2018-01-20 Dalal Street Investment Journal
2018-01-20 Dalal Street Investment Journal
2018-01-20 Dalal Street Investment Journal
42 Cover Story
09 Choice Scrip
14 Analysis
Editor’s Keyboard
HEG Limited 07 Company Index
Riding piggyback on demand for power and steel 08 Market View
12 Technicals
58 Call Tracker
62 Query Board
Special Report
65 Reviews
66 Kerbside
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the complete databank
consisting of more than
3500 companies on our
website www.DSIJ.in
Communication Feature sections
One must understand the priorities of the current government to be able to correctly estimate the
announcements in the budget. In my view, the priority for the current government is ‘Economic
Growth’. Agriculture sector is a priority, so is employment generation. Even if Union Finance Minister
Arun Jaitley prefers to support agriculture sector, which he will, it will indirectly boost the overall
growth of the country as the agriculture sector has so far not contributed incrementally to India’s GDP
growth over the last four years. The provisioning of
funds for the agriculture sector in my view will be
crucial in this budget. Apart from the quantum of fund,
what I will be delighted to know is how the government
is going to ensure fair prices for the agriculture produce
of the farmers. Nothing can be more sweeter than the
agriculture sector contributing positively and
incrementally to India’s overall GDP growth. Expect
some big bang announcements for the agriculture sector.
In our cover story, we have extensively discussed various steps that may be taken by the current
government to improve the economic health of the country. Our expectations from Budget-2018 are
explained in detail. We have come up with four recommendation which we believe will generate
decent returns over a one year period for the investors. The markets, no doubt, will take direction from
the Budget announcements. However, investors who stick to the bottom-up approach will find
themselves safe and wealthy. My suggestion for investors with temperament for long term investing is
that they can find opportunities in the cement industry. Cement is safe investment over the long run,
as well as PSU banks. Investors will get a chance to rejig their portfolio in this budget and a lot will
depend on the announcements and incentives given to specific sectors. However, cement companies
and banks should not only form a part of your portfolio, but a higher allocation of 10 per cent to each
sector is highly recommended.
The markets are getting expensive, but many stocks are still not expensive. There are plenty of
opportunities for those who are willing to dig deeper into financials and valuations of the companies.
We are more than happy to assist our investors in this endeavour and I am sure we will come up with
some exciting opportunities in 2018 when it comes to identifying quality stocks with good growth
To advertise, mail us on ads@dsij.in MIRC Electronics l Buy 50.70 Low Priced Scrip 10
Printer and Publisher: Nitin Sawant, Editor: V B Padode for DSIJ Pvt Ltd. Reliance Naval & EnGg. l Exit 53.25 Reviews 65
on behalf of Achievements Merchandise Pvt Ltd. Printed at Kala Jyothi
Process Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.: W-17&18, M.I.D.C. Industrial Area, Taloja,
Sil Investments l Buy 492.60 QueryBoard 62
Dist. Raigad, Navi Mmbai. - 410 206. and published from 419-A, 4th Sparc Systems l Exit 3.17 QueryBoard 62
Floor, Arun Chambers, Tardeo, Next to AC Market, Mumbai - 400034
All rights reserved. While all efforts are made to ensure that the Swelect Energy l Buy 481.00 Cover Story 49
information published is correct and up-to-date, Dalal Street Investment
Journal holds no responsibility for any errors that might occur. All Tata Sponge Iron l BP 1175.70 Reviews 65
material contained herein is based on fundamental and technical analysis
and other in-house methods, which though reliable, are not infallible. The Thomas Cook l Buy 258.00 Kerbside 66
information given in the magazine is of an advisory nature. Readers are
advised to consult experts before taking any investment decision and Dalal Titagarh Wagons l Buy 172.40 Kerbside 66
Street Journal holds no responsibility for any losses that may arise due to
investment decisions made on the basis of information given within the TPL Plastech l Buy 691.00 Cover Story 49
magazine. No reproduction is permitted in whole or part without written
consent from Dalal Street Journal All disputes are subject to the ZEE Entertainment l Buy 614.20 Cover Story 48
exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Mumbai only.
Dalal Street Investment Journal is a member of INS/ABCs. BP - Book Profit • BPP - Book Partial Profits • BL - Book Loss
ensex managed to make record period under consideration, thus
Globally, the equity rally
highs this week and touched its continuing its dream run in 2018. BSE does not seem to have
all-time high at 34,963.69 on Small-cap index was up by 3.98 per cent.
Monday, i.e. January 15 It has paused and there are no
been an extremely bullish On the sectoral front. the previous two
two-week period for the equity markets weeks belonged to metal, realty and IT signs of panic yet in the
globally, with Dow Jones Industrial sectors. The Metal index was up by 6.86 markets in spite of high
Average (DJIA) index inching up by more per cent, followed by the Realty index,
than 4 per cent and S&P 500 index which was up 5.68 per cent and the IT equity valuations.
following suit. It was a not a relatively sector index, which gained 3.80 per cent.
great period for the global technology Bankex was not amongst the leaders Institutional investors were net buyers
giants as indicated by Nasdaq, which even as the index gained 2.87 per cent. in the market with FII buying into the
slipped by more than 2 per cent even as The FMCG index was up by 1.33 per Indian markets to the tune of Rs 480.29
most of the other global indices managed cent and the Power index remained flat, crore and DIIs buying stocks worth Rs
to close in the green. Hang Seng was the but managed to close in the green by 0.64 2573.70 crore.
only other global index which managed per cent. The auto companies saw some
to beat the DJIA index in the past profit-booking in the past couple of The past couple of weeks also saw
two-week period. Hang Seng was up by weeks, which pulled the index down by couple of IPOs garnering funds from
4.99 per cent. nearly 1.10 per cent even when all the investors, viz., Apollo Micro Systems
other sectoral indices closed in the green. and New Generation Power. Both the
The European indices closed in the green, The Mid-cap index gained 1.64 per cent. IPOs received good investor response.
While small-caps continue to surprise
with the price gains, the large-cap IT
companies such as TCS and Infosys
have helped push up the key benchmark
indices. DS
with the CAC 40 leading the way, up by Performance Of Indices Net Investment In Equity Markets (`/Cr)
3.85 per cent, followed by DAX which 01st Jan 15th Jan Gain/Loss Date FIIs DIIs
was up by 2.42 per cent and FTSE which Indices
2018 2018 (%)
was up 1.18 per cent. Japanese indices, in 02-Jan 522.74 64.7
SENSEX 33812.75 34,843.51 3.05
line with the global indices, inched up by Nifty 10,435.55 10741.55 2.93
03-Jan 96.31 -269.2
3.82 per cent. Mid-Cap 17,835.83 18,128.88 1.64 04-Jan 212.05 325.24
Small-Cap 19,279.96 20,046.90 3.98 05-Jan 581.43 243.13
The major Indian benchmark indices Auto 26,542.64 26,250.43 -1.10 08-Jan 692.83 -206.3
underperformed their global peers Bankex 28,639.17 29,462.43 2.87 09-Jan -303.94 522.9
marginally in the past two weeks, with FMCG 10,664.49 10,806.70 1.33 10-Jan -572.26 600.24
Sensex and Nifty gaining by 3.05 per cent IT 11,216.18 11,642.81 3.80 11-Jan -623.63 770.02
and 2.93 per cent, respectively. The Metal 14,861.39 15,880.55 6.86 12-Jan -158.16 696.25
Small-cap index managed to outperform Power 2,400.41 2,415.77 0.64 15-Jan 32.92 -173.28
both the key benchmark indices for the Realty 2,617.74 2,766.51 5.68 Total 480.29 2,573.70
net profit of `17.8 crore in the second
quarter of the previous year.
FB Industries, started its operations
in India in collaboration with On an annual basis, the company’s net
Hienrich Schmid AG of sales increased 15.97 per cent to
Switzerland in 1974. The company `1740.65 crore in FY2017 on a year-on-
operates in two divisions, fine year basis. The company’s PBDT
blanked components. and appliances. The increased 30.93 per cent to `105.44 crore
fine blanking division has manufacturing in FY17 as against `80.53 crore in the
facility located at Kolkata and Bangalore, Best of LAST ONE Year previous fiscal. The net profit of the
whereas the appliances division has a Name of Reco CMP Gain company rose 62.53 per cent to `50.97
manufacturing facility in Goa. Company Price (`) (`) (%) crore in FY17, as against `31.36 crore in
Hi Tech Pipes 133.00 371.00 178.95 the previous fiscal.
