Equity Ke
MV per share 1.25 Dividend 0.10
Shares 1,000,000 Growth rate 10%
Total Equity 1,250,000 Ke 18.80%
Debt Kd
MV of Bonds 85% Interest 0.15
Face Value 150,000 Tax 33%
MV of total Bonds 127,500 Kd 11.82%
Pref Shares KP
MV of Pref Shares 65% Dividend 7%
Face Value 250,000 KP 10.77%
MV of total Pref Shares 162,500
Question 37
Floatation cost 4%
Div yr 1 1.50
Growth rate 4%
MV per share 10
Ke 19.63%
MV of Debt 100
Tax rate 40%
Coupon rate 12.5%
- (96)
1 7.50
2 7.50
3 7.50
4 7.50
5 7.50
6 7.50
7 107.50
MV of Equity 2,500,000
MV of Debt 2,500,000
Ke 19.63%
Kd 8.28%
WACC 13.950%
Question 38
Ke 21.333% D54*(1+D55)/D53+D55
Ke 21.333%
Question 39
Ke Ke
MV per share 36 MV per share 36
Dividend Per share yr 1 2 Dividend Per share yr 1 2
Grwoth rate 5% Grwoth rate 5%
Floatation cost 4.50% Floatation cost 4.50%
Ke 10.82% Ke 10.56%
Kd 6.50% Kd 6.50%
Tax 35.00% Tax 35.00%
Kd after tax 4.23% Kd after tax 4.23%
Question 2
Current price 9
Shares 15
Conversion now 135
Question 3
Question 4
Fair Value 142
Shares 30
Face Value 100
Coupon rate 10%
Required rate 12%
Time to maturity 4
Question 5
Question 45
Yr CF PV at 10%
1 9.00 8.18
2 9.00 7.44
3 9.00 6.76
4 9.00 6.15
5 9.00 5.59
6 130.47 73.65
Market Value 108
Yr CF PV at 10%
1 9.00 8.18
2 9.00 7.44
3 9.00 6.76
4 9.00 6.15
5 9.00 5.59
6 109.00 61.53
Floor Value 96
Conversion premium
Value of shares today 96.00
Market value today 108
Conversion premuim 11.76
Question 46
Yr CF PV at 7%
1 9.00 8.41
2 9.00 7.86
3 9.00 7.35
4 9.00 6.87
5 123.50 88.05
Market Value 119
Conversion premium
Value of shares today 89.00
Market value today 119
Conversion premuim 29.54
Question 1 Question 2
Question 52
PBIT 2,500
PBIT 2,500 Interest (500)
Interest (500) PBT 2,000
Net profit 2,000 Tax @ 30% (600)
PAT 1,400
MV of Equity 10,000
MV of Debt 6,250 MV of Equity 10,000
MV of Debt 6,250
Ke 20.00%
Kd 8.00% Ke 14.00%
Kd (after tax) 5.60%
WACC 15.38%
WACC 10.77%
PBIT 2,500 PBIT (1-t) 1,750
MV of company 16,250 MV of company 16,250
WACC 15.38% WACC 10.77%
Number of shares
Old shares 200,000
New Share 52,414
Total Shares 252,414
MV per share 15.93
MV of Equity 400,000
MV of Debt 250,000
New project
Initial finance reqrd 180,000
NPV 75,000
Post project MV
Equity Debt
Old MV 400,000 250,000
New funds raised 90,000 90,000
NPV 75,000 -
565,000 340,000
Inflows 1,530,000
Capital required 6,000,000
Ke 21%
Kd 9%
Equity 10,000,000 66.67%
Debt 5,000,000 33.33%
Company capital 15,000,000
WACC 17.00%
Outlay (6,000,000)
PV of inflows 9,000,000
Net present value 3,000,000
Debt 3,000,000
Equity 3,000,000
WACC 10.97%
After debt
Debt 40
Cost of Debt
- (100)
1 5.60
2 5.60
3 5.60
4 5.60 WACC cant be used as DR
5 5.60 as it changed
6 5.60
7 5.60
8 5.60
9 5.60
10 110.60
WACC 14.275%
Inflows 60,000
Capital required 250,000
Ke 19%
Kd 9%
Equity 1,800,000 60.00%
Debt 1,200,000 40.00%
Company capital 3,000,000
WACC 15.00%
