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Manual de Ametralladora Thompson

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TM 9-1215





CAL..45, M1928Al

March 1, 1942.

Nae-1216 ) , wuhb6ton.rauch 1.1942.



SECTION I. Introduction _____________________ 1
II. General descrlptlon ---__-____-__- 2-4
III. Inspection ____________________-_- 5-12
IV. Haintenance and repair ___________ 13-18
V. References ____________________--- 19-20
Index to Text ____________________~~~~~~_~~~~~~~ 26-27


Se&ion I

scope ____________________~~~~~__~__~~~~~~____~_~~~~_ 1
1. SCOPE. - ‘Ihis manual is published for the information
and guidance of ordnance maintenance personnel. It contains
detailed instructions for inspection, disassembly, assembly,
maintenance, and rew of the ThompsonSubmachine Gun, Cal..45,
11192&U, supp1ementary to those in the Field and Technical %nuals
prepared rcr the using arm. Additional descriptive mxtter and
iilustzitlons are included toaidin prwiding a canplete working
knowledge or the materiel.

-2 -
-3- (!I74

Section ;I1

~s~ip~on -_______________________________________ 2
new= _____-_-________________________________ 3
Operation __________________________________________ 4
2. DESCFUPTION.- The Thompson submachineGun, Cal..43,
Ml928Al (rigs. 1 and 2), is an aircooled, blowback-operated,
magazine-redweapon. Itisdesignedto Se i%-ed frantheshoulder
of the g.nmer similarlyto a rifle, an-lis used as an auxiliary
weapon by the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. The
fire control lever of the @Jn can be set ror either lull auto-
matic or semiautomaticfire. Two types or magazines, having
capacitiesof 2O and 50 cartridgesrespectively,may be used.
3. MECHANISM (rig. 3). - The gun Is composed or two
distinct groups,thefraumwith its attachedand containedparts,
and the receiver with its attached and contained parts. The
frame group consists of the frame, to which are attached the
butt stock assembly and rear wooden grip. The frame contains
the trigger and sear groups, the magazine catch, and the Iire
control mechanisw. The receivergrap consistsor the receiver,
to which are attached the barrel with front sight and recoil
(Vuttsw) compensator, the wooden roregrip and rear sight.
Within the receiver are the bolt, lock, actuator, recoil and
4. OPERATION. - The cycle or operation is as follows:
With the safety at VIFirew,the rire control lever at Y%inglett
and the bolt retracted and held by the sear, the trigger is
pulled. The bolt, released by the sear, moves forward under
pressure or the recoil spring. The end or the bolt comes in
contact with the base or a cartridge and rorces it out of the
msgazine into the chamber or the barrel, where the extractor
snaps over the rim or the cartridge. The rorward movement or
the bolt cams the lock downward into the lockinggrouves or the
receiver so the bolt anl receiverare completelylocked together
in the rorward positionberore the hammer rorces tlheriring pin
:o strike the cartridge. Pressure of the exploding cartridge
..@nst the end or the bolt, transmitted to the lock, forces
the lock upwsrd, unlockingthe bolt and drives it backwardwith
the actuator. As the bolt moves backward, the empty cartridge
case Is extractedand ejected, the recoil spring is compressed
against the buffer pilot collar and the sear engages in one of

- 5 -

the two notches or the bolt, completing the cycle. II the fire
control lever is set at “Full Auto”, the sear will remain de-
pressed and will not engage the bolt on the backward stroke.
Under this condition, the gun will continue to function auto-
matically as long as the trigger is retracted or until the
magazine is empty. For detailed description of operation and
mctioning, refer to F?4 23-40.

