Kaza To Pedavadlapudi Nregs
Kaza To Pedavadlapudi Nregs
Kaza To Pedavadlapudi Nregs
ID-4537 Leverling
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ATMAKURU 10.20 30.50 11.60 10.20 10.50 30.50
BETHAUDI 13.20 34.30 15.20 13.20 11.70 34.30
CHINAKAKANI 13.20 32.50 14.50 13.20 12.20 32.50
CHINAVADLAPUDI 12.70 35.50 14.00 12.70 17.30 35.50
KAZA 16.00 29.50 18.40 16.00 15.80 29.50
KRISHNAYAPALEM 8.50 30.20 15.50 8.50 6.50 30.20
KURAGALLU 17.80 37.60 19.60 17.80 16.20 37.60
NEERUKONDA 20.70 40.60 22.60 20.70 19.00 40.60
NOWLURU 13.40 34.70 15.40 13.40 9.20 34.70
NIDAMARRU 15.80 35.60 17.60 15.80 14.20 35.60
NUTAKKI 5.50 37.60 8.40 5.50 20.80 37.60
PEDAVADLAPUDI 10.20 33.90 15.50 10.20 14.20 33.90
RAMACHANDRAPURAM 2.50 35.60 12.10 2.50 12.60 35.60
YERRAPALEM 9.50 33.10 11.50 9.50 10.50 33.10
8 1
15.80 KAZA
Name of the Work : Metalling the road from Khaja to Pedavadlapudi in Mangalagiri(M)
Estt.Rs. 2033039.00
Sl. Discription of Item Name of Quarry Lead in KM Loading Add Add Initial Charges Deduct Deduct Total
No Charges Unloading Conveyance Seigniorage Stacking
Chrges Charges Charges Charges
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 9.5 to 4.75mm Ippatam 17.30 62.75 22.41 158.29 540.00 20.00 0.00 763.45
2 Gravel Ippatam 14.20 62.75 22.41 134.14 65.00 20.00 0.00 264.30
3 63-45mm HBG Ibrahimpatnam 33.90 71.91 35.96 281.73 590.00 45.00 0.00 934.60
4 40mm HBG Ibrahimpatnam 33.90 71.91 35.96 281.73 740.00 45.00 0.00 1084.60
5 20mm HBG Ibrahimpatnam 33.90 71.91 35.96 281.73 1170.00 45.00 0.00 1514.60
6 12mm HBG Ibrahimpatnam 33.90 71.91 35.96 281.73 975.00 45.00 0.00 1319.60
7 Sand for Mortar Krishna River 10.20 62.75 22.41 101.94 120.00 36.00 0.00 271.10
8 Sand for Filling Krishna River 10.20 62.75 22.41 101.94 100.00 36.00 0.00 251.10
9 Stone Dust Ibrahimpatnam 33.90 71.91 35.96 281.73 250.00 45.00 0.00 594.60
10 Cement Ibrahimpatnam 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3600.00 0.00 0.00 3600.00
Certificates :
