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Prudential Insurance Analysis

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Observation Report
This paper is created to fulfill the task of Bank and Financial subject

Evi Selvi S,E., MM

Created By:

1. Abdan M Adani (1610631020002)

2. Dandy Rosadi (1610631020093)
3. Isarma Adiningtias (1610631020196)
4. Mutiara Nur (1610631020261)
5. Nadia Nuroktavia (1610631020268)
6. Pamela Octaviana (1610631020290)
7. Siti Habibah P.L (1610631020349)




Praise be to Allah who has gracefully given us the mercy, so that the author can

accomplish this paper about “Observation of Prudential Insurance” as well as possible. This

paper was prepared to meet one of task of Bank and Financial that the purposes are to delve

deeper and knowing about Bank and Financial.

We’ve tried to present this paper with many sources that we get from learning activities

during the lectures take place also reference of books and friends, other than that we looking for

material from the print media and information technology. We realized in the preparation of this

paper, there are many shortcomings, we hope that readers can provide criticism and suggestions

for developing, so that in the later preparation of the paper, we can do better.

And finally, the authors express gratitude to Lecturer who give guidance is also friends

who have given spirit. Hopefully this paper can provide greater insight into the reader.

Karawang, Oct, 13th, 2017



Table Of Contents ....................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 3

1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 3

1.2 Problem Formulation ............................................................................... 4

1.3 Purpose..................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II : DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 5

2.1 The Definition of Insurance....................................................................... 5

2.2 The History of Prudential.......................................................................... 6

2.3 Structure Organization............................................................................... 7

2.4 Prudential Insurance Products................................................................... 8

2.5 Prudential PAM Karawang Location.........................................................11

2.6 Documentation...........................................................................................11

2.7 Division of Tasks.......................................................................................11


1.1 Background

In this time, insurance companies in Indonesia are experiencing competition, we can find

insurance companies in some areas in Indonesia. Both from insurance companies that have been

go international or national. We see the needs of the people of Indonesia who want health

insurance, accident insurance, old age guarantees and so forth. The various ways or strategies

used by insurance companies to get a lot of customers one of which is marketing communication.

With marketing communications facilitate the company in it’s sales activities and inform the

newest product.

One insurance company in Indonesia that uses marketing communications is PT Prudential

Life Assurance based in Jakarta. Prudential Indonesia has been a market leader in the promotion

of unit-linked life insurance products since its launch in 1999, until December 31, 2014

Prudential Indonesia has 6 marketing offices in Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar,

Medan, and Batam as well as 380 Independent Commercial Offices (KPM) throughout

Indonesia, until the end of 2014 Prudential Indonesia serves more than 2.4 million customers

supported by nearly 237,000 licensed marketers (PT Prudential Life Assurance, 2015).
1.2 The formulation of the problem from the background is as follows :

1) How is history of Prudential PAM Karawang?

2) What is the structure organization and the job description of Prudential Karawang?
3) What are the products of Prudential PAM Karawang?
4) Where is the location of Prudential PAM Karawang?

1.3 The Purposes of making this paper is:

1) To know the definiton of insurance;

2) To know the history of Prudential PAM Karawang;

3) To know the structure organization and the job description of Prudential PAM Karawang;
4) To know the products of Prudential PAM Karawang;
5) To know where is the location of Prudential PAM Karawang.

2.1 Definition of Insurance

Insurance is protecting the economic value of someone. Life insurance provides a

monetary benefit to a decedent's family or other designated beneficiary, and may specifically

provide for income to an insured person's family, burial, funeral and other final expenses. Life

insurance policies often allow the option of having the proceeds paid to the beneficiary either in

a lump sum cash payment or an annuity. In most states, a person cannot purchase a policy on

another person without their knowledge.

2.2 History of Prudential

Prudential Corporation Asia

Prudential has life insurance operations in 12 Asian countries, namely in China,

Philippines, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand

and Vietnam. Prudential also has fund management operations in 10 Asian countries: China,

Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore Taiwan, United Arab Emirates and

Vietnam, with managed funds of £ 52 billion (data December 31, 2010).

Prudential in Karawang

Prudential Karawang established in 2009, at that time Prudential Karawang still rent the

building in front of STIKES Bayukarta and under the auspices of PAM Agency (Profitama Aset

Mandiri). Prudential Karawang was founded by Hj. R. Uminingsih with initial recruitment from

one to two people. Then in 2014, Prudential Karawang bought a building in Galuh Mas Shop.
Until now, Prudential Karawang has 35 people with position as leader and active agent

numbering thousands.

2.3 Structure Organization


Finance AAD

Committe : Mr. Andi Ismail Hatta

Finance : Mrs. Leni Ekawaty
Working Group Working Group Working Group
Team Administration : Member
l II
Working Group I (Recruitment) : Mr. Iwan Novisya Walman
Working Group II (Trainer) : Mrs. Ii Sugiarti Budiman
Working Group III (Event) : Mrs. Loura Dewi Lousi

Financial Financial Financial Financial Financial Financial

Adviser Adviser Adviser Adviser Adviser Adviser
2.4 Prudential Insurance Products

Prudential's insurance products cover the needs of each life-appropriate clientele, from

working age, when stepping on marriage, having children, children's education and retirement


Prudential Insurance has several insurance products that can be selected by customers, as


1) ProtectionProtection products from Prudential Insurance include:

 PRUuniversal Life
This Prudential insurance product includes life insurance coverage with a low

investment risk profile and is designed for you at all stages of life.
 PRUlife Cover
Life insurance products from Prudential Insurance that provides protection in case

of death before the protection period of PRUlife Cover runs out.

 PRUprotector Plan
Life insurance products from Prudential are long term. It is a combination of

protection and investment that guarantees you and your family everything possible.
 PRUaccident Plus
This insurance product is accident insurance for protection from total disability

and accidental death.

 PRUhospital Care
This Prudential insurance product guarantees you in case of hospitalization or

treatment in emergency room and surgery.

2) Investment-Related InsurancePrudential insurance related products include:

 PRUlink assurance account
Prudential insurance product is one of the unique investment because there is

flexibility for you who want to use one or six kinds of product of Prudential Insurance

or also its combination. You can also make changes to protection, investment and

payment whenever we need it.

 PRUlink shariah assurance account
Is a Prudential insurance product in the form of sharia investment. Similar to

PRUlink assurance account, you have the flexibility to make changes to protection,

investments and payments to suit our needs.

 PRUlink investor account
Prudential's unit linked insurance products are focused on investments to optimize

your financial and family needs in the present and future.

 PRUlink shariah investor account
Prudential's unit linked insurance product is an investment-related insurance

product that complies with Sharia principles. You also have the flexibility to make

additional investments and options.

 PRUlink fixed pay
It is the most recent unit-linked product of Prudential Insurance offering

flexibility to meet the needs of your life at every stage of life. In addition, there are

death benefits guaranteed by the insurer.

3) Additional Insurance Products

Additional insurance products from Prudential Insurance there are many, so you

can choose one or a combination of some insurance that suits your needs. You are curious

with the details of these products can visit the official website of Prudential Insurance at


2.5 Prudential PAM Karawang Location

The official Prudential Agency in karawang has two, one of which is located in Ruko

Green Village Block QG No. 26-27, Sukaluyu, Telukjamber Timur, Kabupaten Karawang, West

Java 41361.

2.6 Documentation

2.7 Division of Tasks

Abdan M Adani : Documenter

Dandy Rosadi : Presenter

Isarma Adiningtias, Mutiara Nur, and Nadia Nuroktavia : Make Proposal

Siti Habibah and Pamela Octavia : Interviewer

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