- 6 -
-7 -
(94 9-1215)
mm suBJwcHfNJz GUN, CAL.45 M 1928AI

Section Irr


en=& -_--------____-_________-______________ 5
Inspectionreport -----------______________________ 6
Tools r0r inspection-------__--_-__________-_____ 7
&n a.sa unit ---------_______-_-_~~-~~_~~~~~~~ 8
Frame group -----_-__-__________--________________ 9
Receiver and &rrel groups ------___--____-_________ 10
&IX magazine _____-_________________________________ 11
magazine ----___--___________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12
5. OWESAL. - a. Inspection is ror the purpose or de-
terminingthe conlitlon of the materiel, whether repairs or
adjustmentsare required, anl the remedies necessary to Insure
that the materiel is in serviceablecondition.
b Ber0r-einspection is begun, the equipment should be
thoro-&y cleaned to remove any rouling,dirt or otter roreign
matter, which might interrerewith its proper functioning. For
instructionsin care and cleaning,arrlmaterialsused, rerff to
FM 234, section on Ware and Cleanir@'; section IV or this
technicalmanual, lM g-850, awl SNL K-l.
6. lN3PKCTION RKPORT. - The procedure to be followed
relating to inspectionandmaintensnce is containedin '1M9-1100,
Wrdnance IWlrEenanceProcedure-HaterielInspectionandRepair".
7. TCOIS FOR INSKCTION. - Tools used r0a‘ lrspectlonor
thegunare those llrnishedror disassenbly, assemblyand repair.
They are included in the accessories referred to in FM 23-40,
and listed in SNL A-35.
8. OUNASAUNIT.-5. Check gun r0r genezalappearance,
metal parts rcs scratches,rust, and rear, arriwooden parts ror
cracks and nicks. Check rixmness or magazine in grooves, and
action or magazine catch. Check rigidity or rear sight base
on receiver, front sight on cowensator, ccnpensatoron barrel,
butt stock and grips on rrame and receiver, and'sling swivels
on stockand roregrip. Inspectheads of screwsrorburs. Remove
magazine and check smoothnessof bolt anl trigger action while
retarding actuator movement by hand so the bolt will not fly
forward on an empty chamber.
CAUTION: Unless magazineis removed, thebolt, if released,
all fire a cartridgefrom a loaded wzine, as this gun fires
on forward stroke or the bolt.
!?* II possible and practicable,fire severalrounds from

(rn 9-1215)

the gun. Observe action or the weapon and analyze the cause
or any mtion.
9. FRAF%QRouP.-a. To inspectthe rrame group, first
mmve the butt stockassembly. Pull the actuatorto rear until
the bolt Is caught and held by the sear. With the bolt In
rearwax position,set the fire controllever (rockerpivot)at
-1 Auto" and the safetyataFlrewand allow bolt to go mrward
slowlyby pulliagtbetrlgger and ret-the actuatorby hand.
CAWl'ION:It Is necessarythat the fire controllever and
the s&etybe set asdescrlbeaberoredt~wlngthe rrsmemm
the receiver. OtherwIse the sear and rocker will not be de-
pressedatM sari~u~ ASSISTS can result t0 the mechanlSQIIi the
rrame Is movBd under these condltlons.
-' Butt stock assamblg (fig. 4). - Check action Of the
butt stock catch, and nose Of catch for wear and burs. Remove
the screws anclllfi out the assembly. Inspectbutt stock catch
spring ror runctlonlng, rractureaml set. Free lengthof spring
(Al53017)Is .75 + .02 In. Drive out the butt stock catchpln
and remove catch. (To remove the catch button, rile pin to
round and drive out.) Inspect the butt stock sllde for burs
and dents. Remove the butt stock plate to inspect action or
trap spring. Ir necessary, remove the spring and drlve out
tmp pin. (The bracketIs riveted to the butt plate.) Remove
the sllng swivel screws and lift out the swivel plate. If
necessary,spring the sdvel from the plate.
C. prame (rig.5). -Inspect the freum3 ror craclrslnthe
metal and dents and bUrs on corners, grooves and surfacesor
stock elideraysand rasai:ine grip. Inspectthe truttstockcatch
notch ror rear end burs. Inspect the saretyandthe pivotholes
In the rrsme rorwear. If the rear grlp Is loose,Inspectscrew
threadslnrramear,xlonscre~rorwear, and the screwror stralght-
ness. Inspect the Frau latch notch In rear or frame for wear
and burs.
a. w catch assembly. - DhlSSs necessary,d0 not
remOve the magazine catch from the fmae as the spring is apt
to be damaged. If rmk~5, checksprlngiorfunctLoning,fractura
and set. Free length of spring (AlBXl) Is .86+.02 in. Look
ror roreign matter in spring aperture. Check movement or the
rmgszMe catch In the frsae without spring. Check the catch
nose ror fear ana burs. Checkplnrorwear and rinnnessinthe
latch. (Read or pin Is rlvetedinto latch.)
e. Safety. - Check movement of the stiety in the frame
rlthoutpivot plate. lhsmt bearlqgsurfacesrorrear an4 burs.