1. Certified that the leads mentioned above are nearest and correct to the best of my knowledge.
2. Certified that the metal is obtained by blasting.
3. Certified that the seigniorage charges and TOT charges are actually payable.
Metalling the road from Khaja to Pedavadlapudi in Mangalagiri(M)
Estt.Rs. 2033039.00
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Per
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 RW01-Engaging USL for light bush clearance(Net Area)- (RSSR)
Rate as per Rural SSR Sqm 1.00 2.50 1 Sqm 2.50
2 RW07-Engaging Unskilled Labour for earth work excavation in ordinary soils AT SITE
with initial lead & initial lift and breaking clods and sectioning for formation of
embankment - (RSSR)
Unit = cum
Taking output = 100 cum
a) Labour
Mate day -
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 0.52 170.00 1 cum 88.40
b) Machinery
Dozer D-50 for spreading @ 200 cum per hour hour 0.50 2,760.00 1 Hour 0.00
Motor grader for grading @ 200 cum per hour hour 0.50 2,600.00 1 Hour 1300.00
Water tanker 6 kl capacity hour 2.00 387.83 1 Hour 775.66
Three wheel 80-100 kN Static Roller hour 1.25 686.84 1 Hour 858.55
c) Material
Water kl 12.00 50.00 1 Kl 600.00
Add MAA @ 17.68
Cost for 100 cum = a+b+c+d+e (3 Wheel Roller) = 3640.29
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/100 = 36.40
5 RW16-Supply and collection of well graded granular material (i.e. 66% of gravel having
stone aggregate of 9.5 mm to 4.75 mm size, and 34% of sand of size less than
2.6mm) with CBR not <15% and plasticity index <6% in soaked condition including
stacking to Departmental gauge for pre measurements as per MoRD standards for
Sub Base and Shoulders (CSSR)
Unit = cum
Taking output = 300 cum
b) Machinery
Motor Grader 110 HP @ 50 cum per hour hour 6.00 2,600.00 1 Hour 15600.00
Three wheel 80-100 kN static roller @ 10 cum per hour hour 30.00 686.84 1 Hour 20605.20
Tractor with Rotavator 25 cum per hour hour 12.00 345.00 1 Hour 4140.00
Unit = cum
Taking output = 360 cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor (Skilled) day 12.08 224.00 1 No 2705.92
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 250.00 170.00 1 No 42500.00
b) Machinery
Motor Grader 110 HP @ 50 cum per hour hour 6.00 0.00 1 Hour 0.00
Three wheel 80-100 kN static roller @ 10 cum per hour for Rural Area works hour 36.00 686.84 1 Hour 24726.24
Water tanker 6 kl capacity hour 24.00 387.83 1 Hour 9307.92
Water kl 144.00 50.00 1 Kl 7200.00
Add MAA @ 9041.18
Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d+e (3 Wheel Roller) = 95481.26
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/360 = 265.23
12 RW27-Engaging USL for Spreading the collected good Gravel for Protective Carpet
Rate as per Rural SSR Cum 1.00 12.15 1 cum 12.15
Add MAA @ 2.43
TOTAL 14.58
13 RW29-To and fro transporatation charges of 8-10T power road roller with lead upto 10
Rate as per CSSR Km 10.00 686.84 3.50Km 1962.40
14 Painting two coats including primer coat after filling the surface with synthetic enamel Chap-10-6-i
paint in all shades on new, plastered / concrete surfaces as per drawing and Technical
Specification Clause 1701MORD.
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 40 sqm
a) Labour
Mate day
Painter (1st Class) day 3.00 224.00 1 day 672.00
Painter Assistant day
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 2.20 170.00 1 day 374.00
b) Material
Cement Primer as per specifications litre 3.00 125.00 1 litre 375.00
Paint conforming to requirement of Clause 1701.3.8 litre 6.00 180.00 1 litre 1080.00
16 RW34-Supply and fixing of KM stones including painting and required lettering Chap-10-13-
Unit = each
Taking output = 14 Nos.
Cost of Kilometer Stone No 14 300 1 No 4200.00
a) Excavation in soil for foundation cum 2.77 70.50 1 Cum 195.29
b) Painting two coats on concrete surface sqm 11.41 67.76 1 Sqm 773.14
c) lettering on km post (average 12 letters of 10 cm height each) per 1680.00 0.34 1 per 571.20
cm cm high
high per
per letter
d) Labour
Mate day
Mason (1st Class) day 1.00 224.00 1 day 224.00
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 7.32 170.00 1 day 1244.40
Add MAA @ 293.68
e) Cost for 14 Nos. ordinary km stone = (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i) 7501.71
Rate for each ordinary km stone = j/ 14 535.84
17 RW35-Supply and fixing of HM stones including painting and required lettering Chap-10-13-
Unit = each
Taking output = 33 Nos.
