10.1007/s10295 014 1572 7
10.1007/s10295 014 1572 7
10.1007/s10295 014 1572 7
DOI 10.1007/s10295-014-1572-7
Received: 30 September 2014 / Accepted: 18 December 2014 / Published online: 21 January 2015
© Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 2015
Abstract It has been found that recombinant Saccharo- fuels [16], people are eager to look for new energy to add
myces cerevisiae 6525 can produce high concentration of or replace the normal energy. In recent years, bioethanol
ethanol in one-step fermentation from the extract of Jeru- has attracted an increasing number of attentions as one of
salem artichoke tubers or inulin. However, the utilization the most important renewable and environmentally friendly
rate of raw materials was low and the fermentation process petroleum-based liquid fuels [5]. At present, derivatives
was costly and complicated. Therefore, in this study, after from food crops such as corn grain and sugar cane are gen-
the optimum processing conditions for ethanol production erally utilized in bioethanol production. However, it may
in fed-batch fermentation were determined in flask, the lead to huge competition between food provision and their
recombinant S. cerevisiae 6525 was first used to produce use for the production of bioethanol due to the limited sup-
ethanol from the dry powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers ply of these crops, and some environmental problems such
in 5-L agitating fermentor. After 72 h of fermentation, as serious destruction of vital soil resources and food short-
around 84.3 g/L ethanol was produced in the fermentation ages may also be caused [9, 20]. In this case, an increasing
liquids, and the conversion efficiency of inulin-type sug- number of people around the world show great interest to
ars to ethanol was 0.453, or 88.6 % of the theoretical value look for new and cheap carbohydrate sources for bioetha-
of 0.511. This study showed high feasibility of bioethanol nol production [17].
industrial production from the Jerusalem artichoke tubers Jerusalem artichoke, as a cheap and inexpensive carbo-
and provided a basis for it in the future. hydrate alternative feedstock, has been studied for bioeth-
anol production since the 1950s. The tuber of Jerusalem
Keywords Bioethanol · Saccharomyces cerevisiae · SSF · artichoke is rich in inulin which is present even more than
Jerusalem artichoke · Fed-batch fermentation 50 % in the dried tuber [19]. As a reserve carbohydrate,
inulin is a linear polymer of d-fructose containing a termi-
nal d-glucose which can be hydrolyzed to fructose, sucrose,
Introduction glucose and polymers of fructo-oligosaccharides by inuli-
nase [4]. Moreover, not only Jerusalem artichoke can resist
With the less and less energy on the earth and the pollu- many plant pests and diseases, but also grow well in barren
tion of the environment, especially the global warming and land with its growing traits of drought tolerance and saline
energy crisis problems caused by the combustion of fossil tolerance [2]. With these advantages, Jerusalem artichoke
can be used as a cheap and inexpensive carbohydrate alter-
Y.-Z. Wang and S.-M. Zou contributed equally to this work and
native feedstock for bioethanol production in addition to
should be considered co-first authors. its usual uses as single-cell oil or oligofructose syrup [10,
23, 28]. Remize et al. [22] used the extract from Jerusalem
Y.‑Z. Wang · S.‑M. Zou · M.‑L. He · C.‑H. Wang (*) artichoke tuber as the substrate to produce ethanol by Sac-
College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,
charomyces cerevisiae strain. Ethanol was also produced
Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095,
People’s Republic of China from Jerusalem artichoke tubers using recycled immo-
e-mail: chwang@njau.edu.cn bilized cells of Kluyveromyces fragilis [14]. Therefore,
544 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2015) 42:543–551
Jerusalem artichoke is a potential biomass source for etha- heated at 70 °C until reaching a constant weight in an oven
nol fermentation. and were milled to powder. The powder was stored at ambi-
Currently, the most commonly used strain in bioethanol ent temperature. The total sugar comprised about 62 % of
fermentation is S. cerevisiae which can produce high con- dry powder according to the phenol–sulfuric acid method
centration of ethanol from reducing sugar like glucose or [6].
