Separation Process I: Dr. Lam Man Kee Department of Chemical Engineering
Separation Process I: Dr. Lam Man Kee Department of Chemical Engineering
Separation Process I: Dr. Lam Man Kee Department of Chemical Engineering
Solid-liquid Extraction
Lesson outline
• solid-liquid equilibrium
Single Stage Equilibrium
• Similar to the previous single stage equilibrium separation processes
(example-liquid-liquid extraction), a single stage leaching process is
shown in the Figure below.
In this process, an overflow solution (solvent +
solute), V(kg/h) with composition xA and
underflow slurry, L (kg/h) with composition yA
based on a given flow rate B (kg/h) of dry,
solute free solid are considered.
Component balance on A:
L0 yA0 V2 x A2 L1yA1 V1x A1 MxAM
Component balance on B:
B N0 L0 0 N1L1 0 NM M 6.10
yA yC 1.0 and x A x C 1.0 6.11
Where: M is the total flow rate in kg (A+ C)/h
xAM and NM are coordinates of this points M.
• As shown in the Figure L0MV2 must
lie on straight line and L1MV1 must
also lie on a straight line
L0 = 0.2 (B+L0)
N0 = B/(A+C)
= 80/(20+0)
= 4 kg solid/kg solution,
yA0 = 1.0
• First calculate the amount of the mixture M
using balance Eqns:
L0 + V2 = L1 + V1 = M
20 + 100 = 120kg
• Using Component balance on A
L0yA0 + V2xA2 = L1yA1 + V1xA1 = MxAM
20(1)+100(0) = 120xAM
so, xAM= 0.167
Using Component balance on B
B = N0 L0 + 0 = N1L1 + 0 =NM M
4(20)+0 = NM 120
so, NM = 0.667
The vertical tie line is drawn
locating L1 and V1 in
equilibrium with each other.
Then N1 = 1.5, yA1,= 0.167, XA1
= 0.167. Substituting into a
material balance Eqs. (6.8) and
(6.10) and solving :
L1 L1 = 53.3kg and
V1 =66.7 kg
Countercurrent multistage leaching
• A process flow diagram for multistage countercurrent leaching process is
similar to that of multistage countercurrent liquid-liquid extraction processes.
• The solvent (c)-solute (A) phase or V-phase is the liquid phase that over
flows counter currently from stage to stage to that of the solid (slurry) while
dissolving solutes from the solid as it moves along.
L0 VN 1 L N V1 M 6.12
Where: M is the total mixture flow rate in kg (A+C)/h
• Next making component balance on A,
L0 yA0 VN 1x AN 1 LN yAN V1x A1 MxAM
• Making a total solid balance on B,
B N 0 L0 N N L N 0 N M M 6.14
• Where NM and xAM are the coordinates of point M as shown in the figure
below which is the operating diagram for the process.
L0 V2 L1 V1 6.15
L n -1 Vn 1 Ln Vn
L0 V1 L1 V2 6.16
L0 = A+C
yA0= A/(A+C)
• For the inlet leaching solvent,
L0 =1330kg/h a
L N y AN V1x1 MLN
L N (0.118) V1 (0.600) 2180(0.376)
LN L4 L L L0 • Hence, LN=1016 kg solution/h in the
3 2 L1 outlet underflow stream and
V1=1164 kg solution/h in the exit
M overflow stream.
4 v3 v2 v1 • Alternatively, the amounts could
have been calculated using the lever
arm rule.