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International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 4, No.

6, November 2014

The Effects of Integrating Creative and Critical Thinking

on Schools Students' Thinking
Ali Salim Rashid Alghafri and Hairul Nizam Bin Ismail

fields of psychology and education attempt to focus on

AbstractThe study investigates the effects of thinking on employing thinking skills on students learning and/or
thinking skills (TS) and control groups among 68 standard five integration between them [19]-[21]. Specifically, the
Malaysian students at two primary schools. The government of Malaysia strikes to improve its education
quasi-experimental design method was employed through TS
system, that to provide the students in primary schools with
and control groups. The findings revealed that there were
significant differences in post-test scores between these two basic skills, with particular regard to thinking skills [22].
groups on total scores of the creative thinking, fluency, Thus, current study attempted to implement both creative
flexibility advantage for TS group but originality and the scores and critical thinking as one integrated thinking skills in the
of thinking performance of science task were no significant. science classroom and examines its effectiveness. In other
Thus, the study implies that educators, should use thinking words, it tries to answer the following questions: what are the
skills-based instructional strategy to enhance the levels of effects of integrating creative and critical thinking on creative
creativity and learning among primary schools students.
thinking among the participating primary schools students?;
Index TermsCreative thinking, critical thinking, science, and what are the interaction effects between groups and each
thinking skills strategy (TS), test of creative thinking (TCT), creative thinking skills in thinking of science task among
science task of thinking (STT) them?


With the stream of knowledge in our contemporary world, The two common categories of thinking skills are Lower
it is important for educators to give learners chances to use and higher Order Thinking Skills (LOTS&HOTS) which
their minds [1] by the systematic transformation [2] to apply they represent routine way and perceptive way respectively
the knowledge through various ways of thinking, such as [23], such as creative and critical thinking [3], [13] and [24].
creative thinking and critical thinking [3] Psychologists and
A. Creative Thinking
researchers seek to merge between these two types of
thinking [4]-[13] and [14]. Therefore, [4], [9], and Paul and There is no universally accepted definition of the term
Elder [12] emphasized that creative thinking works creativity [25]-[27]. There are many definitions of
consecutively with critical thinking. [4] Also stated that the creativity but all of them focus on the production of
product of criticism or the evaluation contained generative something new or original [28], p. 4. Guilford, indicated that
and creative component. there are no fewer than 120 characteristics of creativity [29].
Norris [15] believed that in order to be able to evaluate Guilford has identified four central components of creative
their own thinking and to change their thinking behavior, thinking skills (divergent thinking) that include: fluency,
students should know how to apply their prior knowledge flexibility, originality and elaboration [30], [31]. Guilford
and understanding. Consequently, both creative and critical [32], explained these four skills in terms of how they are used
thinking should be involved in the learning and curricula as verbal and visual-figural information. Each of them has
through the context, activities and questions in school been measured through standardized tools where many
subjects, especially mathematics and science [16]. Thus, different responses are gathered [33]. In 1966, Torrance
various studies recommended doing more research on developed a series of tests in line with Guilfords'
correlation, effect, relationship and interaction of several conceptualization of divergent thinking identified as the
levels of thinking such as, creative thinking and critical Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) [34]. For many
thinking with an overlap in activities and/or curriculum (e.g. years, Torrance based TTCT scoring on Guilford's (1956).
[17]). Also, [5] emphasized that much research need to be These include seven (7) verbal sub-tests (activities) and three
conducted with different variables, such as age and gender, to (3) figural subtests (activities) providing sub-scores for
study the creative and critical thinking skills. Even though fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration [31], [35],
scientific research has shown the importance of creativity, [36]. However, Torrance had removed the flexibility from
educators are not encouraged to use creative thinking skills later streamlined scoring procedure [37]. According to [18],
upon their learners [18]. Hence, many studies and projects in at the end of the twentieth century creativity research
continued to expand, yet today, it is conceptualized as
Manuscript received September 27, 2013; revised November 30, 2013. something that anyone can acquire.
A. S. Alghafri is with the University of Buraimi, P.O. Box 890, P. C. 512,
Sultanate of Oman (e-mail: dr.aalghafri@gmail.com) B. Critical Thinking
Hairul Nizam Bin Ismail is with Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Pulau Theories of critical thinking are varied. One of the theories
Penang, Malaysia (e-mail: hairul@usm.my)

DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2014.V4.410 518

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 4, No. 6, November 2014

is based on the cognitive scientific perspective utilizing Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP), the
critical thinking as an instruction and the evaluation of California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (CCTDI),
teaching and learning [38]. Another relevant theory has the CAAP Critical Thinking Assessment Battery (CTAB)
developed from the social constructivist perspective, and the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST).
implying that critical thinking is a learned social practice [3].
C. Pertinence between Creative and Critical Thinking
Other theories describe critical thinking as the reflection,
evaluation, and reasoning of both practical and academic Several studies have mentioned the relationship between
requirements [39]. The theory of critical thinking became creative thinking and critical thinking. They made them like a
more and more outreaching over the years. It converted from divergent and a convergent thinking [6], [7], [10]. [6] stated
the generalization to the specific, shifted from the that: Whereas creative thinking is divergent, critical
de-contextualized aspect of cognitive skills to social thinking is convergent (p. 35). Paul [54] further elaborates
practices and cultural aspects, and changed from explicit that creative thinking and critical thinking have an intimate
teaching methods to an implicit and embedded approach. It is relationship with the imaging skill. Creative thinking is also
completely directed towards our critical investigation of the pertinent to irrational or unconscious forces, while critical
world and our own knowledge of it [38], [40], [41]. thinking relates to rational and conscious processes. Hence,
Therefore, there are different definitions of critical all kinds of thinking comprise these two types of thinking in
thinking put forward by theorists in the psychology, an intimate way [9]-[12].
education, social and other domains [41]-[43], and [44]. Even Moreover, the creative and critical thinking are important
so, experts agree that critical-thinking behaviors imply an for the individuals [7], [12], [13] and the society [7], [13].
open-minded tendency to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate According to [55] as cited in [5], creative and critical
information in order to solve problems and make resolutions thinking skills are essential for students. This hypothesis is
[42], [44]. From the 1990 APA Consensus, [45] emphasized also supported by Meyers [56], who says that students must
that definition of critical thinking includes the process of learn thinking and reasoning skills to realize their fullest
interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference. However, potential in todays society. In view of this, many studies
[46] pointed that critical thinking refers to the reflective and have focused on the combination of critical and creative
reasonable thinking. According to [47] the study of logic: thinking [4]-[12], and [13], [7] offers a different perspective
is the study of the methods and principles used to distinguish by saying that: Even creative thinking enters critical
good (correct) from bad (incorrect) reasoning. (p. 3). thinking process, so also critical thinking enters creative
Attempting to define what critical thinking is not, Lenburg thinking process.
