A Study On Financial Performance Through Working Capital Management IN Sudha Agro Oil and Chemical Industries Limited Samalkot
A Study On Financial Performance Through Working Capital Management IN Sudha Agro Oil and Chemical Industries Limited Samalkot
A Study On Financial Performance Through Working Capital Management IN Sudha Agro Oil and Chemical Industries Limited Samalkot
MBA programme
I here declare that the project report entitled “WORKING CAPITAL
{Regd no:09MR1E0012}
Project guide
P.G department of management studies
S v k r college gollakoderu
The present study is conducted with objectives of identified the WORKING
CAPITAL MANAGEMENT from the five years balance sheets provided by the
The first chapter deals with the introduction , where the information is
briefed about the oil & chemical industry
The second chapter discuss the need of the study, the methodology used and
limitation thereof.
The third chapter deals with the organization profile in detailed.
The forth chapter deals with the literature review of the study.
The fifth chapter deals with analysis and interpretation.
The sixth chapter findings, suggestions, conclusions and Bibliography
regarding the study with the help of last five years balance sheets.
Nature of working capital management
Objective of study
Significant of the study
Limitations of the study
For increasing shareholder’s wealth a firm has to analyze the effect of fixed
assets and current assets on its return and risk.working capital management of
current assets . the management of current assets on the basis of the following
1. current assets are for short period while fixed assets are for more than one year
3. Only current assets can be adjusted with sales fluctuating in the short run. thus
the firm has greater degree of flexibility in managing current assets. The
management of current assets help affirm in building a good market reputation
regarding its business and economic conditions.
2.Net working capital: net working capital refers to the difference between
current assets and liabilities are those claims of outsiders, which are expected to
mature for payment within an accounting year. It includes creditor’s or accounts
payables bills payable and outstanding expenses. Net working copulate can be
positive or negative. A positive working capital will arise when current assets
exceed current liabilities and vice versa.
in attempting to manage the current assets ,the current liabilities and the
inter relationship that exists between them. The term current refers to those
assets which in the ordinary course of business can be ,or will be converted
into cash within one year without undergoing a diminution in value and
without disrupting the operation of the firm. the major current assets are
liabilities are those liabilities, which are intended at their inception ,to be paid
in the ordinary course of business, within a year out of the current or the
earning of the concern .The basic current liabilities are accounts payable
,bills payable ,bank overdrafts and outstanding expense. The goal of working
management is to manage the firms assets and liabilities in such a way that a
insolvent and may even be forced into bankruptcy. The current assets should
continuously managed to ensure that they are obtained and used in the way.
For the purpose of the study necessary information has been collected
The primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time,
The secondary data ,on the other hand are those which have already been
collected by some one else and which have already been passed though the
stastical process.
The secondary data include the information from the company annual reports
which include financial statement like balance sheet and income statements
and such other information from text books of financial management ,journals
analysis .The main objective of the present study is to know the financial
To asses the long term financial viability of company .to know whether the
management is constantly concerned about the over all profitability of the
company (or) not.
The study conducted and done is analytical ,subject to the following limitations
1)The study is mainly carried out based on the secondary data provided in the
financial statements .
2)this study is based on the historical data and information provided in the annual
reports therefore it may not be a future indicator .
As the study was for short span of 8 weeks and due to lack of time other areas
could not be well focused.
Oils have come to play vital role in the economy of our country .These oils not
only for human diet but also provide essential raw materials for industries
products like soaps, paints ,varnishes and lubricants .there are many reasons for
ever growth demand for oils.
2.Annual oil seed like groundnut , rapeseed, sesame, Niger, sunflower, soybean
caster and linseed are non –edible types.
3.minor oil seeds, like sal, neem, karanja, kusum, maharaj etc.
4.oils obtained through technological process such as extraction from rice bran,
cotton seeds.
We are at present tapping about 25% to 30% of the available potential for
production in all the above sources .All these various oil seeds have different
yields of oil per unit area, depending in their oil content and yields of oil seeds
per unit area. The following table gives the average yields of oils per unit area for
various oil seeds.B?
