Summary of ISO 2954
Summary of ISO 2954
Summary of ISO 2954
The instruments covered by this International Standard give direct indication or recording of root-
mean-square (r.m.s.) vibration velocity that is defined as a measurement unit.
2 Normative references
4 Measurement quantities
The measurement quantities given in Figure 1 are used to describe mechanical vibration of non-
rotating parts.
Integration and differentiation among the measurement quantities is allowed both for broad
band and discrete frequency component signals (see ISO 10816-1:1995, Annex A).
The instrument should preferably be capable of measuring the measurement quantities given in
Figure 1, but shall at least measure r.m.s. vibration velocity over the frequency range of 10 to
1000 Hz.
In some parts of ISO 10816[2] a lower cut-off frequency of 2 Hz or even less is used. The
requirements to the frequency response can be found from the formulas in 5.4
5 General requirements
The requirements specified in this clause apply to the general characteristics of the complete
assembly of the transducer and the indicating unit.
The sensitivity within the measurement frequency range shall not deviate from the reference
sensitivity at the reference frequency by more than the quantities given in Table 2 and shown
graphically in Figures 1 and 2 for a reference frequency of 79.4 Hz.
The band-limiting element is a combination of high- and low-pass third-order Butterworth filter
In some cases, it may be necessary to limit or expand further the measurement frequency range
at its upper or lower boundaries to avoid interfering vibrations that are irrelevant to the
assessment of the vibration characteristics of a machine or to include important frequencies. For
this purpose, the instrument may be equipped with additional or modified high-pass or low-pass
filters. It is recommended that the cut-off frequencies, f1 and f2, of these filters be selected in
accordance with IEC 61260 one-third octave specifications in the range 1 Hz to 10 000 Hz and the
edge steepness kept as the filters specified in this International Standard
The selection (if available) of the measurement range shall be such that the indication of the
lowest level of the vibration severity to be measured shall be equal to at least 10 % of the full-
scale value.
The measurement uncertainty may be up to a maximum of ±10 % of the indicated value, including
the calibration uncertainty, at 10 % to 100 % of full-scale value.
These limits of uncertainty apply over the whole operating temperature range authorized for the
vibration transducer and indicating unit (see 6.4), for all types of attachments of the vibration
transducer (see Clause 6), for all lengths of connecting cable between the vibration transducer
and the indicating unit provided by the manufacturer and a ±10 % fluctuation in the supply
voltage. The limits shall include the uncertainty in the calibration. Only one of the above influence
parameters shall be checked at a time.
8 Power requirements
9 Instruction manual
Annex A (informative) Method for testing r.m.s.-voltage indicators