The fine blanking division mainly caters to Elgi Equipments 177.00 296.00 67.23
the automobile sector, covering both the Gillette India 4264.00 6667.00 56.36 On the valuation front, the company has
2-wheeler and 4-wheeler segments. IFB is Tata Sponge Iron 806.00 1175.00 45.78
a PE ratio of 96.70x as against its peer
strengthening the supply chain to cater to V-Guard Industries (70.90x). The
Aarti Industries 779.00 1122.00 44.03
the expected increase in automotive company’s return on equity (RoE) and
demand in the coming quarters. The (Closing price as of Jan 16, 2018) return on capital employed (RoCE) stood
company is also focusing on increasing its at 11.22 per cent and 14.80 per cent,
business in non-auto segments like increasing its capacity in top load washing respectively. The company, with a
electrical, railways, defence, etc. machines, while new product launches debt-to-equity ratio of 0.06x is virtually
would increase capex in the home debt-free. The Q2 results of the company
The appliances division includes products appliance segment. exceeded expectations and recorded
like washing machines, microwave ovens, highest quarterly growth in the last nine
dish washers, air conditioners, etc. for The company is also focusing on years on the back of increasing share of
domestic and industrial appliances localising manufacturing within India to domestic appliances, healthy operating
segment. The outlook for the appliances reduce on high import costs. This will leverage and prudent cost management.
division remains positive on the back of result in a significant portion of electronic Also, the company is introducing new
strong customer demand. Also, the controller imports being substituted by product range which would drive growth
company plans to launch new products localised production in the ongoing going forward. We recommend our
and reduce material costs. IFB is quarter itself. reader-investors to BUY the stock. DS
Monthly Stock Market Returns Shareholding Pattern Last Five Quarters - Standalone (`/Cr)
BSE Code: 505726 (`) December 2017 Particulars Sep '17 Jun '17 Mar '17 Dec '16 Sep '16
CMP: `1460 FV: `10
BSE Volume: 500 Promoters 74.96 Total Income 602.78 531.02 429.17 454.44 481.81
FII 25.04 Other Income 3.34 3.42 3.38 2.71 4.41
Operating Profit 64.66 24.34 13.25 32.53 38.56
Interest 1.1 1.13 0.81 0.89 1.36
Other 0 Net Profit 36.57 7.38 2.68 15.58 19.18
Total 100 Equity 41.28 41.28 41.28 41.28 41.28
RISING DEMAND TO FUEL FUTURE GROWTH On the financial front, the company’s
revenue increased by 29.13 per cent to
`201.09 crore in the second quarter of
FY18, as against `155.73 crore in the
same quarter last fiscal. The PBIDT of
HERE IS WHY the company rose 158.54 per cent to
`18.77 crore in the second quarter of
Turnaround in financials FY18, as against `7.26 crore in the same
Rising rural demand quarter of the previous fiscal. The net
profit of the company also increased to
Innovative product launches
`12.04 crore, as against a loss of `9.92
crore during the period under
IRC Electronics is in consideration.
the business of
manufacturing and On an annual basis, the company posted
marketing electronics PRICED SCRIP a drop in its revenue by 2.64 per cent to
goods under the brand `746.37 crore in FY17, as against
names Onida and IGO. It serves various `766.62 crore in the previous fiscal.
areas of consumer appliances such as Best of LAST ONE Year However, PBIDT of the company
LED televisions, air conditioners, Name of Reco CMP Gain recorded a significant increase from a
washing machines, microwave ovens, Company Price (`) (`) (%) negative `0.74 crore in FY16 to `34.55
DVD and home theatre systems, mobile Himadri Speciality Chemical 61.50 183.00 197.56 crore in FY17. The net loss of the
phones, projector systems etc. MIRC is Gujarat Ambuja Exports 92.25 261.50 183.47 company also declined to `5.68 crore in
currently working with about 4,000 Gufic Biosciences 50.70 124.00 144.58 FY17, as compared to a net loss of
dealers across India and plans to further Virinchi 61.45 136.00 121.32
`27.02 crore in FY16.
increase this number.
Purvankara 73.20 157.00 114.48
On the valuation front, the TTM PE of
(Closing price as of Jan 16, 2018)
The company's home appliances market the company stood at 64.71x, as against
is growing faster than other segments, the industry PE of 44.15x. Meanwhile, its
contributing 9 per cent to the revenues. has recently expanded its television peers Dixon Technologies and
The company has come up with 15 new product line-up with the launch of Onida Honeywell Automation posted a TTM
models of washing machines and is KY Super Thunder. PE of 93.16x and 76.14x, respectively.
targeting 6 per cent market share in this
segment, which has only 0.5 per cent Recently, the company has automated The stock is witnessing a turnaround in
penetration in rural markets and is its plant, which has helped the company financials due to rising rural demand
expected to grow at 10-12 per cent to focus on higher margin products, and innovative product launches. MIRC
during the year. The company has also which has resulted in good profitability in is targeting rural India with launch of
pioneered inverter ACs to grab market the last one year. The reduction in low cost LED entry level TVs, washing
share of the fast-growing AC market. manpower is said to have saved the machines, etc. The company is looking
company `15-20 crore. to grow at 20-25 per cent for the next
The company is looking at 60-65 per five years. We recommend our reader-
cent growth in LED TV sales in FY18, as The company has garnered about 15 per investors to BUY the stock.
compared to `308 crore sales in FY17. It cent of its revenues from modern retail DS
Monthly Stock Market Returns Shareholding Pattern Last Five Quarters - Standalone (`/Cr)
BSE Code: 500279 December 2017 Particulars Sep'17 Jun'17 Mar'17 Dec'16 Sep'16
CMP: `50.7 FV: `1
BSE Volume: 277589 Promoters 57.71 Total Income 201.09 215.54 210.35 139.05 155.73
Date: 16/01/2018 Other Income 0.5 2.16 3.64 0.36 1.6
FII 42.29
Operating Profit 19.27 11.9 18.71 -0.43 8.86
DII --
Interest 4.8 4.99 4.67 6.89 6.5
Public 0 Net Profit 12.04 4.5 12.23 -9.73 -9.92
Total 100 Equity 21.18 21.18 21.18 19.62 19.62
he company manufactures and sells Scrip’s Movement
generic pharmaceutical formulations
and is also engaged in providing
R&D and CRM services to pharma
companies across globe. The company
generated major revenue from therapeutics
like OTC (29%), prescription drugs (21%)
and pain management (17.5%) in FY17.
Further, the company generates nearly 83% 2017 2018
of its revenue from the US and the UK. At
the end of 2017, the company’s Goa unit,
which exports solid dosages and soft Last Seven Days’ Volume Table
gelatine capsules, received UK MHRA
(No. of Shares)
clearance. With this, the company is
mulling capacity expansion of the unit and Days Volume
starting a new facility in Navi Mumbai. It is 09-Jan-18 28,05,479
expected to file ANDAs and launch 6-12 10-Jan-18 37,22,656
products in the second half of FY18. The 11-Jan-18 49,39,541
company expects further penetration in 12-Jan-18 21,82,506
Europe and Australia. Going forward, 15-Jan-18 11,64,054
pharma sector is expected to improve after 16-Jan-18 22,84,729
17-Jan-18 18,75,650
the softening of the GST impact.
The scrips in this
column have been MAN INFRA CONSTRUCTION CMP - `69.15
BSE CODE Volume Face Value
with a 15-day investment 533169 157301
horizon in mind and he civil construction company in which
Scrip’s Movement
carry high risk. Therefore, ace investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
investors are advised to holds a stake, is engaged in port
infrastructure as well as residential construc-
take into account their risk tion. The company generated its FY17 revenue
appetite before investing, from EPC (92%) and realty (8%). Its financial
as fundamentals may performance in FY17 was quite noteworthy,
with its revenue and PAT growing by 99.5%
or may not back the and 201%, respectively. Moreover, its TTM
recommendations. revenue and PAT are already 25% and 16.4%,
2017 2018
respectively, up to the September quarter
results. The company’s EPC order book stands
Hot Chips of Last One Month at `669 crore as on September 2017 quarter,
out of which 70% pertains to port infrastruc-
Reco. Peak Likely ture and the balance pertains to residential
Price After Gain
projects. The orders are expected to be
(`) Reco* (%) Last Seven Days’ Volume Table
executed within 12-18 months. The company
Issue No 2 ,Dec 25, 2017 - Jan 7,2018 (No. of Shares) has also bid for orders amounting to `2000
Goodricke Group 457.00 487.00 6.56 Days Volume crore. As per the mandate, the company has
Cupid 285.00 423.00 48.42 09-Jan-18 2,08,513 already registered all its projects under RERA.
Issue No 3 ,Jan 8 - 21, 2018
10-Jan-18 2,39,973 Considering the company’s Ghatkopar project
Bharti Infratel 379.00 379.00 0.00
11-Jan-18 1,56,651 in Mumbai, 30% of phase-I has been opened
12-Jan-18 2,35,777 for sale again and phase-II work is expected to
Advanced Enzyme Technologies 302.50 323.00 6.78 15-Jan-18 1,64,271 start in January 2018. The company’s D/E
*Highest price after our recommendations 16-Jan-18 1,37,350 stands at 0.5, while the interest coverage is 4.3,
17-Jan-18 1,57,301 which lends it financial stability.
