Arnaud Czaja1
May 5, 2017
3 Radiative-convective equilibrium 55
3.1 Radiative equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.2 Convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.2.1 The “parcel’s equation” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.2.2 Potential temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2.3 Stability of temperature profiles to vertical displace-
ments of air parcels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.3 Radiative-convective equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3.1 Stability of the radiative equilibrium temperature profile 63
3.3.2 The Tropopause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.4 Dynamical effects of moisture? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.4.1 Dry and moist adiabatic lapse-rates . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.4.2 Application of “dry and moist adiabats thinking” . . . 67
3.5 Radiative-convective equilibrium and the real world . . . . . . 69
3.6 Sloping convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.8 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4 Atmospheric motions 81
4.1 Equations of motions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.1.1 Forces acting on a parcel of air . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.1.2 Material derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.1.3 Rotating frame of reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.1.4 Coriolis and centrifugal forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.1.5 Mass conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.2 Scale analysis of the equation of motions . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.2.1 Vertical momentum equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.2.2 Horizontal momentum equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.2.3 The thermal wind relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.3 The vorticity view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.3.1 The geostrophic flow, vorticity and divergence . . . . . 95
4.3.2 Predicting the vorticity of the flow: the vorticity equation 97
4.3.3 Rossby waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.5 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6 Appendices 129
6.1 Radiative transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
6.1.1 Radiation pencils vs. photon showers . . . . . . . . . . 129
6.1.2 Conservation of intensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.1.3 Application to blackbody radiation . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.2 Thermodynamics of moist air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.2.1 Entropy of cloudy air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.2.2 A general formula for the Brunt-Vaisala frequency? . . 132
6.3 Dynamics of rotating fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.3.1 Formula for D/Dt in a change of frame of reference . . 133
6.3.2 Kelvin’s identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
6.3.3 The vorticity equation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Practical things
These notes contain only the basic information discussed in the lectures
(the latter are where emphasis is on the physical interpretation and schemat-
ics). My aim in writing them is to provide you with a support and a clear
knowledge of what is examinable (=what is in the notes). The formal “Aims
and objectives” for the course follows next page. In terms of reading:
• You might also enjoy reading “Clouds in a glass of beer: simple ex-
periments in atmospheric physics” by Craig Bohren (cheap paperback
Dover edition), as well as the textbook by John Marshall and Alan
Plumb entitled “Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics: An in-
troductory text” and the older but concise and clear “The Physics of
Atmospheres” by John Houghton. I have also included further refer-
ences in some chapters.
key concepts: well mixed gases, “dry” and “moist” air, measures of water
vapour in air, top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA), global budgets of mass, heat
and angular momentum.
predicted that the largest event ever recorded will develop during the
following winter. It simply did not happen! No El Nino event at all
(see McPhaden, 2015). Imagine telling your friends you’re an expert at
something, predicting the largest anomaly ever seen...and things go on
perfectly normally. This shows that there is a lot more to understand.
Maybe, fundamentally, deterministic predictions of the coupled atmo-
sphere - ocean system are impossible. Maybe this system is a bit like a
quantum mechanics sytem, with only probablistic statements possible.
motions to mix (from a few days to a few months). This is for example the
case for N2 , O2 as well as argon (Ar, ≈ 0.9% of air molecules) and carbon
dioxide (CO2 , ≈ 0.04% of air molecules), the next two most abundant species
after N2 and O2 . Water vapour has a highly variable distribution (with
concentrations which can be greater than that of Ar locally) depending on
time and location because it can be quickly removed from the atmosphere
through rainfall. The height at which mixing by motions is not vigorous
enough to maintain a uniform composition is about 100km (the turbopause).
For the troposphere (the lowest layer of atmosphere where temperature
decreases with height, roughly from the Earth’s surface to a height z =
10km) and stratosphere (the layer above the troposphere where temperature
increases with height, from about z = 10km to z = 50km), which will be
the focus of the course, it is convenient to simplify atmospheric composition
by considering “dry air”, a mixture of N2 , O2 , Ar , CO2 and other trace
gases, and “moist air” (water vapour). The primary reason for this is phase
change: as we’ll see in Section 1.5, there is a net heat gain by the atmosphere
through the hydrological cycle (latent heat) whereas this does not occur for
other species (N2 , O2 , etc, although they are also exchanged between the
atmosphere and the Earth’s surface). It is thus important to keep track
of local concentrations of water vapour. A useful measure of the “distance
to equilibrium of phases” is given by relative humidity (RH), the ratio of
the vapour pressure e of a sample to the vapour pressure in thermodynamic
equilibrium of phases (eeq (T ), a sole function of temperature T from the
Thermodynamic year 2 course):
RH ≡ (1.1)
NB: This is just a definition. In thermodynamic equilibrium RH = 1 but
this condition is rarely met in the atmosphere (for example, it is in the core
of deep clouds but not in the accompanying donwdrafts which are too dry for
e to match eeq (T ) and thus are air masses with RH < 1).
At a given temperature T and volume V , the pressure of “dry air” Pd
obeys the ideal gas law to an excellent approximation,
Pd V = Nd kB T (1.2)
of a given sample of air is simply the sum of Pd (the partial pressure of dry
air) and e (the partial pressure of water vapour), as result known as Dalton’s
P = Pd + e (Dalton’s law) (1.4)
Atmospheric pressures are usually expressed in hP a where 1hP a = 100P a
(you might also find pressures expressed as millibar (1mb = 10−3 bar), in
which 1bar = 105 P a).
Because of the very large number of molecules in the atmosphere, it is
convenient to rewrite the ideal gas law as,
Pd V kB
= T (1.5)
Nd µd µd
in which µd is the mass of a “dry air molecule” (µd = Ni µi / Ni where µi
is the mass of molecule i of which there are Ni in the sample considered –the
sum is carried over i = N2 , O2 , Ar , CO2 , etc). Introducing the specific volume
of dry air αd , and the gas constant for dry air Rd = kB /µd = 287J kg −1 K −1 ,
this becomes,
Pd αd = Rd T (1.6)
Likewise, for water vapour,
eαv = Rv T (1.7)
with Rv = kB /µH2 O = 461J kg −1 K −1 .
1.2 Mass
1.2.1 Pressure as a measure of mass
In layers of air of large horizontal extent, and in particular for the global
horizontal average, there is an approximate balance between gravity and the
vertical pressure gradient force,
ρg = − (hydrostatic equation) (1.8)
Note the minus sign, which expresses that pressure must decrease with height
to be able to oppose the downward acceleration due to gravity.
One interesting use of this equation is to integrate it in the vertical as,
Z +∞
P (z) = ρgdz (1.9)
1.2. MASS 5
in which we have used the fact that pressure vanishes at sufficiently large
heights. The discussion in section 1 showed that this is a good approximation
for z 8km and this loosely defines the “top-of-the-atmosphere” (TOA
throughout the course). The corresponding layer of air is still very thin
compared to the Earth radius so that one can approximate g in the integral
by its surface value g = 9.81ms−2 ,
Z +∞
P (z)/g = ρdz (1.10)
To get a feel for the surprising result to come below, let’s use the simple
model ρ = ρs e−z/Hs and qv = qs e−z/Hq in which Hs is the scale height, Hq
a scale height for moisture (Fig. 1.1) and ρs , qs refer to surface density and
specific humidity, respectively. One can then estimate that,
Hs Hq
T P W ≈ ρs qs H with H = (1.18)
Hs + Hq
Figure 1.2: Mean total precipitable water (in mm) averaged over the oceans
for November 2013. This map was produced using passive microwave mea-
surement from satellites.
• the presence of strong zonal (=along a latitude circle) time mean jets
with windspeeds in excess of 30m/s. These are mostly found going
from west to east (e.g., the tropospheric Jet Stream) but also exists
seasonally from east to west (mesospheric jets) –see Fig. 1.3, bottom
panel. At the Earth’s surface, westerlies are found poleward of 30◦ of
latitude, and easterlies (“Trade winds”) are found equatorward of that
latitude. The atmosphere is in a state of “superrotation”, an air parcel
in the tropospheric Jet Stream coming back to its initial position in
about 23h, not 24h! We’ll prove in Chapter 4 that these jets are in
“thermal wind balance”, meaning that their variations with height are
constrained by the horizontal temperature gradients.
with phase change and the formation of rain, snow and other hydrom-
eteors. The convection involves mostly upward/downward motions in
the Tropics, but sloping (i.e., upward and poleward, downward and
equatorward) motions at higher latitudes as we’ll discuss in Chapter 3.
• The fundamental role of water vapour. Not only does it affect atmo-
spheric motions through its effect on buoyancy (condensational heat-
ing, evaporative cooling add or remove buoyancy to air parcels, as we’ll
see in Chapter 3), but water vapour is also the main greenhouse gas
(as we’ll see in Chapter 2). Because the oceans occupy 70% of the
Earth’s surface and because surface evaporation depends on surface
temperature, water vapour couples the state of the oceans to that of
the atmosphere.
• The atmosphere has a mind of its own. The “butterfly effect” was
introduced by MIT’s meteorologist Ed Lorenz to illustrate the sensitiv-
ity of the atmospheric state to initial conditions. Predictability beyond
a week or so arises from slower changes in boundary conditions (sea
surface temperature, sea ice, vegetation cover, etc). In addition, the
atmosphere is turbulent, with energy transfers towards small scale but
also, more surprisingly, towards large scales. This makes the standard
definition of weather (=state of the atmosphere at a given time) and
climate (=statistics over a long enough time period) a bit ambiguous.
One should really add a “grey zone”, the low frequency variability of
the atmosphere, i.e., fluctuations which can persist for longer than a
week (e.g., blocking conditions associated with long lived cold spells in
the UK like occurred in 2009-2010). These are not “weather”, nor are
they “climate”.
• There is an asymmetry between the radiation received from the Sun and
that emitted by the Earth (surface + atmosphere). Photons emitted
by the Sun have wavelengths smaller than a few microns while photons
Figure 1.3: Seasonal and zonal (i.e., averaged along a latitude circle) mean
atmospheric temperature (top panel, in degree Celcius) and zonal wind (bot-
tom panel, in ms−1 with a contour interval of 10ms−1 , W indicating west
to east winds and E east to west winds) as a function of height/pressure
(vertical axis) and latitude (horizontal axis). Figure taken from Wallace and
Hobbs’ textbook.
Figure 1.5: Global composite infrared map on 9 March 2004. White is cold
on this map and, in most regions, indicates the presence of upper level clouds.
Notice the “spotty” nature of the convection in the Tropics and the “wavi-
ness” in middle and high latitudes. You can find many of those maps (as
well as animations) on the MetOffice website.
emitted by the Earth have wavelength larger than a few microns (Fig.
1.6). As a consequence, an atmospheric layer exchanges radiation with
other atmospheric layers and the Earth’s surface (and these exchanges
tend to cancel out), but there is no two-way exchange with Space and
the atmosphere cools radiatively in the infrared (Fig. 1.7)
The above arguments are rough but they give a feel for the key role of
radiation as a driver of atmospheric motions and weather systems (a full
estimate of the various energy fluxes is given in Fig. 1.9). The laboratory
experiments mentioned in the last bullet point also indicate the very strong
constraint imposed by the rotation of the Earth (rotation rate Ω). It is only
when the latter is fast enough that the simulated flows bear a qualitative
resemblance to the atmosphere. This is because the flow not only transports
heat from the equator to the pole, to balance the deficit highlighted in Fig.