[48] suggested that critical thinking is different from problem Many studies evolve around creative and critical thinking.
solving, because the latter focuses on a problem to be Twin thinking is a particular type of thinking which is related
identified and solved using a reasonable solution. to the nature of both creative and critical thinking. It can be
In addition, from the scientific method perspective, some understood as a binary pair: logical versus intuitive,
educators, justify that the idea of critical thinking is a set of sequential thinking versus insight thinking, analysis versus
complex cognitive abilities inquiring about knowledge in synthetic, convergent versus divergent, evaluative versus
order to use or apply it [38], [49], [50]. The Scientific method generative, and reduction and division versus integration [4],
is important to be considered in this aspect because of its [57]. Some researchers stated that creativity is a part of being
analytical strength in the testing and application. This method critical. While the argument is considered rational, there are
also includes the formulation of hypotheses and theories others who state that being critical is part of creativity [4].
which are tested and confirmed on the base of observations Moore, McCann, and McCann [58] emphasized the
[51]. According to [45] and [52], consensus critical thinking importance of linking the two together: it should never be
cognitive skills and sub-skills are summarized as (1) forgotten that creative and critical thinking are two sides of
Interpretation, which includes three sub-skills namely the same coins: one is of little use without the other (p. 361).
categorization, decoding sentences and clarifying meaning. Ref. [59] suggested a model of creative and critical
(2) Analysis, which involves examining ideas, identifying thinking in regards to the sequential phases of scientific
arguments and analyzing arguments. (3) Evaluation, which creation found in the literature of Koestler's (1964) and
comprises the assessment of claims and arguments. (4) Wallas (1926). Those phases are known as preparation,
Inference skill, which includes querying evidence, incubation, illumination and verification. Lawsons study [59]
conjecturing alternatives and drawing conclusions. (5) showed that the creative and thinking skills are two kinds of
Explanation, in which stating results, justifying procedures thinking which can work together in order to judge and
and presenting arguments are involved, and (6) generate ideas in a new situation. Even though the two appear
Self-regulation, which embodies self-examination and to be different, they are seen as unitary, inseparable, and
self-correction. integrated. In order to produce higher order thinking, the
Consequently, the different conceptions and theories of mind should simultaneously assess and produce, judge and
critical thinking result in various tests of critical thinking. As generate thoughts. They also require imagination and
mentioned in the National Postsecondary Education intellect. Therefore, both the intellectual creation and critical
Cooperative [53], there are several critical thinking tests to judgment have a reciprocal logic. There is a close
measure college and university students critical thinking interrelation between the intellectual production and the
skills, such as the Academic Profile (A. PROFILE), the progressing critique of that making [12].