Palm 3200-3500
Coconut 1900-2000
Niger 175-200
Castor 200-225
Sesam 300-325
Mustard 350-375
Linseed 400-450
In India most of the production comes from rainfall areas, and hence there
are wide fluctuation in production owing to monsoons –progress in the evaluation
and introduction of high yielding hybrid varieties are poor when compared to rice
and cotton etc. owing to these factors ,yield projector is very low.
The spectra of scarcity if oils has been hunting our national economy in
deferent every since the beginning of seventies lastly since 1977 huge be ports of
oils have become a necessity to arrest the raise in price and met the demand and
supply gap by spending huge foreign exchange to crude oil.
The crisis has become the more serious on account of standard in the
production of traditional oil seeds mainly ground nut and mustard on one hand and
ineffective utilization of the vast of resources of oil which can available by taping
rice bran and minor oil seed of origin and not adopting a concrete national policy
has made the crisis serious.
In fact the rice bran oil can argument substantial quality of oil in the
country like many Asain countries including Japan Herman’s thus land where rice
bran oil came to stay as a cooking medium and also for industrial purpose.
Delhi 30 9000
Haryana 1685
Karnataka 2050 6,15,000
The following is the state wise advent extraction plant and their
processing capacity
Andhra Pradesh 57 10,610 31,83,000
Delhi 1 45 13,500
The inflation rate of general goods is above 20%.it is surprised that in case
of oils the inflation is above 30%.there is still a danger in as government has no
other growth expert to resort to fix the inflationary to be standard price in order to
fill reservoir of resources to meet the budget.
In view of the growing demand for oils and for cattle feed, the importance of
the solvent extraction industry is very significant and it plays a very import role in
Indian company .the present growth rate of industry is around 5%.
The activities of the industry are monitored by the solvent extractors moderation of
India, located at Mumbai .
In the year 1993-94 the company issued a bonus shares of 42,840 shares of
rs.100 paid up at the ratio of 5:4 out of reserves of Rs 104-58 lakhs available with
the company . the equity capital was increased to Rs 177.61 lakhs by subscribing
26,775 shares at per and 54.445 shares at premium of Rs 50 per share of Rs 500
paid up.
In the year 1996-97 the equity capital was further increased to 225 lakhs by
subscribing 47,390 shares at per by the existing promoters . thus the equity capital
of the company stood at Rs 11.361lakhs as on 31st march ,1997.
The company paid 10% dividend on equity in the first year itself and is
continuously paying dividend for the eight years.
The chief promoters of the company is sri E. Rajarao, B.A . who was earlier
associated with the promotion of Gowthami solvent oil ltd .as an executive director
,he has aged above 60 years of experience in the oil and fats business.
Charted accounts
3-16c-40\1,8th road
Shanti nagar,
Commercial branch
19-1-422, G . Ragampeta,
Samalkot - 533440
Andhra Pradesh
The company initially started with 150 TPD rice bran solvent extraction plant in 1982 and
subsequently expended its acids ,glycerin and oxygen . The particulars of the various plants
installed in the company’s existing premises given below.
The company had started the solvent the extraction plant on its own
fill in 1989-90 and it ran this on job work basis with minimum quality
guarantee to ITC limited and Essar Gujarath limited from September 1990
.due to shifting of job work processing the operating capacity of the plant of
the plant came down from 84%to 66% . now this plants running on its own.
The company has entered a processing agreement for its
hydrogenation plan with Colgate Pamolive (1)ltd. the process a minimum
quality of 2,400 Mt. per year and the agreement is renewable every year.
