Ontrollability and Observability of Flip-Flops: Set Reset Clock
Ontrollability and Observability of Flip-Flops: Set Reset Clock
Ontrollability and Observability of Flip-Flops: Set Reset Clock
In the last lecture we have seen that the major problem in testing (and ATPG) of sequential
circuits is difficulty in controlling secondary inputs (i.e., outputs of flip-flops)
flip flops) and difficulty in
observing secondary outputs (i.e., inputs of flip-flops).
flops). In this lecture we will discuss various
techniques to make the flip-flops controllable and observable, which convert a sequential
circuit into virtual combinational one. Following that ATPG for combinational circuits would
suffice for sequential
ntial circuits. However, for achieving this, additional circuitry, called design
for test (DFT), will be put on-chip, which would add to extra area overhead.
In the next section we will explore different schemes to control and observe the flip-flops.
2. Controllability
ontrollability and observability of flip-flops
Figure 1. D-Flip-flop
D with set and reset
From the truth table it may be observed that set (reset) lines makes the output 1(0)
irrespective of input D and clock pulse. However, both the set and reset lines cannot be
made high simultaneously. Also, when the D-flip-flop
D flop functions normally, both set and reset
lines are kept low.
So it may be observed that the fault which was un-testable by time frame expansion method
becomes testable using set/reset flip-flop. Further, one pattern is required to set/reset the
flip-flops and another pattern (at primary inputs) is required to sensitize and propagate the
fault effect to a primary output. So, unlike time frame expansion method where dseq+1 test
patterns are required ( dseqpatterns to initialize the flip-flops and one pattern to
sensitize/propagate fault effects), in case of set/reset flip-flops only two patters are required
(one to set or reset the flops and one to sensitize/propagate fault effects). This saving in
number of test patterns (i.e., test time) is illustrated in the circuit example of Figure 10 of
the last lecture. The circuit (Figure 10 of Lecture 1, module 12) with set/reset flip flops is
shown in Figure 3(a).
Figure 2. Testing using set/reset flip-flops for a cyclic circuit
Figure 3. Testing using set/reset flip-flops: illustration of saving in test patterns
As discussed in the last lecture, three patterns were required to test the s-a-0 fault at net j:
(i) a =X, b =X, c =1 and clock pulse (ii) a =X, b =1, c =1 and clock pulse and
(iii) a =1, b =1, c =X. Also it is to be noted that dseq=2, for the circuit.
Now, by using the set/reset flip-flops, we will see only two patterns are required to test the
fault. By ATPG using D-algorithm, nets d and i are to be 1 for testing the fault. So both the
flip-flops are set by the pattern: a =X, b =X, c =X, set (F1)=1, reset (F1)=0, set (F2)=1
and reset (F2)=0; this is shown in Figure 3(b). Finally,
pattern a =1, b =1, c =X, set (F1)=0, reset (F1)=0, set (F2)=0 and reset (F2)=0 is applied
to sensitize and propagate the effect of the fault to primary output; this is shown in Figure
So, only two patterns can test the fault. However the most important point is Irrespective
of the value of dseq, only two patterns are required to test a sequential circuit with
set/reset flip-flops. The gain can be easily understood because any practical
pract circuit has
more than thousands of flip-flops.
flip flops. On the other hand, there is a big problem with the
scheme that makes it impractical to be applied in a practical system. An input output block
diagram of the circuit of Figure 3 is shown in Figure 4. It may
may be noted that it has 9 I/O pins
(3 primary inputs + 1 primary output +2 x nffs set-reset lines, where nffs is the number of
flops and a clock). The largest number of I/O pins supported in most complicated
packages is about 1024. So, for a circuit with
w thousands of flip-flops,
flops, this approach requires
a package of thousands of I/O pins (for the 2 x nffs factor) with makes it impractical.
Set and reset by shift register
Figure 6. Input output block diagram of the circuit under test (Figure 5) with shift register
he following are the pros and cons of shift register based testing and ATPG.
