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Executive Summary: The Title of The Project Is Hotel Marketing's

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Executive summary

The title of the project is hotel marketing’s.

The common law says that the hotel is the place where all who conduct,
themselves properly and who being able and ready to pay for their entertainment
accommodation and other services including the boarding like a temporary home.
It is a home away from home where all modern amenities and facilities are
available on a payment basis.
The aforesaid viewpoints regarding the hotels clarify that a hotel is a public place
where all possible facilities are made available to a person or persons who stay.
The facilities like food, entertainment, accommodation, etc.
thus are the core services of hotels. It is also considered to be a large city house of
distinction and a utility product for tourists.
The American concept regarding the hotel considers it a place for business to
gather. Further it also considers to a place where tourists stop, ceases to be
travelers and become customers.
Significant developments in the field of transportation, sophistication in
communication, growing importance of sophisticated information technologies in
world business world, emerging corporate culture, changing lifestyles etc. paved
copious avenues for the development of hotel industry world over.
Effective marketing and dynamic selling become Significant in the context of the
hotel because once you have not sold a seat in a restaurant or a room in a hotel, the
income is lost and lost for ever. For marketing hotel services, it is essential that
marketing be understood fully by the executive at the top of a hotel group with
total commitment on his pad to the continuous need to market
The main objective of doing this project is to know how hotels do
their marketing and to observe how the hotels carry it out.
Another objective was to. Know that how the study of all the
marketing tools helps to improve the sales of the hotels.

The study was also undertaken to know the perspective of hotel

marketing in India.

The methodology used for collecting data was through reference

books related to hotels and marketing, interviews and sites.

The study covers chapters on marketing the hotels. The following

chapter contains meaning of hotel, marketing, information about
various marketing mix, and also hotel marketing in Indian

In the study conducted I found that employment of various

marketing mix could help the hotels for earning good amount of
profits, build goodwill, etc.

Thus with this l can conclude that marketing is of very much

importance to the hotel industry.
List of structures and figures

List of tables and charts

Glimpse of service sector
Glimpse of service sector in India
Service sector has maintained except into a fall in 2000-01. Trade witnessed the
highest growth of level services (With a overall growth rate of (6.4) OA and
community, social & persona! services (5.9) % of all the three sectors, services
have been the highest contributor to total GDP growth rate.
a steady growth pattern since 96-97, hotels, transport & communications have
10.9% in 2004, followed by financial While in most pads of the developed world,
the services sector's share of employment rose faster than its share of output in
India there has been a relatively slow growth of jobs in the service sector. This is
primarily because of the rise in labour productivity in services in sectors such as
information technology that is dependent on skilled labour. Growth in tourism and
tourism - related services such as hotels, holds a large potential for employment
IT enabled services, such as Business Process Outsourcing have been growing
rapidly in the recent past and will continue to rise. India's large number of English
speaking skilled manpower has made India a major exporter of software services
and software workers. However, the emergence of somewhat inexplicable
protectionist trend.
Perspective, At the same time it is important tendencies in some developed that
India sees BPO in a larger than the Internet, as India's share is just $ 3.5 billion in
December market of US $ 178 billion. Also India outsmarting 2004 compared to
the global companies need spot, companies need the right mix to work more
closely with their customers. In the complex customers would like to have hybrid
processes to control value. Indian of domain expertise and process expertise,
fueler, countries is a disturbing mere knowledge of English is not sufficient',
management skills are also needed.
Education for the off shoring industry needs to be given impetus too.
The beginning of New Year saw Tsunami, a worst ever disaster, which killed
thousands of people in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia & Thailand. Many of them were
international tourists. The disaster was expected to have a negative impact on
India's tourism in terms of large-scale cancellations of tourists to india but nothing
of that sod was seen. In fact, tourist arrivals in India rose 23.5
percent in Dec 2004 and tourist arrivals crossed 3 million mark for the first time in

Table .1. GDPs of selected services


Significant developments in the held of transportation,

sophistication in communication, growing importance of
sophisticated information technologies in world business world,
emerging corporate culture, changing lifestyles etc. paved
copious avenues for the development of hotel industry world
over. The officials on deputation, the business magnets on trade
promotion mission, the foreign representative on peace mission,
and the domestic or foreign tourists interested in visiting a place
for pleasure or for enriching the knowledge bank, the
international events etc. are some of the important reasons for
the development of hotel industry.

The growing significance of managerial made possible innovations

in the proficiency in the hotel industry marketing decisions of the
hotel industry.


Today, the services are planned, controlled, automated, audited

for maintaining and controlling the quality. The concept of total
quality management is found to be getting an important place in
marketing management of hotels. Of late, the organizations
engaged in the hotel business are required to conceptualize
modern marketing principles, this makes it essential that they
formulate a sound marketing mix that makes possible an optimal
development of the marketing recourses and makes the process
of development cost effective. Like other industries the hotel
industry also needs to explore avenues for innovation, so that a
fair blending of core and peripheral services is made possible. The
latest developments in the field of promotion have paved avenues
for the introduction of innovative and aggressive promotional
measures. The advertising, publicity, sales promotion, word of
mouth promotion, personal selling and even telemarketing have
been found used in the process of promoting the hotel business.

Hotel the concept


At the outset, we go through the concept of hotel. The common law says that he
hotel is the place where all who conduct, themselves properly and who being able
and ready to pay for their entertainment accommodation and other services
including the boarding like a temporary home. It is a home away from home where
all modern amenities and facilities are available on a payment basis.
The aforesaid viewpoints regarding the hotels clarify that a hotel is a public place
where all possible facilities are made available to a person or persons who stay.
The facilities like food, entertainment, accommodation, etc.
Thus are the core services of hotels. It is also considered to be a large city house of
distinction and a utility product for tourists.
The American concept regarding the hotel considers it a place for business to
gather. Further it also considers to a place where tourists stop, ceases to be
travelers and become customers. The definition presented by hotel authorities to
the National Recovery Administration in Washington is found to be more
comprehensive definition, presented by Stuart Mc Namara. The definition says,
(primarily and fundamentally, a hotel is an establishment which supplies boarding
and lodging not engaged in inter state commerce or in any intra state commerce,
competitive with or affecting interstate commerce. It is quasi domestic institution
retaining from its ancient and origin certain traditions and acquiring in its own
modern development, certain statutory rights and obligations to the public where
all persons not qualified by conditions or conduct are prepared to pay for their
accommodation are to be received and furnished with a room or place to sleep or
occupy if such accommodations are available with such services and attention as
are incident to their use with or without contract as to duration of visit and which
conducts within the confines of its physical locations the business of supplying
personal services of individuals for profit's.
Hotels and its typology
Hotels and its typology

Since time immedicable, there have been frequent changes in the concept and
perception of hotel. There are a number of hotels offering different types of
services. The variation in architectural facilities, the size, the facade and amenities
cannot be overlooked. This necessitates the study of its typology.


The residential hotels work as apartment house. Often we call them I i apartment
hotels. He hotels charge rent on monthly, half yearly, or yearly basis.
The hotels are generally found located in big cities and towns where no meals l ls
are 7 are served to the customers. The services offered in residential hole
comparable to an average well managed home.


The commercial hotels are meant for the people who visit a place
of trade and commerce or business purpose and therefore these
hotels are found located at the commercial or industrial centers.
These hotels focus their attention on individual travelers and are
generally run by the owners.


