An IT Balance Scorecard Design Under Service Management
An IT Balance Scorecard Design Under Service Management
An IT Balance Scorecard Design Under Service Management
level 3 or below [6]. A small majority (55%) of IT acceptance of ITIL v3 in organizations, are the
departments informs the business about potential justification for this proposal.
business opportunities always or regularly [12].
- Business planning: Only 34% say that 4. A new IT BSC design for better
planning functions are very effective [4]. Over 40% of
the strategic discussions and alignment of strategies are integration.
held independently to budget discussions [6].
In a massive survey conducted by the author with To resolve the points mentioned above, it is
the help of itSMF Spain and Bita Center, only 22% of necessary to design a BSC that (from upper level to
respondents use the BSC in their IT departments as a lower level):
tool of governance or management. Moreover, in the - Incorporates environment in IT BSC (section
Spanish organizations, 66% of the respondents use 5).
ITIL v3 as a best practice for IT departments and 89% - Improves measurement of value (section 6).
of them consider the value contribution of ITIL v3 as - Integrate IT BSC with the business BSC
governance or management best practice positively. In (section 7).
addition, 8 out of 10 respondents indicate that the IT - Integrates the IT area using the IT BSC
department has formal relationships with outsourcing (section 8).
suppliers and more than half of them indicated they Figure I shows how BSC of IT is interrelated as a
have formal SLAs established (SLA is a ITIL best service supplier, and the BSC of the business as a
practice) [6]. All mentioned issues, as well as the service under the design of the proposed ITSM BSC.
IT planning +
IT design + IT
&Development transition + IT
+Business Strategy, operation + IT
Analysis &Operation INTEGRATION continual improvement
IT Business
Contribution+ IT
Business Value
Capabilities &
Figure I. New ITSM BSC proposal designed towards IT Service Management and Sourcing.
IT BSC proposes adjusting classical BSC to a and Norton's future perspective, a good position
vision of service management, incorporating a new regarding human, organizational and technological
environment perspective (discussed in section 4.2.) and capacity is achieved [15]. IT is one of the largest
modifying the classical perspectives with the sources of innovation and creativity in organizations,
following: which makes this perspective essential. To
- Future perspective: Using this nomenclature accommodate the ITIL V3 philosophy, the author
instead of growth, which depends on the strategy of the recommends following the dual classification of IT
moment. In the BSC, under the philosophy of Kaplan’s assets (resources and capabilities with their
corresponding details) because these are the IT assets name of business contribution perspective [21].
that must be adapted to the future. Given the However, given the big IT investment required for the
importance of acquiring knowledge for the survival of IT department investments, apart from the contribution
IT organizations, this perspective increasingly has a to business previously discussed, it should include
more critical role in organizations. targets on how to fund the IT resources and capabilities
- Operation perspective: It is responsible for required. To consider various aspects this perspective
controlling the deployment of our strategy in the IT is called IT financial perspective. In order to balance
processes, irrespective of the ownership of resources the value of IT proposals, these are also subdivided
(internal or external). This idea is essential in order to into three sub-perspectives: value of new business
move to a philosophy aimed at IT service management, supported by IT (strategic innovation), value of
in which a service can be provided with internal and operational improvement provoked by IT (operational
external resources depending on the time. This efficiency) and value from IT good governance. The
perspective proposes objectives that lead to excellence fourth sub-perspective is objectives on how to obtain
in the IT operation. Having a process-oriented ITIL V3 funds.
greatly facilitates the work with this perspective and it ITSM BSC also proposes a series of new entities to
is recommended to define groups following ITIL V3 complement causal diagrams (cause / effect) of
processes, activities and their relationships. For objectives similar to other existing proposals [26] [18].
example, a strategic objective of "improved incident All the strategic objectives are related to the mission /
resolution time" is found in the sub-perspective of vision and the strategic line that is our trigger. One
"service operation" and "incident management". If, for important change is that BSC does not end with
example, COTS services design is outsourced, it is also initiatives and those responsible; it is also associated to
outsourced within the operation perspective, and even every initiative with information about the IT service
supported and maintained in the BSC of another catalog (“What service line or service area is covered
organization and integrated into our organization's by the initiative.” and “What market space is covered
BSC. Some authors consider outsourcing in the by the initiative.”) and the service level to be achieved.
customer perspective [28], but we think it fits much The actions are grouped into projects and programs.
better in the operation perspective. This way, ITSM BSC covers the double vision: the
- Customer / user perspective: In this inner vision of IT and business processes affected by
perspective, the client’s (who pays for IT services, and IT strategic change, and the external vision of IT
asks for client requirements) objectives and the user’s services of a market space with a service level. Every
(who uses the IT services and asks for functional strategic objective is evaluated: value, cost, risk and
requirements) objectives must be considered; both are lead-time.
