3GPP TS 23.031
3GPP TS 23.031
3GPP TS 23.031
The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organisational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organisational Partners' Publications Offices.
Release 11 2 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
3GPP, GSM, Security, Stage 1
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© 2012, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC).
All rights reserved.
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Release 11 3 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................5
2 Normative references..............................................................................................................................5
3 Definitions and abbreviations.................................................................................................................5
3.1 Definitions.................................................................................................................................................................5
3.2 Abbreviations............................................................................................................................................................6
4 FIGS Monitoring Levels.........................................................................................................................6
5 FIGS Level 1: Accelerated TAP Records................................................................................................7
5.1 Method of FIGS Setting............................................................................................................................................7
5.2 Information Flows.....................................................................................................................................................7
6 FIGS and CAMEL Architecture for FIGS Levels 2 and 3......................................................................7
7 FIGS Levels 2 and 3...............................................................................................................................9
7.1 Method of FIGS Setting............................................................................................................................................9
7.2 Information Flows.....................................................................................................................................................9
7.2.1 Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated Calls......................................................................................................9 Start Time...........................................................................................................................................................9 Call Records.................................................................................................................................................10 End Time..........................................................................................................................................................10
7.2.2 Forwarded Call........................................................................................................................................................11 Start Time.........................................................................................................................................................11 Call Records.................................................................................................................................................11 End Time..........................................................................................................................................................11
7.2.3 Supplementary Service Invocation..........................................................................................................................11
Release 11 4 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
Release 11 5 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
1 Scope
This Technical Specification specifies the stage 2 description of the Fraud Information Gathering System (FIGS) feature
which provides the means for the HPLMN to monitor the activities of its subscribers in a VPLMN.
Level 1 will use the facilities provided by Transferred Account Procedure (TAP).
Levels 2 and 3 will use facilities provided by Customised Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL),
in particular, the information flows between the GSM Service Switching Function (gsmSSF) and GSM Service Control
Function (gsmSCF). Phase 1 and Phase 2 CAMEL facilities will be used.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[1] GSM 01.04: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Abbreviations and
[2] 3GPP TS 42.031: “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Fraud Information
Gathering System (FIGS) - Stage 1".
[3] GSM 03.78: “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Customised Application for
Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL Phase 1)” - stage 2; version 5.x.y". (GSM Release 96)
[4] GSM 03.78: “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Customised Application for
Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL Phase 2) - stage 2; version 6.x.y". (GSM Release 97)
NOTE: [3] specifies CAMEL Phase 1 functionality, [4] specifies CAMEL Phase 2 functionality.
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this specification the following definitions apply:
C subscriber: The subscriber to whom the B subscriber has requested that calls be forwarded. The C subscriber may be
fixed or mobile.
Release 11 6 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
GSM Service Control Function (gsmSCF): A functional entity that contains the CAMEL service logic to implement
OSS. It interfaces with the gsmSSF and the HLR.
GSM Service Switching Function (gsmSSF): A functional entity that interfaces the MSC/GMSC to the gsmSCF. The
concept of the gsmSSF is derived from the IN gsmSSF, but uses different triggering mechanisms because of the nature
of the mobile network.
Originating CAMEL Subscription Information (O-CSI): The O-CSI identifies the subscriber as having originating
CAMEL services.
Supplementary Service Notification CAMEL Subscription Information (SS-CSI): The SS-CSI identifies the
subscriber as having supplementary service invocation notification CAMEL services.
Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information (T-CSI): The T-CSI identifies the subscriber as having terminating
CAMEL services.
3.2 Abbreviations
Abbreviations used in this specification are listed in GSM 01.04.
Level 1 an accelerated TAP procedure associated with a mechanism such as Hot Billing is implemented in the
MSC of the VPLMN.
Level 2 CAMEL is used to gather information, but only at the beginning and the end of the call.
Level 3 CAMEL provides full information on subscriber activities, as defined in 3GPP TS 42.031, i.e. call start
and end times, and partial call records. Notification of the invocation of Explicit Call Transfer, Call
Deflection, Call Forwarding, Call Hold and Multi Party Service is also given.
Release 11 7 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
If the HPLMN wishes to begin monitoring of a subscriber using FIGS Level 1 when the subscriber is already registered
in the VPLMN, it resets the subscriber data in the VPLMN using command Insert Subscriber Data.
FIGS Level 2:
call start and end times (both MO, MT and forwarded calls). (At CAMEL Phase 1 the gsmSSF will not put a
timestamp on messages. The arrival times of messages at the gsmSCF will be used for call start and end times.)
FIGS Level 3:
partial call information (accumulated duration of call still in progress) (CAMEL Phase only);
notification of the invocation of ECT, CD and MPTY, CF and call hold (CAMEL Phase 2 only).
