MS311, MS391 SM
MS311, MS391 SM
MS311, MS391 SM
MS 311, MS 391 1
2 MS 311, MS 391
1. Introduction and Safety Precautions
219RA000 TG
illustrated parts lists while carrying
out repair work. They show the
installed positions of the individual Symbols are included in the text and
components and assemblies. pictures for greater clarity.
The meanings are as follows: Servicing and repairs are made
considerably easier if the machine
Refer to the latest edition of the is mounted to assembly stand (3)
In the descriptions:
relevant parts list to check the part 5910 890 3100. To do this, secure
numbers of any replacement parts. the mounting plate (2)
N Action to be taken as shown in
the illustration above the text 5910 850 1650 to the assembly
A fault on the machine may have stand with two screws (1) and
several causes. To help locate the washers.
fault, consult the chapter on – Action to be taken that is not
"Troubleshooting" and the shown in the illustration above
The screws must not project since
"STIHL Service Training System" the text
they, depending on the machine,
for all assemblies. may damage housings when the
In the illustrations: machine is clamped in position.
Refer to the “Technical Information”
bulletins for engineering changes A Pointer The above operation is not
which have been introduced since necessary with the new assembly
publication of this service manual. a Direction of movement stand 5910 890 3101 since the
Technical information bulletins also mounting plate is already fitted.
supplement the parts list until a @ 4.2 =Reference to another
revised edition is issued. chapter, i.e. chapter 4.2
in this example.
MS 311, MS 391 3
1.2 Safety Precautions The chapter on tightening torques
lists all machine components that
have to be tightened to a specific
If the machine is started up in the
course of repairs or maintenance torque or coated with threadlocking
work, observe all local and country- adhesive. The specifications must
be maintained when tightening
specific safety regulations as well
down screws, nuts and other
as the safety precautions and
fasteners in all the procedures
216RA000 TG warnings in the instruction manual.
described in this service manual.
Gasoline is an extremely flammable
fuel and can be explosive in certain
conditions. Fuel system – hose barb
Engage the bar mounting studs in connectors
the outer bores in the mounting
plate and secure the machine in Always wear suitable protective
Pull off or push on fuel hoses in line
position with the nuts (arrows). gloves for operations in which
with the connector, preferably by
components are heated for
assembly or disassembly. hand, to ensure the tightness of the
Preparations for servicing fuel system.
4 MS 311, MS 391
2. Specifications
2.1 Engine
MS 311 MS 391
MS 311, MS 391 5
2.5 Tightening Torques
DG and P (Plastoform) screws are used in polymer and light metal components. These screws form a
permanent thread when they are installed for the first time. They can be removed and installed as often as
necessary without impairing the strength of the screwed assembly, providing the specified tightening torque is
For this reason it is essential to use a torque wrench.
6 MS 311, MS 391
Place the screw in the hole and rotate it counterclockwise until it drops down slightly.
Tighten the screw clockwise to the specified torque.
This procedure ensures that the screw engages properly in the existing thread and does not form a new thread
and weaken the assembly.
Power screwdriver setting for polymer: DG and P screws max. 500 rpm
Do not use an impact wrench for releasing or tightening screws.
MS 311, MS 391 7
3. Troubleshooting
3.1 Clutch
Saw chain stops under load at full Clutch shoes badly worn Install new clutch
Saw chain rotates at idle speed Engine idle speed too high Readjust with idle speed screw
LA (counterclockwise)
Loud noises Clutch springs stretched or fatigued Replace the clutch springs or install
new clutch
8 MS 311, MS 391
3.2 Chain Drive, Chain Brake, Chain Tensioner
Chain sprocket wears rapidly Chain not properly tensioned Tension chain as specified
Saw chain stops under load at full Clutch shoes badly worn Install new clutch
Saw chain rotates at idle speed Engine idle speed too high Readjust with idle speed screw
LA (counterclockwise)
Saw chain does not stop Brake spring stretched or broken Fit new brake spring
immediately when brake is
MS 311, MS 391 9
3.3 Chain Lubrication
Chain receives no oil Oil tank empty Fill up with oil and check setting of
oil pump if necessary
Oil inlet hole in guide bar is blocked Clean oil inlet hole
Intake hose or pickup body clogged Fit new intake hose and pickup
or intake hose ruptured body
Machine losing chain oil Oil pump body damaged Install new oil pump
Oil pump delivers insufficient oil Oil pump worn Install new oil pump
Oil pump delivery rate set too low Adjust oil pump
(only on version with adjustable oil
10 MS 311, MS 391
3.4 Rewind Starter
Starter rope broken Rope pulled out too vigorously as Fit new starter rope
far as stop or over edge,
i.e. not vertically
Starter rope does not rewind Very dirty or corroded Clean or replace rewind spring
Starter rope cannot be pulled out Spring overtensioned Check rewind spring and reduce
far enough tension
Starter rope can be pulled out Guide peg on pawl or pawl itself is Fit new pawl
almost without worn
resistance (crankshaft does not
Starter rope is difficult to pull or Starter mechanism is very dirty Thoroughly clean complete starter
rewinds very slowly mechanism
MS 311, MS 391 11
3.5 Ignition System
Engine runs roughly, misfires, Spark plug boot is loose Press boot firmly onto spark plug
temporary loss of power and fit new spring if necessary
Spark plug sooted, smeared with oil Clean the spark plug or replace if
If sooting keeps recurring, check air
12 MS 311, MS 391
3.6 Carburetor
Carburetor floods; engine stalls Inlet needle not sealing Remove and clean the inlet needle,
– foreign matter in valve seat or clean the carburetor
Inlet control lever sticking on Check the inlet control lever and
spindle replace if necessary.
Helical spring not located on nipple Remove the inlet control lever and
of inlet control lever refit it correctly
Poor acceleration Setting of low speed screw too lean Check basic carburetor setting,
correct if necessary
Inlet needle sticking to valve seat Remove inlet needle, clean and
Leak on fuel hose from tank to Seal connections or install new fuel
carburetor hose
MS 311, MS 391 13
Condition Cause Remedy
Engine will not idle, idle speed too Throttle shutter opened too wide by Reset idle speed screw LA
high idle speed screw LA correctly
Throttle shutter does not close Replace throttle shutter and shaft
Air valve does not close Replace end cover with air valve.
Engine stops while idling Idle jet bores Clean the carburetor
or ports blocked
Low speed screw too rich or Reset low speed screw L correctly
too lean
Leak on fuel hose from tank to Seal connections or install new fuel
carburetor hose
Saw chain rotates at idle speed Engine idle speed too high Readjust with idle speed screw
LA (counterclockwise)
14 MS 311, MS 391
Condition Cause Remedy
Engine speed drops quickly under Air filter dirty Clean air filter or replace if
load – low power necessary
Throttle shutter not opened fully Check throttle cable and rod
Leak on fuel hose from tank to Seal connections or install new fuel
carburetor hose
Ignition timing wrong, flywheel out Fit key if necessary and secure
of adjustment, key in flywheel has flywheel properly or install new
sheared off flywheel
Engine running extremely rich, has Air valve does not open Check the carburetor and service
no power and a very low maximum or replace if necessary.
Engine running too rich, loss of Air valve does not open fully in full Check the carburetor and service
power and maximum speed too low throttle position or replace if necessary.