Colgate Palmolive (1) ltd also supplied electrolysis equipment on hire
purchase basis for the period of three years commencing from year 1995
The company is regular in both earning the profit and declaring the dividend
to its share holder. The turnover in 1992-93 and 1995-96 were low due to reason
that unit under took job works for ITC limited and Essar Gujarat limited. The turn
over started increasing from 1996-97 on words due to diversification of the
activities in a phased manner. The company could not show a net profit in 1998-99
as it changed the method of depreciation from straight line method to written down
value method. Due to availability of surplus in profit and loss account the company
declared dividend of 15% on its equity on proportionate basis.
The main raw material of this unit is rice bran oil. The unit requires a
quality of 150 Mt .of rice oil per day and 100 Mt of rice bran oil per day. The
company is located in the center of east Godavari district surrounded by huge
number of rice mills. Since the company is 15 years old it established a strong net
work for procurement of rice bran. The required rice bran is produced through
urgently brokers who collect rice bran from mills at the price indicated by the
company depending on the marketing fluctuation. The company has 30 bran agents
in Godavari district, srikakulam and southern Orissa.
Out of the 100Mt of rice bran oil around 15tones per day available from
the solvent extraction plant of the company.
The chemical such as nickel catalyst caustic soda, sulphuric acid,
phosphoric acid bleaching earth etc . Are available in the required capacities to run
the plan at envisaged capacities .
The raw material for solvent extraction for is rice bran . there are two
verities of rice bran.
1. Raw rice bran.
2. Boiled rice bran.
The oil content is raw rice bran is 16% and increase as boiled rice bran
is 19% the purchase price of rice bran fixed on the basis of oil content
According if oil content is less than 16% the price will be reduced
proportionately and if oil content is more than 16% a premium will be paid
proportionately similarly in the case of boiled rice bran rebate of premium is
considered on the basis of 19% oil content .
The sweet water obtain at the splitting tower contain glycerine heating
process in the glycerine refine unit refines the crude glycerine. The refines
glycerine of 90% purity is the stored in drums for sale.
The soap stock ( fatty acids obtain from the neutralization process is treated
with sulfuric acid and then washed ). The oil thus obtain is called as acid and is
stored for sale or for further use in the fatty acid plant.
The rice bran received from various rice millers is first fed into a Pelletier
machine to convent the bran, Which is in powder from into pellets. These pellets
which are run through a pellet cooler to reduce the heat in the pellets. These pellets
are fed into the extraction conveyor through conveyors. The extraction bed hexane
is poured on to the bran pellets. The hexane while passing through the bran pellets,
absorbs the oil content in the bran. This mixture of oil and hexane is called miscella.
The hexane in oil is then separated by condensation process. The oil thus obtain is
stored in storage tanks for sale or for further use in other plants.
The de-oiled bran . Which still contains traces of hexane, is run through
direct to aster to recover the hexane . The de-oiled bran (DOB) which is free from
hexane is bagged for sale.
A part from investment in fixed assets , every enterprise has to arrange for
adequate funds for meeting day (operations) expenses to kept it a concern. So
originally speaking working capital refers to the flow funds , necessary for working
of enterprise however these is no agreement among the financial experts regarding
the meaning of working capital. They define working capital in the following
1. The most common definition of net working capital is the different between
current assets and current liabilities
2. Alternate definition of net working capital is that portion of current assets
which is financed with long term funds.
In brief , they are useful in inter firm comparison of liquidity . net working capital
as a measure of liquidity, is not very useful for comparing the performance of
different firms, but it is quite useful for internal control. The net working capital
helps in comparing the same firm over time.
In order earn sufficient profits, a firm has to depend on its sales activities
apart from others. We know that sales are not analysis converted into cash
immediately. i.e, there is a time lack between the sale of a product and the
realization of cash so, an adequate amount of working capital is required by a firm
in the form of different current assets for its activities to continue un interrupted
and to tackle the problem that may arise because of the time lay. Practically this
happens simply owing to the “operating cycle”(or) “ cash cycle”, involves the
following steps.
