Investigation Form Fiscal
Investigation Form Fiscal
Investigation Form Fiscal
To be accomplished by Office:
COMPLAINANT/s: Name, Sex, Age & Address RESPONDENT/s: Name, Sex, Age, & Address
ANARIZA ALVARO, Female, 36 years old, Brgy. MALOU P. JARENCIO, Female, of legal age, Brgy.
Ilaya, Ivisan, Capiz Ilaya, Ivisan, Capiz;
1. Has a similar complaint been filed before any other office? * YES ___ NO √
2. Is this complaint in the nature of a counter-charge? * YES ___ NO√ If yes, indicate details below:
3. Is this complaint related to another case before this office? * YES ___ NO √ If yes, indicate details below:
I.S. / NPS Docket No.: _______________________
Handing Prosecutor: ________________________
C E R T I F I C A T I O N*
I CERTIFY, under oath, all the information on this sheet are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief, that I have not commenced any action or filed any claim involving the same issues in
any court, tribunal, or quasijudicial agency, and that if I should thereafter learn that a similar action has been
filed and/or is pending, I shall report that fact to this Honorable Office within five (5) days from knowledge
(Signature over printed name)
SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ____________ day of ___________________ ,20 _______ ,
In ___________________________________________.
Administering Prosecutor / Office