ATPG algorithm does not require time frame expansion approach and flip-flops
flip can be
directly controlled from the register. So ATPG complexity is lower than time frame expansion
Area overhead of the shift register is high (twice the number of flip-flops
flip flops in the circuit)
Test pattern application time is almost same as in the time frame expansion approach.
Applying bit sequence in the shift register (required for setting/resetting the flip-flops)
takes 2 X nffs pulses of the clock of the register.
In the next section we will discuss another scheme similar to shift resister based testing
called scan chain. In scan chain based technique the flip-flops
flip flops are directly controllable and
I/O requirements are minimal. However, on the other side there is no requirement of the
additional shift register and separate set/reset lines in flip-flops;
flip flops; due to these two
tw points
scan chain based scheme is widely accepted in VLSI testing.
In the last section we saw that shift register based testing of sequential circuits solved the
problem of a large number of I/Os.
I/Os. However, the major drawback of the scheme is due to
the huge area overhead; twice the number of flip-flops in the circuit under test is required in
the shift register. The concept of Scan chin is motivated from the idea of shift register based
testing, however, alleviates the problem of area overhead [1]. The basic idea in scan chain
is to convert the flip-flops in the circuit under test itself to a shift register, rather than using
a separate one. To elaborate, the circuit under test has two modes: (i) test (or scan chain)
and (ii) working (or normal). In test mode the flip-flops are decoupled from the circuit and
they are connected in form of a shift register (called scan chain). The input of the first flip-
flop in the scan chain is taken out as a special input test pin called Scan in and the output
of the last flip-flop in the scan chain is taken out as a special output test pin called Scan
out. Now all the flip-flops are set as required by shifting bit values in the scan chain. Once
the flip-flops are set they are removed from the scan chain and connected back to the
circuit. So another advantage of scan chain based testing over shift register based testing is
due to non requirement of set/reset lines. The basic concept of scan chain is shown in
Figure 7.
Figure 7 shows the state flip-flops with scan chain in a sequential circuit; other blocks are
not shown for clarity. As discussed, flip-flops with scan-chain take inputs from two parts of
the circuit (i) next state function block (when operating normally) and (ii) from the previous
flip-flop in the chain (when in test mode); the first flip-flop in the scan chain takes input
from a primary input Scan in. So in state flip-flop block with scan chain, all the flip-flops
must have a 2X1 multiplexer. One input is from the next state function block and the other
is from the previous flip-flop in the chain. The control input called mode basically decides
the mode of operation; 1 for scan-chain and 0 for normal operation. Figure 7 shows this
concept for a circuit with three flip-flops. Figure 8 shows a flip-flop used in scan chain
called scan flip-flop and Figure 9 shows the block diagram representation of scan flip-flop.
Figure 10 shows the flip-flops of Figure 7 in scan chain mode and Figure 11 shows the flip-
flops of Figure 7 in normal mode. Figure 12 shows the basic block diagram of a sequential
circuit with scan chain in both normal and test mode.
In this section we will discuss ATPG and testing of the sequential circuit discussed in last
lecture (Module 12, Lecture 1, Figure 10), now with scan chain. The circuit with the flip-flops
having scan chain compatibility is shown in Figure 13(a). As discussed about the circuit (in
Module 12, Lecture 1, Figure 10), to test the s-a-0 fault at net j, the signal values at
nets d and i are to be 1. So both the flip-flops are to be set to 1; this was achieved by
making the set input as 1 and reset input as 0 in case of testing using set/reset flip-flops. In
case of scan chain, to set the flip-flops, in the first step mode (M) is made 1. Making M=1,
removes the next state function block from the circuit and the flip-flops are connected in a
chain; this is shown by dotted lines in Figure 13(b). Two 1s are applied in the Scan in input
at two clock pulses which makes d =1 and i =1. Now, the circuit is brought in normal mode
by making M=0. In this stage testing is performed by making a =1, b =1, c =X which
propagates the fault effect to the output; this is shown in Figure 13(c).
