DDL Exercises
DDL Exercises
DDL Exercises
Create a database called TEMP using SQL Enterprise Manager and generate the script
Using SQL Server Enterprise Manager. To generate script click Tools item on menu
then click generate scripts. Then follow instructions.
The example below shows complete table definitions with all the constraint definitions
for the three tables (jobs, employee, and publishers) created in the pubs database.
In the temp database, created in EXERCISE 1, create the three tables using a batch file
by using the script below. To do that, Copy and Paste the code below into a text file.
Name the file, pubs.sql. Be sure to use the extension sql for all SQL batch files. Use the
SQL Server Query Analyzer by clicking Tools in SQL Enterprise Manager then click
the open icon. Load pubs.sql and run it.
Look at the constraints generated via the Graphical Interface. Right click each table in
turn in SQL Server Enterprise Manager
Drop all three tables then create the three tables again with as many constraints as
possible using SQL Enterprise Manager Graphical Interface and generate the
corresponding script file. To do this, in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager, click the
Tools menu item then click generate scripts. Look at the constraints generated again and
compare the generated script to the script below. Notice that many constraints are
missing. The lesson is that even though you may generate the initial script file via the
Graphical Interface it will be incomplete and usually must be modified.
job_id smallint
/* ************************* employee table ************************* */
emp_id char(9)
'[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][FM]' or
REFERENCES jobs(job_id),
job_lvl tinyint
DEFAULT ('9952')
REFERENCES publishers(pub_id),
DEFAULT (getdate())
Create a new database called SPJ. Using the script below create and populate the 4 tables
named S, P, J and SPJ. We will be using this database to do most of our data retrieval
exercises. S table stands for Suppliers; P for Parts and J for Jobs (Projects) and SPJ hold
the shipment records. Namely which supplier shipped which part to which job on which
date and the quantity of shipment? Here is the script:
create table S
(sNo char(2) PRIMARY KEY,
name char(5),
status NUMERIC(2),
city char(6));
create table P
(pNo char(2) PRIMARY KEY,
name char(5),
color char(5),
weight NUMERIC(2),
city char(6));
create table J
(jNo char(2) PRIMARY KEY,
name char(8),
city char(6));
VALUES ('S1','Smith',20,'London');
VALUES ('S2','Jones',10,'Paris');
insert into S
values ('S3','Blake',30,'Paris');
insert into S
values ('S4','Clark',20,'London');
insert into S
values ('S5','Adams',30,'Athens');
insert into P
values ('P1','Nut','Red',12,'London');
insert into P
values ('P2','Bolt','Green',17,'Paris');
insert into P
values ('P3','Screw','Blue',17,'Rome');
insert into P
values ('P4','Screw','Red',14,'London');
insert into P
values ('P5','Cam','Blue',12,'Paris');
insert into P
values ('P6','Cog','Red',19,'London');
insert into J
values ('J1','Sorter','Paris');
insert into J
values ('J2','Punch','Rome');
insert into J
values ('J3','Reader','Athens');
insert into J
values ('J4','Console','Athens');
insert into J
values ('J5','Collator','London');
insert into J
values ('J6','Terminal','Oslo');
insert into J
values ('J7','Tape','London');
Using Alter Table to add three referential integrity constraints. Namely that S#, P#, J# in
table SPJ reference sNo in table S, pNo in table P and jNo in table J respectively.
Create an Entity-relationship Diagram for the SPJ database.
In SQL Enterprise Manager, expand Microsoft SQL Servers folder, then expand
Databases folder, then expand the SPJ database folder. Click on Diagrams icon then
create an Entity-Relationship diagram by including all four tables in the SPJ database.
Now connect each Foreign Key in SPJ to its corresponding Primary Key in respective
tables S, P, J. You do this by depressing the left mouse button and dragging the arrow
from each Foreign Key to its corresponding Primary Key. For more detail see page 39 –
40 in the text.
EXERCISE 7(The Database below is used throughout the text.)
Follow the instructions starting on page 32 in the text to create Fund Accounts Database
and create Accounts table. Generate the script that creates the Accounts table and
compare it with the following script.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Accounts] (
[acct_no] [varchar] (10) NOT NULL ,
[acct_lastname] [varchar] (70) NOT NULL ,
[acct_firstname] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[last_contact] [datetime] NULL ,
[addr_line1] [varchar] (30) NULL ,
[addr_line2] [varchar] (30) NULL ,
[addr_line3] [varchar] (30) NULL ,
[city] [varchar] (30) NULL ,
[state_abbr] [char] (2) NOT NULL ,
[zip] [varchar] (10) NOT NULL ,
[home_phone] [varchar] (15) NULL ,
[work_phone] [varchar] (15) NULL ,
[tot_assets] [money] NOT NULL ,
[fiscal_period] [char] (2) NOT NULL ,
[cycle] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[acct_type] [varchar] (6) NOT NULL ,
[acct_status] [varchar] (8) NOT NULL ,
[manager_num] [smallint] NULL ,
[acct_note] [text] NULL ,
CONSTRAINT [CK_Accounts] CHECK ([acct_type] = 'Tax' or [acct_type]
= 'Nontax')
-- Create the remaining tables in the database using the script below.
The table definitions for Fund Accounts database are listed in Appendix
B on page 383.
Use the BCP utility, see pages 41 - 46 in text, and the files in Ch2 folder in the text CD to
populate the tables in the Fund Accounts Database.