GST - What Is GST in India? Goods & Services Tax Law Explained
GST - What Is GST in India? Goods & Services Tax Law Explained
GST - What Is GST in India? Goods & Services Tax Law Explained
1. What is GST?
2. Journey of GST in India
3. Advantages Of GST
4. What are the components of GST?
5. Tax Laws before GST
6. What changes does GST bring in?
1. What is GST?
Goods & Services Tax Law in India is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax that is levied on
every value addition.
In simple words, Goods and Service Tax is an indirect tax levied on the supply of goods and services. GST
Law has replaced many indirect tax laws that previously existed in India.
GST is one indirect tax for the entire country.
So, before Goods and Service Tax, the pattern of tax levy was as follows:
Under the GST regime, the tax will be levied at every point of sale. In case of interstate sales, Central GST and
State GST will be charged. Intra-state sales will be chargeable to Integrated GST.
Now let us try to understand the definition of Goods and Service Tax – “GST is a comprehensive, multi-
stage, destination-based tax that will be levied on every value addition.”
There are multiple change-of-hands an item goes through along its supply chain: from manufacture to final sale
to the consumer.
Let us consider the following case:
Goods and Services Tax will be levied on each of these stages, which makes it a multi-stage tax.
Value Addition
The manufacturer who makes biscuits buys flour, sugar and other material. The value of the inputs increases
when the sugar and flour are mixed and baked into biscuits.
The manufacturer then sells the biscuits to the warehousing agent who packs large quantities of biscuits and
labels it. That is another addition of value after which the warehouse sells it to the retailer.
The retailer packages the biscuits in smaller quantities and invests in the marketing of the biscuits thus
increasing its value.
GST will be levied on these value additions i.e. the monetary worth added at each stage to achieve the final
sale to the end customer.
Consider goods manufactured in Maharashtra and are sold to the final consumer in Karnataka. Since Goods &
Service Tax (GST) is levied at the point of consumption, in this case, Karnataka, the entire tax revenue will go
to Karnataka and not Maharashtra.
CGST: Collected by the Central Government on an intra-state sale (Eg: Within Maharashtra)
SGST: Collected by the State Government on an intra-state sale (Eg: Within Mahaashtra)
IGST: Collected by the Central Government for inter-state sale (Eg: Maharashtra to Tamil Nadu)
In most cases, the tax structure under the new regime will be as follows:
Sale within CGST + VAT + Central Revenue will be shared equally between
the State SGST Excise/Service tax the Centre and the State
Sale to IGST Central Sales Tax + There will only be one type of tax (central)
another State Excise/Service Tax in case of inter-state sales. The Center will
then share the IGST revenue based on the
destination of goods.
Let us assume that a dealer in Gujrat had sold the goods to a dealer in Punjab worth Rs. 50,000. The
GST rate is 18% comprising of only IGST.
In such case, the dealer has to charge Rs. 9,000 as IGST. This IGST revenue will go to the Central
The same dealer sells goods to a consumer in Gujrat worth Rs. 50,000. The GST rate on the good is
12%. This rate comprises of CGST at 6% and SGST at 6%.
The dealer has to collect Rs. 6,000 as Goods and Service Tax. Rs. 3,000 will go to the Central Government
and Rs. 3,000 will go to the Gujrat government as the sale is within the state.
All these taxes have been replaced with Central GST, State GST, and Integrated GST.
Based on the above example of biscuit manufacturer along with some numbers, let’s see what happens to the
cost of goods and the taxes in a pre GST and GST scenarios.
Along the way, the tax liability was passed on at every stage of the transaction and the final liability comes to
rest with the customer. This is called the Cascading Effect of Taxes where a tax is paid on tax and the value
of the item keeps increasing every time this happens.
Tax calculations in GST regime:
In the case of Goods and Services Tax, there is a way to claim credit for tax paid in acquiring input. What
happens in this case is, the individual who has paid a tax already can claim credit for this tax when he submits
his taxes.
In the end, every time an individual is able to claim input tax credit, the sale price is reduced and the cost price
for the buyer is reduced because of a lower tax liability. The final value of the biscuits is therefore reduced from
Rs. 2,244 to Rs. 1,980, thus reducing the tax burden on the final customer.