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117 - 13

Manufacturing Tolerances
Standard Steel Doors
and Frames


2013 Steel Door Institute
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SDI 117-2013

Manufacturing Tolerances for Standard Steel Doors and Frames

1Introduction NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Other Open-
It is the intent of this publication to provide users of ing Protectives, 2007 Edition (National Fire Protection
standard steel doors and frames with definitive infor- Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269;
mation regarding manufacturing tolerances. It is also www.nfpa.org)
intended to provide installation contractor(s) of the SDI 122, Installation and Troubleshooting Guide for
tolerances to be considered to assure proper operation Standard Steel Doors and Frames
of the complete opening. This document is intended for
in-plant inspections. It may be used for on-site inspec-
tions where there is no evidence of damage to material 3Materials and Finishes
or improper installation.
The information contained herein pertains to doors 3.1Steel Thickness
and frames manufactured in accordance with ANSI Manufacturers no longer order sheet and coil to a
A250.8, Recommended Specifications for Standard specific gage, but rather to a minimum decimal thick-
Steel Doors and Frames. It is not intended to reference ness. This thickness is the lowest of the range for a
to special or unusual door and frame conditions. specific gage. The steel supplier is therefore permitted
to exceed, but not be less than the specified decimal
thickness. These minimum values meet the stringent
2Reference Documents: requirements of both Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
ANSI/SDI A250.8 SDI 100 Recommended Specifica- and ITS/Warnock Hersey. Examples of minimum al-
tions for Standard Steel Doors & Frames lowable steel thickness:
ANSI/SDI A250.6 Recommended Practice for Hard- Gage (MSG) Minimum
ware Reinforcings on Standard Steel Doors and
20 0.032
18 0.042
ANSI/SDI A250.7 Nomenclature for Standard Steel
16 0.053
Doors & Steel Frames
14 0.067
ANSI/SDI A250.3 Test Procedure & Acceptance 12 0.093
Criteria for Factory Applied Finish Coatings for Steel
10 0.123
Doors & Frames
7 0.167
ANSI/SDI A250.10 Test Procedure & Acceptance Cri-
Gage (MSG) are for reference purposes only.
teria for Prime Painted Steel Surfaces for Steel Doors
& Frames
ANSI/SDI A250.11 Recommended Erection Instruc- 3.2Steel Coatings
tions for Steel Frames
Thickness of metallic coatings (generally zinc) are
ANSI/BHMA A115 Specifications for Steel Door and defined by ASTM A924, Standard Specification for
Frame Preparation for Hardware (A115.1 A115.18) General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated
by the Hot-Dip Process and A653, Standard Specifi-
ASTM A568 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet,
cation for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or
Carbon, Structural, and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-
Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip
Rolled and Cold-Rolled, General Requirements for
Process. The two most commonly used designations
ASTM A653 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, are A40 and A60. Minimum requirements for these
Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated designations are:
(Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
A40 = 0.40 oz/ft2 total both sides.
ASTM A924 Standard Specification for General Re- A60 = 0.60 oz/ft2 total both sides.
quirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the
For reference, 1 oz/ft2 = 1.7 mils thickness.
Hot-Dip Process

SDI 117-2013

3.3Factory Applied Coatings 4.2Frame Opening & Vertical Locations

Since factory applied coatings (primer, finish paint, etc.)
are subject to performance standards rather than thick-
ness, the dry film thickness is irrelevant. Such coatings
must comply with performance criteria of: 2
ANSI/SDI A250.3 Test Procedure and Acceptance C
L Hinge
Criteria for Factory Applied Finished Painted Steel
Surfaces for Steel Doors and Frames
OR Opening
ANSI/SDI A250.10 Test Procedure and Acceptance +116 2
Criteria for Prime Painted Steel Surfaces for Steel 4
Doors and Frames. CL

4Frame Tolerances

4.1Frame Cross Section Profile

Permissible tolerances in frame profile surfaces are
as shown below:

Opening Width
+116 2
Stop Figure B Opening Tolerances

2 4.3Bow or Twist of Jambs or Header
Realizing that frames are somewhat pliable, and
Frame require bracing and alignment during installation,
Depth Opening
332 allowable deformation (bow, twist, etc.) of jambs or
header of frame prior to installation shall not result
in a reduction of opening sizes more than 1/16 beyond
those shown in Figure B when measured at any point.