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 4, No. 6, November 2014

III. IMPLEMENTING CREATIVE AND CRITICAL THINKING IN the curriculum will help students enhancing their thinking
CURRICULUM abilities and their higher order skills [21], [60], [64], [65]. It
Thinking skills are overlapping and connected in complex is also believed that thinking skills should not be taught in
ways due to many theories which outline that the thinking isolation, but instead be integrated across the curriculum [21],
skills are mutually supportive and interdependent [7]. This [60], [64]-[67]. Accordingly, McPecks [49] believes that
means that each thinking skill cannot be taught at once, but critical thinking is one kind of thinking that cannot be done in
only by progress and interpenetration in a spiral learning and vacuum. It needs knowledge of a subject matter because, in
teaching process. In addition, thinking skills are applied in the context of said subject matter, critical thinking means
sophisticated methods and in growing complex context [60]. thinking about X (defined as the subject matter).
One of students thinking skills is the scientific skills, which Consequently, this condition includes other kinds of thinking
should be enhanced by the science subject. The scientific such as the creative thinking. In contrast, [38] states that it is
skills are beneficial to face new situations and make important to view the logical components of critical thinking
hypotheses; also to interpret the basic scientific knowledge outside the context of a subject ignoring the pragmatic or
[61]. contextual components. Hence, the findings of a study
Moreover, according to recommendations of Fauxs conducted by Faux in 1992 [17] have several implications for
results [17], there was a need to build and design the educators responsible for the teaching of creative and critical
curriculum for all levels of students achievements in several thinking skills. One major implication is that working with
thinking skills, because hardly everyone are able to make all higher order thinking needs more time and practice to include
students become the most creative thinkers. Likewise, Paul several thinking activities into an already overloaded
and Elder [12] stated that all truly excellent thinking curriculum that may provide skills to the students through the
combines both creative and critical thinking. Therefore, learning.
many studies asserted to investigate the relationship between Therefore, many articles and studies have demonstrated
creative and critical thinking by either integrating and not that different types of thinking, such as creative thinking and
integrating them into the curriculum. Lawsons study of critical thinking, can be taught [4]. According to Prawat [68]
merging creative and critical thinking together in the and Weinstein [60], there are three approaches to thinking
curriculum [59] showed that the performance of 514 skills instruction. First, the separate approach involves the
non-science majored students has improved. This is enough teaching of several thinking skills isolated from the content
evidence to suggest that students perform better in this kind of a subject matter [10]. The thinking skills in this approach
of curriculum design. are firstly identified, and are taught as a separate course or
Consequently, present TS study was made to be suitable subject. Students can learn to apply separate thinking skills in
for all levels of students and it includes various thinking different subjects and situations. Second, the partial
skills of creativity and critical thinking via science curricula embodiment approach includes high level thinking skills
regarding to the importance of the science subject in the which are introduced by various challenging questions and
schools, specifically the learning of science subjects with the activities without implicating the teaching of thinking skills
use of thinking skills. The National Science Education in a subject. Finally, the implication approach, on the other
Standards (NRC, 1996) stated the main principles of the hand, incorporates the teaching and the identification of
notion that science is for all students and that curriculum thinking skills within the context of a subject matter. In this
content should be designed to develop the students brain, kind of approach, students can apply various thinking skills
thinking, interests, emotion, abilities, understandings, immediately in the particular subject matter while they are
experiences, and knowledge. learning. Hence, they are able to use the skills in meaningful
Thus, science subject is important for students and for context, real life context and understand those skills better.
everyone in order to be familiar about nature, body, and Prawat [68] and Weinstein [60] stated that the implication
materials of the world in general. Moreover, it includes approach is the most effective to teach thinking skills in any
several scientific disciplines, like physics, biology and curriculum. Moreover, it is beneficial to use thinking skills to
chemistry. In addition, it is related to other subjects, such as enhance whatever type of curriculum that is taught.
mathematics. Therefore, science is important to be present in Supporting this, OBrien, [69] stated that the science
a curriculum which includes a good learning ways to attain a curriculum should include thinking skills in order to help
scientific knowledge [61]. In addition, the science is students using their skills and thinking using thinking
important discipline for technology [62]. Hence, the issues of strategies because childrens knowledge in age between 7-12
science, such as students thinking and learning of science; is more filtered by mature steps of thinking and constructing
methods and strategies teaching of science; and science the knowledge [70]. Moreover, according to Talib, Su Luan,
curriculum for developing and improving a knowledge of Azhar, and Abdullah [63], good achievement and
science to use them in several purposes of life should be performance in the learning of science are not dependant on
investigated [61]. Accordingly, Malaysias 2020 vision the teaching only, but also on other factors such as students
stated that science is an important subject for development skills and ability. Hence, should primary school students
[63]. understand the scientific knowledge as well as the use of
thinking skills in order to master the essentials in scientific
A. Approaches of Integrating Thinking Skills in the disciplines, that becomes by science curriculum [71].
Curriculum Consistently, the Ministry of Education in Malaysia is
Many researchers agree that integrating thinking skills in resolute to continue develop science curricula to attain

