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University of Iowa Football

Media Conference
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Kirk Ferentz
COACH FERENTZ: I want to take this opportunity and the other guys how to do things.
recap the 2017 season a little bit before we move
forward and turn our focus on to the coming year. In addition, we're really sorry to lose a couple of other
team members who did a great job, James Daniels and
First of all, just really pleased for our team, our Josh Jackson both had tremendous seasons
program, and certainly our fans about winning the tremendous careers here. And we're going to miss
game in the Pinstripe bowl against Boston College. them and Tyler Wiegers, same thing. Wish all of them
Bowl wins are tough, they're challenging, obviously great success in the future. I know they will do a nice
bowl games are challenging, we play a good team and job, no question about that.
certainly that was the case with Boston College.
Going back and looking at a couple of things real
Really proud of our guys the way they rallied in the quickly, just a couple of thumbnail sketches,
second half. Doing the things we had to do at halftime defensively I think we did a lot of good things this year.
to get a few things straightened out and most Certainly to have our points per game average under
importantly playing hard-nosed opportunistic football in 20 points, that's significant.
the second half and finding a way to finish the win and
finish the season on a high note. Happy about that and And happy about that. Things we need to probably
happy for our seniors, they did a great job from start to really address right now first we're losing some
finish and helped us get the win in this ballgame tremendous players, just mentioned Josh. Nate
certainly. Bazata up front and obviously four senior linebackers
that played well on special teams and played well on
So it's great for them to leave with that kind of memory defense. That's a concern. I think we can improve our
on their ledgers. run defense. That certainly wasn't maybe as stout as
we'd like it this year.
I think in a lot of ways the Pinstripe game was really
representative of our season. We played really tough And the other thing, just talking about being more
smart physical football in that second half, but we had opportunistic when we get an opportunity, and some of
some ups and downs during the course of the these things showed up in the bowl game, if we get a
ballgame as you know. And you think about the chance to pin the team back inside their inside their 10
success we had against Ohio State, certainly yard line, taking advantage of those opportunities so
Nebraska, that included the Penn State game, too, it we can flip field position.
was a heck of a football game and there were other
times where we didn't play as clean, didn't play as Offensively we saw some good things there and at
smart as we needed to and didn't play as well. times we really flashed and did some good things and
took advantage of our personnel pretty wisely.
So it just kind of was a blend of both those things,and if
you look at the entire season right now, there's always But on the list of things that we have to address
ebb and flow with every season. certainly it starts with ball security, we had the ball
loose way too many times. Did a good job in the
And I think everything with the way we won the bowl passing game that way. But as far as touching the ball,
game is really representative of what we need to do to that ball was out there way too much.
have success certainly, and hopefully that win will give
us a good jolt of energy as we head into the out of Our overall consistency on fundamental and basic play.
season program now and spring and then next fall after Again you look at the bowl game, look at that tape and
that. you'll see a lot of things that are correctible and
So the end of the season means it's tough to say
goodbye to our seniors. I talked about those guys, did And this is probably true in every segment but mostly
a great job, gave us leadership and certainly showed on the offensive side, our football awareness, there are