Cost of Hectameter Stone No 33 160 1 No 5280.00
a) Excavation in soil for foundation cum 1.39 70.50 1 Cum 98.00
b) Painting two coats on concrete surface sqm 6.27 67.76 1 Sqm 424.86
c) lettering on km post (average 12 letters of 10 cm height each) per 330.00 0.34 1 per 112.20
cm cm high
high per
per letter
d) Labour
Mate day
Mason (1st Class) day 1.50 224.00 1 day 336.00
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 7.34 170.00 1 day 1247.80
Add MAA @ 316.76
e) Cost for 33 Nos. 200 m stone = (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i) 7815.62
Rate for each 200 m stone = j / 33 236.84
18 Painting on Steel Surfaces
Providing and applying two coats of ready mix Enamel paint including primer coat of Chap-10-7-i
approved brand on steel surface after through cleaning of surface to give an even
shade as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701MORD
Unit = sqm
Taking output = 10 sqm
a) Labour
Mate day 0.25 224.00 1 day 56.00
Painter (1st Class) day 0.60 224.00 1 day 134.40
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 0.40 170.00 1 day 68.00
b) Material
Red-oxide Primer as per specifications litre 0.60 100.00 1 litre 60.00
Paint ready mixed approved brand litre 1.25 180.00 1 litre 225.00
Add MAA 51.68
Cost for 10 sqm = a+b+c+d 595.08
Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/10 59.51
19 RW36-Supply and fixing of MS name board of size 2’.6”x4’ including painting and
required lettering
40mm x 40mm x 5mm size angle sections (weight per Rm 3.0Kgs) RM 9.00 3 1 RM 27.00
4' x2'6"x4mm thick MS sheet (weight per Sqmt. Sqm 0.93 31.4 1 Sqm 29.20
40mm x 40mm x 5mm size angle sections (weight per Rm 3.0Kgs) Kg 27.00 30 1 Kg 810.00
4' x2'6"x4mm thick MS sheet (weight per Sqmt. Kg 29.20 30 1 Kg 876.00
a) Labour
Fabrication charges of steel Kg 56.20 12.00 1 Kg 674.40
Labour charges for fixing the board Kg 56.20 3.00 1 Kg 168.60
b) Earthwork excavation for fixing the name board Cum 0.09 70.50 1 Cum 6.35
c) CC (1:4:8) mix for fixing of the Name board Cum 0.09 2,252.58 1 Cum 202.73
d) Painting on Steel Surfaces Sqm 1.86 59.51 1 Sqm 110.69
Add MAA 168.60
Cost of Name of baord 3017.37
1 Laying of CC (1:4:8) using 40mm HBG metal including cost and Build-13
conveyance of all materials and labour charges and curing etc.,
Unit = 1cum
Cement kg 162.00 3.60 1 Kg 583.20
Coarse aggregate 40 mm cum 0.90 1084.60 1 Cum 976.14
Fine aggregate (Sand) cum 0.45 271.10 1 Cum 122.00
Seigniorage charges for C.A cum 0.90 0.00 1 Cum 0.00
Seigniorage charges for F.A cum 0.45 0.00 1 Cum 0.00
Water (including for curing) kl 1.20 50.00 1 Kl 60.00
B. LABOUR: 200.8
Mason 1st class day 0.10 224.00 1 Day 22.40
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 1.39 170.00 1 Day 236.30
Add MAA@ = 51.74
Grand Total = 2252.58
Name of the Work :
Estt.Rs. ### 0
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Per Amount Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Excavation for Structures
1 Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with an initial lead
and lift in ordnary soils as per 20B and APDSS
Rate as per Rural SSR Cum 1.00 81.15 1 cum 81.15
Add MAA @ #N/A
4 Filling in foundation with sand including cost and conveyance and Chap-11-
labour charges 2(i)
Unit = cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 0.31 170.00 1 day 52.70
b) Material
Sand cum 1.00 251.10 1 Cum 251.10
c) Add MAA #N/A
Rate per cum = a+b+c+d #N/A
6 Laying of CC (1:3:6) using 60% of 40mm HBG metal and 40% of Chap-11-
20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials, 2(i)