- 10 -
- 11 - ('RI9-1215)
TM s121s

-* Rocker - Check movementoftherocker on rocker pivot.
Inspect for war and burs on contacting surfaces.
& Rocker pivot. - Check movement of the rocker pivot in
t&e frame without pivot plate. Inspect bearing surfaces ror
wear and burs.
_* Pivot plate assembly. - Check the pivot plate short
and long springs for functioning, fracture, ati3 set. Inspect
pivot pins for wear and firmness in the plate. (Pin heads are
riveted into plate.)
-* Sear group (rig. 5). - Check sear for retention of the
bolt. Inspect the sear for wear arvl hu’s on nose end contacting
surfaces, and ror foreign matter in spring aperture. Check
movement of the sear with sear lever on the pivot. Check sear
spring for functioning, fracture,andset. Free length of spring
(Al53025) is .765 +.02 in. Inspect sear lever for wear and burs
on contacting surfaces and for foreign matter in spring aperture.
Check sear lever spring for functioning, fracture, and set.
hee length of spring fAl53026) is .43 t.01 in.
d. w RTOUD (rig. 5). - Inspect the trigger ror wear

in pivot hole and disconnector pivot hole, and far derormatlon

or tip. Check action of trigger with disconnector and trip on
trigger pivot. check trigger spring ror runctioning, rracture,
and set. Free lengthor spring (Al53’X7) is .65 +_.Ol in. Inspect
disconnector for near on pin and wear and burs on contacting
surface. Check disconnector spring for functioning, fracture,
and set. Free length of spring (p;153018) Is 30 +-.Ol ln. Inspect
trip ror wear and turs on contacting surraces.
-* Assemble the sear and trigger !~chanisms in the frame
and try actlon of the tripger with the rocker in each position.
10. RECEIVER ANDFMREL GROUPS (fig. 6). - a. To inspect
the receiver group, remove the buffer pilot arxl pad together
with the recoil spring fro.? the receiver. With the receiver
Inverted, move the actuator back and forth to Inspect movement
of the lock in the grooves of receiver and bolt. Take out the
bolt group, actuator and lock, and remove oiler assembly.
b Receiver group. - Inspect the receiver for wear and
burs ii frame slideways and lock cw surfaces, and the bullet
ramp for wear and fouling. Insect corners and edps for dents
and burs and the magazine retaining gooves and actuator groove
ror wear. Inspect the buffer pilot aperture for wear. Inspect
the frame latch for wear &J-IIaperture for wear snd foreign matter.
Check latch spring for functioning, fraCture, and set. Free

- 12 -
TM S-1215

lengthof spring (Al53020)is .45 +_.Olin. Check the ejector

ror rirmnessin receiver, and inspect the point ror wear and
alinement. Never try to remove the ejectorrrom receiverwith
the bolt in the rorwardposition.
C. BarrelgKUQ. - Inspectthe barrelas a unit from the
standpointor serviceability.
(1) Insnectionor the barrel group as a unit. - Check
rirnmessor the barra in receiver. Inspecttheannular radiator
groovesIor presenceof foreignmatter,dents end burs. Do not
remove the barrelfrom the receiverunlessnecessaryto replace.
For removalof the bmel, rerer to paragraph14 c (2) (b).
Inspectror loose rront sight, slinementof slf&t blade, burs
and shine on tip. Inspect recoil (VuttP) compensatorror
firmnesson the barreland ror any roreignlnatter in gas escape
slots. Do not remove compensatoror sight unless necessary.
To remove, drive out pin, drive sight rearward and unscrew
compensatorwith a strap wrench.
(2) Inspectionof the barrel ror serviceability.- (a)
With the firingmechanismremoved from the receiver,hold the
bsrrelup to the light,and inspectchamberand bore thoroughly
for wear, pits and bulges. To facilitate inspection, place
piece of white paper or rag in the receiver so as to reflect
light into the bore, then turn the barrel slowly so the light
followsthe circumferenceor the bore. Untruenessand bulges
in the bore can thus be detectedmore easily.
(TV) A barrel containingsmall pits, but having shsrp and
uniformlydistinctlands, and free from bulges, will be suf-
ricientlyaccurateto be serviceable.This condition, however,
naturallyimpliesthat the barrel has been neglected and its
period or serviceabilitywill,therefore, be materiallylessened.
(2) A barrelcontaining a bulgeIs unserviceableendshould
be scrapped.Thisconditlon is indicated by a shadowydepression
or darlcring in the bore ard may often be noticed by a raised
ring on the barrel surlace.
(a) A barrelwith the lands worn away for a considerable
distancefrom the breech end of the bore, and/orpitted to the
extentthat the sharpness of the landsis arZected,or iI it has
a pit or pits in the lendsor grooveslargeenoughto permitthe
passageor gas past the bullet (a pit the width or a lend or
grooveand 3/8 to l/2 In. In lengthor longer)is, or soon will
be, too inaccuratefor serviceabilityand should be scrapped.
a. Foregringrout.- Inspectthe foregripfor cracksand
rigidity. Remove foregripfrom mount and Inspectscrewthreads