Figure A Profile Tolerances

SDI 117-2013

4.4Horizontal Alignment of Door Within 5Door Tolerances

Hinge and strike backsets shall allow the horizontal 5.1Door Size, Thickness, and Vertical
centerline of the door to be in line with the horizontal Locations
centerline of the frame rabbet 1/32 prior to installa-
tion. Figure C is an example based on a 1 3/4 door
in a 1 15/16 rabbet. Door Width
364 Door
L Hinge

1 or 32 2 Height
4 C
L Lock

Centerline of door
1 door

Figure C Horizontal Alignment

Figure E Doors

4.5Frames with Lights or Panels

Opening sizes (width or height) for side or transom
lights or panels and for borrowed light frames shall be
subject to a tolerance of 1/16 for each individual light or
5.2Door Squareness
panel. These tolerances shall be non-accumulative so
that the overall frame opening sizes are not increased When measured diagonally from corner to corner along
by more than 1/8. the same face, the measurements shall be within 1/16
of each other.

116 116 116


116 Figure F Squareness

Figure D Frames with Lights or Panels

SDI 117-2013

5.3Door Perimeter Flatness

When a suitable straightedge is laid against the door
face at or within 1/4 of the top, bottom, hinge edge,
and lock edge on both faces any deviation between
the face and the straightedge shall not allow a 0.0625
rod or block to pass.
Note: The straightedge shall be allowed to rest natu-
rally on the door surface, not pulled down at one end to
meet the door.



Figure H Flatness

116 max

5.5Door Twist
The door is laid onto a suitable, flat fixture or surface
116 max that is free of any warp, bow, or twist. Support blocks of
identical heights shall be inserted between the fixture
and the door face at all four corners of the door. Any
deviation between the face and the support blocks shall
not allow a 0.0625 rod or block to pass.
Note: The door shall be allowed to rest naturally on
Figure G Flatness the support blocks, not pulled down at any corner to
meet the blocks.

5.4Door Face Bow or Crown

When a suitable straightedge is laid diagonally against
the door face at least 1/2 from corners any deviation
between the face and the straightedge shall not allow Flat
a 0.125 rod or block to pass. Surface
Door Surface
Note: The straightedge shall be allowed to rest natu-
rally on the door surface, not pulled down at one end to
meet the door.

116 max.

Figure I Door Twist

SDI 117-2013

5.6Doors with Lights or Panels 7Frame Installation and Door Adjustments

Opening sizes (width or height) for lights or panels cut
into doors shall be subject to a tolerance of 1/16 for 7.1Adjusting Pivot Point by Shimming
each individual light or panel. Providing extra depth along door or frame faces allows
for hinge knuckles to be offset, thus changing the pivot
6Hardware Preparations point of the opening. Shims are usually thin strips of 1/4
wide material approximately equal to the hinge height.
6.1Vertical Locations 7.1.1 Figure J shows how to relocate the pivot point
Tolerances for vertical locations are as noted in Para- toward the jamb.
graphs 4.2 and 5.1.

L Hinge
6.2Horizontal Alignment Barrel Shim B
Tolerances for horizontal alignment of door and rabbet Jamb Hinge
are as noted in Paragraph 4.4. Reinf.

6.3Mortise Depth
The depth of hardware items mortised into edges of
doors (such as hinges, strikes, lock fronts, flushbolts)
shall be as defined on manufacturers templates and/ Door Shim A
or ANSI A156.115 documents subject to an additional X
tolerance of 1/64.

6.3.1Cutout Depth at Frame or Door Faces

In order to allow for field adjustment, usually ac-
complished by shimming, hardware cutouts (such as
Using shim "A" only, door will be relocated in the direc-
hinges) that extend from door edges around to faces
tion of arrow "X".
or from frame rabbet around to faces are allowed to
exceed mortise depth by 1/16. See Paragraph 7 for Using shim "B" only, will move both door and centerline
examples of common hinge shimming procedures. of hinge barrel in direction of Arrow "X".
Using both shims "A" and "B" will relocate the door
in direction of Arrow "E" by a greater amount than by
6.3.2Depth for Recessed or Concealed using shim "B" alone.
The depth for hardware items recessed into top or bot- Figure J Hinge Bind, Shims A and B
tom of doors or edges of doors (such as pocket pivots,
floor closers, top pivots, concealed closers or holders,
etc) shall be as defined on manufacturers templates
subject to an additional tolerance of +1/16 0. Notches
in door faces shall have similar tolerances.

SDI 117-2013

7.1.2 Figure K shows how to relocate the pivot point 7.2Frame Installation Tolerances
away from the jamb. While this document is mainly concerned with toler-
ances relating to the manufacturing process, openings
will not function properly if the frame is not installed
L Hinge within recognized tolerances.
Barrel Hinge Figures L-M-N-O show examples of the accuracy to
Jamb Shim D Hinge
be maintained while setting frames. Instructions for
installation may be found in ANSI A250.11.

