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Geometrical Tolerancing in Practice en 10037113

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Form measuring systems from Jenoptik

Geometrical tolerancing in practice

Drawing entries

Tolerance frame
0.01 A

0.01 Datum letter

Tolerance value in mm
Symbol for the toleranced characteristic
Indicating arrow
Toleranced element

Toleranced elements
Indicating arrow to contour line or Indicating arrow as an extension
subsidiary line (offset from dimension of the dimension line:
line): if the tolerance applies for
if the tolerance refers to the line or area. the axis or median plane or a point
of the element.

Datum triangle with datum letters
on the contour line of the element as an extension of the
or on the subsidiary line: dimension line:
if the displayed datum is a line if the datum is the axis, the
or area. median plane or an appropriately
dimensioned point.

Restriction of the datum to an area A filled in or empty datum

of the element as a dot-dash line with triangle has the same meaning.


Form tolerances according to ISO 1101

The tolerance zone is Example Every envelope line
t 0.1
limited by two parallel of the toleranced
lines at a distance tt 0.1 cylinder surface
apart. Every envelope must be between
line of the toleranced two parallel lines
cylinder must be at a distance apart
between these two of 0.1.
parallel lines.

Roundness 0.1
The tolerance zone is Example The circumference
limited by two line of the
concentric circles at a 0.1 toler-anced cylinder
distance t apart. The must be within a
circumference line of circle ring of the
t the toleranced cylinder zone width 0.1 in
must be within a circle every radial section
ring of the zone width t, plane.
in every radial section t

Flatness 0,2
The tolerance zone is Example The real workpiece
limited by two parallel area must be
t planes at a distance t 0,2 between two
apart, the dimensions of parallel planes at
which correspond to a distance apart
those of the toleranced of 0.2.
area. The real workpiece
area must be between
the two parallel planes
at distance t apart.

- Cylindricity
The tolerance zone for Example The toleranced
t the cylinder envelope
cylindrical area
area limits the deviation
t 0.1 must be between
of the roundness, the two coaxial
straightness of the cylinders with a
envelope line and the radial distance
parallelism of the of 0.1.
envelope line to the
cylinder axis. It is formed
by two coaxial cylinders
with the radial distance t.

Position tolerances according to ISO 1101

The tolerance zone Example Every single
0.1 A
within which the envelope line of
0.1 A
envelope lines of the the toleranced area
toleranced cylinder must be between
must lie is limited by two parallel lines
two parallel lines at that are at a
a distance t apart distance of 0.1
which run parallel to apart, and are
the datum plane. t parallel to the
t A
center axis.

The tolerance
0.1 A zone is Example All points/circle lines
limited by two parallel of the toleranced
0.1 A
t planes at a distance t area must be
apart, which are perpen-t between two
dicular to the datum parallel planes that
axis. The toleranced are at a distance of
plane face must be 0.1 apart, and are
between these two perpendicular to the
planes. datum plane.

20° The tolerance zone is Example All points of the
limited by two
0.1 parallel
A 20° toleranced area
t planes at a distance t 0.1 A must be between
20° t
apart at the nominal 20° two parallel planes
angle to the datum axis. that are at a
distance apart of
0.1, and are angled
at 20º to the datum

The tolerance0.1
A is Example The axis of the
limited by a cylinder toleranced cylinder
0.1 A
of diameter t, the axis must be within a
t of which matches the cylinder that has a
datum axis. t diameter of 0.1
The actual axis of the and is coaxial to
toleranced element the datum axis A.
must be within the
tolerance zone.

Run-out tolerances according to ISO 1101

Radial run-out
In every radial section plane Example The circumference
perpendicular to the surface, line of every radial
the tolerance zone isAlimited section plane of
by two concentric circles at a the toleranced
distance t apart, the common cylindrical area
center point of which is on must be between
the datum axis. The radial two concentric
t run-out tolerance applies t circles at a distance
generally for a full revolution 0.1 A apart of 0.1 with
of the toleranced
0.1 A element their common
around the datum axis. center point on the
datum axis A.

Axial run-out
The tolerance0.1 zone
A is limited Example Every circle line of
t in every radial distance of two the toleranced area
0.1 A
circles at a distance t apart. must be between
The circles are in a cylinder,
A two parallel circle
the axis of which matches the A planes at a distance
datum axis. The diameter of apart of 0.1 with
the cylinder can adopt any their common
value of the diameter of the center point on
plane face. the datum axis A.

Total radial run-out

The tolerance zone is limited Example The toleranced
by two coaxial cylinders
A at a cylindrical area
distance t apart, the axes of must be between
which match the datum A
two coaxial
axis. After several rotations cylinders with a
around the datum axis and radial distance
t axial shift of the transducer apart of 0.1 with
all points of the toleranced their common axis
element 0.1
mustA be within the 0.1 A
on the datum axis
tolerance zone. A.

Total axial run-out

The tolerance0.1zone
A is limited Example The toleranced
t by two parallel planes at a area must be
distance t apart, which are 0.1 A
between two
perpendicular to the A datum parallel circle
(rotational) axis. After A planes at a
several rotations around the distance apart
datum axis and radial shift of 0.1 with their
of the transducer, all points common center
of the surface of the point on the
tolerance plane face must datum axis A.
be within the tolerance

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Tactile metrology
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Optical metrology Copyright © JENOPTIK Industrial Metrology Germany GmbH. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.