- 13 -
TM SlllS

on screw and in th? moUnt iOr ~wS. R~UOW the mount by driving
it fmvard, thea Inspect slide blades and gooves in the receiver.
Check the mount for slilinement. Inspect the sling swivel and
S* Rear sinht RTOUP (fig. 7). - Check ror missing or
loose base rivets In the receiver. Do not remove base unless
necessary. Inspectbase Ica‘treskssnd dents. Check actionof
si&t leaf assemblywlthplungeram spring. Inspectallparts
for rust, alinemfz&,derormtionml presenceor foreignmatter.
Check Operationor Wage screwsnd sightslideand sight slide
catch. Do not removeunless necessary. (To remove,drive out
slat &se pin and remove sight leaf assembly.)Remove plunger
~plungersp~ng. Inspectpolntorplungerrorrear,plunger
pin ror deformationand springror riinctioning, fracture,and
set. Free length or spring (Al53022)is 1.20 2.02 In. Check
for missingor loose sight slide stop pin. Do not disassemble
unless necessary. (To disassemble,drive out pin and remove
slide. Drive out wlndage screw collar pin and remove collar
and mImIagescrew and the eye piece.) Inspect the eye piece
slidesaW the slide groovesfor burs and war.
-- Bolt i??ralQ(rig.8). -Bolt surfacesshculdbe polished
and me from rust, roreignmatter,or mqmess. Inspectsear
notches,edges,cornersand grooves ror burs, wear and dents.
3z4mine nmd csrtridgecasesror indications or setbackprimer
We to morn race of bolt or enlargedfiringpin hole. Inspect
the bolt racerordefomatimandfiringpin bole rar enlargement.
Inspect head of T-slotiOr burs and wear caused by the rocker.
Remove the extractor,tskingcarenot to springma-e than neces-
sary to clear the lug. mspect the extracts ror set end deror-
mation, and claw r0r wear. Remvethehsmsrpin,hsmer,riring
pinand riringpin spring. Check ha!smr pin fcr loosezzssand
mear. Check hwmerforwear andbursinpinholeandon contacting
surfaces. Inspectflrlngpin head and nom for wear and burs.
Check rmngpinspmg ror runctioning, fracture,and set. Free
length or spring(Almm) Is e.w.+.oa in.
& Lo&. - Inspect lock ior wear and burs on sliding
surraces.chsclrmvemsutoflcck in actuatorsndrece?ver locking
h Actuator.- Inspect Bctuator for wear and bum on
s3;& surfaces, recoil spring aperturefor roreignmtter aud
8,;;gtorhead r0r fractureor deromatlon.
i mrrernrcu~.- Inspectbuffer pilot ror alineomt,
derori&on, and mar. Inspectbufrer pad for deformationand