complementary views. Under a Service Management It is essential that BSC helps to manage the
operation, the agreements with customers are reflected implementation of the strategy properly [29]. When we
in the Service Level Agreements (SLA) and therefore talk about strategy, we are talking about change and
an ITSM BSC has to relate the evolution of the impediments or barriers to be overcome [38].
strategy to the expected evolution of the SLA. Therefore, it is a good thing that causal diagrams have
Logically, SLA is more detailed in the Service Level to inform about both the forces that help change
Management process, while information in ITSM BSC (motivators, facilitators, catalysts) and the barriers to
is summarized in the strategic or tactical level of change (mischievous, frustrating and delayers). Thus,
service levels. Using ITSM terminology, this the proposed ITSM BSC aims to inform barriers and
perspective will have two sub-perspectives: utility facilitators of change in the objectives that this aspect
(What do we give to the user / customer?, for example is critical [17]. ITSM BSC should not be filled with too
a new IT service) and warranty (How do we give the much information, but key information to ease the
IT service to the user / customer?, for example greater strategy and the governance of IT change is
systems availability). If the goal is to improve the way fundamental and should be included.
in which we provide internal processes (i.e. capacity For a quicker and easier use of ITSM BSC, we
management), this will be controlled by service-level proposed that causal diagrams’ directions be defined
objectives within the operation perspective. and limited by relations such as "If you pass this
- IT Financial Perspective: Since IT BSC objective, it leads to this objective". The relationships
covers part of the business strategy, the financial showed in figure II by arrows are proposed in other
perspective that appears in ITSM BSC should take the researches [24].
•Increase income through new product & GOVER- •Comply with external policies & norms •IT Resources funds
services •Increase margins through price optimization •IT Capabilities funds
NANCE •Improve production & logistic costs
•Increase income through marketing •Improve administrative & sales costs
activities •Optimize taxes
•Improve IT& corporate governance by IT •Improve assets & infrastructure efficiency
•Optimization of accounts payable & accounts
•Improve brand & organization image
•Requirements coverage •Availability
•Strategy generation •Availability management •Change management •Incident management •7 steps improvement
•Demand management •Service continuity •Service asset & •Request fulfillment •Service measurement
management configuration management
•Service portfolio •Problem management •Service reporting
•Capacity management •Knowledge management
management •Security management •Release &deployment •Access management •Improve
•Applications •Management
•Information •Organization
•Infrastructure PEOPLE •Processes
•Financial capital •Knowledge
linked to the group of economic, technological and improved branding; optimization of accounts payable
social variables, which are important to consider, and and receivable; improved asset efficiency and
continually control the evolution. Thus, changes in the infrastructure; reduced investment; tax optimization;
ecosystem (leaps in technology, macroeconomic improving administrative and marketing costs;
variables, level of interconnectivity, agreement improvement in cost, production and logistics;
maturity, etc.) are a trigger to the majority of IT improved or business income coverage of needs related
strategies and, as a result, they have to be included in to marketing activities; improving revenue or coverage
ITSM BSC. Another benefit of introducing of needs for new products and services; improving
environment in IT BSC is that the actual BSC does not income and coverage requirements for new customers,
reflect the assumptions and the limitations to support and improved margins by price optimization. This
the strategy decisions. value calculation must include risk consideration that is
closely linked to the time horizon to begin cash flows.
6. Improving measurement of value and
selecting variables from the IT BSC causal 7. Integrating IT BSC with the business
diagrams. BSC
To value IT objectives in the BSC qualitatively and Under a modern approach, IT cannot be taken as a
in isolation is not enough [1]; it requires methods to business tool or as something isolated from other
consistently calculate the integrated value of the causal business areas [19]. In modern organizations, making
chain [35] and to consider intangible contributions [3] plans or any significant change requires integrating and
[14]. Any tool that deploys change, as is the case of considering all the departments involved [11]. The
ITSM BSC, has to balance the concepts of operational fundamental philosophy proposed is to provide
efficiency and strategic innovation. Porter describes complete strategic objectives in the organization. In
these concepts as doing the same in a more optimized order to facilitate the operation and to allow different
(operational efficiency) way or addressing new departments and their managers to exercise their
technology-based activities for differentiation responsibility and authority, the objectives can be
(strategic innovation) [30]. Strategic innovation with broken down into partial objectives by area: financial,
complete and deep changes is in line with the production, human resources, commercial, research &
philosophy also recommended by Business Process development and information systems. With this
Reengineering (BPR). McFarlan’s matrix considers philosophy, there are simplified classical theories of
both concepts of locating Information Systems (IS) alignment between business strategies and technology
according to their strategic positioning. strategies as well as between structures and strategies.
