This Linux Certification Training: The Command Used: PR - l60 Draft
This Linux Certification Training: The Command Used: PR - l60 Draft
This Linux Certification Training: The Command Used: PR - l60 Draft
LILO is Linux Loader is a boot loader for Linux. It is used to load Linux into the memory and start the
Operating system. LILO can be configured to boot other operating systems as well. LILO is
customizable, which means that if the default configuration is not correct, it can be changed. Config file
for LILO is lilo.conf.
LILO is also a code snippet which loads PC BIOS into the main memory at the time of starting the
computer system. It handles the following tasks :
1. Locating Linux kernel.
2. Identifying other supporting programs and loading them in the memory.
3. Starting Kernel.
The selection of various kernel images and boot routines is supported by LILO. For this reason, it is
known as boot manager.
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5. Name a service that you should disable (which acts both as Web and FTP Server) on a Linux Server.
The finger service should be disabled because a remote user can get important information about the system by
using that command.
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6. What does Sar provide? Where are Sar logs stored?
Sar collects, reports, or saves system activity information, sar serves to log and evaluate a variety of information
regarding system activity. With performance problems, sar also permits retroactive analysis of the load values
for various sub-systems (CPUs, memory, disks, interrupts, network interfaces and so forth) and limitation of
problems in this manner. If CPU utilization is near 100 % (user + nice + system), the workload sampled is
By default, log files of Sar command is located at /var/log/sa/sadd file, where dd parameter indicates the current
7. How to check Memory stats and CPU stats as a Linux admin?
Using ‘free’ & ‘vmstat’ command, we can display the physical and virtual memory statistics, respectively. With
the help of ‘sar’ command, we can see the CPU utilization & other stats.
Go through the Linux video to get clear understanding of concepts.
8. How to reduce or shrink the size of LVM partition?
Below are the logical steps to reduce size of LVM partition :
The above Command will shrink the size LVM partition and fixes the filesystem size to 10GB.Most in-depth,
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9. What are the different modes of Network bonding in Linux?
Below are list of modes used in Network Bonding :
Now that you are aware of network bonding in Linux, Check Linux online training.
10. How to check and verify the status of the bond interface?
Using the command ‘cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0,’ we can check what mode is enabled and what LAN cards
are used in this bond. In this example, we have one one bond interface. However, we can have multiple bond
interfaces like bond1, bond2 and so on.
11. How can you enhance the security of password file?
Linux keep user account information in a text file called /etc/passwd. This file also stores one way encrypted
password. It is accessed by several tools to get user information, which is a security risk, so file need to ‘Word
Readable.’ To minimize the security risk, you can use shadow password format. This method saves account
information in regular file /etc/passwd.
However, the password is stored as a single “x” character (not actually stored in this file). A second file, called
“/etc/shadow” contains encrypted password as well as other information such as account or password expiration
values, etc. The /etc/shadow file is readable only by the root account and is therefore less of a security risk
12. What command can you use to make a tape archive file of a /home directory and send it to the
/dev/tape device?
The correct command is tar -cvf /dev/tape /home.
The -xvf option is used to extract files from an archive.Expert Linux Professionals are in much demand.
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13. Suppose your FTP Server is hacked and the entire server needs to be restored. How should you
restore the original kernel system files?
You cannot restore the entire operating system from tape backup device. So you should reinstall the core
operating system, and then restore system configuration files and user data from tape backup device.
14. Why should you avoid Telnet to administer a Linux system remotely?
Telnet uses most insecure method for communication. It sends data across the network in plain text format and
anybody can easily find out the password using the network tool. In the case of Telnet, these include the passing
of login credentials in plain text, which means anyone running a sniffer on your network can find the
information he needs to take control of a device in a few seconds by eavesdropping on a Telnet login session.
15. What is Puppet Server?
Puppet is an open-source & enterprise software for configuration management toll in UNIX like operating
system. Puppet is an IT automation software that is used to push configuration to its clients (puppet agents)
using code. Puppet code can do multiple tasks from installing new software to checking file permissions to
updating user accounts.
17. What command is used to check the number of files, disk space and each user’s defined quota?
repquota command is used to check the status of the user’s quota along with the disk space and number of files
This command gives a summary of the user’s quota that how much space and files are left for the user. Each
user has a defined quota in Linux. This is done mainly for the security as some users have only limited access to
files. This provides a security to the files from unwanted access. The quota can be given to a single user or to a
group of users.
18. What is the name and path of the main system log?
By default, the main system log is ‘/var/log/messages’. This file contains all the messages and the script written
by the user. By default, all scripts are saved in this file. This is the standard system log file, which contains
messages from all system software, non-kernel boot issues, and messages that go to ‘dmesg’. dmesg is a system
file that is written upon system boot.
19. Can Linux computer be made a router so that several machines may share a single Internet
connection? How?
Yes, a Linux machine can be made a router. This is called “IP Masquerade.” IP Masquerade is a networking
function in Linux similar to the one-to-many (1: Many) NAT (Network Address Translation) servers found in
many commercial firewalls and network routers.
The IP Masquerade feature allows other “internal” computers connected to this Linux box (via PPP, Ethernet,
etc.) to also reach the Internet as well. Linux IP Masquerading allows this functionality even if the internal
computers do not have IP addresses.
The IP masquerading can be done by the following steps :
The Linux PC must have an internet connection and a connection to LAN. Typically, the Linux PC has
two network interfaces-an Ethernet card for the LAN and a dial-up PPP connection to the Internet
(through an ISP).
All other systems on your LAN use the Linux PC as the default gateway for TCP/IP networking. Use
the same ISP-provided DNS addresses on all systems.
Enable IP forwarding in the kernel. By default the IP forwarding is not enabled. To ensure that IP
forwarding is enabled when you reboot your system, place this command in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
Run /sbin/iptables-the IP packet filter administration program-to set up the rules that enable the Linux
PC to masquerade for your LAN.
KDE = startkde
Gnome = gnome-session.
Blackbox = blackbox.
FVWM = fvwm
Window Maker = wmaker.
IceWM = icewm
25. Is there any relation between modprobe.conf file and network devices?
Yes, this file assigns a kernel module to each network device.
For Example :-
The ext3 file system is an enhanced version of the ext2 file system.
The most important difference between Ext2 and Ext3 is that Ext3 supports journaling.
After an unexpected power failure or system crash (also called an unclean system shutdown), each
mounted ext2 file system on the machine must be checked for consistency by the e2fsck program. This
is a time-consuming process and during this time, any data on the volumes is unreachable.
The journaling provided by the ext3 file system means that this sort of file system check is no longer
necessary after an unclean system shutdown. The only time a consistency check occurs using ext3 is in
certain rare hardware failure cases, such as hard drive failures. The time to recover an ext3 file system
after an unclean system shutdown does not depend on the size of the file system or the number of files.
Rather, it depends on the size of the journal used to maintain consistency. The default journal size takes
almost a second to recover, depending on the speed of the hardware.