The term working capital refers to current assets which may be defined as
This fixed assets as well as current assets, both required investment of funds. So,
the management of working capital and of fixed assets, appearently seen to involve
same type of consideration but it is not so. The management of capital involves
different concepts and methodology than the techniques used in fixed assets
management. The reason for this different is obvious. The very basics of fixed
assets decision process (i.e the capital budgeting ) and the working capital decision
process are different. The fixed assets involve long period perspective and
therefore, the concept of time value of money is applied where as in working
capital the time horizon is limited, in general, to one year only and the time value
of money concept is not considered. The fixed assets the long term profitability of
the while the current assets affect the short term liquidity position. Managing
current assets may require more attention than managing fixed assets. The financial
manager must.
Therefore continuously monitor the assets to ensure that the desire levels are
being maintained. Since the amount of money invested in current assets can change
rapidly. So does the financing required. Mis management of current assets can be
costly. Too large an investment in current means tying up funds that can be
productively used else where (or it means added interest cost if the firm has
borrowed funds to finance the investment in current assets). Excess investment
may also expose the firm to undue risk eg. In case, the inventory cannot be sold or
the receivable cannot be collected.
On the other hand, too little investment also can be expensive for ex:-
insufficient inventory may mean that sales are lost as the goods which a customer
wants are not available. The results is that financial managers spend a large chunk
of their time managing the current assets because level of these assets changes
quickly and a lack of attention paid to them may result in appreciably lower profits
for firm. So, in the working capital management, a financial manager is faced with
a decisions involving some consideration as follows:
The firm is after required to extend credit facilities to customers. The finished
goods must be kept in store to take care of the orders and minimum cash balance
must be maintained. It must also have minimum of raw material to have smooth
and uninterrupted production process. So in order to have a proper and smooth
running of the business activities, the firm must make investment in all these
current assets. This requirement of funds depend up on the operating cycle period
of the fiem and also denoted as the working capital needs of the firm.
It is the time required to convert the credit sales in to cash realization. It refers
to the period between the occurrence of credit sales and collection of debtors.
The total of ICP and RCP is also known as total operating cycle period
(TOCP). The firm might be getting some credit facilities from the supplier of raw
material wag earners etc. this period for which the payment it these parties are
deferred or delayed is known as deferral period. The net operating cycle of a firm
is arrived at by deducting the deferral period from total operating cycle period.
The duration of time required for completing the following sequencies of events
in case of manufacturing firm s called the operating cycle.
The duration of the operating cycle for the purpose of estimating working capital
requirement is equalant to the sum of duration of each of these tables less the credit
period allowed by the suppliers of the firm.
The net working capital is the different between current assets and current
liabilities. The concept of net working capital enables a firm to determine how
much amount is left for operational requirements.
Gross working capital is the amount of funds invested in the various components
of current assets.
The balance sheet working capital is one which calculated from the items
appearing in the balance sheet. Gross working capital which is represented by the
excess of current assets, and net working capital which is represented by the excess
of current assets over current liabilities are examples of balance sheet working
2. Seasonality of operation
3. Production policy
4. Marketing conditions
6. Credit policy
7. Conditions of supply
Firms which have market seasonally in their operation usually have highly
function working capital requirement. For a sugar industry the raw material i.e.,
sugar cane is available in particular season only. So sugar industry mainly depends
upon seasonality of operations.
The credit policy means the totality of terms and conditions on which goods
are sold and purchased. At firm has interact with 2 types of credit policies at a time
one, the credit policy of the supplier of raw material, goods etc, and two the credit
policy relating to credit which it octends to its customer. In both the cases, however
,the firm while deciding its credit policy has to take care of credit policy of the
market for example affirm might be purchasing goods and services on credit but
selling foods only for cash the working capital requirement of this firm will be
lower than that of a firm which is purchasing cash, but has to sell on credit basis.
If the supply is prompt and adequate the firm can manage with small
inventory, if the supply is unpredicted and service then the firm has to ensure
continuity of production.
A conservative current assets policy trends to reduce risk. The surplus current
assets under the policy enable firm to copy rather easily with variations in sales.