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times, again, you just look at the bowl game -- I'm summer program, preseason. And next thing you know
thinking of exactly of one snap right now where our it will be 2000 -- or September, 1, we're going to be
football awareness, we started out okay and just lose opening up against Northern Illinois.
sight or lose focus and end up giving a sack
uncontested that is not a good thing. Really excited about what's in front of us. Really proud
of the guys last year. And with that I'll open it up to
So a couple of things on the list there. We'll get into questions.
more detail as the out-of-season progresses but those
are things that jump out. Q. Losing James Daniels, he played such a key role
in that line?
Special teams, not to neglect that, obviously our COACH FERENTZ: You know, as you might imagine, I
punting game has to improve. We didn't have the kind knew that was a possibility, at least thought it would be
of consistency with the punt game. It really is kind of a possibility, and I'll say this about James: I don't know
comparable to where our kicking game was, our place if I've ever coached a more talented center prospect.
kicking game was in the spring. It wasn't good enough. That includes my time in the NFL.
And our punting game would be in that regard.
He's got some skills that are just really unusual. And
I think our returners did a nice job, but now we're going he's a really intelligent guy. And one interesting thing
to lose some guys and need to come up with about him, you get the feedback from the NFL folks.
replacements. I think we have guys on campus that That's strictly off film. They haven't had a chance to
have that opportunity. But it's not something that we investigate the kind of person he is and his intelligence.
want to forget about.
All those things, kind of the personality he's got. So I
And then just overall and kind of ties in with what I think both in his case and Josh's case, those things are
talked about with the defense, just doing a better job just going to elevate their status.
creating better field position, taking advantage of field
position. It was a realistic possibility that he may make this
decision. And so obviously we've got Keegan Render
There are way too many times, and it ties into the is our next man in at that position. Cole (Banwart)
punting game, you have a chance to put the ball down worked there. Spencer (Williams). So, we've got a
inside the 20 and we can't do that successfully. Or we couple of guys rotating.
end up punting it to the 18, 19, something like that.
We've got to do a better job in those areas if we're That's what the next four months or five months, six
going to be a championship level football team. months, seven months are about -- trying to figure out
who will be ready when September comes around.
Those are some things that stand out to me.
Q. Are you saying that James is ready for this?
Moving forward, really excited about the guys we have COACH FERENTZ: No question. I think both these
coming back. And again hoping that as this thing goes guys, they had a good decision. Again, I was on
on, part of the fun of coaching is to see how guys record last year saying I think it would have been
handle each and every step. And that work will begin detrimental to Akrum to go out last year, I really believe
here in the near future. that. I think it better served him to be here a year. I'll
say this, I think it's better for any player, quite frankly, I
We'll have our guys back here on campus next think they're more mature, more NFL-ready, if you will.
Tuesday. Out-of-season program begins on
Wednesday, and that's the next phase that our players But James is a hell of a developmental prospect, if you
are looking at. will. In my mind he could go and play guard for
anybody next year, just about anybody in the league,
So, we'll work on recruiting. That's ongoing. That maybe not anybody. But he's that kind of player. And
never is ending anymore. I was telling a couple guys I Josh is a really good player, too.
talked to in the NFL that we're thinking about getting
back into college. I said that's one thing you might I could have said the same thing about Scherff and
want to consider. Reiff and Bulaga did that, so whatever.

That never stops. Okay. So the recruiting part and Q. Now, you're replacing Sean Welsh, probably
obviously we got some things to do to finish this class your best lineman. Can you talk about one of your
out. The winter program is coming up right there. most highly touted --
Spring ball will be right after that. Transition into the

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COACH FERENTZ: That's college football. Sean, from anything. So he's got a lot of work to do. But,
you're talking about versatility, what Sean did for us. yeah, we really like him.
He played everything and played a little center, too.
Q. What's it say about an offensive lineman to go
We took that off his plate. But really he's done a from two-, three-year starting seniors
tremendous job. So that's college football. That's a (indiscernible) to freshman at tackle? Had to have
hard thing when you graduate guys, whether it be been some misses?
linebacker, guys like Sean, that's part of the process. COACH FERENTZ: I don't know about that. That
wasn't the plan. That plan was to have our guys out
But with that, it creates opportunity for new players. there. And it's funny, if you look year to year, I still go
And there's no better story -- I kind of teed that one up back to 2002, one of the reasons we had a really
for you guys, with Josh Jackson back in August. That's successful team that year is, I think, we had one guy
the neat thing about it, to see who is going to rise and get hurt -- I think D.J. Johnson is the only one that
who is going to make that step forward. missed really significant time.