1.8, but also transports atmospheric angular momentum (L). The latter is
simply the azimuthal velocity (u + ΩR cos φ), R being the Earth radius, φ
latitude and u the west-to-east velocity relative to the rotating Earth, times
the distance to the axis of rotation (R cos φ):
Figure 1.8: Global mean radiative fluxes as seen from satellites, in W m−2 , as
a function of the sin of latitude. The top continuous curve is the incoming
solar radiation, while the lower continuous curve also includes the amount
being reflected by the Earth and is thus lower. The dashed line is the infrared
energy emitted by the atmosphere (plus a contribution from the Earth’s
surface). The red + sign indicates net energy gain and the blue − sign
indicates net energy loss.
Figure 1.9: Recent observations of the Earth’s energy budget. All quoted
numbers represent W m−2 . Solar fluxes are in beige and infrared fluxes in
pink. From Stephens et al. (2012).
Thus, the storms we experience daily across the UK provide the mechanical
coupling between vastly distant parts of the Earth.
Finally, note that this compensation between surface easterlies and west-
erlies can only be approximate since torques are also exerted as a result of the
pressure contrast across the major mountains of the Earth like the Himalayas
and the Rockies.
1.6 Problems
Q1 In the (zonal mean) stratosphere and mesosphere, where (latitude, alti-
tude, season) are found: (i) the coldest temperature (ii) the warmest tem-
perature (iii) the strongest westerly wind? You might find useful to refer to
the slides for Lecture 1.
(ii) Express the fraction of water vapour molecules in ppm (part per mil-
lion) in a sample of air where the partial pressure of water vapour is
e = 10hP a and that of dry air Pd = 1000hP a. Compare the number ob-
tained with the current fraction of carbon dioxide molecules (400ppm).
1.6. PROBLEMS 19
Table 1.1: Data for Q5. The number in parentheses refer to the molecular
mass of the main atmospheric constituents.
Planet Major atmospheric Mean lower Mass Radius
component temperature (K) kg km
Venus CO2 (44) 750 4.87 × 10 6,051
Earth N2, O2 (29) 280 5.97 × 1024 6,371
Mars CO2 (44) 250 6.42 × 1023 3,397
Jupiter H2 (2) 123 1.90 × 1027 71,490
of the Hadley cell, and flow poleward at upper levels, conserving their angu-
lar momentum. Estimate the implied zonal velocity u (relative to the solid
body rotation of the Earth) at 30◦ of latitude. How does it compare with
the observed velocity? Hint: you may assume that the relative velocity u of
the ring is very small near the ground.
Q9 Using the numbers in Fig. 1.9, discuss whether the atmosphere can be
reasonably described as transparent to solar radiation.
Chapter 2
Figure 2.2: From vector Calculus (year 1), the area element on a sphere of
unit radius r = 1 is dΩ = sin θdθdφ. This is the infinitesimal solid angle
which we will use throughout in this chapter.
Figure 2.3: Example of calculation of solid angle. The total solid angle of
the Sun at a distance r is the sum over the angle θ (from 0 to α) of all the
small solid angles 2π sin θdθ indicated by the black shell.
Example: Compute the solid angle of the Sun (radius R), as seen from a
distance r to its center (Fig. 2.3). The Sun R 2πisRseen by an observer on the
sphere of radius r with a solid angle Ω(r) = 0 0 sin θdθdφ = 2π(1 − cos α)
where the angle α satisfies tan α = R/r (note the right angle magenta triangle
defining α in Fig. 2.3). It covers a solid angle Ω ≈ 2π very close to the source
(α = π/2) and Ω ≈ π(R/r)2 for r R since 1 − cos α ≈ α2 /2 when α is
2hc2 λ−5
Bλ (T ) = hc/λk T (2.1)
e B −1
2.1.4 Irradiance
The energy of radiation passing through an horizontal plane, per unit area of
that plane, per unit wavelength is called the monochromatic irradiance Fλ .
It requires integrating Iλ over solid angle (2π at most for either upward or
downward hemispheres) and taking into account the angle between the beam
and the normal to the horizontal plane.
Consider for example the geometry in Fig. 2.4 and take the horizontal
plane to be the x, y plane. The net downward radiation across the horizontal
plane is made of several “radiation pencils”, each coming from different angles
θ with the z direction and the polar angle φ in the horizontal plane. It is
thus a matter of summing over all these pencils, each of infinitesimal solid
angle dΩ, and projecting onto the vertical Iλ → Iλ cos θ. Thus,
Fλ = Iλ cos θdΩ (2.2)
If the radiation is isotropic (i.e., independent of θ and φ), then the integral
simplifies to
Z π/2
Fλ = 2πIλ cos θ sin θdθ = πIλ (2.4)
This result is exact for Blackbody radiation, for which Iλ = Bλ in (2.1), and
so Fλ = πBλ R(if one were to integrate the latter over all wavelengths, one
would obtain πBλ dλ = σT 4 in which σ is Stefan-Boltzmann’s constant).
NB: The irradiance just defined is, strictly speaking, a downward irradiance
(we counted solid angles from above). We’ll denote it by Fλ↓ in the following.
We could also have computed the energy flux received from below, producing,
for Iλ = Bλ , the same result: Fλ↑ = πBλ (“upward irradiance”).
λ ≡ Iλ (emitted)/Bλ (T ) (2.5)
Kirchoff’s law states that, remarkably, irrespective of what the body is made,
and irrespective of the nature of the radiation (isotropic or not),
Note that in this expression the latitude φ is integrated from South to North
pole (−π/2 and π/2, respectively) but the longitude is only integrated over
Once you realise how amazingly active the Sun is this is not a surprise. Have a look at
the fantastic movies NASA has made from the SDO mission (e.g., google “thermonuclear
art SDO”).
Figure 2.5: Schematic for the calculation of the Solar constant. Note that
the diagram is (obviously!) not on the correct scale.
The above relation shows that, under our approximation of parallel im-
pinging solar radiation, it all looks as if the Earth was a disk of radius πR2 .
Integrating over wavelength, we define the Solar constant as,
So ≡ Iλ δΩdλ ≈ 1, 361W m−2 (2.11)
Figure 2.6: Radiation balance of the Earth. The incoming solar radiation
is treated as a parallel beam impinging on a spherical Earth. The outgoing
infrared radiation is isotropic.
leading to
So (1 − αP )
Te ≡ (2.13)
NB: note the factor of 4 coming from the geometry of the problem (plane
radiation impinging a sphere as opposed to radial emission).
The idea of radiative balance at the TOA is an idealization. Global
conservation of energy requires that any imbalance be reflected in a change
in heat content. This, in practice, is dominated by oceanic heat storage
(largest heat capacity in the climate system) which fluctuates on very long
timescales (decades and longer) because of the slow ocean dynamics. Thus
the TOA net radiative fluxes are not expected to vanish on timescales shorter
than at least a few decades. We will come back to this in Chapter 5 when
discussing anthropogenic climate change.
For Earth annual average, αP = 0.3 so that Te = 255K or −18◦ C (very
cold!). The Earth’s surface temperature is about 288K, or about +15◦ C.
Thus, by contrast with the present model which omits entirely the atmo-
sphere, we can say that the atmosphere is responsible for a ≈ 288−255 = 33K
increase in surface temperature. The way this works is disentangled in the
simple model coming next. Before doing so, it is worth mentioning a couple
of other interesting aspects of this model:
• it suggests that the bulk of the infrared radiation seen from Space orig-
inates from the atmosphere itself rather than from the surface because
255K is found typically at an altitude of 5km above the Earth’s surface.
Figure 2.7: A simple model of the greenhouse effect. TOA denotes the
“top-of-the-atmosphere” where pressure vanishes. The shortwave fluxes are
indicated in black, the longwave ones in blue.
Fo = Fa + Fs Tlw (2.15)
molecules per unit volume and ρqa ds is the mass of those molecules per unit
area perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
Beer’s law states that,
Equation (2.18) can be integrated along the path of the beam as,
kλ ρ(s0 )qa (s0 )ds0
Iλ (s) = Iλ (so )e− so (2.20)
Note that both τλ > 0 and 0 ≤ Tλ ≤ 1 are non dimensional functions (i.e.,
they are just numbers, without SI units). One measures the opacity of the
atmospheric layer over a given path (τλ , the larger the more opaque the layer;
hardly any radiation escapes a layer with optical depth much greater than
unity), while the other measures its transparency (Tλ , the closer to unity the
more transparent the layer –see for example the discussion of the greenhouse
effect earlier in this chapter).
With these notations, (2.20) can be rewritten more compactly as:
to radiation incident from another direction being scattered into the beam.
The additional elements also depend on the amount of radiatively active con-
stituent ρqa ds so Beer’s law can be modified to include them by introducing
a source function Jλ ,
dIλ = −kλ ρqa dsIλ (s) + kλ ρqa dsJλ (s) (2.24)
This can be simplified by introducing again the optical depth –see eq.
(2.22) in which so is simply taken as a reference location,
dτλ = kλ ρqa ds (2.25)
Doing so allows a change of variables (s → τλ ) and (2.24) can be rewritten
d(Iλ eτλ )/dτλ = Jλ eτλ (2.26)
Integrating from so to s, and noting that τλ (so , so ) = 0, we obtain,
Z τ
−τ 0
Iλ (s) = Iλ (so )e + Jλ (τ 0 )e−(τ −τ ) dτ 0 (2.27)
Figure 2.9: Same as Fig. 2.8 but for upward longwave radiation in the
presence of a localized absorbing layer.
this chapter). Typical wavelengths used are the 15µm and 4.3µm bands of
CO2 and the microwave (5mm) band of O2 .
Qλ = (Fλ↓ − Fλ↑ ) (2.36)
Because Fλ is in units of W m−2 per wavelength, Qλ is in units of W m−3 per
Figure 2.10: Schematic of the various terms in the heat budget of an infinites-
imal layer sandwiched between z and z + dz. The heat gained per unit time,
area and wavelength is Fλ↑ (z) + Fλ↓ (z + dz). Likewise, the heat lost per unit
time, area and wavelength is: Fλ↑ (z + dz) + Fλ↓ (z). Thus the net heat gained
per unit area, time and wavelength is Fλ↑ (z)−Fλ↑ (z+dz)+Fλ↓ (z+dz)−Fλ↓ (z) =
(dFλ↓ /dz − dFλ↑ /dz)dz. Dividing this expression by dz gives the heating per
unit volume, wavelength and unit time.
which has units of W m−3 . As we shall see, and consistent with the numbers
in Fig. 1.9, the heating due to shortwave absorption is more than offset
by radiative cooling due to longwave emission so that in the net, Qrad < 0
In this expression, both the Iλ and R are strictly speaking referring to quan-
tities at the top-of-the-atmosphere since we did not account for atmospheric
absorption and scattering and we were, in this section, only interested in the
energy available as a whole by the Earth. But we can re-interpret this result
as saying that, per unit horizontal area at a height z, the irradiance is,
Using Beer’s law, we have Iλ (z) = Iλ,T OA e−τλ (z) where τλ (z) is the optical
thickness of the atmosphere from the top-of-the-atmosphere to a height z.