-15 -
LEAF - C64373

Al 52986 SLIDE - 8147685

PIN - Alj2999 I
RA PD 9542



(TN 9-!?15: - 16 -
TM Bl215

1. Oiler mu& - Check OllerZorIit and springretention
in receiver. Sidesofoller shouldlieflushto sidesorrecelver.
check oiler Dads ror rraylng and absorption.
k Recoil s~r%ng.- Inspectrecoilspringrorrunctioning,
deror&Son, rracture,and set. Free lengm or spring(Al53024)
Is 10.00 +.25 in. Care must be taken in removingand replacing
this spring, as it is apt to fly lwseandtecometwlstedbetween
actuator arxlpilot, resulting in deformation which may cause
blndlng on compressionstroke of bolt.
11. BOX MAGAZINE (20 ROUNDS) (rig. 9). - 2. Check box
magazine ror fit and retention in receiver.
-' Depress followerand note smoothnessof operationand
tension or spring. Insert two or three dummy cartridges in
magazine and attach magazineto gun. Operate the piece by hand
and observe loading,extraction,sndejection. Note also whether
the magazine follower (when the magazine is empty) lifts the
trip surflclentlyto force the disconnectorfrom under the sear
lever and allow the sear to catch the bolt and hold it in the
open position.
C. Inspect magazlne tube for dents, cracks, deformed
lips, and rorelgn matter. Check rollowerpin ror derormatlon,
. wear and bws, and ma@zine springfor functioning, fracbJre,and
set. Free length or spring is 8.00 +.2O in.
12. DRUM MAGAZINE (50 ROUh'DS)(fig. 10). - a. Check drum
msgazlne for fit and retention in receiver.
-. Remove winding key and note its condition. Remove
cover and check coverguide, slidesndrlvets. Rotate the rotor,
noting the action oftherotor spring. FurWer test the magazine
by rarclng the ringer or the rotor standlngnearest the reedway
in the opposite direction to its normal rotation, and insert
rive duexkycartridges(one resting in feedway). Replace cover
and wInding key and irmreasetensionor rotor spring by turning
the rlnding key one click. Insert the magazineand operatethe
piece rapidly by hand and observe loading, extraction, and
C. Inspect magazine body and cover for derormatlonand
: ??ts. Check guides in cover and body for deformation, and
.llectorIor looseness and wear. Check.key and retainer for
deformation,and magazine catch grip in body for Ueformatlon
and burs. Donot disassemble rotor and spring case unless
necessary,as they are riveted together.

- 17 -
(rn 9-m5; - 18 -
-19 - (TM 9-1215)

pm 9-1215) _ :‘
AND REPAlR 13-14

Section IV

iJ.eneral ---___--_-__________________________________ 13
Instructions ror maintenance and repair ------------ 14
Oar-e a cleaning ________________________________ 15
Oare and cleaning in Arctic climates --------------- 16
Lubrication ________________________________________ 17
naterie affected by &ss ___________________________ 18
13. w. -a. The maintenance and repair of the
Thompson Sutxeachine Oun, CsJ..45, Rl928Al, as covered in this
mBlIual Is primarily a replacement of worn or broken parts.
Genenil disassemblyandassen~bly or thegun is covered inlw 23-40.
b Where parts, assemblies, or parts or assemblies are
brokei’or worn so as to render them unserviceable, they must
be replaced from stock. Orten only parts or assemblies sill be
broken or worn; where it sill take nwe time to removethe service-
able parts from the assembly than the parts are north, the assembly
should be scrapped. Parts do not always interchange and should
be assembled by selection.
C. In general, maintenance operations are of a first aid
nature, perfornxsd by qusliried ordnance personnel with only the
limited tool racllitles aff’orded by repair trucks, or by semi-
permanent shops at posts or camps, or by an inspector while
making a regular inspection.
screws and smooth surfaces. - Remove burs from screw heads,
threads snd like surfaces with a fine flle, and chase out damaged
threads with a die if available. Remove the burs from smooth
contacting surfaces with a rlne grained sharpening stone or
emery cloth, and finishwith crocus cloth. Polish roundedcontact-
ing surfaces with crocus cloth. Care should be observed to rile
and stone evenly and lightly, removing no more metal than is
necessary. For materials employed in removing rust, cleaning
end preserving, and the limits of their proper use, refer to
w g-850.
a* Frame group. - (1) Butt stock, assembly. - If the
butt stock is not held rigidly to the rrame by the slide or
catch, the raulty parts should be replaced.
(2) Frame. - when the frame is damaged to the extent that
improper functioning of the gun results, It should be replaced.
(3) Hwrz?Ane catch, assembly. - If the msgazine catch does