The five perspectives proposed in paragraph 4 add Moreover, important strategic objectives are achieved
value to the business regardless of other perspectives with high added value by making "miscegenation" of
(an improvement in customer perspective does not all the knowledge areas involved in the strategic
have to come from future perspective), are dependent objective. It is not recommended to create mono-
on each other (an improvement in operation departmental and independent objectives and then try
perspective entails advantages in the customer to convince the rest of the departments to align
perspective), and must always finish with financial themselves with something that has already been
perspective. Therefore, the different perspectives are defined and designed under a single perspective [10].
different value input sources with different payback What is recommended is to design the proposed
periods on investment. Dynamic simulation models objectives with some degree of coordination and
facilitate obtaining information [2] [28] [31]. In incorporate all the techniques, methods or functions of
another paper, the author has designed a dynamic the departments affected. After creating this unique
model integrated with a IT BSC. Without these and improved objective by consensus, it can then be
simulations it would be difficult to filter which divided into partial objectives according to the
objectives have the most influence in a change process responsibility of the different areas affected. The
and therefore to select the most suitable objectives. alignment between strategy and operations is
The Net Present Value used to evaluate IT strategic facilitated because strategy deployment through ITSM
decisions is calculated using standard formulas that BSC translates strategic objectives into tactical
provide value through fourteen factors or value dials objectives, and these into initiatives. The only existing
that are influenced by IT decisions: compliance with misalignment is the delay from embodying to adopting
standards and external policies; improved governance the idea, because the time needed for implementing
and IT management; improved corporate governance; technological projects is generally longer than time
needed for running functional or organizational Figure III shows that for organizations which
changes. require a higher level of detail, it is appropriate to
detail ITSM BSC, taking the lifecycle of the IT
8. Integrating the IT area using the IT BSC services grouped (development plus transition and
operation) into account, plus a third Scorecard, which
collects the necessary changes proposed in IT
The vertical integration that provides a breakdown Governance (the governance provides strategic
of BSC must be added to the horizontal integration, improvements in all IT processes such as IT planning
according to the IT department’s hierarchical process and continuous improvement process) [13].
organization. BSC has so far shown that the strategic ITIL V3 can also give precise instructions on how
BSC to deploy strategic change and more detailed to address this ITSM BSC breakdown from strategic to
levels of the organization such as tactical aspects (more tactics. There are three possibilities: breakdown by
detailed and shorter time horizon) should be added to service provisioning process (service design books and
it. BSC is one of the best communication and training service transition book processes), service area, or
tools for decision-making that an organization can market space (combination of archetype of service and
implement, ensuring compliance with the strategy at all service asset). The lowest levels, or operation levels,
levels. would meet client or employee objectives without
The format, perspectives and information that are requiring elaborate and comprehensive dashboards. For
supported are similar for tactical and strategic ITSM example, in the case of IT employees, rewards and
BSC, but with a shorter organizational scope and promotions should be linked to meeting personal
shorter development time ranges. Logically, in small or objectives (derived from the strategic and tactical
medium-sized companies, this further breakdown of objectives) and in the case of suppliers, bonuses and
ITSM BSC is not required. The strategic and tactical penalties must be linked to fulfilling objectives (linked
ITSM BSC operation coincides over time, and a double to strategic and tactical objectives) and their associated
"top / down" and "down / top" adjustment is always Service Level Agreements.
required to ensure more added value BSC and
BusinessBSC Horizontalbidirectionalintegration
Human Research&
Finance Operation Commercial
Resources Development
ITOrganizations IT
>10and<50 (internalorexternal) BSC
>50and<150 IT ITDesign IT
employees Governance &Transition Operation
employees Area ITILProcess MarketSpace
orLineService … BSC … BSC
Figure III. BSC breakdown designed towards IT Service Management and depending on
the size of the company.
9. Implementation of the proposed solution potential for cost savings and efficient use of the
in an Insurance company business case capacity of information systems. The organization was
looking for a high growth rate of Information Systems
and greater flexibility and adaptability to change.
The proposed design is applied to a case study
Management was also facilitated by allowing the
developed by the paper author. The BSC provides
coexistence of different systems with different
coverage for changes in IT services of the IT
characteristics, governed under a single capacity
department of a large insurance company. In the
management. It is an example of strategic line
insurance company there was much disagreement on
triggered by environmental changes: virtualization
IT Government, mainly due to uncoordinated decisions
technologies, maturity and suppliers in competition
that led to working with disparate architectures and
with the possibility of change, eliminating the dreaded
solutions without taking advantage of synergies.
