Kotak Bank Edel 220118
Kotak Bank Edel 220118
Kotak Bank Edel 220118
Other highlights
Opex during the quarter was relatively higher due to continued marketing and
advertising expenses related to 811 scheme.
Significant growth in subsidiaries namely securities, IB, asset management and life
insurance business – actual growth in earnings of non-financing business is >75% (bank
still owns 100% of these businesses).
Life insurance business reported PAT of INR970n (INR1bn in Q2FY18, INR3bn in FY17
and INR2.5bn in FY16).
Solvency ratio came in at 308% (steady QoQ and regulatory requirement of 150%).
The quarter was characterised by strong >15% YoY growth in overall car financing
portfolio (to ~INR200bn). This, along with strong growth in capital market related
lending in Q3FY18, led to overall customer asset growth of >27% YoY. Management
expects growth to gain traction given a few new initiatives (launched consumer durable
financing business through KMP).
Asset quality was steady with NNPLs at 40bps (41bps in Q2FY18).
Average daily trading volumes (ADTV) came in at INR150bn (up >70% YoY/20% QoQ),
leading to market share rising to 2.0% (1.9% in Q2FY18).
Revenue and PAT came in at INR4.52bn (up >55% YoY) and INR1.5bn (up >80% YoY),
Consequently, profitability also improved with PBT at INR570mn and PAT at INR380mn
(INR230mn in Q2FY18 and INR550mn in FY17).
Kotak Mahindra Capital Company (KMCC), the investment banking division, reported
PAT of INR360mn (versus loss in Q2FY18, INR460mn in FY17 and INR320mn in FY16).
While the division has several mandates in the pipeline (ECM and advisory), it remains
to be seen how much it will contribute to bottom line.
NII/GII (%) 49.9 48.5 50.8 50.4 44.0 44.4
Cost/income (%) 55.5 48.5 54.7 55.5 44.8 42.6
Provisions / PPOP 8.8 10.7 10.7 10.1 10.3 9.2
Tax rate (%) 34.0 33.8 33.9 34.1 32.9 32.8
For the quarter was loan growth was pegged at >23% YoY, across various area. The
bank highlighted that credit cycle is now getting comfortable and is more confident of
sustaining the growth
o With respect to SMEs, there has not been any significant increase in revenue or
working capital requirement. On the contrary the bank highlighted there have
been instances that SMEs (especially trader segment) are still grappling with GST
implementation and thus do not see this as a major growth area as of now.
o Had a good monsoon, which is reflected in rural India showing good signs of
growth (reflected in tractor sales and CV sales).
CASA deposit now standing at > 46%. The bank continue to see strong SA growth (60%
YoY growth on daily average basis). The bank highlighted that on the CASA journey,
they are among the few bank that offer higher rates and the delta growth has been
very impressive. The bank thus expects that growth in the saving balances will likely
For 9mFY18 there was domestic surplus liquidity and that led to competitive pressure
on lending and consequently on yields and NIMs. Having said that the liquidity in the
system has come downward and this is where the things start to turn around and the
benefit of low cost deposit start to play through. The bank is thus not duly worried on
the NIMs.
o On the other hand there is also a cost of associated with higher LCR ratio that bank
has to maintain ( starting Jan 2018, LCR requirement is 90%) which has also started
to have a bearing on NIMs.
Significant growth in subsidiaries namely securities, IB, asset management and life
insurance business – actual growth in earnings of non-financing business is 80%. Bank
still owns 100% of these businesses
Expect cost/income ratio to steadily increase, having said that if bank sees some
investment opportunity for future they will not restrain just based on cost/income ratio.
Engine of customer acquisition going on smoothly – during the launch of 811 scheme, it
has highlighted that would want to double number of customers to 16 mn within a
period of 18 months & is very well on path to achieve this journey
o Online shopping made easy: Can opt for no OTP for < `2,000
Within the customers acquired through 811 : a) 91% is within 18-40 years ( far more
digital savvy customers and can be leveraged) b) 45% are salaried and c) 63% are
from top 20 cities
Other highlights
2. Investment bank had a very active quarter, saw good profitability metrics.
The bank continues to spend on 811 and that is reflected in cost metrics.
Management believes that recpitalisation is like a steroid for the economy and would
potentially kick start economic reform process. PSU Banks will be able to take the
bolder steps even if this means to take higher haircut (as now they will have ability
and capital to do so). This will also open more opportunity for distress asset as well.
For the quarter was pegged at >20% YoY, across various area. The bank continues to
maintain the growth guidance of 20% plus for FY18 ( even accounting for the
announcement yesterday).
o Corporate segment grew > 26% growth (largely gaining market share). This is due
to both deepening of presence in high quality corporate and new customer
acquisition in mid-corporate segment. The bank continues to remain confident of
clocking 20-25% growth.