Further phases of CAMEL will provide the functionality to check the IMEI of the ME used by a CAMEL subscriber.
Other information required by 3GPP TS 42.031, annex A, that is not provided by CAMEL Phase 1 and CAMEL
Phase 2, may also be provided by further phases of CAMEL.
The architecture of the services provided by FIGS Levels 2 and 3 is given in the diagrams below. Thick lines indicate
possible CAMEL monitoring/control relationships.
Release 11 8 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
MO side
FIGS commands
FIGS data
Outgoing MO leg
MT side
FIGS commands
FIGS d ata
Incoming l eg
Roaming leg
Forwarding l eg VMSC
Late Forwarding leg
Release 11 9 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
Early call forwarding can be performed if the subscriber has set Unconditional Call Forward or the HLR has
determined, before the call is extended to VPLMN B, that the B subscriber is not reachable. In all other cases the call
must be extended to the VMSC.
The information flows required by FIGS levels 2 and 3 can be provided by the information flows on the CAP interfaces
between the gsmSCF and the gsmSSF in the interrogating and visiting networks.
The interface between the gsmSCF and the Fraud Detection System (FDS) is non-standard.
If the HPLMN wishes to begin monitoring of a subscriber using FIGS Level 2 or 3 when the subscriber is already
registered in the VPLMN, it resets the subscriber data in the VPLMN using command Insert Subscriber Data.
Each item of call data required by FIGS will be considered in turn and the information flows within CAMEL which
provide this data given.
Text applies to the implementation of FIGS functionality using both Phases 1 and 2, unless otherwise stated.
MO and MT calls will be treated together. If a message or DP is named as O/T_Answer, for instance, this means that if
the call is MO, the relevant DP is O_answer, and that if the call is MT, the relevant DP is T_answer.
Diagrams showing the information flows for FIGS levels 2 and 3 are given in Annex A.
CAMEL Phase 1
The call, however, has not been connected at the time of the InitialDP message. The gsmSCF must therefore arm DP
O/T_answer, so that the gsmSSF will inform the gsmSCF when the called party answers/connects. The gsmSCF arms
the DP with message Request_Report_BCSM_Event sent to the gsmSSF.
If the called party answers, the gsmSSF sends Event_Report_BCSM (Notify and Continue) to gsmSCF. This message
provides notification to the FDS that the attempted call has begun. The gsmSCF must then arm DP O/T_Disconnect, so
that the gsmSSF will notify the gsmSCF when the call ends.
If the called party does not answer, the gsmSSF terminates the relationship for the call with the gsmSCF. It does this
using message “ABORT”. This message provides notification to the FDS that the call attempted did not connect.
Release 11 10 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
CAMEL Phase 2
The call, however, has not been connected at the time of the InitialDP message. The gsmSCF must therefore arm DP
O/T_Answer, so that the gsmSSF will inform the gsmSCF when the called party answers/connects. The following DP’s
(with trigger events given) must also be armed so that the gsmSCF will be informed if the trigger event occurs:
O/T_Abandon (calling party abandons the call before the called party has answered)
For the purposes of FIGS, these DP’s need only be armed for notification (N).
The gsmSCF arms all these DPs with a single message Request_Report_BCSM_Event, sent to the gsmSSF.
If the trigger event for any of O_Route_Select_Failure, O/T_Busy, O/T_No_Answer, O/T_Not_Reachable occurs then
the gsmSCF is informed by the gsmSSF of the failure of the call attempt with Event_Report_BCSM, enclosing the
relevant cause.
If the called party answers, the gsmSSF sends message Event_Report_BCSM to the gsmSCF. This message provides
notification to the FDS of the start of a call by a FIGS monitored subscriber. The gsmSCF must then arm DP
O/T_Disconnect, so that the gsmSSF will notify the gsmSCF when the call ends.
Using the “Apply Charging” process within CAMEL Phase 2, the gsmSCF can control the duration of a call. The
gsmSCF authorises the gsmSSF to allow the call to proceed continue for a certain time. At the conclusion of this time
period, the gsmSSF seeks further instructions from the gsmSCF. The gsmSCF can, at this point, authorise the call to
continue for another time period (which may be different to the first) or may instruct the gsmSSF to terminate the call.
With regard to FIGS, this functionality can be used to generate partial call records for the gsmSCF, as follows:
After the gsmSCF has received the InitialDP message from the gsmSSF, the gsmSCF sends message Apply_Charging
to the gsmSSF, containing parameter “Tcs”, the “call segment” duration. The gsmSSF will then send message
Apply_Charging_Report to the gsmSCF after Tcs seconds. This message c
ontains the duration of the call since the start of charging The gsmSCF may then instruct the gsmSSF to allow the call
to continue for another Tcs seconds and this sequence of events continues until the call is released. When the call is
released, Apply_Charging_Report is sent to the gsmSCF.
