Budgetory Control
Budgetory Control
Budgetory Control
Certified that, the project entitled A STUDY ON BUDGETARY
SHIMOGA is a bonafide work carried out by ________ in partial fulfillment for
the award of degree in Master of Business Administration of the University of
Mysore, Mysore during the year 2009-10.
(____________) (____________)
Guide Principal
I hereby declare that, this project report entitled A STUDY
ON BUDGETARY CONTROL OF SHIMUL conducted at Shimoga Milk Union Ltd.,
Shimoga prepared by me under the guidance of ______________, Department of
Business Administration, Haranahalli Ramaswamy Institute of Higher Education,
Hassan. In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award Master of Business
I further declare that this project report is prepared from the information
collected from the SHIMOGA MILK UNION LTD., SHIMOGA., and that the same is
purely for academic purpose and that the report has not been submitted to any other
institution of higher learning for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar
Date: 07-5-2010
Place: Hassan Reg. No.
I, express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to _______________,
department of head, SHIMOGA MILK UNION LTD who gave me an opportunity to
conduct this Research Project. I state with great pleasure this report would not have
been possible without the wonderful help from various quarters, the list of which is
quite too long.
I will take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to
I would also like to extend my deep sense of gratitude to my parents and all my
family members, friends, who have directly or indirectly supported and helped me in
Last, but not the least I would like to extend my thanks to all the unseen hands
Place: Hassan Reg. No.
Executive Summary
Shimoga Milk Union Limited is a cooperative sector undertaking, engaged in the
processing of Milk & manufacturing the Milk products, it recently launched three new
variants of Nandini Milk. The Shimoga milk union is located in the central part of Karnataka.
The corporate office of the union is based at Machenalli, covering three districts of Shimoga,
Davangere and Chitradurga.
The Budgetary Control is playing a vital role in the organization. The role of
Budgetary Control is the essence of a business. The information is the blood and Budgetary
Control is the heart. In the body the hart plays the role of supplying pure blood to all the
elements of the body including the brain. The Budgetary Control plays exactly the same role
in the organization. The system ensures that an appropriate data is collected from the various
sources, processed and sent further to all the needy destinations.
The system is expected to fulfill information needs of an individual, a group of
individual, a group of financial functionaries, the managers and the top management. So the
Budgetary Control is very important in modern organizations.
Thus, I have been chosen the Budgetary Control as the specific area of the study.
Therefore, a study has been taken up on A STUDY ON BUDGETARY CONTOL
The study is taken for Shimoga milk Union ltd wherein an attempt has been made
to understand the Budgetary Control and a small study has been under taken. So as to get an
insight into Budgetary control.
To analyze how Budgetary Control helps the milk union to select best course of action.
To provide a detailed plan of action for a business over a period of time.
To coordinate the different units & activities of the organization with a view to utilize the
resources judiciously.
To revise the budgets in the light of changed circumstances.
To exercise control and on cost through comparison of actual results with the budgeted
To know the role of BC.
The purpose of the study is to estimate of receipts and payments of revenue and
capital items in future. Hence the study has been entitled as A BUDGETARY CONTROL
1.2 Objectives of the Study
To know the role of Budgetary Control in SHIMUL.
To analyze how Budgetary Control helps the milk union to select best course
To revise the budgets in the light of changed circumstances.
To exercise control and on cost through comparison of actual results with the
budgeted one.
It shows the relationship between the actual number of working hours and the
maximum possible number of working hours in a budget period.
To provide a detailed plan of action for a business over a period of time.
A Budgetary Control department fulfill the needs of organizations
1. Secondary data
2. Primary data
1. Secondary data
On the other hand it includes those data which are collected from some earlier research
work and used in the study, researcher has presently undertaken.
Sources of Secondary data
Use of internet
Annual report of Shimoga Milk Union ltd
Standard reference text books
KMF website, KMF co-orp
Data provided by Shimoga Milk Union
2. Primary data
Primary data are generated when the researcher employing mail questionnaire, telephone
surveys. Personal interviews observation and experiment investigation particular problem at
Sources of primary data
Personal interview method
In this research, researcher has conducted survey in personal interview method; this
type of survey researcher has met the department head.
Operational Definitions
Office automation system includes new hardware and software packages like word
processing, spreadsheets etc., it makes office employees more productive in addition to the
attended situation created office automation technology and the people that use that
Research Design
Research Design is the basic framework, which provides guidelines for the rest of the
research process. It is map or blueprint according to which the research has to be conducted.
The Research Design specifies the method of data collection and data analysis.
