Teaching Practice Task 5
Teaching Practice Task 5
Teaching Practice Task 5
Program link: This task is associated to the guidelines of all the content courses in Year 3 Primary (EPC 3403 - ExPR 3203 EPR 3003). It is
also associated to the requirements of the portfolio.
Lesson The activities that The HA students did well Most of students from
2: takes place were of job, where they do use MA and LA they did quit
[Enter math subject and the strategies that aid them good work in the task,
Date] lesson was about to solve the question , because there wasnt
LO addition . for example there are any aiding for them for
(E/D/M) two students they use example using cubes or
: In the lesson I did with the strategy of ( ) and material that can
them also other they use altering scaffold them while
differentiation, that the operation strategy , they are working.
each group will get a and I think that using During my observing to
task the represents strategy its self is an their work, I realized
their level of leaning . avidness of showing that that most of the
the student understand students are answering
LA students get green what she is doing . by their memorization!!
color tee-shirt that Because when they
have on it question of come and work on their
addition , and they get books m their most of
the clips that has on it answers were wrong,
answers and first they and some of them they
have to answer on the used their finger.
paper , and then find
the answer on the clip
to go and hang the tee-
shirt on the rope , and
the questions were
bite of difficult , for
example 9+ 4 =