues that could impact the organization.
The internal audit activity adds value to the organization and its stakeholders when it considers
strategies, objectives, and risks; strives to offer ways to enhance governance, risk management
and control processes; and objectively provides relevant assurance.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2010 – PlanningStandard 2000 – Managing the Internal

Getting Started
Audit Activity
This standard communicates the minimum criteria that the chief audit executive (CAE) must fulfill in
The chief
managing theaudit executive
internal must effectively
audit activity. manage
Reviewing the internal related
the requirements audit activity
to eachtoelement
ensure in
it adds
value to themay
Interpretation organization.
help the CAE prepare to implement this standard.

As Interpretation:
this standard indicates, the CAE is responsible for managing the internal audit activity in a way that
enables the internal
The internal audit
audit activity
activity is as a whole tomanaged
effectively conform with
when: the Standards and individual internal
auditors to conform with the Standards and the Code of Ethics. Thus, it is crucial that the CAE regularly
 It achieves the purpose and responsibility included in the internal audit charter.
reviews the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) to address the details of
 It conforms with the Standards.
 Its individual members conform with the Code of Ethics and the Standards.
 It points
Standard 2000 out trends
considers severaland
fundamentals needed
emerging issues to could
that fulfill impact
the principle that the internal audit
the organization.
activity adds value to the organization. The CAE may start by reviewing the internal audit activity’s
The internal audit activity adds value to the organization and its stakeholders when it considers
purpose and responsibility, which is agreed upon by the CAE, senior management, and the board and
strategies, objectives, and risks; strives to offer ways to enhance governance, risk management
and control processes; and objectively provides relevant assurance.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

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recorded in the internal audit charter. Studying the organizational chart can help the CAE identify the
organization’s stakeholders, structure, and reporting relationships. Studying the organization’s strategic
plan will give the CAE insight into the organization’s strategies, objectives, and risks. The risks
considered should include trends and emerging issues, such as those involving the organization’s
industry, the internal audit profession itself, regulatory requirements, and political and economic
situations. The CAE may gather additional input by speaking with senior management and the board
about the strategic plan.

This forethought and preparation lays the groundwork for the CAE to manage the internal audit activity
in a way that adds value by enhancing the organization’s governance, risk management, and control
processes and by providing relevant assurance.

Considerations for Implementation

After considering the aforementioned information, the CAE develops an internal audit strategy and
approach that aligns with the goals and expectations of the organization’s leadership. In addition, as
stated in Standard 2010, the CAE creates a risk-based internal audit plan to determine the priorities of
the internal audit activity’s assurance and consulting engagements. This process takes into account the
input of senior management and the board as well as a documented annual risk assessment (Standard

In the internal audit plan, the CAE typically defines the internal audit activity’s scope and deliverables,
specifies the resources needed to achieve the plan, and outlines an approach to develop the internal audit
activity and measure its performance and progress against the plan. According to Standard 2020, the
CAE is responsible for communicating the plan, resource requirements, and the impact of resource
limitations to the board and senior management and receiving their approval. Significant interim
changes to the plan must also be communicated and approved.

As stated in Standard 2030, the CAE must also ensure that internal audit resources are deployed
effectively to achieve the approved plan. To implement a systematic and disciplined approach to
managing the internal audit activity, the CAE considers the Mandatory Guidance of the IPPF and
establishes internal audit policies and procedures (Standard 2040). Internal audit policy and procedure
documents often are assembled into an internal audit manual for the internal audit activity to use. The
documents may include methods and tools for training internal auditors. The CAE may require internal
auditors to acknowledgement by signature that they have read and understood the policies and

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Standard 2000 introduces the CAE’s responsibility for ensuring that the internal audit activity adds value
to the organization by objectively providing relevant assurance and offering suggestions to enhance the
organization’s governance, risk management, and control processes. The 2100 series of standards and
implementation guides describes the requirements and processes that enable the internal audit activity to
complete these objectives.

The CAE ensures effective management by monitoring conformance with the Mandatory Guidance of
the IPPF at both the level of the individual internal auditor and the internal audit activity as a whole. The
CAE is also responsible for implementing a quality assurance and improvement program, as required by
Standard 1300, and for implementing the methods and tools related to the 1200 series of standards.

The CAE must also evaluate the internal audit activity’s effectiveness to achieve conformance with
Standard 2000. Typically, the CAE develops metrics for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of
the internal audit activity. Tools the CAE may use for this purpose include soliciting feedback through
post-audit client surveys, completing annual performance reviews of individual internal auditors,
implementing the quality assurance and improvement program, and comparing the organization’s
internal audit activity against contemporary internal audit groups in the industry (benchmarking).

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Evidence of how well the internal audit activity has been managed and whether it has added value to the
organization exists in the results of post-engagement client surveys and other sources of feedback. In
addition, internal and external assessments help gauge the internal audit activity’s conformance with the
Mandatory Guidance of the IPPF, including performance metrics related to managing the internal audit
activity. The results of comparisons against the industry standard (i.e., benchmarking) may also be used.

Because Standard 2000 requires evidence of conformance not only at the level of the internal audit
activity, but also at the level of the individual internal auditor, evidence that supports the 1200 series of
standards may also be useful. This may include supervisory evaluations and peer reviews of individual
internal auditors and the CAE, with metrics tied to performance and conformance.

Evidence of conformance with the 2000 series of standards (i.e., standards 2010 through 2070) provides
additional evidence of conformance with Standard 2000.

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Standard 2010 – Planning

The chief audit executive must establish a risk-based plan to determine the priorities of the internal
audit activity, consistent with the organization’s goals.

To develop the risk-based plan, the chief audit executive consults with senior management and the
board and obtains an understanding of the organization’s strategies, key business objectives,
associated risks, and risk management processes. The chief audit executive must review and adjust
the plan, as necessary, in response to changes in the organization’s business, risks, operations,
programs, systems, and controls.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2020 – Communication and ApprovalStandard 2010 –

Getting Started
chief audit
audit plan is intended
executive to ensureathat
must establish internalplan
risk-based audittocoverage
determineadequately examines
the priorities of the areas with
greatest exposure
activity, to the key
consistent withrisks that could affect
the organization’s the organization’s ability to achieve its objectives.
This standard directs the chief audit executive (CAE) to start preparing the internal audit plan by
consulting with senior management and the board to understand the organization’s strategies, business
To develop
objectives, theand
risks, risk-based plan, the chief
risk management audit executive
processes. Thus, the consults with senior
CAE considers management
the maturity of theand the
board and obtains
organization’s an understanding
risk management of the
processes, organization’s
including whetherstrategies, key business
the organization uses a objectives,
formal risk
management risks, and risk management
to assess, processes.
document, The chief
and manage risk. audit executive
Less mature must reviewmay
organizations and use
the plan, as necessary, in
formal means of risk management. response to changes in the organization’s business, risks, operations,
programs, systems, and controls.
The CAE’s preparation usually involves reviewing the results of any risk assessments that management
may have performed. The CAE may employ tools Revised
such asStandards,
January 2017
and workshops
to gather additional input about the risks from management at various levels throughout the
organization, as well as from the board and other stakeholders.
Standard 2020 – Communication and Approval

The chief audit executive must communicate the internal audit activity’s plans and resource
requirements, including significant interim changes, to senior management and the board for
review and approval. The chief audit executive must also communicate the impact of resource

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

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Considerations for Implementation

This review of the organization’s approach to risk management may help the CAE decide how to
organize or update the audit universe, which consists of all risk areas that could be subject to audit,
resulting in a list of possible audit engagements that could be performed. The audit universe includes
projects and initiatives related to the organization’s strategic plan, and it may be organized by business
units, product or service lines, processes, programs, systems, or controls.

Linking critical risks to specific objectives and business processes helps the CAE organize the audit
universe and prioritize the risks. The CAE uses a risk-factor approach to consider both internal and
external risks. Internal risks may affect key products and services, personnel, and systems. Relevant risk
factors related to internal risks include the degree of change in risk since the area was last audited, the
quality of controls, and others. External risks may be related to competition, suppliers, or other industry
issues. Relevant risk factors for external risks may include pending regulatory or legal changes and other
political and economic factors.

To ensure that the audit universe covers all of the organization’s key risks (to the extent possible), the
internal audit activity typically independently reviews and corroborates the key risks that were identified
by senior management. According to Standard 2010.A1, the internal audit plan must be based on a
documented risk assessment, undertaken at least annually, that considers the input of senior management
and the board. As noted in Glossary, risks are measured in terms of impact and likelihood.

When developing the internal audit plan, the CAE also considers any requests made by the board and/or
senior management and the internal audit activity’s ability to rely on the work of other internal and
external assurance providers (as per Standard 2050).

Once the aforementioned information has been gathered and reviewed, the CAE develops an internal
audit plan that usually includes:

 A list of proposed audit engagements (and specification regarding whether the engagements
are assurance or consulting in nature).
 Rationale for selecting each proposed engagement (e.g., risk rating, time since last audit,
change in management, etc.).
 Objectives and scope of each proposed engagement.
 A list of initiatives or projects that result from the internal audit strategy but may not be
directly related to an audit engagement.

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Although audit plans typically are prepared annually, they may be developed according to another cycle.
For example, the internal audit activity may maintain a rolling 12-month audit plan and reevaluate
projects on a quarterly basis. Or, the internal audit activity may develop a multi-year audit plan and
assess the plan annually.

The CAE discusses the internal audit plan with the board, senior management, and other stakeholders to
create alignment among the priorities of various stakeholders. The CAE also acknowledges risk areas
that are not addressed in the plan. For example, this discussion may be an opportunity for the CAE to
review the roles and responsibilities of the board and senior management related to risk management
and the standards related to maintaining the internal audit activity’s independence and objectivity
(Standard 1100 through Standard 1130.C2). The CAE reflects on any feedback received from
stakeholders before finalizing the plan.

The internal audit plan is flexible enough to allow the CAE to review and adjust it as necessary in
response to changes in the organization’s business, risks, operations, programs, systems, and controls.
Significant changes must be communicated to the board and senior management for review and
approval, in accordance with Standard 2020.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Evidence of conformance with Standard 2010 exists in the documented internal audit plan, as well as the
risk assessment upon which the plan is based. Supporting evidence also may exist in the minutes of
meetings where the CAE discussed the audit universe and risk assessment with the board and senior
management. In addition, memos to file could be used to document similar conversations with
individual members of management at various levels throughout the organization.

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Standard 2020 – Communication and Approval

The chief audit executive must communicate the internal audit activity’s plans and resource
requirements, including significant interim changes, to senior management and the board for
review and approval. The chief audit executive must also communicate the impact of resource

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting Started
Standard 2030 – Resource ManagementStandard 2020 –
Before communicating to senior management and the board regarding the internal audit plan, the
Communication and Approval
internal audit activity’s resource requirements, and the impact of resource limitations, the chief audit
executive (CAE) determines the resources needed to implement the plan, based on the risk-based
The chief audit executive must communicate the internal audit activity’s plans and resource
priorities identified during the planning process (Standard 2010). Resources may include people (e.g.,
requirements, including significant interim changes, to senior management and the board for
labor hours and skills), technology (e.g., audit tools and techniques), timing/schedule (availability of
review and approval. The chief audit executive must also communicate the impact of resource
resources), and funding. A portion of resources is usually reserved to address changes to the audit plan
that may arise, such as unanticipated risks that could affect the organization and requests for consulting
engagements from senior management and/or the board. Standards,
Revised For example, the need
Effective for a new2017
1 January internal audit
project may arise when new risks are introduced due to organizational divestitures or mergers, political
uncertainty, or changes in regulatory requirements.

It is helpful if the CAE, the board, and senior management agree in advance on the criteria that would
characterize a significant – Resource
2030 enough change to Management
warrant discussion and on the protocol for communicating
such changes. It may be helpful to record these criteria in the internal audit charter or other document.
The chief audit executive must ensure that internal audit resources are appropriate, sufficient, and
effectively deployedfor Implementation
to achieve the approved plan.

CAE usually itemizes the audits that comprise the internal audit plan and then assesses the types
quantity of resources thatmix
refers to the would be needed skills,
of knowledge, to accomplish
and othereach audit project.
competencies Estimates
needed are generally
to perform the
based onSufficient
plan. past experience with
refers to theaquantity
of project or comparisons
resources to a similar
needed to accomplish theproject. The CAE are
plan. Resources can
compare the resources
effectively deployed needed to accomplish
when they are used inthe plan’s
a way thatpriorities
the those available
achievement of to
thethe internal

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

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audit activity to determine whether any gaps exist. This comparison can be used as a basis for
determining the impact of resource limitations.

The CAE typically meets with individual senior executives to solicit their input regarding the proposed
internal audit plan before it is formally presented to the board for approval. During the meetings, the
CAE can address any concerns that senior executives may express, incorporate their feedback (as
appropriate), and obtain their support. The process may involve gathering additional information about
the timing of proposed audit engagements and the availability of resources. It might introduce changes
that affect the scope of work. The insight the CAE acquires from these discussions helps determine
whether any adjustments should be made to the internal audit plan before it is presented to the board for

The CAE’s presentation of the internal audit plan to the board usually occurs during a meeting, which
may include senior management. The proposed internal audit plan may include:

 A list of proposed audit engagements (and specification regarding whether the engagements
are assurance or consulting in nature).
 Rationale for selecting each proposed engagement (e.g., risk rating, time since last audit,
change in management, etc.).
 Objectives and scope of each proposed engagement.
 A list of initiatives or projects that result from the internal audit strategy but may not be
directly related to an audit engagement.

Resource limitations affect the priorities in the internal audit plan. For example, if resources are not
sufficient to complete every proposed engagement in the plan, some engagements may be deferred, and
some risks may go unaddressed. During the board presentation, the CAE discusses the proposed internal
audit plan and the risk assessment on which it is based, indicating the risks that will be addressed, as
well as any risks that cannot be addressed due to resource constraints. Board members can discuss this
information and make recommendations before ultimately approving the internal audit plan.

The internal audit plan is developed with enough flexibility so that the CAE can adjust it as necessary in
response to changes in the organization’s business, risks, operations, programs, systems, and controls.
However, the CAE must review significant changes to the audit plan, related rationale, and potential
impact with the board and senior management to obtain their approval. Regularly scheduled quarterly or
semiannual board meetings provide opportunities to review and adjust the internal audit plan.

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Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

The CAE may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2020 by keeping records of the distribution of
the internal audit plan. Conformance may also be evidenced through a copy of board meeting materials
that includes the internal audit plan as proposed for review and approval. Individual discussions with
senior management could be documented through memos, emails, or notes made during the internal
audit activity’s risk assessment process. Typically, board meeting minutes contain records of the board’s
discussion and approval of the internal audit plan, any interim changes, and/or the impact of any
resource limitations.

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Standard 2030 – Resource Management

The chief audit executive must ensure that internal audit resources are appropriate, sufficient, and
effectively deployed to achieve the approved plan.

Appropriate refers to the mix of knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform the
plan. Sufficient refers to the quantity of resources needed to accomplish the plan. Resources are
effectively deployed when they are used in a way that optimizes the achievement of the approved

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2040 – Policies and ProceduresStandard 2030 –
Resource Management
When developing the internal audit plan (Standard 2010) and reviewing it with the board and senior
management (Standard 2020), the chief audit executive (CAE) considers and discusses the resources
The chief audit executive must ensure that internal audit resources are appropriate, sufficient, and
needed to accomplish the plan’s priorities. To implement Standard 2030, the CAE usually begins by
effectively deployed to achieve the approved plan.
gaining a deeper understanding of the resources available to the internal audit activity in the board-
approved internal audit plan.

TheAppropriate refers to consider

CAE may carefully the mix ofthe
number ofskills, andaudit
internal otherstaff
competencies needed
and productive to perform
work the
hours available
plan. Sufficient
to implement refers
the plan to the
within thequantity of resources
organization’s needed
schedule to accomplish
constraints. the plan.
Productive Resources
work are
hours generally
exclude deployed
factors such as when they off
paid time areand
in aspent
way that optimizes
on training andthe achievementtasks.
administrative of the To
gain an
overview of the internal audit activity’s collective knowledge, skills, and other competencies, the CAE
may review a documented skills assessment, if available, or gather information
Revised Standards, Effective 1 from employees’
January 2017
performance appraisals and post-audit surveys.

The CAE may also want to reflect on the approved budget and consider the funds available for training,
technology, or additional staffing in order to achieve the plan.
Standard 2040 – Policies and Procedures
Considerations for Implementation
The chief audit executive must establish policies and procedures to guide the internal audit

Interpretation: 79

The form and content of policies and procedures are dependent upon the size and structure of the
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When allocating specific resources to the engagements identified in the approved internal audit plan, the
CAE may consider how the available resources correspond with the specific skills and timing required
to perform the engagements. During this process, the CAE typically works to fill any gaps that may have
been identified.

To fill gaps related to the internal audit staff’s knowledge, skills, and competencies, the CAE could
provide training for existing staff, request an expert from within the organization to serve as a guest
auditor, hire additional staff, or hire an external service provider. If the quantity of resources is
insufficient to cover the planned engagements efficiently and effectively, the CAE may hire additional
staff, cosource or outsource engagements, use one or more guest auditors, or develop a rotational
auditing program.

When developing a schedule for internal audit engagements, the CAE considers the organization’s
schedule, the schedules of individual internal auditors, and the availability of auditable entities. For
example, if an audit engagement needs to occur during a specific time of year, the resources needed to
complete that engagement must also be available at that time. Likewise, if an auditable entity is
unavailable or constrained during a certain period of the year, due to business needs, the engagement
would be scheduled to avoid that period.

Because the CAE must report on the impact of resource limitations (Standard 2020) and on the internal
audit activity’s performance relative to its plan (Standard 2060), it is important for the CAE to gauge the
overall adequacy of resources continuously. To affirm that resources are appropriate, sufficient, and
effectively deployed, the CAE establishes metrics that assess the internal audit activity’s performance
and solicits feedback from internal audit clients.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documentation that evidences conformance with Standard 2030 could include the internal audit plan,
which contains the estimated schedule of audit engagements and resources allocated. Additionally, a
post-audit comparison of budgeted hours to actual hours may be documented to validate that resources
were deployed effectively. The results of client assessments related to the performance of the internal
audit activity and individual internal auditors are often noted in post-audit reports, surveys, and annual

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Standard 2040 – Policies and Procedures

The chief audit executive must establish policies and procedures to guide the internal audit

The form and content of policies and procedures are dependent upon the size and structure of the
internal audit activity and the complexity of its work.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2050 – Coordination and RelianceStandard 2040 –

Getting Started
Policies and Procedures
To establish the policies and procedures that guide the internal audit activity, the chief audit executive
The considers
(CAE) chief auditseveral
executive mustItestablish
factors. policies
is essential and procedures
to ensure that internaltoaudit
guide the internal
policies audit
and procedures are
aligned with the Mandatory Guidance of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF).
Additionally, alignment with the internal audit charter helps ensure that stakeholder expectations are
The form and content of policies and procedures are dependent upon the size and structure of the
CAE may audit activity
begin and thepolicies
to develop complexity
and of its work. by gathering information, examples, and
templates, such as those available through The IIA. Templates can be customized to fit the organization
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
and the needs of the specific internal audit activity.

It is important for the CAE to consider the organization’s existing strategies, policies, and processes,
including whether2050 – Coordination
organizational and
leadership expects Reliance
to review and/or approve internal audit policies and
The chief audit executive should share information, coordinate activities, and consider relying
Considerations forinternal
upon the work of other Implementation
and external assurance and consulting service providers to ensure
proper coverage and minimize duplication of efforts.
The CAE’s implementation of Standard 2040 will depend largely on the structure, maturity, and
complexity of the organization and the internal audit activity. While a large, mature internal audit
activity may have aactivities,
In coordinating formal internal audit
the chief operations
audit manual
executive thaton
may rely includes theofpolicies
the work and procedures,
other assurance and a
consulting service providers. A consistent process for the basis of reliance should be established,
and the chief audit executive should consider the competency, objectivity, and due professional
care of the assurance and consulting service providers. The chief audit executive should also have
a clear understanding of the scope, objectives, and results of the work performed by other
providers of assurance and consulting services. Where reliance is placed on the work of others,
the chief audit executive is still accountable and responsible for ensuring adequate support for
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smaller or less mature organization may not. Instead, policies and procedures may be published as
separate documents or integrated as part of an audit management software program.