This is the first year wherein the bank sees first time the revenue synergies has started
to play out, having said that banks still believe there is some more way to go.
The bank sees the challenges continuing in SME space and which is why the bank is
growing cautiously in this segment (reflected in softer business banking growth).
The bank has nothing to report on divergence, based on t he RBI review for FY17.
In terms of accounts under NCLT: The bank had exposure to 4 accounts (from eIVBL
book) in first list. In terms of the second list, the exposure are relatively small and
bank highlighted that they are very adequately provided for.
Credit cost in line with guidance. The bank see it at levels of trending down from FY17
levels of 61bps. The bank maintained the same guidance.
There was no sale to ARC during the quarter. The bank doesn’t believe in selling for SRs,
bank will sell only on cash basis if any.
Other highlights
There were some interest income reversal on agri. portfolio which has impacted the
NIMs during the quarter. The bank maintained the NIMs guidance of 4.25% (which bank
feels is more sustainable level). The bank is seeing yield pressure on higher quality
corporate (substitution effect playing through), having said that the bank will focus on
quality business and will continue to look at risk adjusted margins.
The company now own 100% of the life insurance business. It acquired 26% stake in life
insurance business for INR12.93bn. The bank has concluded acquisition of BSS
As of now the fixed rate book is 30% and of the balance 70% (floating book), the bank
has MCLR linked loans at 70%.
The banks believe that under IFRS the banks net-worth would be higher than current
reported net-wroth.
Company Description
KMB is India’s leading full services financial conglomerate, dominating the securities and
investment banking space. It is currently focused on growing its banking, asset
management, and insurance businesses. It began operations in 1986 as a bill discounting
and leasing NBFC under Kotak Mahindra Finance and converted itself into a bank in 2003.
The group has a widespread presence across 1375 branches. The group has a decent
platform to cross-sell its products, given its presence in the financial spectrum. Kotak
Securities has 2.0% market share in overall market volumes and is one of the prominent
domestic investment bankers. It is developing its presence in the asset management and
insurance businesses, where it has 2-4% market share
Investment Theme
KMB has put in credible efforts to lay a strong foundation—liability franchise, digitisation,
capital position and limited stress hit—for a scalable and profitable model. 9mFY18
performance reflects synergy benefits playing through on cost as well as revenue fronts.
With significant benefits likely to flow from formalisation of financial savings, subsidiaries
could see strong business tailwinds.
Key Risks
Continued stress in the economy and hence the CV/CE portfolio can moderate the growth
prospects of the bank.
Depressed capital markets can impact the profitability of investment banking and securities
Financial Statements
Key Assumptions Income statement (INR mn)
Year to March FY17 FY18E FY19E FY20E Year to March FY17 FY18E FY19E FY20E
Macro Interest income 241,187 277,384 327,563 388,804
GDP(Y-o-Y %) 6.6 6.5 7.1 7.6 Interest expended 139,268 155,399 182,277 216,866
Inflation (Avg) 4.5 3.8 4.5 5.0 Net interest income 101,919 121,985 145,286 171,938
Repo rate (exit rate) 6.3 6.0 6.0 6.5 Non interest income 52,133 60,503 69,690 80,012
USD/INR (Avg) 67.1 64.5 65.0 66.0 - Fee & forex income 37,673 46,081 54,211 63,334
Sector - Misc. income 14,371 14,332 15,388 16,588
Credit growth 9.0 12.0 14.0 17.0 - Investment profits 90 90 90 90
Deposit growth 14.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 Net revenue 154,052 182,488 214,976 251,950
CRR 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Operating expense 73,075 81,671 91,608 102,745
SLR 20.0 20.0 19.5 19.0 - Employee exp 33,655 37,360 41,580 46,222
G-sec yield 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.1 - Other opex 39,420 44,311 50,028 56,522
Company Preprovision profit 80,977 100,817 123,368 149,206
Yield on advances 11.8 11.5 11.3 11.0 Provisions 9,299 10,344 11,383 13,105
Cost of funds 6.3 6.1 6.0 5.9 Profit Before Tax 71,677 90,473 111,985 136,101
Bnkg business assump. Less: Provision for Tax 23,670 29,734 36,769 44,708
Credit growth 14.7 21.7 21.5 22.3 Profit After Tax 46,707 59,589 74,216 90,393
Deposit growth 13.5 20.7 22.4 23.4 Adj. Diluted EPS (INR) 25.4 31.3 39.0 47.5
CASA 44.0 44.8 45.6 46.2 Dividend per share (DPS) 3.4 4.1 5.2 6.4
Slippages 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 Dividend Payout Ratio(%) 7.1 7.0 7.1 7.2
Securities bus. Assump.