Erratic idle – too lean Air valve does not close completely Check the end cover with air valve
and replace if necessary
MS 311, MS 391 15
3.7 Engine
- Air filter
- Fuel system
- Carburetor
- Ignition system
Engine does not start easily, stalls Oil seals in engine housing Replace the oil seals
at idle speed, but operates normally damaged
at full throttle
Engine does not deliver full power Piston rings worn or broken Fit new piston rings
or runs erratically
Fuel/impulse hose severely kinked Fit new hoses or position them free
or damaged from kinks
Engine overheating Insufficient cylinder cooling. Air Thoroughly clean all cooling air
inlets in fan housing blocked or openings and the cylinder fins
cooling fins on cylinder very dirty
16 MS 311, MS 391
4. Clutch
– Troubleshooting, b 3.1
– Remove the shroud, b 6.4.
4903RA106 TG
4903RA005 TG
: The locking strip (1) – Pull the clutch shoes off the
0000 893 5903 must butt against carrier.
the cylinder wall (arrow) as
shown. : Remove the retainers (1).
4903RA001 TG
4903RA003 TG
4903RA006 TG
1 : Apply wrench to hexagon (arrow) – Clean all parts, b 14
and unscrew the clutch (1).
– Replace any damaged parts.
4903RA002 TG
MS 311, MS 391 17
1 2
1 1
4903RA007 TG
4903RA010 TG
4903RA012 TG
: Fit the retainers (1). Attach the springs (1) on the side Make sure the washer (1) is in
with the raised hexagon (arrow). place.
: Attach one end of each spring (1) Installed position is correct when
1 2 to the clutch shoes. TOP (arrow) faces outwards.
4903RA013 TG
: Fit the clutch shoes (2) over the
arms (1).
18 MS 311, MS 391
4.1 Clutch Drum
4903RA014 TG
: Screw the clutch (1) on to the
crankshaft stub and tighten down
the hexagon (arrow) firmly – left-
4903RA015 TG
hand thread.
165RA029 TG
80% !
MS 311, MS 391 19
5. Chain Brake
The chain brake is one of the most – Remove the clutch drum, b 4.1
important safety devices on the 1
machine. Its efficiency is measured – Troubleshooting, b 3.2
in terms of the chain braking time,
i.e. the time that elapses between
activating the brake and the saw
4903RA018 TG
chain coming to a complete 1
4903RA016 TG
friction, which prolongs the braking : Remove the screw (1) from the
time. A fatigued or stretched brake underside of the machine.
spring has the same negative effect.
: Pull off the bumper strip (1).
– Starting the engine
4903RA019 TG
– With the chain brake released,
open the throttle wide and
4903RA017 TG
20 MS 311, MS 391
4903RA020 TG
4903RA022 TG
4903RA018 TG
: Turn the brake band (1) to one : Position the brake band (1) it the : Fit the screw (1) on the underside
side and disconnect it from the guide (arrow) first. of the machine and tighten it
brake lever (2). down firmly.
– Disengage the chain brake.
4903RA025 TG
219RA049 TG
4903RA023 TG
1 1
Install a new brake band if there are : Engage the cover (1) in the slots
noticeable signs of wear (large : Push the brake band (1) over the (arrows) first and then swing it
areas on inside diameter and/or guide lugs (arrows) and into its into position.
parts of outside diameter – arrows) seat.
and its remaining thickness is less
than 0.6 mm.
4903RA024 TG
4903RA021 TG
MS 311, MS 391 21
5.3 Brake Lever
4903RA026 TG
4903RA029 TG
4903RA027 TG
: Insert the screws (arrows) and : Remove the E-clip (1).
tighten them down firmly.
– Troubleshooting, b 3
– Fit the bumper strip.
– Remove the brake band, b 5.2
– Install the clutch drum, b 4.1
– Engage the chain brake.
– Check operation, b 5.1
The brake spring is now relaxed.
– Reassemble all other parts in the
4903RA030 TG
reverse sequence. : Use the assembly tool
1117 890 0900 to disconnect the
brake spring (1) from the anchor
pin (arrow).
: Lift and turn the strap (1) slightly,
push it towards the hole (arrow)
– Remove the brake spring from
and remove it.
the brake lever.
4903RA119 TG
4903RA031 TG
– Lift the hand guard a little and – Remove the hand guard and
remove the fan housing. brake lever.
22 MS 311, MS 391
1 2 1
4903RA032 TG
4903RA034 TG
4903RA272 TG
: Take the brake lever (2) out of the : Push the hand guard with brake : Fit the spacer sleeve (1).
hand guard (1). lever (1) over the machine until
they are positioned against the
– Inspect the pivot pins and replace pivot pins (arrows).
if necessary, b 5.5 1
4903RA037 TG
4903RA035 TG
– Fit the strap (1).
pins (arrows).
MS 311, MS 391 23
4903RA038 TG
4903RA040 TG
4903RA042 TG
The turns of brake spring must be : Check the cam lever (1) and : Fit the E-clip (1).
tightly against one another in the spring (2) and replace if
relaxed condition. If this is not the necessary.
case, replace the brake spring.
: Check the condition of the cam 2
– Position the protective tube so contour (arrow) and replace the
that it leaves the first two hand guard if necessary.
turns (arrow) free.
– If the groove in the spring's Installing
anchor pin is worn, install a new
4903RA043 TG
pin, b 5.5
3 1
– Position the cam lever (1) so that : Attach the spring (1) to the
its cam (arrow) faces the pin (3). anchor pin (2).
: Push the cam lever (1) on to the The cam lever is not yet under
pivot pin (2). tension – the spring may become
3 reverse sequence.
24 MS 311, MS 391
5.5 Pins Turn pin back and forth as
The anchor pins secure the springs. 3
Worn pins must be replaced – the
springs may otherwise become 5
2 1
detached and pop out.
The pins must be driven home 4
4903RA049 TG
For greater clarity, all parts have
been removed from the pins in the
4903RA046 TG
: Pin (3) a = about 11.6 - 11.8 mm
following illustrations. Pin (4) b = about 4.6 - 4.8 mm
Pin (5) c = about 9.1 - 9.3 mm
– Troubleshooting, b 3.2
4 a
4903RA044 TG
: Use suitable tool to remove the
4903RA047 TG
pins (1 - 5).
4903RA050 TG
Installing : Pin (1) a = about 2.9 - 3.3 mm
Pin (2) b = about 4.3 - 4.7 mm
: Turn the spur gear (2) clockwise
until the tensioner slide (1) butts
3 5 against the right-hand end and
the screw (3) is visible.
4903RA048 TG
– Before installing the new pin, coat
its knurled shank with
threadlocking adhesive, b 14
: Drive home pins (3, 4 and 5) as
specified below.
: Position the new pin in the
bore (arrow) so that the knurling
on the pin meshes with the
existing knurling in the bore.
MS 311, MS 391 25
5.7 Bar Mounting Studs
1 2
2 2
4903RA052 TG
4903RA054 TG
: Pull out the spur gear (1) and 1
tensioner slide (2).
: Push stud puller 5910 893 0501
(1) over the collar studs (2) as far
as it will go and unscrew the
2 2 4 studs counterclockwise.
1 2
533RA058 TG
1 3
– Lubricate thread with STIHL – Fit the collar studs and tighten
multipurpose grease, b 14 them down firmly.
26 MS 311, MS 391
6. Engine
6.1 Muffler
Always check and, if necessary,
repair the fuel system, carburetor,
air filter and ignition system before
looking for faults on the engine.
