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Design and Development of Automated Conveyor System For Material Handling

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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X,

PP 31-34

Design and Development of Automated Conveyor System for

Material Handling
Abhijit Gaikwad1, Yogesh Raut2, Jitendra Desale3, Akshay Palhe4, Govinda
Shelar5, Prof.Shreekant Pawar6.
Mechanical Department, LoGMIEER (INDIA)

Abstract: In the process or manufacturing industry, raw materials and products need to be transported from one
manufacturing stage to another. Material handling equipment are designed such that they facilitate easy, cheap, fast
and safe loading and unloading with least human interference. For instance, belt conveyor system can be employed
for easy handling of materials beyond human capacity in terms of weight and height. This project discusses the design
calculations and considerations of belt conveyor system for press machines, in terms of size, length, capacity and
speed, roller diameter, power and tension, idler spacing, type of drive unit, diameter, location and arrangement of
pulley, angle and axis of rotation, control mode, intended application, product to be handled as well as its maximum
loading capacity in order ensure fast, continuous and efficient movement of material. The successful completion of
this project work is help to the development of an automated belt conveyor system which is fast, safe and efficient. It is
aimed to reduce human effort and at the same time increase the productivity & accuracy levels that cannot be
achieved with manual operations.
Keywords: Belt Conveyor system, Frame, Material handling equipment.

I Introduction
Different methods such as fork lifting, use of bucket elevators, conveyors systems, crane, etc. has been
identified for lifting or transporting bulk materials or products from one place to another in the manufacturing
industries depending on the speed of handling, height of transportation, nature, quantity, size and weight of
materials to be transported.
In today’s fast moving, highly competitive industrial world, a company must be flexible, cost effective
and efficient to survive. Industrial automation has acquired importance owing to the ever-increasing demand for
more productivity, better quality standard, better accuracy and optimum utilization of available resources and
manpower. The main aspect of the project is to automate the process of transportation of the materials to the
respective press machines.

II Literature Review
Alspaugh M. A. presented latest development in belt conveyor technology & the application of traditional
components in non-traditional applications requiring horizontal curves and intermediate drives have changed
and expanded belt conveyor possibility. For Examples of complex conveying applications along with the
numerical tools required to insure reliability and availability will be reviewed. This paper referenced Henderson
PC2 which is one of the longest single flight conventional conveyors in the world at 16.2611 km. But a 19.123
km conveyor is under construction in the USA now, and a 23.52 km flight is being designed in Australia. Other
conveyors 30-50 km are being discussed in other parts of the world.
I. A. Daniyan discusseed the design calculations and considerations of belt conveyor system for limestone
using 3 rolls idlers, in terms of size, length, capacity and speed, roller diameter, power and tension, idler
spacing, type of drive unit, diameter, location and arrangement of pulley, angle and axis of rotation, control
mode, intended application, product to be handled as well as its maximum loading capacity in order ensure fast,
continuous and efficient movement of crushed limestone while avoiding halt or fatalities during loading and
unloading. The successful completion of this research work has generated design data for industrial uses in the
development of an automated belt conveyor system which is fast, safe and efficient.

II. Design
Design parameter of a belt conveyor system
Dimension, capacity and speed
Roller diameter
Belt power and tension

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Design and Development of Automated Conveyor System for Material Handling

KS=Start up factor(1.08) .

Pulley diameter
Type of drive unit
Location and arrangement of pulley
Maximum loading capacity

Belt Dimension, Capacity and Speed

The diameter of the driver and driven pulley is determined by the type and dimension of conveyor belting. The
diameter of the pulley must be designed such that it does not place under stress on the belt. The length of a belt
conveyor in metres is the length from the centre of pulley parallel to belt line. Belt length is dependent on both
the pulley diameters and centre distances.
V= d ×2π
V = Belt speed; d = diameters of rollers; π = pi
Belt Capacity
Capacity is the product of speed and belt cross sectional area Generally, belt capacity (kg/sec) is given as:
B.C=3.6 × A× ρ×V
A= belt sectional area (m2); ρ = material density (kg/m3); V= belt speed (m/s)
Conveyor Capacity
The mass of material Mm (live load) per metre (kg/m) loaded on a belt conveyor is given as:
Mm = C/ (3.6×V) 50 = C/ (3.6 × 1.5)
C= Conveyor capacity (tonnes/hr); V= belt speed (m/s).
Roller diameter
The relationship between the maximum belt speed, roller diameter and the relative revolution per minute is
given as:
n = (V×1000×60) / (d × π)
n = no of revolution per minute; d = roller diameter (mm); V= belt speed (m/s)
Belt basic length
Belt basic length= 2 × (length along conveying route)
Belt Power and Tensions
The longer the length of the belt, the more the power required for the conveyor and the higher the vertical
distance of the lift, the higher the magnitude of power required. Power required driving the pulley