Here the researcher has used exploratory method of research. It includes both open
end type of questionnaire. It is helpful in knowing general information about any aspect of
the organization.
1.5 Limitations of the Study
Despite of tall the effort to make the analysis more comprehensive and scientific, a
study of present kind is bound to have certain limitations. Researcher humbly requests the
respondent to submit them at this stage.
The present study is an attempt made to understand the management information
system of SHIMUL. The present study is an empirical work presented in a descriptive
manner. Since the objective of the study may be a kind of analysis. Attempt has been made to
provide more comprehensive conceptual analysis.
Literature of Review
2.1 Budgeting & Budgetary Control:
Finance is the Life blood of a business. Therefore, financial planning is off almost
significance to a businessman. Financial planning is concerned with raising funds and their
effective utilizations with a view to maximize the wealth of the company.
In spite of good financial plan, the desired results may not be achieved if there is no
effective control to ensure its implementation. A budget is an important tool for financial
planning and control. The budget represents a set of yardsticks or guidelines for use in
controlling internal operations of an organization. The management, through budget, can
evaluate the performance of every level of the organization. The discrepancy between
planned performance & actual performance is highlighted through budgets.
Budgeting: Definition
A budget is a statement, which shows forecasts of the financial activities of a business
to achieve a specific purpose. A budget is basically an estimate of receipts and payments of
revenue and capital items in future.
2.2 Budgetary control: Objectives
To provide a detailed plan of action for a business over a period of time.
To coordinate the different units & activities of the organization with a view to utilize
the resources judiciously.
To revise the budgets in the light of changed circumstances.
To exercise control and on cost through comparison of actual results with the budgeted
1. Master budget
2. Financial budget
3. Fixed budget
4. Flexible budget
5. Zero-based budgeting
1. Master budget:
Master budget (also known as summary budget or finalized profit plan) combines
all the budgets for a period into one harmonious unit and thus, it show the overall budget
plan. As profit planning is the main objective of a budget program, it is but natural that all the
subsidiary budgets should be co-ordinated and projected into a master or summary budget,
which should show the final projected results of the plan. The master incorporates all the
subsidiary functional budgets and the budgeted Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet.
Before the budget plan is put into operation, the master budget is considered by the top
management and revised if the position of profit disclosed there is not found to be
satisfactory. After suitable revision is made, the master budget is finally approved and put
into action.
Another view regards the budgeted Profit and Loss account and the Balance sheet as
the master budget. The Profit and Loss account is built up from the other budgets already set,
and no fresh estimates are necessary. The operating profit is obtained by further deduction of
the budgeted income and expenditure items give the budgeted net profit.
Advantages of a forecast Profit and Loss Account are as follows:
1. It presents an overall projected profits position of the concern.
2. It enables the planning and control of the profits of the business.
3. It enables the investigation of causes for variances.
4. The accuracy of all the budgets is automatically checked.
2. Financial budget:
Financial budget is a summary statement for the future that shows the estimated
requirements of the cash inflow an outflow.
According to Walker, A financial budget is a comparison of estimated cash inflows
and outflows for particular period i.e. a quarter or year.
According to Guttmann and Dougal, financial budget is an estimate of cash receipts
and disbursements for a future period of time.
Financial budget may be prepared any of the following three methods:
1. The receipts and payment method
2. The adjusted profit & loss method
3. The balance sheet method
4. Flexible Budget:
A budget that is designed to change in accordance with the level of activity attained is
called a flexible budget. This budget is prepared after considering the fixed and variable
elements of cost and the changes that may be expected for each item at various levels of
Flexible is desirable in the following cases:
Sales are unpredictable, e.g., luxury or semi-luxury products.
The venture is new & it is difficult to foresee the demand, e.g., fashion products.
Where the business is subject to the vagaries of nature, such as soft drinks.
5. Zero-based budgeting:
The technique of zero base budgeting provides a solution for overcoming the
limitations of traditional budgeting by enabling top management to focus on priorities, key
areas and alternatives of action throughout the organization.
Some of the problems, which top management has to face are:
1. Programs and activities involving wasteful expenditure are not identified, resulting in
avoidable financial and other costs.
2. Inefficiencies of a prior year are carried forward in determining subsequent years
levels of performance.
3. Manages are not encouraged to identify and evaluate alternative means of
accomplishing the same objectives.
4. Decision-making is irrational in the absence of rigorous analysis of all proposed costs
and benefits.
5. Managers tend to inflate their budget requests resulting in more demand for funds
than their availability. This results in recycling the entire budgeting process.