The following topics are generally included in an internal audit manual or otherwise documented to help
guide the internal audit activity:

 Internal audit policies.

o The overall purpose and responsibilities of the internal audit activity.
o Adherence to the Mandatory Guidance of the IPPF.
o Independence and objectivity.
o Ethics.
o Protecting confidential information.
o Record retention.
 Internal audit procedures.
o Preparing a risk-based audit plan.
o Planning an audit and preparing the engagement work program.
o Performing audit engagements.
o Documenting audit engagements.
o Communicating results/reporting.
o Monitoring and follow-up processes.
 Quality assurance and improvement program.
 Administrative matters.
o Training and certification opportunities.
o Continuing education requirements.
o Performance evaluations.

To ensure internal audit personnel are properly informed about internal audit policies and procedures,
the CAE may issue individual documents, training materials, or a comprehensive manual; and training
sessions may be conducted to review the information. The CAE may request that internal auditors sign
forms of acknowledgement, indicating that they have read and understand the policies and procedures.

Internal audit policies and procedures should be reviewed periodically, either by the CAE or an internal
audit manager assigned to monitor internal audit processes and emerging issues. Such reviews may be
included in the internal audit activity’s internal assessments (Standard 1311) and the external assessment
that occurs at least once every five years (Standard 1312).

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Suggestions for operational changes may arise in response to the quality assurance and improvement
program or feedback from internal auditors or audited entities (e.g., via a client satisfaction survey). If
procedural changes are made, they may be communicated in writing and/or discussed during internal
audit staff meetings to help ensure that the changes are understood. Training may also be conducted
(e.g., to demonstrate new procedures).

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documentation of policies and procedures evidences conformance with Standard 2040. Evidence that
internal audit policies and procedures have been clearly communicated to internal audit personnel may
include internal audit staff meeting agendas and minutes, emails, signed acknowledgements, a training
schedule, or similar documentation.

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Standard 2050 – Coordination and Reliance

The chief audit executive should share information, coordinate activities, and consider relying
upon the work of other internal and external assurance and consulting service providers to ensure
proper coverage and minimize duplication of efforts.

In coordinating activities, the chief audit executive may rely on the work of other assurance and
consulting service providers. A consistent process for the basis of reliance should be established,
and the chief audit executive should consider the competency, objectivity, and due professional
care of the assurance and consulting service providers. The chief audit executive should also have
a clear understanding of the scope, objectives, and results of the work performed by other
providers of assurance and consulting services. Where reliance is placed on the work of others,
the chief audit executive is still accountable and responsible for ensuring adequate support for
conclusions and opinions reached by the internal audit activity.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2060 – Reporting to Senior Management and the

Started 2050 – Coordination and Reliance
TheThe chief
roles audit executive
of assurance should share
and consulting information,
service providerscoordinate activities, and
vary by organization. consider
Thus, to startrelying
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upon the work
coordinating their of other the
efforts, internal
chiefand external
audit assurance
executive (CAE)and consulting
identifies serviceroles
the various providers to ensure
of existing
proper coverage
assurance and minimize
and consulting duplication
service providers byof efforts. the organization chart and board meeting
agendas or minutes. The roles are generally categorized as either internal providers or external
In coordinating activities, the chief audit executive may rely on the work of other assurance and
 Internal
consulting providers
service include
providers. oversightprocess
A consistent functions
for that eitherofreport
the basis to senior
reliance shouldmanagement or are
be established,
and thepart
chiefofaudit executive
senior management.shouldTheir
consider the competency,
involvement may includeobjectivity, and as
areas such dueenvironmental,
care of financial
the assurance andhealth
control, consulting service
and safety, ITproviders. The chief
security, legal, risk audit executivecompliance,
management, should alsoorhave
a clear quality
assurance.of the scope,
These are objectives, and results
often considered “second of the
linework performed
of defense” by otheraccording to
Threeand consulting
Lines of Defense services.
model.Where reliance is placed on the work of others,
the chief audit executive is still accountable and responsible for ensuring adequate support for
conclusions and opinions reached by the internal audit activity.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

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 External assurance providers may report to senior management or external stakeholders, or

they could be hired by and report to the CAE.

Once the providers of assurance and consulting services have been identified, the CAE considers the
type and amount of information that may be shared with them, in accordance with the organization’s
confidentiality requirements. It is important that the CAE considers the limitations of sharing
confidential information, particularly with external parties.

Considerations for Implementation

The CAE meets with each of the providers to gather sufficient information so that the organization’s
assurance and consulting activities may be coordinated. Within the limitations of the organization’s
confidentiality requirements, the parties share the objectives, scope, and timing of upcoming reviews,
assessments, and audits; the results of prior audits; and the possibility of relying on one another’s work.

The process of coordinating assurance activities varies by organization. In smaller organizations,

coordination may be informal. In large or heavily regulated organizations, coordination may be formal
and complex.

One way to coordinate assurance coverage is to create an assurance map by linking identified significant
risk categories with relevant sources of assurance and rating the level of assurance provided for each risk
category. Because the map is comprehensive, it exposes gaps and duplications in assurance coverage,
enabling the CAE to evaluate the sufficiency of assurance services in each risk area. The results can be
discussed with the other assurance providers so that the parties may reach an agreement about how to
coordinate activities to minimize duplication of efforts and maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of
assurance coverage.

Another approach to coordinating assurance coverage is a combined assurance model, where internal
audit may coordinate assurance efforts with second line of defense functions, such as a compliance
function, to reduce the nature, frequency and redundancy of internal audit engagements.

Examples of coordinating activities include:

 Synchronizing the nature, extent, and timing of planned work.

 Ensuring a common understanding of assurance techniques, methods, and terminology.
 Providing access to one another’s work programs, workpapers, and reports.
 Relying on one another’s work to minimize duplication of effort.

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 Meeting intermittently to determine whether it is necessary to adjust the timing of planned

work, based on the results of work that has been completed.

The CAE may choose to rely on the work of other providers for various reasons, such as to assess
specialty areas outside of the internal audit activity’s expertise or to enhance risk coverage beyond the
internal audit plan. However, if the internal audit activity relies on the work of another service provider,
the CAE retains ultimate responsibility for internal audit conclusions and opinions. Thus, it is essential
that the CAE establish a consistent process and set of criteria to determine whether the internal audit
activity may rely on the work of another provider. In this process, the CAE may:

 Evaluate objectivity by considering whether the provider has, or may appear to have, any
conflicts of interest and whether they have been disclosed.
 Consider independence by examining the provider’s reporting relationships and the impact of
this arrangement.
 Confirm competency by verifying whether the provider’s professional experience,
qualifications, certifications, and affiliations are appropriate and current.
 Assess due professional care by examining elements of the practice the provider applies to
complete the work (i.e., the provider’s methodology and whether the work was appropriately
planned, supervised, documented, and reviewed).
 The CAE may also seek to gain an understanding of the scope, objectives, and results of the
actual work performed to determine the extent of reliance that may be placed on the
provider’s work. The CAE typically considers whether the provider’s findings appear
reasonable and are based on sufficient, reliable, and relevant audit evidence. The CAE
determines whether additional work or testing is needed to obtain sufficient evidence to
support or increase the level of reliance desired. If additional work is needed, the internal
audit activity may retest the results of the other provider.

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Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Evidence of conformance with Standard 2050 could include communications regarding distinct
assurance and consulting roles and responsibilities, which may be documented in the notes
from meetings with individual providers of assurance and consulting services or in minutes of meetings
with the board and senior management. Conformance with the requirements regarding reliance on the
work of other providers may also be evidenced through the CAE’s documentation of the process and
criteria applied to determine whether the internal audit activity may rely on a provider’s work.
Conformance with the requirement to coordinate the providers of assurance and consulting services is
evidenced through assurance maps and/or combined internal audit plans that identify which provider is
responsible for providing assurance or consulting services in each area.

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Standard 2060 – Reporting to Senior Management and the Board

The chief audit executive must report periodically to senior management and the board on the
internal audit activity’s purpose, authority, responsibility, and performance relative to its plan and
on its conformance with the Code of Ethics and the Standards. Reporting must also include
significant risk and control issues, including fraud risks, governance issues, and other matters that
require the attention of senior management and/or the board.

The frequency and content of reporting are determined collaboratively by the chief audit
executive, senior management, and the board. The frequency and content of reporting depends on
the importance of the information to be communicated and the urgency of the related actions to be
taken by senior management and/or the board.

The chief audit executive’s reporting and communication to senior management and the board
must include information about:

 The audit charter.

 Independence of the internal audit activity.
 The audit plan and progress against the plan.
 Resource requirements.
 Results of audit activities.
 Conformance with the Code of Ethics and the Standards, and action plans to address
any significant conformance issues.
 Management’s response to risk that, in the chief audit executive’s judgment, may be
unacceptable to the organization.
These and other chief audit executive communication requirements are referenced throughout the

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2070 – External Service Provider and Organizational

Responsibility for Internal AuditingStandard 2060 – Reporting to
Senior Management and the Board

The chief audit executive must report periodically to senior management and the board on the
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Getting Started
Communicating effectively with senior management and the board is an essential responsibility of the
chief audit executive (CAE), and this standard brings together the CAE’s primary reporting
requirements referenced throughout the Standards. In implementing the standards related to
communication, the CAE will usually want to understand the reporting-related expectations of senior
management and the board, which may be stated in the audit committee charter. The three parties
typically discuss and collaboratively determine the frequency and form of internal audit reporting and
the reporting schedule that is most appropriate for the organization, as well as the importance and
urgency of various types of audit information. It also may be helpful to agree in advance on protocols
for the CAE to report important and urgent risk or control events and the related actions to be taken by
senior management and the board.

Additionally, the CAE may find it helpful to establish or review:

 The internal audit charter, including the internal audit activity’s purpose, authority,
 The internal audit plan and key performance indicators to measure the internal audit activity’s
progress toward accomplishing the plan.
 The quality assurance and improvement program, which gauges the internal audit activity’s
conformance with the Mandatory Guidance of the International Professional Practices
Framework (IPPF).
 Processes for identifying significant risk and control issues.

Considerations for Implementation

While Standard 2060 allows flexibility in the frequency and content of reporting, it notes that these
factors will depend on the importance of the information and the urgency with which senior
management and/or the board might need to act on the communications. Additionally, some standards
have specific requirements regarding frequency. For instance, items that must be communicated at least
annually include the internal audit activity’s organizational independence (Standard 1110) and the
results of ongoing monitoring of the internal audit activity’s performance (Standard 1320).

To maintain and track consistent and effective communication with senior management and the board,
the CAE may consider using a checklist of all reporting requirements referenced throughout the

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Standards, which would the following topics:

 The internal audit charter.

 Organizational independence of the internal audit activity.
 Internal audit plans, resource requirements, and performance.
 Results of audit engagements.
 Quality assurance and improvement program.
 Conformance with the Code of Ethics and Standards.
 Significant risk and control issues, and management’s acceptance of risk.

Such a checklist may include a schedule of communications and reminders about any approval
requirements. Establishing a standing item on the board meeting agenda secures an opportunity for the
CAE to communicate regularly.

The Internal Audit Charter

According to Standard 1000 – Purpose, Authority, and Responsibility, the internal audit activity’s
purpose, authority, and responsibility must be formally defined in the internal audit charter. The CAE is
responsible for periodically reviewing the charter and presenting it to senior management and the board
for approval. The Mission of Internal Audit and the mandatory elements of the IPPF, which are
acknowledged in the internal audit charter, should also be discussed, according to Standard 1010 –
Recognizing Mandatory Guidance in the Internal Audit Charter.

Organizational Independence of the Internal Audit Activity

The organizational independence of the internal audit activity must be confirmed to the board annually,
according to Standard 1110 – Organizational Independence. In addition, any interference in determining
the scope of internal auditing, performing work, or communicating results — as well as the implications
of such interference — must be disclosed to the board, according to Standard 1110.A1. An independent
reporting relationship is essential to facilitate the CAE’s ability to communicate directly with the board,
as required in Standard 1111 – Direct Interaction With the Board.

Internal Audit Plans, Resource Requirements, and Performance

Standard 2020 – Communication and Approval and the related Implementation Guidance specifies the
details of communicating the internal audit activity’s plans and resource requirements. Standard 2060

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adds the requirement to report the internal audit activity’s performance relative to its plan. This is an
opportunity for the CAE to illustrate the value enhanced and protected by the internal audit activity and
the implementation of its recommendations. To quantify the level of performance, many CAEs use key
performance indicators such as the percentage of the audit plan completed, percentage of audit
recommendations that have been accepted or implemented, status of management’s corrective actions,
or average time taken to issue reports. In addition, updates on any special requests made by the board
and/or senior management may be discussed during board meetings.

Results of Audit Engagements

The 2400 series of standards covers the requirements for communicating the results of audit
engagements, including the information that engagement communications must contain, the quality of
that information, and the protocol in the case of errors and omissions or nonconformance with the Code
of Ethics or Standards that affects a specific engagement. Standard 2440 – Disseminating Results
discusses the CAE’s responsibilities related to the final engagement communication, and Standard 2450
– Overall Opinions describes the criteria for issuing an overall opinion.

Quality Assurance and Improvement Program

The 1300 series of standards cover the CAE’s responsibility for developing and maintaining a quality
assurance and improvement program that includes internal and external assessments. Standard 1320 –
Reporting on the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program lists the requirements of the CAE’s
communication to senior management and the board, including that this reporting must occur as the
assessments are completed. However, the results of ongoing monitoring of the internal audit activity’s
performance, which is part of the internal assessment process, must be reported at least annually.

With regard to the external assessment of the internal audit activity, which must be conducted at least
once every five years, Standard 1312 – External Assessments requires the CAE to discuss with the board
the qualifications and independence of the external assessor or assessment team, including any potential
conflict of interest. The CAE should encourage board oversight in the external assessment to reduce
perceived or potential conflicts of interest.

Conformance With the Code of Ethics and Standards

Standard 1320 – Reporting on the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program and its Implementation

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Guidance also describe the details of reporting on the internal audit activity’s conformance with the
Code of Ethics and Standards. Standard 1322 – Disclosure of Nonconformance states, “When
nonconformance with the Code of Ethics or the Standards impacts the overall scope or operation of the
internal audit activity, the chief audit executive must disclose the nonconformance and the impact to
senior management and the board.” Standard 1322 also describes considerations for reporting
nonconformance. Standard 2431 – Engagement Disclosure of Nonconformance stipulates the
information that must be disclosed when nonconformance impacts a specific engagement. In addition,
Standard 2060 calls for the CAE to communicate action plans to address any significant issues related to

Significant Risk and Control Issues and Management’s Acceptance of Risk

A primary purpose of CAE reporting is to provide assurance and advice to senior management and the
board regarding the organization’s governance (Standard 2110), risk management (Standard 2120), and
controls (Standard 2130). An in-depth understanding of these processes can be obtained by
implementing the 2100 series of standards. Standard 2060 identifies the CAE’s responsibility to report
significant risk and control issues that could adversely affect the organization and its ability to achieve
its objectives. Significant issues are those that would require the attention of senior management and the
board, which may include conflicts of interest, control weaknesses, errors, fraud, illegal acts,
ineffectiveness, and inefficiency.

If the CAE believes that senior management has accepted a level of risk that the organization would
consider unacceptable, the CAE should first discuss the matter with senior management. If the CAE and
senior management cannot resolve the matter, Standard 2600 directs the CAE to communicate the
matter to the board. If such issues are too urgent to wait until a scheduled board meeting (e.g., a major
fraud), the CAE would be well advised to make arrangements to communicate sooner.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

CAE discussions with senior management and the board — regarding the contents of the charter, the
internal audit activity’s performance relative to the audit plan, and significant risk exposures or control
issues — may be documented in agendas and minutes of meetings with the board and senior
management. Discussions amongst these parties may also be documented in reports and presentations
with attached distribution lists. Minutes from ad hoc meetings and documentation of reports and other
communications sent electronically may also demonstrate conformance with Standard 2060. Board and

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senior management survey results and CAE performance evaluations may contain feedback that
indicates the quality and effectiveness of the CAE’s communication related to this standard. The CAE
may also maintain a communications checklist that documents the frequency of reporting and approval

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Standard 2070 – External Service Provider and Organizational

Responsibility for Internal Auditing

When an external service provider serves as the internal audit activity, the provider must make the
organization aware that the organization has the responsibility for maintaining an effective internal
audit activity.

This responsibility is demonstrated through the quality assurance and improvement program
which assesses conformance with the Code of Ethics and the Standards.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting Started
When an external service provider is employed by an organization to serve as its internal audit activity,
it is important that the external service provider understands the 1300 series of standards and can make
theStandard 2100of –itsNature
organization aware of for
responsibility WorkStandard
maintaining a quality2070 – External
assurance and improvement
program (QAIP)
Service that covers all
Provider and aspects of the internal auditResponsibility
Organizational activity. The externalfor
service provider
should ensure that the QAIP encompasses all aspects of internal audit operations and management, in
accordance with the mandatory elements of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)
and best practices of the internal audit profession.
When an external service provider serves as the internal audit activity, the provider must make the
The QAIP concludes on the quality of the internal audit activity and its services within the organization
organization aware that the organization has the responsibility for maintaining an effective internal
and may lead to recommendations for continuous improvement. The QAIP must include ongoing
audit activity.
monitoring, periodic self-assessments, and external assessments conducted by a qualified independent
party to support conformance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing (Standards) and The IIA’s Code of Ethics.
This responsibility is demonstrated through the quality assurance and improvement program
implementation guides for the
assesses conformance 1300
with the series
Code ofof Ethics
andprovide more information about QAIP
the Standards.
requirements, including internal and external assessments, reporting results to the board and senior
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017


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management, and use of “conforms with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of
Internal Auditing.”

Considerations for Implementation

When an organization outsources internal audit work, it is not released from the responsibility for
maintaining an effective internal audit activity. Thus, even when the internal audit activity is outsourced,
the organization maintains responsibility for ensuring that the internal audit activity performs its
responsibilities effectively and efficiently and conforms with the Standards and that individual internal
auditors conform with the Standards and the Code of Ethics.

A QAIP, as required by Standard 1300 – Quality Assurance and Improvement Program, includes both
internal and external assessments. When an organization hires an external service provider to serve as
the chief audit executive (CAE), that service provider must make the organization aware that the
organization is responsible for maintaining an effective internal audit activity, which includes ensuring
that the QAIP includes both internal and external assessments of conformance with the Standards.

The CAE — or the external service provider hired to serve in the CAE’s role — should ensure that the
organization is aware of its responsibilities related to the QAIP. Typically, a contract (i.e., engagement
letter) between the organization and the external service provider specifies the service provider’s
responsibilities and deliverables related to the QAIP. An external service provider hired to serve as the
CAE and operate as the organization’s outsourced internal audit activity may also meet with senior
management and the board to discuss the organization’s responsibilities and the nature and requirements
of a QAIP. These requirements are articulated in the 1300 series of standards.

 Standard 1300 – Quality Assurance and Improvement Program explains that the CAE
must develop and maintain a QAIP that encompasses all aspects of the internal audit activity.
Where an external service provider assumes the role of CAE, the service provider may
actually develop and maintain the QAIP if this is part of the contractual agreement. However,
the hiring organization still maintains ultimate responsibility for the quality of the internal
audit activity.
 Standard 1310 – Requirements of the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program
stipulates that the QAIP must include both internal and external assessments.
 Standard 1311 – Internal Assessments states that the mandatory internal assessments must
include both ongoing monitoring and periodic self-assessments. Where an internal audit

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activity is outsourced completely to an external service provider, ongoing monitoring and

periodic self-assessments may be performed by the external service provider, in accordance
with the contract.
 Standard 1312 – External Assessments explains the requirements for external assessments,
including their form and frequency (at least once every five years) as well as the qualification
and independence requirements for the external assessor or assessment team. It’s important to
note that in cases where the entire internal audit activity is outsourced to an external service
provider, the scope of external assessments is based solely on the work conducted for the
hiring organization. Additionally, the organization should ensure that the external assessor or
assessment team selected to perform the external assessment meets independence
 Standard 1320 – Reporting on the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program
outlines the CAE’s responsibilities for communicating the results of the QAIP to senior
management and the board. An external service provider hired to serve as the CAE and
operate as the organization’s outsourced internal audit activity typically meets with the board
and senior management to discuss reporting requirements and expectations.
 Standard 1321 – Use of “Conforms with the International Standards for the Professional
Practice of Internal Auditing” indicates that the internal audit activity may only
communicate — in writing or verbally — conformance with the Standards if results of the
QAIP (including internal and external assessments) support such a statement.
 Standard 1322 – Disclosure of Nonconformance requires the CAE — or the external
service provider hired to serve as CAE — to disclose to senior management and the board any
instances where the internal audit activity does not conform with the Standards or the Code of
Ethics and the lack of conformance impacts the overall scope or operation of the internal audit

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Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Multiple documents may indicate conformance with Standard 2070. First, the contract (i.e., engagement
letter) between the organization and the external service provider may offer evidence of the
organization’s responsibility related to maintaining a QAIP. The two primary products of these
responsibilities are the documented QAIP and the results of internal and external assessments. For
internal assessments, documentation typically consists of the results of ongoing monitoring efforts, as
well as findings, corrective action plans, and corrective actions taken as a result of periodic internal
assessments to improve conformance with the mandatory elements of the IPPF. Additionally, any
documentation of actions taken to improve internal audit efficiency and effectiveness may help
demonstrate conformance with the standard. For external assessments, documentation from the external
assessor or assessment team, or written independent validation of a self-assessment, may be used to
indicate conformance.

