DSD Series
With the world-renowned SIGMA PROFILE
Flow rate 3.5 to 26.6 m³/min, Pressure 5.5 to 15 bar
DSD series
Up to
100 percent of the (electrical) energy input to a compres-
sor is converted into heat. Up to 96 % of that energy can
96 %
be reused for heating purposes. This not only reduces pri-
mary energy consumption, but also significantly improves
the applicable company’s total energy balance.
2 3
DSD series
4 5
DSD series
6 7
DSD series
Coolers cleaned from the outside High residual thrust exhaust air
Unlike internal heat exchangers, the externally facing cool- The integrated radial fans are considerably more efficient
ers in all DSD packages are easily accessible and simple than axial fans and provide high residual thrust. This gen-
to clean. Operational reliability and availability are there- erally enables the warm exhaust air to be directly ducted
fore enhanced, as contaminant build-up is easily spotted. away without the need for an auxiliary fan.
8 9
Exhaust air
(motor, fluid
cooling, comp-
ressed air
air outlet Refrigeration dryer
DSD series
How it works
cooling air
Control Refrigeration
cabinet dryer exhaust
exhaust air
The rotary screw airend (3) is driven by an electric motor (1) Intake filter
(4). The fluid injected primarily for cooling purposes during
(2) Intake valve
the compression process is separated once again from the
air in the fluid separator (5). The integrated fan ensures (3) SIGMA PROFILE airend
Intake air cooling of the compressor package and also provides
inlet (4) IE4 drive motor
sufficient flow of cooling air through the oil cooler and com-
pressed air aftercooler (6 and 9). (5) Fluid separator tank
The controller ensures that the compressor produces com- (6) Compressed air aftercooler
Compressed air
pressed air within the set pressure limits. Safety functions
(7) KAESER centrifugal separator
aftercooling protect the compressor against failure of key systems by
automatically shutting it down. (8) ECO-DRAIN condensate drain
Fluid cooling
(9) Fluid cooler
DSD series
10 11
Excellent accessibility
180 °
180 °
Oil separator cartridge replacement External lubrication Service doors open 180° Easy replacement of maintenance parts
The cartridge can be replaced easily from the top; removal Electric motors must be lubricated while running. In DSD The wide-opening service doors allow excellent accessi- Just like the air filter which is changed from the front of
of just one enclosure section on the top is required. The compressors, service staff can easily perform this task bility to all components for maximum ease of service. This the unit, all other maintenance parts are easily accessible.
cartridge can also be changed from inside the package safely from the outside of the machine. speeds up service work, thereby reducing operating costs Thanks to the intake filter’s additional pre-separation filter
enclosure. and increasing availability. matting, larger particles are captured and the service life
of the filter element is significantly extended.
12 13
DSD SFC series
Specific power
(kW/m³/min) Conventional speed control
14 15
DSD T series
-17 %
Intelligent cooling air flow Reduced space requirement
The warmed cooling air from the refrigeration dryer is The refrigeration dryer in the new DSD-T packages pro-
exhausted upwards out of the top of the system via an vides a dependable supply of dry compressed air with a
integrated exhaust air duct. This minimises the construc- reduced space requirement of only 4.76 m² compared with
tion depth of the integrated refrigeration dryer. the previous 5.73 m² (dotted line).
4.0 kg
3.0 kg
2.0 kg
1.0 kg
0 kg
16 17
DSD series models - water-cooled...
...with plate heat exchanger ...with shell and tube heat exchanger
Two stainless-steel plate heat exchangers soldered with The right choice for applications with clean compressor With plate heat exchangers of adequate cooling capacity, In addition they are seawater-proof, are suitable for com-
copper plates provide excellent heat transmission thanks cooling water. shell and tube heat exchangers made of copper-nickel pressors used in shipping operations and operate with
to the plate corrugation with a high cooling capacity. alloy (CuNi10Fe) are less susceptible to contaminationt, exceptionally low pressure losses.
are more robust and can be mechanically cleaned. The
cooler inserts are also very easy to change.
18 19
Heat recovery
Cost-effective heating
25 %
ambient heat
100 %
total electrical power
25 %
consumption compressed
air energy
Up to
Approx. 5 %
heat dissipation
Approx. 2 %
96 %
from the drive
motor heat dissipated
by the compressor
usable for heat
into the ambient air
Approx. 76 % Approx. Heat recovery a win Space heating with warm exhaust air
heat energy 15 % Approx. 2 %
recoverable heat remaining in the Amazingly, 100 % of the electrical drive energy input to a It’s heating made easy: thanks to the high residual thrust
heat energy
through compressed air compressor is converted into heat energy. From that, up to radial fan, exhaust (warm) air can be easily ducted away
fluid cooling
through 96 % is available for heat recovery purposes. to spaces that require heating. This simple process is
compressed air Use this potential to your advantage! thermostatically controlled.
Approx. 96 %
recoverable heat energy
Up to
120 kW x 2000 h
optionally installed within the package
Cost saving: x 0.60 €/l = € 16,226 per year
0.9 x 9.861 kWh/l
20 21
Heat recovery
22 23
Automatikbetrieb 10.04 bar
C2 - BSD 75
Energie & Kosten
C2 D1 F1
C3 - BSD 75
C4 - CSD 105 SFC DHS1
C3 D2 F2
SAM 4.0 Logic
C4 CT1
Kontakt i
C2 - BSD 75
Energie & Kosten
C3 D2 F2
inlet and venting valve, cooling fluid reservoir with three- Kontakt i
water-cooled plate or optionally available tube-type heat calculates and compares various operating scenarios and
exchanger. Water circulation loop made from stainless selects the most efficient to suit the compressed air appli-
steel. cation’s specific needs.