P = (C×L×3.75)/1000
The belt of the conveyor always experience tensile load due to the rotation of the electric drive, weight of the
conveyed materials and due to the idlers. The belt tension must be great enough to prevent slippage between the
drive pulley and the belt .
Belt tension at steady state
Belt tension at steady state is given as:
Tss = 1.37 × µ × L × g × [2 × Mi + (2 × Mb + Mm)cos(θ)] + (H × g × Mm)
Tss = Belt tension at steady state (N);; µ = Coefficient of friction (0.02)
L = Conveyor length ( m); g = Acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/sec2);
Mi = Load due to the idlers (50 kg) ; Mb = Load due to belt (55.7 kg);
Mm = Load due to conveyed materials (50 kg); Θ = Inclination angle of the conveyor (0o); and
H=Vertical height of the conveyor (0.7 m).
Belt Tension while starting
During the start of the conveyor system, the tension in the belt will be much higher than the steady state.
The belt tension while starting is
Ts = Tss × Ks Where

Ts= Belt tension while starting (N); Tss =Belt tension at the steady state (KN);
The effective load F (N) is given as
F = μT×g(Mm+Mb/2)+μR×g(Mb/2+Mi)
μT= Coefficient of friction with support rollers(0.033); μR=Coefficient of friction with skid plate (.033);
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Design and Development of Automated Conveyor System for Material Handling

g =Acceleration due to gravity Mm=Total load of conveyed materials (50 kg)

(9.81m/s2); Mb = Mass of belt (55.7 kg); Mi= Mass of roll idlers (50 kg)
Minimum Motor Power
The minimum motor power for sizing of the motor is
P min = P /η
P min=Minimum motor power (kW); P = Power at drive pulley (kW); η = Efficiency of the reduction gear

Torsional moment is given as

Mt = 0.5 × d × (F + μ W g)
d = Diameter of pulley (m); F= Effective load (N); μ = Coefficient of friction; W = Weight of material and Belt
(kg/m); g = Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
The cycle time of conveyor is given as
Ct = 2L/V
L=Length of conveyor (m); V= Belt speed (m/sec)

Shaft Design
Shaft design consists primarily of determination of the correct shaft diameter that will ensure
satisfactory rigidity and strength when the shaft is transmitting motion under different operating and loading
conditions. The values of belt width and pulley diameter helps in selecting the size of shaft diameter from
different conveyors hand book.

Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) can be used for the control of the system. These controllers can e
used for time control and supervisory functions such as: conveyor speed control, speed control of individual
drives, speed and belt slip control, driving drum. start and stop control, acceleration and deceleration, and
overload protection. In addition, VFDs can reduce the amount of motor startup inrush current by accelerating
the motor gradually. For these reasons, VFDs are suitable for conveyors that benefit from reduced and
controlled motor operating speed.

Gear Box
We are selecting the suitable gear motor from the BONFIGLIOLI Handbook with the required suitable
parameters. The selected gear motor is Planetary gear motor – 300.
Which is Compact, and yet extremely powerful, are the units of the 300 Planetary gear motor series. Their
planetary drive train makes them the ideal choice for all the severe duty applications where shock loadings and
impacts are more the rule than the exception. The product configuration is highly versatile, due to several
options as far as the mounting, the gear layout, the output shaft and the motor interface. Finding the perfect
match to any drive problem is therefore more than a wish, it is something users can safely rely on - always.

III Model Of Conveyor Belt System

Fig. Actual conveyor belt

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Design and Development of Automated Conveyor System for Material

IV Conclusion
This Conveyor Belt System for material handling is improves the speed of material handling. And this system
reduces the human effort. The workers are eliminated and the ultimately the operation cost is reduced and profit
get increased. This system is beneficial and safety for the material.

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