Analysis of Syngas Quality From Portuguese Biomasses: An Experimental and Numerical Study
Analysis of Syngas Quality From Portuguese Biomasses: An Experimental and Numerical Study
Analysis of Syngas Quality From Portuguese Biomasses: An Experimental and Numerical Study
ABSTRACT: A comprehensive two-dimensional multiphase model was developed to describe the gasication of three large
available Portuguese biomasses in a pilot scale uidized bed gasier within the computational uid dynamics Fluent framework.
An EulerianEulerian approach was implemented to handle both the gas and the dispersed phases. The kinetic theory of
granular ows was used to evaluate the constitutive properties of the dispersed phase, and the gas-phase behavior was simulated
employing the k turbulent model. Devolatilization phenomenon was also modeled. Results from the numerical model were
later compared with experimental data also gathered for the three Portuguese biomasses. The simulated syngas compositions are
in good agreement with the experimental results with maximum deviations of 20% (considering all simulations and biomasses).
The eect of the gasication temperature and steam-to-biomass ratio on the syngas composition was evaluated as well as the cold
gas eciency, H2/CO ratio, CH4/H2 ratio, and carbon conversion. From this analysis, it was possible to dene which biomass has
the greater potential to be used concerning the selected application. Among the three biomasses, it was concluded that coee
husks and vine-pruning residues show better H2/CO ratios, while the higher CH4/H2 ratios are obtained by using the forest
residues. The highest cold gas eciencies were obtained by using the vine-pruning residues. These data are crucial to describe
scenarios concerning the potential use of biomass as a source of energy in Portugal.
2014 American Chemical Society 5766 | Energy Fuels 2014, 28, 57665777
Energy & Fuels Article
have attracted much interest.4 There are several methods to EulerEuler-based CFD model to describe the trend of
convert the biomass feedstock to energy, but it is expected that biomass decomposition versus temperature with a kinetic
biomass gasication will become the dominant technology.5 model based on superimposed hemicellulose, cellulose, and
Biomass gasication is very attractive because the obtained lignin reactions. It was concluded that biomass particle size and
gases are intermediates in high-eciency power production.5 supercial gas velocity inuenced tar yield and residence time
Additionally, the environmental performance is one of the considerably with a xed bed height. Gungor and Yildirim14
greatest strengths of gasication technology, which often is computed the axial and radial distribution of syngas mole
considered a sound response to the increasingly restrictive fraction and temperature across an atmospheric CFB biomass
regulations applied around the world. On the other hand, the gasier by using a two-dimensional (2-D) model that uses the
use of gasiers instead of combustors shows clear advantages, particle-based approach and integrates and simultaneously
namely, the generation of a syngas with improved quality to be predicts the hydrodynamic and gasication aspects. The
used in the production of Fischer-tropsch liquids, fuel cells, authors claimed that the developed model computes
clean fuel combustion, and cheaper CO2 underground successfully the radial and axial proles of the bed temperature
sequestration. Biomass gasication also brings high expectations and H2, CO, CO2, and CH4 volumetric fractions and tar
toward the generation of hydrogen. concentration versus gasier temperature with errors lower
Hydrogen is one of the key energy sources due to its than 25%. These works compare the numerical results versus
potential to provide energy for industry, residences, trans- experimental results gathered in laboratory setups. Indeed,
portation, and mobile applications. Indeed, hydrogen can there is a lack of experimental data where the numerical results
replace petroleum-based fuels in the transportation sector and can be conrmed with pilot scale or industrial setups, namely,
can even supply remote stations that cannot be fueled by using uidized bed technology. The scaleup is still one of the
conventional distribution grids.6 Additionally, hydrogen major problems to be handled considering the biomass and coal
production can be environmentally friendly when green gasication.15 This is related to the complex nonlinear
technologies such as biomass gasication are employed. The hydrodynamic behavior, chaotic nature, and complicated
worldwide commercial production of hydrogen is approx- reactions that strongly impact the gassolid ow behavior.16
imately 40 million tonnes.7 However, most of the traditional Additionally, the lack of data is also related to the expense of
technologies for hydrogen production are fossil-fuel based, 80 experiments for obtaining valuable information on uidized bed
85% of the worlds total production being derived from natural gasiers in pilot scale or industrial dimensions. This implies an
gas via steammethane reforming,8 which is a very energy- urgent need for both theoretical as well as experimental
intensive process that releases large amounts of carbon dioxide approaches to obtain more helpful data and information.
