Adam Finley Vs Walnut Ridge
Adam Finley Vs Walnut Ridge
Adam Finley Vs Walnut Ridge
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APR 05 2018
Comes now the Plaintiff, Adam Finley, by and through his attorney, Mark Rees, Rees
Law Firm, and for his Complaint against the named Defendants, state and allege:
1. This is an action for damages sustained by a citizen of the United States against
police officers of the Walnut Ridge Police Department who unlawfully arrested, assaulted
and harassed Plaintiff, against the Chief of Police as a supervisory officer responsible for the
conduct of the "City" Defendants, and for the failure of each of them to take corrective action
with respect to police personnel, as well as their failure to investigate complaints of police
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brutality and misconduct and/or impose discipline, and to ensure proper training and
official conduct, and against the City of Walnut Ridge, which is the employer of the "City
2. That this action arises under title 42 U.S.C. §1983 & 1988, 28 U.S.C. §2201,
2202, and F.R.C.P. 57, for violation of the 4th, 5th, 8th, and 14th Amendments to the United
3. Subject matter jurisdiction of this action seeking both equitable and money
County, Arkansas, and at all times relevant to the allegations contained in this Complaint,
was a resident of Lawrence County, Arkansas, and is a citizen of the United States.
5. At all times relevant hereto, Defendant, Chief Chris Kirksey, was the duly
appointed and acting Chief of Police of the City of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. As such, he
was the commanding officer of Defendants, Sgt. Matt Cook and Officer Matthew Mercado,
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and was responsible for their training, supervision and conduct. He was also responsible for
enforcing the regulations of the Walnut Ridge Police Department for investigating
complaints and ensuring that Walnut Ridge Police personnel obeyed the laws of the State of
Arkansas and the United States at all relevant times in his official capacity as the agent,
6. At all times relevant hereto, Defendant, Sgt. Matt Cook, was a police officer
employed by the City of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, to perform duties in the town of Walnut
Ridge, Arkansas, at all relevant times in his official capacity as the agent, servant, and
employee of Defendant, City of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. He is sued individually and in his
official capacity.
police officer employed by the City of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, to perform duties in the
town of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, at all relevant times in his official capacity as the agent,
County, Arkansas and all times relevant hereto, was the Mayor of the City of Walnut Ridge,
Arkansas, and therefore the responsible person of the employer of Defendant officers, and
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in his official capacity, authorized, ratified and approved of wrongful acts of the other
individual Defendants inasmuch as he was the individual who by operation of law was in
charge of the City of Walnut Ridge as well as all entities including the police department
therein, yet chose to continue the employment of the Defendant police officers when he
knew, or should have known in the exercise of ordinary and due care, of the police officers
callous disregard and deliberate indifference to the rights of the citizens of Walnut Ridge,
Lawrence County, Arkansas and also to the rights of the citizens traveling through Walnut
Ridge, Lawrence County, Arkansas, and to the safety of the Plaintiff's herein.
(here and after referred to as "City") within the State of Arkansas, at all times relevant hereto,
constitutional rights of the citizens of Walnut Ridge, Lawrence County, Arkansas, and the
citizens traveling through Walnut Ridge, Lawrence County, Arkansas, by failing to supervise
10. Plaintiffs reserve the right to amend this Complaint to add additional
11. On or about December 28, 2016, Plaintiff was stopped at the intersection of
Highway 63 and Highway 91 in the City of Walnut Ridge, Lawrence County, Arkansas. At
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the time this occurred, Plaintiff had violated no laws nor committed any traffic offense for
12. That Plaintiff, who works for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, was in
his work truck with his work clothes on, as well as all his equipment and his ID badge.
Defendant Mercado asked Plaintiff why he was working on the railroad crossing, and
Plaintfiff stated because I work for the railroad. Plaintiff showed his railroad ID badge, and
Defendant still did not let the Plaintff leave. Instead, Defendant Mercado asked the Plaintiff
why he had an attitude, and the Plaintiff responded that he did not have an attitude.
13. After Defendant Mercado's confrontation with the Plaintiff, he still did not
14. Even though Plaintiff had committed no violation of the law, and that
Defendant Mercado knew that Plaintiff worked for the railroad, Defendant Mercado
15. Once Plaintiff was out of the car, Defendant Mercado verbally assaulted the
16. Once Plaintiff was out of the car, Defendant Mercado physically assaulted
the Plaintiff by pushing him into the door, putting handcuffs on him, and continuing to
17. Even though Defendant had assaulted the Plaintiff, roughed him up, and
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handcuffed the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff had not committed any violation of the law.
18. That Defendant Mercado placed the handcuffed Plaintiff on his car and
19. Eventually, Defendant Mercado unhandcuffed the Plaintiff and released him
without any citation. As the parties were about to leave, Defendant Mercado told the
Plaintiff the next time "you will ride the lightning," referring to be tazed.