(Closing price as of Jan 17, 2018) DS
ifty has ultimately Roadmap for the next 15 trading sessions
succeeded in achieving our Ideas Nifty Levels Action to be Initiated Probable Targets
first target of 10700 before Close above 10780- 10900 on the daily chart on
the end of FY18. Resistance for the medium term 10780-10900 closing basis would give further momentum to the 11000-11200
Admissible corporate
earnings so far have kept the Indian stock Close below 10600 on the weekly chart would
Support for the medium term 10600 10500-10400
change the trend and trigger a retreat.
markets going. Frontline Q3 earnings
have helped Indian benchmark indices FY18 is expected to remain subdued at witnessed correction for gap-filling from
hit all-time highs yet again, despite nearly 6.5%. Thereby, the markets the very next day and has bounced back
external hiccups from commodities front. witnessed slow momentum amid the recently with rising volumes, for 61.8%
Brent crude hit above its critical level of mixed macroeconomic numbers. The retracement level of the prior upward
USD 70/barrel recently, amid robust upcoming Union budget would also rally. With this, on the upside, we hold
global demand, production cut from decide the fate of the market, where the 10780, which is the upward sloping
OPEC and strong buying in oil futures. government has lowered its fiscal trendline level formed by joining Aug 2
Recently, the country reported its IIP borrowing requirement to `20,000 crore and Nov 6 points, as the immediate
data, i.e. the factory output, which hit its from `50,000 crore ahead of the budget. resistance level, while 10900 will act as
25-month high at 8.4% in November, the next resistance. Otherwise, we may
driven by the 10.2% rise in Technically, the major benchmark index, yet again see a retreat, where we hold
manufacturing. Further, Indian CPI rose Nifty, is seen in the doldrums, struggling 10660-10590 as immediate supports.
at its fastest pace in 17 months at 5.2% as at peak levels because of lack of This is the seventh consecutive weekly
forecasted, led by increasing prices of momentum, being in the overbought uptick for the Nifty, and hence on
vegetables and crude oil. The ever-rising zone. Though the momentum oscillators continuation, we hold 11000-11200 as
CPI would delay or even halt RBI’s RSI and stochastics above 70 depict our next medium-term resistances. On
monetary easing. The WPI too rose to tiredness, no indicator is yet giving sign the other hand, if the markets correct on
3.58% as against 2.10% in the of an immediate correction for now. In account of profit-booking, we hold
corresponding month of the previous fact, RSI still holds above its trendline 10500-10400 as the supports, where
year. The country also received its GDP level of 67. Talking of the daily 10400 may act as provisional trend
forecast, which looked quite optimistic movement, Nifty had seen a gap-up reversal.
after FY19; however, the second half of opening on January 15 and, thereafter, it
KAKATIYA CEMENT SUGAR & IND. ........... BUY ........ CMP `404.55
BSE Code : 500234 Target 1 ..... `448 | Target 2 ..... `469 | Stoploss....`380(CLS)
BSE Code : 540133 Target 1 ..... `460 | Target 2 ..... `475 | Stoploss....`390 (CLS)
The stock of ICICI Prudential is currently trading at
`419.00. Its 52-week high/low stand at `507.90/
`330, made on July 4, 2017 and January 16, 2017,
respectively. The stock was trading with lower tops
and lower bottoms until it broke its immediate
major resistance at `400 on January 8, 2017. With
this, the stock also gave its downward sloping
trendline breakout with rising volumes and
14-period RSI quoting at 68. After four consecutive
upbeats, the stock corrected up to 38.2%
retracement level and has recently bounced back.
Now, the stock has formed a kind of inverse head &
shoulders pattern, which has a breakout at
`420-422 levels. Once the stock breaches these levels
on a closing basis, it holds a potential upside of 45 to
55 points in the medium term. Rising volumes and
RSI trailing at 68 suggest momentum in the stock.
Hence, we suggest a Buy in the scrip above `420 DS
(Closing price as of Jan 17, 2018)
*LEGEND: n EMA - Exponential Moving Average. n MACD - Moving Average Convergence Divergence n RMI - Relative Momentum Index
n ROC - Rate of Change n RSI - Relative Strength Index
Disclaimer : Above recommendations are based on various technical parameters and any fundamental input has not been considered for the recommendations. Follow strict stop loss for the recommendation.
million tonnes for the first 9 months in
2017, as compared to the same period in
EG Limited, incorporated In addition to servicing large domestic 2016. WSA forecasts global steel demand
in 1977, is the second steel players, HEG supplies large to reach 1648 MT in 2018 from 1516 MT
largest graphite electrodes proportion of its production volume to in 2016.
(GE) producer in India the top 20 steel companies in the world.
and fourth largest in the The company exports approximately 60 India is now second largest steel pro-
world. GE is essential for making steel per cent of its production to about 30 ducer after China, overtaking Japan. The
through electric arc furnace (EAF) route. countries around the world. HEG’s easy availability of low-cost manpower
The company produces two grades of export prices are similar to those of and the presence of abundant iron ore
graphite electrodes-Ultra High Power Japanese and American companies' reserves makes India competitive in the
(UHP) and High Power (HP) -used in prices and these countries do not impose global steel landscape.
producing steel through the EAF route. any duty on import. HEG commissioned
The order booking share between HP its last capacity expansion way back in The outlook for the steel industry
and UHP is about 60 per cent and 40 per February 2012 wherein it installed a appears promising, especially due to the
cent respectively. This business segment capacity of 14,000 tonnes, incurring a government’s thrust to infrastructure
contributes 97 per cent to the company’s capex of `225 crore. creation and housing. To achieve steel
topline. capacity build-up of 300 MT by 2025,
India would need to invest USD 210
billion over the next decade. The
HEG has an integrated facility at Mandideep, government also imposed anti-dumping
duties on cold-rolled steel products from
Madhya Pradesh which has an installed Korea, Japan, China and Ukraine and
capacity of 80,000 MTPA and is the largest another six countries for 47 different
hot-rolled steel products. Also, the
manufacturing capacity of graphite electrode National Steel Policy 2017 enumerates
Indian government’s plan to enhance the
under single roof in the world. The plant also per capita steel production by over 2
has a co-generation power capacity of 77 MW. times from 61 kg in 2015 to over 160 kg
in 2031. The share of EAF will keep on
Hemant Rustagi
Chief Executive Officer, Wiseinvest Advisors
diversification within that sector. Besides, Follow a strategy for investing in these
utual funds allow these funds can play a supporting role to funds
investors to invest in a diversified portfolio by allowing Broadly speaking, these funds should
equity market through investors to increase exposure to those constitute only a limited portion of one’s
a variety of funds. sectors that may be under-represented in portfolio. Simply put, if one has already
There are large-cap, the portfolio. built a well-diversified portfolio and
mid-cap, small cap, multi-cap, contra/ can withstand extreme volatilities, these
value fund, sector and thematic fund as Even for those who invest in stocks funds can contribute handsomely in
well as equity-linked savings schemes. directly, sector funds offer advantages improving the overall portfolio returns.
The mix of funds in the portfolio of an over individual stocks as the fund
investor should be in line with his/her manager tracks the industry/sector One can adopt different strategies to
capacity to take risk, experience of development for its investors. Since the reduce the risk generally associated
investing in market-linked products and performance of sector funds fluctuates with such funds. One such strategy is to
the size of the portfolio. depending on how their particular have a small exposure to 3-4 sectors/
sector/industries are performing in the themes. It is also advisable to review one’s
In the current market situation, some of market, a wrong selection of sector/s can portfolio to ensure that one is not
the sector and thematic funds usually adversely affect the overall portfolio investing in a sector/theme that already
catch investors’ fancy due to superlative return. Therefore, for a sector fund has a sizeable exposure through other
short and medium-term performance. investor, it is essential to have the funds. Besides, one should have the
Since sector funds ride on industry ability to withstand the short-term capacity to hold these funds for the
cycles, they have the potential to offer fluctuations in order to enhance longer term if required and must curb
attractive returns if the timing is right, long-term returns. the urge to switch from one sector/theme
albeit with higher level of volatility. At to another.
the same time, they do not provide Like sector funds, thematic funds also
downside risk protection available in carry a high degree of risk. However, they As a thumb rule, for someone who has a
diversified funds. are more diversified than sector funds as decent exposure to equity funds and is
they invest in sectors that are likely to conversant with the behavior of equity
Similarly, thematic funds look for trends benefit from a theme. In other words, market, around 10-15% of the portfolio
that are likely to result in outperformance thematic funds also are suitable for can be invested in sector and thematic
of certain sectors or companies. In other investors who have the experience of funds. The key is to select the funds
words, the key factors are those that can investing in equity and equity funds and carefully and monitor the progress over
make a difference to business profitability have higher risk appetite. the investment period. DS
Lijo Chacko
Vocations Avocations
From being a man-at-arms at the fore front of the
Indian Naval Army to becoming a harbinger of social
change- Lijo puts light on the tragedy of the commons
and the ways to overcome it through entrepreneurial
leadership. A contemplative piece from the dynamic
and extraordinary life experience of the ex-rank of
commander and the present day Executive Director of
Citizen Changemakers Foundation, his insightful
perspective on CSR is a fresh breeze.
n this era, where we as human beings are connected on elementary canons of everyday face to face civility and to seek
multiple levels, a global outlook will be immensely material gain” we may let our philosophical antennae tuned
beneficial for us in the field of social change where we try into the wellbeing of the humanity at large. If that tuning
to make the three broad stakeholders – corporates, requires one to spend some time on the ground, we should try
governments and NGOs/CSOs - collaborate. Whatever be the to do it. In this context I am reminded of a good friend, Sai Raj,
difficulty of engaging with and among each other we need to the MD of Synergy Navis, who at the end of our day’s visits to a
agree to work together for the greater good. Perspectives few NGOs sighed, “…and I thought I had problems”. Sure
gained from being part of two large movements: the right to enough because of that personal contact, he and his team are
food campaign and helping with public surveys of the rural physically working closely with Rainbow Homes in Pune since
employment guarantee scheme, both of which are national then.
level movements, has given me a fair understanding of the
perseverant hard work put in by NGOs/CSOs from various People in C-suites are measured against very tangible goals—
parts of the country and the fruits it has borne. The Indian shareholder value, profits, revenue growth, etc—and are
government has humongous resources available at it’s rewarded for achieving them. These become their strong
disposal and has machinery which can reach deep into personal drivers too. So, how does one hold maximizing profits
the country. as well as doing social good as goals at the same time in life?
