The Precautionary Principle
The Precautionary Principle
The Precautionary Principle
Volume 2
Article 7
Issue 2 Spring/Summer 2002
Recommended Citation
Stevens, Mary. "The Precautionary Principle in the International Arena."Sustainable Development Law and Policy, Spring/Summer
2002, 13-15.
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By Mary Stevens
for proof of harmful effects before taking action.”3
“WHEN AN ACTIVITY RAISES THREATS OF HARM TO THE In 1987, at the second conference where the London
ENVIRONMENT OR HUMAN HEALTH, PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES Declaration was adopted, a “precautionary approach” was
SHOULD BE TAKEN EVEN IF SOME CAUSE AND EFFECT introduced.4 Even with regard to the protection of the ozone
RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT FULLY ESTABLISHED SCIENTIFICALLY.” layer, the Preamble to the Montreal Protocol provided for
WINGSPREAD STATEMENT ON THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE, precautionary measures to be taken in controlling CFCs.5 By
1998. 1990, the Precautionary Principle was being referenced in its
own right: the parties to the third conference at the Hague
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the stated that they “will continue to apply the precautionary
precautionary principle in terms of its history, use, and principle, that is to take action to avoid potentially damaging
application in several different international agreements. The impacts of substances that are persistent, toxic, and liable to
precautionary principle is preventative in nature and stems from bioaccumulate even when there is no scientific evidence to prove
the idea that just because an activity cannot be proven unsafe that a causal link exists between emissions and effects.”6 It
does not mean that it does not have any negative effects. It has could also be found in the 1990 Bergen Declaration on
been heralded and criticized by scientists alike, and it has been Sustainable Development, which connected the importance of
applied in so many different ways that its definition depends taking caution in innovation with the achievement of sustainable
on which international agreement one is reading. development.