– Troubleshooting, b 3.7
0001RA076 TG
0001RA080 TG
– Remove the shroud, b 6.4 1
Before removing the muffler, set the : Remove the exhaust gasket (1). – Position the exhaust gasket (1)
piston to top dead center to ensure so that the warts (arrows) point
that no dirt falls into the cylinder. – Remove and install the spark towards the cylinder.
arresting screen – see instruction
manual. : Fit the exhaust gasket (1) and
line it up with the warts (arrows)
1 1 against the cylinder exhaust port.
2 2
4903RA056 TG
: Pry the plug (1) out of the drive
0001RA079 TG
0001RA081 TG
– Do not refit old plugs, always fit
new ones.
– Hold the machine upright. : Carefully place the muffler (1) in
1 1 : Inspect and clean the sealing
faces (arrows) and remove any : Check the position of the gasket
gasket residue. and fit the screws (2).
Always replace components with – Fit and tighten down the screws
damaged sealing faces. (2) firmly.
4903RA057 TG
MS 311, MS 391 27
6.2 Leakage Test 6.2.1 Preparations
1 1
Defective oil seals and gaskets or
cracks in castings are the usual 1
causes of leaks. Such faults allow
supplementary air to enter the
engine and upset the fuel-air
4903RA053 TG
This makes adjustment of the
0001RA083 TG
prescribed idle speed difficult, if not
impossible. – Pry out the plugs.
– Do not refit old plugs, always fit
Moreover, the transition from idle new ones.
speed to part or full throttle is not – Remove the shroud, b 6.4
– Pull off the boot and unscrew the : Loosen the screws (1).
Always perform the vacuum test spark plug.
first and then the pressure test.
– Set the piston to top dead center.
The engine can be checked This can be checked through the
thoroughly for leaks with the pump spark plug hole.
0000 850 1300. 1
– Remove the decompression
valve, b 6.9
0001RA085 TG
: Fit the plug (1) 1122 025 2200
and tighten it down firmly.
28 MS 311, MS 391
2 4 3 2
4903RA225 TG
4903RA238 TG
4903RA239 TG
1 2 1
: Check that the sleeve (1) and : Connect suction hose (1) of : Push ring (1) to the right.
washer (2) are in place. pump 0000 850 1300 to the
nipple (arrow). : Operate the lever (2) until the
pressure gauge (3) indicates a
: Push ring (2) to the left. pressure of 0.5 bar. If this
2 pressure remains constant for at
: Operate the lever (3) until the least 20 seconds, the engine
pressure gauge (4) indicates a housing is airtight.
vacuum of 0.5 bar.
1 – If the pressure drops, the leak
If the vacuum reading remains must be located and the faulty
constant, or rises to no more than part replaced.
4903RA237 TG
MS 311, MS 391 29
6.3 Oil Seals : Apply puller (1) 5910 890 4400 Degrease the crankshaft taper,
with No. 3.1 jaws 0000 893 3706. b 14
4903RA063 TG
Ignition side
– Free off the oil seal in its seat by – Wait about one minute, then
tapping it with a suitable tube or a rotate the crankshaft several
punch. times.
30 MS 311, MS 391
1 1
4903RA064 TG
4903RA067 TG
4903RA065 TG
– Free off the oil seal in its seat by : Fit the E-clip (1).
tapping it with a suitable tube or a
punch. : Fit the installing sleeve (1) – Wait about one minute, then
1122 893 4600. rotate the crankshaft several
: Apply puller (1) 5910 890 4400 times.
with No. 3.1 jaws 0000 893 3706. – Slip the oil seal, open side (snap
ring) facing outwards, over the – Reassemble all other parts in the
– Clamp the puller arms. installing sleeve. reverse sequence.
– Pull out the oil seal. – Remove the installing sleeve (1).
6.4 Shroud
The crankshaft stub and oil pump
spur gear must not be damaged. – Set the Master Control lever to
– Clean the sealing face, b 14
– Push the front hand guard
– Lubricate sealing lips of new oil 1 forwards to engage the chain
seal with grease, b 14 brake.
4903RA276 TG
MS 311, MS 391 31
6.5 Cylinder / Crankshaft
– Remove the shroud, b 6.4
– Pull off the boot and unscrew the
spark plug,
4903RA069 TG
4903RA073 TG
– Remove the fan housing, b 8.2
4903RA074 TG
: Use a suitable drift (2) to drive
home the screws (1). : Pull the crankshaft (1) out of the
bearing seats (arrows).
– Reassemble in the reverse
sequence. : Carefully pull the crankshaft (1)
4903RA072 TG
32 MS 311, MS 391
4903RA081 TG
533RA098 TG
533RA107 TG
: Remove the E-clip (1). – Inspect and clean the sealing : Fit the installing sleeve (1)
faces (arrows) and remove any 1118 893 4602.
gasket residue, b 14
: Push the new oil seals, open side
The sealing faces must be in perfect facing inwards, on to the
condition. Always replace crankshaft stubs.
components with damaged sealing
533RA099 TG
533RA098 TG
4903RA275 TG
MS 311, MS 391 33
4903RA076 TG
4903RA078 TG
533RA104 TG
– Lubricate the piston, piston rings When properly aligned, the piston – Inspect and clean the sealing
and cylinder wall with oil. rings are compressed by the face on the engine housing and
cylinder's taper. remove any gasket residue,
: Position the piston rings so that b 14
the radii at the ring gap meet at : Carefully push the piston with
the fixing pin in the piston groove crankshaft (1) into the cylinder. The sealing faces must be in perfect
(arrows) – there is otherwise a condition. Always replace
risk of ring breakage. components with damaged sealing
– Place the crankshaft with
bearings and oil seals in the
bearing seats, making sure the oil
4903RA079 TG
– Line up the piston with crankshaft
before fitting them in the cylinder. seals are firmly against their
stops (arrows) in the cylinder. 1
Viewed from the exhaust
port (arrow), the long crankshaft – Hold the crankshaft (1) steady.
stub (1) must be on the right.
: Fit the cylinder (2) with
crankshaft (1) in the engine
34 MS 311, MS 391
1 1
4903RA072 TG
4903RA083 TG
4903RA085 TG
: Fit the screws (arrows). : Pull the ball bearing (1) off the – Heat the bearing inner race to
straight crankshaft stub. about 150°C (300°F).
: Tighten down the screws
(arrows) in an alternate pattern. : Push the ball bearing onto the
straight crankshaft stub as far as
– Reassemble all other parts in the stop.
reverse sequence.
4903RA084 TG
– Remove the cylinder, b 6.5
– Remove the crankshaft and pull
off the oil seals, b 6.5
: The crankshaft (1), connecting
4903RA086 TG
rod (2) and needle bearing form
– Remove the piston, b 6.7 an inseparable unit.
crankshaft stubs absorb heat and
– Install the piston, b 6.7
: Pull the ball bearing (1) off the
– Install the crankshaft and oil
tapered crankshaft stub.
seals, b 6.5
MS 311, MS 391 35
6.7 Piston If the piston pin is stuck, release it
by tapping the end of the drift lightly 1
with a hammer.
– Remove the cylinder, b 6.5
Hold the piston steady during this
process to ensure that no jolts are
The snap ring at the clutch side transmitted to the connecting rod.
cannot be removed.
– Remove the piston.
533RA125 TG
– Inspect the piston rings and
replace if necessary, b 6.8
: Push the assembly drift (1)
1108 893 4700, small diameter
first, through the piston and small
end (needle cage) and line up the
4903RA087 TG
1 2
: At the ignition side, use a suitable
4903RA252 TG
tool at the recess (arrow) to
remove the hookless snap ring
from the piston boss. 1
533RA126 TG
1 b 14
36 MS 311, MS 391
0001RA483 TG
4903RA089 TG
165RA153 TG
2 1
: Attach the snap ring (1) to the : Press the installing tool : Apply the installing tool
magnet (2) so that the snap ring downwards into the sleeve until 5910 890 2212 with the sleeve’s
gap is on the flat side of the tool's the magnet butts against the end taper against the piston boss,
shank (arrow). of the guide slot. hold the piston steady, center the
tool shank exactly and press
Use a suitable base. home until the snap ring slips into
the groove.