fructose and has high ethanol tolerance [1, 11]. However,
ordinary S. cerevisiae cannot use the inulin directly to pro- Yeast strains
duce bioethanol. It needs pretreatment of hydrolyzing the
inulin included in Jerusalem artichoke tubers to fructose The recombinant S. cerevisiae 6525 with the exo-inuli-
and glucose by inulinase or acids before the process of nase gene from Penicillium janthinellum was already
ethanol fermentation [7], called SHF (separate hydrolysis constructed in our laboratory [25, 26]. It is chose as the
and fermentation), which is long-running and complicated. producer of ethanol from the dry powder of Jerusalem arti-
To produce bioethanol effectively and economically with choke tubers in this study. The recombinant S. cerevisiae
S. cerevisiae from Jerusalem artichoke, a recombinant S. 6525 was found to be able to produce 1.1 U mL−1 inulinase
cerevisiae strain which can produce exo-inulinase was con- activity within 72 h and 14.0 % (v/v) ethanol in fermenta-
structed successfully in our previous studies [21, 26]. Using tion medium containing inulin and 1 % (w/v) (NH4)2SO4 in
the recombinant S. cerevisiae, Jerusalem artichoke tuber a 5-L fermentor [25].
can be utilized to produce bioethanol in SSF (simultane-
ous saccharification and fermentation) with exo-inulinase Media
which can hydrolyze inulin to fructose effectively [3, 24].
Ethanol fermentation using the recombinant S. cerevisiae The strains were kept at 4 °C in medium YPD containing
from the raw extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain- (in g/L) yeast extract, 10; peptone, dextrose, 20; and pep-
ing 26 % total sugars has also been carried out in our pre- tone, 20. The YPI medium which was used for exo-inuli-
vious studies [8]. The final ethanol concentration reached nase production by the recombinant S. cerevisiae 6525
102.1 g/L under the optimum conditions. However, using contained (in g/L): yeast extract, 10; peptone, 20; and inu-
pure inulin or raw extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers as lin, 20. The medium used for ethanol fermentation by the
substrate in previous studies is too costly and complicated, recombinant S. cerevisiae 6525 contained 240 g/L dry pow-
and has low feasibility of bioethanol industrial production. der of Jerusalem artichoke tubers, the fermentation medium
In our present study, to develop cost-effective and sus- composition was varied based on the fermentation experi-
tainable technologies for industrial bioethanol production ments. The pH value of the fermentation medium was
and increase the utilization rate of Jerusalem artichoke between 5.3 and 5.6. For flask study, pH was adjusted to
tubers, the dry powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers was 5.5.
used directly to produce bioethanol by the recombinant S.
cerevisiae. In addition, the fermentation medium contain- Preparation of the exo‑inulinase produced by the
ing the dry powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers usually recombinant S. cerevisiae 6525 carrying the inulinase gene
has a high viscosity, which is detrimental to high-gravity
ethanol fermentation. Therefore, the optimum cooking pre- 200 μl of recombinant S. cerevisiae 6525 inoculum was
treatment of medium before fermentation and the optimum added to 100 mL YPI medium, cultured at 30 °C and
fermentation conditions in flask based on fed-batch fermen- 180 rpm for 72 h to produce enough exo-inulinase. The cell
tation were investigated in this study. Then, scale-up test in density was 1 × l08 cells/mL after counting the cells using
5-L agitating fermentor was carried out based on the opti- a hemocytometer. The cell culture was used as both the
mum conditions of flask fermentation, which could provide exo-inulinase and ethanol producer.