The gsmSCF can therefore define how often it is to receive partial call records on a per subscriber, per call basis, and
can change how often the partial call records are received during a call
Release 11 11 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
The CAMEL process for the terminating leg will follow subclause 7.1 as an MT call and the CAMEL process for the
“originating” (forwarded) leg will follow subclause 7.1 as an MO call.
"At the invocation of any of the services ECT, CD and MPTY the MSC/VLR checks whether the criteria for sending a
notification is fulfilled, i.e. whether the subscriber is provisioned with the SS-CSI and the particular invoked
supplementary service is marked in the SS-CSI. If this is the case a notification is sent to the gsmSCF given by the
gsmSCF address contained in the SS-CSI. The processing of the particular SS invocation is not suspended. If the
notification criteria is not fulfilled the processing of the particular supplementary service continues unchanged and no
notification is sent.
The sending of the notification is independent of call related CAMEL processing, i.e. processing indicated by O/T-CSI."
Release 11 12 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
Annex A (informative):
FIGS Data provided by CAMEL Messages
GSM 02.33 lists the information that should be present in FIGS Data messages. Tables A.1 to A.3 show the information
required by GSM 02.33 for call start and end and partial call records, and the CAMEL messages, if any, that provide
this information. Note that partial call records are only available with FIGS Level 3.
The CAMEL message given for a particular call event, e.g. call end, will not necessarily arrive at that event. The FDS
must have the ability to build up a full picture of a call as various CAMEL messages are received.
Information MO MT CF
Dialled digits InitialDP (IDP), Called IDP, Called Party Number IDP, Called Party
Party BCD Number Number
A party number IDP, Calling Party Number IDP, Calling Party Number, IDP, Calling Party
if available Number, if available
B party number IDP, Called Party BCD IDP, Called Party Number IDP, Called Party
Number Number
Modified B party gsmSCF gsmSCF gsmSCF
C party number n/a n/a Called Party Number
Modified C party gsmSCF gsmSCF gsmSCF
CGI (of A party) IDP, Location Number location number in ISUP location number in ISUP
signalling, if available signalling, if available
IMSI IDP, IMSI (of A party) IDP, IMSI (of B party) IDP, IMSI (of B party)
IMEI (of A party) Not available Not available Not available
Call Start Time/Date Phase 1: arrival time of Phase 1: arrival time of Phase 1: arrival time of
Event_Report_BCSM Event_Report_BCSM Event_Report_BCSM
Phase 2: Timestamp on Phase 2: Timestamp on Phase 2: Timestamp on
Event_Report_BCSM Event_Report_BCSM Event_Report_BCSM
Call Reference IDP, Call IDP, Call IDP, Call
Reference_Number Reference_Number Reference_Number
MO/MT indicator IDP, Event Type BCSM IDP, Event Type BCSM IDP, Event Type BCSM
Visited MSC address IDP, MSC Address IDP, MSC Address IDP, MSC Address
Type of service IDP, Basic Service Code, if IDP, Basic Service Code, if IDP, Basic Service Code,
available available if available
Dialed digits: This always gives (for MO calls) the number originally entered by the party making the call, including
any non-numeric characters.
Modified B/C party number: As the number is modified by the gsmSCF itself, it is assumed that the FDS will have
direct access to this field and need not scan outgoing messages from the gsmSCF to obtain the field. If, however, the
FDS must scan outgoing messages, the field is given in field Destination Routing Address in message Connect.
Cell Global Identifier (CGI): refers to the cell used by the MS at the start of the call.
Release 11 13 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
Information MO MT CF
A party number IDP, Calling Party Number IDP, Calling Party Number, IDP, Calling Party
if available Number, if available
B party number IDP, Called Party BCD IDP, Called Party Number IDP, Called Party
Number Number
Modified B party gsmSCF gsmSCF gsmSCF
CGI IDP, Location Number location number in ISUP location number in ISUP
signalling, if available signalling, if available
IMSI IDP, IMSI (of A party) IDP, IMSI (of B party) IDP, IMSI (of B party)
IMEI Not available Not available Not available
Call Duration/end Phase 1: Arrival time, Phase Phase 1: Arrival time, Phase Phase 1: Arrival time,
2: Timestamp, of 2: Timestamp, of Phase 2: Timestamp, of
Event_Report_BCSM (with Event_Report_BCSM (with Event_Report_BCSM
Event_Type_BCSM = Event_Type_BCSM = (with Event_Type_BCSM
O/T_Disconnect) O/T_Disconnect) = O/T_Disconnect)
Call Reference IDP, Call IDP, Call IDP, Call
Reference_Number Reference_Number Reference_Number
MO/MT indicator IDP, Event Type BCSM IDP, Event Type BCSM IDP, Event Type BCSM
CGI. If available, the CGI of the cell used by the MS at the end of the call is used. If this is not available, the CGI of
the cell used at the start of the call is given.