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 4, No. 6, November 2014

scientific objectives. Hence, the main aims of the Malaysian study mentioned that strategy connected creative and critical
science curriculum are to provide students with the means to thinking to construct an innovative thinking strategy which is
acquire scientific knowledge and skills, develop thinking known as Thinking Skills (TS). The TS strategy briefly
skills and thinking strategies, and also applying and use said introduces the students to thinking skills. It covers critical
knowledge and skills in everyday life [72]. In light of the and creative thinking skills specifically, as shown in Fig. 1.
previous considerations, the current study chooses the third
type of learning thinking approach being an implicational
approach to thinking skills (TS), in order to teach thinking
through a curriculum of Year 5 science subject in terms of
skills of creative and critical thinking. That because science
subject of standard five contains topics which are suitable to
practice thinking skills through them. For more details,
science subject curriculum of standard five contains two
main themes. First theme is called investigating living things
which includes microorganisms unit, survival of the species
unit and food chain and food web unit. Whereas, the second
Fig. 1. Components of thinking skills (TS) strategy
them is titled investigating force and energy which involves
energy, electricity, light, heat.
Fig. 1 introduces two types of thinking (creative and
B. Applying Creative and Critical Skills in TS strategy critical thinking skills) as interactive elements. These skills
According to [73], creative and critical learning are do not function separately but they interact with one another.
necessary skills for innovation. Guilford identifies three This process can be seen as a strategy of thinking that is
central components of creative thinking skills (divergent based on creative and critical thinking. In conclusion, the
thinking) namely fluency, flexibility, originality [30], [31], Thinking Skills (TS) is defined as a strategic thinking
[34] and [36]. These three thinking skills are chosen for the involving interaction between creative and critical thinking
purpose of this study. Likewise, the current study uses four skills that to engages individuals (ones) thinking during the
skills of critical which are taken from APA critical skills. activity in order to get an individual's (ones) thinking
According to the APA consensus [45], [52], critical thinking achievement.
cognitive skills and sub-skills can be identified as 1) Consequently, creative and critical thinking skills
Interpretation which includes three sub-skills namely implicated into science unit of standard five in strategy of TS.
categorization, decoding sentences and clarifying meaning, 2) This strategy was suggested for students and teachers to be
Analysis which involves examining ideas, identifying applied in a classroom by merging thinking skills through
arguments and analyzing arguments. 3) Evaluation which curriculum and using a meaningful context, as well as a
comprises assessing claims and assessing arguments, and 4) complex cognitive questions and activities that are
Inference skill including querying evidence, conjecturing open-ended and call high-level thinking. Besides that, the
alternatives and drawing conclusions. students should apply thinking skills directly to the science
As mentioned earlier, both creative and critical thinking subject through their learning. Also, they have to implement
interpenetrate each other. According to [4], they function in their skills in a meaningful context using deeply thinking by
an alternating step without constrain. For example, when using creative thinking skills (fluency, flexibility &
solving a problem, logical and analytical thinking (critical originality) and critical thinking skills (interpretation,
thinking) will occur first. This is followed by the generation analysis, evaluation & inference).
and suspension of a large number of ideas or judgments
(creative thinking). Next, those ideas or judgments will be
evaluated (critical thinking) in order to get the best solution. IV. METHODOLOGY
In view of this, the TS will take into account both the Data were collected from 68 standard five students whom
creative and critical thinking as one dynamic and reciprocal enrolled in school during the period of May until July 2010.
thinking strategy. In reference to [4], various studies have A total of 32 students were placed in the TS group and the
outlined the following processes in both creative and critical remaining 36 students in the control group and they were
thinking: generating ideas, synthesizing to create, supplying selected randomly from two different primary schools. The
imaginative constructs, questioning assumptions and syllabus of the TS strategy group was designed to consider
discarding beliefs, and also appeal to reasons, reasonable, the thinking skills via science subject of primary curriculum
reflective, judgment, dialectical, adheres to normal standards of year five. Thereby, to employing the syllabus in TS
and criteria. Moreover, current studies and Lawsons study strategy, there are three tools of current studies' strategies,
share some similarities in the integration of kinds of thinking, namely brochure of the strategy, the implementation guide,
creative and critical thinking, and the application of thinking and the lessons plan. When the teacher in TS group wants to
skills in curriculum that either in TS strategy of current study. apply the strategy upon the students, he/she must know that
Nevertheless, they differ in the methodologies and the study these tools are helpful to implicate the thinking skills in
sample. Present study attempted to combine creative thinking science topics of Malaysian science subject curriculum as
and critical thinking together in one strategy which is called well as in the lesson plans of yearly scheme of work of
TS strategy via curriculum. As mentioned earlier, the current Education Department. Therefore, the teachers in this

