Executive Summary: The Title of The Project Is Hotel Marketing's
Executive Summary: The Title of The Project Is Hotel Marketing's
Executive Summary: The Title of The Project Is Hotel Marketing's
The common law says that the hotel is the place where all who conduct,
themselves properly and who being able and ready to pay for their entertainment
accommodation and other services including the boarding like a temporary home.
It is a home away from home where all modern amenities and facilities are
available on a payment basis.
The aforesaid viewpoints regarding the hotels clarify that a hotel is a public place
where all possible facilities are made available to a person or persons who stay.
The facilities like food, entertainment, accommodation, etc.
thus are the core services of hotels. It is also considered to be a large city house of
distinction and a utility product for tourists.
The American concept regarding the hotel considers it a place for business to
gather. Further it also considers to a place where tourists stop, ceases to be
travelers and become customers.
Significant developments in the field of transportation, sophistication in
communication, growing importance of sophisticated information technologies in
world business world, emerging corporate culture, changing lifestyles etc. paved
copious avenues for the development of hotel industry world over.
Effective marketing and dynamic selling become Significant in the context of the
hotel because once you have not sold a seat in a restaurant or a room in a hotel, the
income is lost and lost for ever. For marketing hotel services, it is essential that
marketing be understood fully by the executive at the top of a hotel group with
total commitment on his pad to the continuous need to market
The main objective of doing this project is to know how hotels do
their marketing and to observe how the hotels carry it out.
Another objective was to. Know that how the study of all the
marketing tools helps to improve the sales of the hotels.
At the outset, we go through the concept of hotel. The common law says that he
hotel is the place where all who conduct, themselves properly and who being able
and ready to pay for their entertainment accommodation and other services
including the boarding like a temporary home. It is a home away from home where
all modern amenities and facilities are available on a payment basis.
The aforesaid viewpoints regarding the hotels clarify that a hotel is a public place
where all possible facilities are made available to a person or persons who stay.
The facilities like food, entertainment, accommodation, etc.
Thus are the core services of hotels. It is also considered to be a large city house of
distinction and a utility product for tourists.
The American concept regarding the hotel considers it a place for business to
gather. Further it also considers to a place where tourists stop, ceases to be
travelers and become customers. The definition presented by hotel authorities to
the National Recovery Administration in Washington is found to be more
comprehensive definition, presented by Stuart Mc Namara. The definition says,
(primarily and fundamentally, a hotel is an establishment which supplies boarding
and lodging not engaged in inter state commerce or in any intra state commerce,
competitive with or affecting interstate commerce. It is quasi domestic institution
retaining from its ancient and origin certain traditions and acquiring in its own
modern development, certain statutory rights and obligations to the public where
all persons not qualified by conditions or conduct are prepared to pay for their
accommodation are to be received and furnished with a room or place to sleep or
occupy if such accommodations are available with such services and attention as
are incident to their use with or without contract as to duration of visit and which
conducts within the confines of its physical locations the business of supplying
personal services of individuals for profit's.
Hotels and its typology
Hotels and its typology
Since time immedicable, there have been frequent changes in the concept and
perception of hotel. There are a number of hotels offering different types of
services. The variation in architectural facilities, the size, the facade and amenities
cannot be overlooked. This necessitates the study of its typology.
The residential hotels work as apartment house. Often we call them I i apartment
hotels. He hotels charge rent on monthly, half yearly, or yearly basis.
The hotels are generally found located in big cities and towns where no meals l ls
are 7 are served to the customers. The services offered in residential hole
comparable to an average well managed home.
The commercial hotels are meant for the people who visit a place
of trade and commerce or business purpose and therefore these
hotels are found located at the commercial or industrial centers.
These hotels focus their attention on individual travelers and are
generally run by the owners.
The resort hotels are meant for the holidaymakers, tourists and
for those who need a change in the atmosphere mainly on health
ground. These hotels are found located near the sea, mountain
and other areas having an attractive landscape and healthy
climatic condition. The tourists visit hotels mainly to relax.
The floating hotels are located on the water surface. The place
are sea, river, lake. These hotels provide all the facilities and
services made available in a good hotel. In the leading tourist
generating countries of the world we find the practice of using
O1d luxury ships as floating hotels.
The places to stay in India with most basic facilities, small number
of rooms, and location in the far-flung areas are grouped under
one star hotel category. These hotels are best when you are
looking for cheapest available accommodation option apart from
camps and hostels.
Organization chart of hotel
Tree diagram
Organization chart of hotel
Gerry Draper
''Ascertaining consumer needs, tailoring the product as closely as possible to meet
those needs, persuading the customers to satisfy his needs and finally ensuring that
the product is easily accessible when the customer wishes to purchase it's.
The definition of hotel marketing consists of almost all aspects, right from
ascertaining customer needs to getting the customers satisfaction.
Anerson & Lembke
Howe believe that the real meaning of marketing is listening to the demands of the
market and satisfying these demands at a profit, from that it follows that superior
marketing is listening to the market more intently than your competitors and
satisfying the demands more effectively.''
This definition concentrates on creating the demand and satisfying the customers.
Further, it emphasizes on the formulation of competitive strategies for excelling
the competition.
Users of hotels
In marketing hotel service it is important to know about the
different types of users availing the services with diverse aims
and objectives, this would ease the task of marketers specially
while studying the behavioral profile . in figure 8.4 we find
classification of different categories of domestic & foreign users
Product mix
Product mix
the below given figure gives an idea about the product mix for
Fig 5 product mix for hotel
In the formulation of sound product strategy, it is essential that
we assign due weihtage to mix of services expected and desired
by the potential customers. We need to make the information
system strong enough to initiate suitable guidelines for the
strategic decisions. What to offer? What to modify? What to alter?