The resort hotels are meant for the holidaymakers, tourists and
for those who need a change in the atmosphere mainly on health
ground. These hotels are found located near the sea, mountain
and other areas having an attractive landscape and healthy
climatic condition. The tourists visit hotels mainly to relax.

The entertainment and recreation facilities like swimming pool,

tennis courts, boating, golf course, self-riding and other indoor
spots in addition to restaurant and cafeteria, conference room,
lounge, Shopping arcade, entertainment etc., become significant
in the resort hotels.


The international hotels are modern luxurious hotels, classified on

the basis of international guidelines. These hotels are placed in
various star categories egg.

Five-star-deluxe, five-star, four-star, three-star, two-star, one-star.

The international hotels are mostly owned by the public
companies where a board of directors is constituted for its
control. The overall management is found in the hands of senior


The floating hotels are located on the water surface. The place
are sea, river, lake. These hotels provide all the facilities and
services made available in a good hotel. In the leading tourist
generating countries of the world we find the practice of using
O1d luxury ships as floating hotels.



On the basis of standard and control, we classify hotels into two

pads, such as approved and unapproved. The approved hotels are
found of international standards where the Ministry of Tourism
and Civil Aviation make the accommodations available as per the
criteria laid down. Since they have the stamp of official
recognition the customers trust on them. The unapproved hotels
may also offer quality services but they lack official recognition
and therefore, the customers or prospects don't believe offering
of service-promised without making any distortion.

We find a number of unapproved hotels where world class

services are made available to the tourists and even the foreign
tourists prefer to stay in these hotels hence the point of difference
between the classified and unclassified hotels or approved or
unapproved hotels is the official stamp and recognition. We find
realities in the comment, the unapproved hotels are clean and
those who spend money from their own pockets prefer to stay in
the unapproved hotels because economy in operation is given
due weightage. It is against this background that in the
unapproved hotels the customers gets inexpensive
accommodation, 4 Thus it is not right to say that the unapproved
hotels don't offer quality services. The differences are in the
group of users or guests attending the hotels. The foreign tourists
in a majority of the cases prefer to stay
in the approved
in the unapprov
One more basis
of Touiism is fo
metropolitan cit
Jaipur, Agha, an
The Five Star H
They are usually
facilities for acc
The two star hotels in India are mostly available in the small cities
and in particular areas of larger cities. Catering to the backpacker
tourist traffic, these places to stay in India provide all the basic
facilities needed for general accommodation and offers lowest


The places to stay in India with most basic facilities, small number
of rooms, and location in the far-flung areas are grouped under
one star hotel category. These hotels are best when you are
looking for cheapest available accommodation option apart from
camps and hostels.
Organization chart of hotel

Tree diagram
Organization chart of hotel

Front office hierarchy of hotels

Tree diagram
Front office hierarchy of hotels
Hotel marketing the concept

Hotel marketing the concept

The key points of difference in the hotel marketing as against other consumer
products are that once customer has spent money in hotels, he/she has nothing
substantial to show for his/her they except the bills as compared 'with buying a
television or a refrigerators Effective marketing and dynamic selling become
significant in the context of the hotel marketing because once you have not sold a
seat in a restaurant or a room in a hotel, the income is lost and lost for ever. A hotel
bedroom or restaurant seat has no shelf. For marketing hotel services, it is essential
that marketing be understood fully by the executive at the top of a hotel group with
total commitment on his part to the continuous need to market. A number of
experts have gone through the concept of hotel marketing as summarized below:

Gerry Draper
''Ascertaining consumer needs, tailoring the product as closely as possible to meet
those needs, persuading the customers to satisfy his needs and finally ensuring that
the product is easily accessible when the customer wishes to purchase it's.

The definition of hotel marketing consists of almost all aspects, right from
ascertaining customer needs to getting the customers satisfaction.
Anerson & Lembke
Howe believe that the real meaning of marketing is listening to the demands of the
market and satisfying these demands at a profit, from that it follows that superior
marketing is listening to the market more intently than your competitors and
satisfying the demands more effectively.''

This definition concentrates on creating the demand and satisfying the customers.
Further, it emphasizes on the formulation of competitive strategies for excelling
the competition.

Users of hotels
In marketing hotel service it is important to know about the
different types of users availing the services with diverse aims
and objectives, this would ease the task of marketers specially
while studying the behavioral profile . in figure 8.4 we find
classification of different categories of domestic & foreign users

Fig02 users of hotel industry

Domestic USERS

In the group of domestic users, the different categories are the

pilgrims visiting the sacred places, students on educational tours,
officials on deputation, political representatives, film stars oh
vocational shooting, etc. -we're hotel users stay in hotels with
different relatives. We find the change in domestic users.
Generally the domestic customers pay less attention on value and
more on price. A majority of domestic users are found price
sensitive and therefore the hoteliers are suppose to make pricing
decisions motivational.


In the group of foreign users we find political representatives ran

peace mission, trade representatives on business promotion,
elocutionists, sportsmen, Cultural representatives, film stars, etc.
These categories of foreign 'tourists visit hotels with diverse aims
and objectives. They normally prefer to stay in the classified
hotels where the services are found standardized. we also find
cases where foreigners stay even in unclassified hotels. To but
snore specific the enlisting world wide economic' depression has
made even tote foreign users sensitive to price and this makes it
significant that policy maker's and the senior executive assign
due weightage to this new development.

The main thing in this process is to study the levels of

exploitations of total the categories of users that the marketers
find it convenient to undertake an in depth study of their
changing behavior profile, which would sleep them substantially
in developing the marketing resources and formulating a sound
product folio. The formulation and innovation of market decisions
would be made easier when we are well aware of the emerging
trends in the behavioral profiles.
Market segmentation for hotels
Market segmentation for hotel

To make the marketing decision effective, it is essential that the

hotel professionals segment the market in such a way that the
task of identifying the changing needs and requirements of
different segments is made easier.

Segmentation proves to be an important commandment of

marketing since this helps in making and innovating the
marketing decisions. All the users, of course have their own likes
and dislikes because the food habits are different and the drinking
habits are different, the expectations are different. The kids,
teens, youths, men, women, married and unmarried, youth and
grey, technocrats and bureaucrats, business executives and
political representatives stay in hotels with diverse motives.
Segmentation makes the ways for knowing their uniqueness and
formulating the sub mixes in such a way that an optimal
development of marketing resources is made possible. It is
against this background that we go through segmentation for the
hotel organizations.

The ultimate motto of segmentation is to cater to the changing

needs and requirement of the users. It is done with the motto of
grouping and sub-grouping the users so that, their response to
the marketing inputs are similar. The success in marketing efforts
lies in anatomizing the needs and requirement of diverse

Normally the companies are found located at places of demand

and therefore it is not realistic that the distribution is equal. The
federation of Hotel and Restaurant Association of India has
divided the country into four geographic regions, viz. Northern
region covering Delhi, UP, Rajasthan and other northern states',
Calcutta Region covering Orissa, West Bengal and other eastern
states', and Eastern Union Territories including Andaman and
Nicobar island', Western Region covering Maharashtra, Gujarat,
MP, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and the Union Territory of
Pondichery. It is natural that the distribution is lop-sided since all
the regions are not conducive to rich infrastructure facilities and
profitable marketing opportunities. The demand for
accommodation is not uniform either due to non-accessibility or
due to the non-availability of basic transport facilities. Some of
the regions are better placed whereas some of the regions face a
crisis like situation.