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 4, No. 6, November 2014

strategies have to prepare for science topics in parallel way of is 0.86. The reliability between form A and B of thinking
integrate them together. tasks are significant in Pearson correlation. The reliability of
Moreover, teacher and students' roles in thinking skills the two instruments used in the present study was checked
strategy. The TS group should implicate the thinking ways, through a test retest for one month. All the correlations are
steps and stages in unintended way into activities which significant.
related to each science topic. Also, in TS group, the students
will be asked several thinking questions for each science
topic. V. RESULTS
In the study, the researcher prepared the TCT and STT. In order to determine whether there is a significant
Test of Creative Thinking (TCT) is paper and pencil form test difference between the creative thinking, and thinking in
was employed in science subject as the verbal creative test for science task of the TS group and control group before and
measuring the following skills: fluency, flexibility, after the treatment, descriptive statistics, such as means,
originality. These items include several kinds of activities standard deviations, two ways Analysis of Covariance
related to science subject. However, Science Task of (ANCOVA), two way Multivariate analysis of Covariance
Thinking (STT) was developed in the form of paper and (MANCOVA) test and LSD statistically method were used
pencil test for all participating students. Images in STT task at .05 alpha level.
was made according to the types of thinking. The thinking
task items consisted of creative thinking pictures and critical A. The Creative Thinking Results
thinking pictures. The science task of thinking measures The average mean of the posttest creative thinking scores
skills of creative and critical thinking by displaying pictures. for students in the TS strategy group (N= 32, M= 11.34, SD=
Thus, this task portrayed two types of thinking pictures 3.92) is higher than that of the control group (N= 36, M= 8.31,
(creative and critical) and each type has eight different SD= 3.41). The result of ANCOVA revealed a significant
questions. difference between the groups total posttest creative
These test and task were administered to determine the thinking scores (F = 9.669; .05 = 0.003). However,
thinking skills of students before and after the intervention. Levenes test showed a significant difference (F = 4.035;
In order to acquire the reliability between study instruments, .05 = 0.049). This result indicated that the assumption of
Cronbach alpha and Pearson correlation were used at .05 homogeneity of variances has been violated. The results of all
level. The Cronbach alpha value of all test and task were the tests are reported in Table I.
significant. TCT is 0.79, STT (Form A) is 0.81, STT (Form B)

Levene's Test of Type III Sum of Mean Partial Eta
Source df F Sig.
Creative Posttest Squares of Squares Square Squared
Corrected Model 213.96a 2 106.98 8.42 0.00 0.206
Intercept 640.62 1 640.62 50.43 0.00 0.437
F= 4.035
Group 122.82 1 122.82 9.67 0.00 0.129
df1= 1
Pre Creative 57.99 1 57.992 4.57 0.03 0.066
df2= 66
Error 825.66 65 12.702
Sig.= 0.049
Total 7487.16 68
Corrected Total 1039.62 67
a R Squared = 0.206 (Adjusted R Squared = 0.181)

Test Type Variables Group Mean N
TS 6.3884 2.4512 32
Control 3.853 1.5171 36
Posttest TS 2.3661 0.7063 32
Control 1.9127 0.4116 36
Originality TS 2.6295 1.6328 32
Control 2.5794 1.8371 36

Since the total scores of the two groups in the creative students were classified as the higher-performance group in
thinking tests were significantly different, the LSD post hoc the post TCT.
test was used to determine the actual pairs. The finding On the other hand, the present study used the means of the
indicated a significant difference (.05 = 0.003) between the posttest scores of three dependent variables (fluency,
TS and control groups in favor of the TS group (mean flexibility, and originality) in the MANCOVA test to
difference = 2.729, std. error = 0.878). Therefore, the TS compare the two groups (TS and control) (see Table II).
The result showed that Levenes test of equality of error variances was significant for fluency and flexibility skills

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 4, No. 6, November 2014

(fluency: F= 17.363, .05 = 0.000; flexibility: F= 15.742, determined by the tests of between-subject effects (fluency:
.05 = 0.000; originality: F= 0.051, >0.05= 0.822). This F= 27.012, .05 = 0.000; flexibility: F= 8.939, .05 = 0.004;
result shows that the skill levels among students are not equal originality: F= 0.051, .05= 0.821) and the results of overall
except in originality. Boxs test is also significant (Boxs M = MANCOVA shown in Table II and Table II, respectively.
41.840, F = 6.627, .05 = 0.000). This finding is finally