But then such dichotomies exist in the world in several aspects
Even as we take cognizance of what Theodore Levitte wrote in of our lives and we have been managing it, so we could
the ‘50s, “… business has only two responsibilities – to obey the consciously strive to strike a balance here too. Perhaps to help
Infosys Foundation:
Outreach For A Brighter Tomorrow
eventeen years before the Indian endowment for the establishment of a benefits of educational training,
Companies Act 2013 mandated a superior gravity fed water supply system vocational assistance, community
purse for CSR, Infosys had estab- that will improve sanitation and water development and, more importantly,
lished a foundation to reach out to the supply to more than 100 villages receive assistance to help conserve natural
underprivileged sections of society. A impacting 40,000 beneficiaries. The resources. Technical resources planned
reflection of the ethos since inception, Foundation consistently supports and for the upliftment include a well-stocked
the Infosys Foundation has contributed identifies sustainable projects that will library and advanced training.
immensely to the community with help beneficiaries over a long period
initiatives straddling five areas of activity. without having to rely on outside ARTS & CULTURE : While the Foundation
assistance. This is one such project that supports performing arts and artisans
CSR touches lives in ways difficult to will transform the way water supply is elsewhere, this initiative, in association
fully comprehend or quantify, and managed, in addition to empowering with Sahapedia, is aimed at creating a
demands the undivided attention of local communities to handle digital bridge between the masses and the
benefactors and sponsors. Infosys has development funds. rich cultural glory of India. This project is
closely worked with NGOs and civic aimed at collating and disseminating rich
authorities to reach out to the needy, With an aim to motivate researchers to content that reflects the glory of India
helping to restore smiles. Straddling perform cutting-edge research, as well as digitally. Ensuring the connect of the
activities across healthcare, education train them to raise awareness about future with the past heritage, culture and
support, destitute care, impetus to rural infectious diseases, the Foundation tradition of India is one of the objectives of
development and support to performing partnered with IISC Bangalore. The partner- this one-of-a-kind initiative that is
arts and heritage of India, the Founda- ship is to enhance infrastructure and destined to bring the cultural wealth of
tion is actively involved in CSR activities broaden research activities at the Centre for India to more than 10 lakhs users in a few
with material and financial inputs, in Infectious Diseases Research (CIDR) at the years from now.
addition to resource support. Some of the institute. The endowment will be used
latest milestones achieved includes towards research, training and creating SUSTAINABILITY : We saw a great
projects in the following categories: awareness about infectious diseases. opportunity to contribute to the global
fight against climate change while
EDUCATION : Aimed at arresting school The Foundation partners with non-gov- keeping the community at the heart of it.
dropout statistics that prevent ernment organizations (NGOs) to make An estimated 60 per cent of Indian
underprivileged sections of society from a difference among local communities households rely on traditional cooking
rising above the great divide, the and prioritizes projects by assessing their methods using firewood. This leads to
Foundation’s initiative in Assam in impact, and match funding requirement the gradual loss of forest cover on the one
association with Kalyan Ashram includes with availability of funds in our corpus. hand and indoor air pollution-related
an endowment for a hostel that will The Infosys Foundation takes pride in deaths on the other. Nearly a million
accommodate 100 students of needy working with all sections of the society deaths a year in India are attributed to
sections of Udalgiri district. The that were traditionally overlooked by the indoor air pollution from cooking.
partnership with Shishu Shiksha Samiti society at large. Infosys has undertaken large-scale
aims to help impart education through two projects where rural communities
schools that will positively impact 19 RURAL DEVELOPMENT : The received either high efficiency biomass
villages with a combined population of one Foundation has embarked on an cooking stoves or biogas units to replace
lakh residents. Women empowerment is ambitious development programme for traditional cooking. These clean-cooking
high on the agenda of the Foundation, and the upliftment of communities in the technologies produce very little or no
consequently, the Saraswati Smarak Samiti tribal belt of Jhabua–Alirajpur in Madhya smoke. They also eliminate or reduce the
receives funds for the establishment of a Pradesh. The Foundation has inked a pact firewood requirement, helping prevent
Seva Kendra that is aimed at making with Shivganga Samagra Gramvikas the loss of forest cover. Infosys projects
women self-reliant. Parishad through a grant for integrated are helping nearly 100,000 rural families,
development of the belt across various while reducing an estimated 650,000
HEALTHCARE : The Visakha Jilla Nava activities. More than 5,00,000 villagers tonnees of greenhouse gas emissions
Nirman Samithi (VJNNS) received an will directly and indirectly reap the over a 5-year period.
Karan Anand
Head - Relationships, Cox & Kings Ltd
Manappuram Foundation:
Aiming For The Gold Standard In CSR
he Manappuram Foundation is a to old age care, women empowerment, framework, and various professional
charitable trust set up in October environmental sustainability, coaching institutes. It also extends
2009 under the inspirational ecological balance, protection of national support to reputed colleges in Thrissur
leadership of its chief patron and heritage, measures for the benefit of district to upgrade their infrastructure.
Managing Trustee, V.P. Nandakumar. veterans of the armed forces, training,
Our express mandate is to drive forward promotion of rural sports, contributions Under the Healthcare theme, the
the CSR activities of the Kerala-based to technology incubators, rural develop- Foundation has been providing group
Manappuram Group of companies, and ment, etc. insurance benefits to BPL families,
especially its flagship Manappuram subsidized health check-ups and
Finance Ltd., India’s best known gold However, the Foundation has identified diagnostic services, pyschotherapy and
loan company. V.P. Nandakumar is the two main areas for focused attention: counselling services, ICU ambulances,
promoter and MD & CEO of this promotion of quality education and palliative care, old age care programmes,
company. upgrading the standards of healthcare personality development and life skills
among people inhabiting its area of training, fitness and Yoga centres, etc.
The Manappuram Foundation works with operation. In this context, the name Recently, the Foundation collaborated
the vision to create healthy, educated and “Manappuram” refers to a narrow strip of with a leading international NGO to
happy communities. The goal is to enrich land on the coast of Thrissur district in launch large-scale outreach programmes
people’s lives and make a visible difference Kerala sustained mostly by agriculture for diabetes awareness, detection and
in their day-to-day existence to open up a and fishing. Not surprisingly, the education. The effort will also lead to the
brighter future for them. Towards this activities of the Manappuram Founda- creation of a public gymnasium infra-
end, the Foundation’s strategy is to tion are predominantly focused on this structure for diabetes prevention and
collaborate with our internal as well as backward area. management. Incidentally, this campaign
external stakeholders to take forward recently won an entry into the Guinness
grassroots programmes in healthcare, ACTIVITIES UNDER CSR Book of World records for the sheer
education, empowerment of women and Under the Education theme, the numbers covered. It may be mentioned
livelihood projects and, thereby, make an Manappuram Foundation runs a fairly that Nandakumar’s exemplary thought
impact on the community at large. large ICSE school with two pre-schools, a leadership has been instrumental in
skill development institute under the conceptualizing such programmes with
In line with Nandakumar’s vision and National Skill Development Council national and global outreach.
experience, the Manappuram Founda-
tion essentially seeks to build upon the
inherent social relevance of its core
business of gold loans, which has long
Today, the Manappuram Foundation is widely
promoted inclusive growth by enabling
the common people to meet their credit acknowledged to have broken new ground and
requirements with ease, even as they
lacked access to formal channels of set new standards in how Corporate Social
efence sector is one sector opportunity for import substitution only to tap the domestic market opportu-
which was never in the top when one realises the fact that the nities but also to cater to the global
list of investors only a few allocation for defence in the Union markets. This will be a win-win situation
years ago. But things have budget is USD 34.53 billion approx. for India as it not only attracts foreign
changed recently since the launch of Further, an interesting aspect of the investments, but it will also help boost
'Make in India' campaign. The defence defence budget is the fact that 31.1 per exports.
sector is buzzing with new policy cent of the budget is spent on capital
decisions and investors' expression of acquisitions. Adequate steps have been taken by the
interest in several projects. current government via its offset policy
As of now, the opening of the defence to ensure that an eco-system of suppliers
India has the third largest armed force in sector for private sector participation has is built up domestically. After many
the world and 60 per cent of its defence- allowed foreign original equipment years, investors are now eyeing a
related requirements are met by imports. manufacturers to enter into strategic favourable government policy that
One can only imagine the huge size of partnerships with Indian companies, not promises to promote self-reliance,
The amendments made in the Defence Critical projects have Few large projects Defense licensing
Procurement Procedure (DPP) in 2016 been moved to 'Buy & reserved exclusively for process has been
provides the much-needed impetus to Make' Indian category private sector in India streamlined
local defence manufacturing. To
encourage indigenous design, develop- Today, there is more clarity on the (original equipment manufacturer) to
ment and manufacturing of defence definition of indigenous content and it select Indian production agency augurs
equipment – buy Indian -IDDM provides investors more confidence while well for the private companies active in
(Indigenously Designed, Developed and investing in the sector. Provision for the defence sector in India.
Manufactured) policy will encourage maintenance TOT (transfer of technol-
indigenous design, development and ogy) to Indian industry partners and the Companies such as Bharat Electronics,
manufacturing of defence equipment. provisions to allow foreign OEM which is a leader in defence electronics in
India with more than 55 per cent market
share, are expected to be major beneficia-
ries in the coming year. Mahindra and
Mahindra, Godrej, Bharat Forge, Tata
group and L&T are some of the private
group that have strong defence capabilities.