The combination of flow-optimised pre-separation and This powerful feature is made possible by the integrated SIGMA CONTROL 2 SIGMA CONTROL
special separator cartridges results in minimal remaining industrial PC with multi-core processor in combination with
fluid content of < 2 mg/m³ in the compressed air. This the adaptive 3-Dadvanced Control. Furthermore, the SIGMA
separator system requires less maintenance. NETWORK bus converters (SBC) provide a host of pos-
sibilities to enable the system to be individually tailored to
meet exact user requirements. The SBC can be equipped
with digital and analogue input and output modules, as
Heat recovery (option) well as with SIGMA NETWORK ports, to enable seamless
Connection of compressors with SIGMA CONTROL;
display of flow rate, pressure dew point, power or alarm Various connection possibilities Connection of conventional Connection of compressors
connection to stations with Profibus network
Optionally available with integrated fluid-water plate-type for treatment components compressors possible with SIGMA CONTROL 2
message information. (SIGMA AIR MANAGER 1 alternative)
heat exchanger and equipped with additional thermostatic
valve for fluid; exterior connections, additional ETM valve. Amongst other key features, the SIGMA AIR MANAGER
4.0 provides long-term data storage capability for report-
ing, controlling and audits, as well as for energy manage-
24 25
Technical specifications
Standard version T - Version with integrated refrigeration dryer (R-134a refrigerant)
Model Betriebs-
Working Volumenstrom
Flow *)
rate *) overall max.
Max. Nennleistung
Nominal Abmessungen
Dimensions Anschluss air Sound
Compressed Schalldruck-
pressure Masse
Mass Modell
Model Betriebs-
Working Volumenstrom
Flow *)
rate *) overall max.
Max. Nennleistung
Nominal Abmessungen
Dimensions Anschluss air Sound
Compressed Schalldruck-
pressure Masse
pressure Gesamtanlage
machine at bei Überdruck
working pressure Antriebsmotor
motor power B x TD xx HH
W Druckluft
connection pegel **)
level **) überdruck
pressure Gesamtanlage
machine at bei Überdruck
working pressure Antriebsmotor
motor power B x TD xx HH
W Druckluft
connection pegel **)
level **)
working pressure Betriebsüberdruck
working pressure
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg
DSD 145 7.5 14.00 9 75 2450 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 69 2950 DSD 145 T 7.5 14.00 9 75 2750 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 69 3220
DSD 205 10 16.59 12 110 2450 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 72 3360 DSD 205 T 10 16.59 12 110 2750 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 72 3630
13 13.06 15 13 13.06 15
DSD 240 10 20.40 12 132 2450 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 74 3430 DSD 240 T 10 20.40 12 132 2750 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 74 3700
13 16.15 15 13 16.15 15
SFC - Version with variable speed drive T SFC - Version with variable speed drive and integrated refrigeration dryer
Model Betriebs-
Working Volumenstrom
Flow *)
rate *) overall max.
Max. Nennleistung
Nominal Abmessungen
Dimensions Anschluss air Sound
Compressed Schalldruck-
pressure Masse
Mass Modell
Model Betriebs-
Working Volumenstrom
Flow *)
rate *) overall max.
Max. Nennleistung
Nominal Abmessungen
Dimensions Anschluss air Sound
Compressed Schalldruck-
pressure Masse
pressure Gesamtanlage
machine at bei Überdruck
working pressure Antriebsmotor
motor power B x TD xx HH
W Druckluft
connection pegel **)
level **) überdruck
pressure Gesamtanlage
machine at bei Überdruck
working pressure Antriebsmotor
motor power B x TD xx HH
W Druckluft
connection pegel **)
level **)
working pressure Betriebsüberdruck
working pressure
bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg
DSD 145 SFC 7.5 3.67 - 15.73 8.5 75 2690 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 70 3190 DSD 145 T SFC 7.5 3.67 - 15.73 8.5 75 2990 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 70 3470
DSD 205 SFC 10 4.20 - 18.30 10 110 2690 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 73 3370 DSD 205 T SFC 10 4.20 - 18.30 10 110 2990 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 73 3620
DSD 240 SFC 10 5.33 - 20.08 12 132 2690 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 75 3670 DSD 240 T SFC 10 5.33 - 20.08 12 132 2990 x 1730 x 2150 DN 65 75 3950
*) Flow rate complete system as per ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C: Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (a), cooling and air inlet temperature 20 °C
**) Sound pressure level as per ISO 2151 and basic standard ISO 9614-2, tolerance: ± 3 dB (A)
26 27
The world is our home
As one of the world’s largest compressed air systems
providers and compressor manufacturers, KAESER
KOMPRESSOREN is represented throughout the world
by a comprehensive network of branches, subsidiary
companies and authorised partners.
P.O. Box 2143 – 96410 Coburg – GERMANY – Tel +49 9561 640-0 – Fax +49 9561 640-130
e-mail: productinfo@kaeser.com – www.kaeser.com