Agendas and minutes from meetings with senior management and the board may indicate that the
external service provider communicated the organization’s responsibilities related to maintaining an
effective internal audit activity. Meeting records could also evidence that the CAE reported on QAIP
results, as required by the Standards. Evidence of such communication could also include memos to file
or other written documents.

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Standard 2100 – Nature of Work

The internal audit activity must evaluate and contribute to the improvement of the organization’s
governance, risk management, and control processes using a systematic, disciplined, and risk-
based approach. Internal audit credibility and value are enhanced when auditors are proactive and
their evaluations offer new insights and consider future impact.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2110 – GovernanceStandard 2100 – Nature of Work

Getting Started
The internal audit activity must evaluate and contribute to the improvement of the organization’s
governance, risk management, and control processes using a systematic, disciplined, and risk-
Conforming with Standard 2100 requires a thorough understanding of the concepts of governance, risk
based approach. Internal audit credibility and value are enhanced when auditors are proactive and
management, and control, as defined in the International Standards for the Professional Practice of
their evaluations offer new insights and consider future impact.
Internal Auditing, as well as the individual standards that apply specifically to these concepts: Standard
2110 – Governance, Standard 2120 – Risk Management,Revised Standards, 2130 –1Control.
and Standard JanuaryIt2017
is also
important for the internal audit activity to have an understanding of organizational objectives.

Once this understanding has been achieved, the chief audit executive (CAE) usually interviews senior
Standard 2110 – Governance
management and the board to understand the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder with respect
to governance, risk management, and control. Typically, the board is responsible for guiding the
The internal audit activity must assess and make appropriate recommendations to improve the
governance process, and senior management is accountable for leading risk management and control
organization’s governance processes for:
 Making strategic and operational decisions.
Internal auditors need to understand the business to perform meaningful evaluations and may use
 Overseeing risk management and control.
established governance, risk management, and control frameworks as a guide in their evaluation. In
 Promoting appropriate ethics and values within the organization.
addition, internal auditors may use their knowledge, experience, and best practices to proactively
 Ensuring effective organizational performance management and accountability.
highlight observed weaknesses and make recommendations for improvement.
 Communicating risk and control information to appropriate areas of the organization.
 internal
To assist the audit activity
Coordinating in its of,
the activities understanding of the business
and communicating strategies
information and the
among, risks, the CAE will
typically review boardand
external andinternal
committee charters,
auditors, meeting
other agendas
assurance and minutes,
providers, and the organization’s
and management.
strategic plan. The CAE will also review the organization’s mission, key objectives, critical risks, and
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2120 – Risk ManagementStandard 2110 –

GovernanceStandard 2100 – Nature of Work
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

the key controls used to mitigate such risks to an acceptable level. During this review, the internal audit
activity may gain insight into the definitions, frameworks, models, and processes of governance, risk
management, and control used by the organization. It may also be helpful for internal auditors to
understand the key organizational roles related to the three processes, which may include the chairman
of the board, CEO, and other chief officers (e.g., finance, ethics, risk, compliance, human resources, IT),
as well as others.

For more information on governance, risk management, and control, please see the implementation
guides for standards 2110, 2120, and 2130.

Considerations for Implementation

To start implementing this standard, the CAE typically discusses with the board and senior management
the requirements of the standard, roles and responsibilities, and the best strategies for the internal audit
activity to evaluate and contribute to governance, risk management, and control efficiently and

The CAE may document in the internal audit charter any expectations related to the roles,
responsibilities, and accountabilities of the board, senior management, and the internal audit activity.
This is intended to safeguard the internal audit activity’s independence by affirming that senior
management and the board are responsible and accountable for governance, risk management, and
control, while the internal audit activity is responsible for providing objective assurance and consulting
activities related to the three processes.

To devise an appropriate strategy for assessing the organization’s governance, risk management, and
control processes, the CAE typically considers the level of maturity of the three processes as well as the
organization’s culture and the seniority of the individuals who maintain responsibility for the processes.
Then, the CAE assesses the risks associated with the three processes. The CAE may use established
frameworks adopted by senior management (e.g., The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the
Treadway Commission’s internal control and enterprise risk management frameworks, the King Report
on Corporate Governance, or ISO 31000) to guide the assessment. During the assessment, the CAE
documents and discusses with senior management any relevant observations and conclusions. The CAE
also makes recommendations to strengthen the processes and may escalate significant observations to
the board.

If an established framework has not been adopted to guide the organization’s governance, risk

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management, and control processes, the CAE may consider recommending an appropriate framework to
guide senior management in their pursuit of enhancing these processes.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documentation that may demonstrate conformance with the standard includes the internal audit charter,
which documents the internal audit activity’s roles and responsibilities related to governance, risk
management, and control. Additionally, conformance may be evidenced by the internal audit plan or
minutes of meetings in which the elements of the standard were discussed among the CAE, board, and
senior management. Engagement plans may demonstrate the internal audit activity’s disciplined,
systematic, and risk-based approach, and engagement reports may demonstrate the outcome of relevant,
value-added results.

Additional evidence of conformance is described in the implementation guides for standards 2110, 2120,
and 2130.

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Standard 2110 – Governance

The internal audit activity must assess and make appropriate recommendations to improve the
organization’s governance processes for:

 Making strategic and operational decisions.

 Overseeing risk management and control.
 Promoting appropriate ethics and values within the organization.
 Ensuring effective organizational performance management and accountability.
 Communicating risk and control information to appropriate areas of the organization.
 Coordinating the activities of, and communicating information among, the board,
external and internal auditors, other assurance providers, and management.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2120 – Risk ManagementStandard 2110 – Governance

The internal
Getting audit activity must assess and make appropriate recommendations to improve the
organization’s governance processes for:
To fulfill thisMaking
standard, the chief
strategic audit
and executivedecisions.
operational (CAE) and internal auditors start by attaining a clear
understanding of the concept
 Overseeing risk of governanceand
management andcontrol.
the characteristics of typical governance processes.
They should also consider
Promoting the formalethics
appropriate definition of governance,
and values within theasorganization.
it appears in the glossary of the
International Standardseffective
 Ensuring for the Professional
organizational Practice of Internal
performance Auditing,and
management andaccountability.
become familiar with
globally accepted governance risk
 Communicating frameworks andinformation
and control models (e.g.,toThe Committee
appropriate of of
areas Sponsoring
the organization.
Organizations of the Treadway
 Coordinating Commission’s
the activities of, andframeworks
communicatingor ISO 31000). among, the board,
external and models,
Governance frameworks, internal and
auditors, other assurance
requirements providers,
vary according and management.
to organization type and regulatory
jurisdictions. How an organization designs and practices the principles
Revised Standards, of effective
Effective governance
1 January 2017 also
depends on factors such as its size, complexity, life cycle, maturity, stakeholder structure, and the legal
requirements to which the organization is subject. The CAE’s approach to assessing governance and

Standard 2120 – Risk Management

making recommendations to management will vary based on the framework or model the organization
The internal audit activity must evaluate the effectiveness and contribute to the
improvement of risk management processes.

Determining whether risk management processes are effective is a judgment resulting from the
internal auditor’s assessment that:
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Next, the CAE contemplates whether the current internal audit plan encompasses the organization’s
governance processes and addresses their associated risks. Governance does not exist as a set of
independent processes and structures. Rather, governance, risk management, and control are interrelated.
For example, effective governance activities consider risk when setting strategy. Equally, risk
management relies on effective governance (e.g., tone at the top; risk appetite, tolerance, and culture;
and the oversight of risk management). Likewise, effective governance relies on internal controls and
communication to the board about the effectiveness of those controls.

The CAE may review board and committee charters, as well as meeting agendas and minutes, to gain
insight into the role the board plays in the organization’s governance, especially regarding strategic and
operational decision-making. The CAE may also speak with others in key governance roles (e.g.,
chairman of the board, top elected or appointed official in a governmental entity, chief ethics officer,
human resources officer, independent external auditor, chief compliance officer, chief risk officer, etc.)
to gain a clearer understanding of the organization-specific processes and assurance activities already in
place. If the organization is regulated, the CAE may want to review any governance concerns identified
by regulators.

An understanding of governance is the foundation for a discussion with the board and senior
management about:

 The definition of governance and the nature of governance processes within the organization.
 The requirements of Standard 2110.
 The internal audit activity’s role.
 Any changes to the internal audit activity’s approach and plan that may improve its
conformance with the standard.

This discussion will help ensure agreement and an alignment of expectations with the board and senior
management about what constitutes governance, so that an appropriate internal audit plan and approach
can be executed.

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Considerations for Implementation

Governance processes are considered during the internal audit activity’s risk assessment and audit plan
development. The CAE typically identifies the organization’s higher-risk governance processes, which
are addressed through assurance and consulting projects described in the final audit plan. In addition,
Standard 2110 specifically identifies the internal audit activity’s responsibility for assessing and making
appropriate recommendations to improve the organization’s governance processes for:

 Making strategic and operational decisions – To evaluate an organization’s governance

processes for making strategic and operational decisions, the internal audit activity may
review past audit reports as well as board meeting minutes, the board policy manual, or
related governance documents, which can help provide an understanding of how such
decisions are discussed and ultimately made. This review typically reveals whether
established, consistent decision-making processes have been developed. In addition,
interviews with departmental heads may reveal what processes led to strategic and operational
 Overseeing risk management and control – To determine how an organization provides
oversight of its risk management and control activities, the internal audit activity typically
reviews the process for conducting the annual risk assessment. The internal audit activity may
also review minutes from meetings wherein risk management strategy was discussed, as well
as previously conducted risk assessments, and may interview key risk management personnel
such as compliance, risk, and finance officers. The information obtained can be compared to
benchmarking and industry trends to ensure all relevant risks have been considered.
 Promoting appropriate ethics and values within the organization – To assess how an
organization promotes ethics and values, both internally and among its external business
partners, the internal audit activity reviews the organization’s related objectives, programs,
and activities. These could include mission and value statements, a code of conduct, hiring
and training processes, an anti-fraud and whistleblowing policy, and a hotline and
investigation process. Surveys and interviews may be used to gauge whether the
organization’s efforts result in sufficient awareness of its ethical standards and values.
 Ensuring effective organizational performance management and accountability – To
evaluate how an organization ensures effective performance management and accountability,
the internal audit activity could review the organization’s policies and processes related to
staff compensation, objective setting, and performance evaluation. The internal audit activity

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may also review associated measurements (e.g., key performance indicators) and incentive
plans (e.g., bonuses) to determine whether they are appropriately designed and executed to
prevent or detect unacceptable behavior or excessive risk-taking and to support actions
aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives.
 Communicating risk and control information to appropriate areas of the
organization – To appraise how well an organization communicates risk and control
information to appropriate areas, the internal audit activity could access internal reports,
newsletters, relevant memos and emails, and staff meeting minutes to determine whether
information regarding risks and controls is complete, accurate, and distributed timely. Surveys
and interviews could be used to gauge employees’ understanding of their responsibilities over
risk and control processes and the impact to the organization if those responsibilities are not
fulfilled. Typically, during assurance and advisory engagements, the internal audit activity
also evaluates how the area under review communicates risk and control information.
 Coordinating the activities of, and communicating information among, the board,
external and internal auditors, other assurance providers, and management – To assess
an organization’s ability to coordinate activities and communicate information among the
various parties, the internal audit activity could identify the meetings that include these groups
(e.g., board, audit committee, and finance committee) and determine how frequently they
occur. Members of the internal audit activity may attend the meetings as participants or
observers, and they may review the meeting minutes, work plans, and reports distributed
among the groups to learn how these parties coordinate activities and communicate with each

Internal auditors can act in a number of different capacities to assess and recommend ways to improve
governance practices. They may provide independent, objective assessments of the design and
effectiveness of governance processes within the organization. In addition to — or instead of —
providing assurance, internal auditors may elect to provide consulting services. This may be a preferred
approach, particularly when known issues exist or the governance process is immature. Whether
providing consulting or assurance services, the CAE may decide to use continuous monitoring methods,
such as assigning internal auditors to observe meetings of governance-related bodies and advise them on
an ongoing basis. Usually, a single audit of governance is not attempted. Rather, the internal audit
activity’s assessment of governance processes is likely to be based on information obtained from
numerous audit assignments over time.

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If an overall governance assessment is appropriate, it would take into account:

 The results of audits of the specific governance processes identified above.

 Governance issues arising from audits that are not specifically focused on governance, such
o Strategic planning.
o Risk management processes.
o Operational efficiency and effectiveness.
o Internal control over financial reporting.
o Risks associated with IT, fraud, and other areas.
o Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
 The results of management assessments (e.g., compliance inspections, quality audits, control
 The work of external assurance providers (e.g., legal investigators, government auditor
general offices, and public accounting firms) and regulators.
 The work of internal assurance providers, or second line of defense functions (e.g., health and
safety, compliance, and quality).
 Other information on governance issues, such as adverse incidents indicating an opportunity
to improve governance processes.

During the planning, evaluating, and reporting phases, internal auditors consider the potential nature and
ramifications of the results and ensure appropriate communications with the board and senior

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Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Conformance with Standard 2110 may be documented through separate internal audit reports on
individual governance processes or an overall report on governance that includes assurance-based
assessments and recommendations from consulting services. Documentation may also include the
minutes of a board meeting during which the CAE discussed the internal audit activity’s overall
assessment of governance practices. Board meeting materials may provide evidence that the board was
appropriately informed about compensation and incentive packages and that it monitored the
performance of senior level executives. Statements of acknowledgment, signed by staff and business
partners, demonstrate the organization’s efforts to promote awareness of its ethics and values.

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Standard 2120 – Risk Management

The internal audit activity must evaluate the effectiveness and contribute to the
improvement of risk management processes.

Determining whether risk management processes are effective is a judgment resulting from the
internal auditor’s assessment that:

 Organizational objectives support and align with the organization’s mission.

 Significant risks are identified and assessed.
 Appropriate risk responses are selected that align risks with the organization’s risk
 Relevant risk information is captured and communicated in a timely manner across the
organization, enabling staff, management, and the board to carry out their
The internal audit activity may gather the information to support this assessment during multiple
engagements. The results of these engagements, when viewed together, provide an understanding
of the organization’s risk management processes and their effectiveness.

Risk management processes are monitored through ongoing management activities, separate
evaluations, or both.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2130 – ControlStandard 2120 – Risk Management

Getting Started
The internal audit activity must evaluate the effectiveness and contribute to the
improvement of risk management processes.
To fulfill this standard, the chief audit executive (CAE) and internal auditors start by attaining a clear
understanding of risk appetite, as well as the organization’s business missions and objectives. It is also
important to attain
Determining a complete
whether understanding
risk management of the organization’s
processes are effective isbusiness strategies
a judgment and from
resulting the risks
identified assessment that:

 Organizational objectives support and align with the organization’s mission.

 Significant risks are identified and assessed.
 Appropriate risk responses are selected that align risks with the organization’s risk
appetite. 107

 Relevant risk information is captured and communicated in a timely manner across the
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Risks may be financial, operational, legal/regulatory, or strategic in nature. The International Standards
for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing glossary definition of risk management should be
considered, along with risk management frameworks and models published globally. Additionally,
Implementation Guide 2100 – Nature of Work may be helpful to attain the foundation necessary to
implement Standard 2120.

As this standard tasks the internal audit activity with evaluating the effectiveness of risk management
processes, internal auditors will generally attain an understanding of the organization’s current risk
management environment and the corrective actions in place to address prior risks. It is important to
know how the organization identifies, assesses, and provides oversight for risks before internal auditors
start to implement Standard 2120.

In its risk assessment, the internal audit activity would consider the organization’s size, complexity, life
cycle, maturity, stakeholder structure, and legal and competitive environment. Recent changes in the
organization’s environment (e.g., new regulations, new management staff, new organization structure,
new processes, and new products) may have introduced new risks. The CAE may also review the
maturity of the organization’s risk management practices and determine to what extent the internal audit
activity will rely on management’s assessment of risk.

Finally, the internal audit activity should have in place an established process for planning, auditing, and
reporting risk management issues. Internal auditors will also evaluate risk management during assurance
and advisory reviews related to a specific area or process.

Considerations for Implementation

Through the implementation of Standard 2120, the CAE and the entire internal audit activity will
ultimately demonstrate their understanding of the organization’s risk management processes and look
for opportunities for improvement. Through conversations with senior management and the board, the
CAE would consider the risk appetite, risk tolerance, and risk culture of the organization. The internal
audit activity should alert management to new risks, as well as risks that have not been adequately
mitigated, and provide recommendations and action plans for an appropriate risk response (e.g., accept,
pursue, transfer, mitigate, or avoid). Additionally, the internal audit activity should obtain sufficient
information to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s risk management processes.

By reviewing the organization’s strategic plan, business plan, and policies, and having discussions with
the board and senior management, the CAE can gain insight to assess whether the organization’s

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strategic objectives support and align with its mission, vision, and risk appetite. Interviews with mid-
level management may provide additional insight into the alignment of the organization’s mission,
objectives, and risk appetite at the business-unit level.

Internal auditors should thoroughly explore how the organization identifies and addresses risks and how
it determines which risks are acceptable. The internal audit activity will typically evaluate the
responsibilities and risk-related processes of the board and those in key risk management roles. To
accomplish this, internal auditors may review recently completed risk assessments and related reports
issued by senior management, external auditors, regulators, and other sources.

Additionally, the internal audit activity typically conducts its own risk assessments. Discussions with
management and the board and a review of the organization’s policies and meeting minutes will
generally reveal the organization’s risk appetite, allowing the CAE and the internal audit activity to align
their recommended risk responses. The internal audit activity may consider using an established risk
management or control framework (e.g., The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
Commission’s frameworks or ISO 31000) to assist in risk identification. To remain current on potential
risk exposures and opportunities, the internal audit activity may also research new developments and
trends related to the organization’s industry, as well as processes that can be used to monitor, assess, and
respond to such risks and opportunities.

By taking these steps, internal auditors may independently perform gap analyses to determine whether
significant risks are being identified and assessed adequately, and the internal audit activity will be
positioned to evaluate management’s risk assessment process. When reviewing the risk management
process, it is important for internal auditors to identify and discuss the risks and corresponding responses
that have been chosen. For example, management may choose to accept risk, and the CAE would need
to determine whether the decision is appropriate, according to the organization’s risk appetite or risk
management strategy. If the CAE concludes that management has accepted a level of risk that may be
unacceptable to the organization, the CAE must discuss the matter with senior management and may
need to communicate the matter to the board, in accordance with Standard 2600 – Communicating the
Acceptance of Risks. In cases where management chooses to employ a risk mitigation strategy in
response to identified risks, the internal audit activity may evaluate the adequacy and timeliness of
remedial actions taken, if necessary. This can be achieved via reviewing the control designs and testing
the controls and monitoring procedures.

To assess whether relevant risk information is captured and communicated timely across the

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organization, internal auditors may interview staff at various levels and determine whether the
organization’s objectives, significant risks, and risk appetite are articulated sufficiently and understood
throughout the organization. Typically, the internal audit activity also evaluates the adequacy and
timeliness of management’s reporting of risk management results. The internal audit activity may review
board minutes to determine whether the most significant risks are communicated timely to the board and
whether the board is acting to ensure that management is responding appropriately.

