Immediate Denture
Immediate Denture
Immediate Denture
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Rahul Sharma
Sharda University
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They fulfill in a tolerable degree all After the diagnosis of the cast,
Abstract the requirements of artificial teeth under radiograph evaluation and clinical
An immediate complete denture any circumstances, if we expect that the examination, a conventional immediate
is a restoration of the lost natural mastication, this function being more or denture was planned. The patient was
teeth and associated tissues which less imperfectly performed with such referred to the department of Oral and
is inserted into the patients mouth pieces.” But late on in the year 1951 Maxillofacial surgery for extraction of
immediately following the extraction Sears said that “ in cases where some 36, 37, 38 and 44, 46, 47 and was advised
of remaining teeth. The removal of all of the natural teeth remain in place it to report back after 6 – 8 weeks. When
the remaining teeth and placement of is wise to consider the advisability of the patient reported after 6 weeks, the
the complete denture are important constructing dentures before the teeth healing was found to be satisfactory.
in patients’ life. The transition from are removed”2. (Fig 3 and 4)
dentulism to edentulism should be
psychologically atraumatic as far as Dental professionals have recognized ►► Procedure
possible. the patients wish and need to avoid an Upper and lower alginate impressions
The cases presented here are edentulous period which resulted in the were made. A custom tray was fabricated
conventional (classic) immediate fabrication of the denture that can be for Camphagne’s3 impression technique.
denture and interim (transitional or placed in the patients mouth immediately Border molding was done using green
non transitional) immediate denture following the removal of last natural stick compound and final impression
which offer good esthetic and teeth. The success of the immediate was made using Zinc Oxide Eugenol and
functions. denture depend on the correct indication dentulous area in Alginate as a pick-up
and precise execution of clinical and impression material.
Key words: conventional immediate
laboratory procedure.
denture, interim immediate denture.
A master cast (Fig 5), record base
KDJ 2016 | Vol. 39 | No. 1 | Pg 27-29 ►► Case report 1 and occlusal rims were fabricated. Jaw
A 55 year old male patient was relation was recorded. 14 and 34 were
referred to the department of used as a vertical stop. The records
►► Introduction Prosthodontics for oral rehabilitation. were transferred on to the articulator,
Patient increasing demand for On intra-oral examination teeth present Posterior Teeth arrangement was done
natural appearance of the lost teeth were 12,14,15,21,22,23,31,32,33,34,36,3 and upper 12 and 22 were arranged to
has become a challenge to the dentist1. 7,38,42,44,46,47 (Fig I) confirm esthetics, labial fullness, lower
The placement of complete denture lip line, size and shape of teeth. Try
immediately following the removal of Orthopantomography was advised –in was done. The cast modification
natural teeth is not new. Richardson (in (Fig 2). Upper and lower alginate was done by the technique given by
the year 1860) emphasized on immediate impressions were made; study models Jerbi4. Flasking and curing was done
denture service, saying that “the value of were fabricated and articulated. All the followed by finishing and polishing. On
temporary sets of teeth to the patient on facial measurements were recorded. the day of insertion all the remaining
the other hand is questionable.
* Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Jaipur Dental College; **Reader, *** Senior Lecturer, ****P.G Student, Dept. of
Prosthodontics, School of Dental Sciences, Sharda University; Corresponding Author: Dr. Kalpana Hasti
anterior teeth were extracted and denture insertion was periodontically involved with Grade II and Grade III mobility.
done. (Fig 6,7,8) (Fig 9 and 10)
Patient was advised to wear the denture overnight Orthopantography (OPG) was advised. Upper and lower
and for 3 consecutive days and recall was done after Alginate impressions were made and study models were
24 hours. Patient complained of ulceration in the upper evaluated. Patient was referred to department of Periodontics
canine region and in the posterior mylohyoid region and for opinion. The OPG revealed severe bone loss. Patient
the required trimming was done. Patient was advised to was diagnosed with aggressive periodontitis. After diagnosis,
continue wearing denture and called for suture removal examination and OPG evaluation an interim immediate denture
after a week. Patient was recalled after 6 months to check was planned. The custom tray is fabricated.
for the retention and stability of both the dentures and
assessed for relining. Border molding is done using low fusing impression
compound and final impression was made with medium
►► Case report 2 body rubber base impression material.(Fig 11) On the master
A 29 years old female patient was referred to department cast record base was fabricated and only anterior try-in was
of Prosthodontics for replacement of missing teeth. On done. The casts were articulated in the normal occlusion of
examination, the teeth present were 13.14,15,16,23,25,26,34, the patient. Posterior arrangement was done and the cast
35,36,37,45,47,48. All the remaining teeth were found to be modification was done by the technique given by Jerbi4.
Fig. 1: Pre operative Fig. 2: Diagnostic OPG Fig. 3: Maxillary acrh post extraction
Fig. 4: Mandibular arch post extraction Fig. 5: Master cast Fig. 6: Completely extracted mandibular arch
Fig. 7: Completely extracted maxillary arch Fig. 8: Post operative Fig. 9: Pre operative
Flasking and curing was done followed by finishing and in early diagnosis of the disease. When diagnosed in late stage
polishing. On the day of insertion all teeth were extracted the treatment option is extraction. A young female patient
and denture insertion was done. Patient was advised to suffering from aggressive periodontitis and loss of all her teeth
wear the denture overnight and for 3 consecutive days and has a devastating effect on functionally, and psychologically
recall was done after 24 hours (Fig 12,13,14,15). Patient was so a fabrication of IID is useful method.
advised to continue wearing denture and called for suture
removal after a week. Patient was recalled after 6 months ►► Conclusion
to check for the retention and stability of both the dentures In the era of implant and immediate implant treatment,
and assessed for relining. immediate complete denture treatment should still be
considered as an important treatment modality. A detailed
►► Discussion extraoral and intraoral evaluation and correct treatment
When removal of teeth becomes necessary an immediate planning will lead to a successful replacement of missing
denture is an important treatment modality. There are many structures with immediate dentures which is functionally
advantages of immediate dentures as it acts as a matrix which acceptable to the patient.
controls hemorrhage, prevents contamination and provide
protective covering over the wounds. ►► Reference
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Fig. 10: Pre operative intraoral Fig. 11: Final impression Fig. 12: Post extraction maxillary arch
Fig. 13: Post extraction mandibular arch Fig. 14: Processed denture Fig. 15: Post operative