2 1
Make sure the tool shank is held
square on the piston pin axis.
0001RA482 TG
216RA178 TG
0001RA329 TG
snap ring. : Remove the sleeve and slip it
onto the other end of the shank –
The inner pin (1) must point towards the inner pin must point towards
the flat face (2) of the tool's shank. the flat face.
Fit the snap ring (1) so that its
gap (arrow) points either up or
MS 311, MS 391 37
6.9 Decompression Valve
533RA136 TG
533RA134 TG
4903RA091 TG
– Inspect the piston rings and : Install the new piston rings in the 1
replace if necessary, b 6.8 grooves so that the radii face
upward (arrows).
– Remove the shroud, b 6.4
– Check the oil seals and ball
bearings and replace if : Unscrew the decompression
necessary, b 6.5 valve (1).
165RA164 TG
: Position the piston rings so that
the radii at the ring gap meet at
– Remove the piston rings from the the fixing pin in the piston
piston. groove (arrows).
: Check the sealing cone (arrow)
on the decompression valve for
: Check correct installed position damage.
of the piston rings (arrows).
– If the sealing cone does not close
– Install the piston, b 6.7
completely or shows signs of
damage, install a new
– Reassemble all other parts in the decompression valve.
reverse sequence.
– Fit the decompression valve and
533RA135 TG
38 MS 311, MS 391
7. Ignition System
Exercise extreme caution when 7.2 Preseparator Testing in the workshop is limited to
troubleshooting and carrying out a spark test. A new ignition module
maintenance or repair work on the must be installed if no ignition spark
ignition system. The high voltages is obtained (after checking that
which occur can cause serious or wiring and stop switch are in good
fatal accidents.
2 condition).
4903RA254 TG
– Remove the fan housing, b 8.2 the spark plug boot, b 6.4
4903RA215 TG
system basically consists of an
ignition module (1) and flywheel (2).
: Pull the ignition lead (1) out of the
7.1 Ignition Timing
cable channel (arrows).
Since there is no mechanical wear
in these systems, ignition timing 2
cannot get out of adjustment during
operation. The ignition module accommodates
all the components required to
control ignition timing. There are 2 2
two electrical connections on the
4903RA255 TG
coil body:
– High voltage output (1) with
ignition lead : Disconnect the short circuit
wire (1).
– The connector tag (2) for the
short circuit wire : Take out the screws (2).
MS 311, MS 391 39
– Check operation – rotate the
3 4 2 flywheel and make sure it does
not touch the ignition module.
4903RA273 TG
4903RA095 TG
The ignition module (1) and ignition : Push the ignition module back
lead (2) form a unit. and slide the setting gauge (1)
4903RA259 TG
1111 890 6400 between the
– Before installing, check that the arms of the ignition module and 1
sleeve (4) is on the ignition the flywheel magnet.
lead (2) and its opening (arrow) is : Connect the short circuit wire
pointing in the same direction as terminal (1) – the terminal must
the spark plug boot. be pushed fully home.
4903RA097 TG
1 The setting gauge is not shown in
the illustration.
– Push the ignition module (1) back : Starting at the ignition module,
3 and hold it there push the ignition lead into the
cable channel.
– the flywheel must move freely.
4903RA256 TG
40 MS 311, MS 391
Using the ZAT 4 ignition tester Using the ZAT 3 ignition tester
1 5910 850 4503 5910 850 4520
4903RA277 TG
165RA183 TG
165RA184 TG
: Fit the boot (1) on the spark plug.
1 2 3 2 3 4
: Line up the sleeve (2) – distance
'a' about 3 mm to the edge of the – Before starting the test, install a – Before starting the test, install a
housing and its open side (arrow) new spark plug in the cylinder new spark plug in the cylinder
facing the cylinder. and tighten it down firmly. and tighten it down firmly.
– Reassemble all other parts in the : Connect the spark plug boot to : Connect spark plug boot to the
reverse sequence. the input terminal (1) and push terminal (2).
the tester's output terminal (3)
onto the spark plug. : Attach the ground terminal (1) to
7.4 Testing the Ignition the spark plug.
Module High voltage – risk of electric shock.
: Use adjusting knob (4) to set the
– Crank the engine quickly with the spark gap to about 2 mm,
To test the ignition module, use rewind starter and check spark in see window (3).
either the ZAT 4 ignition system the tester’s window (2).
tester 5910 850 4503 or the ZAT 3
ignition system tester
The engine may start and
5910 850 4520.
accelerate during the test.
The ignition test refers only to a
If a spark is visible, the ignition
spark test, not to ignition timing.
system is in order.
MS 311, MS 391 41
7.5 Spark Plug Boot / Installing
Ignition Lead
Do not shorten the ignition lead.
The ignition module (1) and ignition
lead (2) form a unit. A new ignition
module must be installed if the
1 ignition lead is damaged.
165RA185 TG
2 3 4
165RA188 TG
safe place. Keep fingers or other
parts of your body at least 1 cm
away from the spark window (3),
high voltage connection (2), ground – Use a pointed tool to pierce the
4903RA227 TG
connection (5) and the ground center of the new ignition lead’s
terminal (1). insulation, about 15 mm from the
end of the lead.
High voltage – risk of electric shock.
– Remove the shroud, b 6.4
: Pinch the hook of the leg spring
– Crank the engine quickly with the into the pierced hole in the center
rewind starter and check spark in : Use suitable pliers to pull the leg
of the lead (arrow).
the tester’s window (3). spring out of the spark plug boot.
The engine may start and – Unhook the leg spring from the
accelerate during the test. ignition lead.
If a spark is visible in the window (3), – Pull the boot off the ignition lead.
the ignition system is in order.
– Remove the sleeve.
– If no spark is visible in the
window (3), check the ignition
system with the aid of the
4903RA228 TG
troubleshooting chart, b 7.8
42 MS 311, MS 391
0001RA165 TG
0001RA168 TG
4903RA229 TG
: Make sure the leg spring (arrow) : Fit the puller (3) 1135 890 4500 Make sure the key (arrow) engages
locates properly inside the spark on the flywheel and tighten the the slot in the crankshaft.
plug boot. screws (1) as far as stop.
– Tighten the screws uniformly. – Set the air gap between the
Do not use either graphite grease or ignition module and flywheel,
silicone insulating paste. : Screw home the thrust bolt (2) b 7.3
clockwise until the flywheel is
– Reassemble all other parts in the released from the crankshaft. – Reassemble all other parts in the
reverse sequence. reverse sequence.
– Remove the puller (3)
1135 890 4500 from the flywheel.
7.6 Flywheel
The flywheel and magnet poles
(arrows) must not be damaged or
have turned blue. Replace flywheel
0001RA165 TG
if necessary.
MS 311, MS 391 43
7.7 Short Circuit Wire 7.7.2 Removing and Installing
7.7.1 Testing
– Pull the boot off the spark plug.
4903RA101 TG
– Disconnect the choke rod, 1
b 10.2.1
4903RA263 TG
4903RA102 TG
wire (1). 2
4903RA099 TG
1 2
– Set the Master Control lever to
: Lift the ring terminal (1) a little
: Pull the ignition lead (3) out of the
and pull it off the pin (2) .