Looking at the current stock prices in this sector, many of the companies are trading at P/E multiples of 45 to
60. Currently, many companies from this sector had planned to do capex for expansion and innovation of
modern technology. However, the stock prices had ran up and the stocks became overpriced before the
execution of plans. Hence, make me neutral at these levels. I feel one should avoid these stocks in the current
scenario and wait for a reasonable correction in the stock prices.
allowed for tie-ups with a
alchandnagar industries, a heavy engineering products and foreign original
engineering procurement and construction major, has soared over equipment manufacturer
60 per cent. The company supplies components for nuclear (OEM) for transfer of
submarine, missiles and other defence equipments. Bharat Forge,
the world's largest forging company, has also jumped by over 50 per cent since technology (ToT) under
February 1, 2017. The company received its maiden order from Ministry of ‘Buy & Make (Indian)’
Defence in August last year to supply 1050 dual technology detection equipment category.
worth `2.02 billion. The order is to be executed within two years. Ashok Leyland,
the largest supplier of logistics vehicles embassies abroad for export promotion.
Company PE Returns(%) to the Indian Army, has also risen by Options are offered for export financing
Walchandnagar Industries - 61.20 over 36 per cent since the last budget. through line of credit and the new
Bharat Forge 43.63 50.26 Tata Power’s strategic engineering foreign trade policy promotes better use
Ashok Leyland 33.34 36.84 division (SED) division designs, of offset policy.
Premier Explosives Ltd 32.89 28.82 develops and produces strategic defence
Bharat Electronics 25.75 27.11 systems and is a prime contractor to the CONCLUSION
BEML 49.23 26.74 Ministry of Defence for indigenous The defence sector will continue to
Tata Power Company 17.87 21.99 defence production. The stock has remain in the limelight in the coming
Axiscades Engineering Tech. 193.65 16.97 soared 22 per cent in the period under years as the government intends to
Bharat Heavy Electricals 73.67 8.78 consideration. Recently, the Indian Navy promote the industry. The opportunity is
Reliance Naval and Engineering - -6.91 has also entered into a contract with huge for the private sector in India to tap
Returns from 1st Feb - 2017 to 15th Jan 2018 Tata Power SED in November 2017 and the latest policies are framed in such
under the 'Buy and Make' category. a way so as to promote indigenous
domestic defence industry. But on the
Navratna defence PSU Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) has more than `2500 crore ground, the situation is not rosy though
worth R&D programmes lined up for the next two years. The company stock has for the private companies as it may take
gawined by over 27 per cent since budget and expects radars, missile systems, time for the policies and budget outlay to
communication and network-centric systems, tank electronics, gun upgrades, translate into earnings for these compa-
electro-optic systems and electronic warfare and avionics system to drive growth nies. However, the momentum is in the
going forward. However, Reliance Naval and Engineering turned out to be an right direction and investors can
exception. The defence shipyard was floundering amidst high debt and the carefully look at the sector for investing
company's stock price declined by over 6 per cent in the last one year since budget. opportunities. DS
s so a r e
l e ct io n
ome January and
a x co l e firs t
markets gear up for
the biggest
dire ct rin g t h scal
economic event of
Th e e n t d u rr en t fi
the year - Union
Budget. Indeed,
.2 p er t h e c u
there has been no
18 th s o f
other major
consistent trigger for the markets than
i n e m o c r o re .
the the Budget over the years.
n 6 la k h
at `6.5
Budget-2018 is by all means a major
event, not only for those tracking stock
markets, but also for all those whose lives
will be affected by what may be land and also earn employment with
announced on February 1 by none other retirement benefits.
than the Finance Minister of India Arun
Jaitley. According to Mustafa Nadeem, CEO,
Epic Research "Stocks related to agri-
There is consensus in the investing world
that the focus of the upcoming budget
will be on the rural economy and the
allied sectors that support the rural
economic growth. What is difficult to
fathom is which sectors and sub-sectors
Kotak Institutional Equities
The equity market has pinned high hopes on increased government spending on
will get support of government spending housing and rural economy, which will drive consumption demand in FY2019.
and by how much. There is also a Stocks in housing, infrastructure and ‘rural’ sectors have jumped sharply in the past
consensus in the market that the current few months in anticipation of higher government spending and subsequent
government will continue to focus on recovery in volumes, revenues and earnings. However, the government’s ability to
infrastructure and banking sectors and spend will depend on its fiscal position. The market’s optimism may be belied if
will take efforts to revive the overall GST revenues were to fail to pick up meaningfully from current levels.
sentiments in the economy.
Budget 2018 – Focus Areas The fact that the Union Finance Minister based products and irrigation-related
In 2017, the Union Budget presented by had his very first pre-budget meeting with businesses are already doing good and
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley was the agriculture groups goes to show the have seen some momentum built up in
focused on eight broad themes – farming intended focus of the government in the the last couple of weeks. The fertiliser
sector, youth, poor and unprivileged coming budget. The growth of agriculture space is doing good and has
health care, infrastructure, prudent fiscal sector in the last four years has been outperformed in recent times with
management, stronger institutions in lower than the growth recorded by the Chambal Fertilizer leading the pack and
financial sector, public services and sector during the tenure of the previous that is on our radar as well."
education . government. Investors should no doubt
focus on the sectoral announcement in Says Tejas Khoday, CEO and CoFounder,
The upcoming Union Budget 2018 may the budget session. It will be interesting to FYERS. "We expect the government to
continue to build on the same broader see if any major announcement will be increase the allocation to MGNREGA
themes, with special focus on made in the space of corporate farming, scheme. It is also very likely that food and
infrastructure sector, rural sector and the where the farmers will be able to generate fertilizer subsidies will increase."
banking industry. income in the form of rent for the leased
Global investors who already have
exposure to Indian equities and those
The government spending in India who are sitting on the sidelines waiting
for the announcement of policy decisions
will be keenly watching on the
reached its all-time high in the third observations specific to the
recapitalisation of banks. For investors, it
Soumen Chatterjee,
the markets will cheer any kind of
rationalisation of corporate taxes, but the
industry captains will be keeping their
Head of Research, Guiness Securities fingers crossed. The corporate tax rate
was cut down to 29 per cent in the 2015
We don’t see LTCG coming in this budget; however, there budget for those companies with total
turnover of up to `5 crore. The tax rate
may be some probability of STCG tax definition being was reduced to 25 per cent for the newly
tweaked to make it three years, but that will only come with incorporated domestic firms in the 2016
budget. Now, corporate India will be
STT rates being rationalised and parity in tax treatment. expecting rationalisation of taxes for
mbuja Cements, set up in 1986, has grown ten-fold in ee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd is a part of the media
the last decade. With a cement capacity of over 18.5 industry in India. It owns multi-linguistic television
million tonnes, it is among the largest and the most channels under the Zee brand. It also distributes
profitable cement companies in India. The company also has feature films and manages live entertainment events. The
one of the lowest capital cost per tonne of cement in the company operates in the content and broadcasting segment
industry. Ambuja Cements was the first company in India to with operations in over 170 countries. It offers content in
introduce bulk cement movement by sea. An all-weather port multiple languages and offers about 38 international and over
of the company is situated at Muldwarka, Gujarat, which is 8 30 domestic channels. Recently, Zee announced the
kms from the company’s Ambujanagar plant and handles ships acquisition of 9X Media’s six music channels for `1.6 billion.
with 40,000 DWT. These six channels across four languages will allow Zee to
expand its portfolio from the current 33 channels to 39
Recently, the company was ranked 7th by the internationally channels.
renowned Dow Jones Sustainability Index in the construction
material category, making it the only Indian manufacturer to be On the financial front, the net sales of the company increased
awarded such a high rank. 5.99 per cent to `1351.47 crore in the second quarter of FY18,
as against `1275.08 crore in the same quarter last year. The
On the financial front, the net sales of the company increased company’s PBDT increased 11.51 per cent to `559.96 crore in
14.18 per cent to `2319.64 crore in the second quarter of FY18 the second quarter of FY18 on a yearly basis. The company’s
as against `2031.44 crore in the same quarter last year. The net profit also improved 5.89 per cent to `347.04 crore in Q2
company’s PBDT decreased 6 per cent to `476.25 crore in the FY18 as against a net profit of `327.74 crore in Q2 of the
second quarter of FY18 on a yearly basis. The company’s net previous fiscal.
profit also declined marginally 1.9 per cent to `272.42 crore in
Q2 FY18 as against a net profit of `277.02 crore in Q2 of the On the valuation front, the company maintained a PE ratio of
previous year. 39.56x as against its peer Sun TV Network (39.79x). The
company’s return on equity (RoE) and return on capital
On the valuation front, the company maintained a PE ratio of employed (RoCE) stood at 22.57 per cent and 28.61 per cent,
32.10x as against its peer ACC (40.71x). The company’s return respectively. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.29x.
on equity (RoE) and return on capital employed (RoCE) stood
at 6.69 per cent and 12.89 per cent, respectively. The company is We believe Zee’s efforts to widen TV genre/language presence;
virtually debt-free and has been maintaining a healthy dividend increased focus on movie/music production and events
payout of 48.97 per cent. business would allow it to sustain healthy earnings growth
over the next few years. Also, the media and entertainment
The Supreme Court, in December, lifted the ban on the use of industry is set to grow well in the coming years due to the
pet coke in cement production, which augurs well for the changing consumption pattern, increasing penetration of
company. Also, considering the continuous impetus to the television and digital media and higher surplus income with
infrastructure sector in the budget, we recommend our the consumers. Zee Entertainment’s stock stands to benefit
investors to BUY the stock. from this trend.