54&55 An aggressive current assets policy seeking to minimize the investment
in current assets exposes the firm to greater risk.
The overall working capital policy adopted by the firm may broadly:-
1. Conservative
2. Moderate
3. Aggressive
A conservative overall working capital policy means that the firm chooses
conservative current assets policy along with conservative current assets financing
Short term debts can take care of the seasonal needs of the organization even
here to take care of vagaries in cash flow, a past of the funds required may be
obtained from sources with longer maturity schedules of the debts. Thus usually
permanent and long-term finance is used to finance the permanent requirements or
fixed assets and the net permanent current assets and a apart of the reasonable short
term needs.
1. Trade credit
2. Working capital advances by commercial bank.
3. Public corporate deposits
4. Inter corporate deposits
5. Short term loans from financial institutions .
6. Rights debentures for working capital.
7. Emerging sources commercial paper and factoring.
Of all the above the most significant sources of working capital finance are
trade credit and bank borrowings, after trade credit bank borrowing are the next
important sources of financing working capital requirements of firms in India.
Tanton committee has suggested guidelines for the ratio allocation and optimum
use of the bank credit for the working capital requirement.
1. The borrowers should indicate the likely demand for credit. For this purpose,
he should draw operating plans for the ensuring year and supply them
bankers. This procedure will facilitate credit planning at the bankers credit
needs in a realistic manner and the periodic follow up during the ensuring
2. The bankers should finance only the genuine production needs of the
borrower. The borrower should maintain the reasonable levels of the investor
and receivable. He should hold just enough to carry on his targets
production. Efficient management of resources should, therefore, be
ensured to eliminate slow moving and flabby inventories.
Until now any increase decrease in any individual item of current assets
and current liabilities was shown in the funds flow statement. But now a statement
is prepared to deficit the changes in working capital. The net increase or decrease
is then carried forward to the funds flow statement.
The statement of working capital is prepared with the help of current assets
and current liabilities of the two periods the figures of 2 periods are compared. If
there is an increase in the amount of any current liabilities in the current year in
comparison to that in that in the previous year, it will result to an increase in the
working capital. Similarly, a decrease in the amount of any current assets or an
increase in amount of current liabilities in the current year in comparison to that in
the previous year and total decrease in the end is compared and the different of
total increase and total decrease shows net increase or decrease in the working
statements of sudha agro oil & chemical industries limited for the year 2005-06
FOR THE YEAR 2005-06
515.25 411.21 104.04 --
Current liabilities
12.00 61.09 -- 49.09
Provision -- --
TOTAL (B) 527.25 472.31
Working capital
Increasing in
working capital -- 246.60 246.60 --
TOTAL 1241.00 1241.00 382.70 382.70
FOR THE YEAR 2006-07
411.21 423.23 -- 12.21
Current liabilities
61.09 88.65 -- 27.55
Provision -- --
TOTAL (B) 472.31 512.08
Working capital
Increasing in
working capital 25.65 -- -- 25.65
TOTAL 1020.05 102.05 148.16 148.16
FOR THE YEAR 2007-08
423.43 575.62 -- 152.19
Current liabilities
88.65 154.94 -- 66.29
provision -- --
TOTAL (B) 512.08 730.57
Working capital
Increasing in
working capital 244.19 -- -- 244.19
TOTAL 1264.25 1264.25.00 468.99 468.99
FOR THE YEAR 2008-09
575.62 661.73 -- 86.11
Current liabilities
154.94 216.50 -- 61.56
Provision -- --
TOTAL (B) 730.57 878.23
Working capital
Increasing in
working capital 247.11 -- -- 247.11
TOTAL 1511.36 1511.36 505.30 505.30
FOR THE YEAR 2009-10
661.73 567.44 94.29 --
Current liabilities
216.51 110.30 106.21 --
Provision -- --
TOTAL (B) 878.24 677.74
Working capital
Increasing in
working capital -- 194.67 194.67 --
TOTAL 1511.37 1511.37 424.78 424.78
Sudha agro chemical industries pvt ltd has a current ratio in the year
2005-06 it was 3.11 and in the year 2006-07it was 2.99 after 2007-08 it was
decreasing trend but in the year 2009-10 the ratio is 2.94 which is above the
standard ratio .