dependence on a single supplier. Internally, managers
Before designing the ITSM BSC, an evaluation of the
are also demanding IT services with more variable
Strategic Options was made by using a SWOT analysis
costs for facilitating the opening of new offices and
(a strategic planning method used to evaluate the
applications in order to meet changing demands and
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), a
decrease the implementation lead-times. Within the
PEST analysis (describes a framework of macro-
internal objectives to be achieved, the following could
environmental analysis considering Political,
be listed, among others: to design / implement
Economic, Social, and Technological factors) and a
virtualization software, to acquire / configure an
reengineering process analysis of the IT department.
infrastructure-monitoring system and to optimize
The following weaknesses, strengths, threats and
demand and capacity management. With the rapid
opportunities were found:
growth of IT, it is required to update the group of IT
- The main weaknesses were the lack of scalability
servers that cover all the offices in Spain every three
of the IT infrastructure, no method for selecting
years. Within the same strategic line, the update of
suppliers and dispersion of technological
microcomputers and installation of a test lab
infrastructure to minimize risk by previous testing was
- The main strengths were a highly technical IT
team, fluent in programming languages. The IT
- Implementation of an employee portal (EMP):
Department was used to using metrics and was
The implementation of an employee portal enables
able to adapt to change.
company employees to get an agile, fast and easy
- The main threats were many new business
administration of several of the processes related to
competitors eager to grow, and with more usable,
human resource management. Another objective of the
interactive and advanced information systems.
employee portal is to provide strategic information
- The main opportunities were new technological
carried by a new communication office that allows
solutions to share resource of existing and new IT
users to be better informed about business aspects,
infrastructure and a large number of competing
transmit strategic commercial information to customers
providers offering them.
and reduce the number of doubts and mistakes. In
The company has an efficient ERP, with updated
order to be better aligned with the commercial strategy,
versions that are supported on the SAP platform. In the
users are expected to improve customer service
2010 planning, only one change to COTS (commercial
through more training and information, and thus
of the shell) or applications services of IT service
increase sales. The other objective is for employees to
catalog was considered: an application relating to an
have information at their disposal to consult their own
employee portal. The principal changes are focused on
HR information (payroll, vacation, presence, etc.), to
renewing IT infrastructure and improving the
manage the education pathway (open courses, training
scalability, availability and continuity in the IT
materials, etc) and to consult general administration
infrastructure. The strategic planning process identifies
information (satisfaction surveys, for example). The
three strategic lines: server virtualization and update of
technologies proposed are the purchase of a package of
the infrastructure, implementation of an employee
knowledge management supplemented with
portal and IT governance improvement. This change is
developments by HTML, PHP and Flash.
supported in the 29 objectives.
- Improving IT governance (GOV): Changes in
The three strategic lines are listed below:
infrastructure will not give the expected results if new
- Virtualization of servers and update of the
models for IT governance are not provided. IT
infrastructure (VIR) Virtualization systems were in full
governance leads the change from a classical
acceptance during 2009 in Spain due to their great
conception based on internal metrics to a more modern
conception based on service level definition, maturity
levels and service contracts with external suppliers. The research question was: How can we adapt and
ITSM BSC requires the organization to be connected particularize the balanced scorecard to be used in a
through sharing design and integration with ITSM BSC more effective and simple way in IT strategies
providers of certain services such as major contracts following a well-known and high acceptance service
for Application Service Provider. It defines a service management best practice? The validation process took
catalog and every service is endowed with a complete three years.
definition of service level, bonus and penalizations,
and standard costs under which they provide the 11. Conclusion
services. There is also a growing concern for continuity
aspects. Building on the redefinition of policy caused Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a discipline that has
by the virtualization infrastructure is necessary to considerably evolved in recent years and is the most
develop new roles and procedures and setting widely accepted discipline in organizations when
instructions to use resources in critical situations. deploying a balanced strategy and, subsequently,
monitoring the evolution of change and its deviations.
10. Validation methodology Moreover, in recent years interesting methodologies,
techniques and models which have brought IT to
The use of Action Research was proposed to business, as is the case of version 3 of ITIL and its
validate this research. The Action Research philosophy based on the life cycle of IT services, have
methodology was chosen for working up validating appeared. All these ideas have affected IT governance
this paper for the following reasons: and, consequently, IT Strategic Planning process, one
- The paper is an extensive model not easily of its most important processes, and its deployment
translatable to a few variables with a few relationships through Balanced Scorecard oriented to IT (IT BSC).
validated by a short number of hypotheses. The author does not recommend the use of tools
- This governance research has a human and designed for the functional areas without adapting
social component that is better improved by the them to the peculiarities of the IT world. This
collaboration of researchers and practitioners. publication discusses different evolutions of the BSC
- The paper is designed to solve real problems for IT and proposes an optimized design for better
that happen in IT departments and is more utility- integrating IT with business and the environment. It
oriented to the professional field than to contribute has specified the design, following the guidelines set
only academic knowledge. out by the best practices of IT service management.
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