and other greenhouse gases. The use of uidized bed technology in biomass gasication
Hydrogen can be obtained by other processes than steam units makes it possible to use relatively smaller gasiers and
reformation of methane, namely, water electrolysis, biological larger capacities than with a xed bed. The higher eciency of a
processes using microorganisms, or by thermocatalytic uidized bed comes from its higher specic reaction area when
reformation of hydrogen-enriched organic compounds.9 compared to a xed bed. Fluidized beds have also proven to
Among the aforementioned technology options, biomass permit more versatile units in terms of feed materials of
gasication is identied as the most ecient and economic dierent characteristics and origins.17
route for hydrogen production.10 This paper aims to present a numerical methodology within
A gasication system includes a set of phenomena such as the framework of the commercial CFD code (Fluent) applied
uid ow, heat transfer, and complex chemistry that can only be to the gasication of Portuguese agro-industrial residues. The
solved by applying several governing mathematical equations, use of coee husks, forest and vine-pruning residues is studied
mostly based on conservation equations, that is, mass, heat, and concerning the generation of hydrogen and the quality of
momentum. This level of complexity can be achieved using syngas based on dierent indices including carbon conversion,
computer uid dynamic (CFD) tools. However, only a few H2/CO ratio, CH4/H2 ratio, and cold gas eciency (CGE).
studies regarding the use of CFD tools have been reported to The numerical simulation results were compared and validated
simulate the uidized bed biomass gasication. Two main versus a set of runs using these residues that were gasied in a
approaches are considered to describe the solid phases: the bubbling uidized pilot scale unit.
EulerianEulerian approach (a continuum approach for both
phases) and the EulerianLagrangian approach (a continuum 2. MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
approach for the uid phase and a discrete particle method for
The gasication runs were performed using the three biomass
the solid phase). Xie et al.11 developed a three-dimensional feedstocks. The proximate and ultimate analyses of these feedstocks
numerical model to compute the syngas composition by using are shown in Table 2.
forestry residues as feedstock and using the Eulerian The experiments were performed in a pilot-scale gasication plant,
Lagrangian approach as numerical method. The experimental which is based on an up-ow uidized bed gasier operating at up to
gasication experiments were carried out in a lab-scale pine 850 C, under a total pressure below 1 bar, and at a maximum pellet
gasier. The EulerianLagrangian approach implies a huge feeding rate of 70 kg/h. Figure 1 displays a diagram of the biomass
computational eort, and more versatile computing solutions gasication plant used in the experiments.
can be found using an EulerianEulerian approach. Xue and The main components of the unit are the following: (a) a biomass
Fox12 developed an EulerianEulerian computational uid feed system with two inline storage tanks that allow discharging the
biomass into the reactor using an Archimedes screw at a variable and
dynamics model to simulate wood gasication using air as a controllable speedsthe two storage tanks act as buers to avoid air
uidization agent in a lab-scale uidized bed gasier (FBG). entering through the feeding system; (b) a tubular uidized bed
Simulations provided detailed information on several processes reactor, 0.5 m in diameter and 2.5 m in height, internally coated with
such as the dynamic particle processes, char elutriation, and gas ceramic refractory materials; biomass enters the reactor at a height of
composition at the reactor outlet. The same authors13 used an 0.4 m from the base, and preheated air enters the reactor from the base
Table 2. Humidity, Density, Net Heat Value, and Ultimate respectively, with CP81069, CP81071, CP81072, CP81073, and
and Proximate Analyses of Coee Husks, Forest and Vine- CP81025 Varian GC columns), using helium as carrier gas.