not hold in msgazine firmly, it should be replaced. Check to

see If the fault lies in the magazine.
(4) Rocker and rockerpivot.- The rockeror rockerpivot
shouldbe replacedif worn to the extentthat automaticrlring
occurswith the rocker pivot set at 9ingleV1.
(5) Sear,trlRgerand pivot plate groups.- (3 When the
bearingsurfaceson the sear, triggerand the pivot plate pins
becomeworn to the extentthatmdlrunctioning orthegunresults,
the worn part or parts shouldbe replaced.
(g) rr elt&r springringeron the pivotblatebecanesset
or broken,replacethe pivot plate.
C. Receiverand barrel ~0~~s. - (1) ReceiverLOUD. -
(a) A receiverdamsgedto the extentthatmalfunctioning of the
gun resultsshouldbe replaced.
Q) A worn ejectorshouldbe replaced.
(c) If the frame latch or aperturebecomes worn so that
the frsme~isnot securelylocked to the receiver,the latch or
receivershouldbe replaced.
(2) Barrel group. - (a) II it is determined that the
bsrrel is unserviceable by inspection as pr%scriLbedin paragraph
10 2 (2), the barrel shouldbe replaced.
(1) To remove barrel,disassemblethe gun, wedge a block
or hard wood in receiver to preventspringing of the side,clamp o
receiverin a vise with leather jaws and unscrew barrel :rOm
receiver,using a strap wrench. If barrel is to be scrapped,
a pipe wrenchmay be used.
(c) When it is detfzed to replacethebarrel, the recoil
compensatorand front sight, if in good condition,shouldbe
removedn_Om the defectivebarrelrcr a&emhly tothenerbarrel.
(3) Rear slat.soup. - IZ the rear sighthas been broken
or bentoutor line, the dsmagedpartsortheentireleaf assembly
should bereplaced.
(4) Bolt PT~. - (a) Ir the race or the bolt shors signs
or wear, or firingpin hole has becaneenlarged,the bolt should
be replaced.
(a) The extrsctorshouldbereplaced ir it becomesderom
and does not extractthe cartridgeproperly.
(c) Ir the nose or the riringpinbecannes worn or deformed,
the riringpln shouldbe replaced.
(5) Lock. - It is or extremeimportancethat the lock be
in good canQitionwith all slidingmaces smoothand polished,
otherwiserepair or replacementis necessary.
(6) oiler gt-0up. - Ii theoiler iS deronnedso as to lnter-


rere with action or recoilingparts; it should be replaced. Ir

the oil pads are dirty or do not absorb oil properly, replace
the oiler.
(7) Burrer group and recoil string. - (a) Ir the bufrer
pilot Or the pad should be derormed to the extent of hindering
proper funotioningof the gun, they should be replaced.
(k) If the recoil spring is Mnked or set, it should be
d Maw?ines. boxanddnimtype. - Ilthespringsare weak,
they&wereplaced. In the drum magazine, the entire rotor
should be replaced. If the magazinesare derormedso they will
not lock in the gun properly or prevent proper action of the
spring, the faulty part should be replaced. If the lips are
bent or out of true or deformed so they do not feed cartridges
to the gun properly awl cannot be remred, the pert should be
15. CARK AND CLEANING. - _a. It is or great importance
that the materiel be kept absolutely clean and ready for in-
spection or use at all times. Specialattentionshouldbe given
to dirty magazines. After firing, clean the bore, chamber and
all parts; and surfaces of the receiver, bolt ejector, and
extractorthat have come in c'ontact with powder gases. Remove
the fiame rrom the receiverarxltake cutthebolt, and tlloroughly
clean front end of the bolt.and the extractor. With the bolt
removed, the bolt well, throatof the receiver,and ejectorhead
are readily accessible.
& The ba-e is best cleanedwith w, rirle bore, as
prescribedln M g-850 In sections entitled Yleeners and Pre-
servatlvesll, and SLubrlcents~l.When rirle bore cleaner is not
avallable,soapawlrater shouldbeusedas prescribedlnRl23-40.
For material used In cere and preservationor the Qm, rerer to
M g-850 and 3NL K-l.
careandcleaning 0rthegun in Arctic climates,rerertom g-850,
section on llLubr.icsntsV1
17. LCBFwZrICN. - The gun shouldbekeptthoroughlylubrl-
cated at all times. The felt pads in the breech oiler should
be kept well saturatedwith 011. However,the oil containedand
distributedby the felt pads is not surricientin instancesor
prolongedriring,soall slidingsurZacessbouldbeoiled frequent-
ly and freely to insure perfect TUnCtiOning Or the gun. For
proper instruction in the lubricating of the gun, refer to
FM 23-40, and ror material used, TM g-850 and 3NL K-l.

-23 -
TM e-1215

18. MHWUEiLAFBBXCDBY.GAS. - For defense against chem-

ical attack, end for procedure to be followed in the care of
materiel affected by gas, rem to mf 21-40 and IM g-850.