In addition to the geographic consideration, we also find psycho-

graphic considerations important to segment the market. This is
on the teases of p psychographic variables, which refer to life
cycle, buying motives and knowledge of prospects regarding the
services. The psycho-graphic variables vary from segment to
segment. The psycho-graphical considerations are found
instrumental because the hotel professionals come to know about
tulip behavioral profile of different users living in different


Of late, bee finds a new trend even in the Indian condition

because women have been found staying in hotels or eating in
hotel restaurants. There are women executives and women going
on holidays in all age groups, albeit without accompanying men. A
number of married women have been Found taking an extra
holiday on their own, middle-aged, divorce or single women have
also been found staying in hotels. It is against this background
that we find women segment emerging as an important segment
for the hotel business.

The aforesaid facts make it clear that multi-dimensional

developments in the socio-economic parlance have paved
avenues for the development sof new segments and the hotel
professionals have no option but to keep their eyes open and
mind active. To be more specific in the hotel industry, the lifestyle
segment is found important. It has proved to be an internationally
accepted variable for targeting customers.

The nature of profession also becomes a dominating factor as it

influences the activities offered for the leisure times, which is
directly related to the hotel industry. It is quite natural that
lifestyle of a technocrat differ claret the lifestyle of bureaucrat.
The lifestyle of an individual engaged in business is found
different to politicians. Thus we can't deny the fact that for hotel
the industry, the lifestyle has proved to be an important base for
studying the needs and requirement of customers. In a true
sense, we find lifestyle influencing the expectation and therefore
the hoteliers need to have an in-depth study of lifestyle

In view of the above, it is right to say that hotel professionals

need to have an in-depth study of market segmentation so that
the needs and requirements vis-à-vis the level of expectations of
different segments are studied and the marketing resources are
developed accordingly. This would help senior executives and the
policy makers in innovating new services or packages, which are
yet to be common in the hotel business.
Marketing information system for
Marketing information system for decision makers

The development of core and peripheral services in the face of

MIS report would help the hotels and hotel companies in
attracting customers. We can't deny the fact that in management
of marketing information, the system requires different type of
information from different sources. A technology driven MIS with a
rich knowledge bank can serve multi dimensional purposes for
hotels. In the following figure we find information required by the
decision makers for making right decisions.

sIn the view of below given figure, it is right to opine that in

coming years the business environmental conditions for hotel
business are likely to be mire competitive and volatile. The
professionals having world class excellence and the most
sophisticated MIS would be successful in making their marketing
decisions probative. On he other hand the hotels not assigning
due weightage to the new developments would have to make a
good. Bye. It is in this context that we make a strong advocacy in
the favor o the technology driven MIS easy access to information,
assisting the planning process for future marketing, coordinating,
systematic and continuous information, evaluation of
performance, functional coordination future orientation, projection
of a positive or a fair image are some of the outstanding
contributions of a well developed technology driven MIS. It is high
time that the hotel professionals realize gravity of the situation
and assign an overriding priority to information management.

Fig .03.information required by the

decision makers
Marketing mix for hotels
Formulation of marketing mix

The term marketing mix is the combination of what market offers

and which studies help in identifying the actual point where
marketing action can be taken to improve the acceptability of the
hotel product and stimulate demand. With the viewpoint of
marketing a hotel product, the combination of different sub mixes
found significant. The combination of core and peripheral
services, the creative promotional decision, the pricing strategy
helping hotels in maintaining the commercial viability, the official
hotel personnel instrumental in minimizing the gap between the
services promised and services offered, the educational and
training program for the development of the hotel personnel
efficacious I enriching their excellence as high performers are
important decision making areas which gravitate our attention on
formulation of a sound mix for the hotel industry. It is against this
background that we go through the different sub mixes of the
marketing mix.
Fig 4. five Ps of marketing

Product mix
Product mix

In any organization, we find product the focal point. The hotel

services also require a fair combination of core and peripheral
services. It is right to mention that in almost all the hotels of same
category by and large the core services are found identical and
therefore the peripheral services dived a close attention where
the hotel personnel excellence. More innovative the peripheral
services, more attractions we add to our product mix. This makes
it essential that hotels and hotel companies assign due weightage
to the formulation of an optimal product mix in which peripheral
services prove to be a point of attraction.

The emerging trends in the socio-economic parlance necessitate

an analogous change in the product mix. With the passage of
time, it is quite natural that some of the services become
outdated and therefore, we need to eliminate them. At same
time, it is essential that we keep our minds open and come to
know the latest developments in the likes and dislikes of the
customers, and while including new services in the product mix,
assign due weightage to their preferences. While formulating the
product mix it is pertinent that we make the ways for frequent
innovation. It is also right to mention that frequency in
innsovation is found essential and at the same time easier in the
context of peripheral services.

While formulating the product mix for the hotel services, it is

essential that catering management, restaurant and cafeteria
management, management of bedrooms, management of
convention halls are given due weightage. The boarding services
are considered to be an important pad of product mix. In addition,
the lodging services also become significant. Here it is essential
that facilities like light, water, electricity, ventilation,
entertainment, sanitation arrangement of bed etc. are available
to the guests. While formulating the product mix, the hotel
organizations are required to make possible a fair mix of core and
peripheral services. Before we think about introducing a new

it Is essential that we identify the reasons for its failure. The

increasing intensity of competition in the hotel industry makes it
essential that the hotel industry makes it essential that the hotels
professionals attempt to innovate their service mix. The
formulation of sound product strategy becomes significant in the
very context.

the below given figure gives an idea about the product mix for
Fig 5 product mix for hotel
In the formulation of sound product strategy, it is essential that
we assign due weihtage to mix of services expected and desired
by the potential customers. We need to make the information
system strong enough to initiate suitable guidelines for the
strategic decisions. What to offer? What to modify? What to alter?
What to eliminate? These questions require suitable answers,
which are expected form the professionally sound and high
performing team of hotel personnel. If we find that our
competitors have been innovating their strategies, we have no
option but to practice the same. lf we want to project our image
as a leader, we have no option but to make the ways of
In the context of formulating a sound product strategy for hotels,
it is also pertinent that the hotel management promises the less
and offers the more. This would be efficacious in bridging over the
gap between services-promised and services offered often found
instrumental in generating dissatisfaction besides making an
invasion on the image of hotels. The professionally sound hotel
personnel can take a decision regarding the promises and they're
offering patterns.
Price mix

Price mix

Pricing decisions are found critical, challenging and chaotic. Of

course no marketing mix is found so much critical as pricing.
Pricing is not only the outcome of the marketing forces. It conveys
something to customers even about the quality of the product.
We also use pricing as a tool to manage demand. How to use this
important tool of the marketing is found important to the survival
and prosperity of an organization. There are the numbers of
variables influencing the pricing decision of an organization. Like
other organizations the hotels and hotel companies need to make
pricing decisions. In this context that we go through he problem
of pricing in the hotel industry.
While, formulating the pricing strategy, the hotel professionals
are required to take into account a number of factors, specially
the diverse nature and character of dishes, involvement of cost
and spending power of customers. We also need to consider the
economic criteria, target average spends, and target covers per
meal period and, current menu and drink prices.

Pricing decisions are found important in both tactical and

strategic sense.

In tactical sense it plays an outstanding role, this is due to the

inseparability and perish ability of hotel products. This is also due
to inability of the service engineering organizations to carry over
the unsold stocks as a buffer to cope up with the future demand
as found in the goods manufacturing organizations. Also known as
price deregulation, tactical pricing is found instrumental in
promoting the hotel business. Experiences show that in hotel
business. Experiences show that in hotel industry, it is found to be
a major selling tool. There are number of ways for practicing and
benefiting from this tool:

. Seasonal Discounts: Found applicable in hotel industry.