Finally, the internal audit activity should take the necessary steps to ensure that it is managing its own
risks, such as audit failure, false assurance, and reputation risks. Likewise, all corrective actions should
be monitored.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documents that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2120 include the internal audit charter,
which documents the internal audit activity’s roles and responsibilities related to risk management, and
the internal audit plan. Additionally, conformance may be evidenced by minutes of meetings in which
the elements of the standard — such as the internal audit activity’s risk management recommendations
— were discussed among the CAE, the board, and senior management, or meetings between the internal
audit activity and relevant committees, task forces, and key senior management.

Risk assessments performed by the internal audit activity and action plans for addressing risks generally
demonstrate both the evaluation and improvement of risk management processes, respectively.

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Standard 2130 – Control

The internal audit activity must assist the organization in maintaining effective controls by
evaluating their effectiveness and efficiency and by promoting continuous improvement.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2200 – Engagement PlanningStandard 2130 – Control

Getting Started
To The internal
fulfill audit activity
this standard, must
the chief assist
audit the organization
executive (CAE) and in internal
maintaining effective
auditors controls
start by by a clear
evaluating their
understanding effectiveness
of the and efficiency
concept of control and the and by promoting
characteristics continuous
of typical improvement.
control processes. They should
also consider the formal definition of control, asRevised
found inStandards,
the glossary of the International
Effective 1 January 2017Standards for
the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, as well as Implementation Guide 2100 – Nature of Work.
Through conversations with senior management and the board, the CAE would consider the risk
appetite, 2200and– risk
risk tolerance, Engagement PlanningIt is important for internal auditors to
culture of the organization.
understand the critical risks that could inhibit the organization’s ability to achieve such objectives, and
that have beendevelop
must implemented to mitigate
and document risks
a plan fortoeach
an acceptable
engagement, level.
including the
engagement’s objectives, scope, timing, and resource allocations. The plan must consider the
Internal auditors may find it useful to review the results of previously completed evaluations of key
organization’s strategies, objectives, and risks relevant to the engagement.
controls, related action plans, and the potential effects of any recent business-related changes that may
introduce new risks. Internal auditors may want Revised
to consult the organization’s
Standards, Effective legal department,
1 January 2017 chief
compliance officer, or other relevant parties regarding laws and regulations with which the organization
must comply. It is beneficial for the internal audit activity to understand how the organization remains
aware of changes2201 – Planning
in regulatory requirements and ensures compliance with them.2200 –
Engagement PlanningStandard 2130 – Control
It is important for internal auditors to obtain a thorough understanding of the control framework(s)
adopted either formally or informally by the organization and to become familiar with globally
The internal
recognized, audit activitycontrol
comprehensive must assist the organization
frameworks in maintaining
such as Internal Control effective controls
– Integrated by
issued by The their effectiveness
Committee and efficiency
of Sponsoring and by promoting
Organizations continuous
of the Treadway improvement.
Commission. Although the
components, processes, and assignment of responsibility for controlsEffective
Revised Standards, are similar amongst2017
1 January different
frameworks, the terminology used by different frameworks may vary.

Standard 2200 – Engagement PlanningStandard 2130 – Control

The internal audit activity must assist the organization

in maintaining effective controls by
evaluating their effectiveness and efficiency and by promoting continuous improvement.
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Internal auditors should also understand the responsibilities related to maintaining effective controls.
Senior management typically oversees the establishment, administration, and assessment of the control
system. Management is generally responsible for the assessment of controls within their respective
areas. The internal audit activity provides varying degrees of assurance about the effectiveness of the
control processes in place. The division of responsibility may be included in a management control
policy for the organization.

Finally, the internal audit activity should have in place an established process for planning, auditing, and
reporting control issues.

Considerations for Implementation

Through the implementation of the standard, the CAE and the entire internal audit activity ultimately
should demonstrate an understanding of the organization’s control processes, alert management to new
control issues, and provide recommendations and action plans for corrective actions and monitoring.
The internal audit activity should obtain sufficient information to evaluate the effectiveness of the
organization’s control processes.

Controls are designed to mitigate risks at the entity, activity, and transaction levels. A competent
evaluation of the effectiveness of controls entails assessing the controls in the context of risks to
objectives at each of those levels. A risk and control matrix may help the internal auditor facilitate such
assessments. Such a matrix can assist the internal audit activity in:

 Identifying objectives and the risks to achieving them.

 Determining the significance of risks, taking into consideration the impact and likelihood.
 Ascertaining the appropriate response to significant risks (e.g. accept, pursue, transfer,
mitigate, or avoid).
 Ascertaining the key controls management uses to manage risks.
 Evaluating the design adequacy of controls to help determine whether it may be appropriate to
test controls for effectiveness.
 Testing controls that have been deemed adequately designed to determine whether they are
operating as intended.

In employing a risk and control matrix, the internal audit activity may find it helpful to interview

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

management; review organizational plans, policies, and processes; use walk-throughs, surveys, internal
control questionnaires, and flowcharts to obtain information about control design adequacy; and utilize
inspections, confirmations, continuous auditing, and data analyses to test control effectiveness.

To evaluate the efficiency of controls, the internal audit activity typically determines whether
management measures and monitors the costs and benefits of controls. This would include identifying
whether the resources used in the control processes exceed the benefits and whether control processes
create significant business concerns (e.g., errors, delays, or duplication of efforts).

It may also be useful for internal auditors to assess whether the level of a control is appropriate for the
risk it addresses. One tool that many internal auditors use to visually document the relationship is a risk
and control map, which plots the risk significance against control effectiveness.

To promote continuous improvement in maintaining effective controls, the internal audit activity
typically provides the board and senior management with an overall assessment or compiles the results
of control evaluations accumulated from individual audit engagements. The CAE may recommend the
implementation of a control framework if one is not already in place. Additionally, internal auditors may
make recommendations that enhance the control environment (e.g., a tone at the top that promotes a
culture of ethical behavior and a low tolerance for noncompliance).

Additional steps the internal audit activity may take to promote continuous improvement in control
effectiveness include:

 Providing training on controls and ongoing self-monitoring processes.

 Facilitating control (or risk and control) assessment sessions for management.
 Helping management establish a logical structure for documenting, analyzing, and assessing
the organization’s design and operation of controls.
 Assisting in the development of a process for identifying, evaluating, and remediating control
 Helping management keep abreast of emerging issues, laws, and regulations related to control
 Monitoring technological advancements that may assist with control efficiency and

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Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documents that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2130 include the internal audit activity’s
assessment and testing of controls. Such documentation typically exists in auditors’ workpapers and may

 Minutes of meetings with relevant stakeholders whereby controls were discussed.

 Risk and control matrices and maps.
 Narratives of walk-throughs.
 Results of surveys and interviews with management.
 Results of controls testing.

Conformance may also be demonstrated through plans, reports on individual engagements, follow-up on
issues raised in audit reports, and/or an overall evaluation of controls. If management maintains a proper
set of operating and control procedures to communicate expected controls to staff, this may also
demonstrate conformance. Continuous improvement may be evidenced in the constant updating of
standard operating and control procedures to reflect the changing environment.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 2200 – Engagement Planning

Internal auditors must develop and document a plan for each engagement, including the
engagement’s objectives, scope, timing, and resource allocations. The plan must consider the
organization’s strategies, objectives, and risks relevant to the engagement.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2201 – Planning ConsiderationsStandard 2200 –

Getting Started
Engagement Planning
Engagement planning is critical to effective internal auditing. It is central not only to Standard 2200, but
to other auditorsinmust
standards develop
this series as and
well.document a plan for each engagement, including the
engagement’s objectives, scope, timing, and resource allocations. The plan must consider the
When planning an audit engagement, internal auditors typically begin with an understanding of the
organization’s strategies, objectives, and risks relevant to the engagement.
organization’s annual internal audit plan, an awareness of the planning and discussions that led to its
development (see Implementation Guide 2010 –Revised Standards,
Planning), Effective 1 January
and an understanding of any2017
changes affecting the organization since the audit engagement was included in the annual internal audit
plan. Internal auditors also need to understand how the organization’s strategies, objectives, and risks
impact 2201
the internal – Planning Considerations
audit engagement.

It’s important for internal auditors to understand the engagement planning process used by the
In planning internal
organization’s the engagement, internal
audit activity, auditors
which must
is often consider:in the internal audit policies and
procedures  manual. Internaland
The strategies auditors shouldofalso
objectives the attain
reviewed ofandthe
theengagement’s scope
means by which theand
expectations anditsbecome
controls familiar with prior audits (internal or external) or compliance
 The significant
reviews conducted in the arearisks
under to review.
the activity’s objectives,
Additionally, resources,
internal andtypically
auditors operations and the
themselves with the by
means strategies,
which theobjectives,
potentialand risksofrelated
impact risk is to thetodepartment,
kept area,
an acceptable or process to be
reviewed in the
adequacyengagement. It mayofbethe
and effectiveness helpful governance,
for internal
activity’s risktomanagement,
auditors and
inquire whether
management control
has performed a risk
processes assessment
compared in the area
to a relevant under review
framework and, if so, to understand
or model.
 Theopinion on the risk
opportunities forassessment as well as
making significant any related risks
improvements and
to the controlsgovernance,
activity’s in the area of the
upcoming audit
management, and control processes.
Internal auditors should consider the resources needed
the engagement (see1 Implementation
Effective January 2017 Guide

Standard 2210 – Engagement ObjectivesStandard 2201 –

115 2200 – Engagement Planning
Planning ConsiderationsStandard
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

2030 – Resource Management), and determine how resources can be utilized most effectively.

The implementation guides for Standard 2201 – Planning Considerations; Standard 2210 –Engagement
Objectives; Standard 2220 – Engagement Scope; Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation;
and Standard 2240 – Engagement Work Program provide further guidance on the engagement planning

Considerations for Implementation

In implementing Standard 2200, it is important for internal auditors to establish engagement objectives
as a critical part of planning the engagement. To that end, internal auditors should review any recent risk
assessments conducted by management, as well as the internal audit risk assessment completed during
annual planning, because the engagement objectives will be linked to risks in the area under review.
Other considerations include previous engagement risk assessments and audit reports for the area being
reviewed. Once the risk-based objectives have been established, the scope of the audit engagement can
be determined, setting the boundaries under which the internal auditors will work.

To establish the engagement objectives, internal auditors generally identify data required within the
engagement scope and communicate the scope to management of the area under review, giving
management adequate lead time for preparation. Internal auditors also communicate with management
or other key personnel in the area under review to ensure availability of key personnel early in the

Throughout the engagement planning process, internal auditors typically retain documentation from
discussions and conclusions reached during meetings and include such documents in the engagement
workpapers. During the engagement’s planning stage, internal auditors will determine the level of
formality and documentation needed. The organization’s internal audit policy manual may specify the
steps for a formal process and include pertinent templates.

During engagement planning, internal auditors may start to develop the engagement work program,
giving consideration to budgets, logistics, and the final engagement communication format. The chief
audit executive typically determines how, when, and to whom the engagement’s results will be
communicated (see Standard 2440 – Disseminating Results), as well as the level of direct supervisory
needs of the audit staff, specific to the engagement plan (see Standard 2340 – Engagement Supervision).
The last planning step before internal auditors start fieldwork typically involves attaining audit
management’s approval of the engagement work program. However, the engagement plan and

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engagement work program may be adjusted — subject to approval by audit management — during
fieldwork when new information is obtained.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documents that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2200 include a documented engagement
plan that covers the planning considerations, engagement scope, objectives, resource allocations, and the
approved engagement work program. An internal audit policies and procedures manual may include
approved documentation templates related to planning the engagement. Documentation may include
notes from planning meetings that preceded the engagement, such as minutes, attendees, engagement
timeframe, resources available, and other key items. Such notes are typically documented in engagement

Additionally, communications to the engagement client regarding the upcoming engagement, such as
communications that discuss engagement objectives and scope, may demonstrate conformance. Any
documentation from an opening or kickoff meeting after the development of the engagement work
program may also serve to show conformance with Standard 2200.

Additional evidence of conformance is described in the implementation guides for Standard 2201 –
Planning Considerations, Standard 2210 – Engagement Objectives, Standard 2220 – Engagement Scope,
Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation, and Standard 2240 – Engagement Work Program.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 2201 – Planning Considerations

In planning the engagement, internal auditors must consider:

 The strategies and objectives of the activity being reviewed and the means by which the
activity controls its performance.
 The significant risks to the activity’s objectives, resources, and operations and the
means by which the potential impact of risk is kept to an acceptable level.
 The adequacy and effectiveness of the activity’s governance, risk management, and
control processes compared to a relevant framework or model.
 The opportunities for making significant improvements to the activity’s governance,
risk management, and control processes.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2210 – Engagement ObjectivesStandard 2201 –

Getting Started
Planning Considerations
Internal auditors
In planning themust plan engagements
engagement, carefullymust
internal auditors in order to effectively accomplish the goals and
objectives set forth in the annual internal audit plan and to adhere to the organization’s established
 procedures
policies and The strategies andinternal
for the objectives of activity.
audit the activity being reviewed
Engagement planningandtypically
the means by which
starts with a the
review of the activity controlsthat
documentation its performance.
supports the annual internal audit plan.
 The significant risks to the activity’s objectives, resources, and operations and the
Internal auditors
plan effectively
which for animpact
the potential engagement
of riskifisthey
to anwith an understanding
acceptable level. of the
mission, vision,
 Theobjectives,
adequacy risk, risk appetite, of
and effectiveness control environment,
the activity’s governance
governance, structure, andand
risk management, risk
management control
process processes
of the areacompared
or processtounder review.
a relevant A preliminary
framework survey could be a valuable tool
or model.
to help internal
 The auditors achievefor
opportunities a sufficient understanding
making significant of the areatoorthe
improvements process to begovernance,
activity’s audited.

Developing arisk
riskmanagement, and control
and control matrix processes.an existing one — is a common practice used by
— or reviewing
internal auditors to identify the risks that may impact theStandards,
Revised objectives,Effective
resources,1 and/or
2017 of the
area or process under review. The risk and control matrix may provide critical feedback on the key risks
that have been identified, as well as any mitigating controls. It can also be used to identify key

Standard 2210 – Engagement Objectives

objectives of subprocesses within the area or process to be audited.

Objectives must be established for each engagement.

118 Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
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During engagement planning, internal auditors typically gather information regarding the audit client’s
policies and procedures and seek to understand any IT systems used by the area under review, along
with sources, types, and reliability of information used in the process and those that will be evaluated as
evidence. Internal auditors also obtain and review the results of work performed by other internal or
external assurance providers and/or prior audit results from the area or process under review, if

It is important for internal auditors to determine whether new processes or conditions may have
introduced new risks. Additionally, it is helpful for internal auditors to determine the preliminary
resources and information needed, including the internal audit skills needed to perform the audit

Considerations for Implementation

To implement Standard 2201, it is important for internal auditors to identify, understand, and document
the mission, strategic objectives, goals, key performance indicators, risks, and controls of the area or
process to be audited. Typically, internal auditors evaluate whether the risks are managed to a tolerable
level through governance, risk management, and control processes.

Internal auditors may hold discussions with the management of the area under review to understand the
strategies and objectives. These discussions may be supplemented by a review of strategy papers,
business plans, budgets, and minutes of meetings. Significant risks may be identified in the supporting
documentation. Internal auditors can use their understanding of the business and knowledge of the
environment to independently evaluate the risk factors considered by business management.

Understanding the strategies, objectives, and risks of the area or process to be audited can help internal
auditors to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the its governance, risk management, and control
processes. Internal auditors may review the organization structure, management roles and
responsibilities, management reports, and operating procedures to gain an understanding of the
governance, risk management, and control processes. It is also important for internal auditors to review
meeting notes during the planning phase of an engagement to determine whether any additional tests
should be added to the work program.

Management may maintain process flow and controls documents to meet regulatory requirements, such
as Sarbanes-Oxley (USA), Turnbull (UK), or other listing rules. Internal auditors may review such
documentation to identify key controls. Thereafter, internal auditors may consider using a relevant

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framework or model, such as The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway

Commission’s frameworks or ISO 31000, to aid the evaluation.

During engagement planning, it is important for internal auditors to consider how the internal audit
activity can add value. In this regard, internal auditors use their professional judgment, knowledge, and
experience to identify opportunities for making significant improvements to the organization’s
governance, risk management, and control processes.

While planning an engagement, internal auditors establish the engagement’s objectives and scope in
conformance with Standard 2210 – Engagement Objectives and Standard 2220 – Engagement Scope.
Doing so allows internal auditors to consider what should be tested in the process or area under review.
It also enables them to prioritize the areas within the engagement scope based on the significance of the
risks identified. Priority is generally determined by the likelihood of a risk occurrence and the impact
that risk would have on the organization if it occurred. Risks with a higher likelihood of occurrence and
the greatest impact are generally given the highest priority for testing.

In addition, internal auditors typically speak with individuals who work in the area or process under
review. This can enhance understanding and lead to more effective engagement planning.

Implementation Guide 2210 – Engagement Objectives and Implementation Guide 2220 – Engagement
Scope provide additional guidance.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documents that may demonstrate conformance with the standard include a well-documented planning
memo that shows, among other things, that internal auditors have considered the items listed in Standard
2201. Other documentation, such as notes from a walk-through, process flowcharts, workpapers, and a
risk and control matrix, may also demonstrate conformance.

Additionally, internal auditors generally have documentation of any gaps they may have found between
policies and procedures of the area under review, and this may serve to demonstrate conformance. The
opportunities for making significant improvements to the organization’s governance, risk management,
and controls processes may be documented in meeting minutes, presentations, or the final
communication to management.

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Standard 2210 – Engagement Objectives

Objectives must be established for each engagement.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2220 – Engagement ScopeStandard 2210 – Engagement

Getting Started
Standard 2210 clearly states that internal auditors must establish objectives as a part of planning for each
ObjectivesObjectives typically are
must be established for developed based on key risks that have been identified related to
each engagement.
the area or process under review.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
Generally, internal auditors begin the process of establishing engagement objectives by reviewing the
planning considerations (see Implementation Guide 2201 – Planning Considerations) and the annual

Standard 2220 – Engagement Scope

internal audit plan to attain a complete understanding of why the engagement is being conducted and
what the organization aims to achieve. Internal auditors may find it helpful to begin with an
understanding of the organization’s mission, vision, and short-term and long-term goals, as well as key
The established scope must be sufficient to achieve the objectives of the engagement.
policies and procedures and how they relate to the area or process under review. Additionally, it is
important for internal auditors to attain a thorough Standards,
understanding of Effective 1 January
the strategies, 2017
mission, and
objectives of the area or process under review, as well as its inputs and outputs.

Prior to establishing the engagement objectives, it is helpful for internal auditors to determine whether a
Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource AllocationStandard 2220
risk assessment was performed during the engagement’s planning phase and to attain a thorough
– Engagement
understanding of the risksScopeStandard
of both the organization and the–area
2210 Engagement
or process underObjectives
review. In addition, it is
critical to understand the expectations of stakeholders including senior management and the board.
Objectives must be established for each engagement.
Considerations for Implementation
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
Internal auditors can formulate preliminary objectives of engagements through a review of the annual
internal audit plan and prior engagement results, discussions with stakeholders, and consideration of the
mission, 2220
vision, and – Engagement
objectives ScopeStandard
of the area or process under review. The2210 – Engagement
preliminary objectives are
further enhanced through risk assessment exercises to cover the governance, risk management, and
controls of the area or process under review. The engagement objectives articulate what the engagement

Objectives must be established for each engagement.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

is specifically attempting to accomplish and determine the engagement scope (see Implementation
Guide 2220 – Engagement Scope).

Engagement objectives help internal auditors determine which procedures to perform. They also help
internal auditors prioritize risk and control testing of processes and systems during the engagement. Risk
and control testing generally provides assurance regarding design adequacy, operating effectiveness,
compliance, efficiency, accuracy, and reporting.

It is important for internal auditors to establish objectives that have a clear purpose, are concise, and link
to the risk assessment. Often, internal auditors utilize best practices and frameworks, such as The
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission’s frameworks or ISO 31000,
when establishing objectives to address risks and controls.

During engagement planning, it is helpful for internal auditors to develop a planning memo, where they
can document the objectives, scope, risk assessment, and prioritized areas for testing. The planning
memo is also an important document to communicate engagement objectives, scope, and other
important background information to audit team members.