The resistance measured must be guide (arrows).
about 0 Ω. If it is much higher, the
reason is a break and the wiring – Remove the filter base, b 12.3
: Remove the connector (1).
harness has to be replaced, b 7.7.
: Take out the screw and remove
– Set the Master Control lever to the ground wire (2).
"F". 1
44 MS 311, MS 391
Installing Position the short circuit wire so that
1 it forms a loop and can move along
with the switch shaft.
4903RA103 TG
4903RA104 TG
The wire must be laid straight and fit
4903RA109 TG
snugly against the housing.
: Position the short circuit wire so
that the yellow mark lines up with : Push the short circuit wire (1) into
the edge (arrow). the guides (arrows).
: Check that short circuit wire is
– Push the wiring harness (1) into properly seated, push it fully into
the guide. the guide (arrow) if necessary.
4903RA107 TG 1
4903RA110 TG
4903RA105 TG
MS 311, MS 391 45
7.7.3 Ground Wire
4903RA114 TG
harness. If damaged, the wiring
2 harness must be replaced 1
: The ring terminal (1) must locate – Check for contact and continuity : Lift the contact spring (1) over the
behind the lug (2). and lug (arrow) and pull it out.
replace the wiring harness,
b 7.7
– Check the ground wire ring
terminal and replace it if
1 necessary, b 7.7.3
7.7.4 Contact Spring
4903RA115 TG
: Push the ground wire (1) into the
guide (arrow).
– Install the ignition lead, b 7.3
– Place the contact spring (1) in
4903RA113 TG
46 MS 311, MS 391
4903RA116 TG
Make sure the lug (arrow) locks the
contact spring in position.
4903RA117 TG
: Check operation.
– short circuit wire's connector
must touch the contact spring
(arrow) in position "0".
MS 311, MS 391 47
7.8 Ignition System Troubleshooting
Stop switch:
– in position "F"?
48 MS 311, MS 391
Powerful yes
Air gap:
– Check ignition module/flywheel,
– reset if necessary, b 7.3
2 3
MS 311, MS 391 49
2 3
Check operation
of switch shaft:
– Short circuit wire chafed?
– Function between contact spring and switch
shaft contact:
– Position "F" = no connection
– Position "0" = connection
– Install new short circuit wire if necessary,
b 7.7.2
Powerful yes
yes Engine no
50 MS 311, MS 391
8. Rewind Starter
4903RA121 TG
4903RA119 TG
and cause the spring windings to
stick together. This has a 1
detrimental effect on the function of
the starter mechanism. : Engage the segment (1) in the
– Remove the shroud, b 6.4
slots (arrows) in the fan housing
In such a case it is sufficient to apply first and then swing it into
a few drops of a standard solvent- : Take out the screws (arrows). position.
based degreasant (containing no
chlorinated or halogenated – Lift the hand guard a little and – Push the segment (1) into the
hydrocarbons) to the rewind spring. remove the fan housing. lugs as far as stop.
Carefully pull out the starter rope
– Reassemble in the reverse – Reassemble in the reverse
several times and allow it to rewind
sequence. sequence.
until its normal smooth action is
4903RA122 TG
4903RA120 TG
: Pry the segment (1) off the lugs – Relieve tension of rewind spring,
(arrows) and lift it away. b 8.4
MS 311, MS 391 51
– Take three full turns of the rope
off the rope rotor.
4903RA126 TG
remaining rope from the rotor,
b 8.5
: Remove the pawls (1). The spring clip's guide loops must – Remove the spring clip and
be in line with the pawls (arrows). pawls, b 8.3
4903RA128 TG
reverse sequence.
4903RA124 TG
Relieving tension of rewind
4903RA125 TG
: Push the straight part of the : Pull out the starter rope (1)
spring clip over the starter post about 5 cm and hold the rope
until it snaps into the groove. rotor (2) steady.
52 MS 311, MS 391
Installing 8.5 Starter Rope / Grip Installing
4903RA129 TG
165RA227 TG
1 – Remove remaining rope from the
rope rotor and starter grip.
: Fit the rope rotor on the starter : Tie one of the special knots
post so that the inner spring loop Do not shorten the starter rope. shown in the end of the rope.
(arrow) engages the recess (1).
4903RA131 TG
– Install the starter rope, b 8.5
– Tension the rewind spring, b 8.6 : Push the end of the starter rope : Thread the rope through the top
(1) out a little and undo the knot. of the starter grip.
– Lubricate pegs on pawls with
grease, b 14 – Pull the starter rope out of the
rope rotor and fan housing.
– Reassemble all other parts in the
reverse sequence. – Pull the old rope out of the starter
4903RA132 TG
MS 311, MS 391 53
– Tension the rewind spring, b 8.6
– Install the segment and fan
housing, b 8.2
4903RA137 TG
8.6 Tensioning the Rewind 1
: Thread the starter rope (1) – Hold the rope rotor (2) steady.
through the guide bushing
(arrow). 2 : Pull out the twisted rope (1) with
the starter grip and straighten it
4903RA136 TG
4903RA134 TG
4903RA138 TG
: Pull out a short length of starter
: Thread the starter rope (1)
rope (1).
through the side of the rope rotor.
– Hold the starter grip (1) firmly to
: Use the starter rope (1) to rotate
– Secure the rope (1) with a simple keep the rope tensioned.
the rope rotor (2) six turns
overhand knot.
: Let go of the rope rotor and
slowly release the starter rope so
The rewind spring is now tensioned.
that it can rewind properly.
Hold the rope rotor steady since it
1 will otherwise spin back and may
damage the rewind spring.
4903RA135 TG
54 MS 311, MS 391
8.7 Replacing the Rewind
– Troubleshooting, b 3.4
4903RA139 TG
4903RA140 TG
– Wear a face shield and work
The rewind spring is correctly to protect your eyes and hands – Lubricate the replacement spring
tensioned when the starter grip sits from injury. with frame with a few drops of
firmly in the rope guide bushing STIHL special lubricant before
(arrow) without drooping to one – Remove the fan housing and the installing, b 14
side. If this is not the case, tension segment, b 8.2
the spring by one additional turn. : Position the replacement spring
– Relieve tension of rewind spring if with frame in the fan housing
When the starter rope is fully – the anchor loop (2) must be
necessary and remove the rope
extended, it must still be possible to above the lug (1).
rotor, b 8.4
rotate the rope rotor another full turn
before maximum spring tension is
– Remove any remaining pieces of : Push the rewind spring with
reached. If this is not the case,
old spring. frame into its seat (arrow) in the
reduce spring tension since there is
fan housing.
otherwise a risk of breakage.
The frame slips off during this
If the rewind spring can no longer be
To reduce spring tension: properly tensioned, install a new
Pull the rope out, hold the rope rotor spring.
steady and take off one turn of the The rewind spring may pop out and
rope. Even a worn rewind spring is still unwind.
pre-loaded in the installed condition.
– Install the fan housing, b 8.2 – Remove the frame.
– Place a blanket over the work
area and pull the rewind spring
out of the fan housing.
