Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of The Medical Personnel Regarding Atopic Dermatitis in Yaoundé, Cameroon
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of The Medical Personnel Regarding Atopic Dermatitis in Yaoundé, Cameroon
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of The Medical Personnel Regarding Atopic Dermatitis in Yaoundé, Cameroon
Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, relapsing and pruritic inflammatory skin disease whose management
remains unclear to most non-dermatologists. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP)
of the medical staff regarding AD in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from January to April 2014 in 20 health facilities located in
Yaoundé, the capital city of Cameroon. All medical staff who provided their consent were included in the study.
A score was established for each of the KAP categories, and subsequently grouped into 4 classes considering a
score <50, 50-<65, 65-<85 or ≥85%, respectively.
Results: We enrolled 100 medical personnel, 62% of whom were females. Overall, the level of knowledge on AD
was moderate (65%). Allergy was the main cause of AD, stated by 64% of participants. Only 43% personnel cited
the genetic cause. Asthma was mentioned by 78% as an associated pathology. Regarding attitudes, the majority
(84%) thought that AD is equally common among Black and Caucasian populations; 42% of participants believed
that evolution is favorable when appropriate medical treatment is prescribed. These attitudes were considered
wrong (64%). Similarly, the general level of practice was inadequate: 50%.
Conclusion: Levels of knowledge, attitudes and practices of the medical staff regarding AD were poor, implying
that management of this condition is non optimal in our setting.
Keywords: Atopic dermatitis, KAP study, Medical staff, Cameroon
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Kouotou et al. BMC Dermatology (2017) 17:1 Page 2 of 7
(predisposition to atopic states, known as extrinsic AD) participants and confidentiality of collected data were
or not (intrinsic AD) [5]. respected.
Evolution of the disease remains difficult to appreci- This study used as reference model the international
ate over years, although an improvement of signs is consensus on management of AD [6]. An anonymous
observed in regularly monitored patients. In fact, AD is pre-tested and standardized questionnaire was used for
usually characterized by surges and remissions at un- data collection. All participants received the question-
predictable frequencies, varying from one person to naire to be filled; then the investigator returned on an
another with or without the influence of any driving appointed day to retrieve the questionnaire, after en-
factor, making it difficult to infer on the final issue. Fol- suring that this has been properly and extensively
lowing the exponential increase in AD in both devel- completed. The questionnaire, in addition to questions
oped and developing countries, restructuring of various about age, gender, specialty and seniority in job/work
aspects of its management has become essential to pre- experience, consisted of a set of 45 questions divided
vent complications. into three parts:
But prior to this restructuring, an assessment of the
knowledge and practices of the medical staff is mandatory, – Knowledge: theoretical clinical knowledge (primary
which will identify their weaknesses and subsequently lesions, localization, associated pathologies, causes);
enable improvement of their capacities. To the best of clinical knowledge based on recognition of
our knowledge, no study has already assessed the iconography (Additional file 1); knowledge on
knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of the medical prevention (information or advice to give to
personnel towards AD in Cameroon, a developing coun- patients/parents in order to prevent an AD
try. With the ultimate goal of improving the manage- surge/relapse);
ment of AD in Cameroonian hospitals, we undertook – Attitudes: perceptions of medical staff regarding the
the present study which purposed to assess the KAP of frequency of AD (specifically depending on race),
medical professionals practicing in Yaoundé (Cameroon) evolution of AD with treatment, contribution of
with respect to AD. relatives in AD management and capacity of medical
personnel to efficiently manage AD in our setting;
Methods – Practice: number of cases of AD seen during
From January to April 2014, we conducted a cross- consultations, prescription given for surges/relapses,
sectional study including the medical staff practicing route of administration of prescribed drugs,
in the city of Yaoundé. Five out of the seven existing frequency of drug administration and monitoring
health districts of Yaoundé were selected for this of treatment.
study and a total of 20 health facilities were visited.
The choice of health districts and health facilities was The paper from Essi et al. on KAP studies [7] was used
arbitrary, taking into account the convenience for the to establish scores for each part of the questionnaire.
investigators and accessibility of health facilities. The According to the sections (Knowledge, Attitudes, and
study population was comprised medical staff respon- Practice), the categories are distributed as follows:
sible for consultations in the selected health facilities:
doctors (general practitioners and specialists/pediatri- – Knowledge: very poor (score <50%); poor (score:
cians) and nurses. At each visit to the study sites, all ≥50 and <65%); moderate (score: ≥65 and <85%);
consulting staff irrespective of sex, seniority/experi- good (score ≥85%);
ence, who consented to participate, were included. – Attitudes: harmful (score <50%); wrong (score: ≥50
Our sampling was consecutive throughout the study and <65%); approximate (score: ≥65 and <85%);
period. right (score ≥85%);
Before the study began, an ethical clearance was ob- – Practices: harmful (score <50%); inadequate (score:
tained from the Ethical Review Board of the Faculty ≥50 and <65%); average (score: ≥65 and <85%);
of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University adequate (score ≥85%).