Debt 160,000
Equity 90,000
PBIT 400,000
Interest (150,000)
Net Profit 250,000
Kd 10%
Ke 16%
MV of Debt 1,500,000
MV of Equity (Calculated) 1,562,500
Market value of firm 3,062,500
PBIT 400,000
Interest (100,000)
Equity 300,000
Kd 10%
Ke 14%
MV of Debt 1,000,000
MV of Equity (Calculated) 2,142,857
Market value of firm 3,142,857
Base case Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
PBIT 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000
Interest - (60,000) (150,000) (220,000) (350,000)
Net profit 450,000 390,000 300,000 230,000 100,000
MV of Debt - 600,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000
MV of Equity 3,000,000 2,516,129 1,714,286 1,095,238 400,000
MV of Firm 3,000,000 3,116,129 3,214,286 3,095,238 2,900,000
Question 60
MV of debt 1,000,000
Ke 15%
Kd 9%
WACC 13.235%
MV of the firm 3,400,000
Debt introduction
Tradtional Theory
MV of debt 1,400,000
Ke 17.50%
Kd 9.00%
MM Theory
Question 61
MV of equity 200,000
Keu 20%
Debt introduction
Debt Capital 100,000
Equity Capital 100,000
Keg 30.00%
Kd 10.00%
WACC 20.00%
Question 62
Ke 15%
Kd 10%
WACC 13.00%
New propositions
Equity 2,800,000
Debt 1,200,000
Ke 14%
Kd 10%
WACC 13.00%
Question 63
PBIT 400,000 640,000 Find PBITs for both companies
Interest (100,000) (300,000) Find dividend for B (using Ke = given and MV of Equity = given)
Net Profit 300,000 340,000 Find interest for A and using Kd= (given) find MV of Debt
Ke 20.00% 34.00%
Kd 10.00% 10.00%
WACC 16.00% 16.00%
Question 64
Current Values
PBIT 150,000 150,000
Interest (20,000) -
Net Profit 130,000 150,000
Ke 13.00% 12.00%
Kd 5.00% 0.00%
WACC 10.71% 12.00%
Equilibrium Values
PBIT 150,000 150,000
Interest (20,000) -
Net Profit 130,000 150,000
Ke 16.25% 12.50%
Ke Through Function
Keu 12.50%
Kd 5.00%
D/E 0.5000
Keg 16.250%
Question 65
PBIT 10,000 10,000
Interest - (1,600)
Net Profit 10,000 8,400
Always calculated
Ke 20.00% 17.50% using MV of Debt
and equity in
Kd 0.00% 5.00% arbitrg gain
WACC 20.00% 12.50% question
Moving to A
Loan obtained 3,200
Current Investm 4,800
Invest in A 8,000
Returns 1,600
Interest paid on loan (160)
Net Income 1,440
Moving to A
Loan obtained 3,200
Current Investm 3,050
Invest in A 6,250
Returns 1,000
Interest paid on loan (160)
Net Income 840
Arbitrage gains -
Question 66
PBIT 10,000 10,000
Interest - (1,600)
Net Profit 10,000 8,400
Always calculated
Ke 14.29% 22.11% using MV of Debt
and equity in
Kd 0 5.00% arbitrg gain
WACC 14.29% 14.29% question
Moving to A
Loan obtained 3,200
Current Investm 3,800
Invest in A 7,000
Returns 1,000
Interest paid on loan (160)
Net Income 840
Arbitrage gains -
Question 67
PBIT 18,000 18,000
Interest - (3,600)
Net Profit 18,000 14,400
Always calculated
Ke 12.00% 13.33% using MV of Debt
and equity in
Kd 0 6.00% arbitrg gain
WACC 12.00% 10.71% question
Moving to A
Loan obtained 6,000
Current Investm 10,800
