Deworming Protocol
Deworming Protocol
Deworming Protocol
Deworming Protocol
• Decreased feed efficiency • Deworm in late fall in northern climates to kill
larva before winter to clear infestations.
What herd management techniques should be
used in a deworming program?
• Let pastures sit for a year without grazing to
break the worm’s life cycle.
• Make sure the proper dose is administered. If
the dose isn’t adequate, resistance can more
easily occur.
• Proper chute facilities will decrease stress at
handling and increase dosing compliance.
©2014 ANIMART Inc
Deworming Protocol
Professional Services Veterinarian Department Technical Bulletin
Beef Cattle
Can be dewormed according to:
• More susceptible to parasites.
• Age
• Deworm twice yearly.
• Sex
• Older animals can be dewormed with any
• Environment
Mature cows
Young cattle
• Have some built-up immunity, worm burden
• Deworming should start pre-weaning at about
isn’t as high as younger animals.
3-4 months old.
• Pregnant with their second calf and older.
• Will add significant weaning weight (20-40 lbs)
• Deworm yearly around the time of freshening.
compared with non-dewormed calves.
• Wet year or crowded pasture - another
• If kept as stocker calves, deworm again at
deworming is recommended.
• Extremely dry year or pasture vacant a year -
• Avermectin/milbemycin-type products are
deworming not necessary that year.
going to provide the best treatment for these
• Older animals can be dewormed with any
young calves and have the added benefit of
Deworming Protocol
controlling some of the external parasites.
Dairy Cattle
Mature cows Youngstock
• If pastured seasonally. • Dairy youngstock raised on pasture should
• All mature cows on drylot, in semi-confinement be dewormed one month after turning out to
or in pasture during dry period benefit the most pasture and in late fall.
when dewormed at freshening. • Egg counts can be taken for different groups
• Mature cows that live in confinement should of youngstock to strategically plan the optimal
be dewormed once a lactation as a group or time to deworm.
individually at freshening.
©2014 ANIMART Inc