of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. Authorizations were equally
issued by health authorities of the selected health dis- Data were recorded and coded using Microsoft Excel
tricts as well as directors of selected health facilities. 2007, then analyzed with SPSS v. 20 (IBM SPSS Inc.,
The procedures were in compliance with the current Chicago, Illinois, USA). Results are presented as frequency
revision of Helsinki Declaration. All aspects and pro- (percentage) for categorical variables and mean ± standard
cedures of the study were fully presented to each deviation (SD) for quantitative variables. To compare
potential participant, and we included only those who qualitative variables, we used the chi-square test. The level
voluntarily signed the consent form. Anonymity of of statistical significance was set at p <0.05.
Kouotou et al. BMC Dermatology (2017) 17:1 Page 3 of 7
Results Evolution
Characteristics of the study population Most participants 77% (77/100) described AD as a chronic
We included 100 participants, predominantly females disease; 54% (54/100) thought the condition is rather
(62/100; 62.0%), giving a M/F sex ratio of 0.6/1. Our acute and 46% (46/100) thought it is both acute and
sample consisted of specialists (40/100; 40%), namely chronic (Table 1).
pediatric residents (20/100; 20%) and pediatricians (20/
100; 20%), general practitioners (38/100, 38%) and State Theoretical clinical knowledge
Registered Nurses (22/100; 22%). Primary lesions in AD
Concerning primary lesions of AD, the majority of health
Knowledge care providers cited xerosis cutis (86%; 86/100), erythema
General knowledge (81%; 81/100) and desquamation (58%; 58/100) as the
Definition of AD main signs observed in AD (Table 2).
The majority of participants (75/100; 75%) were able to
accurately define AD (Table 1). Sites in infants and young adults
In infants (0–5 years old), participants declared that the
Associated pathologies face (44/100; 44%) and torso (48/100; 48%) were the
In our series, 78% (78/100) and 58% (58/100) respect- most likely localizations for AD (Table 2). On the other
ively thought that asthma and conjunctivitis can occur hand, the face (76/100; 76%) and trunk (58/100; 58%)
in a patient with AD (Table 1). were declared not to be privileged sites of AD in young
adults (25–34 years old). Also, a little over half of par-
Causes ticipants (59/100; 59%) believed the lower limbs were a
Allergy was cited as the main cause of AD by 64% (64/100) preferred site of AD lesions in adults (35 years old and
of our participants, and genetics by 43% (43/100) (Table 1). above) (Table 2).
Table 1 General knowledge of medical staff
Question Right response Number (%) Wrong response Number (%)
General knowledge (N = 100)
AD is chronic and inflammatory 75 (75) 25 (25)
AD is chronic or inflammatory 7 (7) 93 (93)
AD is inflammatory and acute 13 (13) 87 (87)
AD is inflammatory or acute 2 (2) 98 (98)
I do not know 3 (3) 97 (97)
Associated pathologies
Asthma is an associated pathology 78 (78) 22 (22)
Conjunctivitis is an associated pathology 58 (58) 42 (42)
Chronic cough is an associated pathology 16 (16) 84 (84)
There is no associated pathology 12 (12) 88 (88)
The cause is psychological 2 (2) 98 (98)
The cause is allergic 64 (64) 36 (36)
The cause is genetic 43 (43) 57 (57)
The cause is infectious 18 (18) 82 (82)
I do not know 5 (5) 95 (95)
Evolution (n = 100)
Evolution could be acute 54 (54) 46 (46)
Evolution could be chronic 77 (77) 23 (23)
Evolution is acute and chronic 46 (46) 54 (54)
Evolution is exclusively acute 1 (1) 99 (99)
Evolution is exclusively chronic 14 (14) 86 (86)
Kouotou et al. BMC Dermatology (2017) 17:1 Page 4 of 7
French national survey of professional practices on the by the dearth of information on AD in our setting where
treatment of AD [8]. In this survey, the genetic cause it is considered a foreign pathology.
was indeed cited by almost all; regarding the allergic
cause, two sources were cited by the different categories Attitudes and practices of the medical staff
of professionals (allergists, dermatologists, general practi- Half of our prescribers reported meeting between 1 and
tioners and pediatricians), namely food and inhaled aller- 10 cases of AD per month at consultations while only
gens [8]. The psychological cause meanwhile was rarely 25% had already received more than 20 cases/month.