Section v

St&m nomenclature lists ----___--_-----________ 19
DPlan&Ory publ*atlom _---_---____________-------
a. hmunltlon, revolverand automaticpistol SNL T-2
b* Cleanlw and preserving.-
Cleaning,preservingand lubrlcatlngmaterial,re-
co11 fluIds,specialoils, and ~lmllarItems or
Issue ____________________~~~~~~~~_~__~_~____~~~~_
Soldering,brazing,. and weldingmaterlals,and re-
lated items _____________________________________SNL K-2
c- Gun materlel.-
Gun, sutunachlne,cal..45,Thompson,Ml928Al _____-_- SNLA-35
Tools,specialrepalr,'automatlc guns,automaticgun
materiel,automaticand semiautomatic cannonand
mortars_I__________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SNL A-35
Truck, -1 -, repair,&Q _--__________________SNL 0-72
CurrentStandardNomenclatureLists are as tabulated
here. An up-to-datelist of SNL~s Is maintained
as the "OrdnancePubllcatlonsfor Supply Index" -- CPSI
20. ExHMAlwYpuBcIcATIoNS. -
a* Atmmmitlon,general____________________-- m 9-1900
b* Cleaning,preserving,lubrlcatlng, and
m?ldingmaterials,and sim.llarItems issued by the
mce m-t ~~_______~___________~~~~~~~~~~
lpj g-850
C. Qun materiel.
Defenseagainstchemicalattack -------------------I+l21-40
Crdnancemaintenancepmcedure - Witerlel Inspection
andrepair ____~__~~___~I_________I_______I__ M g-11~
Thompsoneubmachlnegun, cal..46,w1920Al ---------- FM 23-40

TM 2.1212

A PW= P4%=
Actuator,inspectionof ----- 15 Pore&p group, inspection
Arctic climetee,cem of gun of ___-__-~_----_--- 13-15
h _____________-__-______-- *3
inspectionof __-__-_- 10

B maintglenceend repair of ---- 21

Barrel, how to reme ------- 22 caution in disssseab~ -- 10
Earrelgroup l.Lluetrateddieasee&led ----- 11
illustrateddieaeaembled--- IA lnepectionof ----------- 104.2
inepe&lon of --------- 12, 13 meinteelanceand repeir of - 21-22
msintenenceand repair or --- 22 parts ccqoeed of -------- 5
Bolt group Front eight, aaeealblyof to
Jllustrateddieaseeabled--- 18 ,,m b-1 ______________-___22
lnapeationof _--___-___------15
meintenenceendrepairof--22 G
Bore, cle of _____________ 23
Box magazine
=Y 20 rounds) Gee, materiel effected by ----- 24
illustrated Groups. gun assembly divided
attached to gun ------------ 3 into ---_---___----__-___-----5
~eese,&,bled______________ 19 ~~*trat& --_--------- 7
inspectionof _-___--------- 17
maintenenceend repair of ---- 23 I
tube, inspectionof ----------17
8ufPer group Inspectionof gun ------------8-17
inspectionof ----------- 15-17 actuator -_____--_-___-__-___15
maintenanceand repair of ---- 23 barrel group -------------12, 13
Bulge in barrel ---______-_--__-13 bolt group _______-____-____ 15
Bum, reaoving i-ramsmooth box mageeb _________________ 17
s*faca; _______~__________-__ 21 buffer-group______________15-17
Butt stock assembly butt stack assembly ----------10
illustrateddisassembled----- 9 * mage*e ---____-_-____-_17
inspectionof -__-------------10 foregrip group ------------13-15
meintenenceand repair of --.--21 frame -__~___-__-------------10
frenremu _---_---------~10-u
c gun &,,& ________________ 8-10
lock ____________________-__ l‘j
Care of gun ___-----_-___-_-_-_-23 magasbe* _______-_________ 17
Cleaner, rifle bore ------------23 magazinecatch assembly ------ 10
cleaning of gun _______________ 23 ojJer &p.ow --_______________17
ccelpeneetor,"Cutte' pivot.pleteasembly ------- 12
aseeably of to new berm1 ---- 22 wwee of _-_______________ 8
_ving ______-____-___---- 13 && **t my, _-- ------- 15
receiver group ---------- 124.3
D *ofl ep&g- _____________ 17
mpo,.+,oa _a_--__-______ 8
Drummagezine (50 rounds) m&er _________________- 12
illustrated -her ppfot _----_-_-_-_----- 12
*tbhed to grm -_____------ 4 &etr ___________-__-_____ 10
~ees&led ___________----20 aem group ______-___________ 12
inepectiono* _____________---17 tools for ________-_____-___ 8
-t,eneme end repair of ---- 23 tfigger Brmp ____-_____-_--_ u
mtor ________________-------17
*prinp c*ee _________-------- 17 L

