Jonathan Sudharta e - Prescription
Jonathan Sudharta e - Prescription
Jonathan Sudharta e - Prescription
Jonathan Sudharta
CEO Halodoc
According to Google & Temasek’s joint research in 2016, SEA is the world’s fastest growing internet
market (~480m users by 2020); Indonesia is the fastest growing nation in the world.
2nd 4th
E-commerce in Indonesia
is the use of health care technology..
- To improve prescription accuracy
- To increase patient safety
Simplifies healthcare
E-prescribing: physician practice – pharmacy
E-prescribing is the totally electronic transmission of prescription
information from the prescriber’s fingertips to the pharmacist’s eyes..
- Computer to computer
- Electronic data interchange (EDI)
- NO PAPER! (unless one so chooses)
- Bi-directional (renewal requests)
- Clinical decision support upfront
Opinion from a Leading Pharmacy Chain
Why e-Prescribing?
Ins6tute for Safe Medicine Prac6ces. A Call to Ac6on: Eliminate Handwri@en Prescrip6ons Within Three Years, 2000.
Benefits to Pharmacies
Ins6tute for Safe Medicine Prac6ces. A Call to Ac6on: Eliminate Handwri@en Prescrip6ons Within Three Years, 2000.
Benefits to Patients
Ins6tute for Safe Medicine Prac6ces. A Call to Ac6on: Eliminate Handwri@en Prescrip6ons Within Three Years, 2000.
Added Benefits
Ins6tute for Safe Medicine Prac6ces. A Call to Ac6on: Eliminate Handwri@en Prescrip6ons Within Three Years, 2000.
Approximately 30% of its 700+ million
prescriptions were processed electronically in
2010, up from 20% in 2009
Ins6tute for Safe Medicine Prac6ces. A Call to Ac6on: Eliminate Handwri@en Prescrip6ons Within Three Years, 2000.
E-prescribing with physician-pharmacy-payer
connectivity benefits all stakeholders
• Patients • Pharmacies
– Increased satisfaction due to fewer trips to – Reduce errors due to misinterpretation or
the pharmacy transcription
– Greater confidence in accuracy – Avoid delay of treatment due to missing
– Preserves choice of pharmacy information
– Time savings from reduced calls and faxes
• Physician practices with physician offices
– Reduce hassle of faxes and call backs
– Significant efficiency gains for renewal
– Save 2-3 hours/day staff time resolving authorizations
prescription issues
– Eliminate data entry
– Save 1 hour/day physician time resolving
– Improved morale given reduced hassle
renewals issues factor
– Significant efficiency gains for renewal
authorizations • Payers
– Improves safety and quality due to clinical – Cost savings due to improved formulary
decision support at point of care compliance
– MGMA estimates e-prescribing with – Reduced costs of patient care resulting
pharmacy interoperability can save a from adverse drug events
practice $10,000 annualy – per physician*
– Preserve physician choice of medication
Ins6tute for Safe Medicine Prac6ces. A Call to Ac6on: Eliminate Handwri@en Prescrip6ons Within Three Years, 2000.
E-prescription increases Adherence
A new study suggests e-prescribing may enhance patient prescription
E Rx – The Global Scene
Patrick Kierkegaard
e-Prescription Part of European Health Policy
E-prescrip0on in USA
- A Detailed Review
- an experience that can and should be emulated !
9 out of 10 pharmacies in the US can accept e-prescriptions. Additionally, 70% of
physicians are e-prescribing using and EHR
Over 95% of US pharmacies are provide e-prescrip6on
connec6vity, including thousands of local independent
Wuzhen Internet Hospital
established by Wedoctor
Once pa6ents have paid the bills online, they wait un6l the drugs are
delivered to their homes by courier companies, according to instruc6ons on
the hospital’s website
Approved by China’s health authori0es, Guahao’s digital
pla\orm (apps, website) offers online hospitals, medical
insurance, a specialist database, appointments for public
hospitals, e-prescrip6ons, test reports, payments, online
follow up and more
GuaHao's Offerings
Founded in 2010, GuaHao is a mobile medical and health consultation platform. Its Weiyi mobile
apps connect patients with hospitals and doctors through the Internet. Typically, to access
healthcare services, patients in China have to go to a hospital, take a token number, and wait for
their turn. A patient scheduling system enables a more efficient allocation of healthcare resources.
GuaHao has an efficient information-sharing system and its well-designed, easy-to-use online
platform allows patients to access their personal calendars, local hospitals and physicians and
helps them make appointments within minutes. Today, it claims to have over
However, GuaHao has the distinction of being authorized by the National Health and Family
Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China (or the Ministry of Health)
Zhang Lin (84) who has suffered from hypertension for
20 years, talked with Chief Physician Chen Xiaomin
about his symptoms via video call on the online
pla\orm of Ningbo Hospital.
AWer reviewing Zhang’s medical record, Chen gave his
advice and submiFed an e-prescrip0on to the cloud.
A day later, Zhang received hypertension-control
medicine at home.
• E-prescription in Australia is currently provided by two service
providers, MediSecure and eRx.
• All hospitals and pharmacies in the nation are connected to the system.
Because the e-Prescription system draws on data from the national
health insurance fund, any state medical subsidies that the patient is
entitled to also appear, and the medicine is discounted accordingly.
• This frees up time for both the patient and the doctor, and reduces
administrative strain on the hospital.
E-Prescription system in Finland
Healthcare digitalisation
By legislation obligatory
• For doctors and pharmacies
• Obligatory 1.1.2017
E-prescription implemented in Russia
– by Government Order
The global e-prescription market can also help with the co-pay data, displaying
dispensers and other providers with data on total drug coverage, and
formulary alternatives
End of Presenta6ons