labour charges , centering charges and curing etc., complete
7 Laying of VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 60% of 20mm HBG and 40% of Chap-1-
12mm HBG including cost and conveyance of all materials and 1(i)
labour charges, centering,curing etc., complete
Unit = cum
(a) Material
Cement t 0.44 3600.00 1 Tonne 1584.00
Coarse sand cum 0.45 271.10 1 Cum 122.00
20 mm aggregate cum 0.54 1514.60 1 Cum 817.88
12 mm aggregate cum 0.36 1319.60 1 Cum 475.06
(b) Labour
Mate day -
Mason (1st Class) day 0.10 224.00 1 No 22.40
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 1.39 170.00 1 No 236.30
(c) Machinery
Concrete mixer 0.4/0.28 cum capacity hr / cum 0.40 200.80 1 Hour 80.32
(d) Formwork @ 20% on (a+b+c) 20.00% 667.59
e&f) Add MAA #N/A
Rate per cum = a+b+c+d+e+f #N/A
a) Labour
Mate day
Mason (1st Class) 80% of 750mm dia Pippes day 0.15 224.00 1 No 33.60
Mazdoor (Unskilled) 80% of 750mm dia Pipes day 1.25 170.00 1 No 212.50
b) Material
Sand at site cum 0.024 251.10 1 Cum 6.03
Cement at site t 0.018 3600.00 1 Cum 64.80
c&d) add MAA = #N/A
Cost for 7.5 m = a+b+c+d = #N/A
Rate per m = (a+b+c+d)/7.5 = #N/A
14 Providing High Yield Strength Deformed steel bars (Fe 415 Chap-13-
garde as per IS 786 - 1970) for RCC works including cost 2-i
and conveyance of steel to site including fabrication
Unit = tonne
(a) Material
HYSD bars including 5 per cent for overlaps and wastage t 1.05 31000.00 1 Tonne 32550.00
Binding wire kg 8.00 50.00 1 Kg 400.00
(b) Labour for cutting, bending, shifting to site, tying and
placing in position
Blacksmith / Bar bender day 3.00 224.00 1 No 672.00
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 8.44 170.00 1 No 1434.80
Sundries on Material
(c) Add MAA = #N/A
Rate per t = a+b+c+d = #N/A
15 Cement Mortar (1 : 3)
Unit : 1cum
Cement kg. 480.00 4.30 1 Kg 2064.00
Sand (including 5% wastage) cum 1.05 271.10 1 Cum 284.66
Seigniorage charges for sand cum 1.05 0.00 1 Cum 0.00
- Nil -
Man mazdoor for mixing mortar day 0.20 170.00 1 No 34.00
(d) Add MAA #N/A
Grand Total 2382.66
16 Plastering with 12 mm thick in Cm (1:3) including cost and
conveyance of all materials, labour charges and curing
charges etc., complete Build-53
Unit = 10 sqm
Cement Mortar (1:3) cum 0.15 2382.66 1 Cum 357.40
Seigniorage charges for F.A cum 0.15 0.00 1 Cum 0.00
Mason 1st class day 0.60 224.00 1 No 134.40
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 0.96 170.00 1 No 163.20
Add MAA = #N/A
Grand Total = #N/A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
8 RW20 - Compaction of collected well graded granular soil to OMC
using 8-10T Power Road Roller to achieve CBR value not <15%
and plasticity index <6% with required waterings and keeping the
rolled surface wet for a period of 15 days as per MoRD standards
for Base(225mm loose to 150 mm compacted) and for Shoulders
From 2.00Km to 3.00 Km 1x1 1000.00 4.00 0.100 400.00 Cum
From 3.00Km to 3.50 Km 1x1 500.00 4.00 0.100 200.00 Cum
From 3.50Km to 4.00 Km 1x1 500.00 4.00 0.150 300.00 Cum
From 4.00Km to 4.65 Km 1x1 650.00 4.00 0.150 390.00 Cum
From 2.00Km to 3.00 Km 1x1 1000.00 1.00 0.150 150.00 Cum
From 3.00Km to 3.50 Km 1x1 500.00 1.00 0.150 75.00 Cum
From 3.50Km to 4.00 Km 1x1 500.00 1.00 0.150 75.00 Cum
From 4.00Km to 4.65 Km 1x1 650.00 1.00 0.150 97.50 Cum
1687.50 Cum 141.36 1 Cum 238545
9 RW21 - Supply and collection of mixer of stone aggregates having
50% of 60-63mm HBG metal , 46% of 40-45mm HBG metal and 4%
of 19-22mm HBG metal including cost, conveyance, loading,