Product range
Roughness measurement
Contour measurement
Form measurement
Optical shaft measurement
Dimensional measurement
Optical surface inspection
Inspection process
Final inspection
Measuring room
System solutions
DAkkS-DKD calibration service
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Evaluation method

Evaluation method
Effect and function of different evaluation methods on the
roundness evaluation

Minimum Zone Circle
Concentric inner and outer perimeter circles
180° 0° with a minimum radial distance, and which
enclose the roundness profile.
Individual profile peaks influence the center
point considerably.
270° Gives the least possible form error.

Least Square Circle
Circle through the roundness profile with
180° 0° minimum sum of profile deviation squares.
Individual profile peaks influence the center
point only a little.
Very suitable for stable datum formation.

Maximum Inscribed Circle
Maximum circle inscribed in the roundness
180° 0°
profile for inside areas.
The method is used for form measurement
of the inside diameter.


Minimum Circumscribed Circle
Minimum circle circumscribing the
180° 0° roundness profile for outside areas.
The method is used for form measurement
of the outside diameter.


Filtering method

Filtering method
Definition according to ISO 11562 or ISO 16610-21 for roughness and
form measurement.
Filter characteristic: Gaussian amplitude
transmission function
Amplitude damping
at cut-off λc: 50 %

Number of points
per wave At least 7 points
per wave must be

Roundness Specification of cut-off in w/r (waves/revolution).

measurement: The specification is independent of the workpiece
cut-off numbers: 15, 50, 150, 500 w/r
Conversion of w/r
to wavelength: λc = D x 3.14 / number of cut-offs

measurement: Specification of cut-off in mm
cut-offs: 0.25; 0.8; 2.5; 8.0 mm

Standards of practical relevance

For measurement of roundness, straightness and flatness
ISO 1101 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) – Geometrical tole-
rancing – Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out

ISO 12180-1 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS), Cylindricity – Part 1

Vocabulary and parameters of cylindricity

ISO 12181-1 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS), Roundness –Part 1

Vocabulary and parameters of roundness

ISO 12780-1 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS), Straightness – Part 1

Vocabulary and parameters of straightness

ISO 12781-1 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS), Flatness – Part 1

Vocabulary and parameters of flatness

VDI/VDE 2631 Sheet 1 Form measurement – Basic principals of the determination of

form and positional deviations

VDI/VDE 2631 Sheet 2 Form measurement – Determination of the sensitivity of the

signal transmittal chain

VDI/VDE 2631 Sheet 3 Form measurement – Filter characteristics and selection

Filter stages

Filter stages
Filter effect of different cut-off numbers on the roundness result.
Gauss filter 50 %


No filter

180° 0°
1.49 µm
RONt (MZCI) = 1.49 µm



Filter 150 W/R

180° 0° 1.04 µm
RONt (MZCI) = 1.04 µm



Filter 50 W/R

180° 0° 0.91 µm
RONt (MZCI) = 0.91 µm



Filter 15 W/R

180° 0° 0.71 µm
RONt (MZCI) = 0.71 µm


General information

Tolerances of form, orientation, location

and run-out according to ISO 1101
Using the standardized tolerance specifications, tolerance zones are determined
within which the toleranced elements (line, area, point, axis, median plane) of
the workpiece must lie.
Form tolerance refers to the tolerance zone that limits the deviation of a form
element from its ideal geometry (straightness, flatness, roundness, cylindricity)
and is orientated exclusively to the toleranced element. Only the tolerances for
profile any line and profile any surface require theoretically exact dimension
specifications and datums.
A orientation tolerance refers to a tolerance zone with which the deviation from
the general direction (parallelism, perpendicularity, angularity) between the
toleranced element and the datum and form deviation of the toleranced element
is limited.
Location tolerance refers to the tolerance zone which limits the deviation of the
toleranced element (position, coaxiality, concentricity, symmetry) from its ideal
geometrical location, which must be defined clearly by a datum or a system of
A run-out tolerance refers to a tolerance zone which limits the form and position
deviations of envelope areas or plane faces in relation to the rotational axis.

General tolerances according to ISO 2768 part 2

For workpieces produced by cutting All dimensions in mm

Tolerance class H
Nominal > 10 > 30 > 100 > 300 > 1000
dimension range ...10 ...30 ...100 ...300 ...1000 ...3000
0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Tolerance class K
Nominal > 10 > 30 > 100 > 300 > 1000
dimension range ...10 ...30 ...100 ...300 ...1000 ...3000
0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.6 0.8 1.0

Tolerance class L
Nominal > 10 > 30 > 100 > 300 > 1000
dimension range ...10 ...30 ...100 ...300 ...1000 ...3000
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
0.6 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.6 1.0 1.5 2.0
Tolerance value corresponds to the diameter tolerance or maximum general tolerance for the radial run-out.
Tolerance value corresponds to the maximum value in comparison of the dimension tolerance of the distance
dimension with the general tolerance for the straightness or the flatness of the form elements being inspected.


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