Hence we write,
d ↓
Qλ = [F e−τλ (z) ] (2.41)
dz λ,T OA
↓ −τλ (z)
= (−Fλ,T OA e )(−ρqa kλ ) (2.42)
= Fλ↓ ρqa kλ (2.43)
in which we have used (2.22). Fig. 2.11 gives a schematic of the vertical
variations of Fλ↓ and ρqa = ρa , as well as a scale for the optical depth.
The downward radiation decreases monotonically as we go downward, as
expected, and the density of absorber is assumed to be exponential-like.
As can be seen, Qλ , the product of these two2 , peaks at a height where
the optical depth is close to unity. Physically, well above the level of unit
optical depth, the incoming beam is virtually undepleted, but the density is
so low that there are too few molecules to produce significant absorption and
heating. Likewise, well below the level of unit optical depth, there are a lot
of molecules to produce absorption and heating, but there is not much left
to absorb as the beam has been mostly depleted. You are invited to prove
this result mathematically in Q5 below.
Detailed calculations, using a “line-by-line radiation code” and including
the contribution to Qλ from Fλ↑ , are shown in Fig. 2.12 (focus here on the
right hand side, i.e., shortwave heating rates). The heating rates are given in
units of K/day, i.e., Qλ /(ρcp ) is plotted rather than Qλ . Absorption by ozone
in the stratosphere dominates the heating rate, on the order of 5 − 10K/day.
After this and O2 at high altitude (above the mesopause), the next most
important absorber of solar radiation is water vapour, which contributes to
a relatively uniform heating of the troposphere on the order of 0.5K/day.
We are neglecting here the temperature and pressure dependence of kλ .
NB: Why divide by cp and not cv to express heating rates in K/day? This is
an interesting question. In the 1st law of Thermodynamics, dU = δQ+δW =
δQ − P dV , the heating δQ is not a state function, i.e., it depends on the path
considered. Radiative cooling/heating does not involve adding/substracting
mass, and mass is constant within a given pressure layer under the hydro-
static approximation. Thus, we can consider that an infinitesimal layer of air
(thickness dz) of fixed mass has a constant pressure (the pressure variations
within the layer are of order dP P so the pressure of the layer is constant
at ≈ P ). This suggests to use instead dU = δQ − d(P V ) + V dP which,
after using P V = N kB T leads to (CV + N kB )dT ≡ CP dT = δQ + V dP . At
constant pressure, a given amount of heat will lead to a temperature change
after division by Cp . At constant volume, the same amount of heat would
lead to a larger temperature change since CV < Cp .
Figure 2.12: Global mean longwave (left panel) and shortwave (right panel)
heating rates in K/day as a function of altitude showing contributions of the
major gases. After D. Andrews’ textbook.
Upward irradiance
Let’s first consider the contribution to Fλ↑ arising from emission by the Earth’s
surface, i.e., the term corresponding to Iλ↑ (so ) = Bλ (Ts ) where Ts is the
Earth’s surface temperature. Taking into account the 1/ cos θ term, the con-
tribution Fλ,surf to the upward irradiance from the Earth’s surface is,
Z 2π
Fλ,surf (z) = Bλ (Ts )e−τ (z)/ cos θ cos θdΩ (2.45)
in which τ (z) = τλ (0, z) now measures the optical depth of the air column
from the surface to height z, and θ is the angle made by each pencil of
radiation with the vertical. Consistent with the parallel plane approximation,
we assume that Ts does not vary too much, which allows us to take the Bλ (Ts )
term outside the integral. After doing this, and introducing µ = cos θ, we
have, Z 1
Fλ,surf (z) = 2πBλ (Ts ) e−τ (z)/µ µdµ (2.46)
R1 ◦
A useful approximation is that 2 0
e−τ /µ µdµ ≈ e−τ / cos(53 ) = e−1.66τ (“diffuse
approximation”). As a result,
Fλ,surf (z) ≈ πBλ (Ts )e−1.66τ (z) (2.47)
where the second term on the r.h.s is the contribution of the atmospheric
lower hemisphere (or layer), to the irradiance. Let’s see how we would esti-
mate it if we were climate modellers, equipped with a (fast) computer. For
a given direction, i.e. a given slanted path, we would calculate the integral
term on the r.h.s of (2.44). Because of the plane parallel approximation,
the result will not depend on the azimuthal direction, but only on z and θ.
Writing it as Φ↑ (z, θ),
Z τ (z)/ cos θ
↑ 0
Φ (z, θ) ≡ B(τ 0 )eτ dτ 0 (2.49)
where τ 0 measures the optical depth along the slanted path, the contribution
of the atmospheric layer to the total irradiance would then be,
Z 1
Fλ,lay (z) = 2π Φ↑ (z, µ)e−τ (z)/µ µdµ. (2.50)
Downward irradiance
Because of the negligible amount of photons emitted by the Sun at wavelength
≥ 4µm, the “surface term” for downward infrared radiation can be set to zero.
Hence the downward irradiance at a height z only reflects the emission from
the atmospheric column sandwiched between the “top-of-the-atmosphere”
and z. The result would thus simply be the analog of (2.50) for downward
rather than upward integration. We can simply use the previous result and
write, Z 1
Fλ↓ (z) = Fλ,lay
(z) = 2π Φ↓ (z, µ)e−τ (z)/µ µdµ. (2.51)
in which τ (z) = τλ (T OA, z) is now the optical depth measured downward
from the “top-of-the-atmosphere”.
An illustration of the calculation is provided using the result in section
2.5.2 for an isothermal atmosphere at T = To . Based on this the result, the
downward irradiance is,
Z 1
Fλ (z) = 2π Bλ (To )(1 − e−τλ (z)/µ )µdµ ≈ πBλ (To )(1 − e−1.66τλ (z) ). (2.52)
The contribution of this irradiance to the heating rate can then be estimated
from (2.36) and an illustration is provided in Fig. 2.14 for an idealised water
Figure 2.14: A simple calculation of radiative cooling due to water vapour for
an isothermal atmosphere at T = To = 255K. The specific humidity is taken
as qa = 0.005e−z/3km and the background density is taken as ρ = 1.2e−z/8km .
An extinction coefficient kλ = 0.03m2 /kg was used over the 5µm ≤ λ ≤
50µm. The heating rate (integrated over λ, in K/day) is displayed as a
function of height, as are the optical depth and associated transmissivity.
The Matlab code is available on Blackboard.
Figure 2.15: Same as Fig. 2.14 but for an idealised CO2 case. The mixing
ratio is now taken as qa = 400ppm and an extinction coefficient kλ = 1m2 /kg
was used over the 12.5µm ≤ λ ≤ 17.5µm. The heating rate (integrated over
λ, in K/day) is displayed as a function of height, as are the optical depth
and associated transmissivity. The Matlab code is available on Blackboard.
Figure 2.16: Calculations of upward (red), downward (blue) and net (green)
irradiances for summertime conditions in the Northern Hemisphere. Cour-
tesy of Wenyi Zhong and Jo Haigh from the SPAT group. The data and the
Matlab code used to generate the plot are available on Blackboard.
ozone). Note that the irradiances are integrated over all wavelengths and are
displayed as a function of pressure. The general shape is that of decreasing
intensity as one goes up in the atmosphere for the upward irradiance: the
upward infrared radiation is absorbed in the atmosphere and is re-emitted
less strongly at upper (lower temperature, lower number density) than at
low levels (high temperature, high number density). Conversely, the general
shape for the downward irradiance is that of increase as one goes to lower
levels: downward infrared is more effectively emitted at low levels where the
temperature and the number density are higher.
Heating rate
The net heating rates will reflect the competition between heating due to ab-
sorption of the radiation emitted by other atmospheric layers and the ground,
and the cooling due to the emission of longwave radiation. Detailed calcula-
tions of the resulting heating rates, integrated over wavelengths, are shown in
Fig. 2.12 (left panel). The first thing to note is that, except for O3 near 25km,
longwave heating rates are negative, on the order of several K/day. Infrared
radiation thus cools the atmosphere globally, which opposes the heating due
2.7 Problems
Q4 Suppose the gas in the previous question is present with uniform mass
mixing ration q = 10−3 in an atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium. Take
surface pressure to be Ps = 1000hP a. (i) Show that the optical depth mea-
sured from the top of the atmosphere is linearly proportional to pressure.
What is the constant of proportionality? (ii) Estimate the pressure of the
level that is one optical depth from the top of the atmosphere.
Q6 Show that, for the situation in the previous question, the heating rate
per unit mass is greatest near the top of the atmosphere.
(i) Derive an expression for the emission (or effective) temperature of the
Earth as a function of solar constant and albedo.
(iii) Over the last 10 years the global mean temperature has risen by about
0.2◦ C. If clouds have an albedo of 0.8 and the surface has an albedo of
0.1, what change in the cloud percentage cover could account for this
temperature rise? State any assumption you make.
(v) Why is the observed surface temperature larger than the effective tem-
(vi) In which direction must the observed net radiation at the surface be
and why?
rsun = 6.96 × 108 m, the Sun’s emission temperature Tsun = 5780K, and the
mean Earth-Sun distance d = 1AU = 1.5 × 1011 m.
(i) Show that the ratio rλ = (Iλ )1 /(Iλ )2 of the two intensities satisfy,
(ii) The ratio of the two intensity measurements is rλ = 1.12. Compute the
column’s optical depth using the data above, stating any assumptions
Chapter 3
The preceding chapters showed that the atmosphere cools through (net)
radiative processes (Chapter 2) and is heated from below through surface
evaporation and sensible heat fluxes (Chapter 1). This situation destabilizes
the atmosphere because, at same pressure warm air is lighter than cold air,
and thus rises, while cold air sinks. The effect is to generate a convective
cell which restores the equilibrium by carrying heat upward. In this chapter
we study simple models of this interaction between radiation (destabilizing)
and convection (stabilizing).
3.2 Convection
If we were to perturb slightly the radiative temperature equilibrium, say by
allowing a small upward velocity at low level, and wait long enough, would
the same temperature profile be found? In other words, is the radiative tem-
perature equilibrium stable to “dynamical” as opposed to thermal changes?
Unfortunately, the answer is a clear no, and this is the main reason why
weather and climate predictions are difficult to make! The radiative temper-
ature profile is not stable to displacements of the layers: convective motion
will develop and change the final temperature. We first study the basics
of this instability and return to the problem of the radiative temperature
equilibrium later in the chapter.
where Fi refers to any force per unit mass acting on the parcel of upward
velocity wp . The forces in question here are simple gravity and the pressure
gradient force,
dwp dP
= −g − αp (3.3)
dt dz
in which αp is the volume per unit mass (or specific volume) of the parcel
and P is the pressure. We wish to establish whether, once displaced initially,
the parcel will come back to zo (stable case) or move away from it (unstable
We will carry out a thorough investigation of all the forces acting on a parcel
of air in chapter 4 (including Coriolis and centrifugal forces, as well as trans-
port of momentum by the flow). As it turns out, the approximation (3.3)
will be shown to be accurate.
The key concept to answer this question is that of the “environment”,
i.e., the atmosphere before we displaced the parcel. In the question at hand
(stability of the radiative equilibrium state), the environment is simply a state
of rest (no motion) with the temperature equal to the radiative equilibrium
temperature. The environment (subscript e) thus satisfies,
0 = −g − αe (3.4)
Note that this equilibrium is the “hydrostatic balance” (1.8) introduced in
Chapter 1.