Value of Wilks Eta
Effect F Hypothesis df Error df SIG.
Lambda Squared

Intercept 0.407 29.682a 3.000 61.00 0.00 0.593

Group 0.628 12.026a 3.000 61.00 0.00 0.372

Pre Fluency 0.950 1.065a 3.000 61.00 0.37 0.050

Pre Flexibility 0.903 2.165a 3.000 61.00 0.10 0.096

Pre Originality 0.922 1.719a 3.000 61.00 0.17 0.078

aExact statistic

Levene's Test of Type III Sum of Mean Partial Eta
Source df F Sig.
Thinking Posttest Squares of Squares Square Squared
Corrected Model 0.578 a 2 0.289 4.437 0.02 0.120
Intercept 0.773 1 0.773 11.860 0.00 0.154
F= 4.478
Group 0.030 1 0.030 0.453 0.50 0.007
df1= 1
Pre Thinking 0.557 1 0.557 8.552 0.01 0.116
df2= 66
Error 4.235 65 0.065
Sig.= 0.038
Total 142.469 68
Corrected Total 4.813 67

The result of Wilks Lambda of the (MANCOVA) test of the studied groups were different (see Table IV). Thus, the
indicated significant differences (.05 = 0.000) between the students in both groups were same in the post STT results.
two groups in post-TCT skills ( = 0.628, F = 12.026, .05 =
0.000). This result proves that the scores of the study groups
were different (see Table III). Multivariate = .372 indicates VI. DISCUSSION
the effect size, meaning that most of the 37% variation in The results show that the main objective of the study
pre-test creative thinking skills is attributed to the differences which was to improve students learning through enhancing
between the students groups. To determine the direction of their creative thinking and performances of science task
the significant differences between the groups, the LSD test (thinking) is met. The results revealed that there was a
was used. significant difference between the TS and control groups
The LSD test indicated significant difference (.05 = 0.000) with the advantage for TS strategy except in originality and
in fluency skills between the TS (M = 6.39, SD = 2.45) and science task achievement. One possible interpretation of the
control (M = 3.85, SD = 1.51) groups benefiting the TS group result is that TS strategy had intensive activities of creative
and showed a significant difference (.05= 0.004) in
thinking during the science classroom, while students in the
flexibility between the TS (M= 2.37, SD= 0.71) and control
control group did not have. As Nichols, Thomson, Wolfe and
(M= 1.91, SD= 0.41) groups with gains for the former (TS
Merritt [74] believed that the more intensive activities
group), whereas in originality (>.05= 0.821; TS: M= 2.63,
improve the higher order of thinking skills of primary grade
SD= 1.63; control: M= 2.58, SD= 1.84). Thus, the TS group
students. Another possible explanation is that the different
showed higher performance in posttest fluency and flexibility
learning environment between TS and control groups might
but no difference in originality.
have permitted the TS students to be more focused on new
B. Thinking results of Science Tasks idea as compared to TS students. As such, there were also
The average mean scores of the TS strategy group in some differences in terms of the instructions, syllabus, and
post-task thinking in science (N = 32, M = 1.44, SD = 0.31) thinking strategies. Therefore, the learning environment
were higher than those of the control strategy group (N = 36, could have affected the students thinking style and the
M = 1.41, SD = 0.226). The results of ANCOVA showed no science thinking. The findings showed that there were
significant difference between the groups in posttest general significant differences in fluency in respect to experimental
thinking in science tasks (F= 4.453, >.05= 0.503). However, group comparing with control group is due to the fact that
Levenes test (F= 4.478; .05= 0.038) showed that the scores students felt free to generate more ideas for the activities in

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 4, No. 6, November 2014

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