Release 11 14 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
Information MO MT CF
Dialled digits InitialDP (IDP), Called IDP, Called Party Number IDP, Called Party
Party BCD Number Number
A party number IDP, Calling Party Number IDP, Calling Party Number, IDP, Calling Party
if available Number, if available
B party number IDP, Called Party BCD IDP, Called Party Number IDP, Called Party
Number Number
Modified B party gsmSCF gsmSCF gsmSCF
C party number n/a n/a Called Party Number
Modified C party gsmSCF gsmSCF gsmSCF
CGI IDP, Location Number location number in ISUP location number in ISUP
signalling, if available signalling, if available
IMSI IDP, IMSI (of A party) IDP, IMSI (of B party) IDP, IMSI (of B party)
IMEI Not available Not available Not available
Call Start Time/Date Phase 1: arrival time of Phase 1: arrival time of Phase 1: arrival time of
Event_Report_BCSM Event_Report_BCSM Event_Report_BCSM
Phase 2: Timestamp on Phase 2: Timestamp on Phase 2: Timestamp on
Event_Report_BCSM Event_Report_BCSM Event_Report_BCSM
Call Duration Apply_Charging_Report, Apply_Charging_Report, Apply_Charging_Report,
Time Since Start of Time Since Start of Time Since Start of
Charging Charging Charging
Call Reference IDP, Call IDP, Call IDP, Call
Reference_Number Reference_Number Reference_Number
MO/MT indicator IDP, Event Type BCSM IDP, Event Type BCSM IDP, Event Type BCSM
Visited MSC address IDP, MSC Address IDP, MSC Address IDP, MSC Address
Type of service IDP, Basic Service Code, if IDP, Basic Service Code, if IDP, Basic Service Code,
available available if available
The CAMEL message for SS invocation notification have not yet been defined so the call information for SS invocation
notification can only be specified in general terms.
The notification of supplementary service (SS) invocation will be the same as table A.3, except that information field
“Type of Service” will be “Type of SS”, and “Call Duration” will be “Time of SS invocation”. “Type of SS” will be
given in the invocation notification sent from the gsmSSF to the gsmSCF. “Time of SS invocation” will be the
timestamp in the invocation notification or its time of arrival at the gsmSCF.
Release 11 15 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
Annex B (informative):
Information Flow for FIGS Levels 2 and 3
VPLMN Messages HPLMN Comments
Event Report BCSM To notify the SCP that the call has ended
EDP-N ------------------------------------->
Figure B.1: Message flow for a subscriber monitored using FIGS Level 2
Release 11 16 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
Event Report BCSM To notify the SCP that the call has been
EDP-N -------------------------------------> answered by the remote party
: End of the call :
Apply Charging Report To provide the SCP with the elapsed time
EDP-N -------------------------------------> since the start of charging
Event Report BCSM To notify the SCP that the call has ended
EDP-R ------------------------------------->
Continue / Release
<------------------------------------- Release is sent to stop the call at the end
Figure B.2: Message flow for a subscriber monitored using FIGS Level 3
Release 11 17 3GPP TS 23.031 V11.0.0 (2012-09)
Annex C (informative):
Change history
Change history GSM 03.31
Date TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev Subject/Comment Old New
No Phase 1 version
03-1998 SMG#25 (cleaned up by SMG-PN) To SMG#25 for information 1.0.0
06-1998 SMG#26 To SMG#26 for approval 2.0.0
06-1998 SMG#26 TS approved by SMG#26 2.0.0 7.0.0
04-2000 Release 1999 version 7.0.0 8.0.0
Change history 3GPP TS 43.031
Date TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev Subject/Comment Old New
03-2001 SA#11 Upgrade to Release 4 (3GPP numbering) 03.31 43.031
V8.0.0 V4.0.0
06-2002 SA#16 Upgrade to Release 5 4.0.0 5.0.0
Change history 3GPP TS 23.031
Date TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev Subject/Comment Old New
12-2002 SA#18 Agreed to convert to 3GPP/GSM joint numbering scheme. 43.031 23.031
43.031 WITHDRAWN. v5.0.0 v5.0.0
Technically equivalent to 43.031 version 5.0.0
12-2004 SA#26 Upgrade to Release 6 5.0.0 6.0.0
06-2007 SA#36 Upgrade to Release 7 6.0.0 7.0.0
12-2008 SA#42 Upgrade to Release 8 7.0.0 8.0.0
12-2009 SA#46 Upgrade to Release 9 8.0.0 9.0.0
2011-03 - - - - Update to Rel-10 version (MCC) 9.0.0 10.0.0
2012-09 - - - - Update to Rel-11 version (MCC) 10.0.0 11.0.0