Avg Daily Trading Vol. 89,834 126,939 147,142 170,104 Growth ratios (%)
Commission yields 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Year to March FY17 FY18E FY19E FY20E
PMS AUMs 95,407 114,488 137,386 164,863 NII growth 20.0 19.7 19.1 18.3
IB assumption Fees growth 19.6 22.3 17.6 16.8
Fin adv. & transact. fee 1,176 1,552 1,783 2,006 Opex growth 5.1 11.8 12.2 12.2
Operating margin 42.6 47.5 53.8 54.3 PPP growth 37.4 24.5 22.4 20.9
Kotak Prime assumption Provisions growth (5.2) 11.2 10.0 15.1
Advance growth 13.0 14.8 14.8 14.8 Adjusted Profit 44.5 27.6 24.5 21.8
Yield on advances 12.5 12.2 11.9 11.8
Cost of funds 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.1 Balance sheet (INR mn)
Gross NPLs 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 As on 31st March FY17 FY18E FY19E FY20E
Kotak AMC Share capital 9,205 9,515 9,515 9,515
AUM growth 41.0 63.0 25.0 20.0 Reserves & Surplus 346,202 457,790 524,795 606,578
Management fees 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Net worth 355,407 467,304 534,310 616,092
Deposits 1,574,258 1,900,419 2,325,715 2,870,844
Total Borrowings 619,712 698,554 805,847 928,751
Other liabilities 3,285 3,826 4,474 5,253
Total liabilities 2,552,662 3,070,103 3,670,346 4,420,940
Loans 1,390,375 1,692,483 2,057,088 2,516,128
Investments 622,843 765,844 926,452 1,129,595
Cash and Equivalents 183,556 203,389 218,071 236,202
Fixed assets 15,954 15,234 14,349 13,301
Other Assets 339,933 393,153 454,385 525,715
Total assets 2,552,662 3,070,103 3,670,346 4,420,940
Additional Data
Directors Data
Dr. Shankar Acharya Non-Executive Chairman Uday Kotak Executive Vice Chairman & MD
Dipak Gupta Joint Managing Director C. Jayaram Director
Amit Desai Director Uday Chander Khanna Director
Prof. S. Mahendra Dev Director Farida Khambata Director
Mark Edwin Newman Director Prakash Apte Director
Holding - Top 10
Perc. Holding Perc. Holding
Capital Group Companies 10.43 Canada Pension Plan Investment Board 6.05
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 3.74 ING Mauritius Investments 1.72
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group 1.60 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance 1.55
SBI Funds Management 1.47 Caladium Investment 1.36
Matthews International Capital Management 1.29 Standard Life Aberdeen 1.21
*as per last available data
Bulk Deals
Data Acquired / Seller B/S Qty Traded Price
29 Mar 2017 Mahindra Family Trust I Buy 740590 860.00
29 Mar 2017 Anand Mahindra Family Trust Sell 740590 860.00
29 Mar 2017 Mahindra Family Trust Ii Buy 1584990 860.00
29 Mar 2017 Anuradha Mahindra Family Trust Sell 1584990 860.00
08 Mar 2017 Caisse De Depot Et Placement Du Quebec Buy 18400000 817.00
08 Mar 2017 Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Buy 9200000 817.00
08 Mar 2017 KEDAR S. MANKEKAR Buy 150000 825.00
08 Mar 2017 MANKEKAR LAXMI SHIVANAND Buy 358820 825.00
08 Mar 2017 OM KEDAR INVESTMENTS Sell 508820 825.00
08 Mar 2017 Uday Suresh Kotak Sell 27600000 817.00
Insider Trades
Reporting Data Acquired / Seller B/S Qty Traded
07 Apr 2017 ANUPAMA ACHIA Sell 16000.00
07 Apr 2017 Prasad Jagajit Mangal Sell 40000.00
06 Apr 2017 Prasad Jagajit Mangal Sell 40000.00
27 Mar 2017 Mahesh Dayani Sell 150000.00
24 Mar 2017 Ashok Baswa Rao Sell 20000.00
*in last one year
Ratings Expected absolute returns over 12 months
Sector return is market cap weighted average return for the coverage universe
within the sector
Ratings Criteria
Overweight (OW) Sector return > 1.25 x Nifty return
Edelweiss Securities Limited, Edelweiss House, off C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Mumbai – 400 098.
Board: (91-22) 4009 4400, Email: research@edelweissfin.com
Digitally signed by ADITYA NARAIN
Head of Research
aditya.narain@edelweissfin.com st=Maharashtra
Date: 2018.01.19 22:35:49 +05'30'
Rating Distribution* 161 67 11 240 Buy appreciate more than 15% over a 12-month period
* 1stocks under review
Hold appreciate up to 15% over a 12-month period
> 50bn Between 10bn and 50 bn < 10bn
Reduce depreciate more than 5% over a 12-month period
Market Cap (INR) 156 62 11
149 960
- 840
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