MS 311, MS 391 55
4903RA141 TG
4903RA143 TG
Make sure that the new rewind : Fit the rewind spring (1)
spring (1) is properly seated and the clockwise in the housing.
outer anchor loop is engaged on the
lug (arrow). If necessary, use – Hold the spring windings so that
suitable tools to push the rewind they cannot pop out.
spring fully into its seat in the fan
Make sure that the rewind spring (1)
is properly seated. If necessary, use
If the rewind spring has popped out,
suitable tools to push the rewind
refit it in the fan housing as follows:
spring fully into its seat in the fan
56 MS 311, MS 391
9. Servicing the AV System
Vibration-damping springs and The peg's head (arrow) must locate – Reassemble all other parts in the
buffers are used for the connection properly on the buffer. reverse sequence.
between the handlebar, tank
housing and engine housing. – Reassemble all other parts in the
reverse sequence. 9.3 AV Spring on Fuel Tank
Damaged springs and buffers must
always be replaced. – Remove AV spring from
9.2 AV Spring on Oil Tank handlebar, b 9.4
4903RA144 TG
0001RA177 TG
0001RA051 TG
0001RA176 TG
MS 311, MS 391 57
1 2
0001RA213 TG
4903RA145 TG
4903RA147 TG
: Unscrew the AV spring (1). : Fit and tighten down the screw
(1) firmly.
: Unscrew the bearing plug (2). – Push the complete AV spring (1)
– Reassemble all other parts in the into the handlebar.
reverse sequence.
Installing : Insert the screws (arrows) and
tighten them down firmly.
9.4 AV Spring on Front
1 Handle : Coat the screw (2) with
threadlocking adhesive, fit it and
The AV spring is located between tighten it down firmly, b 14
the handle frame and cylinder.
2 – Reassemble all other parts in the
– Remove the shroud, b 6.4 reverse sequence.
0001RA207 TG
: Screw home the bearing plug (2)
as far as stop.
: Screw the AV spring (1) into the
plug (arrow) on the tank housing
as far as stop.
4903RA146 TG
58 MS 311, MS 391
9.5 Stop Buffer at Clutch : Push the stop buffer (1) into the : Push home the annular buffer (1)
Side bore and make sure it is properly so that its bore engages the peg
seated. (2) in the tank housing.
The stop buffers are located
between the tank housing and – Reassemble all other parts in the
engine housing. They are fitted at reverse sequence.
the ignition and clutch sides.
4903RA148 TG
: Annular buffer (1) must be
properly seated in the
recess (arrow).
4903RA151 TG
9.7 Handlebar
: Ease the stop buffer (1) out of the
bore. : Pry out the annular buffer (1). – Remove the shroud, b 6.4
4903RA149 TG
4903RA152 TG
4903RA153 TG
MS 311, MS 391 59
1 1
0001RA228 TG
4903RA155 TG
0001RA222 TG
: Remove the screws (1) from the : Ease the handlebar (1) sideways : Push the AV spring (1) into its
underside of the machine. and take it out of the guide seat (2).
0001RA229 TG
0001RA222 TG
4903RA269 TG
4903RA155 TG
4903RA154 TG
60 MS 311, MS 391
10. Control Levers
4903RA160 TG
4903RA159 TG
4903RA157 TG : Carefully push the switch shaft : Remove the handle molding (1).
(1) over the taper (arrow).
– Remove the filter base, b 12.3 The interlock lever (arrow) may
: Push the switch shaft (1) onto the pop out.
: Pry the switch shaft (1) out of its pin (2) until it snaps into position.
mount (arrow).
– Install the filter base, b 12.3
2 1
: Lift the switch shaft (1) a little and
pull it away. – Reassemble all other parts in the
reverse sequence.
0001RA276 TG
10.2 Throttle Trigger/Interlock
1 Lever
: Take the throttle rod (1) out of the
guide (arrow) and disconnect it
1 from the throttle trigger (2).
4903RA158 TG
pin (2).
MS 311, MS 391 61
0001RA278 TG 1
4903RA265 TG
4903RA162 TG
: Use a suitable drift (2) to drive out : Place the throttle trigger (1) in the : Push the interlock lever (1) into
the pin (1). handle and line up the holes in its pivot mounts (arrows) until it
the trigger and handle. snaps into position – check that
torsion spring is in position.
4903RA266 TG
4903RA267 TG
: Remove the throttle trigger (1)
with torsion spring (2). : Use a suitable drift (2) to center
the throttle trigger (1).
Installing : Drive home the pin (3) until it is : Attach the throttle rod (1) to the
recessed by same amount at trigger (2) and fit it in the
both sides. guide (arrow).
0001RA281 TG
4903RA163 TG
62 MS 311, MS 391
2 1
0001RA287 TG
4903RA166 TG
4903RA169 TG
1 2
: Engage tabs of handle : Move the switch shaft (1) in the : Position the choke rod (1) in the
molding (1) in the direction of the carburetor and guide (arrow).
openings (arrow). disconnect the choke rod (2).
– Rotate the switch shaft (2) and
– Push down the handle – Take the choke rod (2) out of the push the choke rod (1) fully into
molding (1) until it snaps into guide. the guide.
– Check operation – rotate the
– Check operation. switch shaft. If necessary, push
home the choke rod until it is
– Reassemble all other parts in the properly seated.
reverse sequence.
4903RA165 TG
MS 311, MS 391 63
10.2.2 Throttle Rod
4903RA171 TG
4903RA173 TG
: Rotate the throttle rod (1) about : Pass the throttle rod (1) through
90° counterclockwise. Pass the the opening (arrow).
throttle rod (1) through the
1 2 opening (arrow) in the direction of : Rotate the bent end (1) clockwise
the tank housing and remove it. and push it under the throttle
0001RA303 TG
: Pry the throttle rod (1) out of the
carburetor carrier (2).
1 1 2
0001RA310 TG
4903RA172 TG
: Line up the throttle rod (1) (see guide (2) in the carburetor carrier
illustration). until it snaps into position.
: Push the throttle rod (1) between – Check operation – the throttle
: Pull the throttle rod in the the tank housing and air guide lever on the carburetor must
direction of the handle until its shroud and rotate it about 90° at move upwards when the throttle
bent end (1) is in front of the the same time. trigger is pulled.
opening (arrow).
64 MS 311, MS 391
11. Chain Lubrication
4903RA176 TG
the oil tank b 1.
tank and the pickup body. Clean the
oil tank if necessary, b 1 1
– Remove the oil pump, b 11.3
– Troubleshooting, b 3.3 – Line up the oil suction hose (1)
– the tab (arrow) must locate
– Open the oil tank cap and drain against the housing.
the oil tank.
– Use STIHL press fluid to simplify
– Collect chain oil in a clean assembly, b 14
container, b 1
: Push home the oil suction hose
(1) until its groove is properly
4903RA174 TG
seated in the engine housing.
– Check position of pickup body. If
necessary, use hook
: Remove the oil suction hose (1). 5910 893 8800 to position it
– Fit the pickup body, b 11.1
2 – Install the oil pump, b 11.3
219RA457 TG
MS 311, MS 391 65
11.3 Oil Pump Installing
– Troubleshooting, b 3.3
4903RA180 TG
4903RA182 TG
: Pull off the oil suction hose (1). 2
: Remove the washer (1). 4903RA181 TG
4903RA183 TG
: Take out the screws (1).
: Push the connector (1) onto the
1 nipple (arrow).
4903RA179 TG
219RA470 TG
66 MS 311, MS 391
11.4 Valve Installing
A valve is installed in the tank wall to
keep internal tank pressure equal to
atmospheric pressure. The valve
must be replaced if it is faulty.
– Open the oil tank cap and drain
4903RA184 TG
the oil tank b 1.
4903RA186 TG
– Place the oil pump (1) in position.
: Fit and tighten down the screws Check correct installed position.
(2) firmly.