20. That immediately after this encounter with Defendant Mercado, Plaintiff
went to the Walnut Ridge Police Department to fill out a complaint form on Defendant
21. That the Plaintiff was not well received at the Walnut Ridge Police
22. When the Plaintiff tried to file the complaint, he was interrogated by
23. Eventually, Defendant Matt Cook, with Defendant Chief Kirksey permission,
wrote citations to the Plaintiff for refusal to submit and obstructing governmental operations.
24. That in an attempt to cover their actions, Defendants Mercado, Kirksey, and
Cook charged Plaintiff with two misdemeanor offenses, forced him to retain private counsel,
25. That on April 3, 2017, the District Court of Lawrence County, Arkansas,
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26. That as a direct and proximate result of the misconduct described above,
Plaintiff, Adam Finley has suffered pain, suffering and mental anguish and will in the future
experience pain, suffering and mental anguish from the consequences of his injuries; for all
of which he should have and recover judgment against each of the Defendants.
27. On information and belief, the abuse to which Plaintiff was subjected was
consistent with an institutionalized practice of the Walnut Ridge Police Department, which
was known and ratified by Defendants, City of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, and Mayor Charles
Snapp, said Defendants having at no time having taken any action to prevent the police
personnel under their supervision and in their employment from continuing to engage in such
28. On information and belief, Defendant, Walnut Ridge Police Chief Chris
Kirksey, had prior notice of the vicious propensities of Defendant Mercado and/or other
officers or employees of his police department but took no steps to train them, correct their
abuse of authority, or to discourage their unlawful use of authority. The failure to properly
train Defendant Mercado and other officers included the failure to instruct them in applicable
29. On information and belief, Defendants, City of Walnut Ridge, and Mayor
Charles Snapp, authorized and /or tolerated as institutional practices and ratified the
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31. The allegations set forth above are incorporated herein by reference.
32. The above described actions and omissions engaged in under color of state
authority by Defendants including the "City" Defendants, each sued as a person responsible
because of its authorization, condonation, and ratification thereof for the acts of its agents,
deprived Plaintiff of rights secure to him by the constitution of the United States, including
but not limited to their Fourth Amendment rights, their Fifth Amendment, and Fourteenth
Amendment rights of due process of law, including the right to be free from cruel and
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33. The allegations set forth above are repeated and re-alleged.
34. That Defendants, and each of them, acted under color of state law, statues,
ordinances, regulations, policies, customs, and usages of the State of Arkansas and the City
violated the Plaintiff's rights under the Arkansas Civil Rights Act of 1993 and Article 2, § 15
of the Constitution of the State of Arkansas by using unlawful, illegal, and excessive force
35. That Defendant, Officer Mercado, committed unlawful assaults and batteries
upon the Plaintiff by cursing and threatening Plaintiff as well as by shoving the Plaintiff
gross negligence, false arrest and imprisonment, abuse of process, conspiracy tort, prima
facie tort as well as other torts under the laws of the State of Arkansas. This Court has
36. Plaintiff is entitled to recover compensatory damages under the state law for
the tortuous and wrongful conduct of all the Defendants as set forth above.
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37. The actions of each of the Defendants herein named were undertaken purposely
and in conscious disregard for the rights and safety of the Plaintiff; were outrageous and
utterly intolerable in a civilized society. The Defendants, and each of them, knew or should
have known that their actions or omissions would result in injury and damages to the
Plaintiff, yet continued with conscious disregard for the consequences of the same. As a
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Adam Finley, prays for the following relief jointly against
each and all of the Defendants and seek the following relief:
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Respectfully submitted,
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JS 44 (Rev. 06/17) CIVIL COVER SHEET
The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the fit ing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the
purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (Sfili INSTRUC110NS ON NHXTPAGH OF 'lHIS FORM.)
C~yEJf'Wa?n~m!§ge, AR, Mayor Charles Snapp, lndiv., in his Official
Adam Finley Capacity, Officer Matthew Mercado, lndiv., in his Official Cap., Officer
Matt Cook, lndiv., in his Official Cap, Cheif Chris Kirksey, lndiv., in his
(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff _L_a_w_r_e_n_c_e_ _ _ _ _ __ County of Residence of First Listed Defendant _L_a_w_r_e_n_c_e_ _ _ _ _ _ __
( C) Attorne_ys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number) Attorneys (If Known)
Mark Rees, Rees Law Firm, 2110 East Matthews, Jonesboro, AR 72401
(870) 931-2100
II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an "X" in One HoxOnly) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an "X" inOneHoxforl'lai/1/ifl
(For Diversily Cases Only) and One Hoxfiir /Jefenda111)
0 I U.S. Government '.Ii(' 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF
Plaintiff (I !.S. Governmenl Nor a Par1y) Citizen of This State ~ I W I Incorporated or Principal Place 0 4 0 4
of Business In This State
0 2 U.S. Government 0 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State 0 2 0 2 Incorporated and Principal Place 0 5 0 5
Defendant (Indicale Cilizemhip of l'ar/ies i11 I1em III) of Business In Another State