Customary to charge lower prices,

Especially during the off-season

. Trade Discounts: Found applicable in the hotel industry

as tour Operators and travel agent are

offered Discounts
. Special Discounts: In the hotel industry we find special

function room rates for overnight



Here we go through the guideline of fixing reasonable room

tariffs. While fixing room tariffs, it is essential that we assign due
weightage to the pricing structure to be adopted. The average
room rate should not be higher than the competitive hotels
otherwise the market will not welcome it. There are some
common factors considered by the hotel management and the
public: Current prices prior to a review the established inflationary
effect on cost. The general economic situation. The emerging
trends in currency exchange and the intensity' of competition.


We can't deny the fact that pricing food and beverage is much
more complicated .In a majority of hotels, there are three or four
types of room but so far as the menus are concerned we can have
dozen of dishes. There are some of the important points to be
considered in the process:

Do you find that your guests are eating in the hotel restaurant or
coffee shop where the competitive restaurants are very close to
the hotel.

Generally proportions do eat in but significant proportions go out.

Where a hotel has two or more restaurants, they compete with
each other & help splitting the market down the middle rather
than offering a true price.

The business in the function room.


Restaurants can get more business because the foods services or

atmosphere is unique or just a little better than the competitors.
But this aspect is found more complicated for function room
services. Most of the functions are fairly routine which makes it
difficult to produce a gastronomic experience.

Payroll is found to be a major cost on functions. Unless we move

to the self- service (buffet style) functions, the payroll would
remain an important dimension. A number of hotels are found
fixing a staff standard for functions based on their style of hotel or
one waiter to a table of ten people or one waiter of two tables.
Yet, we find payroll more expensive.

In view of the above, it is right to mention that the intensity of

competition, emerging trends in economy & changing lifestyles
are the important factors drawing due attention of the hotel
management, specially while making the pricing
Place mix
Place mix

It is only not sufficient that we have a product mix of world class;

it is not only significant that we promise the best; it is much more
impact-generating that we bridge over the gap between the
services-promised and the services-offered. The hotel and the
hotel companies have been found innovating their service mix but
they also bear the responsibility of making it sure that the
promised services reach to the ultimate users in a right fashion. It
is against this background that we focus on the place mix of hotel
A sound distribution system is found significant to the
development of almost all the organizations either producing
goods or generating services. In the hotel industry, the related
persons to the ultimate users mainly relate the distribution of
services to the transmission of information. As a when the
bookings are made of a bedroom or a function room or a
restaurant, the confirmation is found essential. The transmission
of information related to cancellation is also found important. We
can't deny the fact that with the introduction of sophisticated
information technologies, the task is made easier but the
professionals operating & maintaining the technologies have also
been found generating the gap.

The choice of location is, of course the most important business

decision especially for proprietor-owned restaurants, guesthouse
and small tourist attractions. This is due to the fact that a well-
located small business can often be sure of an adequate now of
customers to its catchments area. In this case, the consumers
come to the producer directly and therefore, we find the
distribution channels less significant. However the fundamental
attraction of well located sites does not diminish. The selection of
tour operators and travel agents is an important decision-making
area for hotel & hotel companies. If the hotels hotel companies
are well connected with the offices of travel agents & tour
operators, the occupancy ratio can be increased. The tour
operators buy a range of tourist
Products in bulk This also includes accommodation facilities,
which is found relevant to the hotel industry. They also buy
function ropes especially for the organization of conferences,
seminars, exhibition sales contests or so. After buying a number
of services & making them a lucrative package, the tour operators
sell them to the travel agents. Here, the tour operators play a
decisive role in promoting the hotel business.

The distribution chain denotes the methods by which a product or

services is processed from producers to the ultimate users. The
middlemen are the link and if the link is strong, the services
generating organizations find it convenient to increase the
occupancy ratio. The middlemen are wholesalers buying hotel
rooms in bulk and then them to the retailers known as the travel
agents. The tour operators are called producers of services. The
travel agents buy the services at the request of their clients and
provide a convenient network of sales outlets which caters to the
needs of the catchments area. The below given figures presents
the three systems of distribution thus need due care of hotel

Fig.6.zero level distribution

This is a process of direct distribution without any middlemen.

The hotels book, confirm and cancel with the help of their own
Fig 07 one-level distribution system

in the above figure we find one level distribution system where

between hotel companies and their users, we find the travel
agents responsible for distributing or processing the services.
Fig 8 two level distribution system
In the above figure we find two level distribution system in which
the tour operators act as a wholesaler and travel agent act as a

The aforesaid facts and figures make it clear that all the three
systems of distribution are found important to the hotels
companies, they are suppose to seek the co-operation of channels
failing which the task of increasing the occupancy ratio would be
much more difficult.
Promotion mix

Promotion mix

For successful marketing, it is only not sufficient that we

concentrate on the quality of services but it is also impact
generating that we promote our business in such a way that our
prospects come to know about the quality to be offered to them
as hotel customers. This focuses our attention on innovative
promotional measures. There are a number of components for
promoting the business and it is hoped that a professionally
sound employee would blend the different constituents in such a
way that effects are probative but the process of persuasion is
cost-effective. The components like advertisement, publicity,
sales promotion, personal selling, word-of-mouth promotion and
telemarketing need due attention of hotel professionals.


We are well aware of the fact that advertisement is a paid form of

communication, which helps in informing, sensing and persuading
the prospects or users. While advertising, it is significant that the
hotel profession in the hotel industry we find special function
room rates for overnight conventions make possible a productive
use of print media, broadcast media and telecast media. In the
face of potentials, requirements and the intensity of competition,
we need to select media for promoting our massage and slogans.

Of late, we find significant developments in the print media since

sophistication in the painting technologies has made way for
offset printing, screen printing and laser printing. These devices
are found efficacious in attracting the prospects. We find a
number of plus points in the print media. It is possible to be
descriptive while advertising. We are in a position to attract the
attention of prospects by displaying attractive scenes, events,
landscape, comforts, costs etc. To be more specific when we have
advanced print devices we find enough scope for using print
media for advertising.

Another plus point that we find in the print media is related to

economy.We find it economic and therefore the promotion budget
is not to be non-optimal. We have a big circulation of different
newspapers, magazines and keeping in view the target market /
audience to be covered, we can take a decision in the every

The broadcast media can also be used for advertising the hotel
services but if we make a comparative analysis of this media with
others, the effects ale found of low intensity. Of course, with the
advancements in communication technologies we have almost
100 per cent air network, which may be used, especially for low
class hotels where financial constraint stands as a barrier while
advertising through expensive media.

Of late, we find telecast media considered to be the most

sensitive but expensive media of advertisement. In the world of
marketing communication, we assign top position to the telecast
media because scope for audio-visual exposure makes ways for
sensitizing the prospects in a right fashion. It is against this
background that we find hotels advertising through TV. Here, it is
important to mention that the telecast media while advertising
assign due weightage to the sensitive hours when a majority of
the viewers are found before their TV sets. Thes advertising
professionals are required to consider the quality vis-à-vis
reception capacity of audience and are supposed to compose the
messages accordingly. The scenes of hotel location, the
swimming pool, the shopping complex, the personal care centers,
the arranged bed rooms, the restaurants and convention hall, the
aesthetic management are required to be telecast in such a way
that attractions are added in the events. The target prospects can
take a decision regarding a particular hotel, if they are found
satisfied. With the availability of a number of TV channels, We
now find enough scope for maintaining economy provided the
hotel professionals manage things properly.