Pruning Residues
forest coee vine-pruning
biomass properties residues husks residues A numerical model was built according to experimental data
elementary analysis (%)
gathered from the Portalegre pilot-scale setup. To simulate the
N 2.4 5.2 2.6
gasication process a multiphase (gas and solid phase) model
C 43.0 40.1 41.3
from a Fluent database was used. In the comprehensive 2-D
H 5.0 5.6 5.5
numerical model, the gas phase is treated as continuous, and
O 49.6 49.1 50.6
the solid phase is described through an Eulerian granular
humidity (%) 11.3 25.3 13.3
model. Interactions between both phases were modeled as well,
density (kg/m3) 650 500 265
since both phases exchange heat by convection, momentum
net heat value 21.2 20.9 15.1
(given the drag between gas phase and solid phase), and mass
(MJ/kg biomass) (given the heterogeneous chemical reactions).
proximal analysis (%)18 3.1. Mass Balance Model. The continuity equation for the
ash 0.2 2.5 3.1 gas and solid phases are given by
volatile matter 79.8 83.2 83.6
xed carbon 20.0 14.3 13.3 (gg ) + (gg vg) = Sgs
t (1)
Figure 1. Biomass gasication semi-industrial plant at Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal. The main components of the unit are described
in the text.
C + H 2O CO + H 2 (25) 6k pqpNuq
hpq =
d p2 (32)
C + CO2 2CO (26)
3.7. Numerical Procedure. The problem under consid-
eration is solved by using Fluent, a nite volume method-based
The heterogeneous reactions are inuenced by many factors,
CFD solver. Mesh was built using GAMBIT software, and the
namely, reactant diusion, breaking up of char, interaction of
reactor schematic is depicted in Figure 3. Quadrilateral cells of
reactions, and turbulence ow. To include both diusion and
kinetic eects the kinetic/diusion surface reaction model
(KDSRM)24,25 was applied. This model weights the eect of
the Arrhenius rate and the diusion rate of the oxidant at the
surface particle. The diusion rate coecient can be dened as
[(Tp + T) 2]0.75
D0 = C1
dp (27)
pilot-scale bubbling uidized bed gasier. Considering all opposite eect for CO. CO2 and H2 acquire their exit values
simulations (for the three dierent biomasses), the maximum very quickly below the free board area. At the bottom of the
obtained error was about 20%. The simulations also predict the gasier there is a large amount of unconverted carbon, which
species molar fraction behavior at dierent runs with similar becomes reduced along the gasier height. On the other hand,
trends considering the increasing or decreasing of species at the volatile combustion also leads to increased amounts of CO2
dierent operating conditions. The numerical code was applied at higher positions in the gasier. The amount of CH4 is higher
successfully to the three biomasses. These errors are very in the inlet region of the gasier as a result of devolatilization.
reasonable for a complex system such as biomass gasication in N2 shows the higher amounts in the low region of the gasier
a pilot-scale reactor. Dierences can be found due to some and then decreases for upper zones. Similar pattern
simplifying assumptions followed by our developed model. distributions were found for forest and vine-pruning residues.
Proximate analysis and kinetics (some data are relative to coal The developed model was also applied to dierent operating
particles) were taken from literature. Ash and some light conditions, namely, testing the eect of the gasication
hydrocarbons were not considered. Also, a 2-D approach was temperature and the steam-to-biomass ratio (SBR) on the
followed. A more detailed devolatilization approach should be syngas molar fractions. Figure 6 depicts the syngas molar
attempted, and tar decomposition should also be treated. These fraction as a function of the gasication temperature. From
simplications should be properly treated in future papers. Figure 6 it can be seen that the increase of the gasication
4.2. Model Performance. The thermal biomass gas- temperature promotes the formation of a syngas with higher
ication process involves a set of complex chemical reactions hydrogen and carbon monoxide content and consequently
that lead to the formation of three fractions: syngas, ashes higher syngas NHV, as stated in the experimental data. Both
(chars), and condensates. The most important fraction, hydrogen and carbon monoxide seem to increase up to
amounting to more than 70% (by weight) consists of light asymptotic values. On the other hand, the CH4 and CO2
gases, namely, CO, H2, CH4, CO2, and N2. Figure 5 shows the contents follow an opposite trend. CH4 decreases as a function
contours of H2 and CO2, CH4, and N2 molar fractions in the of the temperature because the methane reaction formation is
exothermic. These results are in agreement with the literature.28
gas mixture (obtained from coee husks), respectively. The
According to Le Chateliers principle, higher temperatures favor
higher values for H2 are located immediately above the air
products in endothermic reactions. Therefore, the endothermic
inlets, while at a greater height for CO2. The watergas shift
reaction in eq 15 was strengthened leading to an increase in the
reaction is exothermic, and the decrease of temperature in the
hydrogen content.