A budget is a plan expressed in quantitative, usually monetary term, covering a
specific period of time, usually one year. In other words a budget is a systematic plan for the
utilization of manpower and material resources. In a business organization, a budget
represents an estimate of future costs and revenues.
Budgets may be divided into 2 basic classes:
Capital budget & operating budget
Capital budgets are directed towards proposed expenditures for new projects and
often require special financing.
Operating budgets are directed towards achieving short-term operational goals of the
organization, for instance, production or profit goals in a business firm. Operating budgets
may be sub-divided into various departmental of functional budgets.
The main characteristics of a budget are:
1. It is prepared in advance and is derived from the long-term strategy of the
2. It relates to future period for which objectives or goals have already been laid down.
1. What is to be produced?
2. When is to be produced?
3. How is to be produced?
4. Where is to be produced?
The production budget envisages the production program for achieving the sales
target. It serves as a basis for preparation of related cost budgets, e.g., materials cost budget,
Labour cost budget, etc. it also facilities the preparation of a cash budget. The production
budget is prepared after taking into consideration several factors like- Inventory policies,
sales requirements, production stability, plant capacity, availability of materials and Labour,
time taken in production process etc.
Production costs budgets: Basically, there are 3 elements of costs, namely direct
material, direct Labour and overheads. Separate budgets for each of there elements has to be
The direct materials budget has 2 components,
Overhead budget:
The overheads may relate to factory, general administration, sales and distribution
function. Separate budgets may, therefore, be prepared for factory overheads, administrative
overheads and selling and distribution overheads.
Manufacturing overheads budget:
Factory or manufacturing overheads includes the cost of indirect material, indirect
Labour and indirect expenses.
Manufacturing overheads may be classified into:
1. Fixed overheads i.e., which tend to remain constant irrespective of change in the
volume of output.
2. Variables overheads i.e., which tend to vary with the output,
3. Semi-variable overheads i.e., which are partly variable and partly fixed. The
manufacturing overhead budget will provide an estimate of these Overheads to be
incurred during the budget period.
How large should the firm be & how fast should it grow?
What should be the composition of the firms assets?
What should be the mix of the firms financing?
How the firm should analyze, plane and control its financial affairs?
1. Traditional approach
2. Modern approach
Traditional approach: The Traditional approach which was popular in early stage,
limited the role of financial manager to rising and administering of funds needed by the
corporate enterprises to meet their financial needs. It deals with the following aspects:
Profitability: While ascerting profitability, the following factors are taken into
1. Cost control
2. Pricing
3. Forecasting future profits
4. Measuring cost of capital
1. Financial analysis
2. Management of firms asset structure
3. Management of the firms financial structure.
The following chart will give an idea about the financial department
Organizational of the Financial Department
2.13 The Financial Management Process
Information Information
Information Information
100263894.21 Total 100263894.72
Storage and
transportation exp
Processing and
manufacturing 37938944.60
Purchase packed
Production enhancement
Assuring quality and creating a national framework
Setting realistic goals for strengthening co-operative business.
Milk Production:
Indias milk production increase from 21.2 million Mt in 1968 to 84.6
million Mt in 2001-02.
Per capita availability of milk presently is 226gms per day, up from 122gms
per day in 1968-1969.
Indias 4% annual growth of Milk production surpasses the 2% growth in
The net increase in availability is around 2% per year
Managing Director
3.4 Profile of the Company:
Shimoga Milk Union manufactures the following products:
1. Toned Milk
2. Double toned Milk
3. Standardized Milk
4. Full Cream Milk
5. Ghee
6. Butter Milk
7. Homogenized Milk
8. Peda
9. Curd
500 ML 8.50
Toned Milk
1000 ML 17.00
500 ML 9.00
Double toned milk
1000 ML 18.00
500 ML 10.00
Standardized Milk
1000 ML 20.00
500 ML 11.50
Full cream Milk
1000 ML 23.00
200 ML 37.00
Ghee 500 ML 82.50
1000 ML 158.00
Butter Milk 4.50
3.5 Achievements
Mile Stones:
1963- A Pilot project was started to supply milk to Shimoga and Bhadravathi
1971- Government dairy at Shimoga was started with the capacity of 10,000
1985- Opening of KMF P and I wing.
1985- First milk procurement rout was started
1985-KMF has taken over the dairy.
1987-Registrations of SHIMOGA MILK UNION LTD.