Last Five Quarters (`/Cr) Last Five Quarters (`/Cr)
Sept-17 June-17 Mar-17 Dec-16 Sept-16 Sept-17 June-17 Mar-17 Dec-16 Sept-16
Total Income 2319.64 3260.22 2922.4 2231.03 2299.24 Total Income 1351.47 1302.57 1198.9 1275.85 1275.08
Other Income 153.11 55.99 101.94 41.08 173.58 Other Income 57.04 382.3 69.14 -16.49 164.67
Operating Profit 507.5 707.01 496.03 370.16 481.6 Operating Profit 558.31 844.56 509.76 486.73 508.42
Interest 31.25 16.5 37.7 13.63 19.78 Interest -1.65 14.3 107.69 6.23 6.24
Net Profit 272.42 392.23 246.54 175.88 247.55 Net Profit 347.04 576.52 262.07 273.89 327.74
Equity 397.13 397.13 397.13 397.13 397.13 Equity 96.04 96.04 96.04 96.04 96.04
PL Plastech Ltd (TPL) is a subsidiary of Time welect Energy Systems is a solar products company and
Technoplast. The company commenced operations in a leading solar project implementer. The company has
1995 and has become the second largest manufacturer of a strong presence in global energy market for over
drums, especially bulk packaging. TPL also manufactures 30 years. With a manufacturing facility of 105 MW, the
polymer drums and pipes. The company has manufacturing company operates multiple revenue streams in the solar
facilities at 5 locations and has a current capacity of about photovoltaic space in terms of product sale, projects and
28,000 MT. The company employs over 280 personnel. power sale.
Time Technoplast Ltd. (TTL) acquired 75 per cent equity stake The acquisition of HHV ST solar modules and the expansion of
in the company in 2006. TPL has a huge client base catering to the Salem plant gives Swelect a distinct status as one of the very
more than 225 customers in chemical and petrochemical few companies in India to have total backward integration in
industry. TPL’s clients include Godrej Industries, Grasim, Gulf, the manufacturing process. This has given the company greater
Petrochem, L&T, Jubilant, Sanstar , UPL, Shapoorji Pallonji, market visibility as an EM.
NCC etc.
On the financial front, the net sales of the company increased
On the financial front, the net sales of the company increased 68.83 per cent to `47.24 crore in the second quarter of FY18, as
7.65 per cent to `45.47 crore in the second quarter of FY18, as against `27.98 crore in the same quarter last year. However, the
against `42.24 crore in the same quarter last year. The company’s company’s PBDT decreased 32.32 per cent to `7.79 crore in the
PBDT increased 22.01 per cent to `4.49 crore in the second second quarter of FY18 on a yearly basis. The company’s net
quarter of FY18 on a yearly basis. The company’s net profit also profit also declined from `7.71 crore in Q2FY17 to `3.63 crore
improved 12.59 per cent to `3.04 crore in Q2 FY18 as against a in Q2FY18.
net profit of `2.70 crore in the Q2 of the previous year.
On the valuation front, the company has a PE ratio of 17.70x.
On the valuation front, the company has a PE ratio of 49.40x. Also, with a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.10x, the company is
The company’s return on equity (RoE) and return on capital virtually debt-free. Swelect has been maintaining a healthy
employed (RoCE) stood at 19.68 per cent and 23.79 per cent, dividend payout of 24.84 per cent. The company is also
respectively. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.60x expected to give good quarterly numbers.
and a price-to-book value of 8.36x. TPL has been maintaining a
healthy dividend payout of 21.29 per cent. With the Central and state governments promoting renewable
energy and increased awareness for sustainable energy, the
Industrial packaging industry is largely dependent on future outlook for the renewable industry in general and
chemicals and pharmaceuticals; building and construction Swelect in particular looks positive.
industry; lubricants; and bulk food and beverages, all of which
are expected to be in favour in the upcoming budget. Also, with Also, Swelect, with its long term business visibility and brand
the government giving priority to water and sewerage recall in the market, is well-positioned to become a pioneer in
infrastructure development, we expect growth in the pipe the renewable energy market. We recommend our reader-
segment of the company. We recommend a BUY on the scrip. investors to BUY the scrip.
Last Five Quarters (`/Cr) Last Five Quarters (`/Cr)
Sept-17 June-17 Mar-17 Dec-16 Sept-16 Sept-17 June-17 Mar-17 Dec-16 Sept-16
Total Income 45.47 43.19 49.38 43.09 42.24 Total Income 42.34 42.66 78.74 28.23 27.98
Other Income 0 0 0.01 0 0.1 Other Income 9.46 10.11 13.02 9.55 12.2
Operating Profit 5.57 5.55 5.94 5.35 4.8 Operating Profit 9.21 13.61 22.14 10.07 12.92
Interest 1.08 1.09 1.06 1.11 1.12 Interest 1.41 1.36 1.33 1.31 1.41
Net Profit 3.04 2.43 3.34 2.5 2.7 Net Profit 3.63 7.3 13.01 4.79 7.71
Equity 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 Equity 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11
(Closing price as of Jan 16, 2018)
Every day, we evaluate all the equity funds based on changed All the relevant data, including the portfolio of equity funds,
ratings of the underlying stocks and change in their prices. has been sourced from insight.dionglobal.in
Equity AUM, as a percentage of India’s market capitalization, remained at 5.1 per cent
at the end of CY17
Equity AUM rises for 12th consecutive month in the month of December 2017,
total equity AUM is up 64 per cent in CY17
Mahindra Mutual Fund has proposed to change the name of Mahindra Mutual Fund Alp-Samay
Bachat Yojana to Mahindra Low Duration Bachat Yojana with effect from January 30, 2018.
For the year 2017, equity AUM is up 24 per cent, as against Nifty’s rise of 18 per cent
Mutual Fund SIPs accounts stood at 1.88 CRORE! And the total amount collected through SIP
during December 2017 was `6,222 crore.
Average Assets Under Management (AAUM) of Indian Mutual Fund Industry for the month of
December 2017 stood at `22.61 lakh crore. Assets Under Management (AUM) as on
December 31, 2017 stood at `21.38 lakh crore.
The Industry’s AUM had crossed the milestone of `10 Trillion (`10 Lakh Crore) for the first time in
May 2014 and in a short span of about three and half years, the AUM size has increased more than
two folds and stood at `21.38 Trillion (`21.38 Lakh Crore) as on 31st December, 2017.
All the NAV figures are for date January 16, 2018. Trailing returns are also calculated for the same date. Returns of three years is
annualised. Blank in returns table shows data is not available for that period. AUM and Expense Ratio are for the period ending
November or December, depending upon for which data is available. All the data is powered by Dion Global Solutions Ltd
Recom. Recom. Exit Exit Perc
Company Name
Date Price Date Price Return
12-Apr-16 Great Eastern Shipping Company 328.40 08-Dec-16 376.05 14.51
26-Apr-16 Arvind 284.65 03-Oct-16 354.10 24.40
10-May-16 Hindustan Media Ventures 268.80 10-May-17 283.00 5.28
24-May-16 Gujarat State Petronet 131.05 19-Apr-17 179.80 37.20
08-Jun-16 Coal India 305.85 03-Mar-17 322.45 5.43
22-Jun-16 Reliance Industries 987.25 22-Feb-17 1207.65 22.32
07-Jul-16 Mahanagar Gas 517.50 30-Aug-16 641.25 23.91
19-Jul-16 Steel Authority of India (SAIL) 48.50 23-Jan-17 61.25 26.29
03-Aug-16 Crisil 2098.40 02-Aug-17 1844.35 -12.11
17-Aug-16 Rajesh Exports 435.35 03-Feb-17 498.50 14.51
30-Aug-16 Lupin 1509.50 01-Aug-17 1030.00 -31.77
13-Sep-16 Bharat Financial Inclusion 730.65 03-Oct-16 920.75 26.02
27-Sep-16 Bharat Electronics 128.21 23-Mar-17 154.10 20.20
12-Oct-16 Quess Corp 615.85 20-Apr-17 751.15 21.97
26-Oct-16 Equitas Holdings 176.70 26-Oct-17 146.10 -17.32
08-Nov-16 Muthoot Finance 359.05 15-Jun-17 480.55 33.84
22-Nov-16 Engineers India 138.12 05-Oct-17 149.20 8.02
07-Dec-16 Elgi Equipments 177.85 16-Jun-17 234.00 31.57
21-Dec-16 Gillette India 4264.35 07-Aug-17 5360.00 25.69
04-Jan-17 Power Grid Corporation of India 188.00 21-Nov-17 207.25 10.24
18-Jan-17 Oil India 337.30 03-Oct-17 351.70 4.27
01-Feb-17 IRB Infrastructure Developers 231.70 15-Dec-17 210.35 -9.21
15-Feb-17 Shriram Transport Finance Company 938.95 27-Oct-17 1153.95 22.90
01-Mar-17 Supreme Industries 1005.95 12-Sep-17 1165.00 15.81
15-Mar-17 Kajaria Ceramics 553.65 20-Sep-17 752.05 35.83
11-Apr-17 Aarti Industries 778.70 15-May-17 931.05 19.56
26-Apr-17 SJVN 35.05 04-Oct-17 35.20 0.43
10-May-17 Sadbhav Infrastructure Project 111.35 20-Nov-17 141.10 26.72
24-May-17 IDBI Bank 66.15 Open -9.83
07-Jun-17 Bajaj Holdings & Investment 2064.05 07-Aug-17 2546.00 23.35
20-Jun-17 Tata Motors 468.00 Open -9.87
06-Jul-17 Power Finance Corporation 122.60 27-Oct-17 147.60 20.39
19-Jul-17 Dredging Corporation Of India 624.65 09-Nov-17 711.90 13.97
03-Aug-17 TCPL Packaging 658.55 Open 6.45
17-Aug-17 Tata Metaliks 667.80 20-Nov-17 826.20 23.72
31-Aug-17 Tata Sponge Iron 815.25 10-Jan-18 1124.45 37.93
14-Sep-17 Symphony 1429.80 18-Dec-17 1672.00 16.94
12-Oct-17 Time Technoplast 198.40 Open 8.67
26-Oct-17 Esab India 865.30 Open -3.39
09-Nov-17 CCL Products India 319.65 Open -6.98
23-Nov-17 Bajaj Finance 1763.85 Open -4.32
07-Dec-17 Minda Industries 1103.85 Open 11.51
21-Dec-17 J B Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals 325.00 Open -1.38
04-Jan-18 Kalpataru Power Transmissions 481.35 Open 3.66
The IPO is likely to comprise a fresh issue of shares worth `2 billion and an offer for
sale of up to 6,179,000 equity shares, as per the DRHP filed by the company.