Another dimension of promotion known as an unpaid form of persuasive
communication also plays an incremental role in promoting the hotel
business.While publicizing, the hotel professionals play a significant role by
managing the media personnel for publishing news items related to the
hotel. Public relations activities thus become instrumental in the process of
publicizing. The British Institute of Public Relations has defined it as the
deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual
understanding between an organization and the public. Public relations cover
a wide range of activities. It is the art and science of planning and
implementing a two-way communication and understanding between hotel
companies and potential users of the services. It is also known as the
reflection of the organizational programs and activities.

In the hotel industry, we find public relations abilities more instrumental in

informing the clients the outstanding merits of different services offered. The
specialties of hotel are presented in such a way that the prospects are
motivated to avail of the facilities offered by a particular hotel. It also helps
in creating an atmosphere where the users at large are convinced. Besides,
it also helps in collecting the information on the preferences of the
prospects. It is right to mention that we find a few or even a very few
consumer industries to be benefited substantially by public relations as the
hotel industry. The vast majority of hoteliers welcome publicity not only
because it is free but because they know that most people buy a magazine
or newspaper to read the articles, news and editorials, rather than the
advertisements unless they are looking for a product or are interested in
booking a holiday or a restaurant or a convention hall or a wedding hall.

Journalists always prefer to visit a hotel as they get their full enjoyment free
of cost. You can give journalists a write-up of your story and preferably a
story with a photograph. Of course, the photograph covers a lot of space but
media use it, we find this the finest eye-catching free publicity.
Sometimes a stunt is also thought to obtain a write-up.

There are a number of media sources available for publicity.

Illustration, copy and the spoken word are the primary publicity to
media, which are grouped into the following heads:

Printed Publicity

. Advertising Publicity

. Projected Publicity

. Structural Publicity

. Personal Publicity

Thus it is right to say that public relations activities occupy a

significant place in the promotion mix of hotel companies. In the
hotel companies, the tour operators, travel agents explore
opportunities for educating the masses. In this context, it is
important that hotel companies are getting the best cc-operation
from media and for which the Public Relations Officers or the
marketers or the contact personnel bear the responsibility of
developing rapport with them, organizing for them lunch or
dinner, offering to them small gifts and influencing them to write
in favor. You spend nominal amount but get big coverage, which
help you substantially, if not at present of course in future.

In almost all the organizations, we feel the need of offering

incentives for promoting the business. Like other organizations,
the hotels and hotel companies also offer incentives to the user
vis-à-vis to the personnel and organizations evincing interest in
promoting the business. We consider sales promotion a
temporary device to increase the business with certain objectives.
It is a short- term activity seeking to boost sales during peak
demanded periods to make it sure that the firm obtains its market
share and helps launch a new product or support ailing or
modified services. These facts make it clear that sales promotion
is complimentary to advertising. Sales promotion and advertising
objectives do nit convict but reinforce one another. This tool of
promotion is designed to appeal particularly to those customer
who are found sensitive to price. It is quite natural that the tool of
sales promotion attracts buyers even having little grand loyalty.

We and repeated advertising and competitive market conditions

too important reasons for the growing significance of sale
promotion in the hotel industry. The techniques may be directed
the hotel staff, tour operator and the travel agents including the
users of the services.


It is a device to stimulate customers and motivate them to visit a

hotel and avail of the benefits offered by the management of the
hotel. It is a detailed publication helping hotel companies in
promoting their business. We also |11 it a pamphlet bound in the
form of a booklet.

. Folder:

We and folder the most commonly used sales promotions tool. In

this respect, it is essential that folders have an impressive
appearance in totality.

The particulars are required to be in brief but clear. We find it is

single piece of illustrated paper, which is found less voluminous
than the brochure. The folders are usually printed on a single
sheet of paper and then folded. The quality of paper and printing
used for publication are found significant to make folders more
attractions the hotels can use folders for promoting the business.


We call packaging an attractive wrapper of product. When we talk

about packaging in the hotel industry, our emphasis is on the
outer cover and internal layout of brochures and leaflets. We find
it a final persuasive move on the part of hotels and hotel
companies. The materials used for packaging are required to be

Attraction leaflets:

This is exclusively meant for presenting a view of the different

theme perks, museums, amusement packs, and outstanding
points of attraction in the hotels or so


It is found helpful in promoting mass-market. This tool is found

significant to restaurants and bars. The merchandising involves
displaying of foodstuffs and drinks in the right location. The
restaurants and bars are required to place their important items
at such point where the guest/clients get an opportunity to have a
close view of special drinks or special menu.

Direct Mail Materials:

The sales letters are found to be a direct mail material, which can
either be used alone or in combination with brochures and

Display Materials:

In materials to be displayed at sensitive points are posters,

dispensers, exhibits etc. We can use these materials in the offices
of the travel agents, tour operators or at the places where tourists
come, such as tourists spots, resorts, airports, railway and bus

Competition and Exhibition

We find a provision for special offer for all, such as users, travel
agents, tour operators, hotel personnel.

The aforesaid tools of sales promotion help hotels and hotel

companies in increasing the business. The hotel personnel need
professional excellence to make the tools of sales promotion


We consider word-of-mouth promotion very much instrumental in

sensitizing the prospects. In the hotel industry, it is much more
significant that the satisfaction of users is give top priority. Of
course, there are a number of components to promote sale but it
is right to mention that other constituents may be ineffective but
the word-of-mouth can't. The word-of-mouth promoters are those
who are satisfied with the services of hotels or are motivated to
motivate the prospers. We can't deny the fact that one bad meal
would often do more damage by word-of-mouth would often do
more damage than in good meals.0ut guests take a good meal for
granted but don't forget to narrate to their friends and relatives
about a bad meal or the bitter experiences of menu-fatigue. This
speaks of the fact that word-of-mouth promotion can show more
negative effects and therefore the hotels and hotel companies
need to assign due weightage to this component of the promotion

Nothing happens unless anyone sells something and nothing is

sold unless the buyers are motivated to purchase things of their
choice. The oral representation in conversation bears the
efficiency of transforming the motivation into persuasion. Thus we
find persuasion the main thing in energizing the process of
marketing. We can't deny the fact that the personal selling has
proved to be an important constituent of promotion. There is no
doubt in it that the goods or services are found half sold when
their properties are well told. Every business house be its
insurance, travel and tourism and hotel, we found professionally
sound sales force or employees playing a decisive: role in
promoting the business. It is against this background that we talk
about this constituent of promotion mix.

Personal selling substantially influences the hotel business. The

personal selling brings considerable momentum to the process of
boosting the hotel business. The feedback received from the sales
force engaged in the process helps marketers in designing the


At the initial stage when the hotel receptionists, housekeepers,

waiters, travel clerks encounter their clients or guests, the first
impression presented by them would have a far reaching impact.
The appearance and proper grooming of personnel dealing with
the guests play a significant role. We find a number of tourist
organizations and hotel companies paying attention to regulate
the same. Presenting a good show by the personnel goes a long
way in influencing the image of the hotel.

The hotel personnel need to realize that their way of dealing with
the customers would influence the business.