Q. Looking at that position then, across the board, When you can add that kind of -- we would have been
offensive line, your goal is always to get the best a different team with Ike and Boone out there. And I
five out there. Do you anticipate right now, if you say it with all due respect to the players that played, but
had to play on Saturday, that Render would especially at that position, when you have guys that
probably be your center and then be moved with have been around a little bit. And just, I told you, when
Ross Reynolds and Paulsen is inside? Boone hugged me during the Ohio State game, after
COACH FERENTZ: If we played this Saturday for sure the game was over, like -- I lose sight of how big and
mainly because Banwart is hurt. Keegan got the strong some of these guys are, the maturity. But he
majority of the work. Keegan is the most game-ready, if wasn't that way five years ago.
you will. And that was our plan in any game; he would
have been the guy to slide in. Ross would have slid up That's what you lose out on. But with that being said,
to guard. guys we had out there were capable and I'm really
excited, again, just going back to that bowl film. You
So if we were playing this Saturday, but there are so watch the film. There's so many things technically we
many things that can happen between now and can do better but that's experience, it's not just the
September. That's the fun part, just to see who is maturity part but experience and repetition.
going to do what.
And you see clips of those guys really blocking good
I'll say this about Cole -- he's demonstrated the traits players well. Then you see too many where they need
that we're looking for, not only as a center but just for a -- that's the challenge. That's the race that all players
guy that is going to play out there. run, you know how technically proficient can they
become and really good at what they're asked to do,
So can he do it or not? We'll find out this spring. But I because we're not typically going to line up and beat
think he's demonstrated he's coachable. He's a really them in a combine. We can't do that. So we've gotta
dedicated guy and really serious about what he does. do it with consistency. And I think that's really our
Great work ethic. I think he's got an opportunity. offensive challenge. But I liked all three guys that
played tackle for us after the other two guys were out.
Q. At the Pinstripe Bowl, Mark Kallenberger was
working as second team at left tackle. I know that Q. Talking with Brian after the season on some
was break glass in case of emergency, and games last year the offense struggled. But, we do
probably you'd move the tight end before he breaks what we do, you say that a lot. Is that in need of
his redshirt. But does he fit into those? Is he examination when you have instances like 66 yards
going to be competing for one of the five slots? in one game? Is that a red flag for you?
COACH FERENTZ: I think so. I mean he worked a lot COACH FERENTZ: Yeah, I'll go back to Arizona State
with the two's this year. He's on scout team as well. in '02. Excuse me, '04. Doesn't get any worse than
We had him go back and forth. But he wasn't standing that. Well it does get worse. It got worse back in
around watching. He was doing things. November here.

Physically he's probably not there yet for obvious But the week before we looked pretty good offensively.
reasons; he just got out of high school. But he's got So some of the things we're doing are okay. And I
the traits we're looking for, too. He's a really would say it's more about just -- that was the game, I
competitive guy, tough-minded and doesn't back down think every game is a separate entity, me personally.

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show you pictures of him doing it right and it looks
We played a really good defensive team who is being pretty good, and then show you some pictures where it
coached by a guy that wasn't a millionaire, their doesn't look so good.
defensive coordinator and their defensive staff. And
they don't have a lot of five-star recruits but those guys But I think it shows he's capable. It's not just a matter
play good defense and they ran the whole season this of him refining and becoming consistent. That's going
year and ended up, I don't know where they're at to be true of all the guys.
nationally but I'm sure it's top five. They can play
defense. Q. With Wiegers leaving, are you comfortable with
your quarterback depth now?
We didn't play well enough offensively so it was just a COACH FERENTZ: Yeah, again, we talked about
bad mix. And what made it worse in that game was James as a possibility. As Josh's season evolved,
our defense gave us a chance because we came up became a distinct possibility that he may leave. And
with some plays in that game defensively that gave us certainly Tyler Weigers, Tyler Weiger's, situation, I look
a chance to be in the game. at like Cody's and Jake's a couple of years back where
I don't foresee that as a selfish move at all. I think
But that was not a good day for us and that's one we'll quarterbacks are a unique discussion to me personally.
study hard during the out-of-season. When they transfer.