Moreover, the offer will include a reservation of up to 1.5 lakh equity shares for the
company’s employees. The company had filed its draft red herring prospectus
(DRHP) with SEBI in the month of August 2017.
The company is expected to utilise the funds raised through the IPO for setting up
new Barbeque Nation restaurants, repayment of loans and other corporate purposes. ollowing a year of economic
The company has charted a tremendous growth from just one restaurant in 2006-07 turbulence, the economy is
to over 81 restaurants in 2017. finally starting to show some
cues of recovery. According to the
The company has signed IIFL Holdings, Edelweiss Financial Services, Jefferies India recently released industrial production
and SBI Capital Markets as its book running lead managers to the issue. data, the country ’s Index of Industrial
Production stood at 8.4 per cent for
Continuing the IPO frenzy in the markets after an encouraging year 2017 for IPOs, November 2017.
the markets are set to welcome big IPOs of companies including Hindustan
Aeronautics Limited, Barbeque Nation Hospitality, IRCTC, Reliance General The whopping rise has come as a
Insurance Company and HG Infra Engineering, among others. surprise as India’s IIP stood at 2.20 per
cent for October 2017 and 4.10 per
cent for September 2017. Meanwhile,
inflation measured by the Consumer
the growth in other sectors, including
espite the slowdown in the Indian economy, global institutions are bestowing mining and electricity, stood at 1.1 per
confidence in the hope of revival in the economy. International behemoths cent and 3.9 per cent, respectively, for
Morgan Stanley and World Bank are forecasting a growth rate of around 7.3 November 2017.
per cent for FY2018-19.
Under the ambit of manufacturing,
According to the global financial giant Morgan Stanley, the growth story of the Indian pharmaceutical sector, medical
economy is likely to remain strong in the medium term perspective on the back of chemicals and botanical products
improving corporate returns expectations and balance sheet fundamentals. posted the highest growth of 39.5 per
cent, while computers, electronic and
The financial major also added that the cyclical growth recovery and normalising optical products recorded growth of
food prices are also likely to promote a revival in headline inflation. 29.1 per cent. Other transport
equipments put up a growth of 22.6
Further, World Bank has also expressed that it is most likely that India will record a per cent.
higher growth rate than other major emerging market economies in the coming
decade. India’s strong private consumption and services is expected to be a key driving
force for the economy. On the contrary, World Bank’s projected a decelerating growth
rate for the Chinese economy. China's growth rate is expected to decline to 6.4 per
cent in 2018 from 6.8 per cent in 2017.
BSE/NSE Code 521194 / SILINV BSE/NSE Code 531370
Face Value `10 Face Value `10
CMP `492.60 CMP `3.17
52-Week High `579.15 / Low `116 52-Week High `7.16 / Low `2.68
Your Current 37.98 per cent Your Current --
Profit/(Loss) Profit/(Loss)
il Investments Limited is a non-banking financial company parc Systems develops electronic security systems,
engaged in providing commercial finance and investments. facsimile router on leased line with G3 capability,
Its commercial finance operations includes inter-corporate electronic detection and monitoring range of products,
deposits. The company has investments in companies including building management systems, remote surveillance, wireless
investments in shares, securities and real estate. The company’s systems, mobile ATMs, mobile banks, biometric systems,
subsidiaries include RTM Investment & Trading Co Ltd, SCM remote display systems, telematic systems for fleet
Investment & Trading Co Ltd, and SIL Properties Limited. On management/vehicle control and network access systems and
the financial front, the net sales of the company increased by GPS loggers. On the financial front, the company did not post
240.89 per cent to `35.18 crore in the second quarter of FY2018 any net sales for the second quarter of the fiscal year and even
as against `10.32 crore in the same quarter of the previous fiscal. for the same quarter in the previous fiscal. The EBIDT of the
The PBIDT of the company increased by 253.34 per cent to company was a negative `3 lakh for the second quarter of
`34.38 crore in the second quarter of FY2018 as against `9.73 FY2018. The EBIDT declined further from the levels of the
crore in the same quarter of the previous fiscal. The net profit of previous year. The net profit of the company increased to `3
the company increased by 258 per cent to `27.47 crore in the lakh in the second quarter of FY2018 as against a loss of `1 lakh
second quarter of FY2018 as against `7.67 crore in the same in the same quarter of the previous fiscal. On the annual front,
quarter of the previous fiscal. On the annual front, the company the company posted net sales of `7 lakh in FY2017 on a yearly
posted a 26.49 per cent increase in its net sales to `29.65 crore in basis. The company’s EBIDT was negative `5 lakh. The
FY2017 as against `23.44 crore in FY2016. The PBIDT of the company posted a loss of `3 lakh during FY2017. Most of the
company increased by 25.50 per cent to `26.33 crore in FY2017 financial figures of the company for FY2016 are negligible. The
as against `20.98 crore in the previous fiscal. The net profit of company is seemingly operating at a very diminutive level and
the company increased by 36.97 per cent to `17.19 crore in its operations do not inspire confidence.
FY2017 as against `12.55 crore in FY2016. We recommend the
readers to HOLD the stock. Hence, we recommend our reader-investors to EXIT the stock.
Readers are requested to send only one query at a time so that more readers get a chance. For complaints regarding non-receipt of
dividend, bonus, rights and other matters, investors may write to www.investor.sebi.gov.in
Vol. No.
No. 31
33 No.
No. 04
Send in your queries:
DSIJ Pvt. Ltd.
C-305, 3rd Floor, Trade Center,
Name: North Main Road, Near Axis Bank,
Opp. Lane No. 6, Koregaon Park,
Pune - 411001
E-mail: Email:editorial@DSIJ.in
Face Value `10 Face Value `2
CMP `622.85 CMP `17.00
52-Week High `674.40 / Low `227.05 52-Week High `21.90 /Low `10.56
Your Current -- Your Current (5.55 per cent )
Profit/(Loss) Profit/(Loss)
iri Industries Limited is an India-based holding company ompucom Software Limited is engaged in the business
engaged in the business of manufacturing dyes, of offering learning solutions. Its segments include
intermediaries and basic chemicals. The company offers software and e-governance services, learning solutions
a range of reactive dyes, which include Kiractive P dyes, Kiraol and wind power generation.
VS dyes, Kiractive HE dyes, Kiractive ME dyes, Kirazol KR/KX
dyes and Kiractive KF dyes. The company provides software support and development and
e-governance services. Its e-governance practices include
The company also offers acid dyes and direct dyes. It produces public distribution systems (PDS), social security and
direct black 22 powder, and liquid form under direct dyes provident funds, co-operatives and traffic monitoring and
category. The company’s acid dyes include acid black 210, acid control. In the learning solutions segment, the company
black 194, acid blue 193, acid green 104, acid violet 90, acid red provides computer education and training services. Its wind
357, acid red 362 and acid orange 142. Its manufacturing unit is power generation segment generates electricity through the use
located at Vadodara, Gujarat and it operates in over 50 countries of wind power. The company also offers information and
across the world. On the financial front, the company posted a communication technologies (ICT)-enabled education in
1.43 per cent decline in its net sales in the second quarter of government and private schools. The system integration
FY2018 on a year-on-year basis. The PBIDT of the company practices in the company provide a structured information
recorded an increase of 9.78 per cent to `37.24 crore in the processing and delivery framework.