It is significant that the hotel personnel approach customers in a

friendly and confident manner. It is meant welcome smile, eye-
contact, attractive deposition, and willingness to listen. While
shaking hands we convey a sense of confidence and responsibility
considered essential for opening the negotiations and
transforming them into good business.. The waiters,
housekeepers, porters, receptionists' work in close association
with the guests. They can ask a customer - attitude browsing
through the brochures - is there any particular holiday you have
in mind. This helps in generating the sales sequence.


In an age of information explosion, we find frequent use of

sophisticated information technologies for promoting the
business. The telemarketing, of late has found gravitating the
attention of number of organizations where we find use of
telephonic services for promoting the business. We can't negate
the fact that even in hotel industry, the telemarketing can play an
incremental role.
We accept the fact that the instrumentality of telemarketing is
substantially influenced by the skill of telemarketers vis-à-vis the
instruments used in the process. A person with high
communicating ability is to perform as a telemarketer who bears
the responsibility of answering to the questions and queries of
customers, prospects regarding the business transactions. In the
hotel industry the telemarketing can be helpful in promoting the
business since the tour operators, transport operators, travel
agents and the users develop a number of confusions and
misunderstanding about booking, confirmation, cancellation,
availability of package tour, a change in hotel tariff and so. The
telemarketing thus simplifies the task of hotel professionals since
the prospects think about the deal after getting the confusion

In an age of sophisticated information technologies when we have

been making superhighways for communications, we find a basic
change in the expectations of users. The personnel serving the hotel
companies no doubt depend substantially on the instrumentality of
information technologies but here it is also important that hotels and
hotel companies assign due weightage to the development of
personnel. Sky is the limit for perfusion. This phrase is meaningful not
only for the technologies but even for the people who manage them. It
is against this background that the marketing experts the world over
has been found making a strong advocacy in favor of an ongoing
training programme for the personnel servicing the hotel companies.

In this context, our prime focus is on the front-line-personnel working

in hotels in different capacities. The receptionists, the porters, the
housekeepers, the waiters and waitresses and even the doormen play
an incremental role in promoting the business. The sales executives,
the marketing managers, the senior executives bear the responsibility
of managing the front-line-personnel in such a way that the promised
services reach to the ultimate users without making any distortion. Of
course, they are supposed to have proper education and knowledge
regarding the services they need to offer but here it is also important
that we organize for them an ongoing training programme, refresher
courses, and capsule courses, lecture programmes, specially related to
the behavioral profile. We and several cases to quote that even the
five star hotels where the users stay with high expectations, a minor
mistake committed by the receptionists or the housekeepers has
resulted in a big loss. The front-line-staff in particular need to identify
the changing levels of expectations of users and in a majority of the
cases they virtually fail in doing such. A gap is generated between the
quality - promised and the quality-offered. If the hotel personnel pave
to be high-per- formers, personally committed, professionally sound,
value-oriented, aware of the behavioral management', familiar with the
aesthetic management', they can

Hotel marketing in India


The British made the plantation of a western concept in the

eastern environment initially. The Taj Mahal Hotel built by
Jameshedji Nauroji Tata in Bombay in 1903 is the only exception
since till dawn of the independence by and large almost all the
hotels in India were owned and managed by British or Swiss. After
the attainment of independence and to be more specific with the
beginning of the planned concept of economic development, the
contours of development underwent radical changes. The policy
makers realized the significance of hotel and tourism services in
the emancipation of economy and gradually we find. a change in
the development processes. UNESCO Conference organized in
Delhi made the ways for the establishment of the Ashok Hotel in
1956, especially to accommodate the delegates attending the
conference. Since then, we find a change in the development
philosophy, which encouraged albeit the private sector to.
Participate in the development process.
The hotel industry particularly in the Indian perspective has often
considered marketing as a tantamount of selling. We need to
perceive that the marketing transplants the seeds and sales
harvest the crops. We can't think of harvesting unless we think
seriously about transplanting. The retarded development of hotel
industry in the Indian environment is also due to the delayed
application of modern marketing principles. Of late, the policy
makers, the hoteliers, the tour and 'transport operators, the travel
agents realize. That to activate the process of development and
to make'' the services internationally competitive vis-à-vis
commercially viable', they have no option but to perceive and
practice modern marketing principles in a right fashion. Such an
attitudinal change has opened new vistas of the development of
hotel industry.

Hotel marketing studies in its purview almost all the components

directly or indirectly influencing the maintaining of commercial
viability along with the generation of customer satisfaction. 14 We
are aware of the fact that marketing is
a process of engineering users! Satisfaction and practicing
marketing in right perspective would make possible multi-
dimensional qualitative improvements the task before the hotels
and hotel companies is to conceptualize marketing in the face of
changing business conditions. Of late we find the intensity of
competition at its peak, the business environment highly volatile
and the domination of sophisticated information technologies
increasing very fast. The leading hotel chains have been found
evincing their interests in the development of hotel industry in the
face of new emerging trends, which have been helping them in
increasing the market share and establishing the leadership.

We have high potentials for the development of tourism industry,

which may be considered to be a positive sign for the
development of hotel industry. In addition, we have also been
successful in increasing the domination of corporate sector in the
national economic transformation processes, which has been
opening new fronts for the development of hotel culture.
Significant developments in the field of transportation,
sophisticated communication technologies due to satellite
communication have been found influencing our lifestyles
fantastically. The kids, teens, women are now found crossing the
threshold barriers. The professional education has been gaining
popularity especially among the women and now we find them
working as business executives. Women have also proved to be
successful technocrats and bureaucrats. In almost all the areas
we find women contributing and sharing substantially.

These developments have made to: business environment for the

hotel industry more conducive. The opportunities are not
available and we need professional excellence to capitalize on the
same profitably.

The contribution of India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC)

to the development of hotel industry is found positive. The Ashok
Chain is the largest hotel chain in India which is run by the ITDC,
the public sector undertaking. Originally, the name of the chain
was Ashoka but now it is Ashok. The Oberoi
Chain is also found gaining popularity. The Taj Group of hotels are
managed and controlled by the Indian Hotels Company Ltd.
Besides, the Welcome Group is one of the fastest growing hotel
chain in the Indian perspective. The Hotel Corporation of India a
subsidiary of Air India started with one'' hotel Centaur at Bombay
airport, presently have a number of hotels in different parts of the
county try. The Clark group, Eastern Hotel International and
Traveler are also emerging as important groups.

It is high time that particularly in the Indian perspective the public

as well as the private sector realizes the relevance of economic
hotels for burgeoning Middle Class. In addition, it is also important
that the big hotel chains think about hotel accommodation
facilities albeit for the low-income group of the Indian society.
This is essential because the urban population is increasing fast.
We find a profitable opportunity there which focuses on
development of new economic hotels.
The intensity of competition is found mounting which makes it
essential that the hotels and hotel companies think about
innovative marketing. They need to blend core and peripheral
services in such a way that the product uniqueness is made
possible. Since we find least scope for innovating the core
services, the hotel professionals need to think in favour of
innovative peripheral services. Enriching the peripheral services is
the first and foremost task before the hotel professionals. We
can't deny the fad that a majority of the Indian hotels have been
facing image problem, which has been complicating their task of
in creasing the market share. Of late we have sophisticated
technologies and a big team of professionals having world-class
excellence, which simplify the task of innovating the promotional
measure so that projection of a positive image is made possible.

