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Short Story

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Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Arnold the Anteater

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Arnold was an anteater. He had a long nose. He had an even longer tongue. He had bushy,
scratchy hair. It was rough and dusty. He was not a cute animal at all. He liked to eat ants. He loved
to eat ants. They were his favorite food. He had tasted apples and apricots. He didn’t want those. He
wanted to eat bugs, and ants were his favorite. Termites were tasty, too! He liked to walk up to ant
hills. Then he’d scrape at them with his claws. He could bump them with his nose. The ants would
get very angry. They would come outside their hills. They wanted to know why he was there. Why
was he so mean? Arnold would just smile and stick out his tongue. Slurp! Slurp! His sticky tongue
grabbed the ants. He ate them right up. He gobbled them down. He ate them by the dozen. He ate
them by the hundred! Arnold was an anteater. He ate lots and lots of ants.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. bears B. lions C. cats D. anteaters

2. What kind of bug does the anteater like to eat?

A. ants B. bees C. flies D. butterflies

3. Which of these foods does the anteater also like to eat?

A. wasps B. termites C. beetles D. ladybugs

4. What part of his body does the anteater use to catch the ants?
A. his claws B. his nose C. his tongue D. his tail

5. How many ants does the anteater eat in all?

A. one B. two C. dozens D. hundreds

6. Which of these food does the anteater don’t want to eat?

A. apples and apricots B. ants C. frog D. worms

7. What is the name of the anteater in the story?

A. Ronald B. Roland C. Arnold D. Donald

8. It was rough and dusty. What do you mean by the cited word?
A. violent person. B. good person
C. hard to be close D. friendly
9. Arnold was an anteater. He had a long nose. He had an even longer tongue. He had bushy,
scratchy hair. What is the synonym of the underlined word?

A. A mammal that feeds on ants and termites.

B. A mammal that helps the ants and termites to get food.
C. A mammal that plays on the ants and termites.
D. All of the above

10. What is the use of the long snout and sticky tongue of the anteater?

A. to drink water B. to get fruits

C. to swim D. to eat bugs, and ants
Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Frank the Fox

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Frank was a Fox. He had red fur and a bushy tail. He had pointy ears like a cat. He was mostly
red, but he had some white fur, too. His nose was pointy. He was quick and sneaky. Frank was in the
same family of animals as dogs. Foxes and dogs were like cousins. Still, they didn’t get along well. He
often had to hide when dogs came near. He was not big like a dog. He was good at hiding! He was
not a picky eater. He would eat eggs, bugs, grass, berries, fish, or anything he could find. He liked to
eat a bit of everything. He was easy to please. Frank was a smart animal. He could survive even in
the cold winter. He could always sniff out food. You could see his tiny footprints going everywhere.
Frank was a Fox.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. raccoons B. rabbits C. mink D. foxes

2. What color is most of Frank’s fur?

A. brown B. red C. yellow D. white

3. Which of these does Frank NOT like to eat?

A. bugs B. grasses C. bears D. berries

4. Frank was similar to what kind of animal?

A. a dog B. a cat C. a monkey D. a mouse

5. Did Frank survive in the winter?

A. yes B. no C. none of the above D. both A and B

6-10. Describe the fox based on the story?

Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Oscar the Octopus

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Oscar was an Octopus. He had eight legs. His legs had little suckers on them. They were like
suction cups. His skin was smooth. He had two eyes. He had a mouth. People have two legs. Dogs
have four legs. Birds have two legs. An octopus has eight legs! That is not usual. They are different.
Oscar’s legs helped him swim. His legs helped him eat. His legs helped him hold things. Oscar ate
fish. Oscar ate crabs. Oscar ate seafood. He ate clams. He ate shrimp. He ate all the things he
grabbed. He ate many things. Oscar loved to swim. He was very fast. He was good at hiding, too. He
lived in the sea. He lived near coral. Oscar was an Octopus.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. whales B. fish C. shrimp D. an octopus

2. Which of these does Oscar NOT use his legs for?

A. dancing B. swimming C. holding D. eating

3. Which of these does Oscar NOT like to eat?

A. fish B. shrimp C. birds D. clams

4. FILL IN THE BLANK: Oscar has a _________ legs?

A. two B. four C. six D. eight

5. FILL IN THE BLANK: Oscar lives in the _________?

A. trees B. water C. desert D. house

6-10. Give at least 5 characteristics of Oscar the Octopus?

Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Peter the Penguin

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Peter was a Penguin. That is a kind of bird. He was black and white. He had feathers. He had
feet. He had wings, but he could not fly! His wings were good for swimming. Peter walked slowly. He
waddled. He was not fast on land. He swam very fast! He was a water bird. He swam to find food.
Peter ate fish. He ate shellfish. He ate squid. He swam very fast and caught them. He was good at
catching food. Peter lived in a cold place. He walked on ice. He walked on snow. He swam in very
cold water. Peter was a Penguin.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. fish B. penguin C. dogs D. crabs

2. Which of these is Peter good at?

A. dancing B. swimming C. singing D. walking

3. Which of these does Peter NOT like to eat?

A. fish B. shellfish C. squid D. weeds

4. What colors is Peter?

A. red and black B. white and green
C. black and white D. orange and purple

5. Where Peter lives, how is the weather?

A. cold B. warm C. hot D. dark

6-10. Describe the penguin based on the story.

Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Eric the Elephant

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Eric was an Elephant. He was huge and gray. His skin was tough and thick. He had big feet
with toenails. He walked slowly, but he could run quite fast. His ears were big, and his trunk was
long. He had two white tusks coming out of his mouth. He ate a LOT! He never seemed to stop
eating. Like a cow, he liked leaves and grasses. He ate and ate and ate. It took him all day sometimes
to fill his belly. It was hard to eat enough when he was so big. He couldn’t use a fork or spoon,
either! He liked water. He could even swim. When it was hot, he would use his trunk to spray water
on his back and shoulders, just like a hose. He liked to cool off at the watering hole. He liked to play.
Eric was very social, too. He liked to talk to other elephants. They walked places together. They ate
together. They played in the water together. Elephants like company. Eric was an Elephant.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. elephants B. baboons C. cows D. deer

2. What kind of food does Eric like to eat?

A. bugs B. cake C. plants D. meat

3. Where does Eric like to play?

A. by the water B. in the forest
C. in the fields D. in the grass

4. What does Danny have coming out of his mouth?

A. spit B. food C. bugs D. tusks

5. FILL IN THE BLANK: Danny has a long ________?

A. foot B. ear C. trunk D. tail

6. What is the name of the elephant?

A. Daniel B. Denmark C. Danny D. Demetrio

7. The elephant cannot run faster because…

A. He is huge B. He is tall C. He is small D. None of the above
8. He had two white tusks coming out of his mouth. What do you mean by tusks?
A. A long, pointed, or protruding tooth.
B. A small, pointed or protruding tooth.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

(9-10) Give at least (2) parts of the body of elephant?

Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Jake the Jaguar

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Jake was a Jaguar. He was a large cat. He was like a lion or a tiger. He was not as big as them.
He was bigger than other cats, though. He was bigger than panthers, cheetahs, and leopards. He had
spots like a leopard or a cheetah. Jake lived in a jungle. He was very good at climbing trees. He hid in
trees. He slept in trees. He was quiet and fast. He was a good hunter. He hunted in the jungle. He
hunted by rivers. He ate meat. He hunted wild animals. He caught pigs. He caught deer. He ate foxes.
He even caught snakes! He caught many kinds of animals. He needed to eat meat. Jake was a Jaguar.
He was the biggest kind of cat in North and South America. He lived in the jungle and he ate meat.
Jake was a Jaguar.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. cats B. dogs C. jaguars D. crocodiles

2. Where does Jake live?

A. in the jungle B. in the water C. in the snow D. in the desert

3. Which of these does Jake like to eat?

A. bugs B. meat C. fruit D. vegetables

4. Can Jake climb trees?

A. yes B. no C. Both A and C D. none of the above

5. What does Jake have on his body?

A. feathers B. scales C. stripes D. spots

6-10. Describe the jaguar in 5 words?

Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Kara the Kangaroo

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Kara was a Kangaroo. She was about as tall as a person. Her legs were very strong. She could
jump very far! She had a long tail. Her tail helped her jump. When she jumped, her tail kept her from
falling. It was for balance. Kara lived in Australia. She was a marsupial. That is a special kind of animal
with a pouch. It is a pocket for babies. A baby kangaroo is a Joey. A Joey stayed in Kara’s pouch. Kara
ate only plants. She ate grass. She ate leaves. She never ate meat. She chewed her food like a cow.
She had to chew a long time! Kara was scared of dogs. She was a little scared of people, too. She had
to jump away very fast. She had to keep her Joey safe. Kara was a kangaroo.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. rats B. kangaroos C. raccoons D. dogs