Q. There was a couple of instances. Was it just the It's probably a good thing sometimes because we
youth on the line of scrimmage or -- haven't had a better kid in our program in 19 years than
COACH FERENTZ: I think that's a big part of it. Tyler Weigers. What a tremendous young man,
Certainly, if you don't block consistently enough, yeah, tremendous family. He's done everything we've asked
that's a big part of it. We had a first-year quarterback him to do and I can't tell you all the things he does,
playing, too. But I thought he did a lot of good things. work-wise, like extra work that I've seen him do and he
Kodak moment for me is the ball coming out of his does a lot of stuff, as do a lot of our players, I don't see
hand against Wyoming and Michigan State, and those everything obviously. But I'm not like Santa Claus.
are things that he'll have to clean up.
So I'm happy for him. I'm really excited. I hope he has
I think another step he's got to make is learning when a great year, and I think he will.
to pull it down and run. It's not something he did very
well this year. But that's something experience will Q. With the tenth assistant, what is your plan to
teach you. And it's probably part of the reason I'm utilize that person and then what's your timetable
really excited about next year. for that?
COACH FERENTZ: As you might know. Or imagine.
I think we've got a lot of good young guys that played We had a plan in place. At least kicking something
pretty well for the most part this year against good around. And looked like it was going to take place last
competition. But they've got a lot of room for year. I can't remember when it was going to be. Was it
improvement. And if we're doing our job and they're spring? I don't know.
doing their job it will happen.
So we had a plan in place. And pretty much it just got
Q. Did you see kind of enough from Wirfs to really pushed back. So I think I know where we're going on
think about left tackle for him? this whole thing, but I also think there's no compelling
COACH FERENTZ: Yeah, left tackle thing is not quite reason to pull the trigger right now or make a decision.
as sacred as everybody makes it out to be. It's like
you're the anointed one or the chosen one if you play So we'll tread water here for a little bit and just see
that. what the landscape looks like and probably do
something here mid-month, late month, somewhere in
It's important, don't get me wrong, but I think both that ballpark, possibly, early February. And we'll go
tackle positions are really important, but fundamentally from there.
they're both the same.
Q. Is LeVar going to be your special teams coach
So I think Tristan and A.J. both are capable of playing exclusively?
out there. That's a good thing. I think Kallenberger COACH FERENTZ: That's part of the plan. That's part
down the road will be too. We've got three guys in- of the plan that I announced last year to see him
house that can probably play that position, and I'm not transitioning into that role and free Seth up to more
so sure Levi can't play tackle on the right side. That's defensively more quality time on the defense, which
what I was referring to. When he does it right, I can

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he's kind of been doing two jobs and so I think that will Tremendous young man.
help fortify the efforts in the defensive room, just give
him one thing to concentrate on. I think it will help our Q. You talked about a lot of experience some of the
special teams and I thought LeVar did a great job with younger guys got on the field this season. What
that transition this year, he was tremendous. Seems do you think is going to be a position group or a
really comfortable in that role. facet of the game you think you'll need to lean on
early in 2018 as you get things going?
Seems like that's a really good niche for him, and so, COACH FERENTZ: I'd say up front on both sides. But
yeah, I'm really excited about that. I think it's going to started the defense because we're losing those
be a good thing. linebackers. They're not coming back. All four of those
guys had great careers.
Q. Does it have to be a defensive coach?
COACH FERENTZ: Not necessarily. We've got an So we're going to be young there and really
open mind. We'll see where it goes. Truth is you inexperienced. And so we've got to sandwich it on
probably can do it with -- I think you can do it with fine both sides. But that's an area. And then to Mark's
with nine coaches me personally. But I think we also point earlier. I'm counting on our offensive line to take
need more help not so much from the football part. a big step. We're losing two really good players for
You get too many people in football you get everything sure. But we've got a lot of guys coming back now that
screwed up. are going to be more in the flow of things and kind of
ties in with our staff. We're basically a new offensive
But just all the stuff that we've gotta do. Recruiting is a staff last year starting in February, mid-February. So
huge part of it. And then making sure our players are by the time we get everybody hired and in place.
doing what they're supposed to be doing, too, that's
more than full time. I'm really excited. I think we have the potential to take
a big step in that whole enterprise. So but I think
Q. What about a player like Josh, a guy who lost improvement up front will get us there. And can't
that third cornerback spot last year and all of a guarantee it but I'm confident that it's going to happen.
sudden jumps into a starting role ties the school
record for interceptions have you ever seen Q. Running back order in your head?
something like that before where this could take COACH FERENTZ: It's pretty short right now. Flip a
one year and he's making that jump? coin. You've got Toren and Ivory. So those are the two
COACH FERENTZ: I haven't thought it out completely guys. So that's where it all starts. Those two guys are
but without thinking much about it, pardon me for not really, I talked about Josh. Toren is a really, really
thinking it out, but I just haven't. It's like to me the Brad impressive young man. I think he's going to play really
Banks story in some ways. Brad Banks had one offer well for us. And Ivory has already shown some really
coming out as a quarterback. I think NC State offered good things. That's where it's at and we'll have to
him as a receiver. He's not that fast. develop more depth there for sure.