upper zones makes the H2 values increase and makes the Figure 7 shows the syngas H2/CO molar ratio as a function
of the temperature. The main application for a syngas with high
H2/CO ratio is related to the fuel cell technology. In general,
syngas generated from biomass tends to have a relatively low
H2/CO ratio (<1). It can be observed that vine-pruning and
coee husks residues show the higher H2/CO ratios with values
ranging approximately from 0.7 to 0.8. On the other hand, and
due to the higher values of CO, forest residues show H2/CO
ratios nearer to 0.4 and approximately constant along the
selected temperature range.
For domestic purposes, it is preferable to obtain a syngas
with higher CH4/H2 ratios. Figure 8 depicts the syngas CH4/
H2 molar ratio as a function of the temperature for the three
studied biomasses. All the studied biomasses show a similar
pattern with a decrease of the CH4/H2 molar ratio as the
temperature increases. Once again, both coee husks and vine-
pruning residues show similar ratio values. The higher values
are found for forest residues.
The carbon conversion denes the fraction of carbon from
biomass converted to carbon in syngas components:
12 M
carbon conversion =
XC m (33)
where M is the total molar ow of carbon in the syngas
components, XC is carbon fraction in the biomass (obtained
from the ultimate analysis), and m is the biomass ow into the
From Figure 9, it can be seen that higher carbon conversions
are obtained by using forest residues as substrate, with a
maximum value of 97.9% at 1073 K. Typical values in a
gasication reactor vary between 70% and 90%. On the other
hand, gasication using coee husks only leads to carbon
conversions up to 80%. From literature there are no clear
Figure 5. Countours of the (a) H2, (b) CO2, (c) CH4, and (d) N2 trends of carbon conversion evolution as a function of the
molar fractions in the gas mixture (run 1 for coee husks). temperature and SBR.29 Surprisingly, it was found that carbon
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Energy & Fuels Article
Table 4. Steam-to-Biomass Ratio Eect on H2/CO Ratio, CH4/H2 Ratio, Carbon Conversion, and Cold Gas Eciency for All
the Studied Biomasses
three biomasses, it was concluded that coee husks and vine- ls = energy exchange between the uid phase and the solid
pruning residues show better H2/CO ratios, which are phase
especially suitable for fuel cell integration purposes. Consider- ka = diusion coecient
ing domestic applications, a typical index is the CH4/H2 ratio ka(s) = diusion energy
where the highest values were obtained by using the forest (PsI + s ): (vs ) = generation of energy by the solid stress
residues. The highest CGEs were obtained by using the vine- tensor
pruning residues. The obtained data are crucial to describe a = collisional dissipation of energy
scenarios concerning the potential use of biomass as a source of = tensor stress
energy in Portugal. = viscosity
Corresponding Author
c = stoichiometric coecient
g = gas phase
*E-mail: Phone: 351 259350317. Address: s = solid phase
Quinta de Prados, Apartado 1013,5001-801 Vila Real. Fax: i = component
+351 259 350 356.
Author Contributions REFERENCES
The manuscript was written through contributions of all (1) Ciferno, P.; Marano, J. Benchmarking Biomass Gasication
authors. All authors have given approval to the nal version of Technologies for Fuels, Chemicals and Hydrogen Production; U.S.
the manuscript. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory,
Notes 2002. Available from:
The authors declare no competing nancial interest. coalpower/gasication/pubs/pdf/BMassGasFinal.pdf, last accessed