Implementation Guide 2300 – Performing the Engagement provides additional guidance on how to
achieve the engagement objectives.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documents that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2210 include the planning memo
containing the engagement objectives, as well as the approved audit work program, which also lists the
objectives. The engagement objectives should be articulated in the final engagement communication as

Additional documentation that may illustrate conformance includes supporting records for the
engagement, such as meeting minutes or discussion notes from interactions with stakeholders. These
documents may show how the engagement objectives were derived. Additionally, internal audit policies
and procedures that describe which steps internal auditors should take during an engagement may help
demonstrate conformance with Standard 2210.

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Standard 2220 – Engagement Scope

The established scope must be sufficient to achieve the objectives of the engagement.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource AllocationStandard 2220

Getting Started
– Engagement Scope
In implementing Standard 2220, internal auditors are tasked with establishing an engagement scope that
The established
is sufficient scope
to achieve themust be sufficient
engagement to achieve
objectives. the objectives
Because of the generally
an engagement engagement.
cannot cover
everything, internal auditors must determine what will and will not be included. When internal auditors
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
establish the engagement scope, they generally consider factors such as the boundaries of the area or
process, in-scope versus out-of-scope locations, subprocesses, components of the area or process, and
time frame.
Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation
Internal auditors typically review the planning considerations (see Implementation Guide 2201 –
InternalConsiderations) and the engagement
auditors must determine appropriateobjectives (see Implementation
and sufficient 2210 –
resources to achieve
based on antoevaluation
attain an understanding of the
of the nature and key risksofidentified
complexity during thetime
each engagement, planning phase.
This allows them
constraints, andtoavailable
achieve aresources.
thorough understanding of how best to link the engagement scope to the
objectives. It is important for internal auditors to carefully consider the boundaries of the engagement, as
the scope must cover enough breadth to achieve the engagement objectives.
Appropriate refers to the mix of knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform the
engagement. Sufficient forrefers
to the quantity of resources needed to accomplish the engagement
with due professional care.
During planning, internal auditors typically draft a scope statement that specifically states what will and
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
will not be included in the engagement (e.g., the boundaries of the area or processes, in-scope versus
out-of-scope locations, subprocesses, components of the area or process, and time frame). The time
frame may be based on a point in time, a fiscal quarter, a calendar year, or another predetermined period
Standard 2240 – Engagement Work ProgramStandard 2230 –
of time.
Engagement Resource AllocationStandard 2220 – Engagement
To ensure the scope is sufficient to meet the engagement objectives and aligns with the organization’s
annual internal audit plan, internal auditors must use sound professional judgment based upon relevant

The established scope must be sufficient to achieve the objectives of the engagement.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

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experience and/or supervisory assistance. When determining the scope, it is helpful for them to review
the engagement objectives to ensure that each objective can be accomplished under the established
parameters. Internal auditors generally consider and document any scope limitations, as well as any
requests from the client or stakeholders for items to be included or excluded from the scope. If internal
auditors encounter scope limitations, these must be reported in the final engagement communication.

At times, internal auditors may place reliance on work performed by others — such as external auditors
or compliance groups within the organization — and it may be useful to document such reliance in the
scope statement. Standard 2050 – Coordination and Reliance and its Implementation Guide provide
further guidance on the internal audit activity’s reliance on such work.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documents that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2220 include the description of
engagement planning process in the internal audit charter or internal audit policies and procedures,
which typically explains how the scope is defined. The engagement work program, approved by internal
audit management, generally shows whether the engagement scope adequately aligns with the objectives
and addresses the key risks identified.

Typically, the scope statement is clearly documented in the engagement’s final communications. Other
documentation that may serve to demonstrate conformance includes planning memos, signed approvals,
engagement announcements, and notes from meetings during which the scope was discussed.

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Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource Allocation

Internal auditors must determine appropriate and sufficient resources to achieve engagement
objectives based on an evaluation of the nature and complexity of each engagement, time
constraints, and available resources.

Appropriate refers to the mix of knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform the
engagement. Sufficient refers to the quantity of resources needed to accomplish the engagement
with due professional care.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting 2240 – Engagement Work ProgramStandard 2230 –
Engagement Resource Allocation
In order to satisfy Standard 2230, internal auditors must ensure that resources are allocated to achieve
objectives of themust
auditors engagement.
determine It appropriate
is critical that
andinternal auditors
sufficient assigned
resources to an engagement
to achieve engagementpossess
necessary based
knowledge, skills, experience,
on an evaluation and additional
of the nature competencies
and complexity of each to perform thetime
engagement, engagement
competently and
constraints, thoroughly.
and It is also important for the internal audit activity to include a quantity of
available resources.
resources sufficient to cover the needs of the engagement with the required attention to detail and
professional care.
Appropriate refers to the mix of knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform the
Before determining how best to allocate engagement resources, internal auditors generally attain an
engagement. Sufficient refers to the quantity of resources needed to accomplish the engagement
understanding of the engagement’s
with due professional care. objectives and scope by reviewing the planning documents. It is also
essential for internal auditors to understand the nature and complexity of the engagement through
Revised Standards,
discussions with key stakeholders, including management in the areaEffective 1 January 2017
to be audited.

It is important for internal auditors to inventory not only staff resources, but also available technology
that may be helpful or necessary to perform a quality engagement. They may also consider whether
Standard 2240 – Engagement Work Program
additional outside resources or technology are necessary to complete the engagement.

reviewing the engagement
auditors work
must develop program,
and documentinternal
work auditors
thatgain a thorough
achieve understanding of
the engagement
how much time each step is expected to take. They should be aware of the number of hours budgeted for

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2300 – Performing the125EngagementStandard 2240 –

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the engagement, as well as any time, language, logistical, or other constraints for any relevant party
(e.g., members of the internal audit activity, management in the area under review, senior management,
the board, and/or external parties).

If the internal audit activity does not have appropriate and sufficient resources on staff, the chief audit
executive (CAE) is expected to obtain competent advice or assistance to fill any gaps. Implementation
Guide 1210 – Proficiency provides further guidance on obtaining the knowledge, skills, and other
competencies necessary to perform internal audit responsibilities.

Considerations for Implementation

Internal auditors typically evaluate the engagement work program and use their best professional
judgment in determining the type and quantity of resources to allocate to an engagement to best
accomplish its objectives. It is important to assign the appropriate personnel to the engagement based on
their availability, knowledge, skills, and experiences. Specialized skill sets (e.g., financial reporting, IT,
cost analysis, asset disposition, construction, industry-specific skills, and others) can be invaluable to the
internal audit activity if utilized properly. Therefore, it is important for internal auditors to exercise care
when selecting the best available resources for the engagement.

If the specialized skills of the available internal auditors are not sufficient to perform the engagement,
internal auditors typically consider whether additional training is an option, or whether closer
supervision would be appropriate. In situations where the existing internal audit staff lacks the expertise
or knowledge to perform the engagement, internal auditors may consider supplementing existing
resources with other options, such as using guest auditors, employing a subject matter expert, or

Internal auditors should discuss with the CAE any concerns related to the resources allocated to the
engagement. Internal auditors may consider tracking the actual time spent performing the engagement
against the budgeted time. The causes for, and effects of, significant overrun may be documented as a
lesson learned for future planning purposes.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documents that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2230 include the approved engagement
work program, which typically shows that the internal audit activity utilized appropriate and sufficient
resources for the engagement, including personnel with appropriate internal audit experience, skills, and

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competencies. The supporting documentation generally shows the distribution of activities for each
internal auditor, as well as the timelines assigned to the engagement.

Other documentation that may illustrate conformance with Standard 2230 includes the internal audit
activity’s planning notes, which may describe the technology or other resources that were considered
during the planning phase of the engagement. In addition, time sheets or tracking documentation used to
monitor budgeted hours against actual hours may help to show conformance. A post-audit client survey
on the quality of internal audit resources and timeliness of the audit report may also help to demonstrate

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Standard 2240 – Engagement Work Program

Internal auditors must develop and document work programs that achieve the engagement

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting 2300 – Performing the EngagementStandard 2240 –
Engagement Work Program
To implement Standard 2240, internal auditors begin with a clear and thorough understanding of the
engagement’s objectives
Internal auditors must and scope,
develop andasdocument
well as thework
key programs
risks and controls in the
that achieve thearea or process under
review. Typically, they a have a complete understanding of the resources available for the engagement.
Before developing the work program, internal auditors
Revisedmay find it useful
Standards, to consider
Effective many
1 January aspects of
the upcoming engagement, including:

 The appropriate sample size for testing and methodologies to be used.

 The risk register–orPerforming
2300 theitEngagement
risk matrix and how applies to the development of the work program.
 The scope of the engagement.
 How
Internal engagement
auditors objectives
must identify, will evaluate,
analyze, be achieved.
and document sufficient information to achieve
the engagement’s
Whether theobjectives.
necessary resources are available.
 Judgments and conclusions made during the engagement’s planning phase.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Considerations for Implementation

When developing2310
the work– program,
Identifying InformationStandard
internal auditors 2300
generally consider the risks –area or process
in the
under theprogram
review. The work EngagementStandard
is based on the engagement 2240 – Engagement
objectives Work
and scope. It typically includes
resource deployment plans and describes the techniques or methodologies that will be used to conduct
the engagement (e.g., sampling techniques). It is important for internal auditors to determine which tests
or audit steps are necessary to assess the risks in the area or process under review and to test the existing
controls. auditors must
Additionally, develop
internal and document
auditors work that
should ensure programs thatare
the tests achieve theenough
specific engagement
to avoid scope
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2300 – Performing the EngagementStandard 2240 –

Engagement Work Program
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

To develop an effective work program, internal auditors consider the nature, extent, and timing of the
audit tests required to achieve the engagement objectives. Each engagement procedure in the work
program should be designed to test a particular control that addresses risk. It is also important that the
work program be developed and documented in such a way that ensures all members of the engagement
team understand what they need to do and which tasks remain to be performed.

The format of work programs may vary by engagement or organization. Commonly used formats
include standard templates or checklists to document completion of planning steps, memoranda that
summarize tasks completed, and additional columns in the risk and control matrix. Well documented
work programs assist in communicating roles, responsibilities, and tasks to the members of the
engagement team. They may include signoff for completed work, the names of the internal auditors who
completed the work, and the date the work was completed.

Per Standard 2240.A1, work programs must be approved by internal audit management before the
commencement of audit fieldwork. However, with new information and knowledge gained during
fieldwork, the audit program may be adjusted, subject to prompt approval by internal audit management.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

The work program itself, with documented approval, generally demonstrates conformance with Standard
2240. Any changes to the work program also should have documented approval. Engagement
supervision and appropriate signoffs for each work program task by the internal auditor responsible for
completing the task may help demonstrate conformance as well.

Other documents that may illustrate conformance with Standard 2240 include meeting notes or memos
that show planning steps for developing the work program. Additionally, notes from planning meetings
with the audit engagement team during which the deliverables and purpose were discussed with the
engagement client, or evidence that such meetings occurred, may demonstrate conformance.

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Standard 2300 – Performing the Engagement

Internal auditors must identify, analyze, evaluate, and document sufficient information to achieve
the engagement’s objectives.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting 2310 – Identifying InformationStandard 2300 –
Performing the Engagement
In the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the engagement
process is divided
Internal auditorsinto three
must phases,
identify, with a series
analyze, of standards
evaluate, representing
and document each:
sufficient planning to
information (2200 series),
performing and supervising
the engagement’s (2300 series), and communicating (2400 series). In reality, the standards in
these groups are not performed discretely and sequentially. Rather, some engagement work may be
performed during the planning process; and planning, Revised Standards,and
supervising, Effective 1 Januaryoccur
communicating 2017 throughout
the performance of an engagement. Thus, in preparing to perform an engagement, internal auditors
should review all three groups of standards and implementation guides concurrently.
Standard 2310 – Identifying Information
Before performing the engagement, internal auditors may benefit from reviewing the information
formulated during the planning process, which should include:
Internal auditors must identify sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful information to achieve the
 Engagement
engagement’s objectives.
objectives that reflect the results of a preliminary risk assessment conducted by
the internal audit activity (Standard 2210 – Engagement Objectives and Standard 2210.A1).
 The criteria that will be used to evaluate the governance, risk management, and controls of the
Sufficient information
or process isunder
factual, adequate, and2210.A3).
convincing so that a prudent, informed person
area review (Standard
would reach the same conclusions as the auditor. Reliable information is the best attainable
 The engagement work program (which contains the conclusions made during the planning
information through the use of appropriate engagement techniques. Relevant information supports
phase), the engagement tasks, and the procedures that will be used to identify, analyze, and
engagement observations and recommendations and is consistent with the objectives for the
document engagement information (Standard 2240 – Engagement Work Program and
engagement. Useful information helps the organization meet its goals.
Standard 2240.A1).
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2320 – Analysis and EvaluationStandard 2310 –

Identifying InformationStandard 2300 – Performing the
Internal auditors must identify, analyze, evaluate, and document sufficient information to achieve
the engagement’s objectives.
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Work performed during the planning phase is typically documented in workpapers and referenced in the
work program. The work may include:

 A risk and control matrix, which links risks and controls with the testing approach, results,
observations, and conclusions.
 Process maps, flowcharts, and/or narrative descriptions of control processes.
 The results of evaluating the adequacy of control design.
 A plan and approach for testing the effectiveness of key controls.
 The level of analysis and detail applied during the planning phase varies by internal audit
activity and engagement. Evaluating the adequacy of control design is often completed as part
of engagement planning, because it helps internal auditors clearly identify key controls to be
further tested for effectiveness. However, the most appropriate time to perform this evaluation
depends on the nature of the engagement; if it is not completed during planning, the control
design evaluation may occur as a specific stage of engagement performance, or internal
auditors may evaluate the control design while performing tests of the controls’ effectiveness.

Considerations for Implementation

The 2300 series of standards encompasses performing the tests outlined in the planning phase and
evaluating and documenting the results. As internal auditors reflect on the information needed to
accomplish the engagement objectives, they should consider the expectations of the board and senior
management. The type of information required and analyses applied may depend on whether the
engagement is designed to provide assurance with conclusions and/or an opinion (Standard 2410.A1) or
consulting and advice (Standard 2410.C1).

Internal auditors approach engagements with an objective, yet inquisitive, mind and search strategically
for information (e.g., audit evidence) that could help achieve the engagement objectives. At each step in
the engagement process, internal auditors apply professional skepticism to evaluate whether the
information is sufficient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis on which to formulate
conclusions and/or recommendations, or whether additional information should be collected. Standard
2330 – Documenting Information requires internal auditors to document information resulting from the
execution of the engagement; the evidence should logically support the conclusions and engagement

The Interpretation of Standard 2310 – Identifying Information states, “Sufficient information is factual,

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adequate, and convincing so that a prudent, informed person would reach the same conclusions as the
auditor.” Thus, engagement information should be collected and documented in such a way that a
prudent, informed person, such as another internal auditor or an external assessor, could repeat the
engagement and achieve an outcome that confirms the internal auditor’s results and logically leads to the
same conclusions.

Internal auditors must base conclusions and engagement results on appropriate analyses and evaluations
(see Standard 2320 – Analysis and Evaluation). For assurance engagements and some consulting
engagements, the ultimate goal is to reach conclusions about whether the design and operation of key
controls support the engagement subject’s ability to achieve its objectives.

As part of the work program, internal auditors usually create a testing plan to gather evidence about the
operating effectiveness of adequately designed key controls (see Standard 2240 – Engagement Work
Program). Generally, secondary controls (i.e., those that improve the process but are not essential) and
controls that have a design weakness (i.e., those unlikely to accomplish their purpose even if they are
operating properly) do not need to proceed to the level of effectiveness testing. If the details of the
testing plan are not sufficient, internal auditors may need to provide additional testing details, such as
the testing criteria and population, the sampling methodology, and the sample size needed to obtain
sufficient information. Standard 2240.A1 requires adjustments to be approved promptly.

Internal auditors’ approach to evaluation often includes a combination of manual audit procedures and
computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs). General categories of manual audit procedures include
inquiry (e.g., interviews or surveys), observation, inspection, vouching, tracing, reperformance,
confirmation, and analytical procedures (e.g., ratio analysis, trend analysis, or benchmarking). CAATs
include generalized audit software programs and specialized programs that test the processing logic and
controls of other software and systems. Evaluation procedures are discussed in more detail in
Implementation Guide 2320 – Analysis and Evaluation.

As evaluations are completed, the results may be recorded in a column added to the risk and control
matrix, which is typically documented as a workpaper. Entries in the matrix generally include a
reference or link to additional workpapers that document the details of testing procedures and analyses
used, the results, and any additional support for the internal auditor’s conclusions. Internal audit
information, testing results, and the basis for conclusions may also be presented in the form of a
summary of the work performed.

The chief audit executive usually establishes a common approach to workpaper documentation in the

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internal audit activity’s policies and procedures manual. Documentation is discussed in more detail in
Implementation Guide 2330 – Documenting Information.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Conformance with Standard 2300 may be evidenced in the engagement workpapers that describe the
actions, analyses, and evaluations performed during an engagement, as well as the logic supporting the
conclusions, opinions, and/or advice. Workpapers normally include a description of any CAATs or
software that was used during the engagement. Additionally, final engagement communications
typically demonstrate conformance. Post-engagement surveys or other feedback mechanisms may
confirm that the engagement’s objectives were achieved, from the perspective of the board and senior
management. Documentation of engagement supervision may provide evidence of conformance.

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Standard 2310 – Identifying Information

Internal auditors must identify sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful information to achieve the
engagement’s objectives.

Sufficient information is factual, adequate, and convincing so that a prudent, informed person
would reach the same conclusions as the auditor. Reliable information is the best attainable
information through the use of appropriate engagement techniques. Relevant information supports
engagement observations and recommendations and is consistent with the objectives for the
engagement. Useful information helps the organization meet its goals.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2320 – Analysis and EvaluationStandard 2310 –

Identifying Information
Getting Started
Internal auditors must identify sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful information to achieve the
The internal audit activity uses a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the
engagement’s objectives.
effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes. The systematic and disciplined
approach requires that internal auditors identify, analyze, evaluate, and document information to support
results of information
an engagement and theadequate,
is factual, internal auditors’ conclusions.
and convincing so thatStandard 2310
a prudent, definesperson
informed the criteria of
thewould reach the
information thatsame
must conclusions
be identified.as the auditor. Reliable information is the best attainable
information through the use of appropriate engagement techniques. Relevant information supports
Internal auditors begin gathering information, which includes audit evidence, when planning the
engagement observations and recommendations and is consistent with the objectives for the
engagement. A review
Useful of the engagement
information objectives
helps the and engagement
organization work program helps prepare
meet its goals.
internal auditors to identify sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful information. The work program
prescribes the procedures internal auditors use toRevised
performStandards, Effective 1 January 2017
the engagement.

It may be helpful for internal auditors to review the organization’s policies and jurisdictional laws
related to data privacy before beginning engagement work. They may also consult with the
Standard 2320 – Analysis and Evaluation
organization’s legal counsel or other applicable subject matter experts to address any questions or
concerns that may arise about access to personal information.
Internal auditors must base conclusions and engagement results on appropriate analyses and

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

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The process of identifying information is facilitated by open and collaborative communication between
the internal auditor and the organization’s personnel, especially those directly involved with the area or
process under review. Establishing and maintaining effective channels of communication is an important
aspect of performing the engagement. Organizational independence of the internal audit activity is also
essential for open communication (see Standard 1110 – Organizational Independence).

Considerations for Implementation

During engagement planning, internal auditors gather information about the audit client and document
the information in workpapers. The level of analysis and detail applied during the planning phase varies
by internal audit activity and engagement. Evaluating the adequacy of control design is often completed
as part of engagement planning because it helps internal auditors identify key controls to be further
tested for effectiveness. Thus, audit evidence may result from testing the design of control processes.

According to Standard 2310, the reliability of the audit information depends on the use of appropriate
engagement techniques. Some techniques take longer or require more resources than others, but may be
worth the investment because they enable a higher level of assurance. In general, simple manual audit
procedures include:

 Inspecting physical evidence, such as the physical property of the area under review.
 Examining documentation from either the audit client or outside sources.
 Gathering testimonial evidence through interviews, surveys, or risk and control self-
 Conducting a walk-through to observe a process in action.
 Examining data that is continuously monitored via technology.