To make further predictions regarding the parcel’s fate, we will make two
(i) the pressure field is not modified by the parcel’s motion, so the P in
(3.3) and in (3.4) are equal
(ii) the parcel does not acquire any heat as it moves (consistent with the
short timescale of this process compared to radiative processes, see Fig.
3.1) and the ascent does not involve irreversibilities such as mixing with
surrounding air, friction, etc. As a result the entropy of the parcel is
conserved during the ascent (second law of Thermodynamics).
dwp (αp − αe )
=g (3.5)
dt αe
This equation shows that if the specific volume of the parcel is greater
than that of the environment, the parcel will exhibit upward acceleration
(dwp /dt > 0). Likewise, if the parcel has a smaller specific volume than the
dwP (Te − Tp )
= −g (3.7)
dt Te
The goal of this subsection is to introduce a quantity called “potential tem-
perature”, which is going to allow us to solve (3.7) by using the second
assumption above (isentropic ascent).
Potential temperature is simply meteorologist’s jargon for entropy. The
concept is best illustated with the following calculation. Consider an air
parcel at upper levels where its temperature is T and its pressure is P .
Suppose we bring this parcel adiabatically to the surface where the pressure
is Pref = 1000hP a. What would be its new temperature? We’ll call the
latter potential temperature, with the variable θ, to express that it is the
temperature an air parcel at T, P would have if it were brought adiabatically
to the surface.
To find a formula for θ, use that in an adiabatic process, entropy is
conserved. For dry air, this reads,
since the specific entropy of dry air is sd = cp,d ln T − Rd ln P (in this ex-
pression cp,d is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure). This can be
integrated from P to Pref and T to θ,
dT /T = dP/P, (3.9)
θ cp,d Pref
In doing so one must neglect the difference between the pressure of the parcel (Pp ) and
that (Pe ) of the environment: otherwise the ratio of specific volumes αp /αe would include
a term Pp /Pe . It can be shown that this is valid as long as the velocity of the parcel is
less than the speed of sound, which is valid for the atmospheric applications considered
here (i.e., Pp ≈ Pe for the motions considered in this course).
leading to
−Rd /cp,d
θ=T (potential temperature) (3.10)
For a parcel initially near the tropopause with P = 250hP a, T = 210K, we
find θ = 312K!! So although it is true that the in-situ temperature high
up above our head is colder, bringing these parcels to us would raise their
temperature tremendously because of the work of compression they would
experience during the adiabatic descent.
Figure 3.2 illustrates the zonal mean (i.e., averaging along a latitude
circle) and time mean distribution of θ. Stratospheric air is seen as the
region of the atmosphere where θ is very high (θ ≈ 500K), that is very
buoyant. The downward doming of θ surfaces near low latitudes reflect, at
a given pressure level, the higher temperature in these regions compared to
higher latitudes.
At first sight, not much is gained. Upon reflection though we see that we
have replaced T , a non conserved variable during the ascent, by θ which is
conserved (you can easily check that ds = 0 implies dθ = 0). In particular,
if we start the parcel at zo with the same temperature as the environment,
θp (zo ) = θe (zo ) while at z, θe (z) = θe (zo ) + dθe /dz(z − zo ). This shows that,
since the parcel conserves its entropy during the ascent, i.e., θp (z) = θp (zo ),
d2 (zp − zo ) g dθe
+ (zp − zo ) = 0 (3.12)
dt θe dz
in which we have used wp = dzp /dt, zp being the height of the parcel.
This equation shows that the fate of the parcel is governed by the sign of
the quantity N 2 , defined as,
g dθe
N2 ≡ (the Brunt-Vaisala frequency) (3.13)
θe dz
When N 2 > 0, (3.12) is an harmonic oscillator with angular frequency N :
the parcel undergoes stable oscillations around z = zo . When N 2 < 0, the
parcel displacement is unstable: if initially displaced upwards, it will keep
going upwards, being constantly accelerated upwards by the buoyancy force
(and likewise if initially displaced downwards, the parcel will keep acceler-
ating downwards). The Brunt-Vaisala frequency is clearly a very important
variable describing the atmosphere (see section 3.5).
A couple of important comments:
(i) From Fig. 3.2 we see that the atmosphere has, in the mean, N 2 > 0.
So it is stable to vertical displacements of air parcels.
(ii) From the plot, one can estimate roughly that N = [(9.81/315) × (330 −
300)/5km]1/2 ' 10−2 s−1 . This corresponds to a period of oscillation of
about 10 minutes.
(iii) The fact that the time mean and zonal mean picture has N 2 > 0 does
not mean that the atmosphere is always everywhere, and at all times,
stable. Indeed the deep anvil clouds that one sometimes experiences
on a summer day (Fig. 3.3) are the manifestation of a region of N 2 <
0. This arose because parcels at low levels increased their entropy
tremendously through heating with the hot Earth’s surface while, aloft,
they cooled through infrared radiation. This state of affair generates
high θp at low levels and low θe at upper level and thus a positive
buoyancy for air parcels from (3.11). NB: clearly moisture effects must
be invoked to discuss this aspect fully, and this is postponed to section
Figure 3.3: An intense “anvil cloud”. Surface heating throughout the day
increased the entropy of air parcels at low levels while infrared radiative
cooling decreased that of air parcels at upper levels (this latter effect is
admittedly weaker than the heating due to heat exchange with the Earth’s
surface). Note that air parcels seem “stuck” at the top and spread laterally.
This reflects that even though they acquire large buoyancy through surface
heating, this buoyancy was still less than that of the environmental air at
upper levels (the tropopause here). Thus in this example the spreading allows
you to “see” the tropopause!
is still seen, but is less pronounced, the layer between 10 and 25km being
nearly isothermal (Γ ≈ 0).
Returning to Chapter 1 (Fig. 1.4), we identify this discontinuity in lapse
rate as the tropopause. The previous paragraph makes it clear that it arises
primarily as a result of radiative constraints: the absence of significant ab-
sorption of solar radiation below about 10km leads, in pure radiative equi-
librium, to a region of positive lapse-rate (see the simple calculations in Q4
below). Conversely, in a region where there is absorption of solar radiation,
pure radiative equilibrium leads to negative lapse-rate (so that this region
can cool by emitting more infrared radiation at its top than at its bottom).
The “dynamics” (convective adjustment here) merely modulates the exact
value of the height at which this transition happens.
Returning to Fig. 3.1, the fact that the two temperature profiles (left and
right panels) differ below the tropopause is expected from the fact that the
radiative calculation has N 2 < 0 there. Above the tropopause, the radiative
equilibrium temperature is very stable (a region of Γ < 0 has a very large
N 2 ), so no instability is expected and the difference between the two tem-
perature profiles is more surprising. What we are seeing in action here is the
interaction of convection with radiation: changing the tropospheric temper-
ature through convection affects the upward infrared radiation reaching the
stratosphere, and thus perturbs radiative heating rates in this region. The
calculation shows that above ≈ 25km this effect becomes negligible and the
radiative and radiative-convective equilibrium temperature profiles are the
After dividing by dz and using the ideal gas law and the hydrostatic balance,
we obtain,
Γd = (“dry adiabatic lapse - rate”) (3.20)
In the case of moist air, we accept the result that the entropy of cloudy
air is approximately given by,
lv qv
s = sref + cp,d ln(T /Tref ) − Rd ln(Pd /Pref ) + (3.21)
in which qv (specific humidity) was introduced in chapter 1 (the appendix
provides a derivation of this expression for s if you’re interested). Using again
the hydrostatic equilibrium (being careful that now the P in the hydrostatic
balance refers to the total pressure P = Pd + e), applying ds = 0 to this
equation leads to2 ,
αd lv dT α g
d T d
1+ =− − (lv qv /T ) (3.22)
αv cp,d T dz α cp,d cp,d dz
The first term on the r.h.s is similar to the case of dry air, the factor in
parenthesis being close to unity. The second term on the r.h.s is new and
clearly reflects the effect of phase change. In a realistic range of temperature,
this term can be approximated as,
T d lv dqv
− (lv qv /T ) ≈ − (3.23)
cp,d dz cp,d dz
g lv dqv
Γm ≈ + (“moist adiabatic lapse - rate”) (3.24)
cp,d cp,d dz
Conditional instability
The calculations above for a dry and a cloudy parcel are exact when the
environment is neutral (N 2 = 0). When N 2 6= 0, they would have to be
modified by replacing g by gαp /αe , since the parcel is now experiencing a
buoyancy force3 . This correction is small. For example, for dry air, αp /αe =
θp /θe is at most 300 ± 10K/300K, i.e., a 3% error. Thus in practice, we can
consider that the temperature lapse rate of a dry parcel during its adiabatic
displacement follows approximatively Γd . Likewise for a moist parcel and
Γm . This is very useful, as the exemple below shows.
Consider the temperature profile in Fig. 3.4 (black), whose lapse rate Γ
is somewhere in between dry and moist adiabats (i.e., Γm ≤ Γ ≤ Γd ). If we
were to lift an air parcel from the surface upward (for example as a result
of a large scale convergence of air near the surface), would it continue to go
up? Here we take into account moisture and do not assume that the parcel is
already in equilibrium of phases (i.e., the relative humidity is less than unity
at the surface).
Starting at the surface at A, we displace the parcel upward following a
dry adiabat since no liquid water is yet present4 . For the case shown, this dis-
placement is stable since the temperature decreases faster with height along
a dry adiabat (blue) than it does for the environment (black). Nevertheless,
This is because we can only use αp ∂P/∂z = −g when αp = αe since it is only the
environment which is in hydrostatic balance when N 2 6= 0.
Some of you might rightly question the use of a dry adiabat for the isentropic ascent
of a mixture of dry air and water vapour considered here. Doing the calculation properly
would only change the lapse rate slightly but would require using an exotic quantity called
“virtual potential temperature”. For simplicity I decided not to do this.
Figure 3.4: An idealized temperature profile (black) with dry (blue) and
moist (green) adiabats superimposed. The LCL is the “lifting condensation
level” where the temperature equals the dewpoint temperature (i.e., where
the first drop of liquid water is produced by condensation). The LFC is the
“level of free convection”, beyond which the parcel’s displacement would be-
come unstable. In the lower panel, the trajectory of the sample is shown in
the temperature (T ) - vapour partial pressure (e) space. The displacement
from A to B is on the vapour side of the phase diagram, and follows approx-
imatively a line of constant e. From then on, the displacement is along the
phase boundary (purple curve).
at some point the temperature of the parcel has dropped enough that con-
densation occurs. This happens at a temperature Td (dewpoint temperature)
such that:
eeq (Td ) = e (3.25)
in which eeq is the equilibrium vapor pressure (a function of temperature only,
given by integration of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation –see eq. (3.16) in
section 3.4.1) and e the vapor pressure in the sample. The level at which this
occurs is called the “lifting condensation level” (point B in the figure). From
this point onward our sample is in thermodynamic equilibrium of phases (i.e.,
the relative humidity is unity) so further adiabatic lifting will proceed along
the moist adiabat (green curve). For the case shown, the parcel is still less
buoyant than the surrounding from B to C, the latter being the point where
the parcel’s temperature equals that of the environment. Thus the deplace-
ment is overall stable from A to C. Beyond C however, the displacement
is unstable, since the parcel’s temperature exceeds that of the environment
(and its pressure equals that of the environment).