2. Where does Kara live?

A. in America B. in Asia C. in Australia D. in Antarctica

3. Which of these does Kara like to eat?

A. grass B. meat C. chocolate D. soda

4. What does Kara keep in her pouch?

A. toys B. a hat C. a Joey D. rocks

5. Can Kara jump very far?

A. yes B. no C. both A and B D. none of the above

6-10. Give a brief explanation about the picture of “Kara the Kangaroo”?
Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Rena the Reindeer

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Rena was a Reindeer. Boy deer usually have antlers. Reindeer girls have them, too! Reindeer
have very big antlers. They have thick fur. They have to stay warm. They have to live in the winter
snow. Rena ate plants, like a cow. She ate moss. She ate grass. She ate sedges. She ate mushrooms.
If there was lots of snow, food was hard to find. Rena ate what she found. Rena lived in a herd. She
did not live alone. It was a big group. There were many reindeer. There were dozens. There were
hundreds. Maybe there were even thousands! There were so many! Rena moved a lot. She had to
find food. She walked a lot. She ran very quickly, too. A wolf may try to eat her! She ran with the
herd. Rena was a Reindeer.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. horses B. dogs C. cows D. reindeer

2. How many antlers does the reindeer have?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

3. Which of these does Rena NOT like to eat?

A. birds B. grass C. mushrooms D. moss

4. Does Rena live alone?

A. yes B. no C. both A and B D. None of the above

5. Why does Rena have thick fur?

A. to look pretty B. to stay cold C. to stay warm D. for fun

6. What does Rena ate?

A. moss B. Grass C. sedges D. All of the above

7. How many are they?

A. she live alone B. they were dozens
C. they were hundreds D. both B and C

8-10. Describe the penguin based on the story.

Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Benny the Bat

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Benny was a Bat. He had wings. He had small eyes. He could not see well, but he could hear very
well. This helped him catch his food at night. That was when he was awake. He liked to eat bugs. He
ate moths. He ate mosquitoes. He ate all kinds of flying bugs. He swooped in and got them at night!
During the day, he was busy sleeping. He liked dark places. He liked to sleep in big trees. He really
liked to sleep in old barns. He liked places that were dark, dry, and warm. He slept hanging by his
feet. He was upside down when he slept. Bats like to sleep that way. They are not like people. Benny
was a fast flier. He flew everywhere. He was not a bird. He was a mammal. He was like a mouse with
wings. He didn’t have feathers. He had fur. Benny was a Bat!

1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. bears B. lions C. bats D. anteaters

2. What kind of bug does the bat like to eat?

A. ants B. bees C. flies D. moths

3. Which of these foods does the anteater also like to eat?

A. mosquitoes B. termites C. beetles D. ladybugs

4. YES OR NO: Does Benny the Bat have feathers?______

5. Benny the Bat is not a bird. He is a what?

A. reptile B. mammal C. bird D. amphibian

6-10. Describe the “Benny the Bat” in 5 words.

Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Reading Comprehension – Short Stories

Martin is in a hurry. He is late to work again. Martin's boss doesn't like it when he is late. Martin was
late last week. His boss told him not to be late again. He really wasn’t joking either. He was serious.
“I mean it,” Martin remembers him saying. Martin thinks he might lose his job if he is late again. The
time is now 7:15 am. Martin needs to be at work by 7:30. It takes him 22 minutes to drive to work.
“Things don’t look good,” he says to himself. Martin runs out of the house. He jumps in his car. He
puts the car in reverse. He backs up without looking. BOOM! There is a sound like someone hitting a
drum. Martin’s car jerks to a stop. He has hit the car parked behind him. “Oh, no!” Martin exclaims.
He is angry now. Martin looks at his watch. It is 7:18. He needs to get to work. He looks around.
There is no one on the street. There is no one nearby. He looks in the parked car. It is empty. Martin
drives off quickly. He gets to work 10 minutes late. Martin’s boss is not around. “Thank goodness,”
he says to himself. He stops worrying. He sits at his desk to work. During lunch, Martin goes out to
the parking lot. He looks at his car. There is a big dent in the back. Then he thinks about the other
car— the car he hit this morning. "I know that car is damaged too," he thinks. He feels guilty. “That
was not right,” Martin says to himself. He will see if the car is still outside his house when he gets off