He had one quarterback offer. Ends up being AP Q. When you look at defensive line, the depth and
player of the year, runner up to Heisman, Big Ten the depth you have returning the talent you have
player all that stuff. I think it's one of the greatest returning, it's kind of close to what you had maybe
stories ever. in 2010 with Clayborn and Daniels and those guys.
Do you see that as maybe the strength if not your
But to your point. Rugamba beat Josh out. Rugamba defense potentially your team?
played not Josh. I told you two years ago you saw him COACH FERENTZ: Two thoughts on that. First of all,
competing getting better and better great work ethic the guy we're losing is the ring leader of that group like
and attitude. he gives us toughness and grit up there. To me Nate
personifies that. So we're losing a really good player
I thought he was going to play well this year but I'm not but we're also losing a guy that just quietly pulls them
going to stand up here and tell you he's going to be on all in.
that wall up there, that's hard to be up there when
people throw terms up there, it's hard to get on that And I'm not saying that -- I could say the same thing
wall. For him to play the way he did. But the best part about Parker, Parker is that kind of guy, too. So we've
is, most of those guys up there, have to find somebody got two pretty nitty-gritty guys right there.
as an exception. Those are our best guys, too.
They're not only really good players, those guys are I would -- they're not the same as the offensive line but
like stellar guys and don't come better than Josh. it's similar in that to me we can make a lot of

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improvement up front. Those guys, their best football COACH FERENTZ: Not at this point that I'm aware of.
is still way ahead of them. I think that's a good thing. Not that I'm aware of. And I'll say this about Noah.
Noah is a tremendous young guy I skipped over that
And we're going to need it. Because we really aren't back in December. But great young man. Just wasn't
that deep in my mind. It's not I wouldn't put them in working for him, I think.
that category out of '09, 2010 group. They were salty.
2004. And he's a tremendous young guy. And kind of made
me rethink whatever we call it the gray shirt thing, like
Q. Is Alaric back in good standing? I'm not so sure that's a great deal. I think it's better for
COACH FERENTZ: Yeah, he's still got some things to players to come in be in the flow of things instead of
do. In fact he was in the weight room this morning. having to be outside looking in I'm not so sure that's a
Saw him down there looks good and is back from great idea and other people have probably done better
break and all that stuff. We've got a few things that with it. But there's something about being part of a
he'll have to check off the list here as we go along but team.
hopefully it's straight ahead.
Q. The linebackers, what do you expect for after
I anticipate the same thing with Brandon. It's going to losing three?
be ongoing for those guys to get back where they need COACH FERENTZ: It's wide open also. Part of
to be and hopefully in the near future that will be the December was looking at our entire roster. It's one
case. nice thing about a bowl it really gives you a chance to
look at things top to bottom. And I can tell you right
Q. How will you approach the backup quarterback now in my mind at least nobody's emerged. We have
situation? some favorites and all that kind of stuff but we'll let that
COACH FERENTZ: It's wide open. Wide open. stuff get decided over the next six to eight months.