Invest in A 16,800
Returns 2,016
Interest paid on loan (360)
Net Income 1,656
Question 68
Ke 20% 27%
Kd 10% 10%
WACC 20% 17%
Equity = given)
ny B market value
Arbitrage gains MM Theory with Taxes
Arbitrage (Geared to Ungeared) No Arbitrage (Geared to Ungeared) Arbitrage (Ungeared to Geared) No Arbitrage (Ungeared to Geared)
PBIT 500,000 500,000 PBIT 500,000 500,000 PBIT 500,000 500,000 PBIT 500,000 500,000
Interst - (100,000) Interst - (100,000) Interst - (100,000) Interst - (100,000)
PBT 500,000 400,000 PBT 500,000 400,000 PBT 500,000 400,000 PBT 500,000 400,000
Tax (150,000) (120,000) Tax (150,000) (120,000) Tax (150,000) (120,000) Tax (150,000) (120,000)
PAT 350,000 280,000 PAT 350,000 280,000 PAT 350,000 280,000 PAT 350,000 280,000
Equity 1,750,000 1,300,000 Equity 1,750,000 1,050,000 Equity 2,000,000 1,050,000 Equity 1,750,000 1,050,000
Debt - 1,000,000 Debt - 1,000,000 Debt - 1,000,000 Debt - 1,000,000
Copmany 1,750,000 2,300,000 Copmany 1,750,000 2,050,000 Copmany 2,000,000 2,050,000 Copmany 1,750,000 2,050,000
Current Income 28,000 Current Income 28,000 Current Income 35,000 Current Income 35,000
My proposed income 40,000 My proposed income 35,000 Income as SH 32,000 Income as SH 28,000
Interest (7,000) Interest (7,000) Income as DH 8,000 Income as DH 7,000
33,000 28,000 40,000 35,000
Arbitrage Gain 5,000 Arbitrage Gain - Arbitrage Gain 5,000 Arbitrage Gain -
Arbitrage gains MM Theory without Taxes
Arbitrage (Geared to Ungeared) No Arbitrage (Geared to Ungeared) Arbitrage (Ungeared to Geared) No Arbitrage (Ungeared to Geared)
PBIT 500,000 500,000 PBIT 500,000 500,000 PBIT 500,000 500,000 PBIT 500,000 500,000
Interst - (100,000) Interst - (100,000) Interst - (100,000) Interst - (100,000)
PBT 500,000 400,000 PBT 500,000 400,000 PBT 500,000 400,000 PBT 500,000 400,000
Equity 3,125,000 2,300,000 Equity 3,125,000 2,125,000 Equity 4,000,000 2,800,000 Equity 4,000,000 3,000,000
Debt - 1,000,000 Debt - 1,000,000 Debt - 1,000,000 Debt - 1,000,000
Copmany 3,125,000 3,300,000 Copmany 3,125,000 3,125,000 Copmany 4,000,000 3,800,000 Copmany 4,000,000 4,000,000
Current Income 40,000 Current Income 40,000 Current Income 50,000 Current Income 50,000
My proposed income 52,800 My proposed income 50,000 Income as SH 42,105 Income as SH 40,000
Interest (10,000) Interest (10,000) Income as DH 10,526 Income as DH 10,000
42,800 40,000 52,632 50,000
Arbitrage Gain 2,800 Arbitrage Gain - Arbitrage Gain 2,632 Arbitrage Gain -
Question 69
Now Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
PBIT 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000
Interest - (40,000) (80,000) (125,000) (150,000)
PBT 500,000 460,000 420,000 375,000 350,000
Tax (150,000) (138,000) (126,000) (112,500) (105,000)
PAT 350,000 322,000 294,000 262,500 245,000
Equity Alternative
Opening ### ### ### 2,000,000 2,000,000
Less Debt - (400,000) (800,000) ### ###