In summary, if the parcel has enough kinetic energy when it starts at the
surface, it could reach C at which point buoyancy forces will accelerate it
further upward. This type of instability is called “conditional instability”.
This situation occurs frequently in the atmosphere, and the LCL is readily
identified as the cloud base. Deep convective clouds are those where enough
energy was available at low levels to reach the LFC. We’ll return to these
ideas in the lecture on clouds (powerpoint file on Blackboard).
abatic value. (They are slightly greater than Γm below 500hP a and slightly
smaller above this level which reflects the curvature of the moist adiabats
and the more linear temperature variations –see the ppt slide discussed in
the lecture for this section). This is suggestive of a strong role of convec-
tive processes at low latitudes and has deep implications for a variety of
problems. For example, it suggests that any change in surface temperature
will be quickly felt throughout the atmosphere through adjustment to a new
(warmer) moist adiabatic profile. This is indeed one of the prediction of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to which we will come
back later in the course. Another interesting idea is that since observations
suggest Γ ' Γm in the Tropics, this could be used to parameterize convection
in climate models (these do not resolve individual clouds, and not even their
aggregation into clusters), like was done in Fig. 3.1. This is what all climate
models do...but you’ll be surprised (interested?) to know that there is to
present day no theory which explains why it should be so.
In mid and high latitudes, observed lapse rates are weaker than moist adi-
abatic values (Γ ≤ Γm ), i.e., atmospheric motions stabilize radiative effects
beyond what is expected from a consideration of their tropical counterparts.
Thus in addition to the vertical convection discussed above, something else
must be stabilizing the atmosphere. We all know this something else: the
weather systems we experience daily at the latitude of England. We show
next that these motions can also be thought of as resulting from a convective
instability, but with 3D motion of air parcels rather than 1D (purely vertical)
being involved. We’ll go deeper in their dynamics in Chapter 4.
Figure 3.6: Sloping convection in the latitude (y) - height (z) plane. Kinetic
energy can be gained in certain swapping of parcels while they conserve their
potential temperature θ.
This suggests that if the displacement of fluid parcels follows a sloping path
shallower than the isentropic slope, kinetic energy can be gained in the pro-
cess: an instability occurs.
NB: the paths shown in Fig. 3.6 are imposed, and all we do is compute
the work done by buoyancy forces for a given path. You can easily convince
yourself that the work done must be path dependent(e.g., it is zero along A-C
but > 0 along A-E-C with same start and end points).
The gain in kinetic energy after a time t has elapsed since the swap can
be estimated from the parcel’s equation, having in mind θp = θ(A),
Z t Z t Z zD
1 2 dwp (θp − θe ) (θp − θe )
∆ wp = wp dt = g wp dt = g dz (3.27)
2 0 dt 0 θe zA θe
where the integral is along the slanted path A ↔ D. Define ∆z = zD − zA
and rewrite the integral as,
1 2 (θp − θe )
∆ wp = g∆z < > (3.28)
2 θe
where the bracket <> denotes an average along the path. Approximate the
latter using a Taylor expansion, as,
(θp − θe ) 1 ∂θ ∂θ
< >≈ − ( ∆z + ∆y)/θe (3.29)
θe 2 ∂z ∂y
in which ∆y = y(D) − y(A) > 0 is the gain in latitude of the parcel and
we have introduced the vertical (∂θ/∂z > 0) and meridional (∂θ/∂y < 0)
temperature gradients. Note that the implicit assumption used here is that
the parcel conserves its θ from A to D (θp − θe = 0 at A while θe − θp =
∆z∂θ/∂z + ∆y∂θ/∂y at D, hence the factor 1/2 and the negative sign).
Inserting this result, and after introducing the slope of the displacement
µ = ∆z/∆y and the isentropic slope µθ = −(∂θ/∂y)/(∂θ/∂z) > 0, we have,
1 2 N 2 (∆y)2
∆ w ≈ µ(µθ − µ) (3.30)
2 p 2
For a fixed displacement ∆y, we recover the discussion at the beginning of
this section:
Not all air parcels can go on average upward and poleward –otherwise
mass would be continuously lost at low latitudes and low levels. So we should
think of a swap: parcel A replacing parcel D and parcel D replacing parcel A.
What would be the kinetic energy gained in the displacement D → A? This
can be computed from the previous result by simply making the substitution
∆y → −∆y and ∆z → −∆z. As you can check, it yields the exact same
result. This is really what happens in midlatitude weather systems, a swap
of low θ, low level, low latitude air with high θ, high latitude, high level air.
This takes the form of a wave, as schematized in Fig. 3.7. Interestingly, eq.
(3.31) indicates that the larger the meridional scale of the swap (∆y), the
larger the kinetic energy released. So it is not a surprise that midlatitude
storms are so big and span such a large range of latitudes (typically 20◦ −60◦ ).
Figure 3.7: Schematic of an Eady wave, after the Imperial College physicist
Eric Eady who came up with the simplest theory for weather systems in the
1950s. The swap of two air parcels in a plane making an angle δ with the
horizontal is shown. Eady reasoned that the wave could grow if δ ≈ µθ /2.
3.7. SUMMARY 75
Figure 3.8: Schematic of how the swap of air parcels in sloping convection
leads to an increase in the Brunt-Vaisala frequency N in eq. (3.13) in mid-
latitudes (column of air above A).
3.7 Summary
Figure 3.9 offers a graphical summary of the various ideas discussed in this
3.8 Problems
Q1. In this question we treat the Earth’s atmosphere as dry and in hydro-
static equilibrium.
(i) Show that the adiabatic lapse rate is simply Γ = Γd = g/cp,d where
cp,d = 1005Jkg −1 K −1 is the specific heat capacity of dry air at constant
pressure and g = 9.81ms−2 is gravity. Compute its numerical value in
T ∂θ
(ii) Show that the actual lapse rate is Γ = Γd − θ ∂z
(iii) In light of the result in (ii) discuss whether a dry atmosphere can have
a lapse rate greater (or lower) than Γd .
Q2. Air flows over the ocean (so it is well-supplied with moisture), across
the coast, over a mountain which is 4 km high and down to a plateau on
the far side at 1 km above sea level. Estimate the difference in temperature
between sea level on the windward side and at the surface of the plateau.
[Take Γd = 10K/km and Γm = 6.5K/km].
Q3. Relative humidity (RH) is defined as the ratio of the vapour pressure
found in a sample of air at temperature T to that found when vapour and
liquid water are in thermodynamic equilibrium at the same temperature:
RH = e/eeq (T ). Discuss whether the situations below correspond to a state
of thermodynamic equilibrium: (i) Room temperature, RH = 0.7 (ii) pre-
cipitation falling into a dry air mass, RH = 0.5 (as can happen on the edge
of a cloud).
Figure 3.10: Simple radiative equilibrium model. The surface receives solar
radiation (σTe4 ≡ So (1 − αP )/4) and emits infrared radiation upward. The
atmosphere consists of two layers of longwave emissivity unity and shortwave
absorptivity zero.
radiate like a blackbody in the infrared. The Earth’s surface is also treated
like a blackbody. The atmosphere is assumed to be completely transparent to
solar radiation, so that at each level, the solar flux is So (1 − αP )/4. Compute
the radiative equilibrium temperatures Ts (surface), T1 (lower atmosphere)
and T2 (upper atmosphere).
Q5. The temperature profile predicted in the previous question is not stable
to vertical displacements of air parcels. The latter lead to convective motions
and a new temperature distribution close to an adiabat. To represent this
simply, we fix the temperature difference ∆T = T1 − T2 = Ts − T1 in the
previous model, and also acknowledge the presence of additional heating
terms: a surface heat exchange Fs and a convective heat flux Fc (Fig. 3.11).
(ii) Before doing any calculation, do you expect the surface temperature
to decrease or increase when the fluxes Fs and Fc are included in the
3.8. PROBLEMS 79
(iv) Solve for the convective flux Fc and the surface heat exchange Fs . Ex-
press your answer as a function of Te and the non dimensional param-
eter x = ∆T /Te .
(v) Find a plausible value for x and discuss the range of values of this
parameter for which the model makes sense. Also check that for this
range of values the model agrees with your answer in (ii).
Q6. Using Figs. 1.5 and 3.2, estimate the kinetic energy gain in sloping
convection –eq. (3.31). How does this compare with your guess for the
kinetic energy in storms?
Q7. A parcel of air has the same potential temperature than the environment
at t = 0 and z = 0, and an upward velocity wo = 10cm/s. Find its height
after 1mn if (i) N 2 = 10−4 s−2 (ii) N 2 = −10−4 s−2 . (iii) N 2 = 0. Neglect the
effects of moisture on the motion.
Q8. The temperature structure in Fig. 1.3 in the mesosphere is very strange.
In the Summer Hemisphere, the mesopause has T ≤ −100◦ C while it is about
70◦ C warmer in the Winter Hemisphere!
(i) Estimate the mesospheric lapse rate (i.e., from stratopause to mesopause)
in the summer and winter hemispheres
(ii) Sketch how θ(z) looks like in the summer and winter hemispheres
(iii) Show that the profiles you have plotted in (ii) are consistent with the
Brewer-Dobson circulation sketched in the ppt slides for Chapter 1.
Chapter 4
Atmospheric motions
(i) the “fluid nature” of the motion, air parcels transporting their own
momentum (material derivative)
(ii) the Earth rotation, which introduces new forces as seen by an observer
at a fixed location on the planet. The effects of rotation on motions
are huge as is most spectacularly illustrated with the “Taylor columns”
(see Youtube video and the paper by Taylor (1923) on Blackboard).
might see a change in entropy since the parcel might originate from a warmer
region than that in which the observer is sitting. To make it clear that the
change “following the parcel” is a special case of derivative, we will write it
as D/Dt. In the previous example, we would thus write,
=0 (4.2)
Mathematically, the change following the parcel (also called “Lagrangian
derivative”) includes the parcel’s displacement. If we write that entropy is
a function of space and time, i.e., s = s(x(t), y(t), z(t), t), a small change in
entropy δs in a small time interval δt is, after Taylor expansion,
∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s
δs = δt + δx + δy + δz (4.3)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
Dividing by δt and taking the limit, we thus identify D/Dt as,
Ds δs ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s
≡ lim = +u +v +w (4.4)
Dt δt→0 δt ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
Note that we have used the fact that the velocity components satisfy u =
limδt→0 δx/δt, v = limδt→0 δy/δt and w = limδt→0 δz/δt.
The local change with time can then be mathematically identified with,
∂s Ds
= − u.∇s (4.5)
∂t Dt
in which we have introduced the velocity vector u = (u, v, w). This equation
states that the local change in entropy results from the change following
the parcel minus that due to advection. The view encapsulated in (4.5) is
referred to as “Eulerian” (fixed location), as opposed to the “Lagrangian”
(following a parcel) view in (4.2).
We used entropy in the previous example, but the concept applies to
any variable, and even vector (applying the material derivative to each of its
component). For example, for the velocity vector,
u= (4.6)
(You can readily check that this expression provides the identity u = u∂x/∂x =
u, etc... since the coordinates x, y, z, t are independent).
