Studio Lighting
Studio Lighting
Studio Lighting
Studio Lighting
The aim of most artificial lighting is to create a general sense of a natural environment and to
emphasise the form, shape and texture of the subject. The lighting may also contribute to the
‘atmosphere’ of the image. An understanding of the characteristics of light, the types of light
source available in the studio, their features, and how they are used helps the photographer to
achieve these aims.
Lighting Characteristics
There are six properties of lighting that must be considered. This is not only true in the studio,
but in all photographic situations. The six properties are lighting quality, direction, contrast,
evenness, colour, and intensity. They are described below:
Subject Lighting
In general, three kinds of light are used for studio lighting, although these may be
supplemented with additional lights as required. The first of the three kinds of light is the
brightest and is called the key light or main light. This light is often set to come from above
and slightly to the side of the subject, much like the sun outdoors.
The second light is called the fill light. This light represents reflected light that would fall on
a subject outdoors. The fill light softens shadows by slightly filling them in while lightening
up the dark side of the subject. The fill light is almost always less bright than the main light,
and is often produced using reflectors. It is placed on the opposite side of the camera to the
key light and usually not as high. Some texts recommend that the fill light is placed right next
to the camera.
The third light in the set for the studio is the background light. This is usually placed directly
behind the subject aimed at the background and is used to eliminate shadows from the subject
falling on the background.
Complex subjects with many planes or facets often require second, or even third and fourth,
lights. Symmetry between the lights should be avoided. Light sources should be set up at
different heights, different angles relative to the camera and with different brightnesses.
The photographer should use the absolute minimum number of light sources required to
adequately light the subject. These lights can be either continuous sources or flash. The motto
for the photographer working with studio lighting must be: keep it simple.
Iain McCulloch
Lighting Units
Other light sources that may be used in the studio include daylight, photofloods and
fluorescent tubes. Daylight is much more variable than man-made light sources. The light
may vary between very hard (in direct sunlight under clear skies) and extremely soft (under
total cloud cover). Photofloods are usually designed for movie stock, and will require filters if
used with normal still film. Fluorescent tubes are especially useful with black-and-white film,
although correction filters are available for colour film. Daylight balanced tubes are also
available. As mentioned earlier, colour correction filters may be required either on the lens or
on the light source to match the colour temperature of the source to that of the film.
Iain McCulloch
Using Lights in the Studio
Lighting in the studio is an immensely flexible medium. The photographer has almost total
control of most of the lighting characteristics discussed above. There is insufficient space
here to adequately cover all aspects of the use of lights in the studio. For this reason the use of
lights in the studio will be restricted to an example illustrating the use of a single main light
on a subject without fill or background light.
As stated above, lighting can be used to emphasise the form, shape and texture of the subject.
In the case of a human subject changes in the direction of the light can have a dramatic effect.
This is illustrated in the examples below. The first set of pictures shows the effect of lighting
the model from in front, behind, above, below and from the side. The resulting images are
dramatically different. It is up to the photographer to determine exactly what effect they are
trying to achieve.
1A 0º full front
1B 180º rearward
1C 90º downward
1D 90º upward
1E 90º left side (after Kerr, 1999c.)
The next set of pictures show the same model lit by the same single light. The height of the
light is fixed at the same level in all pictures.
Iain McCulloch
Once again, simply moving the light so that the subject is illuminated from different
directions changes the emphasis of the final photograph. Clearly, the choice of height and
direction of the light source relative to the subject (and to the camera) will make or mar the
Use of additional lights or reflectors would increase the photographer’s options for
illustrating the model. However, keeping the lighting simple helps the photographer
determine which features are emphasised and which are not. It also allows the photographer
to accurately place shadows where required, and remain in control of the shoot.
Iain McCulloch
Busselle, M., (1988) The Complete 35mm Sourcebook, Mitchell Beazley, London.
Brooks, D., (1980) How to Control and Use Photographic Lighting, HP Books, Tucson,
Calder, J. & Garrett, J., (1999) The New 35mm Photographers Handbook (2nd Edition), Pan,
Child, J. & Galer, M., (1986) Essential Skills: Photographic Lighting, Focal Press, Oxford.
Kerr, N., (1999a) The Light and Shade Relationship, in Photo Techniques, January
Kerr, N., (1999b) The Kodak Colorama: Lighting on a Grand Scale, in Photo
Techniques, May/June 1999.
Kerr, N., (1999c) Using One Light, in Photo Techniques, September/October 1999.
Langford, M., (1986) Basic Photography (5th Edition), Focal Press, Oxford.
Langford, M., (1989) Advanced Photography (5th Edition), Focal Press, Oxford.
Shipman, C., (1979) How to Select and Use Canon SLR Cameras, HP Books, Tucson,