We need to make possible creativity in the promotional measures

with the motto of sensitizing the prospects and stimulating the
demand. Of course we find luxury hotels symbolizing status but at
the same tisane economic hotels or say inexpensive hotels need
due attention of hotel planners. The hotel personnel need an
ongoing training programme. With the sophistication in the
process of inform
action technologies frequently used by the hotel companies, we
need to redesign our personnel development programmes. We
are living in an age of high per- formers where the human
resources are supposed to be personally committed and
professionally sound. This draws our attention on the motivational
schemes for the hotel personnel.

In view of the above', it is right to mention that innovation in

developing and using the marketing resources is felt urgent and
the hotels and hotel companies have no option but to make it
possible so that the process of quality up gradation keeps on
moving. Perceiving right perception of marketing in a right
fashion is crying need of to: hour, which is to be publicized and
practiced by the world- class hotel professionals on a priority


1. Back up from ITDC (lndia Tourism Development Corporation).

2. Significant development in the field of communication,


translocation, etc.

3. Assistance and support from Government Of India.

4. Natural resources or natural beauty.

5. Easy amiability of cheap and qualified personnel.


1. Lack of funds.

2. Lack of infrastructure facilities as compare to international


1. Significant development in the infrastructure facilities.

2. Contribution from ITDC.

3. High potential.

4. Opportunity for innovative marketing.

5. Lot of scope.

6. Changing lifestyle of the people.

7. Domination of the corporate sector in the national economic.

transformation process


1. Intensive competition.

2. Changing government strategies.

3. Detiorating natural resources.

Indian hotel company ltd

Indian hotels company ltd

Indian hotel industry

The Indian hotel industry is in nascent stage with only over 1300
hotels and about 80,000 rooms. Tourism is the world's largest
industry', generating around 10% of the global GDP.lt is lndia's
third-largest industry in terms of forex generation India ranks 34
in the world in terms of tourism receipts, accounting for only 0.7%
of global receipts .Hotel revenues follow cyclical patterns in India,
with peak season registering significantly higher revenues than
the off-season. International tourism results generally have
improved over the past four months. But while many destinations
are showing clear signs of a revival of demand, it will still take
some time to overcome the damage caused by the Iraqi conflict
and SARS.
As per the World Travel & Tourism Council and World Economic

Travel and tourism is the largest industry and generates 10% of

global GDP and employment. In South Asia, the forecast is that,
by 2010 tourism and hospitality will contribute around 12% of the
region's GDP and 10.5% of total employment. This fact has
boosted lndia's hopes of being a major contributor to the growth.
Therefore, investments are also being made in leisure hotels and
theme resorts away from the haste of the cities to encourage the
average middle class Indian family to take a holiday.

Industry structure

The Department of Tourism (DOT), considering the general

facilities and features has classified Indian Hotels into 6 star
categories. The six categorizes include 1 star, 2 star, 3 star, 4
star, 5 star and 5 star deluxe. About 65% of the total hotels in
India fall under the 3-5 star category and around 31% fall under 5
star, and 5 star deluxe. There are around 1300 classified hotels
and the total room availability is pegged at 80,000.
Classification (table)

Major players (table)

Positive Budget

In the last couple of years the Indian Government has recognized

the potential of the hotel and tourism industry, and has focused
on this as a key sector and has initiated a number of steps to
facilitate the growth. The 2003 Union Budget has been extremely
positive for the tourism industry with enormous sops offered by
the Finance ministry.


. Removal of expenditure tax:

With effect from 1st June 2003, the 10% expenditure tax levied
on revenues from rooms having tariff over Rs3, 000 per day has
been removed, thereby reducing overall cost to the customer and
providing additional pricing flexibility for the domestic hotel

Extension of brief under section 10(23)(q) of the Income

Tax Act to lenders to hotel project:

The recent budget provides for an infrastructure status to the

hospitality industry. This would reduce the cost of borrowings and
hence the overall cost of the new projects.

Exemption of eligibility service tax to canting:

The services tax exemption on room revenue and food &

beverages revenue provided 'last year is likely to continue for
coming year.

Leading hotels chain in India

Leading hotels chain in India

Hospitality industry in India has now firmly established itself as

the provider of world-class accommodation services. This has
been made possible by the emergence of large Indian hotel
chains and the entrance of global hospitality players. The
competition has ensured high level of quality in services offered
at the costs that are not prohibitive for the business traveler as
well as general tourists. These hotels have built their properties
not only in major cities but also on smaller but equally important
tourist destinations. This has not only increased the tourist traffic
but also helped the existing tourists getting good accommodation
options. Some of the leading Indian hotel chains are Taj Group of
hotels, resorts and palaces', Oberoi group of hotels along with its
Trident brand of first class hotels, ITC Welcome hotels, Sarovar
Park Plaza Hotels, Casino group of hotels, and HRH hotels with
their range of heritage properties.


The Ambassador Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the

best hotels in India. Ambassador believes that a great hotel
should offer more than a good night's sleep. It should create an
environment that awakens your senses. R's one of the many
intangible qualities you'll experience at every Ambassador hotel.


The Best Western Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the

best hotels in India. The hotels are located the prime tourist
locations of India like the marvelous city of Mumbai. Channel,
Kolkata, Hyderabad. Khajuraho, Dehradun, Varanasi and Kovalam.
The hotels run by the best Western Group in India offers simple
luxury and privacy at the same time.

The casino group of hotels in India boasts of some of the best

hotels in India. The hotels are located the prime tourist locations
of India. The Casino Group has hotels has hotels in tourists
destinations like Casino hotel at Cochin, CoconutLagoon at
Kumarakom, Spice Coast Cruises at Puthenangadi, Spice Village
ay Thekkady and Murrain Beach Resort at Alleppey.


The Clarks Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the best

hotels in India. The hotels are located the prime tourist locations
of India like the amazing city of Agra, Jaipur, Shimla and Varanasi.
The hotels run by the Clarks Group in India offer simple luxury
and privacy at the same time.


The Fortune Park Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the

best hotels in India. It is noteworthy that the Fortune Hotels by
Welcomgroup at a wholly owned subsidiary of ITC Hotels ltd. The
hotels are located the prime tourist locations of India like the
Ahmedabad, Trivandrum, Calicut, Jamshedpuf, Vapi, Darjeeling,
Port Blair and Ootacamund.


The Holiday Inn Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the

best hotels in India. The hotels are located the prime tourist
locations of India like the amazing city of Agra, Jaipur, Mumbai,
Ooty and Goa.


HRH Hotels is the largest owner/manager of heritage hotels in

India offering world-class accommodation options for travelers.
Most of these hotels are redone former palaces, mansions, and
haveli's of former kings and royalty of India. The royal services
and luxury offered by these hotels are unmatched and an
experience not easily forgotten.


lTC-Welcomgroup, India's premier chain of luxury hotels in

association with Sheraton Hotels Worldwide brings the global
traveler, the best of East and West: traditional Indian hospitality
with contemporary international standards.

The ITC-Welcomgroup hotels are present in 41 business and

tourist destinations across the country including 8 ITC-
Welcomgroup Sheraton Hotels. These hotels offer you a gateway
to India on business or leisure.


The Ashok Group of Hotels has been India's gracious and regal
host to leading national and international visitors. The Group is
known for its unique mix 'of traditional Indian hospitality and
modern-day systems and facilities that are ' beyond compare.