Q. And Spencer is coming in? And I wouldn't even want to predict who is going to line
COACH FERENTZ: Today is Wednesday. He'll be here up where for the first ballgame. But it's obviously going
tomorrow night. to be something we look at closely. It's wide open
competition for everybody right now including anybody
Q. As far as the Indianapolis players that didn't that comes in.
announce, are they with the team right now the two
guys that signed letters? Q. Where do you think you'll be at recruiting-wise, I
COACH FERENTZ: If I didn't announce them I guess think you're at 19 now.
I'm not supposed to still. I don't know. COACH FERENTZ: We've still got a few more to go. I
think we've got a decent pool right now of guys we're
Q. They're not signed with the team? looking at. And I would imagine over the next two
COACH FERENTZ: Well, their status is the same as it weeks might come up on some other stuff that might
was back on signing day, I'll just say that. be interesting to consider. And there are a couple of
positions we still need to address and then I think the
Q. Your fans are going to burn this place down? other thing we need to do as a staff is to make sure
COACH FERENTZ: My obligation is more to our that we're kind of like the draft, sometimes who is the
players than it is to our fans. I love our fans. I'm not best guy available.
trying to be disrespectful there. But if players have
requests, I try to honor them, if they're reasonable. Not It might not be exactly the need you have right now.
all requests, obviously. No, you can't have ice cream But if there's a really good player out there that's
every night, I'm sorry. interested in us, can we find a way to get them into the
Q. Any other injuries prop up after --
COACH FERENTZ: I can just tell you Matt Nelson, you So those are some of the discussions we'll probably be
saw he got injured in the second half. He won't be out having in the next couple of weeks. And so the next
there for spring practice. He'll be fine and is fine. three weeks here we'll be looking at who is out there.
And we'll also be spring recruiting. This stuff is all
But as far as I know everybody else will be eligible for sliding forward now.
spring practice. So sorry about that one, obviously.
So they took head coaches off the road in spring
Q. Anyone else inform you that they're going to recruiting, right? Doors open now again in January.
leave besides Clayberg and Weigers? Isn't it? Funny how it goes, everything is going to keep
racing forward. I don't know how you contain it. But

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that's a topic for discussion for smart people at a
convention maybe they figured out something down So we've got to really just be open minded that way
there when they were down there. I missed it. and try to keep mixing things a little bit.

Q. You get earlier on official visits now this year. Is Q. Did Golston come in the last snap of the
that good? Is that something -- Pinstripe Bowl, I don't think he had a snap all year?
COACH FERENTZ: I'm in favor of it but I'm not in favor COACH FERENTZ: That's probably true. Yeah. Mop
I think we have an eight month window, right. I did talk up or whatever. But, yeah. Guys on the farm club I
to a couple of other coaches about that who think it's think has an opportunity to play. He needs to play for
insane as well. us and should play. He's been here two years now.

My preference would have been just to have it in June And those are guys you look at the guys in that second
because our Junes they got shot three, four years ago, class right now. Cedric. The Paulsen's, offensively.
June is a free for all. And to me it might have been a A.J. Those guys need to be -- this is where they need
smart thing to do to contain it since Junes are already to start. And again our guys aren't, we don't have
ruined, just make it the month of June. In our wisdom Alabama's guys. When we play young guys like
we're doing it March, April, May, June. You know better they've got to be -- they've got to try to get there by
than I. their fourth year, fifth year. Third year would be okay,
too, if they played by their third year. That's kind of the
That's going to be a little bit of a poker game. Do you push we're trying to make with those guys and
use an offer now or official visit, all that kind of stuff. Chauncey is certainly in that class.
It's kind of like in-season visits.

So we've talked about it and we'll continue to talk about

it. Me personally I think that's a bad move just like I
think early signing probably should be in August. So
everybody can make up their minds if they know where
they're going, do it. If you don't, just go back to
recruiting as normal. But nobody is asking my opinion.
I'll give it to you.

Q. Wide receiver, Matt VandeBerg, four, five years,

where do you think the position stands? You had
two guys played a lot, Smith played a little. Where
do you think it stands right now?
COACH FERENTZ: Clearly we had an issue there
going into the season. And so Matt was a big part of
that. Easley was a big part of that and thank goodness
for Nick and Ihmir did a nice job and Brandon played

It's like anything, things don't just happen overnight and

Marc talked about attrition and stuff like that. That's a
position where, losing Jay Sheel, hurt us a couple year
ago. Long story short, we're still working on that and
we're going to lose Matt. That's a big loss, obviously.
Good football player, good leader. Counting on Nick
stepping up and Ihmir should be a better player and
Brandon will have to be a better play and we'll keep
working down the list. But we've got to continue to get
better at that position. And just gotta work it. Massage
it a little bit and work it and utilize our tight ends.

Fortunately I think we've got some good players at tight

end. Two that you saw this year. I think Shaun Beyer
is one of the guys that's improved more than anybody
or as much as anybody put it that way in December.

Rev #2 by #177 at 2018-01-10 20:45:00 GMT page 7 of 7

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