Figure 13. ATPG and testing of a sequential circuit (Figure 10, Module 12, Lecture 1) with
scan chain
In the last example we saw how scan chain can be used to set the flip-flops to desired value
for testing. However, D-algorithm is required on the entire circuit (after removing flip-flops)
to find the test pattern. Now we will see another advantage of scan chain, which eliminates
the need for performing ATPG on the whole circuit. One needs to consider input of the
nearest flip-flop from the fault site as an output line and perform ATPG on the sub-circuit
lying in the cone of influence of the output line (i.e., input of the nearest flip-flop). This
concept will be illustrated on a circuit example given in Figure 14.
Figure 14. A sequential circuit with scan chain and s-a-0 fault at d
We will first illustrate the scheme of testing using scan chain where D-algorithm is applied
on entire circuit and scan chain is used only to control the flip-flops; the procedure is shown
in Figure 15. Figure 15 (a) illustrates D-algorithm applied on the full circuit of Figure 14
(after removing the flip-flops) where fault propagation path is taken as d-i-o-p-m-n. D-
algorithm determines that h is to be 1 and g is to be 1; this implies that flip-flop F1 and F3
are to be set while F2 can be set or reset. Further, a =X, b =X, c =0 ,d =1, e =X would
apply the pattern to sensitize and propagate the fault effect. So to make flip-flops F1 and F3
to be 1 and F2 to be X, pattern 1X1 is applied at Scan in input with three clock pulses
keeping M=1; this is shown in Figure 15 (b). Finally, M is made 0 and test
pattern a =X, b =X, c =0 ,d =1, e =X is applied, which propagates fault effect through
primary output n; this is illustrated in Figure 15(c).
Figure 15. Testing using scan chain and fault propagation through circuit output
Figure 16. Fault sensitization and effect propagation to input of nearest flip-flop
flip (of the
circuit of Figure 14)
The whole testing procedure, when fault is propagated through scan chain (for the circuit of
Figure 16) is illustrated in Figure 17 I and Figure 17 II.
Figure 17-I. Fault effect propagation through scan chain (Step a and Step b for circuit of
Figure 16)
In this case, as we are considering only a sub-circuit, so only F1 (i.e., net h ) needs to be
made 1; this is shown in Figure 16. This is achieved by making M=1, giving 1 in Scan in
input and a clock pulse; shown in Figure 17-I(a). After that M is made 0 and
pattern d =1, e =X is applied to sensitize the fault and propagate the effect ( D) to net j via
net i ; shown in Figure 17-I(b).
Figure 17-II. Fault effect propagation through scan chain (Step c and Step d for circuit of
Figure 16)
Now the fault effect is to be brought out by the scan chain. This is achieved in two steps as
shown in Figure 17-II. First, the effect D is loaded into the nearest flip-flop (F2) by applying
a clock pulse keeping M=0; shown in Figure 17-II(a). Following that flip-flops are again
brought into chain mode (by setting M=1) and 1 clock pulse is applied (with Scan in input as
X), which brings the effect out through the Scan out output; shown in Figure 17-II(b).
5. ATPG and testing using partial scan chain in a sequential circuit: An Example
From the discussion in last lecture (Module 12, Lecture 1) we saw that a circuit with
sequential dept
dseq needs dseqclock pulses and patterns to set the flip-flops (to required values) when testing
is done using time frame expansion approach. In case of scan chain if there are nffflip-flops,
then nffclock pulses are required to set/reset the flip-flops. As dseq nff, test time is higher for
scan chain based testing compared to time frame expansion method. Also, multiplexers are
required in case of scan chains while no extra circuitry is required for time frame expansion
method. Only ATPG complexity is lower in case of scan based testing. It may be noted that
ATPG is off line exercise and test time is very expensive as patterns are applied by an
automatic test equipment. However, scan based testing is still the most widely accepted
technology. As discussed in the exercise of Lecture 1 Module 12, time frame expansion
scheme cannot set/reset flip-flops which are cyclic (i.e., whose input is dependent on its
own output). So scan based scheme or set/reset with shift register scheme is required for
cyclic circuits.