second quarter of FY18 as against `33.92 crore in the second
quarter of FY17. The net profit of the company increased by On the financial front, the net sales of the company slightly
20.62 per cent to `30.07 crore in the second quarter of FY18 as decreased by 2.86 per cent to `12.77 crore in the second
against `24.93 crore in the same quarter of the previous fiscal. quarter of FY2018 on a yearly basis. The PBIDT of the
company got reduced by 15.47 per cent to `7.55 crore in the
On the annual front, the net sales of the company increased by second quarter of FY2018 as compared to `8.93 crore in the
8.04 per cent to `964.83 crore in FY2017 as against `893.04 crore same quarter of the previous fiscal. The net profit of the
in FY2016. The PBIDT of the company increased by 47.26 per company also declined by 6.35 per cent to `3.02 crore in the
cent to `127.57 crore in FY2017 as compared to `86.63 crore in second quarter of FY2018 as against `3.23 crore in the same
FY2016. The net profit of the company increased tremendously quarter of the previous fiscal.
from `4.38 crore in FY2016 to `95.33 crore in FY2017. On the
valuation front, the company’s TTM PE stood at 17.53x against On the annual front, the net sales of the company declined
an industry PE of 22.45x. The company’s peers Shree Pushkar by 6.96 per cent to `51.88 crore in FY2017 as against
Chemicals and Sudarshan Chemicals posted TTM PE of 28.69x `55.76 crore in the previous fiscal. The PBIDT of the company
and 39.15x, respectively. Further, the company posted an ROE of decreased by 37.86 per cent to `16.82 crore in FY2017 as
44.68 per cent and ROCE of 18.53 per cent, respectively. compared to `27.07 crore in FY2016. The net profit of the
The stock is expected to chart a growth path in the coming company declined massively by 73.46 per cent to `1.85 crore in
quarters. FY2017 as against `6.97 crore in the previous fiscal.
We recommend our reader-investors to HOLD the stock. We recommend our reader-investors to HOLD the stock.
Face Value `10 Face Value `10
CMP `47.10 CMP `156.75
52-Week High `80.50 / Low `37.81 52-Week High `173.40 / Low `119.60
Your Current (31.73 per cent) Your Current 1.91 per cent
Profit/(Loss) Profit/(Loss)
warikesh Sugar Industries Limited is primarily engaged esoram Industries Limited is engaged in the business of
in the manufacture of sugar and allied products. The cement and automobile tyre manufacturing. The
company also produces power and ethanol/industrial company products include tyres, tubes and cement. The
alcohol. The company’s segments include sugar, co-generation company markets its automobile tyres under the brand name
and distillery. The company has two manufacturing plants Birla Tyres and its cement under the brand name of Birla
located in Uttar Pradesh. The company’s 90 MW power plants at Shakti. The company operates through two cement
its manufacturing units use bagasse to generate power. The manufacturing plants with a total combined capacity of nearly
company’s sugar manufacturing units have a combined 7.25 million metric tonnes. The company has a subsidiary,
production capacity of approximately 21,500 tonnes of Cavendish Industries Limited. The company has set up its rayon
sugarcane per day. The company’s nearly 30 kilolitres per day yarn manufacturing unit in West Benga with installed capacity
(KLPD) distillery uses molasses to manufacture industrial of 4,635 metric tonnes per annum. The company also has two
alcohol, including rectified spirit and ethanol. cement manufacturing facilities located at Andhra Pradesh
with a production capacity of 1.2 million metric tonnes and 4.1
On the financial front, the company posted a 23.44 per cent million metric tonnes.
increase in its net sales to `316.55 crore in the second quarter of
FY2018 as against `256.45 crore in the same quarter of FY2017. On the financial front, the company posted a 15.12 per cent
However, the PBIDT of the company decreased by 23.52 per decline in its net sales to `840.58 crore in the second quarter of
cent to `34.67 crore in the second quarter of FY2018 as FY18 as against `990.28 crore in the same quarter of the
compared to `45.33 crore in the same quarter of the previous previous fiscal. The PBIDT of the company declined by 123 per
fiscal. The net profit of the company decreased by 18.15 per centcent to negative `5.56 crore in the second quarter of FY18 as
to `30.09 crore in the second quarter of FY2018 as against compared to `23.82 crore in the same quarter of the previous
`36.76 crore in the same quarter of the previous fiscal. On the fiscal. The net loss of the company massively widened to
annual front, the net sales of the company increased by 51.06 `139.59 crore in the second quarter of FY2018 as against a net
per cent to `1256.10 crore in FY2017 as against `831.51 crore in loss of `2.74 crore in the same quarter of the previous fiscal.
FY2016. The PBIDT of the company increased by over 150 per On the annual front, the net sales of the company declined by
cent to `271.36 crore in FY2017 as against `108.21 crore in the 7.41 per cent to `4,205 crore in FY2017 as against `4,542 crore
previous fiscal. The net profit of the company increased by in the previous fiscal. However EBIDT of the company posted
306.65 per cent to `158.47 crore in FY2017 as against `38.97 an increase of 96 per cent, which reduced the losses in the
crore in FY2016. second quarter of FY2018. The company posted an EBITD of
negative `9.60 crore in FY2017 as against negative `282.58 crore
The company has shown a tremendous progress on the financial in the previous fiscal. The company narrowed its net losses from
front and the scrip is likely to show growth on the bourses too. a net loss of `209.79 crore in FY2016 to a net loss of `124.13
On the valuation front, the company’s TTM PE stood at 4.90 x crore in FY2017.
against an industry PE of 6.98 x. The company’s peers Oudh
Sugar Mills and Uttam Sugar Mills posted TTM PE of 2.3 x and The company is showing a recovery trend and is expected to
4.09 x, respectively. We recommend the reader-investors to chart growth on the bourses too. We recommend the DS
e had recommended Reliance Pipavav, Gujarat.
Naval and Engineering
Limited in volume 32, issue On the financial front, Reliance Naval
no. 13 dated May 29 - June 11, 2017, and Engineering Limited posted a 15.57
under the ‘Low Priced Scrip’ section per cent decline in its net sales to `83.29
when the scrip was trading at `63.50 per crore in the second quarter of FY2018 as
share. Our recommendation was based against `98.65 crore in the same quarter
on the growing market and good of FY2017. The PBIDT of the company
potential demand for ship repairs, dropped by 61.97 per cent to `4.37 crore PBIDT of the company increased by 114
new offiering by the government and in the second quarter of FY2018, as per cent to `22.23 crore in FY2017 as
strong financial performance of the against `11.49 crore in the same quarter against a negative `157.22 crore in
company. of the previous fiscal. The net loss of the FY2016. The net loss of the company
company increased by 29.56 per cent to declined by 0.99 per cent to `523.43 crore
Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited `150.67 crore in the second quarter of in FY2017 on a yearly basis.
is a defence company engaged in the FY18 as against the net loss of `116.29
business of shipbuilding and fabrication. crore in the same quarter of the previous After our recommendation, the share
The shipbuilding and fabrication fiscal. price of Reliance Naval and Engineering
segment of the company includes Limited declined by nearly 9 per cent.
shipbuilding, block manufacturing, ship On the annual front, the company’s net The stock has been earthbound of late
and rig repairs, fabrication at its Special sales increased by 69.44 per cent to and it is likely to remain flat in the near
Economic Zone (SEZ) and Export `519.46 crore in FY2017, as against term. Hence, we recommend our
Oriented Units (EOU) situated at `306.58 crore in the previous fiscal. The investors to EXIT.
CMP - `1175.70 Scrip’s Movement
e had recommended Tata On the financial front, the net sales of the
Sponge Iron Limited in company increased by 8.8 per cent to
volume 32, issue no. 20 dated `167.18 crore in the second quarter of
September 4-17, 2017, under the ‘Choice FY2018, as compared to `153.55 crore in
Scrip’ section when the scrip was trading the same quarter of FY2017. The PBIDT
at `806 per share. Our recommendation of the company increased by 103 per cent
was based on the expected improvement to `34.40 crore in the second quarter of
in domestic demand for steel due to FY2018 as compared to `16.94 crore in
infrastructure push and buoyant steel the same quarter of FY2017. The net company increased by 84.20 per cent to
prices. Tata Sponge Iron Limited, a profit of the company increased by 72 per `58.74 crore in FY2017 as against `31.89
subsidiary of Tata Steel, is engaged in the cent to `27.61 crore in the second quarter crore in the previous fiscal.
business of producing and marketing of FY2018 as against `16.05 crore in the After our recommendation, the share
sponge iron which is used in steel same quarter of FY2017. On the annual price of Tata Sponge Iron Limited
making. It also generates 26 MW power front, the company’s net sales declined by declined by over 43 per cent. The stock is
as a by-product, which it exports to its 2.82 per cent to `615.16 crore in FY2017 at its optimum growth level and the
parent company. The company also as against `633.04 crore in the previous growth momentum is expected to slow
produces power through waste heat fiscal The PBIDT of the company down in the near term. Hence, we
recovery boilers, enabling it to help increased by 157.24 per cent to `61.66 recommend the reader-investors to BOOK
reduce carbon emissions and earn carbon crore in FY2017 as compared to `23.97 PROFIT. DS
credits. crore in FY2016. The net profit of the (Closing price as on Jan 16, 2018)
Wagon manufacturers had been
Titagarh Wagons battling low capacity utilisation and
BSE Code: 532966 consequently profitability issues
CMP: `172.40 since last few quarters as the last
sizeable wagon award from the
Indian Railways (IR) was in May
2016. However, the IR recently awarded a tender for 9,500
wagons. If the murmurs on Dalal Street are to be believed,
the worst is now behind for the wagon industry and this
could change the fortunes of the wagon manufacturers.
Titagarh Wagons is one stock which will benefit immensely
from this announcement. The stock could see good times