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Teaching Practice Task 5

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Teaching Practice Task 5: Guided Math

Program link: This task is associated to the guidelines of all the content courses in Year 3 Primary (EPC 3403 - ExPR 3203 EPR 3003). It is
also associated to the requirements of the portfolio.

Objective: You will:

1.Record the planning for the guided math groups that you taught and the learning outcomes you covered (including the level of
learning outcome: emerging, developing or mastered).
2.Evaluate the learning all got it, most got it, some got it, I need to reteach this again. How do you know? What did the students do to
show that they understood?
3.Add pictures of the centre activity/students work to your e-portfolio (include the LO and name of the centre)
Lesson Activity Description
Plan (Describe how you will All got it! Most got it! Some got it! I need to reteach
Ready for the next level up
teach the guided math)
Lesson The lesson was for HA, MA students get the LA student most of
1: math subject. concept , and they did them they did good ,
[Enter The lesson was about well on the activity, but they get stack with
Date] subtraction with 10 . where the LA students the writing the numbers
LO Students were divide they get it done before , however I ask them to
(E/D/M) in to 3 groups , based the time that I site for model the answer on
: on their academic them, however the MA their fingers , and also
level . There was LA, students they take a bite to show me the number
MA and HA groups. of time , but they did on the board there are
well on the activity , and number on the board .
The differentiation their answers were
activity take places as right . Notice those students
an post activity . where they are aware with
the LA students get a During the were working what is required from
box , and inside the I ask them some them but they are not
box there are sheets of question for example I familiar with the
small paper , that ask the LA students who numbers , so they need
content question for you get the answer , practice on that .
example 10 - ? = 3 according to her if we
alter the operation and
And the MA students we did plus also we can
get also a sheets of get the answer for the
small paper that has on subtraction so the
it question, and they question is 10-?= 7 10-
have represent the 3= 7 ( 3+7= 10 )
answer with cubes , so Those students are ready
for instance 10 5 = ? for the challengeable
question .
While the LA student
used bowling game , so Were most of the MA
they have 10 pins and students they used their
they will trough the fingers to get the
ball and the pins that answers, and they do use
will fail down they will cubes too .
write the question , Those students are ready
and then will answer to move to the next
the question, by step, but they need
counting how many practice in hand moving
pins dont fail down. so they get done with
each girl will have one the work on the time.

Lesson The activities that The HA students did well Most of students from
2: takes place were of job, where they do use MA and LA they did quit
[Enter math subject and the strategies that aid them good work in the task,
Date] lesson was about to solve the question , because there wasnt
LO addition . for example there are any aiding for them for
(E/D/M) two students they use example using cubes or
: In the lesson I did with the strategy of ( ) and material that can
them also other they use altering scaffold them while
differentiation, that the operation strategy , they are working.
each group will get a and I think that using During my observing to
task the represents strategy its self is an their work, I realized
their level of leaning . avidness of showing that that most of the
the student understand students are answering
LA students get green what she is doing . by their memorization!!
color tee-shirt that Because when they
have on it question of come and work on their
addition , and they get books m their most of
the clips that has on it answers were wrong,
answers and first they and some of them they
have to answer on the used their finger.
paper , and then find
the answer on the clip
to go and hang the tee-
shirt on the rope , and
the questions were
bite of difficult , for
example 9+ 4 =

The MA student get

the blue color tee-shirt
and the questions were
simple for example
5+3= , 4+5= .
and then they will
match the answer with
the clips and will hang
the tee-shirt on the
LA students get the red
color easiest question
for example 3+3= , 5+1=
And they have to
answer first , and then
they will match the
answer with the clips
and will hang the tee-
shirt on the rope

And these all activities

they did it in a pre-part
Lesson The activities that The HA students in the LA student they did well MA students , they
3: conduct differentiation binging they dont get job in their task , try their best , but
[Enter were in math subject in the idea of the activity, because it was on their most of them
Date] lesson of addition. because according to academic level , so couldnt reach to
LO their teacher that its, fist when the work the answer ,
(E/D/M) And the activities were time for them to do this beseems student level , because I think its
: for 3 levels , and they kind of activity, which is this will motivate the was higher than
are LA, MA, and HA. student center, and student for the task , their ability ,
especially that they will and let the student though they
The first activity was be the one will write the produce more . understand my
for HA, were they will question. But I do repeat Moreover students get instruction .
write question of the instructions for them done from the activity But when I teach
addition , and then without modeling for on the time. And when them the strategy
they will switch the them the activity; the get done they start of altering the
question between however they did the to ask me if their work is operation and then
them , and will answer activity well, where they correct or not , but my they can get the
it , so this was student get two numbers, with respond was show me answer, from that
center . the sing of the addition, how you get the answer strategy the start
and the equal sign. And , and let them to judge to solve the
Was the MA student then they change the on their work . question. But it
will get questions that question between them was a great chance
have missing element? and start to solve the Moreover I found this of teaching them a
And they have to question, and they did as activity more strategy that aid
represent that element I want from them, even if educational, because them do develop
by the pepper money they dont get in first the students were their academic
that they will get also. time my instructions. counting the pictures level.
loudly, so this also a
LA students they will During students were practice for them with
get a work sheet that working I was going the counting the
have questions with around them and check, numbers.
the pictures that because its their first
represent the time
question , and they
have to count the
pictures and take out
the answer .
Lesson I had created The HA students they did The MA students did
4: differentiation activitywell on the activity, and good so fare , where
[Enter for student and the get done on the time, each student get a
Date] lesson was about because they did also topping and solve the
LO addition numbers . with me kindly similar question with using
(E/D/M) activity, so i think that cubs , and some of them
: So the HA students had they get used to it, in my they did it by using their
a dice were each opinion their teacher fingers, in my opinion
student will get a tern may start with them when teacher adhere
throwing the dice , and challengeable question, the student in solving
the number that will because if the student the question or leaning
revel they have to can find or justify their she or he will be poor
create a question that answers by using other developer, teacher must
the answer is the strategy i think she or he provide students with
number that shows in is ready for next step . ways or materials that
the dice , and write the Top on that students can aid the student to
answer . evaluate their work by solve or understand the
asking each other after lesson. Moreover when
Where the MS students they get done with their the student will be
will get an ice cream work! which is great they rounded with
activity where each are doing cooperative atmosphere of
student will have a leaning , and exchange scaffolding she or he
toping of the ice cream their knowledge . will go tend of sassed.
and on the toping will However I was going
be the question, and During they were around them and look if
there will be also the working on their task they are in right track or
cons of the ice cream there was a quiet of not.
that will carry the misbehaving, because
answer , so first they they had one dice, and
have to solve the each of them they want LA students were
question , them find to do first. excited for the activity,
the answer thats same because it was fun for
of the answer on the them. The questions
con , and create the ice that I mention for them
cream. in paper were simple
that represent their
How every LA student level mover some
gets a simple activity students they first
was they have to answer the questions by
stamp , so they get 3 writing the number
questions for example answer, and then they
2+ 2 = they have to start stumping however
represent the answer my instruction was only
by using the stump . by stumping , but I think
because the questions
were simple they did
them correctly and then
they start stumping .Top
on that I spend most of
the activity time with
them , because their
level of writing the
numbers , and reading
them numbers are
developed. But I let
them first read the
question, so I make
myself sure that they
know what are the
numbers, and what they
will be doing. however
ask them to use their
fingers to answer the
question , and while
they are counting , am
asking them to count in
louder voice because if
they did wrong in the
counting I can re-correct
them on the same time.

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