1) At the beginning of the story, Martin is in a hurry. What does this mean?
A. He is running. C. He is late.
B. He is angry. D. He is moving fast.
2) Why is Martin in a hurry?
A. because he is late C. because he is moving fast
B. because he is running D. because he had a car accident
3) Martin remembers when his boss told him, “I mean it.” What does this mean?
A. The boss is serious. C. The boss is emotional.
B. The boss is angry. D. The boss is interested.
4) What does Martin think will happen if he is late to work again?
A. He will get a pay cut.
B. He will need to buy a watch.
C. He will get fired from his job.
D. He will need to adjust his schedule.
5) What time does Martin need to be at work?
A. 6:30 C. 7:30
B. 7:15 D. 8:15
6) If Martin leaves the house at 7:15, what time does he get to work?
A. 7:32 C. 7:40
B. 7:37 D. 7:52
7) What is the loud noise?
A. Martin yelling C. Martin driving off the road
B. police sirens sounding D. Martin hitting someone’s car
8) Martin checks if there is anyone nearby. What does nearby mean?
A. in C. close by
B. next to D. far away
9) Why doesn't Martin get in trouble with his boss today?
A. His boss is not around.
B. He gets to work on time.
C. His boss feels sorry for him.
D. Martin says he is sorry for being late.
10) Who does Martin talk to in the story? I. himself II. his boss III. his friends
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III
Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Tom the Turkey

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Tom was a Turkey. Turkeys are birds. They are bigger than chickens. Turkeys are mostly
brown. They have big tail feathers. Their heads are red. They have a wattle. This is the skin on their
necks and noses. It might look weird to us! Tom ate seeds. Tom ate berries. Tom ate small nuts. Tom
ate bugs. Tom ate a lot of things, didn’t he? He was good at finding small food on the ground. Tom
could fly. He looked big and fat. He had a lot of feathers. He could still fly. He could fly up into trees.
He had to hide from people. He had to hide from coyotes. He had to hide from wolves. Tom was a
big bird. His tail was very pretty. He ate a lot. He wanted to be big and strong. Tom was a Turkey.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. chicken B. ducks C. geese D. turkeys

2. Can Tom fly?

A. yes B.no C. either A or B D. none of the above

3. Which of these does Tom NOT like to eat?

A. seeds B. fruit C. bugs D. dirt

4. What does Tom have on his head?

A. a wattle B. a hat C. a wig D. a sticker

5. Which type of animal does NOT Tom not have to hide from?
A. coyotes B. people C. mice D. wolves

6-10. Fill in the blanks.

6. Turkeys are mostly _________.

7. They are bigger than __________.

8. He had to hide from __________.

9. He could fly up into _________.

10. Tom was a _________.

Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Zeke the Zebra

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Zeke was a Zebra. That was like a horse, but he had stripes. He was black and white. Each
zebra had a special set of stripes. None were the same. Zeke lived in grasslands. He lived in Africa. It
was very hot. The grasses were tall. There were not many trees. There were not many mountains. It
was a savannah. Zeke lived in a herd of zebras. There were many zebras with him. They ate grass
together. Sometimes, they ate leaves. Usually, they ate grass. Zeke had to watch out for lions,
cheetahs, and leopards. He had to watch for wild dogs. He also had to watch for hyenas, too. Zeke
was a Zebra.


1. What is this story mostly about?

A. horses B. zebra C. grass D. lions

2. Is Zeke like a horse?

A. yes B. no C. both A and B D. all of the above

3. What kind of food does Zeke eat?

A. trees B. grass C. moss D. bugs

4. Does Zeke live alone?

A. yes B. no C. both A and B D. all of the above

5. What kind of animal does Zeke NOT have to watch out for?
A. lions B. cheetahs C. giraffes D. hyenas

6. Who is the enemy of the zebra?

A. lions B. cheetahs C. leopards D. all of the above

7. What is the color of the skin of Zeke based on the picture?

A. black and white B. brown and gray
C. all black D. white only

8-10. Describe the zebra based on the story?

Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Carl the Crocodile

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Carl was a great big old Crocodile. He was very long, longer than many cars! He had thick
green skin. It was hard and bumpy, like tree bark. He had a long snout and many teeth. He was very
large. He liked to eat lots of stuff. He wasn’t picky. He would eat fish or turtles. He would eat rabbits
or birds. He would eat just about anything. If it came close to the water, he would eat it. He liked
wet and hot places. He was always by the water. He liked mud and dirty water. It was easy to hide.
That helped him catch food. He was not the nicest animal. He was greedy about food. Carl liked to sit
around. He was actually very fast! He waited and waited. Then something came by and SNAP! He
would grab it with his jaws. Carl was a great big old Crocodile!