a basis for our next pilot fermentation test in 50- and 500-L
agitating fermentor for industrial production. Cooking pretreatment of fermentation medium
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2015) 42:543–551 545
Table 1 Four kinds of fed-batch methods and the concentration of 5, 10, 15 and 20 % (v/v) of seed culture were inocu-
the dry powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in initial time, 24, 48 lated into the fermentation medium in a 250-mL flask with
and 72 h
100 mL of fermentation medium containing 240 g/L dry
Fed-batch method Initial time 24 h 48 h 72 h powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers and 10 g/L yeast
(g/L) (g/L) (g/L) (g/L) extract, respectively. The flask was cultured at 30 °C and
① Fed-batched at 24 h 240 180 rpm, for 96 h at anaerobic conditions. As fermentation
② Fed-batched at 24 240
300 300 300
280 300 300 proceeded, we fed-batched in two equal amounts at 24 and
③ Fed-batched at 24 240
and 48 h 48 h to make the final concentration of dry powder reach
270 300 300 300 g/L.
and 48 h The initial medium pH was adjusted at a unit of 0.5–4.0,
④ Fed-batched at 24, 240 270 300 330 4.5, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0, respectively. 10 % (v/v) seed culture
48 and 72 h
was inoculated into a 250-mL flask with 100 mL fermenta-
tion medium containing 240 g/L dry powder of Jerusalem
artichoke tubers and 10 g/L yeast extract. The flask was
cultured at 30 °C and 180 rpm, for 96 h at anaerobic con-
respectively. After cooling the medium to room tempera- ditions. As fermentation proceeded, we fed-batched in two
ture, 10 % (v/v) seed culture was inoculated into the 250- equal amounts at 24 and 48 h to make the final concentra-
mL flask with the final volume of 100 mL fermentation tion of dry powder reach 300 g/L.
medium. The flask was incubated at 30 °C and 180 rpm, for 10 % (v/v) seed culture was inoculated into a 250-mL
96 h at anaerobic conditions. flask of fermentation medium (pH 4.5) with the bottle load
of 75, 100, 125 and 150 mL (the final fermentation medium
Fed‑batch fermentation for ethanol production volume was 30, 40, 50 and 60 %), respectively. The flask
was incubated at 30 °C and 180 rpm, for 96 h at anaerobic
10 % (v/v) seed culture was inoculated into a 250-mL flask conditions. As fermentation proceeded, we fed-batched in
with 100 mL fermentation medium containing 240 g/L dry two equal amounts at 24 and 48 h to make the final concen-
powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers. The flask was incu- tration of dry powder reach 300 g/L.
bated at 30 °C and 180 rpm, for 96 h at anaerobic condi- 10 % (v/v) seed culture was inoculated into a 250-mL
tions. As the fermentation proceeded, additional Jerusalem flask with 125 mL fermentation medium (pH 4.5) contain-
artichoke dry powder was supplemented. Four kinds of fed- ing 240 g/L dry powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers and
batch methods are shown in Table 1: fed-batched at 24 h, 10 g/L yeast extract. The flask was incubated at 28, 30, 32,
the final concentration reached 300 g/L; fed-batched at 34 and 36 °C, respectively, 180 rpm, for 96 h at anaerobic
24 h, the concentration reached 280 g/L, then fed-batched conditions. As fermentation proceeded, we fed-batched in
at 48 h again, the final concentration reached 300 g/L; fed- two equal amounts at 24 and 48 h to make the final concen-
batched in two equal amounts at 24 and 48 h, the final con- tration of dry powder reach 300 g/L.