116 (1.58 mm)

Shim C
Door Strike
Hinge Jamb

116 (1.58 mm)

Using shim "C" only, door will be relocated in direction
of Arrow "Y".
Using "D" only, both door and centerline of hinge barrel Strike
Hinge Jamb
will move in the direction of Arrow "F".
Using both shims "C" and "D" will relocate the door
in direction of Arrow "F" by a greater amount than by
using either "C" or "D" alone. The centerline of hinge
barrel will be relocated the same as by using shim Maximum 1/16 allowable tolerance on total opening.
"D" alone.

Figure K Hinge Bind, Shims C and D Figure L Squareness

Head Level Head Level

(1.58 mm)

Hinge or Hinge or
Strike Jamb Strike Jamb

Bottom Bottom
(1.58 mm)

Figure M Plumbness

SDI 117-2013

116 (1.58 mm)

Figure N Alignment

116 (1.58 mm)

Figure O Twist

Further information regarding corrective actions for
door & frame openings may be found in SDI-122.

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Ceco Door
Specifications 9159 Telecom Drive
Milan, TN 38358
ANSI/SDI A250.6 Recommended Practice for Hardware Reinforcings on Standard (731) 686-8345
Steel Doors and Frames www.cecodoor.com
ANSI/SDI A250.8 SDI 100 Specifications for Standard Steel Doors & Frames
SDI-108 Recommended Selection & Usage Guide for Standard Steel Doors P.O. Box 1648
Mason City, IA 50402-1648
SDI-118 Basic Fire Door, Fire Door Frame, Transom/Sidelight Frame, and (641) 423-1334
Window Frame Requirements www.curries.com
SDI-128 Guidelines for Acoustical Performance of Standard Steel Doors & Deansteel Manufacturing Co.
Frames 931 S. Flores Street
San Antonio, TX 78204-1406
SDI-129 Hinge & Strike Spacing (210) 226-8271
Test Procedures
ANSI/SDI A250.3 Test Procedure & Acceptance Criteria for Factory Applied Finish 7980 Redwood Avenue
Coatings for Steel Doors & Frames Fontana, CA 92336-1638
(909) 770-5700
ANSI/SDI A250.4 Test Procedure & Acceptance Criteria for Physical Endurance for www.doorcomponents.com
Steel Doors, Frames and Frame Anchors
ANSI/SDI A250.10 Test Procedure & Acceptance Criteria for Prime Painted Steel 602 S. 65th Avenue
Surfaces for Steel Doors & Frames Phoenix, AZ 85043
ANSI/SDI A250.13 Testing and Rating of Severe Windstorm Resistant Components www.HMXpress.com
for Swinging Door Assemblies for Protection of Building Envelopes
(Not applicable for FEMA 320/361 or ICC-500 Shelters) Mesker Door, Inc.
3440 Stanwood Boulevard
SDI-113 Standard Practice for Determining the Steady State Thermal Huntsville, AL 35811-9021
Transmittance of Steel Door & Frame Assemblies (256) 851-6670
SDI-131 Accelerated Physical Endurance Test Procedure for Steel Doors,
Frames and Frame Anchors MPI
319 North Hills Road
Corbin, KY 40701
Construction Details (606) 523-0173
ANSI/SDI A250.11 Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames www.metalproductsinc.com

SDI-110 Standard Steel Doors & Frames for Modular Masonry Construction Pioneer Industries, Inc.
171 South Newman Street
SDI-111 Recommended Details for Standard Details Steel Doors, Frames, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Accessories and Related Components (201) 933-1900
SDI-122 Installation Troubleshooting Guide for Standard Steel Doors &
Frames Republic Doors & Frames
155 Republic Drive
McKenzie, TN 38201-0580
Miscellaneous Documents (731) 352-3383
SDI-112 Zinc-Coated (Galvanized/Galvannealed) Standard Steel Doors & www.republicdoor.com
Frames Security Metal Products
SDI-117 Manufacturing Tolerances for Standard Steel Doors & Frames 5700 Hannum Avenue, Suite 250
Culver City, CA 90230
SDI-124 Maintenance of Standard Steel Doors & Frames (310) 641-6690
SDI-127 Industry Alert Series (A-L)
SDI-130 Electrified Hinge Preparations Steelcraft
9017 Blue Ash Road
SDI-134 Nomenclature for Standard Steel Doors & Steel Frames Cincinnati, OH 45242
(513) 745-6400


440.899.0010 FAX 440.892.1404

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