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. fish B. dogs C. crocodiles D. sheep

2. What kind of animals does the Crocodile like to eat?

A. bugs B. fish C. mice D. cookies

3. Which of these foods does the Crocodile NOT like to eat?

A. fish B. turtles C. bears D. birds

4. What size is Carl the Crocodile?

A. Small B. Tiny C. Gigantic D. Very Large

5. What does Carl’s skin feel like?

A. hard and bumpy B. smooth C. slimy D. cold

6-10. Give a brief explanation about the picture of “Carl the Crocodile”?
Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

The Hottest Day Ever

I woke up one August morning in a warm sweat. I ran to the refrigerator to get a cold drink,
but the refrigerator was broken and all the drinks were as hot as me. I walked over to my electric
fan, but it wasn't working either. I then turned on the television and finally realized that the
electricity in my house was out. Later that day, I went to the pool to cool off. I dived right in! I swam
eight laps before I tired out. My friend Jeremy brought me an ice cream cone. I got a vanilla ice
cream cone with rainbow sprinkles. Even though it was really hot, I did have a lot of fun.


1. What did the narrator want from the refrigerator?

A. a ham sandwich B. a fan C. a drink D. an apple

2. Why does the electric fan not work?

A. it was broken B. it needed batteries
C. the power was out D. it wasn't oiled

3. How many laps did it take for the narrator to tire of the pool?
A. two B. four C. six d. eight

4. Who bought the narrator an ice cream cone?

A. Sarah B. Samantha C. Joe D. Jeremy

5. What was the flavor of the ice cream?

A. vanilla B. rainbow C. chocolate D. strawberry

6-10. Give a brief explanation about the picture of “The Hottest Day Ever”?
Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Greta the Giraffe

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Greta was a Giraffe. She looked kind of like a horse. She had very long and skinny legs. Her
neck was even longer. She had the longest neck of any animal! Greta liked to eat leaves. So did
elephants. So did zebras. They ate most of the leaves. Some leaves, they could not reach. Greta
could get them. Her long neck helped her get the leaves. She could reach the tops of trees. She was
very fast, too. She could run fast with long legs. Lions wanted to eat her! Leopards wanted to eat
her! Hyenas wanted to eat her! They could not catch her! Greta had brown spots. She had special
spots. No other giraffe looked like her. Each giraffe was different. Her spots were very pretty Greta
was a Giraffe.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. lions B. tigers C. zebras D. giraffes

2. What does Greta like to eat?

A. leaves B. grass C. bugs D. fruit

3. Which of these animals also eats leaves?

A. lions B. leopards C. zebras D. hyenas

4. Which of these animals wants to eat Greta?

A. birds B. lions C. elephants D. zebras

5. What color are Greta’s spots?

A. brown B. red C. yellow D. white

6-10. Complete the sentences.

6. _______ was a Giraffe. 7. She looked kind of like a_______. 8. She had ________and skinny legs.
9. Her neck was even________. 10. She had the longest neck of any ________!
Name:_______________________________________ Date:_________

Ida the Iguana

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Ida was an Iguana. Iguanas were lizards. So, Ida had scales. She did not have fur. She did not have
feathers. She did not have skin like people. She had spikes on her back. Her skin was rough. Her tail
was very long. She was as long as some people are tall! Ida lived in warm places. She did not like the
cold. She fell asleep if it got too cold; then she would wake up when her body got warm. She lived
near water usually. She lived on islands. She ate lots of plants. She could eat meat, but almost always
ate fruits and plants. She had to eat the right things. That was how she stayed healthy. Ida was a
good climber. She could climb rocks. She could climb trees. She ran very fast, too! She ran away from
birds. Birds wanted to eat her! Ida was an Iguana.


1. What kind of animal is this story mostly about?

A. alligators B. dogs C. iguanas D. elephants

2. What kind of weather does Ida like?

A. snowy B. warm C. cold D. rainy

3. Which of these does Ida like to eat?

A. bugs B. cookies C. fruit D. hot dogs
4. YES OR NO: Can Ida climb trees? ________

5. What does Ida have to cover her body?

A. feathers B. fur C. skin D. scales

6.-10. Complete the sentences.

6. Ida was an ________. 7. Iguanas were ________. 8. So, ______ had scales. 9. She did not have
______. 10. She did not have ________.

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