mentioned by those participating in our survey, which This result is contrary to those from the French survey
mirrors findings from the French national survey indi- where among various professional categories, 2 (pediatri-
cating that 80% of physicians rarely or never suggested a cians and allergists) saw more than 30 cases per month
psychological cause [8]. while only half of GPs (55%) saw less than 10 cases of
The medical staff demonstrated some confusion when AD per month [8]. AD is a disease that equally affects
asked about chronicity of AD because 77% of the staff Blacks and Caucasians according to 84% of our sample,
declared that evolution could be chronic while 14% said a somewhat contradictory result given that only 54% said
it was exclusively chronic. Furthermore, half of our they had not encountered many cases.
sample thought that this evolution could be acute. This For 59% of our participants, AD usually has a favor-
significant confusion could be explained by the fact that able evolution when properly treated whereas 21% felt
in AD, the pruritic erythema is usually attributed to an the outcome is actually unfavorable. Yet, AD classically
acute pathology. involves intermittent periods of relapse and recovery
The medical staff had average knowledge on preven- even when properly treated. Overall, the staff had wrong
tion. Pure cotton clothing was proposed by 90% of the attitude in relation to AD.
staff as a preventive method. This choice of clothing is In case of AD relapses, our medical staff most frequently
one of the recommendations of the 2005 consensus on said they prescribe corticosteroids; 80% of these partici-
the management of AD in children [6]. Most often, the pants chose a topical corticosteroid, which is higher than
staff believed a patient must return for consultation at those of the French study where dermatologists and gen-
every relapse of AD (87%) while 15% thought that the eral practitioners generally prescribed topical corticoster-
prescribed treatment would be sufficient to handle every oid as first-line treatment in 60% and 28% of cases,
relapse. Also, 63% of participants declared that moisturiz- respectively [8]. Moreover, in our study 56% reported pre-
ing body lotions were prescribed for prevention. Certainly scribing a corticosteroid and an antihistamine in case of
the 2005 consensus conference on the management of AD AD relapse but from the 2005 consensus conference on
is in favor of keeping the skin moisturized permanently; the treatment of AD, antihistamines have no place in the
however the medical professional must ensure that the treatment of AD [6]. The 2013 consensus from the experts
chosen lotion or cream is conducive for treatment of xero- recommends the use of sedating antihistamines in case of
sis cutis [6]. Furthermore 54% of our participants encour- intense pruritus [9].
aged the use of antiseptic solutions for baths which is in Regarding the application of topical corticosteroid, half
contradiction with the 2013 consensus on AD, bolstering of medical staff recommended 2 applications per day
that the use of antiseptics for baths is indicated only for while only 42% thought that the application of a topical
superinfected AD [9]. The moderate level of knowledge corticosteroid once daily would be sufficient. According to
on AD in our sample (65%) already predicted an inappro- Aubert et al., the use of corticosteroids differs depending
priate management of the condition. This can be justified on symptomatic variations in the patient and should be
reasonable in order to avoid the risk of dependence or
Kouotou et al. BMC Dermatology (2017) 17:1 Page 7 of 7
sample. Almost all prescribers said pruritus requires Consent for publication
prescription of an antihistamine. Also, a combination of Not applicable.
antihistamines and corticosteroids is systematic according
Ethics approval and consent to participate
to 63% of participants, although the 2005 consensus on An ethical clearance was granted by the Ethical Review Board of the
AD states that administration of a topical corticosteroid Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaoundé I,
alone would be effective because of its antipruritic and Cameroon. Authorizations were equally issued by health authorities of selected
health districts as well as directors of selected health facilities. All aspects and
anti-inflammatory properties [6]. Clearly, the medical procedures of the study were presented to each potential participant, and we
personnel adopted a poor practice in cases of AD most included only those who had voluntarily signed the consent form.
probably influenced by the moderate knowledge and in-
Author details
adequate attitude towards the condition. 1
Department of Internal Medicine and Specialties, Faculty of Medicine and
The non-random selection of health facilities and the Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, P.O. Box: 8314, Yaoundé,
relatively small number of enrolled participants may consti- Cameroon. 2Yaoundé University Teaching Hospital, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Biyem-Assi District Hospital, Yaoundé, Cameroon. 4Department of Public
tute limits to the generalization of our results. Furthermore, Health, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé I,
many medical staff had not agreed to take part in this study Yaoundé, Cameroon. 5Department of Paediatrics and Specialties, Faculty of
and some were absent during our multiple visits to the Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé,
facilities. Nevertheless, the use of the gradation developed
by Essi et al. [7] allowed us to have a clear idea of the level Received: 23 September 2016 Accepted: 7 February 2017
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Tick the correct answer. (DOCX 1417 kb) 2012;139(S7-S12):2–6.
The authors gratefully acknowledge all the medical personnel who have
volunteered to participate in the present study.
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