centration reached 300 g/L; and fed-batched in three equal
amounts at 24, 48 and 72 h, the final concentration reached Scale‑up test in 5‑L agitating fermentor
330 g/L. The final ethanol concentration and residual total
sugar in the fermented media were determined as described After fermentation condition was optimized in flask,
below. fermentation curves were investigated using 5-L agitat-
ing fermentor (i.d. 15.1 cm, height 28.0 cm, 3.0 L work-
Ethanol production from the dry powder of Jerusalem ing volume, BIOTECH-5JG, Zhenjiang, China) under the
artichoke tubers in 250‑mL flask optimum conditions. The initial medium (2.5 L) contain-
ing 240 g/L dry powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers and
10 g/L yeast extract, 10 g/L peptone, 10 g/L corn steep liq- 10 g/L yeast extract was used with the initial pH adjusted
uor, 10 g/L NH4NO3, and 10 g/L NH4H2PO4 were added to 4.5. The fermentation medium was cooked at 115 °C
to the fermentation medium, respectively, and no nitrogen for 20 s before being used. 10 % (v/v) seed culture was
source was added to the control group in the experiment. inoculated into the fermentation medium, and the culture
10 % (v/v) seed culture was inoculated into a 250-mL flask was carried out at 34 °C and 180 rpm, for 96 h at anaerobic
containing 100 mL fermentation medium. The flask was conditions. As fermentation proceeded, we fed-batched in
cultured at 30 °C and 180 rpm, for 96 h at anaerobic con- two equal amounts at 24 and 48 h so as to make the final
ditions. As fermentation proceeded, we fed-batched in two concentration of dry powder reach 300 g/L. The final etha-
equal amounts at 24 and 48 h to make the final concentra- nol concentration and residual total sugar in the fermented
tion of dry powder reach 300 g/L. liquids were determined as described below.
546 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2015) 42:543–551
Table 3 Effect of different Cooking method Viscosity of medium (mPa s) Total sugar after cooking (g/L) Ethanol (g/L)
cooking pretreatments on
ethanol fermentation from 30 °C 30 min 1.78 × 105 125.17 ± 2.28 53.34 ± 4.04
the dry powder of Jerusalem
50 °C 30 min 1.24 × 105 131.12 ± 2.63 56.00 ± 3.61
artichoke tubers
70 °C 30 min 1.55 × 104 134.05 ± 2.95 61.34 ± 3.51
80 °C 30 min 1.33 × 104 138.16 ± 2.09 63.00 ± 2.65
90 °C 30 min 1.29 × 104 139.02 ± 2.11 62.34 ± 1.53
115 °C 20 s 1.32 × 104 144.08 ± 2.05 66.34 ± 3.06
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2015) 42:543–551 547
Zhang et al. [27] used the Saccharomyces sp. W0 to produce Ethanol of method 3
Total sugar of method 4
ethanol from the hydrolysate of inulin, and fed-batched inu- 100 Ethanol of method 4
lin at 48 and 96 h. Under this condition, 14.6 mL ethanol
in 100 mL fermented medium was produced within 120 h
of fermentation. In our study, as fermentation proceeded, 60
548 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2015) 42:543–551
Table 4 Effect of four kinds of Fed-batch method Theoretical content of total sugar (g/L) Ethanol (g/L) Ethanol yield (%)
fed-batch methods on ethanol
fermentation from the dry Method 1 186 71.34 75.06
powder of Jerusalem artichoke
Method 2 186 75.67 79.61
Method 3 186 79.00 83.12
Method 4 205 83.67 79.87
Fig. 3 Effect of nitrogen
source, inoculation, initial
medium pH, medium volume
and temperature on ethanol
production in fed-batch fermen-
tation from the dry powder of
Jerusalem artichoke. Ethanol
yield was expressed as the
percentage of the theoretical
value of 0.511. a Nitrogen
source, b inoculation, c initial
medium pH, d medium volume,
e temperature
addition, NH4H2PO4, as inorganic nitrogen, was much from 10 to 20 % after 72 h of fermentation (data not
cheaper than other organic nitrogen for ethanol industrial shown), and the ethanol yield of the treatment with 5 %
production, which had a good prospect of utilization and inoculum was lower than the other treatments. Therefore,
will be studied in further research. Finally, for flask study, the inoculation number we chosen in this study was 10 %.
we chose yeast extract as nitrogen source in the experiment.
Effect of initial medium pH on ethanol production
Effect of inoculation on ethanol production
The results in Fig. 3c indicated that the ethanol concen-
It can be seen from the data in Fig. 3b that there was no sig- tration in the medium was the highest while the initial
nificant difference for the ethanol yield at the inoculation medium pH value was 4.5. Under the conditions, 84.33 g/L
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2015) 42:543–551 549
550 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2015) 42:543–551
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