Applying the notation to Newton’s second law, we obtain:
Du δu
a = g − α∇P + F f ric = = limδt→0 (4.7)
Dt δt
This is the Navier-Stokes equation for fluid flow in an inertial frame of ref-
erence. What is meant here is that the momentum of a fluid parcel changes
along its trajectory due to the gain / loss associated with gravitational, fric-
tional and pressure forces. Note that the Du/Dt is a vector with components
(Du/Dt, Dv/Dt, Dw/Dt). Each of those are non linear expressions, for ex-
ample, for the third component of momentum,
Dw ∂w ∂w ∂w ∂w
= +u +v +w (4.8)
Dt ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
showing that the upward motion carries its own upward momentum and that
the latter is also carried by the horizontal flow.
• we are talking about the same parcel of air here and we just describe
differently its momentum “history” (see Fig. 4.2) by measuring changes
as (DuI /Dt)I or (DuR /Dt)R .
We will consider that a coordinate system with the Earth’s centre as its origin (orbiting
around the Sun) provides such inertial frame. This is the idea introduced in Year 1 (Classi-
cal mechanics) that a free falling object under the action of gravity behaves approximately
like an inertial frame.
uI = uR + Ω × r (4.12)
Applying it to A = uI provides,
= + Ω × uI (4.13)
Dt I Dt R
(to obtain this result we acknowledge that (DΩ/Dt)R represents the change
in the vector Ω at the location of the parcel, as seen in the rotating frame.
At any given point along the trajectory, Ω is always the same since it is not
affected by the rotation effect encapsulated in (4.11). Thus (DΩ/Dt)R = 0.)
Rearranging, and using (4.7), we finally obtain,
= g − α∇P + F f ric − 2Ω × uR − Ω × (Ω × r) (4.15)
Dt R
g 0 ≡ g − Ω × (Ω × r) (4.16)
g 0 = −∇(Φgravi − Ω2 rH
/2) ≡ −∇Φ (4.17)
This system of coordinate however has the complication that the i, j, k vectors
vary with location, and as a result, (DuR /Dt)R 6= i(Du/Dt)R +j(Dv/Dt)R +
k(Dw/Dt)R . Rather,
DuR Du Dv Dw Di Dj Dk
=i +j +k +u +v +w
Dt R Dt R Dt R Dt R Dt R Dt R Dt R
We will accept the result that,
Di u tan φ u
= j− k (4.22)
Dt R R R
Dj u tan φ v
=− i− k (4.23)
Dt R R R
Dk u v
= i+ j (4.24)
Dt R R R
As a result,
u2 tan φ vw u2 + v 2
DuR Du uv tan φ uw Dv Dw
=[ − + ]i+[ + + ]j+[ − ]k
Dt R Dt R R R Dt R R R Dt R R
As can be easily checked the extra-terms purely reflect the spherical geometry
of the Earth and disappear in the limit R → ∞.
NB: The scales for L, H, U, T and ∇L P are relatively intuitive (say from your
own estimate of windspeed looking at cloud displacement and a casual in-
spection of weather charts). It is more difficult to estimate from observations
what the scale for the vertical velocity W should be. One way to proceed is
to use the continuity equation (4.26) and require that the horizontal and ver-
tical derivatives contribute as much to the total divergence. You can easily
check that this leads to W = HU/L ≈ 0.1ms−1 . This estimate is an order
of magnitude larger than the one used above. The reason is that, we shall
soon see, weather systems are in geostrophic balance with very little vertical
motion (nearly non divergent motions).
u2 + v 2
Dw ∂P
= + 2Ωu cos φ − α −g (4.27)
Dt R R ∂z
in which we have dropped g 0 for g and have ignored the friction force.
The first two terms on the r.h.s scale respectively as, U 2 /R and 2ΩU cos φ.
Their strength relative to the acceleration of gravity are U 2 /gR ' 10−6 and
2ΩU cos φ/g ≈ 2 × 10−4 cos φ, respectively. The l.h.s has several components
Dw ∂w ∂w ∂w ∂w
= +u +v +w (4.28)
Dt R ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
The first three have the same scale (since we have chosen T = L/U ), namely
W/T , while the last term scales as W 2 /H. The ratio of these to gravity is
thus W/gT ≈ 10−8 and W 2 /gH = 10−9 , respectively. Note that because of
the values listed above, U/L ≈ 10W/H so from now on we will simply scale
all D/Dt terms by simply dividing by T (i.e., (Dw/Dt)R ≈ W/T ).
The bottom line is that all the terms considered are negligible compared
to the acceleration of gravity and so, to a very good approximation, we can
safely use,
0 ≈ −α −g (4.29)
This is the “hydrostatic equation” introduced earlier in Chapter 3, expressing
a near cancellation between the acceleration due to gravity and that due to
the vertical pressure gradient force.
To some extent the above scaling is misleading. It makes sense that grav-
ity opposes the vertical pressure gradient, but the motions we are considering
consist of pressure fluctuations superimposed on this state of pure hydro-
static equilibrium. (In other words, the pressure fluctuations used above,
i.e., 10hP a has nothing to do with the much larger pressure changes between
surface and tropopause which is ≈ 750hP a). What we should really check is
whether this perturbed state satisfies the hydrostatic approximation. To do
this, write
α = α + α0 and P = P + P 0 (4.30)
where the bar denotes the background state in hydrostatic balance and the
prime the fluctuations associated with weather systems. One can readily
obtain that,
∂P ∂P 0 α0
α +g ≈α −g (4.31)
∂z ∂z α
Putting orders of magnitude on each term, we find,
∂P 0 10hP a
α ' (1kgm−3 ) = 10−1 ms−2 (4.32)
∂z 10km
α0 θ0 3
−g ≈ −g ' 9.81 = 10−1 ms−2 (4.33)
α θ 300
These terms are still much larger than all the others in (4.27) and so the
hydrostatic approximation also applies to dynamic, as opposed to purely
static situations,
∂P 0 α0
0≈α −g (4.34)
∂z α
Most climate models use this approximation. (Among other things it allows a
change of vertical coordinate z → P which simplifies considerably the model
NB? : You might rightly notice that the momentum balance (4.34) is different
than the one used in Chapter 3 for sloping convection. What was missing
there is the fact that the parcels ascending and descending are embedded in
a wave, with associated pressure variations. Their vertical gradients are the
primary mechanism opposing the buoyancy force, not vertical acceleration of
the parcels. Returning to Fig. 3.7, as parcel A goes up, it gains kinetic energy
through the work of buoyancy force (and as we know from section 3.6 this is
maximized if it moves at an angle equal to half the slope of the θ surfaces).
From eq. (4.34), we now know that it looses kinetic energy because of adverse
vertical pressure gradients. The later act as a brake on the wave whose energy
source is the work computed in section (3.6).
NB: Not all atmospheric motions have small Rossby numbers. For example,
hurricanes have typical windspeed U = 30ms−1 and horizontal lengthscale
L = 100km, yielding Ro ≈ 30/(2.10−4 × 105 ) = 1.5. Thus the geostrophic
approximation is not valid for hurricanes and advection of momentum by the
horizontal flow plays a key role in their dynamics.
These relations show that variations with height of the geostrophic wind
reflect horizontal gradients in the thickness between two pressure surfaces
(Fig. 4.4). The thickness is itself directly related to temperature since the
hydrostatic equation can be rewritten, using the ideal gas law (and neglecting
moisture), as,
∂ ln P g
=− (4.48)
∂z Rd T
This indeed shows that for two given pressure surfaces (P1 , P2 ), the thickness
between them (= z1 − z2 ) increases with the temperature of the layer of air
sandwiched between these two surfaces,
Z z1 Z P2
Rd T
z1 − z2 = dz = d ln P (4.49)
z2 P1 g
Figure 4.4: The variations of the geostrophic wind with height reflect horizon-
tal temperature variations: in the Northern Hemisphere (shown in picture),
winds increasing with height have cold air to their left (if x is interpreted as
the east - west distance, the figure indicates southward wind v1 < 0 at upper
level and northward wind v2 > 0 at low level). The distance between two
pressure surfaces (the thickness) increases with temperature. In this diagram
two pressure surfaces (P = P1 and P = P2 ) are shown in black, being at a
height z = z1 (x) and z = z2 (x), respectively.
This is why the wind variations in (4.46)-(4.47) are called the “thermal wind”
A vivid illustratioon of the thermal wind relation is also found in Fig.
1.3 in Chapter 1. If we look for example at the winter hemisphere at 30◦ ,
one observes that the contours of velocity close on themselves at a height
of about 10km (i.e., there is a wind maximum here, the Jet Stream). Thus
below the maximum the wind increases with height but above the maximum
they decrease with height. The thermal wind relation shows that this must
be associated with a reversal of the equator-to-pole temperature gradient.
Indeed the Tropics are warmer than the Poles below 10km but are colder (!)
above this level in the lower stratosphere.
NB? : The thermal wind relation offers insight into the “Taylor’s column”
effect discussed at the beginning of this chapter. In a fluid of constant den-
sity, it predicts ∂u/∂z = ∂v/∂z = 0. So the horizontal motion has to be
independent of height and we cannot expect the motion above the obstacle to
be solely limited to its vicinity. It happens that for small Rossby number and
constant density, one can also predict ∂w/∂z = 0 which implies that there
can be no motion above the obstacle at all (this would require having w non
zero just above the obstacle but zero away from it).
ζ ≡ ∇ × uR (4.50)
Technical note: An important result is that a flow in solid body rotation has
a vorticity equal to twice the rate of rotation. A simple derivation can be
obtained as follows. Consider a tank of water rotating around a vertical axis
at a rate Ω. One can compute the vorticity of any fluid parcel embedded in this
flow by considering an anti-clockwise closed contour made of two lines r = r1
and r = r2 (with r1 = r2 + δr, i.e., we are considering a very small contour)
H by RR
two radial lines making
RR a small angle δθ. From Stokes’ theorem,
u.dl = (∇×u).dS = ζdS, which in polar cylindrical geometry, reads
u1 r1 δθ − u2 r2 δθ = ζδrδθ(r1 + r2 )/2. In solid body rotation u1 = Ωr1 and u2 =
Ωr2 , hence, Ω(r12 −r22 )δθ = ζδrδθ(r1 +r2 )/2. Since r12 −r22 = (r1 −r2 )(r2 +r1 ),
one obtains ζ = 2Ω.
where the integral is taken along any surface encircling the material contour.
Using (4.56) and (4.50), this can be rewritten as,
[ζ + ∇ × (Ω × r)].dS = 0. (4.61)
Dt I
Note that to arrive at this expression, we have used the result (shown in the
Appendix) that ∇ × (Ω × r) = 2Ω. We now take the limit in which the
horizontal cross section of the column of air in Fig. 4.5 is infinitesimally small.
Then S → dS is constant following the flow from the previous arguments,
but we now also know, from (4.62), that the product of (ζ + f )S must be
constant following the flow. Hence we obtain the deceptively simple “vorticity
ζ + f = cst (following the flow) (4.63)
As we illustrate in the following section, this equation provides everything
we need to predict the motion in Fig. 4.5.
Although we derived this equation by describing a material circuit in an
inertial frame, the end result should be independent of that choice. Indeed,
using the fact that (DB/Dt)I = (DB/Dt)R for any scalar B, we can as well
write, ZZ
(ζ + f )dS = 0. (4.64)
Dt R
One could derive this equation by following the same procedure as above in
the rotating frame of the Earth, but this would involve the (more mathemat-
ically involved) calculation of a “torque” by the Coriolis force.
