UM Tagum College provides a practice teaching manual for student teachers. The manual is submitted to Dr. Mona Lisa O. Chagas by Roldan A. Saren of UM Tagum College located on Arellano St. in Tagum City. The document contains guidelines and instructions for student teachers participating in practice teaching at the college.
UM Tagum College provides a practice teaching manual for student teachers. The manual is submitted to Dr. Mona Lisa O. Chagas by Roldan A. Saren of UM Tagum College located on Arellano St. in Tagum City. The document contains guidelines and instructions for student teachers participating in practice teaching at the college.
UM Tagum College provides a practice teaching manual for student teachers. The manual is submitted to Dr. Mona Lisa O. Chagas by Roldan A. Saren of UM Tagum College located on Arellano St. in Tagum City. The document contains guidelines and instructions for student teachers participating in practice teaching at the college.
UM Tagum College provides a practice teaching manual for student teachers. The manual is submitted to Dr. Mona Lisa O. Chagas by Roldan A. Saren of UM Tagum College located on Arellano St. in Tagum City. The document contains guidelines and instructions for student teachers participating in practice teaching at the college.