The company in the years of 2005-06 and 2006-07 as 1.61 ,
where as in the year of 2007-08 ,it was in decreased to 1.37 and in the year 2008-
09it was decreased. At last the companies overall liquidity position is not in
The absolute liquidity ratio of the company was not upto the mark during
all the years. From the year 2005-06,it shows an increasing trendup to next year .
In the year 2007-08 is same . During the year 2007-08 it was declined that means
it has never reached the standard of 0.5 . Thesituation is due to very small
balance of cash maintain by the firm for itsworking capital requirements. In the
year 2000-10 the firm shows an
increasing trend .
For the company efficiency is decreasing .In the year 2006-07 it is 7.29,
which is highest recorded . After that it went on decreasing to lowest of 1.64 in
2009-10. It shows that there is no proper control over 72the inventory by the
Several ratios calculated from the accounting date, can be grouped into
various classes according to financial activity or function to be evaluated. As
stated earlier, the parties interested in financial analysis are short and short and
long-term creditors, owners and management.
Liquidity ratios
Leverage ratios
Activity ratios
Profitability ratios
Liquidity ratio:-
The liquidity refers to the maintenance of cash, bank balance and those assets,
which are easily convertible into cash in order to meet the liabilities as and when
arising. So, the ratios study the firm’s short-term solvency and its ability to pay off
the liabilities.
Current ratio:-
Current ratio is the ratio of current and current liabilities. Current assets
are assets which can be converted into cash within one year and include cash in
hand and at bank, bills receivable, net sundry debtors, stock of raw materials,
finished goods and work in progress, prepaid expenses, outstanding and occurred
incomes, and short term or temporary investments. Current liabilities are liabilities,
which are to be repaid with in a period of 1 year and include bills payable, sundry
creditors, bank over drafts, and outstanding expenses, Income received in
advanced, proposed dividend, provision for taxation, unclaimed dividends and
short term loans and advances repayable within 1 year
Current assets
Current liabilities
2) quick Ratio:-
Quick assets
Quick liabilities
Current liabilities
a) Leverage ratios:
Total debt will include short and long-term borrowing from financial
institution debentures bonds. Capital employed will include total debt and net
The firm may be interested in knowing the proportion of the interest bearing
debt in the capital structure by calculating total debt ratio. A highly debt burdened
firm difficulty in raising funds from creditors and owners in future. Creditors treat
the owner’s equities as a margin of safety.
Total Debt
Total Ratio = ----------------------------------------------
Capital Employed
It reflects the relative claims of creditors and shareholders against the assets
of the business. Debt, usually, refers to long-term liabilities. Equity include
preference share capital and reserves.
The relationship describing the lenders contribution for each refers of the
owner’s contribution is called debt equity ratio.
A high ratio shows a large share of financing by the creditors relative to the
owner’s and therefore, large claim against the assets of the firm.
A low ratio implies a smaller claim of creditors. The equity indicates the
margin of satisfy to the creditors so, there is no doubt the Beth high and low debt
equity ratios are not desirable. What is needed is a ratio, which strikes a proper
balance between debt and equity.
Total Debt
Debt-Equity = -------------------------------------
Net worth
Some financial experts opine that debt should indicate current liabilities
also. However, this is not a popular practice. In case of preference share capital, it
is treated as a part of shareholders funds, but if the preference shares are
redeemable, they are taken as a part of long-term debt shareholder funds are also
known as proprietor funds and it indicates items equity share capital, reserve, and
surplus. A debt equity ratio of 3:1 is considered ideal.
It expresses the relation between net worth and total assets.