: Insert the valve in the housing
bore (arrow).
– Connect the oil suction hose to
the oil pump.
– Use a 6 mm drift to carefully
4903RA185 TG
drive in the new valve from
– Push the worm fully home.
outside – note installed depth.
4903RA270 TG
219RA479 TG
: Fit the cover washer (1) so that
: Installed depth of new valve:
the word TOP (arrow) faces
219RA476 TG
a = 1 mm +/- 0.1.
– Reassemble all other parts in the
– Check adjustment of oil pump
: Remove the old valve (1) from reverse sequence.
and readjust if necessary – see
instruction manual. the oil tank.
MS 311, MS 391 67
12. Fuel System
4903RA101 TG
– See also Troubleshooting,
b 3.6, b 3.7 1
4903RA205 TG
– Remove the shroud, b 6.4 : Pull the short circuit wire (1) out
of the guides (arrows).
– Remove the air filter, b 12.1
– Pull the ring terminal off the pivot
1 : Unscrew the nuts (arrows). pin (2).
12.3 Filter Base
: Lift the retaining tab (1) a little
4903RA207 TG
– Remove the air filter, b 12.1
and remove the air filter (2).
– Check the air filter and clean or – Remove the baffle, b 12.2
replace if necessary : Pull the filter base (1) out of
– see instruction manual. – Remove the choke rod, rubber buffer (3) first and then
b 10.2.1 rubber buffer (2).
– Reassemble in the reverse
sequence. – Disconnect the ground wire from : Remove the filter base (1).
the contact spring, b 7.7.4.
68 MS 311, MS 391
1 1
4903RA209 TG
4903RA211 TG
4903RA214 TG
: Pry out the rubber buffer (1). : Slide the filter base (1) over the – Install the short circuit wire,
studs. b 7.7.2
4903RA212 TG
– Remove the throttle rod,
4903RA210 TG
b 10.2.2
4903RA215 TG
MS 311, MS 391 69
4903RA103 TG
4903RA218 TG
4903RA221 TG
: Pull the short circuit wire (1) out : Remove the air guide shroud (1) : Push the (1) fully into its
of the guides (arrows). upwards. seat (arrow) until it snaps into
4903RA216 TG
4903RA222 TG
4903RA219 TG
4903RA217 TG
4903RA223 TG
4903RA220 TG
70 MS 311, MS 391
12.5 Carburetor
0001RA359 TG
Disconnect the fuel hose only when
4903RA225 TG
the tank cap is open.
1 1
– Check operation.
: Push the fuel hose (1) back a little
– Reassemble all other parts in the
– the fuel hose is disconnected.
4903RA226 TG
reverse sequence.
MS 311, MS 391 71
12.6 Servicing the Carburetor
2 1 2
12.6.1 Metering Diaphragm
0001RA346 TG
165RA336 TG
: Push the fuel hose (1) – Push the pressure hose of pump
4903RA187 TG
1110 141 8600 onto the 0000 850 1300 onto the nipple.
nipple (2) 0000 855 9200.
: Push the ring (1) to the right and
pump air into the carburetor until
the pressure gauge (2) indicates – Troubleshooting, b 3.6
a pressure of about 0.8 bar
(80 kPa). – Remove the carburetor, b 12.5
72 MS 311, MS 391
Installing 12.6.2 Inlet Needle
2 1
4903RA190 TG
4903RA188 TG
0001RA353 TG
: Fit the screws (arrows).
0001RA361 TG
4903RA189 TG
4903RA191 TG
0001RA362 TG
MS 311, MS 391 73
12.6.3 Pump Diaphragm
1 2 3
0001RA364 TG
165RA348 TG
0001RA366 TG
: If there is an annular indentation : Position the inlet control lever (3)
(arrow) on the sealing cone of the with spindle (2) on the spring
inlet needle, fit a new inlet (arrow) first, then slide the inlet – Troubleshooting, b 3.6
needle. control lever’s clevis into the
groove in the inlet needle (1). – Remove the carburetor, b 12.5
Installing Make sure the spring locates on the : Take out the screw (1).
control lever’s nipple.
– Remove the end cover (2).
– Press the inlet control lever down
and secure it with the screw.
If the gasket and pump diaphragm
1 – Check that the inlet control lever
are stuck to the carburetor, remove
them very carefully.
moves freely.
– Install the metering diaphragm,
0001RA363 TG
b 12.6.1
0001RA367 TG
74 MS 311, MS 391
1 1 2
0001RA372 TG
4903RA262 TG
0001RA370 TG
: Carefully separate the pump : Position the end cover (1) so that
diaphragm (2) and gasket (1). the lever (arrow) points in the
: Fit the new gasket (1) so that the direction of the adjusting screws.
The diaphragm material is contours (arrows) match and it is
subjected to continuous alternating held in position by the pegs (2). : Fit the end cover (1) from below
stresses and eventually shows so that the pump diaphragm and
signs of fatigue. i.e. the diaphragm gasket are still held in position.
distorts and swells and has to be
0001RA373 TG
: Fit the pump diaphragm on the
gasket (1) so that the contours
1 (arrows) match and it is held in – Move the end cover (1) a little
position by the pegs (2). until its pegs engage the holes in
the carburetor body.
MS 311, MS 391 75
12.6.4 Air Valve 12.6.5 Levers on Throttle Shaft
Air valve shaft stiff or air valve – Remove the carburetor, b 12.5
1 3
cannot be closed or opened
properly: – Carburetor troubleshooting,
2 b 3.6
The air valve matches the end
cover. If it is damaged, the complete 4
4903RA192 TG
end cover must be replaced. 5
– Carburetor troubleshooting,
b 3.6 Lever (1) must butt against lever (2)
and engage lever (3). 4 3
Position of throttle shutter/air
valve Lever (5) must engage lever (2) for
cold and warm starts 1
4903RA194 TG
The correct position of the air valve – the choke lever (5) returns to the
can be checked visually as follows. idle position when the throttle is
opened. 2
– Throttle shutter in idle position
– air valve fully closed. – Screw (4) must be tightened : Take out the screw (1).
down firmly.
– Throttle shutter in idle position / – Relieve tension of the torsion
full throttle position – air valve spring (2) and remove the lever
closed / wide open. (3).
– Throttle shutter in full throttle – Pull off the torsion spring (2) and
position – air valve wide open. lever (4).
76 MS 311, MS 391
12.6.6 Adjusting Screws
4903RA196 TG
4903RA199 TG
0001RA382 TG
: Fit the torsion spring (1) so that : Hold lever (1) and lever (2)
its leg locates against the lever together against the stop (arrow).
Grommet has been removed for the
: Tighten down the screw (3) sake of clarity.
There are three adjusting screws on
the carburetor:
H = high speed screw (1)
L = low speed screw (2)
LA = idle speed screw (3)
adjusting screws.
1 2 4903RA200 TG
The high speed screw H has a
limiter cap, which has to be
: Attach the torsion spring to the removed before the screw is
lever (arrow).
– Check operation.
: Fit the lever (1) and tighten the – Remove the carburetor, b 12.5
screw (2) moderately – Reassemble all other parts in the
– the lever must still turn freely. reverse sequence. – See also carburetor
troubleshooting, b 3.6
4903RA198 TG
0001RA383 TG
MS 311, MS 391 77
Low speed screw High speed screw
0001RA388 TG
1 1
0001RA384 TG
0001RA386 TG
1 2
: Screw the puller (1)
5910 890 4500 counterclockwise
into the limiter cap – left-hand
165RA371 TG
0001RA467 TG
: Inspect the tip (arrow) for
– Inspect the sealing ring (1), damage or wear and replace the
washer (2) and spring and screw (H) if necessary.
replace if necessary.