The variables ζ and f refer to the projection of the vorticity vectors ζ and
2Ω onto the local vertical. There is a more general equation for the absolute
vorticity vector ζ a = 2Ω + ζ but we will not discuss it in this course (you can
see this equation in the picture on the “Welcome to Atmospheric Physics!”
page at the beginning of these notes. If you’re interested I have included a
derivation in the Appendix).
NB1? : In the inertial frame, the local rate of rotation of a fluid parcel is twice
the quantity ζ + f , which is called the “absolute vorticity” (≡ ζa ). It is the
sum of the vorticity ζ (the “relative vorticity”) due to the relative motion of
the parcel with respect to the solid body rotation of the Earth, and that due to
the solid body rotation of the parcel around the Earth’s axis (f , the “planetary
vorticity”). As the experiment in the vorticity video showed (specifically, the
part showing the vorticity meter in a solid body rotation of a fluid in a tank),
in a solid body rotation the fluid locally rotates at the same angular velocity
as the tank. The associated vorticity is twice this rate (see technical note in
section 4.3.1). In the rotating frame of reference, the local rate of rotation
of a fluid parcel is just twice the relative vorticity (the vorticity meter in a
pure solid body rotation does not change for an observer rotating itself with
the tank).
NB2? : You could take the other limit in which the circuit in the above dis-
cussion shrinks (like a the flow in a kitchen sink), i.e., S decreases. The
prediction from the circulation theorem is that (ζ + f )S must remain con-
stant. Hence, ζ + f will have to increase. If the circuit shrinks over a limited
range of latitude, this requires that the relative vorticity increases. In other
words, a cyclone is intensifying. This is a decent model for the growth of
hurricanes. There are many other applications of the circulation theorem.
An example is given in Q5 (Gulf Stream) of the problem sheet.
Figure 4.6: The height (in km) of the 500hP a pressure surface on
10/02/2014. Black contours indicate its absolute values while the
colours (in m) denote anomalies compared to the long time mean. From
Equation (4.65) states that absolute vorticity “sticks” to air parcels: you
can tell the origin of a given air mass from looking at its absolute vortic-
ity (e.g., a low value of ζa typically originates from low latitudes)! A very
powerful tool.
The equation (4.65) supports linear waves called Rossby waves after the
Swedish metorologist Carl Gustav Rossby who highlighted their dynamics in
the 1950s. Take the simplest possible case, i.e., linear motion on a state of
rest. Then (4.65) can be rewritten as,
∂ζ 0
+ βv 0 = 0 (4.66)
in which primes indicate perturbations and
β≡ (4.67)
captures the latitudinal variation of the projection of Ω onto the local verti-
cal. This equation can be solved by using the streamfunction ψ introduced
in (4.55) and looking for plane wave solution2 ,
ψ 0 ∝ ei(kx+ly−ωt) (4.68)
The frequency of Rossby waves is typically much lower than that of the
weather system we experience nearly daily (the latter were the subject of
section 3.6 and, contrary to Rossby waves, the presence of upward and down-
ward motion is crucial for their existence). For example, for the observations
in Fig. 4.6, I found ω ≈ 2π/43days−1 (using a wavenumber 2 at 45◦ N for k
and l = 2π/3000km). No wonder why these waves are studied tremendously
since, owing to their long timescales, they introduce predictability to our
Rossby waves display a myriad of other interesting features:
• their phase speed is always westward (ω/k < 0). This follows directly
from the conservation of vorticity by fluid parcels, as encapsulated in
(4.65) and illustrated in Fig. 4.7. The usual way to describe a wave in
terms of a restoring force is not useful for Rossby waves since, as em-
phasized earlier, they are in geostrophic balance and the momentum
equation does not say much about time evolution. This is why “vortic-
ity thinking”, as illustrated in Fig. 4.7, brings much more insight into
the mechanism of propagation.
The bottom line is that Rossby waves carry zonal momentum with
them: this is the mechanism linking trade winds and westerlies that
was mentioned in Chapter 1.
4.4 References
-Rossby and collaborators, 1939: Relation between variation in the intensity
of the zonal circulation of the atmosphere and the displacement of the semi-
permanent centers of action, J. Mar. Res., 38-55.
4.5 Problems
Q1. A thunderstorm moving in a sheared flow has the following scales: L =
10km, H = 10km, U = 10ms−1 , W = 1ms−1 , f = 10−4 s−1 , P 0 = 10hP a.
Determine whether the geostrophic and hydrostatic approximations apply to
this system.
Q2. An aeroplane is due to fly eastward over the ocean at 45◦ N. At some
moment it is at an altitude of 6000m and a pressure altimeter indicates a
pressure of 100hP a. The pilot maintains this pressure altitude but notices
that after 1 hour the radar altimeter indicates an absolute altitude of 5750m.
How far, and in what direction, has the plane drifted off course? Clearly
state any assumptions you make. [Hint: this question is more difficult than
it looks.]
Q3. The derivation of the equation of motion (4.15), and its decomposition
into components (4.27), (4.35) and (4.36), was quite mathematical. This
question aims at re-deriving those equations from a more intuitive perspec-
(i) Particle moving purely east-west, i.e. u = (u, 0, 0) in the local frame
of reference (i, j, k). By thinking about the particle’s circular motion
around the Earth at constant latitude φ, and its associated centrifu-
gal force, show that it must experience an acceleration (Ω2 R cos φ +
u2 /R cos φ + 2Ωu)(cos φk − sin φj). Identify the corresponding terms
in (4.27) and (4.36).
4.5. PROBLEMS 105
Figure 4.8: Schematic of the phase lines (blue) for a Rossby wave with
k > 0, l < 0 in the Northern Hemisphere (same axes as in previous fig-
ure). The flow (blue arrows) is clockwise around the high pressure (H) and
anti-clockwise around the low pressure (L). The phase velocity (black arrow)
is perpendicular to these motions. For the case considered here, the transport
of east-west momentum is to the North (green upward arrow).
4.5. PROBLEMS 107
(iii) Particle moving purely upward, u = (0, 0, w). Repeat part (ii) but
consider a particle impelled vertically upwards with speed w.
Q4. The schematic below (Fig. 4.9) represents a front between two air
masses at different temperatures. We suppose that the temperature differ-
ence is 6 K at all levels, that the front extends over a horizontal distance of
300 km and from the surface (P2 = 1000hP a) to a level of P1 = 200hP a. We
wish to estimate the wind at 200hP a at the center of the front.
(i) By using eqs. (4.47) and (4.49), show that the changes in zonal (east-
west) wind with height can be approximated as,
Rd P2 ∂T
u2 − u1 ≈ ln (4.71)
f P1 ∂y
(ii) Assuming that the mean latitude of the front is 45◦ N , estimate the
wind at its center at 200hP a. State any assumptions made.
(i) Show that since the equatorward current is on the order of a few cm/s
and its horizontal scale is that of the North Atlantic basin, the absolute
vorticity of water parcel in the equatorward flow is approximately f .
Determine the resulting loss of absolute vorticity along the equatorward
(ii) To close the mass budget, a “return” current must occur in the pole-
ward direction. In the North Atlantic, this current is called the Gulf
Stream. Considering that the latter has a magnitude of a few m/s and
an horizontal extent of a few tens of km, do you think the approxima-
tion ζa ≈ f is still valid in the Gulf Stream?
(iii) Based on your answer to the previous question, and thinking of the be-
haviour of absolute vorticity within a closed loop around the subtropi-
cal gyre, determine whether water parcels must gain or loose absolute
vorticity in the Gulf Stream.
Figure 4.10: Schematics of the ocean circulation in the North Atlantic. The
subtropical gyre is highlighted as the red “loop”. Image courtesy of the SEOS
Q6. One sometimes reads or hears that, by analogy with atmospheric low
pressure systems, the flow in a bath tube which is being emptied circulates in
opposite direction in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. Give at least
two reasons why this is bonkers.
(i) What is vorticity and why is it useful for understanding the weather?
Climate change
• The first (fast, on the order of a few days to weeks) is that in which the
temperature field simply reflects the local change in radiative heating
induced by doubling CO2 concentrations (i.e., increases where there is
Figure 5.1: Anomalous (i.e., 2011 vs 1750) downward radiative flux at the
tropopause in W m−2 . The radiative forcing of various constituents is listed.
Figure taken from the 5th assessment report of the IPCC.
Figure 5.2: Changes in upward (blue) and downward (red) infrared fluxes
(in W m−2 ) as a result of a doubling of atmospheric concentrations of carbon
dioxide. The changes are shown as a function of pressure.
∆Qrad = (∆F ↓ − ∆F ↑ ) (5.1)
using the definitions and notations in Chapter 2. The calculation in Fig. 5.2
was carried out in pressure coordinates rather than height z, so we must first
re-express the previous equation in pressure coordinates. To do so we use
the hydrostatic equation, yielding,
∆Qrad = −ρg (∆F ↓ − ∆F ↑ ) (5.2)
Figure 5.3: Same as Fig.5.2 but for the heating rate, expressed in K/day.
The same calculations can be carried out latitude by latitude, the re-
sult being that the tropospheric heating is more pronounced at the equator
(Fig. 5.4). This can be understood from Beer’s law, the reduction in upward
infrared radiation at the tropopause being proportional to the amount of
radiation emitted by the air column, which is greater in the Tropics. Inter-
estingly, this tropical enhancement is opposed by a larger downward radia-
tive flux from the stratosphere at high latitudes (this simply reflects that the
tropopause is lower down at the poles than at the equator, i.e., that there is
more “stratospheric mass” at the poles than at the equator). As can be seen
in Fig. 5.4 though, the tropospheric effect dominates and the Tropics gain
more energy than the poles when doubling CO2 concentrations.
The tropical amplification of the heating mimics the situation in the time
mean, whereby the Earth experiences an energy deficit at the poles and an
energy gain at the equator. Interestingly, this excess heating is truly realized
in the atmosphere (infrared heating), rather than mostly absorbed at the sea
surface as is the case for the time mean (see Chapter 1). In other words
there is more available potential energy within the atmosphere to power
the storms (Chapter 3). Assuming that conversion rates of this energy into
kinetic energy of storms is unchanged, the sudden doubling of CO2 will lead
to a change in the distribution of storms: either the same number but with
higher winds, or less weak storms, and / or more strong storms.
Figure 5.6: Changes in (right) heat content (in J) and (left) top-of-the-
atmosphere net radiative flux (in W m−2 ) in response to a sudden doubling
of atmospheric CO2 concentrations in EPcm. The different colors in the right
panel correspond to different oceanic layers (red=upper tropics, blue=upper
high latitudes, magenta=deep tropics, cyan=deep high latitudes).
The link between TOA radiative imbalance and ocean heat storage simply
reflects conservation of energy (Chapter 1):
∆FT OA dxdy = ρo co ∆To dxdydz + ... (5.5)
in which ∆FT OA is the net radiative imbalance at the TOA and ∆To is the
change in ocean temperature caused by doubling atmospheric CO2 concen-
trations. Terms not explicitly written in this equation are the melting of the
cryosphere, and the weak storage of heat in the atmosphere and land.
If you are interested to read more about the role of ocean heat uptake in
this problem, a recent and non technical summary is provided in Whitmarsh
et al. (2015).
Predictions of the 21st century climate rely entirely on climate models and
as such can be debated and criticized at will because of the many imperfec-
tions of the models. Likewise, all attempts to “prove” climate change through
analysis of existing timeseries of surface temperature (and other relevant cli-
matic timeseries) are endlessly subject to criticisms on statistical grounds.