Net worth
Property ratio= ----------------------------------------
Total assets
Fixed assets
Capital employed
This ratio indicates the mode of financing the fixed assets. A financially
well- managed company will have its fixed assets financed by long term funds.
Therefore, the fixed assets ratio should never be more than
This interest coverage ratio shows the number of times the interest
charges are covered by funds that are or demurely available for their payment. A
high ratio is desirable but too high ratio indicates that the firm is very conservative
in using debt and that is not using credit to the debt advantage of shareholder. A
lower ratio indicates excessive use of debt or inefficiency operations. The firm
should make efforts to improve the operating efficiency or to retire debt to have a
comfortable coverage ratio.
Total assets
Working capital
Where if cost of goods sold is known. Net sales can be taken in the
Working capital = current assets – current liabilities.
Average debtors
Net credit sales inspire credit sales after adjusting for sales returns. In case
information no credit sale is not available. “sales” can be taken in the numerator.
Debtors include bills receivable. Debtors should be taken at gross value, without
adjusting provisions for bad debts. In case, average debtors be found; closing
balance of debtors should be taken in the denominator. A high debtors turn over
ratio or a low debt collection period is indicative of a sound credit management
policy. A debtors turnover collection period of 30-36 days is considered ideal.
Average creditors
Net credit purchase imply credit purchase after adjusting for purchases
returns. In case information on credit purchase is not available purchase may be
taken in the numerator. Creditors include bills payable. In case avenue creditors
can’t be found, closing balance of creditors should be taken in the denominator.
It is defined as
Net sales
Fixed assets
Fixed assets imply net fixed assets i.e. after depreciation. A high fixed assets
turnover ratio indicates better utilization of the firm’s fixed assets. A ratio around 5
is considered ideal.
Stock turnover ratio indicates the number of times the stock has turned over
into sale sin the year. It is calculated.
Average inventory
In case, information regarding cost goods sold is not known. Sales may be
taken in the numerator. Similarly, if average stock can’t be calculated, closing
stock should be taken in the denominator.
A stock turnover ratio of ‘8’ is considered ideal. A high stock turnover ratio
indicates that the stocks are fast moving and get converted into sales quickly.
However, it may also be on account of holding low amount of stocks and
replenishing stocks in larger number of installments.
The higher the ratio, per profitable is the business. The net profit ratio is
reassured by dividing net profit ratio indicates management efficiency in
manufacturing administration and selling the products. This ratio is the overall
firms ability to turn each rupee of sale into net profit. If the profit margin is
inadequate, the firm fails to achieve satisfactory return on share holder’s funds.
Net sales
A firm with high net profit margin can make better use of favorable
conditions. Such as rising selling prices, falling cost of products or increasing
demand for the product. Such a firm will be able to accelerate its profits at a faster
rate than a firm with a low net profit margin. This ratio also indicates the firm
capacity to withstand adverse economic conditions.
It indicates the return, which the shareholders are earning on their resources
invested in the business.
Net worth
Net worth = share holders funds = equity share capital + preference share
capital + Reserves – factious assets.
The higher the ratio, the better it is for the share holders. However, inter
firm comparisons should be made to ascertain if the returns from the company are
adequate. A trend analysis of the ratio over the past few years much is done to find
out the growth or deterioration in the profitability of the business.
Total assets
Total assets do not include fictitious assets. The higher the ratio, the better
it is.
Earnings per share are the net profit after tax and preferences dividend,
which is earned on the capital representative of one equity share. It calculated as :-
Smile to understand rather than the reading but the figures of financial
Enable outside parties to assess the strength and weakness of the firm.
Ratio analysis is very useful for ranking management decisions and also
highlights the performance in the area of profitability financial stability and
operational efficiency.
The ratio analysis is widely used of technique to evaluate the financial position and
performance of business. But there are certain problems in using ratios.
The analyst should be aware of these problems the following are some of the
limitations of ratio analysis.
