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Week Activities Done Recommendations Familiarization With How The Hydrogen Plant Works, Hands On and Plant Checks

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MAR For every generator, there
The hydrogen plant is responsible for producing hydrogen gas are damaged cell stacks
2017 which is used for cooling the stator windings for six electricity therefore the plant operate
generators in the main plant. There are four hydrogen whilst it is not optimised.
generators. The generators are run for a
Each hydrogen generator is configured with three PEM stacks longer period to produce
which are designed to deliver up to 6 Nm3/h of 99.9995% pure more hydrogen since
hydrogen at a maximum pressure of 15 bars (218 psig). hydrogen generation is
Depending on the demand of hydrogen to the electricity proportional to the number
generators the hydrogen generator can be configured with one, of cell stacks.
two, or three cell stacks which produce 2 Nm3/h, 4 Nm3/h, or 6
Nm3/h, respectively.

Process description
Demineralised water from the water treatment plant flows by RECOMMENDATION
gravity into the reserve feed water tank of the hydrogen
generators. The feed water maintained in the temperature range Replacement of damaged
5 to 50OC is further purified by cartridge filter to a conductivity cell stacks
of 0.5µS/and stored into primary water tank. De-ionized water
is fed to the electrolytic cells at a rate of 5.5 litres/hr. The cells
are equipped with DC voltage which ionises the incoming water
molecules. At the anode water molecules are oxidised to
oxygen and protons, while electrons are released. The protons OBSERVATIONS
(H+ ions) pass though the PEM to the cathode where they meet
electrons from the other side of the circuit. No fitted automatic
combustible gas sensors.
The produced Hydrogen at the cathode is passed through a
moisture separator which removes entrained water droplets by RECOMMENDATION
use of a cyclone separator effect. To further purify the produced
Hydrogen it is passed through a hydrogen drier unit which Procurement of the sensors
contains silica gel. The gel absorbs moisture in the gas thus to detect hydrogen leaks and
producing 99.9995% pure hydrogen at a dew point of -100 OC take corrective measure
The H2 generated at 15 Kg/cm2 can be stored in low pressure before explosion.
tank with the help of pressure reducer or can be directly fed to
the individual unit Generator
1.Primary Protection No level sensors for the
It is the containment of hydrogen. It is contained as much as reserve feed water tank of
possible inside the plumbing in the the hydrogen plant, the tank
generator and is not allowed to mix with air from a potentially is filled by starting the
explosive atmosphere pumps manually.
2. Secondary Protection
A blower moves air through the section of the enclosure where RECOMMENDATION
hydrogen is generated at the rate sufficient to dilute the largest
credible leak to a level below the LFL of hydrogen to a Install level sensors so that
concentration below 1% H2 in air (25% of the LFL) and by- the filling pumps will start
product oxygen to a safe concentration below 23.5% .There is automatically when the level
an automatic alarm if excess Hydrogen is detected. is below 40% to fill the tank
3. Third protection this helps to prevent the
Elimination of ignition sources in any potentially explosive plant from tripping.
atmosphere inside the generator. All internal power distribution
equipment and as many other electrical components are located
in a separate section to the enclosure where hydrogen is


MAR Chlorine plant should be
Chlorination of cooling water is carried out in cooling water kept shut in case of any
2017 circuits to control the Algae growth and organic fouling. As the chlorine leaks, but it is now
algae’s presence and growth in cooling water circuit will lead kept open because of
to the fouling of heat transfer surface area in the condensers and damaged doors.
associated loss of condenser efficiency. Generally cooling
water chlorination is done on shock dosing basis once in 8 RECOMMENDATIONS
hours, 3 times a day. Chlorine dosing capacity of CW system
is of 100 kg/hr Procurement of the plant
doors to ensure safety.
Process description
The Cooling Water (CW) chlorination system has streams each
with an evaporator and a chlorinator with capacity of 225 kg/hr.
of chlorine each. On normal dosing one stream is used and
when shock dosing is required both streams are used
Simultaneously. The plant has 12 chlorine tonners, each filled
Chlorine ton containers will contain about 900 Kgs of chlorine,
which is normally stored on Trunnion Roller Supports.

Two containers are connected in the system each time with one
working and the other on standby. The Chlorine toner consists
of liquid chlorine as well as gaseous chlorine. There are two
valves fixed in chlorine toner. The position of the chlorine toner
should be always kept in such a way that the valves should be
kept at right angle to the ground.
The valves should be in vertical position only and it should not
be kept in any other position because there is always a chance
of liquid and gas chlorine mixing and entering into the system.
Liquid chlorine entering into the system is dangerous. Chlorine
liquid side valve is connected to the manifold.

Chlorine Evaporators are basically of shell and tube type heat

exchanger, electrically heated water bath type. Capacity of each
Evaporator is 225 kg/hr to avoid flooding of liquid chlorine
during manual operation. During normal operation, the water
bath temperatures of Evaporators are controlled between 80-
90°C through Temperature Controller and the water level in
bath is between 1450mm to 1500mm. Chlorine gas at the
Evaporator outlet will have a super heat of +5°C above ambient
at the rated capacity of 225 kg/hr.

The Evaporator is provided with water bath instruments such as

temperature gauge, temperature switches, level switch and
immersion heaters for maintaining the water bath level and
temperature. Cathodic protection arrangement is provided to
avoid corrosion of the wetted parts of the Evaporator. The
instrument controls are interlocked with Evaporator control
panel. The injector is part of Chlorinator. This is a vacuum
device, which creates vacuum when motive water is passed
through nozzle. The vacuum created is extended through the
Vacuum piping up to vacuum regulator and draws Chlorine
Gas from the evaporator. Injector ensures thorough mixing and
dissolving of Chlorine in water at its throat and diffuser

This system consist of two booster pumps one working under

normal dosing, Two will work during shock dosing. Inlet water
supply to the booster pump is taken from the cooling tower
pond and is pumped at high pressure to the injector pump. At OBSERVATIONS
the flow rate of 125 m3/hr, the water is fed as motive water to
Injector Pump delivery pressure of 7 kg/cm2 during normal Poor ventilation for the
operation. Once the solution is concentrated with chlorine the portable water chlorination
water is discharged back into the cooling tower pond where it plant.
is diluted by the water in the pond and forebay.

The chlorine concentration should be maintained between 2- RECOMMENDATION

3ppm. An inhibitor is fed for control of scaling. The purpose of
the inhibitor is to minimize scaling by feeding an alkaline Procurement of extraction
cooling water scale inhibitor, to control alkalinity by feeding fan to prevent accumulation
sulphuric acid, and to limit the calcium concentration by blow of chlorine when it is
down. In some instances, makeup pre-treatment is done to leaking.
provide a higher quality makeup resulting in reduction in blow-
down and chemical feed requirements. Makeup to the open-
recirculating cooling system is required to replace losses in the
cooling tower resulting from evaporation, blow down.

Emergency Leaking
In case of Chlorine leakage, the Chlorine leakage detector will
sense the leakage and give audio-visual alarm at the CW
process control unit. The manual isolating dampers at the
blower suction is kept open. In the event of leakage in chlorine
tonner the chlorine leak sensor can sense the leakage; an alarm
will be generated and the Emergency Ventilation Blower will
start automatically and evacuate the leaked chlorine. The
blower can be stopped manually from ventilation panel and
ensuring chlorine level in ambient air less-than 0.2 ppm.
Finding Chlorine Leaks
To find a leak, tie a cloth to the end of a stick, soak the cloth
with ammonia water and hold close to the suspected area.
(Avoid contacting ammonia water with brass.) A white cloud
of ammonium chloride will result if there is any chlorine



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