unloading and stacking to departmental gauge for pre
measurements for WBM Grade-II surfaces per MORD standards
(100mm Loose thick)(CSSR)
From 2.00Km to 3.00 Km 1x1 1000.00 3.75 0.091 341.25 Cum
From 3.00Km to 3.50 Km 1x1 500.00 3.75 0.091 170.63 Cum
From 3.50Km to 4.00 Km 1x1 500.00 3.75 0.091 170.63 Cum
From 4.00Km to 4.65 Km 1x1 650.00 3.75 0.091 221.81 Cum
904.32 Cum 934.60 1 Cum 845177
10 RW24 - Spreading the collected mixer of stone aggregates in uniform
thicknesses and good gravel for blindage, hand packing and rolling with 8-
10T Power Road Roller in stages to proper grade and camber with required
waterings and keeping the rolled surface wet for a period of 15 days
including brooming.(100mm loose to 75mm compacted) (CSSR)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1x5 --- --- --- 5.00 No 236.84 1 No 1184
15 RW36 - Supply and fixing of MS name board of size 2’.6”x4’
including painting and required lettering
1x1 --- --- --- 1.00 No 3017.37 1 No 3017
16 RW37 - Cost and Conveyance of Good gravel having plasticity index <6%
from QUARRY situated at lead beyond 5 kms including loading and
stacking to Departmental gauge for pre measurements for Blindage(CSSR).
(This item should be used only when the quarry is beyond 5 Kms)
Name of the Work :
Estt.Rs. 27.00 Lakhs
Name of the Sub-Work : Construction of Pipe Culvert at KM 1/2
Estt.Rs. #N/A
Sl. Description of item No Measurements Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount
L B D (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Engaging Unskilled labour for earthwork excavation in ordinary
soils with an initial lead and lift for foundations
Under Pipes 1x1 7.50 1.20 1.30 11.70 Cum
For Body walls 1x2 5.00 1.50 1.30 19.50 Cum
31.20 Cum #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 Laying and fixing of RCC NP2 pipes of 0.45Mts dia including
labour charges etc., complete
1x1 0.00 --- --- 0.00 RM #N/A 1 RM #N/A
13 Laying and fixing of RCC NP2 pipes of 0.60Mts dia including
labour charges etc., complete
1x1 0.00 --- --- 0.00 RM #N/A 1 RM #N/A
14 Laying and fixing of RCC NP2 pipes of 0.90Mts dia including
labour charges etc., complete
1x1 0.00 --- --- 0.00 RM #N/A 1 RM #N/A
Name of the Work :
Estt.Rs. 27.00 Lakhs
Name of the Sub-Work : Construction of Slab Culverts at KM 1/8 and KM 2/0
Clear Span : 1.20Mts Estt.Rs. #N/A
Sl. Description of item No Measurements Quantit Unit Rate Per Amount
L B D y (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Engaging Unskilled labour for earthwork excavation in ordinary
soils with an initial lead and lift for foundations
1 x 1 7.80 3.55 2.30 63.69 Cum #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
2 Engaging Unskilled labour for earthwork excavation in hard soils
with an initial lead and lift for foundations
1 x 1 7.80 3.55 0.00 0.00 Cum #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
3 Engaging Unskilled labour for earthwork excavation in soils with
mixture of gravel and SDR (stone earth) with an initial lead and
lift for foundations
1 x 1 7.80 3.55 0.00 0.00 Cum #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
4 Bailing out of water for CD works in earthwork excavation for
foundations below water level
1 x 1 7.80 3.55 0.00 0.00 Cum 130.00 1 Cum 0
5 Laying of CC (1:4:8) using 40mm HBG metal including cost and
conveyance of all materials and labour charges and curing etc.,
1 x 1 7.80 3.55 0.30 8.31 Cum #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
6 Bailing out of water for CD works while laying of Cement