A)Current ratio
Sudha agro chemical industries pvt ltd has a current ratio in the year 2005-
06 was recorded 3.11 and in and in the year 2006-07 it was 2.99 after 2007-08 it
was in decreasing trend but during in the ratio is 2.94 which is above the standard
B) quick Ratio:
Current liabilities
This ratio establishes relation between the quick assets ¤t liabilities.
As assets is liquid if it can be converted into cash immediately or reasonably soon
without loss of value .the accepted standard is 1:1
The quick ratio of sudha agro chemical ltd was favorable in the years of
2005-06 and 2006-07 as 1.79 and 1.61 ,where as in the years of 2007-06 ,it was in
decreased to 1.37 and in the year of 2008-09,it was decreased .At last the
company’s overall liquidity position is not in good
C) Absolute liquid ratio
Current liabilities
The ratio establish the relation between cash and current liabilities. Cash
is the most or absolute liquid asset for any firm. The accepted standard ratio
The absolute liquidity ratio of sudha agro chemical ltd was not up to the
mark during all the years 2005-06, it shows an increasing trend up to next year.
In the year of 2007-08 is same. During the year of 2008-09 it was declined that
means it has never reached the standard of 0.5.The situation is due to very small
balance of cash maintain by the firm for its working capital requirements. In the
year 2009-10 the firm shows an increasing trend.
The ratio indicates the efficiency of the firm in selling its product it is
calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold with average inventory.
For sudha agro chemicals limited ,the efficiency is decreasing .in the year of
2006-08.it is 7.39 ,which is highest recorded. After that it went on decreasing to
lowest of 1.64 in 2009-10. It shows that is no proper control over the inventory by
the management
The ratio indicates the speed with which the stock or inventory gets
converted in to cash i.e., sales the lower the period , the better liquidity of the
Sudha agro chemicals limited showed a holding period return of nearly
Sudha agro chemicals limited showed a holding period return of nearly 37 days in
the year of 2005-06 , which is very better compare to other years then it is
gradually increased to 98days in 2009-10 which means the liquidity of inventory
is not better.
The above statement showing about the details of stock at the opening of the
year at the closing .in the year of 2005-06 there is decrease in the end of the of the
DTR= sales
Average debtor
Book debts are expected to be converted in to cash over a short period and
therefore are included in current assets .the liquidity position of the firm depends
on the quality of a great extent.
The ratio indicated the number of items on an average that the turn over
takes place each year .generally the ratio the more efficient is the management of
credit .
Sudha agro limited ,maintain a good ratio of 33.52 in the year 2008-09 it
was decreased to 13.93 in the year of 2005-06 ,which not good compared to all the
previous years.
ACP = 365
Debtor turnover ratio
The ratio indicates the period in which debt can be recovered. From the
above table in the year 2005-06are 26.25 which is good, where it was decreased in
the year 2008-09 ,which is not good.
With reference to the working capital study of SUDHA AGRO OIL AND
CHEMICALS quantity of working capital is contributed by short source of
In this gross working capital of the firm, a major part is occupied by
inventory and sundry debtors.
The current ratio is maintained by the company is 2:1; the company exceed
minimum current ratio at all the years statement.
The quick asset ratio minimally maintained by the company are 1:1 , the
company was satisfy this position up to 2010.
The absolute liquid ratio is not satisfied position fluctuations are take place it
is high and some at the years 2007 to 2008.
Inventory turn ratio is well in satisfied position it is high at 2007-08. It is
very poor at the current year of the study that is 1.64.
In the debtor turn over ratio is also at well satisfied position it is highly
obtain at the year of 2008-09. The current position is less than that of
previous year that is 26.94.
Average collection period high is at the 2006 and is poor at 2009.
In order to achieve to the goals of the organization as whole and
achievement of performance appraisal technique is very useful .
The company has been maintaining sufficient amount of working capital in
all the years
5) For better results company has to maintain cash inflows to overcome current
liabilities of the firm.
6) To gain good profits company has to improve the sales through inventory
7) The company b should try to reduce external liabilities, having pay high EPS
& DPS.