90-97-NDDB funded for co-operative development program
1997-Grands from Government of India for women and Child development program
1999-Installation of LNZ distribution system
2005-Set upping of 24 ATM parlors and customer grievance cell in Chitradurga and
2007-Set upping of 3 ATM parlors and 687 dealers
2009-In this year 38 new societies started, in this bulk milk coolers are adopted for best
quality of milk. From each society 220 Kg milk has proposed to collect. In this year planned
to increase the milk by decreasing the amount to produced milk like artificial insemination,
fodder and providing 50% of concision to the formal.
Introduction of New products
1985- Ghee
1988- Peda
1993- Standard Milk
1997- Butter Milk and curds
1999- Lassi
2000- Introduction of tonned milk in 200ml sachet.
2006- Toned milk, Homogenized milk, sterilized milk and Full cream milk
2007- Skim milk powder, Cheese, Badam powder, Paneer and Mysore Pak
2009- Burfi, Jamoon, khova, flavored milk and Ice cream.
Chilling Centers\ Dairies Established
1984- Chitradurga
1991- Dairy
1991- Honnali
1991- Anandapura
1999- Tadagani
2007- Davangere
2009- Harihara
3.6 Mission Statement:
Shimoga Milk Union is provide maximum possible price for the milk supplied by its
members and provide necessary inputs to enhance milk production while ensuring economic
viability of the union and is also committed or provide quality milk and milk products to
consumers and emerge as one of the top most Milk Unions of the co-operative dairy industry
in the country.
Goals by 2008:
Organizing 700 functional DCS.
Procuring of LKPD of Milk.
Marketing of 1.75 LLPD of Milk.
Introducing concept of clean milk production.
Collecting 6 corers as share capital Distributing 80% of the Income earned from sales
to farmers, producers, and members.
Increasing processing capacity to 1.9 LLPD
Reducing Recover Period from 17 days to 7 days
Paying Payments after 14days
Training staff to enhance QMS
Adoption of ISO\HACCP
Goals by 2009:
Establishment of 856 milk dairys.
10% to 5% increase in selling.
Dividing the milk union into four groups.
To open 38 new societies.
Planning to insert new bulk milk coolers to get good quality of milk.
Tetra packing and making good milk products.
Giving good price to the farmers.
Planning to preserve 220kg of milk.
World trade organization standards
Advertisement execution in its early
Early stages of automation of computerization
Enter rural market
Entry of big players
WTO standards
Government policies
1. The opening products of milk products 2009-10 it increased 36.54lakhs compare to the
previous year.
2. Purchase of milk from milk unions 2009-10 516.82 lakhs increase compare to the
previous year.
3. Milk storage & transportation expenses 2009-10 decreased 205.82lakhs.
4. Cattle feeds & development expenses in the year 2009-10 increased 285.04 lakhs.
5. Milk processing & manufacturing expenses in the year2009-10 decreased by 35.26 lakhs
compare to the previous year.
6. Employees salary & allowances in the year 2009-10 increased 38.45 lakhs.
7. Administrative expenses in the year 2009-10 increased 25.36 lakhs.
8. Taxes & Rates & rents in the year 2009-10 increased 1.50 lakhs.
9. Milk distribution expenses in the year 2009-10 decreased by 1.85 lakhs.
10. Milk & milk products packing charges in the year 2009-10 increased 27.28 lakhs.
11. Capital investment & advances quality control & plant management in the year 2009-10
increase 386.40 lakhs.
12. Staff program expenses in the year 2009-10 increase 38.43 lakhs.
13. Financial expenditure in the year 2009-10 increase 1143.2 lakhs
5.2 Suggestions
As the result of study on Budgetary Control of SHIMUL the given the following
The corporate exposure and learning gives a very good exposure in terms of
understanding the company in details knowing its activities and the specific roles played by
each functional department.
It is interesting to note that SHIMOGA MILK UNION is doing well and growing
phenomenally. Based on the findings and experience the researcher had while conducting the
study on BUDGETARY CONTROL DEPARTMENT as a researcher come to the
following conclusion.
Budgetary Control department works as a back bone of top management
Budgetary Control department collected data from each department and convert that
data in to information
With the support of good Budgetary Control the management of marketing finance
production and personnel become more efficient.
The Budgetary Control of SHIMUL relies heavily on the hardware and software
capacity of the computer.
The Budgetary Control of SHIMUL is purely based on data base and use the database
for generating information
The Budgetary Control of SHIMUL operates at all level of management hierarachy
The Budgetary Control of SHIMUL makes union seem less by removing all the
communication barriers
The man power in Budgetary Control is very less but it achieve more and more
SHIMUL has well stature application software named SAMRUDHI. It works as a
blood of organization
It has a new project to develop to develop the application software named