My personal take is that we can say something from first principles about
the timescales response to, and the magnitude of the forcing associated with
anthropogenic accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The timescales
are mesmerizing: as we’ve seen in section 5.2, the interaction between the
atmosphere and the ocean leads, at fixed atmospheric CO2 concentration, to
adjustment times of several centuries; Earth system models with interactive
CO2 suggest adjustment times of several tens of thousands of years (Archer,
2009). Thus it is not simply the climate we or our children live in which we
are affecting. Overall, we should keep alive the “back-of-the-envelope” spirit:
it shows that the current rate of accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere is
a major forcing in terms of rising sea level, melting of the cryosphere, etc
(Czaja, 2012).
5.4 References
-Archer, D., 2009: “The Long Thaw: how humans are changing the next
100,000 years of Earth’s climate”, Princeton University Press, 180pp.
-Bony et al., 2013: Robust direct effect of carbon dioxide on tropical circu-
lation and regional precipitation, Nature Geoscience, 6, 447-451.
-Imbrie and Imbrie, 1979: “Ice ages, solving the mystery”, Harvard Univer-
sity Press, 224 p.
-IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, 2013: please see Blackboard for a web link
to the various sections. If you have the stamina, this is an excellent source
of information / figures for issues related to climate change.
-Whitmarsh, et al., 2015: Ocean heat uptake and the global temperature
record, Grantham Institute briefing paper No 14.
5.5 Problems
Q1. Sea ice melting. Satellite observations suggest that the Earth has
been gaining 0.5W m−2 of energy at the top-of-the-atmosphere since the early
2000s. Estimate how long it would take to (i) melt Arctic sea ice (ii) increase
the temperature of the global ocean by 0.1K, were all this energy available
to do so. [Data: latent heat of fusion lf = 3 × 105 Jkg −1 , ice density ρi =
916kgm−3 , ice thickness hi = 2m, ocean heat capacity co = 4000Jkg −1 K −1 ,
ocean density ρo = 1025kgm−3 , average depth of the oceans ho = 3800m.]
Q2. Emission level. One way to think about the response of tropospheric
temperature to a sudden increase in CO2 concentration is illustrated in Fig.
1. Before the increase, the atmosphere effectively emits at a height ze , defined
so that the total outgoing longwave radiation by the Earth (OLR) equals
σT (ze )4 in which σ is Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
(i) Compute the emission level of the Earth, making a reasonable assump-
tion regarding surface temperature and lapse-rate.
(ii) Explain why, as the CO2 concentration is suddenly doubled, the emis-
sion level must increase.
(iii) Estimate this increase if, at equilibrium, the troposphere and the Earth’s
surface warm by 3K, assuming no change in lapse-rate.
deeq sv − sl
= (5.6)
dT vv − vl
in which s is the specific entropy, v the specific volume and the subscripts l
and v refer to liquid and gas phases, respectively.
(i) Show that this can be rewritten as
deeq lv
' (5.7)
dT T vv
stating any assumptions made.
(ii) Show that after using the ideal gas law this can be further rewritten
deeq eeq lv
' (5.8)
dT Rv T 2
in which Rv = kB /mv , mv being the mass of a water molecule.
(iii) Use this expression to prove that equilibrium vapour pressure increases
by 7 % for every degree kelvin increase in temperature. [Data: lv =
2.5 106 Jkg −1 , Rv = 461Jkg −1 K −1 ].
Q4. Using the formula in Q3 from Chapter 4, discuss whether you agree
with the following statement taken from a popular science article about the
very anomalous 2013-2014 winter weather in the Northern Hemisphere:
“The Jet Stream is driven in part by the temperature difference between cold
Arctic air and the warmer air of the middle latitudes. Because the Arctic is
warming more rapidly than the rest of the planet, that difference is shrinking.
This ought to produce a less potent Jet Stream.”
[Info: the polar warming amplification (≈ 1K) is restricted to a surface layer
extending roughly from 1000hP a to 600hP a.]
(i) Find the timescale tu beyond which one can neglect the heat capacity
of the upper ocean layer. Likewise, until which timescales td is the deep
ocean acting like a heat reservoir?
A more intuitive view is to count photons with energy E such that hc/λ ≤
E ≤ hc/λ + dE crossing the horizontal surface A per unit time. In the
direction making an angle θ with the vertical, these occupy the volume of
the parallepiped of (slanted) side cdt. This volume is simply dV = Acdt cos θ.
If nE dE denotes the number density of photons with the required energy, the
number of photons contained in this volume is dN1 :
Now, all the photons in this volume do not travel towards the surface in the
direction θ. If we were in 1D, we would simply introduce a factor 1/2 at this
stage, to represent photons travelling upward or downward. In 3D, we use the
solid angle and write that in that volume dV only a fraction χdΩ/4π travel
towards the surface along the direction θ (if the radiation were isotropic we
would have χ = 1; if the radiation were entirely coming from the direction
θ, we would have χdΩ/4π = δ(θ0 − θ) where the latter symbol reflects the
Dirac symbol). The number of photons travelling towards the surface along
the direction θ and contained within the parallepiped is thus dN2 :
dN2 = dN1 χdΩ/4π = (Acdt cos θ)nE dEχdΩ/4π (6.3)
Since these all carry approximatively the energy E = hc/λ, the amount of
radiation energy through A per unit time, per unit energy interval is obtained
by summing over all parallepipeds. Let’s call this dFE :
dFE = dN2 E/(Adt) = cEnE dEχ cos θdΩ/4π (6.4)
Using the fact that |dE| = hcdλ/λ2 , this suggests the following formula for
the intensity of radiation,
χ hc hc
Iλ = × (cnE 2 ) × (6.6)
4π λ λ
I’ve written it as the product of three terms, to reflect more clearly its mean-
ing. The first term is a geometric factor reflecting the geometry of the radia-
tion. The second is the expected “transport” term considering that photons
travel at speed c and accounting for the conversion “per unit energy interval”
to “per unit wavelength interval”. The last term is simply the energy of the
photons associated with the monochromatic radiation at wavelength λ.
8πE 2 1
nE = 3 3
× E/k T (6.7)
ch e B −1
ms = md sd + mv sv + ml sl (6.8)
in which sd , sv and sl are the specific entropies for dry air, vapour and liquid
water, respectively. These are known functions of temperature and pressure:
T Pd
sd = sd,ref + cp,d ln − Rd ln (6.9)
Tref Pref
T e
sv = sv,ref + cp,v ln − Rv ln (6.10)
Tref Pref
sl = sl,ref + cl ln (6.11)
(The constants Tref and Pref are arbitrary values where we assume we know
the entropies).
Using the fact that on the vapour - liquid phase boundary sv − sl = lv /T
where lv is the latent heat of vaporization, we have,
s = (1 − qt )sd + qv ( + sl ) + ql sl (6.12)
in which we have introduced the specific humidity qv , specific content of
liquid water ql and total specific content of water qt = qv + ql . Rearranging,
lv qv
s = (1 − qt )sd + + qt sl (6.13)
After using the formulas for sd and sl , this can be rewritten as,
T Pd lv qv
s = sref + [(1 − qt )cp,d + qt cl ] ln − (1 − qt )Rd ln + (6.14)
Tref Pref T
α = α(P, s) (6.16)
(the term involving pressure changes drops because of our assumption that
the environment and the parcel are at the same pressure). Using one of
Maxwell’s relations, this can be rewritten as,
αe − αp ≈ (se − sp ) (6.18)
∂P s
At this stage we haven’t actually used that sp = cst. Following the same
procedure used in the dry case when we considered how θ is conserved by a
parcel moving upwards or downwards, we write,
se − sp ≈ (zp − zo ) (6.19)
As a result, the parcel’s motion obeys,
d2 zp
g ∂T dse
=− (zp − zo ) (6.20)
dt αe ∂P s dz
showing that the Brunt-Vaisala frequency is,
2 g ∂T dse
N = (6.21)
αe ∂P s dz
Stepping back from all this Thermodynamic, we realize that we have
actually not explicitly introduced moisture here –the above derivation is en-
tirely general. For example, in the case of pure dry air (P = Pd ), we recover
(3.13) by using s = cp,d log θ, and (∂T /∂P )sd = αd /cp,d (since for dry air,
ds = cp,d dT /T − Rd dP/P and Pd αd = Rd T from the ideal gas law).
Acknowledging that at constant entropy, temperature always increases
with pressure ((∂T /∂P )s > 0), (6.21) provides a fairly simple rule to test
the stability of a temperature profile (for the case of either pure dry air, or
cloudy air in thermodynamic equilibrium): the profile is stable only if the
entropy increases with height.
Taking the (D/Dt)I of this equation, that is the rate of change of vector A
in the inertial frame, we have,
= iI + jI + kI (6.23)
Dt I Dt I Dt I Dt I
The r.h.s can be further expanded using the product rule, for example for
the 1st term:
DAx,R iR DiR DAx,R
= Ax,R + iR (6.25)
Dt I Dt I Dt I
= + Ax,R + Ay,R + Az,R
Dt I Dt R Dt I Dt I Dt I
For the choice of a rotating frame centred at the Earth’s core, with kR = kI
(parallel to the axis of rotation of the Earth) and (iR , j R ) rotating at the
angular velocity of the Earth Ω = 2π/1day, we obtain,
= +Ω×A (6.28)
Dt I Dt R
since (DiR /Dt)I = Ω × iR , (Dj R /Dt)I = Ω × j R and (DkR /Dt)I = 0 .
where the last term is the difference in the values between the end points.
For a closed circuit this term vanishes, leading to eq. (4.57).
to obtain,
+ (2Ω + ζ) × uR = −∇(Φ + u2R /2) − α∇P + F f ric (6.33)
The quantity 2Ω + ζ that appears in this equation requires a physical in-
terpretation. It is the sum of the vorticity of the relative flow (ζ) and the
vorticity of the solid body rotation at angular velocity Ω. We will call it from
now on the absolute vorticity,
ζ a ≡ 2Ω + ζ (6.34)
and measures the total local spin (planetary + relative) of a fluid parcel –
see the discussion in Section 1.3.2. Typically in a cyclone, the relative and
planetary vorticity add up, so the total spin can be quite large. They tend
to cancel each other in anticyclones.
To see where the 2Ω comes from, acknowledge that the velocity of the
Earth’s solid body rotation is Ω × r = Ωr cos φi, so that it is a function
of latitude and radius r = R + z. As discussed in the lecture, the gradient
(or shear) in velocity associated with the variations with latitude (φ) adds
up to the shear introduced by the variations with r to produce a planetary
vorticity vector always parallel to Ω. To be more quantitative one needs to
do the math properly. A simple derivation is to compute ∇ × (Ω × r) in a
Cartesian coordinate system centred at the Earth’s core (since the curl of a
vector must be independent of the coordinate system used to compute it, we
might as well use the simplest coordinate system –we’ll denote it by i0 , j 0 , k0 ,
the latter being parallel to Ω). Using the vector identity,
∇ × (A∇B) = ∇A × ∇B (6.39)
to produce,
D ζa ζ ∇α × ∇P ∇ × F f ric
( ) = ( a .∇)uR − + (6.40)
Dt ρ R ρ ρ ρ
or, after multiplication by ρ:
ρ (αζ a ) = (ζ a .∇)uR − ∇α × ∇P + ∇ × F f ric (6.41)
Dt R