Add Tax Benefit - 120,000 240,000 375,000 450,000
Closing ### ### ### 1,125,000 950,000
Question 70
Shares 2,000
MV per shares 4.20
Equity 8,400
PBIT 2,500
Interst -
PBT 2,500
Tax (825)
PAT 1,675
Ke 19.94%
Kd 0.00%
WACC 19.94%
4 Million 2 Million
Equity 8,400 8,400
Debt (4,000) ###
Tax Benefits 1,320 660
5,720 7,060
Ke 24.60% 21.83%
Kd 10% 10%
WACC 17.23% 18.49%
Keg 24.60% 21.83%
WACC 17.23% 18.49%
Question 71
D0 0.12
g 0.08
MV 1.20
Ke 18.80%
Kd 10.00%
Debt 30,000
Equity 120,000
WACC 16.44%
Find Ke u
WACC 0.16 WACC 15.961%
DxT 9,000 Keg 19.64%
E+D 150,000
Keu 17.489% WACC 15.961%
DxT 4,500
E+D 145,500
WACC 16.95%
Ke 18.80%
Question 73
Reverse arbitrage
Lowa Arizona
PBIT 2,500 2,500
Interest (360) -
PBT 2,140 2,500
Tax (642) (750)
PAT 1,498 1,750
Ke 22.70% 15.09%
Kd 9.00% 0.00%
WACC 16.51% 15.09%
Equity Balance
Original ### ###
Debt (400,000) (875,000)
Tax benefits 120,000 262,500
### ###
Alter WACC
Keu 16.00% 16.00%
Debt 400,000 875,000
Equity ### ###
New WACC 14.97% 13.913%
Question 70
Current 2 Million 4 Million
PBIT 2,500 2,500 2,500
Interest - (200) (400)
PBT 2,500 2,300 2,100
Tax (825) (759) (693)
PAT 1,675 1,541 1,407
Rates Aternative
Keu 19.94% 19.94%
Equity 7,060 5,720
Debt 2,000 4,000
Keg 21.83% 24.60%
Keu 19.9%
Equity 7,060
Debt 2,000
WACCg 18.49%
Div 12.00%
Growth 8.00%
Price 1
Ke 18.80%
Kd 10.00%
WACC 17.04%
Keu 18.13%
Question 1
Expected Returns
Prob ER Ret A
20% 12 2.40
30% 15 4.50
50% 18 9.00
Question 2
(x-x) (X-x)2 P(X-x) (x-x) (X-x)2 P(X-x)
8.00 64 19.20 2.00 4 1.20
0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
-8.00 64 19.20 -2.00 4 1.20
38.40 2.40
SD (Root) 6.20 SD (Root) 1.55
Question 3
Prob ER Ret A
10% 5 0.50
30% 12 3.60
15% 9 1.35
45% 24 10.80
(x-x) (X-x)2 P(X-x)
### 127 12.66
(4.25) 18 5.42
(7.25) 53 7.88
7.75 60 27.03
SD (Root) 7.28
(x-x) (x-x)^2 (x-x) (x-x)^2
1.00 1.00 -8.00 64.00
-2.00 4.00 3.00 9.00
-2.00 4.00 -9.00 81.00
0.00 0.00 7.00 49.00
3.00 9.00 7.00 49.00
18.00 252.00
Per year 3.60 Per year 50.40
SD (Root 1.90 SD (Root 7.10
2 Asset portfolio
Sec ER Weight WAR
X 24 35% 8.40
Y 16 65% 10.40
Question 6
Sec SD Weight
A 8 60%
B 12 40%
Perfect positive Perfect Negative Zero Corelation
Question 7
Sec SD Weight
A 6 40%
B 10 60%
Question 10
(x-x) (X-x)2 P(X-x) (x-x) (X-x)2 P(X-x)
0.0 - 0.00 0.0 0 0.00
0.0 0 0.00 0.0 0 0.00
0.1 0 0.00 0.0 0 0.00
0.00 0.00
SD (Root) 0.03 SD (Root) 0.02
First Part
Sec SD Weight
A 0 25% 0.00
B 0 25% 0.00
2nd Part
SD A 0.03
SD B 0.02
Weight A 0.50
Weight B 0.50
Corel 0.61
Product 0.00
Total 0.00
Root 2.59%
Zero Corelation
First Part
SD Weight
64 36% 23.04
144 16% 23.04
2nd Part
Weight A 1
Weight B 0
Product -
Zero Corelation
First Part
SD Weight
36 16% 5.76
100 36% 36.00
2nd Part
Weight A 0.40
Weight B 0.60
Product 0.00
First Part
SD Weight
841 25% 210.25
441 25% 110.25
2nd Part
Weight A 0.50
Weight B 0.50
Product 121.80