Base Oil Groups Manufacture Properties and Performance
Base Oil Groups Manufacture Properties and Performance
Base Oil Groups Manufacture Properties and Performance
Stuart F. Brown
This article is based on a Webinar originally presented by STLE University on Oct. 8, 2014. “Base Oils Groups
I-V: Manufacturing, Properties and Performance” is available at $39 to STLE members, $59 for
all others.
John Rosenbaum has a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from San Diego State University and a doctorate
in materials science and mineral engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. He is the senior
project development engineer at Chevron Global Base Oils in Richmond, Calif., where he has spent 33 years. He
has 18 years of experience researching catalysts and process technologies, fuels and lubricant base oils. He is
also responsible for spearheading Chevron’s experimental program to make liquid fuels and lubricant base oil
from natural gas and worked on the ISODEWAXING® Catalyst System. He is the author/co-author of over 60 U.S.
Patents and several publications. You can reach John at John Rosenbaum
Who you gonna call? A complete list of STLE HQ staffers is available at 33
fluids and the polyalkylene glycols that keting term than any-
are extremely non-flammable and thus thing that conforms to
suited for use as high-temperature hy- a scientific definition,”
draulic fluid. says Rosenbaum. “The
only place where a
Group I oils are produced by solvent is really defined as
extraction and dewaxing processes. a PAO is Germany.
Solvent extraction starts with a heavy So there are a lot of
refinery feedstock from a crude distilla- other definitions of
tion unit that’s called vacuum gas oil. A synthetics out there,
very selective solvent removes much of and the buyer prob-
the sulfur, aromatic and nitrogen com- ably needs to beware
pounds. The resulting oil stream comes of something that just
Figure 2 | Chevron’s new base oil plant in Pascagoula, Miss.
out of the extractor still containing par- calls itself synthetic or
affins that need to be removed to make semisynthetic. What
it a base oil. A light solvent is added Miss., (see Figure 2) has hydroprocess- you really want is performance, and
and the mixture is refrigerated to a low ing reactors that are 70 feet tall, 15 the sophisticated customer will look
temperature at which the paraffins pre- feet in diameter and have walls a foot beyond the claim using the word syn-
cipitate and are filtered out. While the thick. Inside are three catalyst beds that thetic to the actual performance service
entire process is simple in concept, the remove sulfur and nitrogen from the categories and OEM approvals.”
maintenance and operating costs are feedstock and saturate it with hydro- A synthetic can be thought of as
relatively high. gen pressurized to 2,000 pounds per something that is created, where the end
Hydroprocessing is a method that square inch (see Figure 3). The plant material does not resemble the starting
typically uses three catalytic reactors to produces 25,000 barrels of base oil per material. This applies to the PAOs and
produce Group II and Group III base day. “Through the magic of sophisticat- also to esters that are made from veg-
oils. The process begins with the same ed catalyst technology plus some brute etable products, including canola oil.
vacuum gas oil feedstock as Group I, force high-pressure hydrogen, we just In the past 20 years, a new class of lu-
but runs it through a hydrocracker at pound these molecules and convert bricants derived from vegetable oils has
very high pressures, frequently above almost all of the contaminating ones come on the scene. Traditional unmodi-
2,000 pounds per square inch. The hy- into pure hydrocarbons,” Rosenbaum
drocracker reshapes the molecules, satu- explains.
rating a lot of the aromatic compounds
with hydrogen, which improves their SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS
stability. It converts sulfur into hydrogen Although they account for just 1%-2%
sulfide gas and nitrogen into ammonia, of the volume of base oils produced,
creating a product called a waxy base lots of interest in recent years has fo- 1.0 ft
15 ft ID
oil that’s a lot cleaner than the output of cused on synthetic base oils and on oils
a solvent extraction and contains more produced from renewable and rerefined H2
than 90% saturated compounds. feedstocks.
The second reactor is a catalytic de- The traditional synthetics are PAOs
70 ft
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