A new scheme called partial scan came up taking ideas from both time frame expansion
method and scan chain method [2]. The basic idea used in the scheme is to make scan
enable only in those flip-flops which are cyclic and keep the remaining ones as normal. So
we will have area overhead (because of MUX) only for those flip-flops which must be
controlled directly and for the others, time frame expansion based indirect control can be
Circuit shown in Figure 18 will be used to illustrate the concept of partial scan.
Figure 18(a) shows a sequential circuit with D-algorithm applied after removing the flip-
flops; the positions of the flip-flops are marked by double ended vertical arrows. It may be
noted that two flip-flops are to be controlled to 1; net d is to be made 1 and net i is to be
made 1. Making net d =1 is simple and can be achieved by applying c =1 and a clock pulse;
this is shown in Figure 18(b). It may be noted that control of net d via F1 is by time frame
expansion method; as dseq=1 for F1, so one clock pulse and one pattern is enough to control
it. To make net i =1, we need b =1, d =1, m =1 (which makes f =1 via net e ) and a clock
pulse. However there is a problem here. To make net m =1 we need j =1 which can be
achieved by a =1, i =1. However to make i =1 we need m =1. This problem arises because
flip-flop F2 is cyclic, as shown in Figure 18(b). So F2 cannot be controlled by time frame
expansion method and it must have scan chain facility, as shown in Figure 18(c).
Figure 18. Cyclic circuits and requirement of scan chain
Figure 19. ATPG and testing using partial scan technique
The procedure of testing the circuit of Figure 18(c) using partial scan is shown in Figure 19.
As shown in Figure 19(a), net i is set to 1 by making M=1 and applying 1 in Scan in input
with a clock pulse; F2 is set using scan chain. Now (Figure 19(b)) net d is set to 1 by making
M=0 and applying 1 in primary input c with a clock pulse; F1 is set using time frame
expansion. Finally after setting the flip-flops, test pattern a =1, b =1, c =X is applied, which
sensitizes and propagates the fault effect to the output k.
6. Conclusions
In the combined two lectures we have seen testing of sequential circuits with design for
testability techniques, namely set/reset lines, shift register with set/reset
set/reset lines, scan chain
and partial scan chain. Design for testability is additional resources like circuitry or I/O pins
used to make testing easier. Among all the techniques, we saw that partial scan is the most
efficient one as it uses additional resources
resources only when testing becomes infeasible due to
cyclic parts in a circuit. However, sometimes non-cyclic
non flip-flops
flops are also made scan enabled
(in partial scan technique) to minimize ATPG time; as shown in Figure 17 of this lecture,
propagating fault effects
fects by scan chains minimize ATPG effort. Another direction called
multiple chains is taken to minimize test time in scan chain based techniques. In this
scheme, instead of a single scan chain, the chain is broken into multiple parts. The start of
each chain is brought out as separate Scan in and end of the chain is brought out as
separate Scan out. This increases the number of I/Os, but all the smaller chains can be fed
with bits values concurrently, minimizing test time.
How can
n test time be reduced for the circuit with scan chain of Figure 14 of this lecture?
The circuit in Figure 14 has a single scan chain with three flip-flops.
flip flops. So time taken to
set/reset all the flip-flops
flops is three clock pulses. To save test time the scan chain can be
divided into multiple sub-chains
chains with separate Scan in and Scan out pins. In this case we
have divided the chain into 2 partsone
parts one has F1 and F2 and the second has F3 only. So we
have two sets of Scan in and Scan out pins. The design is illustrated
illustrated in the figure below.
Now both the chains can be loaded concurrently. So, only two clock pulses are required to
set/reset all the flip-flops.
An advantage of scan chain based testing over time frame expansion and shift register
technique is the ability to test the flip-flops in the circuit under test. A toggle sequence,
00110011 . . ., of length nff + 4 , where nff is the total number of flip-flops, is applied at
Scan in. This sequence produces all four transitions 00, 01, 11 and 11 in all the flip-
flops. The sequence is brought out through the Scan out pin. So if a correct toggle sequence
is observed in the Scan out pin, then the flip-flops are working normally. It is shown in stuck
at fault model that toggle sequence covers almost all stuck at faults in the flip-flops.