P wds, mm _--___________- 13
~epect,ionof -___-__-_____ 15
mintunnce and repair of ---- 22
hire control lever, setting --- 5-6 Lubricationof gun --------- 23

26 -
TM e-1215

ll PM- Page
Hagaslm, types of ---_-_____ 5 &lpect1on o* ---_----_------- 17
box (we Box magadne) maintenanceand repair of ---- 23
drm (see h rgasim) lwmtig and replacing-------17
ICs@sinebody, inspectionof ---- 17 Repair of gun (see nalntemce
-ina catch asaeably and repair of-&
inspectionrJf---____-___-_____10 Rocker
maintenanceal%-repairof -- 21-22 bape&lon of _--___-_-_-----_ 12
~NrIe;QpOU magazine), m'¶lntaMnceand repair of ---- 22
-_-_-___________17 Rocker pivot
lhlntenanceud repair of gun-u-u, inspection of ________________12
-1 - _-________________
22 maintenance andrepair of ---- 22
bolt m"p -_e_______________ 22 riotor,and spring case,
goup ____________-____23 ~sa$,g&l~g -----_------__-- 17
butt stock assembly-----------21
drlamagaxlne _________________23
f- ______-______________-__21
frga wup ------_--_-_-__---_ 21 S&m+., lnspect10nof --------- 10
1-k -------------_____-_----- 22 Screws,reaovlngbum from ----- 21
Iqwine -___________________ 23 *=ww
ofler group __________-___ 22-23 l~~&.at& -_-___-__---_-___- n
pivot plate asae&ly --------- 22 inspection & ___-___-________u
sight mup ___----_--__-- 22 rmintemncsand repslr of ---- 22
nc*lmr goup -------__-_-_--- 22 Servicsablllty, inspection
meofl spring __-_-__--__-_-_-_23 of ba-1 for ________________ 13
-*er ____-_______________---- 22 Sight leaf as&ly, mmovlng
rocker pivot __________________
22 and dlsassembllng----------- 15
,%ym grou3 ___I_______________22 Sight slide and catch,
trigger#g.Qup _-_______________
* -o”bg _____________________ 15
Uechurtsoof @m,described----- 5 Soap &x-Jwater, use of in
Spring cam, and rotor,
dlsassablhg ________________ 17

bpeetlm of _-_-_-------__I-17 T
HJnts~vlce awl rapilir
of -- 22-23
Opsratlonof gun, described---- 5-b nKmpson submachinegun, cal..i5,
P C& nnd cleaning0f ---------23
descriptionof --------------5-b
parts, gun, vhen to replace----- 21 gas affectedby ------------- 2l,
pit* jJ)barrel __________________13 '&t&,d ____________~___ 3, ,,
Pivot plate assembly :nspect&m of ------------- 8-17
inspsctla of -_________-__--_12 lubrlcatlonof -____-_-____ 23
rintenure Md repair of ----- 22 mnlntenanceand reualr of - 21-Z
Primer,sat back, c."sea of ----- 15 lecbdm of _____1__--_____ 5
q.$rat1onof -_____________--54
R Triggergroup
lUu&.&&?d ----_-_--_--______ u
Rear si#ht group jJ).qpe&laof ------------____ 12
illustrateddisassembled----- lb maintenanceand repair of ---- 22
lnspe&lon of _________________ 15 20-roundmagazine(see Box
~lntan~cs and mpalr of ----- 22 waxins)
illustrateddlrsaembled ------l4 ii
lnsFtlon of ______________ 12-13
maintemnce and repair of ----- 22 Ulndaga 5crew,-vlng --------15
parts caposed of ------------ 5
Recoil spring

- 27 -
TM 2-121s

(A. G. 062.11 (12~23-41)

By order or the secmary or war:

0. C. I-bVmuL,
chier or star.

E. S. Amits,
Major General,
The AdjutantGeneral.
DISTFUBUl'ION:m 9(l); IC g(3).

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