More complex procedures for analyzing and evaluating information are discussed in greater detail in
Implementation Guide 2320 – Analysis and Evaluation.

The sufficiency and reliability of information increase when the information is current, corroborated,
and/or obtained directly by an internal auditor (e.g., observing a process or reviewing documentation) or
from an independent third party. Information is also more reliable when it is gathered from a system
where the controls are operating effectively.

Perhaps one of the most important characteristics of sufficient and reliable information is that it should
be gathered and documented such that a prudent, informed person (e.g., an internal audit supervisor or

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external assessor) would be able to repeat the steps and tests described in the workpapers, achieve the
same results, and logically reach the same conclusions as the original internal auditors who performed
the work. Therefore, it is important that the chief audit executive (CAE) establishes a system of
documentation, including preferred terminology and standardized notations (e.g., symbols and tick
marks), and that internal auditors use this system consistently. Documentation is discussed in greater
detail in Implementation Guide 2330 – Documenting Information.

Because engagement resources are not unlimited, it is important for internal auditors to identify and
prioritize the most relevant and useful information (i.e., information that supports, or gives credibility to,
engagement observations and recommendations). It is also important for internal auditors to critically
assess all of the engagement information as a whole, rather than relying on singular examples, as their
conclusions and advice are based on evidence that is persuasive, rather than absolute.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Conformance with Standard 2310 may be evidenced in the engagement work program and the
supporting engagement workpapers, which may be stored electronically or in paper format. Workpapers
are usually organized in the order of the work program and link to the work program, whether they exist
as individual pages or audit steps in a computerized audit system. As a result of supervision, evidence to
support objectives is achieved through identification of sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful

To confirm that the information provided was useful to the organization, surveys could be issued to
personnel in the area under review (after audit engagement communications are completed). In addition,
the CAE monitors the disposition of the engagement results communicated to management, which may
provide evidence of the usefulness of the information communicated.

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Standard 2320 – Analysis and Evaluation

Internal auditors must base conclusions and engagement results on appropriate analyses and

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2330 – Documenting InformationStandard 2320 –

Getting and Evaluation
While auditors
planning must base conclusions
the engagement, and engagement
internal auditors results
must develop on appropriate
a work program toanalyses
achieve and
objectives (see Standard 2240 – Engagement Work Program). For assurance engagements,
the work program must include the procedures for identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and documenting
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
engagement information (Standard 2240.A1). The 2300 series of standards describes the actual
implementation of these planned procedures.

Standard 2320 requires – Documenting
2330internal auditors to analyzeInformation
and evaluate the information obtained during the
engagement before drawing conclusions. When planning the engagement and creating the work
Internalinternal auditors
auditors may havesufficient,
must document completedreliable,
several relevant,
usefuland generated to
information important
support the
engagement including a risk
results and and control matrix and an evaluation of the adequacy of control design.
The work program often links to workpapers that document the work completed, information produced,
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
and resulting decisions. Examples of typical workpapers include: a planning memorandum or checklist,
flowcharts or narrative descriptions of key processes, a process-level risk map, and a risk and control
matrix that documents the links between risks, controls, the testing approach, summaries of interviews,
Standard 2340 – Engagement SupervisionStandard 2330 –
results, evidence, and conclusions.
Documenting InformationStandard 2320 – Analysis and
Considerations for Implementation
The transition from planning to performing an engagement may not be completely distinct, because both
phases auditors
involve somemust base
degree ofconclusions andevaluating
analyzing and engagement results
audit on appropriate
information. analyses
Often during theand
process, internal auditors identify controls and evaluate the adequacy of their design, because this helps
them identify key controls to be tested further for effectiveness.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2330 – Documenting InformationStandard 2320 –

Analysis and Evaluation
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Performing the engagement generally involves conducting the tests prescribed in the work program to
gather evidence about the operating effectiveness of key controls. Based on the risk and control matrix
and work program, internal auditors are likely to have a list of specific procedures and tests to be
conducted. Other factors that are usually established in the work program include management
assertions; testing objectives, criteria, approach, procedures, and population; and sampling methodology
and sample sizes. However, some details may still need to be determined in the early stages of
performing the engagement.

Ultimately, internal auditors seek to reach conclusions as a result of executing the work program (e.g., a
conclusion about whether controls are effective in mitigating risks to an acceptable level). With
sufficient information about both the design adequacy and the operating effectiveness of controls,
internal auditors can conclude on whether existing controls are adequate to help achieve the objectives
of the area or process under review.

The extent of testing depends on whether test results have produced sufficient audit evidence on which
internal auditors can base their conclusions or advice. If the testing procedures prescribed in the work
program do not provide sufficient information to make conclusions and recommendations, internal
auditors may need to adjust the testing plan and perform additional testing. Standard 2240.A1 requires
adjustments to the work program to be approved promptly.

Testing approaches often include a combination of manual audit procedures and computer-assisted audit
techniques (CAATs); the latter includes generalized auditing software programs and programs that
specialize in testing the processing logic and controls of other software and systems. Like the testing
information described previously, the engagement testing procedures are usually determined during the
development of the engagement work program (Standard 2240).

Internal auditors may test a complete population or a representative sample of information. If they
choose to select a sample, they are responsible for applying methods to assure that the sample selected
represents the whole population and/or time period to which the results will be generalized. The use of
CAATs may enable the analysis of an entire population of information, rather than just a sample.
Additional details about sampling techniques and CAATS may be found in The IIA’s Supplemental

Simple manual audit procedures include gathering information through inquiry (e.g., interviews or

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surveys), observation, and inspection. Other manual audit procedures may take longer to conduct, but
generally provide a higher level of assurance. Examples of manual audit procedures include:

 Vouching – Internal auditors test the validity of documented or recorded information by

following it backward to a tangible resource or a previously prepared record.
 Tracing – Internal auditors test the completeness of documented or recorded information by
tracking information forward from a document, record, or tangible resource to a subsequently
prepared document.
 Reperformance – Internal auditors test the accuracy of a control by reperforming the task,
which may provide direct evidence of the control’s operating effectiveness.
 Independent confirmation – Internal auditors solicit and obtain written verification of the
accuracy of information from an independent third party.

Analytical procedures are used to compare information against expectations, based on an independent
(i.e., unbiased) source and the premise that certain relationships between information can be reasonably
expected in the absence of conditions to the contrary. Analytical procedures may also be used during
engagement planning (2200 series of standards). Examples of analytical procedures include:

 Ratio, trend, and regression analysis.

 Reasonableness tests.
 Period-to-period comparisons.
 Forecasts.
 Benchmarking information against similar industries or organizational units.
 Internal auditors may further investigate any significant deviations from the expectations to
determine the cause and/or reasonableness of the variance (e.g., fraud, error, or a change in
conditions). Unexplainable results may indicate a need for additional follow-up and may
suggest the presence of a significant problem that should be communicated to senior
management and the board (see Standard 2060 – Reporting to Senior Management and the

Internal auditors apply their experience, logic, and professional skepticism to evaluate the information
discovered throughout the engagement and reach logical conclusions. Internal auditors generally
approach engagements with an objective and inquisitive mind, searching strategically for information

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that could fulfill the engagement objectives. At each step in the engagement process, they apply
professional experience and professional skepticism to evaluate whether evidence is sufficient and
appropriate to formulate conclusions and/or recommendations. According to Standard 2330 –
Documenting Information, internal auditors must document information that logically supports the
engagement results and conclusions. However, this does not mean that internal auditors should exclude
relevant information that may contradict the conclusions.

Internal auditors often conduct a root cause analysis to identify the underlying reason for the occurrence
of an error, problem, missed opportunity, or instance of noncompliance. Root cause analyses enable
internal auditors to add insights that improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization’s
governance, risk management, and control processes. However, these analyses also sometimes require
extensive resources, such as time and subject matter expertise. Thus, when conducting a root cause
analysis, internal auditors must exercise due professional care by considering effort in relation to the
potential benefits (Standard 1220.A1).

Although complex issues may require more rigorous analyses, in certain circumstances a root cause
analysis may be as simple as asking a series of “why” questions in an attempt to identify the root cause
of a variance. For example:

The worker fell. Why? Because oil was on the floor. Why? Because a part was leaking. Why? Because
the part keeps failing. Why? Because the quality standards for suppliers are insufficient.

Most root causes can be traced back to decisions, actions, or inactions by a person or multiple people.
However, determining a true root cause may be difficult and subjective, even after internal auditors have
performed an analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. In some cases, multiple errors with varying
degrees of influence may combine to form the root cause of an issue, or the root cause could involve a
risk related to a broader issue such as the organizational culture. Therefore, internal auditors may choose
to include input from several internal and external stakeholders. In some cases, internal auditors may
provide a variety of possible root causes for management to consider, based on an independent and
objective evaluation of various scenarios as the root cause of an issue. When the time frame or skill
levels needed to complete the root cause analysis exceed that which is available within the internal audit
activity, the chief audit executive may recommend that management address the underlying issue and
conduct further work to identify the root cause.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

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Workpapers generally document sufficient information about the engagement's analyses, results, and
conclusions to enable the reader to understand the basis of the conclusions. Workpapers also typically
describe the test population, sampling process, and sampling method that the internal auditors used.
Workpapers are cross-referenced in the work program. Supervisory reviews of the engagement
(Standard 2340 – Engagement Supervision) may provide additional validation.

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Standard 2330 – Documenting Information

Internal auditors must document sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful information to support the
engagement results and conclusions.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2340 – Engagement SupervisionStandard 2330 –

Getting Started
Documenting Information
Engagement workpapers are used to document the information generated throughout the engagement
process, auditorsplanning;
including must document
analyzing,reliable, relevant,data;
and evaluating and and
useful information
formulating to supportresults
engagement the
conclusions.results and conclusions.
Workpapers may be maintained on paper, electronically, or both. Use of internal audit
software may enhance consistency and efficiency.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
The content, organization, and format of workpapers generally vary by organization and the nature of
the engagement. However, it is important to achieve workpaper consistency within the internal audit
activity 2340
as much as – Engagement
possible, as it generally helpsSupervision
facilitate sharing of engagement information and
coordination of audit activities. Because the chief audit executive (CAE) is responsible for such
Engagementsand must
for developing
be properlythesupervised
internal audit activity’s
to ensure policies
objectives areand procedures
achieved, (seeisStandard
quality assured, 2050
– Coordination and Reliance and Standard 2040 – Policies and Procedures, respectively), it is logical for
and staff is developed.
the CAE to develop guidelines and procedures for completing workpapers for various types of
engagements. The use of standardized, yet flexible, workpaper formats or templates, improves the
The extent
efficiency andofconsistency
supervisionofrequired will depend
the engagement on the
process. proficiency
Commonly and experience
standardized of internal
workpaper elements
auditors and the complexity of the engagement. The chief audit executive has overall
include the general layout, “tick-mark” notation (i.e., symbols used to represent specific audit
responsibility for supervising the engagement, whether performed by or for the internal audit
procedures), a system of cross-referencing to other workpapers, and designated information that should
activity, but may designate appropriately experienced members of the internal audit activity to
be saved permanently or carried forward into other engagements. Before documenting engagement
perform the review. Appropriate evidence of supervision is documented and retained.
information, internal auditors should review and understand their organization’s particular workpaper
development procedures, standardized notations,Revised
and anyStandards,
available templates
Effective or
1 January
that the
internal audit activity uses.

Standard 2400for Implementation ResultsStandard 2340 –
– Communicating
Engagement SupervisionStandard 2330 – Documenting
Internal auditors must document sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful information to support the
engagement results and conclusions.
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Standard 2310 – Identifying Information states, “Internal auditors must identify sufficient, reliable,
relevant, and useful information to achieve the engagement’s objectives.” These characteristics are
equally essential for internal auditors to consider when documenting information in workpapers.
Effective workpapers contain information that is sufficient and relevant to the engagement objectives,
observations, conclusions, and recommendations, which makes the information useful in helping the
organization meet its goals.

The information documented in effective workpapers is also reliable because it is derived using
appropriate engagement techniques, which are documented. Perhaps most importantly, workpapers
contain sufficient and relevant information that would enable a prudent, informed person, such as
another internal auditor or an external auditor, to reach the same conclusions as those reached by the
internal auditors who conducted the engagement. Thus, workpaper documentation is an important part
of a systematic and disciplined engagement process because it organizes audit evidence in a way that
enables reperformance of the work and supports engagement conclusions and results.

Workpapers may include the following elements:

 Index or reference number.

 Title or heading that identifies the area or process under review.
 Date or period of the engagement.
 Scope of work performed.
 Statement of purpose for obtaining and analyzing the data.
 Source(s) of data covered in the workpaper.
 Description of population evaluated, including sample size and method of selection.
 Methodology used to analyze data.
 Details of tests conducted and analyses performed.
 Conclusions including cross-referencing to the workpaper on audit observations.
 Proposed follow-up engagement work to be performed.
 Name of the internal auditor(s) who performed the engagement work.
 Review notation and name of the internal auditor(s) who reviewed the work.

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Generally, workpapers are organized according to the structure developed in the work program and
cross-referenced to relevant pieces of information. The end result is a complete collection of
documentation (electronic, paper, or both) of the procedures completed, information obtained,
conclusions reached, recommendations derived, and the logical basis for each of the steps. This
documentation constitutes the primary source of support for internal auditors’ communication with
stakeholders, including senior management, the board, and management of the area or process under

The supervisory review of workpapers is typically used to develop internal audit staff (see Standard
2340 – Engagement Supervision). A supervisory review may also be used as a basis for assessing
conformance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and for
maintaining the quality assurance and improvement program (see Standard 1300 – Quality Assurance
and Improvement Program).

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Properly prepared and completed workpapers, whether stored on paper or electronically, demonstrate
conformance with Standard 2330. Evidence that the engagement information is sufficient, reliable,
relevant, and useful may be demonstrated in management’s effective implementation of recommended
actions. When communicating engagement results to the appropriate parties, the CAE may also receive
feedback about the quality of the engagement information documented. Similarly, post-engagement
surveys of the individuals who received the engagement information may also evidence conformance.

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Standard 2340 – Engagement Supervision

Engagements must be properly supervised to ensure objectives are achieved, quality is assured,
and staff is developed.

The extent of supervision required will depend on the proficiency and experience of internal
auditors and the complexity of the engagement. The chief audit executive has overall
responsibility for supervising the engagement, whether performed by or for the internal audit
activity, but may designate appropriately experienced members of the internal audit activity to
perform the review. Appropriate evidence of supervision is documented and retained.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2400 – Communicating ResultsStandard 2340 –

Getting StartedSupervision
chief audit executive (CAE) has
must be properly overall responsibility
supervised for supervising
to ensure objectives engagements
are achieved, quality istoassured,
ensure that
and staffare
is achieved,
developed.quality is assured, and staff is developed. Thus, when planning how the
engagement will be supervised, the CAE should review the engagement objectives and the internal audit
policies and procedures that support fulfillment of Standard 2340. Even before the engagement planning
The extent
process begins,ofthe
supervision required
CAE usually will depend
has developed on theaudit
internal proficiency
address how
auditors and
engagements arethe complexity
planned, of the engagement.
performed, The(see
and supervised chief 2040 – Policies
audit executive
Standard has overall
and Procedures).
Such policies andfor supervising
procedures maythespecify
engagement, whether
software programsperformed by orthat
or templates for the internal
internal auditshould
useactivity, but may
to establish designate
consistent appropriately
formats experienced
for work programs andmembers of the
workpapers. internal policies
Similarly, audit activity
and to
perform the review. Appropriate evidence of supervision is documented and retained.
procedures may address opportunities for staff development, such as a policy requiring post-engagement
meetings between the internal auditor(s) who performed the engagement
Revised Standards, and the
Effective CAE or2017
1 January designated
engagement supervisor.

Skills assessments of the internal audit staff are ongoing, not solely as part of the engagement process.
Skills assessments2400 – Communicating
generally Results
provide sufficient information about the internal auditors’ competencies to
enable the CAE to appropriately assign internal auditors to engagements for which they possess the
Internal auditors must communicate the results of engagements.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017


Standard 2410 – Criteria for CommunicatingStandard 2400 –

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required knowledge, skills, and other competencies. Likewise, they enable the CAE to designate a
qualified engagement supervisor.

Considerations for Implementation

Engagement supervision is a process that begins with engagement planning and continues throughout
the engagement. During the planning phase, the engagement supervisor is responsible for approving the
engagement work program and may assume responsibility for other aspects of the planning process (see
Standard 2240.A1). The primary criterion for approval of the work program is whether it is designed to
achieve the engagement objectives efficiently. Additionally, the work program must include procedures
for identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and documenting engagement information. Standard 2240.A1
states that any adjustments to the work program must be approved. Engagement supervision also
involves ensuring that the work program is completed and authorizing any changes to the work program.

The engagement supervisor typically maintains ongoing communication with the internal auditor(s)
assigned to perform the engagement and with management of the area or process under review. The
engagement supervisor usually reviews the engagement workpapers that describe the audit procedures
performed, the information identified, and the observations and preliminary conclusions made during the
engagement. The supervisor evaluates whether the information, testing, and results are sufficient,
reliable, relevant, and useful to achieve the engagement objects and support the engagement results and
conclusions, as required by Standard 2330 – Documenting Information.

Standard 2420 – Quality of Communications requires engagement communications to be accurate,

objective, clear, concise, constructive, complete, and timely. Engagement supervisors review
engagement communications and workpapers for these elements, because workpapers provide the
primary support for engagement communications.

Throughout the engagement, the engagement supervisor and/or CAE meet with the internal auditor(s)
assigned to perform the engagement and discuss the engagement process, which provides opportunities
for training, development, and evaluation of the internal auditor(s). When reviewing the engagement
communications and engagement workpapers, which document all aspects of the engagement process,
supervisors may ask for additional evidence or clarification. Internal auditors may have an opportunity
to improve their work by answering questions posed by the engagement supervisor.

Usually, the supervisor’s review notes are cleared from the final documentation once adequate evidence
has been provided or workpapers have been amended with additional information that addresses the

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concerns and/or questions raised by the supervisor. Another option is for the internal audit activity to
retain a separate record of the engagement supervisor’s concerns and questions, the steps taken to
resolve them, and the results of those steps.

The CAE is responsible for all internal audit engagements and all significant professional judgments
made throughout the engagements, whether by the internal audit activity or others performing the work
for the internal audit activity. Therefore, the CAE usually develops policies and procedures designed to
minimize the risk that internal auditors will make judgments or take actions that are inconsistent with the
CAE’s professional judgment and could adversely affect the engagement. The CAE usually establishes a
means for resolving any professional judgment differences that may arise. This may include discussing
pertinent facts, pursuing additional inquiry or research, and documenting and concluding on the
differing viewpoints in engagement workpapers. If there is a difference in professional judgment over an
ethical issue, the issue may be referred to those individuals in the organization who have responsibility
over ethical matters.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Evidence of conformance with Standard 2340 may include engagement workpapers, either initialed and
dated by the engagement supervisor (if documented manually) or electronically approved (if
documented within a workpaper software system). Additional evidence may include a completed
engagement workpaper review checklist and/or a memorandum of review comments.

The assurance of engagement-level quality may also be demonstrated through the CAE’s maintenance
of a quality assurance and improvement program and through the results of surveys soliciting feedback
about the engagement experience from the individuals directly involved with the engagement. Internal
auditors may have the opportunity to provide feedback about the engagement supervisor through peer
review mechanisms, such as surveys.