concrete for foundations below water level
1 x 1 7.80 3.55 0.00 0.00 Cum 130.00 1 Cum 0
7 Filling in foundation with sand including cost and conveyance
and labour charges
1 x 1 7.80 3.55 0.30 8.31 Cum #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
8 Laying of VPCC (1:3:6) using 60% of 40mm HBG metal and 40%
of 20mm HBG crushed metal including cost and conveyance of
all materials, labour charges , centering charges and curing etc.,
For Footing 1 x 2 7.65 1.20 0.50 9.18
Abutments 1 x 2 7.50 (0.90+0.45)/2 1.50 15.19
For Parapet Walls 1 x 2 2.10 0.23 0.45 0.43
24.80 Cum #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
9 Providing High Yield Strength Deformed steel bars (Fe 415
garde as per IS 786 - 1970) for RCC works including cost and
conveyance of steel to site including fabrication charges
1 x 1 0.40 0.40 MT #N/A 1 MT #N/A
10 Laying of VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 60% of 20mm HBG and 40% of
12mm HBG including cost and conveyance of all materials and
labour charges, centering,curing etc., complete
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 Painting in white cement in two coats including cost and
conveyance of all materials and curing etc., complete
For Abutments 1 x 2 7.50 --- 1.50 22.50 Sqm
For Parapets 1 x 2 2.10 --- 1.13 4.75 Sqm
For Parapets faces 1 x 4 0.23 --- 0.45 0.41 Sqm
27.66 Sqm #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
13 Rough Stone dry packing using 225mm stones of OTG variety
including cost and conveyance of materials and labour charges
for bed pitching
1 x 1 7.50 4.90 0.00 0.00 Cum #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
14 Rough Stone dry packing using 225mm stones of HBG variety
including cost and conveyance of materials and labour charges
for bed pitching
1 x 1 7.50 4.90 0.00 0.00 Cum #N/A 1 Cum #N/A
Metalling the road from Khaja to Pedavadlapudi in Mangalagiri(M)
Estt.Rs. 2033039.00
Sl.NO Description Units Quantity Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Provision towards WBM road No 1 1823140 1823140
Seignarage Charges
Metalling the road from Khaja to Pedavadlapudi in Mangalagiri(M)
2 RW17 - Supply and collection of well graded granular material (i.e. 66% of 508.80 335.81
gravel having stone aggregates of 9.5 mm to 4.75 mm size, and 34% of sand of
size less than 2.6mm) with CBR not <15% and plasticity index <6% in soaked
condition including stacking to Departmental gauge for pre measurements as
per MoRD standards for Shoulders. (CSSR)
3 RW21 - Supply and collection of mixer of stone aggregates having 50% of 60- 904.32 904.32
63mm HBG metal , 46% of 40-45mm HBG metal and 4% of 19-22mm HBG
metal including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading and stacking to
departmental gauge for pre measurements for WBM Grade-II surfaces per
MORD standards (100mm Loose thick)(CSSR)
4 RW37 - Cost and Conveyance of Good gravel having plasticity index <6% from 248.45 248.45 0.00
QUARRY situated at lead beyond 5 kms including loading and stacking to
Departmental gauge for pre measurements for Blindage(CSSR).(This item
should be used only when the quarry is beyond 5 Kms)
5 RW38 - Cost and Conveyance of Good gravel having plasticity index <6% from 496.88 496.88
QUARRY situated at lead beyond 5 kms including loading and stacking to
Departmental gauge for pre measurements for Protective Carpet(50 mm loose)
(CSSR).(This item should be used only when the quarry is beyond 5 Kms)
Seignarage Charges
ad from Khaja to Pedavadlapudi in Mangalagiri(M)
Khaja Village
CC Road