2 – Screw down the high speed
0001RA387 TG
78 MS 311, MS 391
Pre-installing limiter cap 12.7 Carburetor Adjustment
12.7.1 Basic Setting 2
0001RA391 TG
carburetor from scratch.
MS 311, MS 391 79
12.7.2 Standard Setting
4903RA201 TG
4903RA202 TG
4903RA203 TG
: To adjust the high speed screw : Push a suitable drift through the
(H), insert the screwdriver (1) opening (arrow) and push home
5910 890 2304 through the the limiter cap until it is flush with
The limiter cap must not be
opening (arrow) and push the the carburetor body.
removed for the standard setting.
pre-installed limiter cap into the
high speed screw (H). This completes the basic setting of Always perform the following steps
the high speed screw (H) and the before carrying out any
Adjust idle speed with a tachometer. low speed screw (L) and the high adjustments:
Adjust specified engine speeds speed screw (H) is locked.
within a tolerance of ± 200 rpm. – Troubleshooting, b 3.6
1. Adjust engine speed idle speed – Check chain tension and adjust if
screw (LA) to 3,300 rpm.
80 MS 311, MS 391
Standard Setting Erratic idling behavior, poor 12.8 Carburetor Carrier
– Shut off the engine. (although standard setting is
correct) 2
– Turn the high speed screw (H)
slowly counterclockwise as far as Idle setting too lean.
stop, but not more than a 3/4 turn. 1
– Warm up the engine.
– Turn the low speed screw (L)
slowly clockwise as far as stop, – Turn the low speed screw (L)
4903RA230 TG
then turn it back 1 full turn. counterclockwise until the engine
runs and accelerates smoothly.
4903RA231 TG
Saw chain runs while engine is
idling – Warm up the engine.
MS 311, MS 391 81
Installing 12.9 Intake Manifold
0001RA399 TG
1 – Remove the shroud, b 6.4
4903RA232 TG
4903RA235 TG
: Take out the sleeve (2) and
ring (1).
: Take out the screws (1).
4903RA233 TG
82 MS 311, MS 391
12.10 Tank Vent Vacuum test
12.10.1 Testing
If problems occur on the carburetor
or the fuel supply system, also
check and clean the tank vent and
replace it if necessary. Check
0001RA404 TG
function by performing pressure and
vacuum tests on the tank via the fuel
0001RA407 TG
: Inspect and clean the sealing – Open the fuel tank cap and drain 1
faces (arrows), b 14 the fuel tank, b 1.
: Push the ring (1) to the left and
The sealing faces must be in perfect – Close the tank cap. connect the pump (2)
condition. Always replace 0000 850 1300 to the
components with damaged sealing nipple (arrow)
– Remove the carburetor, b 12.5 – subject the fuel tank to a
MS 311, MS 391 83
Pressure test – Coat sealing ring of new tank
vent with STIHL press fluid,
b 14
2 1
– Push home the tank vent by hand
2 until it snaps into position.
4903RA060 TG
reverse sequence.
0001RA408 TG
84 MS 311, MS 391
0001RA410 TG
4903RA060 TG
4903RA164 TG
– Open the tank cap. – Remove the shroud, b 6.4 : Pull out the fuel hose (1) with
: Use hook 5910 893 8800 to – Remove the air guide shroud,
remove the pickup body (1) from b 12.4
the fuel tank.
: Take out the screw (1).
Do not overstretch the fuel hose.
: Lower the tank housing (2).
: Pull off the pickup body (1).
– Reassemble in the reverse
sequence. 1
4903RA000 TG
12.11.2 Fuel Hose
: Remove the fuel hose (1).
4903RA108 TG
0001RA412 TG
: Take out the screws (arrows) and
pry the AV spring (1) out of the : Pull the fuel hose (2) off the
handlebar. connector (1).
MS 311, MS 391 85
Installing 12.11.3 Fuel Suction Hose
4903RA246 TG
0001RA417 TG
4903RA242 TG
1 : Line up the fuel suction hose (1)
and push it into the housing bore
: Push the fuel hose (1) onto the as far as stop – the flange must
– Remove the pickup body,
connector (2) as far as stop. engage the guide (arrow).
b 12.11.1
Note position of the hose – Remove the tank housing, – Use STIHL press fluid to simplify
– the flats (arrows) must be in assembly, b 14
b 12.11.4
– Install the tank housing,
: Pull the fuel suction hose (1) out
b 12.11.4
of the fuel tank.
4903RA240 TG
0001RA419 TG
: Push the fuel hose (1) through
4903RA245 TG
86 MS 311, MS 391
12.11.4 Tank Housing Installing
4903RA247 TG
– Remove the control levers, b 10
4903RA249 TG
: Pull out the connector (1) with 2
fuel hose.
: Slide the tank housing (1),
1 narrow part (2) first, into the
engine housing.
4903RA060 TG
4903RA248 TG
: Take out the screw (1).
4903RA250 TG
: Pull out the tank housing (1).
MS 311, MS 391 87
13. Special Servicing Tools
1 Pump 0000 850 1300 Testing engine and carburetor for leaks
- Sealing plate 0000 855 8107 Testing carburetor for leaks
- Nipple 0000 855 9200 Testing carburetor for leaks
- Hose for leakage test 1110 141 8600 Testing carburetor for leaks
- Plug for leakage test 1122 025 2200 Leakage testing decompression valve
2 Installing tool 0000 890 2201 Installing rope guide bushing
3 Locking strip 0000 893 5903 Blocking the crankshaft
4 Pliers DIN 5254-A 19 0811 611 8380 Removing and installing external
5 Screwdriver bit, T 27 x 125 0812 542 2104 Removing and installing spline socket
screws with electric or pneumatic
screwdrivers; tightening down screws
with torque wrench
6 Wooden assembly block 1108 893 4800 Installing tank vent
7 Setting gauge 1111 890 6400 Adjusting air gap between the ignition
module and flywheel
8 Assembly drift 1108 893 4700 Removing and installing piston pin
9 Assembly tube 1117 890 0900 Attaching springs
10 Installing sleeve 1118 893 4602 Protecting the oil seal
11 Installing sleeve 1122 893 2405 Installing oil seal
12 Installing sleeve 1122 893 4600 Protecting the oil seal
(clutch side)
13 Combination wrench 1129 890 3401 Spark plug 1)
14 Puller 1135 890 4500 Removing flywheel
15 Ignition system tester, ZAT 4 5910 850 4503 Testing ignition system
16 Ignition system tester, ZAT 3 5910 850 4520 Testing ignition system
17 Torque wrench 5910 890 0302 0.5 to 18 Nm
18 Torque wrench 5910 890 0312 6 to 80 Nm
19 Installing tool 12 5910 890 2212 Installing hookless snap rings in piston
88 MS 311, MS 391
No. Description Part No. Application Rem.
1) Use for releasing only.
MS 311, MS 391 89
14. Servicing Aids
1 Lubricating grease (225 g tube) 0781 120 1111 Oil seals, sliding and bearing points
2 STIHL special lubricant 0781 417 1315 Bearing bore in rope rotor, rewind spring in fan
3 STIHL press fluid OH 723 0781 957 9000 Rubber components, AV elements
90 MS 311, MS 391
MS 311, MS 391 91
92 MS 311, MS 391
englisch / english
0455 542 0123. M2,2. K09. FST. Printed in Germany