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Standard 2400 – Communicating Results

Internal auditors must communicate the results of engagements.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting 2410 – Criteria for CommunicatingStandard 2400 –
Communicating Results
The standard requires internal auditors to communicate engagement results. Therefore, internal auditors
must have a clear understanding of engagement communication requirements. The chief audit executive
Internal auditors must communicate the results of engagements.
(CAE) also should understand the expectations of the board and senior management regarding
communication related to engagement results. Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Internal auditors should understand the policies and procedures in the audit manual — or any other
stakeholder expectations — and the use of any standard templates to ensure consistency in developing
observations and 2410 – Criteria
conclusions. for –Communicating
Standard 2040 Policies and Procedures, and the related Implementation
Guide, provide more information about the CAE’s responsibilities related to policies and procedures.
Communications must include the engagement’s objectives, scope, and results.
Considerations for Implementation Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Typically, the internal audit policies and procedures manual establishes the process for documenting the
support 2420 – Qualityrelated
for an observation/conclusion of CommunicationsStandard 2410may
to the engagement. The internal audit activity – develop
an engagement communication plan to provide detailed guidance on how internal auditors will
Criteria for CommunicatingStandard 2400 – Communicating
communicate observations during the engagement, and how they will communicate final engagement

In communicating results, internal auditors consider the communication plan, including criteria for
Internal auditors must communicate the results of engagements.
communicating (Standard 2410), the quality of the communications (Standard 2420), and the
dissemination of results (Standard 2440). After determining that these
Revised communication
Standards, Effective standards
1 January have
been met, the internal auditor confirms how the results of the engagement will be communicated. The
workpapers will indicate which results will be communicated verbally, and which will be communicated
in writing.
Standard 2410 – Criteria for CommunicatingStandard 2400 –
Communicating Results

Internal auditors must communicate the results of engagements.


Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

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Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Documentation that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2400 includes an internal audit
policies and procedures manual that contains:

 Policies regarding the communication of noncompliance with laws, regulations, or other

 Policies for communicating sensitive information within and outside the chain of command.
 Policies for communicating outside the organization.

Other documentation might include a communication plan, observation and escalation records, interim
and preliminary communication documents, final engagement communication documents, and
monitoring and follow-up communication documents.

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Standard 2410 – Criteria for Communicating

Communications must include the engagement’s objectives, scope, and results.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2420 – Quality of CommunicationsStandard 2410 –

for Communicating
Engagement communications
Communications are athe
must include critical component
engagement’s of how anscope,
objectives, internal
andaudit activity demonstrates
value. The format and content of such communications may vary by organization or type of
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Communicating to stakeholders requires careful planning. It is helpful to develop a plan for

Standard 2420 – Quality of Communications
communicating about the engagement, and to discuss and agree upon the plan with stakeholders in
advance, if possible.
Communications must be accurate, objective, clear, concise, constructive, complete, and timely.
To ensure criteria for communications are met, the internal audit activity must be aware of Standard
2200 – Engagement Planning, Standard 2210 – Engagement Objectives, Standard 2220 – Engagement
Scope, Standard 2300 – Performing the Engagement, Standard 2310 – Identifying Information, Standard
Accurate communications are free from errors and distortions and are faithful to the underlying
2320 – Analysis and Evaluation, Standard 2330 – Documenting Information, and Standard 2340 –
facts. Objective communications are fair, impartial, and unbiased and are the result of a fair-
Engagement Supervision. Engagement scope and objectives are typically communicated:
minded and balanced assessment of all relevant facts and circumstances. Clear communications
are easily understood
During and logical,
engagement planning.avoiding unnecessary technical language and providing all
 During and the
relevant information.
engagement, Concise
if there communications
are deviations are to scope
to the planned the point
andand avoid
unnecessary elaboration, superfluous detail, redundancy, and wordiness. Constructive
 In the final engagement communication.
communications are helpful to the engagement client and the organization and lead to
Adequate supervision
improvements whereensures
needed. that the engagement’s
Complete scope and
communications lackobjectives are isachieved
nothing that essentialand appropriate
to the target
controls and
are in include
place all to
related significant andcommunication
the quality relevant information and observations to support
of results.
recommendations and conclusions. Timely communications are opportune and expedient,
depending on the significance of the issue, allowing management to take appropriate corrective

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2421 – Errors and OmissionsStandard 2420 – Quality of

CommunicationsStandard 2410 – Criteria for Communicating

Communications must include the engagement’s objectives, scope, and results.

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Considerations for Implementation

It is important to consider the communication plan for an engagement at, or near, the commencement of
the engagement. Typically, the plan addresses why, what, to whom, and how internal auditors will
communicate. For example, internal auditors will communicate the objectives, scope, interim results,
and final results of the engagement. The plan may also specify the use of a particular communication
format. (The decision process around what should and should not be reported formally will be
documented in the engagement’s workpapers.) The communication plan is typically discussed with
relevant stakeholders, such as those responsible for the area under review, in advance of any
engagement fieldwork. The plan may be updated periodically if circumstances require a change.

When planning the final engagement communication, internal auditors will consider any initial
discussions and interim communications they may have had with management of the area under review.
They will carefully review all relevant workpapers and workpaper summaries and consider several
additional factors, including:

 Stakeholder expectations.
 Engagement objectives.
 Strategic goals of the area under review.
 Scope of the engagement and any scope limitations.
 Engagement results.

Internal auditors should also consider the Standard 2410.A1 requirement to include in the final
engagement communication applicable conclusions, as well as applicable recommendations and/or
action plans. Opinions at the engagement level may include a rating, conclusion, or other description of
the results and their significance, as further explained in the Interpretation of Standard 2410.A1.

Communication with management is an ongoing process throughout the engagement. The internal audit
activity adds value by developing communications (both verbal and written) that effect positive change
in the organization. When communicating engagement results, internal auditors are encouraged to
acknowledge satisfactory performance and include any statements on limitations of distribution and/or
use of the results, as communicated in Standard 2410.A2 and Standard 2410.A3.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Materials that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2410 include written internal audit activity

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policies and procedures that address consistency of the engagement report format and any materials —
such as records, internal memos, or email correspondence — that demonstrate how the final
communication plan was developed. Conformance may be demonstrated through adherence to the
communication plan or evidenced by a written report (and its appropriate content), workpapers, and/or
minutes from meetings where issues and results were discussed.

An engagement letter or the internal audit activity’s report on initial client meetings may demonstrate
conformance, as they usually outline the engagement’s work program, objectives, and scope, as well as
the agreed-upon parameters of the final communication. A final report that includes the engagement
objectives, scope, and results, as well as applicable conclusions with recommendations and/or action
plans, may also demonstrate conformance. The final report may acknowledge satisfactory performance
and any limitations related to communication or use of results to parties outside of the organization.

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Standard 2420 – Quality of Communications

Communications must be accurate, objective, clear, concise, constructive, complete, and timely.

Accurate communications are free from errors and distortions and are faithful to the underlying
facts. Objective communications are fair, impartial, and unbiased and are the result of a fair-
minded and balanced assessment of all relevant facts and circumstances. Clear communications
are easily understood and logical, avoiding unnecessary technical language and providing all
significant and relevant information. Concise communications are to the point and avoid
unnecessary elaboration, superfluous detail, redundancy, and wordiness. Constructive
communications are helpful to the engagement client and the organization and lead to
improvements where needed. Complete communications lack nothing that is essential to the target
audience and include all significant and relevant information and observations to support
recommendations and conclusions. Timely communications are opportune and expedient,
depending on the significance of the issue, allowing management to take appropriate corrective

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2421 – Errors and OmissionsStandard 2420 – Quality of

Getting Started
Communications must be accurate, objective, clear, concise, constructive, complete, and timely.
Communication occurs throughout the engagement. Therefore, Standard 2420 is applicable at all stages
of the engagement, including planning and performing the engagement, communicating results,
monitoring progress, and communicating the acceptance of risk. Because high-quality engagement
Accurate communications are free from errors and distortions and are faithful to the underlying
communications are critical, internal auditors pay great attention to detail when drafting
facts. Objective communications are fair, impartial, and unbiased and are the result of a fair-
communications and consider
minded and balanced the characteristics
assessment of facts
of all relevant quality communications
and circumstances. outlined in the
Clear communications
Interpretation of Standardand
are easily understood 2420.
logical, avoiding unnecessary technical language and providing all
To significant and relevant
ensure conformance information.
with Concise
Standard 2420, communications
internal areunderstand
auditors should to the pointthe
and avoid
unnecessary elaboration, superfluous detail, redundancy, and wordiness. Constructive
expectations for communication, including stakeholder expectations regarding communication
communications are helpful to the engagement client and the organization and lead to
improvements where needed. Complete communications lack nothing that is essential to the target
audience and include all significant and relevant information and observations to support
recommendations and conclusions. Timely communications are opportune and expedient,
depending on the significance of the issue, allowing management to take appropriate corrective
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

deadlines. These typically are addressed by a pre-established communication plan, as explained in

Implementation Guide 2410 – Criteria for Communicating.

Internal auditors may review the internal audit activity policies and procedures, which are often
compiled in an internal audit manual, to identify any templates that should be used; templates generally
help ensure proper, consistent communication during all phases of the engagement. Reviewing the
writing style guidelines used by the organization before drafting the final communication may help
internal auditors present the final communication in alignment with the organization’s accepted writing

Considerations for Implementation

The Interpretation of Standard 2420 defines specific characteristics of quality communications: accurate,
objective, clear, concise, constructive, complete, and timely. Internal auditors may consider the
following additional information related to each:

 Accurate – The Interpretation notes that accurate communications are free from errors and
distortions and faithful to the underlying facts. To maintain accuracy, it is important to use
precise wording supported by evidence gathered during the engagement. Additionally,
according to The IIA’s Code of Ethics, internal auditors are required to “disclose all material
facts known to them that, if not disclosed, may distort the reporting of activities under
review.” If an error in communications does occur, the chief audit executive (CAE) must
communicate the corrected information, as described in Standard 2421 – Errors and
 Objective – To ensure objectivity in communications, internal auditors use unbiased phrasing
and focus on deficiencies in processes and their execution. Objectivity begins with the
unbiased mental attitude that internal auditors should possess when performing engagements.
Objectivity is an ethical principle described in The IIA’s Code of Ethics and Standard 1120 –
Individual Objectivity. The Core Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing
also highlight the importance of objectivity and specify that for an internal audit activity to be
considered effective, the internal auditors and the internal audit activity should be objective
and free from undue influence (independent).
 Clear – Clarity in communications is increased when internal auditors use language that is
easily understood by the intended audience and is consistent with terminology used in the
industry and by the organization. Furthermore, clear communications avoid unnecessary

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technical language. The Interpretation of Standard 2420 also points out that clear
communications are logical, a hallmark of the systematic, disciplined, and risk-based
approach of internal audit work. As such, clarity is enhanced when internal auditors
communicate important observations and findings and logically support recommendations and
conclusions for a particular engagement.
 Concise – Internal auditors ensure that communications are appropriately concise by avoiding
redundancies and excluding information that is unnecessary, insignificant, or unrelated to the
 Constructive – It is helpful for internal auditors to use a constructive tone throughout the
communication that reflects the severity of the observations. Constructive communications
enable a collaborative process for determining solutions that facilitate positive change in the
subject of the engagement and/or the organization. Ultimately, as indicated by the Definition
of Internal Auditing, internal auditors seek to help the organization accomplish its objectives.
 Complete – To ensure completeness of communications, it is helpful for internal auditors to
consider any information essential to the target audience. Complete written communications
generally enable the reader to reach the same conclusion as the internal audit activity did.
 Timely – Finally, it is important that internal auditors submit all communications by the
deadlines established during the planning phase. Timeliness may be different for each
organization. To determine what is timely, internal auditors often benchmark and conduct
other research relative to the engagement subject. Additionally, the CAE or the internal
auditor may establish key performance indicators that measure timeliness.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Materials that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2420 include final communication
documents approved by the chief audit executive, as well as supporting documents. Internal auditors
should be able to show that such documents align with the final communication plan. In the case of
communications that occur without a written report, meeting minutes may provide evidence of

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Standard 2421 – Errors and Omissions

If a final communication contains a significant error or omission, the chief audit executive must
communicate corrected information to all parties who received the original communication.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2430 – Use of “Conducted in Conformance with the

International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Getting Started
Auditing”Standard 2421 – Errors and Omissions
The chief audit executive (CAE) should understand the expectations of the board and senior
If a final communication
management regarding whichcontains a significant
errors or errorwould
omissions they or omission,
consider thesignificant.
chief auditSignificance
executive must
communicate corrected information to all parties who received the original communication.
defined in the glossary of the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing as “the relative importance of a matter within the contextStandards,
Revised in which itEffective
is being 1considered,
January 2017
including quantitative and qualitative factors, such as magnitude, nature, effect, relevance, and impact.
Professional judgment assists internal auditors when evaluating the significance of matters within the
Standard 2430 – Use of “Conducted in Conformance with the
context of relevant objectives.”
International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing” for Implementation
If the CAE becomes aware of an error or omission in the final engagement communication, he or she
may Indicating
consider that engagements
the following are “conducted
questions in conformance
to help determine with the International Standards for
its significance:
the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing” is appropriate only if supported by the results of
the quality
Would the error
assurance andorimprovement
omission change the results of the engagement?
 Would the error or omission change someone’s mind about the severity of the findings?
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
 Would the error or omission change a conclusion?
 Would the error or omission change an opinion?
 Would 2431
Standard the error–orEngagement
omission change a Disclosure of
recommended action?

If the is “yes,”–theUse
answer to any of the above questions 2430 CAE of
determine that thein
error or omission
is significant. The CAE usually attempts to find the cause of the error or omission to prevent a similar
Conformance with the International Standards for the
situation from occurring in the future and to determine whether the cause needs to be included in the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing”Standard 2421 –
Errors and Omissions

If a final communication contains a significant error

or omission, the chief audit executive must
communicate corrected information to all parties who received the original communication.
Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

communication to senior management and the board. The CAE then determines the most appropriate
method of communication to ensure the corrected information is received by all parties who received the
original communication. Communicating effectively about errors and omissions and their causes serves
to protect the integrity and status of the internal audit activity.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Conformance with Standard 2421 may be demonstrated by the existence of internal audit policies and
procedures for handling errors and omissions. Email correspondence and other records may document
how the CAE determined the significance and cause of the error or omission.

Evidentiary materials — such as the CAE’s calendar, board or other meeting minutes where an error or
omission was discussed, internal memos, and email correspondence — may show the specific
information that was communicated as well as how and when the communication occurred. Finally, the
original and corrected final communication documents evidence conformance.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 2430 – Use of “Conducted in Conformance with the

International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal

Indicating that engagements are “conducted in conformance with the International Standards for
the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing” is appropriate only if supported by the results of
the quality assurance and improvement program.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2431 – Engagement Disclosure of

Getting Started
NonconformanceStandard 2430 – Use of “Conducted in
To Conformance with
conform with Standard 2430,the International
the chief audit executiveStandards for the the requirements
(CAE) should understand
related Practice
to developing and ofaInternal
maintaining Auditing”
quality assurance and improvement program (QAIP) (the 1300
series of standards) and be familiar with the results of the internal audit activity’s current internal and
external assessments. The CAE may also consider the board’s expectations for using the statement
Indicating that engagements are “conducted in conformance with the International Standards for
“conducted in conformance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing” is appropriate only if supported by the results of
Auditing” in engagement reports.
the quality assurance and improvement program.

Considerations for Implementation Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

When an internal audit activity reports on an engagement, there is no requirement to indicate whether
Standard 2431 – Engagement Disclosure of Nonconformance
the engagement was conducted in conformance with the International Standards for the Professional
Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards). However, using this statement builds the internal audit
When nonconformance with the Code of Ethics or the Standards impacts a specific engagement,
activity’s credibility. Standard 2430 prohibits using the statement unless the results of the internal audit
communication of the results must disclose the:
activity’s QAIP — including current internal and external assessments — support a conclusion that the
 Principle(s)
internal audit activity generally
or rule(s)
of conduct
with of
Code of Ethics
or Standard(s)
1300 — Quality
which full
Assurance and Improvement
conformance wasProgram provides additional guidance about QAIP requirements.
not achieved.
 Reason(s) for nonconformance.
When an internal audit activity does not conform with the Standards, the internal audit activity may
 Impact of nonconformance on the engagement and the communicated engagement
choose to state that the engagement was not conducted in conformance with the Standards. However,
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2440 – Disseminating 158

ResultsStandard 2431 –
Engagement Disclosure of NonconformanceStandard 2430 – Use
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such a statement is not required.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

When engagement reports include the statement “conducted in conformance with the International
Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing,” the results of the QAIP often are
sufficient to demonstrate conformance with Standard 2340. The internal audit activity’s determination of
whether to use the statement in final communications may be documented in an engagement report
template or other engagement communication records and/or internal audit policies and procedures.
Comprehensive review of such documents would indicate whether the statement was used appropriately.
Conversely, the internal audit activity may choose not to include a conformance statement in any
engagement reports, and documentation of this decision is also acceptable as evidence of conformance
with Standard 2430.

Implementation Guides | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)

Standard 2431 – Engagement Disclosure of Nonconformance

When nonconformance with the Code of Ethics or the Standards impacts a specific engagement,
communication of the results must disclose the:

 Principle(s) or rule(s) of conduct of the Code of Ethics or Standard(s) with which full
conformance was not achieved.
 Reason(s) for nonconformance.
 Impact of nonconformance on the engagement and the communicated engagement
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2440 – Disseminating ResultsStandard 2431 –

Engagement Disclosure of Nonconformance

When nonconformance
Getting Started with the Code of Ethics or the Standards impacts a specific engagement,
communication of the results must disclose the:
Standard 2431 requires disclosure
 Principle(s) or rule(s)when the results
of conduct of theofCode
a specific engagement
of Ethics are impacted
or Standard(s) by full
with which
nonconformance with the Code
conformance of Ethics
was not or the International Standards for the Professional Practice of
Internal Auditing (Standards).
 Reason(s) Therefore, internal auditors should have an understanding of The IIA’s
for nonconformance.
Code of Ethics and the
 Impact of Standards. They should
nonconformance also understand
on the engagement andthe
thepotential areas ofengagement
communicated nonconformance at
the engagement level and the expectations of senior management and the board for reporting any
nonconformance issues.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
The IIA’s Code of Ethics comprises broad principles relevant to the profession and practice of internal
auditing and more specific rules of conduct, which describe the behavior expected of both entities and
individuals who perform – Disseminating
2440 internal Results with the Definition of Internal Auditing
audit services in accordance
(including IIA members, recipients of IIA certifications, and certification candidates). The purpose of
Codechief audit executive
of Ethics mustancommunicate
is to promote results
ethical culture in thetoglobal
the appropriate
of internal auditing.
The chief audit executive is responsible for reviewing and approving the final engagement
communication before issuance and for deciding to whom and how it will be disseminated. When
the chief audit executive delegates these duties, he or she retains overall responsibility.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017


Standard 2450 – Overall OpinionsStandard 2440 – Disseminating

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As stated in the Introduction to the Standards, “The purpose of the Standards is to:

1. Guide adherence with mandatory elements of the International Professional Practices

2. Provide a framework for performing and promoting a broad range of value-added internal
auditing services.
3. Establish the basis for the evaluation of internal audit performance.
4. Foster improved organizational processes and operations.

“The Standards are a set of principles-based, mandatory requirements consisting of:

 Statements of core requirements for the professional practice of internal auditing and for
evaluating the effectiveness of performance that are internationally applicable at
organizational and individual levels.
 Interpretations clarifying terms or concepts within the Standards.”

Considerations for Implementation

At times, certain circumstances may prevent internal auditors from conforming with the Code of Ethics
or the Standards during the performance of an engagement. In general, these are circumstances in which
the independence and/or objectivity of an internal auditor is impaired, or an internal auditor encounters
unreliable data, a lack of information, a scope limitation, or other constraints. In such cases, the internal
auditor should identify any principles, rules of conduct, or standards with which full conformance was
not achieved and determine whether the nonconformance impacts the engagement results. If the
nonconformance does affect the results, the engagement communications would describe why the
nonconformance occurred and how the results and communications were affected.

It may be helpful to contemplate several scenarios in which Standard 2431 would apply:

 In a situation where an impairment to an internal auditor’s objectivity or independence is

found to impact engagement results, the communication of results must disclose
nonconformance with Standard 1120 – Individual Objectivity and the Code of Ethics principle
of objectivity.
 In a situation where the internal audit activity undertook an engagement for which it did not
possess the collective knowledge, skills, and experience needed to perform its responsibilities,
the communication of results must disclose nonconformance with Standard 1210 --

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Proficiency and the Code of Ethics principle of competence.