The Jaycee Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the best

hotels in India.The hotels are located the prime tourist locations of
India. The Jaycee Group has hotels has hotels in tourists
destinations like Jaypee Palace, Agra, Hotel Vasant continental
and Hotel Siddhath, New Delhi and the Hotel residency manor,
Mussoorie. The location of these hotels is such that the tourists
get to appreciate the beauty of nature.


The K Raheja Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the best

hotels in India. The hotels are located the prime tourist locations
of India like the capitulating destination of Kodikanal, Mumbai and
Bangalore. The hotels run by the K Raheja Group in India offer
simple luxury and privacy at the same time.


The Le Meridian Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of to:
best hotels in India. The hotels are located the prime tourist
locations of India like the capital city of New Delhi, Mumbai,
Chennai, Cochin, Pune and Bangalore.


The Mansingh Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the best

hotels in India.Keeping alive the old age traditions of India
Mansingh group brings to you the authenticity of the historic
cities of Agra and Jaipur wrapped in the fragrance of the land. The
hotels run by the Mansingh Group in India offer simple luxury and
privacy at the same time.


The Oberoi Group, founded in 1934, owns and manages thirty-five

luxury and first class international hotels in seven countries. The
Group (has two principal brands - the deluxe Oberoi brand and
the first class international Trident brand.
Oberoi Hotels & Resorts are synonymous the world over for
providing the right I blend of service, luxury and quiet efficiency.


The Peerless Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the best

hotels in India. The Peerless Group is a family of hotels, resorts
and inns spread out in Kolkata, Port Blair (Andaman’s),
Mukutmonipur and Durgapur- four destinations of efficient


Sarovar Park Plaza Hotels is one of the most recent but one of the
fastest growing hotel chains in India. With 11 hotels already
operational in different pads of the country and 6 more in the
offering, the chain is poised to be a big player in Indian hospitality
sector. Most of the hotels managed by Sarovar Park Plaza are
located in the medium sized cities, offering the travelers visiting
these places better accommodation opportunities...


The Sinclair’s Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the best

hotels in India. The hotels are located the prime tourist locations
of India like the dream destination of Darjeeling, Siliguri and Ooty.


Launched by Mr. Jamshedji Nausserwanji Tata, the Taj Hotels were

started almost 100 years back. Starting with the now a major
landmark of Mumbai (Bombay) the Taj Mahal Hotel, Taj group now
owns around 50 hotels worldwide. The Taj Group of Hotels is
grouped into strategic business units to get
consistency across the different units in the same brand and
standardize the product and service across the brands, making
them distinct and identifiable.

These brands have been classified as Luxury, Business and



Hilton Hotels world over are known for their tasteful decor,
luxurious rooms and a quality of service that doesn't give you a
chance to get nostalgic about life back at home. As you sleep and
dream of visiting an unheard of destination, Hilton Hotels
Corporation works through the night to make your dreams of
traveling the world come true in the most comfortable and
memorable manner.


The Tulip Star Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of the best
hotels in India. The hotels are located the prime tourist locations
that dot the various states of India like the gorgeous Goa, Kerala,
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Orissa
and Gujarat.


The Welcome Heritage Group of Hotels in India boasts of some of

the best hotels in India. Welcom Heritage represents some of the
best traditions of heritage hospitality in India. WelcomHeritage
offers 20 exclusive heritage destinations in India where you could
savor the best of Indian traditions.



Le ROYAL MERIDIEN Mumbai is situated close to Mumbai's

international and domestic airports as well known as bustling
commercial hub of Andheri. The Borivali National Park and Film
City are within ease reach, as is Mumbai's largest exhibition
center. At Le ROYAL MERIDIEN Mumbai, colonial charm makes a
grand alliance with contemporary technology. The hotel provides
wide-ranging facilities for business and recreation, thus proving to
be the perfect destination for both the corporate and leisure

Each of the 171 bedrooms and suites is a statement in unparallel


Tastefully furnished with amenities comparable to the finest

European hotels, the bedrooms set unmatched standard of sheer
unadulterated luxury.

The elite royal club floor provides exclusive privileges for the

Guest at the Royal Club is entitled to additional benefits.

Mercedes airport transfers, butler service, a range of International
luxury amenities and personalized service all contribute in making
for a truly momentous experience.


A) 72 Standard rooms

B) 63 Deluxe rooms
C) 30 Royal club rooms

D) Suites

E) Presidential suites


Interactive satellite television, direct mails facilities, valet parking,

business and travel assistance, complimentary airport transfers
electronic safe, mini bar, tea/coffee maker, foreign exchange,
wireless internet excess, VCD/DVD, facsimile, voice mail, 2
telephone lines, express check out, bathrobe, slippers, evening
turn down fruit basket.


 Exclusive Royal Club lounge

 Complementary breakfast
 Complimentary Mercedes airport transfer
 . Happy hour-daily with complimentary snacks and canal's
 Complimentary half-day meeting room for up to 10 guest
(subject to availability)
 Butler service in all Royal Club rooms
 Complimentary first garment pressing
 Exclusive check-in and check-out
 Complimentary reconfirmation of tickets
 Evening turn down gifts

Extensive leisure facilities include an outdoors swimming pool

and bar, beauty solon and Espirt- the state-of-the-ad health
club with sauna, gymnasium, massage and steam room.

The conference suites and the business enter are truly state-of-

Acoustically balance soundproof meeting rooms, LCD projector

attached to the motorized screen, automated dimmers, and video
conferencing facilities. all provide for business convenience at its
best. The business center also houses a bookstall for those
smitten by the reading bug.

Le ROYAL MAREDIAN Mumbai is home to some of the best

specialty outlets in Mumbai. These include the vibrant La
Brasserie with its invitational cuisine, innovative specialty Chinese
Szechwan cuisine at imperial china, Flames-the bohemian outdoor
eatery by the pH side, Cigar Divan with the walk in humidor for
the cigar connoisseur, the colonial style Lounge Bar, exotic
Teas/coffees, pastries at the bright and elegant crystal lounge and
the garden bar renowned for cocktails and sandwiches.


Cigar Divan - walk in humidor showcasing the finest
cigars and


Crystal lounge - Coffee / tears, sandwiches and pastries

Deli - Cakes pastries and savories

Flames - Bohemian out door eatery



After finishing my study on HOTEL marketing’s, I found that

marketing very important in hotel industry. It is very much
essential for increasing profits. Hotel marketing helps to create
awareness, build goodwill among the masses, and nevertheless to
increase sales or to make fronts.

A good control over all the marketing Ps i.e. Product, price, place,
promotion and people gives positive and expected results.

Hotel marketing in Indian prospective still lags behind as compare

to the hotel marketing around the globe. There are still any
involvements to be die from Indian eels point of view. Still there
are many harnesses that are to be converted in strengths as any
opportunities to be grabbed.


After finishing my study on ''HOTEL MARKETING'' l suggest that

hotels should go on for intensive marketing. Because the
competition is so severe that to survive in it hotels needs to do
something different as compare to others. And stressing more on
marketing strategies can do this.

In India too the hotels should go in for innovative marketing


Prospective still lags behind as compare to the hotel marketing

around the globe. Still there are many improvements to be made
from Indian hotels point of view. There are many weaknesses that
are to be converted in strengths are any opportunities to be


So as per the study made by me, in the end I can conclude that
hotels ' can earn good amount of profits and can also build a good
image by employing different marketing strategies.
In India too the hoteliers have lot of scope to improve. There are
lots of opportunities to be grabbed. With the help and supped
from Government Of India and ITDC (India Tourism development
Corporation) the hotel industry can make wonders.

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