What to eliminate? These questions require suitable answers,
which are expected form the professionally sound and high
performing team of hotel personnel. If we find that our
competitors have been innovating their strategies, we have no
option but to practice the same. lf we want to project our image
as a leader, we have no option but to make the ways of
In the context of formulating a sound product strategy for hotels,
it is also pertinent that the hotel management promises the less
and offers the more. This would be efficacious in bridging over the
gap between services-promised and services offered often found
instrumental in generating dissatisfaction besides making an
invasion on the image of hotels. The professionally sound hotel
personnel can take a decision regarding the promises and they're
offering patterns.
Price mix
Price mix
offered Discounts
. Special Discounts: In the hotel industry we find special
We can't deny the fact that pricing food and beverage is much
more complicated .In a majority of hotels, there are three or four
types of room but so far as the menus are concerned we can have
dozen of dishes. There are some of the important points to be
considered in the process:
Do you find that your guests are eating in the hotel restaurant or
coffee shop where the competitive restaurants are very close to
the hotel.
The aforesaid facts and figures make it clear that all the three
systems of distribution are found important to the hotels
companies, they are suppose to seek the co-operation of channels
failing which the task of increasing the occupancy ratio would be
much more difficult.
Promotion mix
Promotion mix
The broadcast media can also be used for advertising the hotel
services but if we make a comparative analysis of this media with
others, the effects ale found of low intensity. Of course, with the
advancements in communication technologies we have almost
100 per cent air network, which may be used, especially for low
class hotels where financial constraint stands as a barrier while
advertising through expensive media.
Another dimension of promotion known as an unpaid form of persuasive
communication also plays an incremental role in promoting the hotel
business.While publicizing, the hotel professionals play a significant role by
managing the media personnel for publishing news items related to the
hotel. Public relations activities thus become instrumental in the process of
publicizing. The British Institute of Public Relations has defined it as the
deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual
understanding between an organization and the public. Public relations cover
a wide range of activities. It is the art and science of planning and
implementing a two-way communication and understanding between hotel
companies and potential users of the services. It is also known as the
reflection of the organizational programs and activities.
Journalists always prefer to visit a hotel as they get their full enjoyment free
of cost. You can give journalists a write-up of your story and preferably a
story with a photograph. Of course, the photograph covers a lot of space but
media use it, we find this the finest eye-catching free publicity.
Sometimes a stunt is also thought to obtain a write-up.
Printed Publicity
. Advertising Publicity
. Projected Publicity
. Structural Publicity
. Personal Publicity
. Folder:
Attraction leaflets:
The sales letters are found to be a direct mail material, which can
either be used alone or in combination with brochures and
Display Materials:
We find a provision for special offer for all, such as users, travel
agents, tour operators, hotel personnel.
The hotel personnel need to realize that their way of dealing with
the customers would influence the business.
translocation, etc.
1. Lack of funds.
3. High potential.
5. Lot of scope.
transformation process
1. Intensive competition.
The Indian hotel industry is in nascent stage with only over 1300
hotels and about 80,000 rooms. Tourism is the world's largest
industry', generating around 10% of the global GDP.lt is lndia's
third-largest industry in terms of forex generation India ranks 34
in the world in terms of tourism receipts, accounting for only 0.7%
of global receipts .Hotel revenues follow cyclical patterns in India,
with peak season registering significantly higher revenues than
the off-season. International tourism results generally have
improved over the past four months. But while many destinations
are showing clear signs of a revival of demand, it will still take
some time to overcome the damage caused by the Iraqi conflict
and SARS.
As per the World Travel & Tourism Council and World Economic
Industry structure
With effect from 1st June 2003, the 10% expenditure tax levied
on revenues from rooms having tariff over Rs3, 000 per day has
been removed, thereby reducing overall cost to the customer and
providing additional pricing flexibility for the domestic hotel
The Ashok Group of Hotels has been India's gracious and regal
host to leading national and international visitors. The Group is
known for its unique mix 'of traditional Indian hospitality and
modern-day systems and facilities that are ' beyond compare.
Hilton Hotels world over are known for their tasteful decor,
luxurious rooms and a quality of service that doesn't give you a
chance to get nostalgic about life back at home. As you sleep and
dream of visiting an unheard of destination, Hilton Hotels
Corporation works through the night to make your dreams of
traveling the world come true in the most comfortable and
memorable manner.
The Tulip Star Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the best
hotels in India. The hotels are located the prime tourist locations
that dot the various states of India like the gorgeous Goa, Kerala,
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Orissa
and Gujarat.
The elite royal club floor provides exclusive privileges for the
A) 72 Standard rooms
B) 63 Deluxe rooms
C) 30 Royal club rooms
D) Suites
E) Presidential suites
The conference suites and the business enter are truly state-of-
A good control over all the marketing Ps i.e. Product, price, place,
promotion and people gives positive and expected results.
So as per the study made by me, in the end I can conclude that
hotels ' can earn good amount of profits and can also build a good
image by employing different marketing strategies.
In India too the hoteliers have lot of scope to improve. There are
lots of opportunities to be grabbed. With the help and supped
from Government Of India and ITDC (India Tourism development
Corporation) the hotel industry can make wonders.