 If the internal audit activity encounters any restrictions in its ability to access records,
personnel, or properties, and these restrictions impact the scope of the engagement, the
communication of results must disclose nonconformance with Standard 2220.A1.
 If internal audit resources are insufficient to achieve engagement objectives, the
communication must disclose nonconformance with Standard 2230 – Engagement Resource

Disclosures of this nature are typically documented in engagement workpapers. It is important for the
CAE to consider whether the nonconformance situations affect the internal audit activity’s ability to
fulfill its professional responsibilities and/or meet the expectations of shareholders. Then, the CAE
would determine how and whether to communicate these issues to senior management and the board.
Often, disclosures are handled through a discussion with senior management and are communicated to
the board during a meeting. The CAE may discuss nonconformance in advance during a private meeting
with the board, one-on-one meeting with the chair, or by another appropriate method. To ensure full
disclosure, the CAE should also consider whether the nonconformance should be included in the final
engagement communication.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Materials that may demonstrate conformance with Standard 2431 include:

 Written department policies and procedures for disclosing nonconformance with the Code of
Ethics and/or the Standards in the engagement workpapers.
 Memos, emails, or other written communications that identify Code of Ethics principles or
rules of conduct and standards with which conformance was not achieved; explain the
reason(s) for nonconformance; and describe the impact of nonconformance on the
engagement and the communicated engagement results.
 Minutes of meetings or other records documenting verbal disclosure of the nonconformance,
reason(s) for nonconformance, and the impact of nonconformance on the engagement and the
communicated engagement results.
 Evidence of disclosure in the final engagement communication.

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Standard 2440 – Disseminating Results

The chief audit executive must communicate results to the appropriate parties.

The chief audit executive is responsible for reviewing and approving the final engagement
communication before issuance and for deciding to whom and how it will be disseminated. When
the chief audit executive delegates these duties, he or she retains overall responsibility.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2450 – Overall OpinionsStandard 2440 – Disseminating

Getting Started
The chief audit executive must communicate results to the appropriate parties.
Standard 2440 states the chief audit executive’s (CAE’s) responsibility for communicating final results
to all appropriate parties following an engagement. When preparing to implement this standard, the CAE
mayThefind it helpful
chief to reviewisthe
audit executive requirements
responsible related to each
for reviewing element inthe
and approving thefinal
Thecommunication before
CAE will typically issuance
have and for deciding
an understanding of anytoorganizational
whom and howcommunication
it will be disseminated.
as well as
the chief audit executive delegates these duties, he or she retains overall responsibility.
the organization chart. The CAE should also consider the expectations of senior management and the
board related to engagement communications. Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

The audit charter and communication protocols of the organization may help the CAE determine the
process for reporting
Standard 2450 – Overall
outside the organization. Considerations would include factors such as which
parties to address or copy in the final communication and when to notify regulators who oversee the
organization’s industry.
When an overall opinion is issued, it must take into account the strategies, objectives, and risks of
Thethe organization; and
implementation the for
guides expectations
Standard 2400 – Communicating
of senior management, the board,Standard
Results, and other – Criteria for
The overall opinion
Communicating, must be2420
and Standard – Quality
supported by sufficient, reliable, relevant,
of Communications provideand useful
further information.
guidance on
Interpretation:engagement results.
The communication will include:

 The scope, including the time period to which the opinion pertains.
 Scope limitations.
 Consideration of all related projects, including the reliance on other assurance
 A summary of the information that supports
the opinion.
 The risk or control framework or other criteria used as a basis for the overall opinion.
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Considerations for Implementation

Through discussions with the board and review of any organizational communication protocols, the
CAE determines who will receive the results from the engagement and what form the communications
will take. Before communicating the results, it can be advantageous for the CAE to review the draft
engagement communication(s).

When determining the recipients of the report, the CAE may take into consideration whether any parties
have a business need for receiving the results, as well as whether any have responsibility for
management action plans. Consideration may be given to organizational protocols to ensure individuals
at the appropriate level of responsibility receive a copy of the report. Senior management and the board
may be included in the distribution, as per their expectations. To ensure consistency, the internal audit
activity may develop a standard distribution list of parties who will receive all communications, as well
as management levels that should be included on a distribution list for engagement results pertaining to
their area of responsibility. However, the CAE may expand that distribution list when necessary, which
will often include senior management of the organization.

Results may be communicated verbally or in writing, and the format may differ depending on the
recipient. The CAE determines which format to use for each recipient. For example, some recipients
may receive an executive summary, while others will receive a full report. It may be appropriate for
results to be delivered via a meeting with a presentation and an opportunity for discussion. Regardless of
the method of communication, the CAE should determine who will deliver and receive the results.

The final communication(s) require the approval of the CAE or a designee of the CAE. In a small
internal audit activity, the CAE may prepare the final engagement communication(s) personally.
However, in larger organizations, the CAE will obtain and review the communication(s), and determine
how much reliance to place on the internal auditor who prepared the report before giving final approval.

The CAE may deliver electronic and/or hard copies of the final engagement communications to the
appropriate internal and external parties, as agreed upon in the planning phase of the engagement, and/or
as required by the audit charter and communication protocols. Typically, the recipients are parties who
can address the results of the engagement.

Maintaining a complete list of recipients of internal audit engagement results is important in the event
that an error or omission is identified after the dissemination of results. Standard 2421 addresses the
CAE’s responsibility for communicating an error or omission.

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To ensure compliance with legal obligations and organizational protocols, it is important for the CAE to
take great care and consideration when preparing to disseminate results outside of the organization. In
addition, the CAE should consider the ramifications of communicating sensitive information, as such
information might impact the organization’s market value, reputation, earnings, or competitiveness. The
CAE may find it helpful to consult with legal counsel and compliance areas within the organization.

It’s important to note that the CAE may delegate the authority for implementing Standard 2440, but
responsibility cannot be delegated. When the authority for implementing Standard 2440 is delegated, the
CAE maintains responsibility and accountability.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

The CAE can demonstrate conformance with Standard 2440 by verifying the level of review and
ensuring sign-off on all workpapers before issuing the final communication(s). In addition, retained
copies of any written communication of results — by management, the audit committee, the CEO,
outside parties, or others — may demonstrate conformance. Evidence of verbal communication of
results may be maintained through meeting minutes, presentations, and memos that identify attendees
receiving the communication. It is important to keep records that verify the CAE’s approval of the final
communication(s) and delivery of engagement results to recipients identified in the communication plan.

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Standard 2450 – Overall Opinions

When an overall opinion is issued, it must take into account the strategies, objectives, and risks of
the organization; and the expectations of senior management, the board, and other stakeholders.
The overall opinion must be supported by sufficient, reliable, relevant, and useful information.

The communication will include:

 The scope, including the time period to which the opinion pertains.
 Scope limitations.
 Consideration of all related projects, including the reliance on other assurance
 A summary of the information that supports the opinion.
 The risk or control framework or other criteria used as a basis for the overall opinion.
 The overall opinion, judgment, or conclusion reached.

The reasons for an unfavorable overall opinion must be stated.

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Standard 2500 – Monitoring ProgressStandard 2450 – Overall

Getting Started
When an overall opinion is issued, it must take into account the strategies, objectives, and risks of
overall opinion isand
organization; thethe
rating, conclusion,
expectations and/ormanagement,
of senior other description of results
the board, andprovided by the chief
other stakeholders.
Theexecutive (CAE) when
overall opinion must be supported—byatsufficient,
addressing a broad level — governance,
reliable, riskuseful
relevant, and management, and/or
control processes of the organization. An overall opinion is the professional judgment of the CAE based
on the results of a number of individual engagements and other similar activities — such as reviews by
other communication will—include:
providers for a specific time interval.

 The differ
Overall opinions scope,from conclusions
including in period
the time that a conclusion is opinion
to which the drawn from one engagement, and an
 Scope limitations.
 Consideration of all related projects, including the reliance on other assurance
 A summary of the information that supports the opinion.
 The risk or control framework or other criteria used as a basis for the overall opinion.
 The overall opinion, judgment, or conclusion reached.
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overall opinion is drawn from multiple engagements. Also, a conclusion is part of an engagement
communication, while an overall opinion is communicated separately from engagement

The Interpretation of Standard 2310 – Identifying Information defines the terms sufficient, reliable,
relevant, and useful:

 Sufficient information is factual, adequate, and convincing so that a prudent, informed person
would reach the same conclusions as the internal auditor.
 Reliable information is the best attainable information through the use of appropriate
engagement techniques.
 Relevant information supports engagement observations and recommendations and is
consistent with the objectives for the engagement.
 Useful information helps the organization meet its goals.

The Interpretation of Standard 2450 points out the required components for a communication of an
overall opinion; the CAE should understand all of these components before issuing an overall opinion.
Additionally, the CAE should have a good understanding of the organization’s strategies, objectives, and
risks as well as the expectations of the board and senior management prior to issuing an overall opinion.

Considerations for Implementation

The CAE starts by considering how an opinion will relate to the strategies, objectives, and risks of the
organization. The CAE further considers whether the opinion will solve a problem, add value, and/or
provide management or other stakeholders with confidence regarding an overall trend or condition in the
organization. Discussions with senior management, the board, and other relevant stakeholders may help
the CAE understand the expectations for the scope of the overall opinion.

The CAE then determines the scope of the overall opinion to be provided, including the time period to
which the opinion relates, and considers whether there are any scope limitations. With this information
in mind, the CAE can determine which audit engagements would be relevant to the overall opinion. All
related engagements or projects are considered, including those completed by other internal and external
assurance providers. Internal assurance providers may include other functions that comprise the second
line of defense for the organization. External service providers may include the work of external auditors
or regulators. For each project considered from an internal or external assurance provider, the CAE will
need to assess the project to determine the level of reliance that can be placed on the project work. If the

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CAE relies on the work of another assurance provider, the CAE still retains responsibility for the overall
opinion that was reached as a result of that reliance.

For example, an overall opinion may be based on aggregate engagement conclusions at the
organization’s local, regional, and national levels, along with results reported from outside entities such
as independent third parties or regulators. The scope statement provides context for the overall opinion
by specifying the time period, activities, limitations, and other variables that describe the boundaries of
the overall opinion.

When reviewing engagement conclusions and other communications on which the overall opinion is
based, the CAE ensures that such conclusions and other communicated results were based on sufficient,
reliable, relevant, and useful information. The CAE then summarizes the information on which the
overall opinion is based. In addition, the CAE identifies relevant risk or control frameworks or other
criteria used as a basis for the overall opinion.

Upon consideration of the relevant information, the CAE issues an overall opinion, using clear and
concise language, and articulates how the opinion relates to the strategies, objectives, and risks of the
organization. The communication should include the six elements listed in the Interpretation of Standard

If the overall opinion is unfavorable, the CAE must explain the reasons supporting this conclusion.

Finally, the CAE decides how to communicate the overall opinion (verbally or in writing). Overall
opinions are typically communicated in writing, although there is no requirement in the Standards to do
so. Implementation Guide 2440 – Disseminating Results provides further guidance on additional
considerations for communications.

It is important to note that the CAE is not required to issue an overall opinion; issuance of such an
opinion is at the discretion of the organization and would be discussed with senior management and the
board. However, when an overall opinion is requested, Standard 2450 provides additional information to
support the CAE in the requirements related to communicating an overall opinion.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

For written overall opinions, a copy of the opinion is typically sufficient to demonstrate conformance.
For overall opinions that are delivered verbally, conformance may be demonstrated through the CAE’s
outline, speaking notes, slides, or similar documents. Additional materials that may demonstrate

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conformance with Standard 2450 include final engagement communications and external
communications on which the overall opinion is based, memos, emails, board or other meeting agendas,
and meeting minutes.

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Standard 2500 – Monitoring Progress

The chief audit executive must establish and maintain a system to monitor the disposition of
results communicated to management.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting Started
To Standard 2600the–chief
fulfill this standard, Communicating
audit executive (CAE)the Acceptance
starts of understanding of the
by attaining a clear
type of information and level of detail the board and senior management expect with regard to the
RisksStandard 2500 – Monitoring Progress
internal audit activity’s monitoring of the results of engagements. Results typically refer to the
observations developed in assurance and consulting engagements that have been communicated to
The chief audit executive must establish and maintain a system to monitor the disposition of
management for corrective action.
results communicated to management.
Given that periodic interactions will be required with the management responsible for implementing
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
corrective actions, it is generally helpful to solicit management’s input on ways to create an effective
and efficient monitoring process.

Further, the CAE may want to benchmark with other CAEs or compliance functions that monitor
outstanding issues to identify leading practices that have proven effectiveness. These discussions may
address areas such as:
Standard 2600 – Communicating the Acceptance of
 The levels of automation
RisksStandard 2500 –and detail.
Monitoring Progress
 The types of observations monitored (i.e., all or just higher risk observations).
 How and with what frequency the status of outstanding corrective actions is determined.
The chief audit executive must establish and maintain a system to monitor the disposition of
 When internal audit independently confirms the effectiveness of corrective actions.
results communicated to management.
 The frequency, style, and level of reporting performed.
Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017
Considerations for Implementation
Monitoring processes can be sophisticated or rather simple, depending on a number of factors, including
the size and complexity of the audit organization and the availability of exception tracking software.

Standard 2600 – Communicating the Acceptance of

RisksStandard 2500 – Monitoring Progress
The chief audit executive must establish and maintain a system to monitor the disposition of
results communicated to management.
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Whether sophisticated or simple, it is important for the CAE to develop a process that captures the
relevant observations, agreed corrective action, and current status. For outstanding observations, the
information tracked and captured typically includes:

 The observations communicated to management and their relative risk rating.

 The nature of the agreed corrective actions.
 The timing/deadlines/age of the corrective actions and changes in target dates.
 The management/process owner responsible for each corrective action.
 The current status of corrective actions, and whether internal audit has confirmed the status.

Often, the CAE will develop or purchase a tool, mechanism, or system to track, monitor, and report on
such information. Based on information provided to internal audit by the responsible management, the
status of the corrective actions is updated in the system periodically and often directly by management
using a shared exception tracking system.

The frequency and approach to monitoring (the extent of audit staff work to verify that corrective action
was taken) is determined based on the CAE’s professional judgment, as well as the expectations set by
the board and senior management. For example, some CAEs may choose to inquire periodically, such as
quarterly, about the status of all corrective actions that were due to be completed in the prior period.
Others may choose to perform periodic follow-up engagements for audits with significant
recommendations to specifically assess the quality of the corrective actions taken. Others may choose to
follow up on outstanding actions during a future audit scheduled in the same area of the organization.
The approach is determined based on the adjudged level of risk, as well as the availability of resources.

Similarly, the form of reporting is determined based on the CAE’s judgment and the agreed
expectations. Some CAEs will report the status of every observation for every engagement in a detailed
manner. Others will report only on observations rated higher risk, perhaps summarized by business
process or executive owner, noting statistics such as percentage of corrective actions on track, overdue,
and completed on time. In some instances, the CAE may be asked to report on not just whether the
corrective action has been completed, but also whether the action taken has corrected the underlying
issue. Capturing and measuring positive improvement based on the execution of corrective actions is
considered a leading practice.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Conformance is typically evidenced by the existence of a routinely updated exception tracking system,

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which could be a spreadsheet, database, or other tool that contains the prior audit observations,
associated corrective action plan, status, and internal audit’s confirmation, as described above. Also,
there are typically corrective action status reports prepared for senior management and the board.

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Standard 2600 – Communicating the Acceptance of Risks

When the chief audit executive concludes that management has accepted a level of risk that may
be unacceptable to the organization, the chief audit executive must discuss the matter with senior
management. If the chief audit executive determines that the matter has not been resolved, the
chief audit executive must communicate the matter to the board.

The identification of risk accepted by management may be observed through an assurance or
consulting engagement, monitoring progress on actions taken by management as a result of prior
engagements, or other means. It is not the responsibility of the chief audit executive to resolve the

Revised Standards, Effective 1 January 2017

Getting Started
To be successful in implementing this standard, the chief audit executive (CAE) must first understand
the organization’s view of and tolerance for various types of organizational risks. Organizations vary by
how much and what types of risk they consider acceptable. For example, some organizations may accept
higher levels of financial risk – taking actions such as expanding into a new geography with an unstable
government; or making a material investment in an exciting new product that has a relatively small
probability of success, but high reward if successful. Other organizations are more averse to such
financial risks, avoiding such situations. Further, organizations consider different factors in determining
the level of acceptable risk; for example, the potential impact and likelihood of the risk event, the
vulnerability of the organization, and the length of time it takes management to resolve an unacceptable

If the organization has a formal risk management policy, which may include a risk acceptance process, it
is important that the CAE and the internal audit activity understand it.

As required by Standard 2500, the CAE also must establish and maintain a system for monitoring the

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disposition of the results of internal audits.

It is also helpful for the CAE to know how higher risk issues are typically communicated within the
organization. Existing policies may define a preferred communication approach; for example, an
organization’s risk management policy may discuss timeliness, hierarchy of reporting, and similar

Considerations for Implementation

In monitoring the disposition of results and associated corrective actions, the CAE may become aware of
high risk observations that are not timely corrected or may represent more risk than the organization
would normally tolerate and are therefore unacceptable to the organization.

However, the ongoing monitoring process is not the only way a CAE identifies unacceptable risk. An
effective CAE employs several ways to stay abreast of organizational risks. For example, the CAE may
receive information from members of the internal audit activity regarding significant risks they have
identified during their assurance or consulting engagements. Or the organization may employ an
enterprise risk management (ERM) process to identify and monitor significant risks, and the CAE may
be involved with that process. Further, by building and maintaining a collaborative, communicative
network with management, the CAE may become aware of an emerging risk area in the organization.
CAEs also strive to keep up with industry trends and regulatory changes to help them recognize
potential and emerging risks.

Regardless of how the unacceptable risk is identified, if the CAE recognizes the risk as being at such a
high level that the organization would normally not tolerate it, and if the CAE believes that the risk is
not being mitigated to an acceptable level, then he or she is required to communicate this situation to
senior management. Prior to such a communication, the CAE typically discusses the issue with the
members of management responsible for the risk area, to share concerns, understand management’s
perspective, and reach an agreed path to resolve the risk. However, if such an agreement isn’t reached,
then the CAE must escalate the concern to senior management. And, after a similar discussion with
senior management, if the risk remains unresolved, then the CAE must communicate the issue to the
board. It is then the board’s decision how to address the concern with management.

The CAE uses judgment to determine how best and how quickly to communicate such matters to whom,
based on the issue’s nature, urgency, potential ramifications, and any policies that may be in place. For
example, should the general counsel be consulted, such as when a law or regulation may have been

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violated? And should the risk be communicated in private to a senior executive or in a cross-functional
meeting with many subject matter specialists in attendance?

This standard applies to highly significant risks that the CAE judges to be beyond the organization’s
tolerance level. These may include:

 Those that may harm the organization’s reputation.

 Those that could harm people.
 Those that would result in significant regulatory fines, limitations on business conduct, or
other financial or contractual penalties.
 Material misstatements.
 Fraud or other illegal acts.
 Significant impediments to achieving strategic objectives.

Considerations for Demonstrating Conformance

Evidence of conformance could be found in minutes of meetings where a significant risk issue was
discussed with the executive management team, the board, or a risk committee. If the CAE
communicates the unacceptable risk situation through one-on-one meetings or during a private session, a
memo to file can be used to document the steps taken to alert management and the board. Also, an
indirect indication of conformance is a policy in the internal audit manual that describes the
requirements of this standard and the organization’s reporting process.

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About The IIA

The Institute of Internal Auditors (The IIA) is the internal audit profession’s most widely recognized advocate, educator, and
provider of standards, guidance, and certifications. Established in 1941, The IIA today serves more than 180,000 members from
more than 170 countries and territories. The association’s global headquarters are in Lake Mary, Fla. For more information, visit
www.globaliia.org or www.theiia.org.

About Implementation Guidance

Implementation Guidance, as part of The IIA’s International Professional Practices Framework® (IPPF®), provides recommended
(nonmandatory) guidance for the internal audit profession. It is designed to assist both internal auditors and internal audit activities
to enhance their ability to achieve conformance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing

Implementation Guides assist internal auditors in applying the Standards. They collectively address internal audit's approach,
methodologies, and consideration, but do not detail processes or procedures.

For other authoritative guidance materials provided by The IIA, please visit our website at www.globaliia.org/standards-guidance
or www.theiia.org/guidance.

The IIA publishes this document for informational and educational purposes. This guidance material is not intended to provide
definitive answers to specific individual circumstances and, as such, is only intended to be used as a guide. The IIA recommends
that you always seek independent expert advice relating directly to any specific situation. The IIA accepts no responsibility for
anyone placing sole reliance on this guidance.

Copyright® 2016 The Institute of Internal Auditors. For permission to reproduce, please contact guidance@theiia.org.


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