Ice-502-Ce-502 - Final
Ice-502-Ce-502 - Final
Ice-502-Ce-502 - Final
Roll No.
1 P.T.O.
ICE-502/CE-502 ICE-502/CE-502
2. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 10 x 2 = 20 4. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 10 x 2 = 20
(a) Design a reinforced concrete beam having an effective simply (a) Design a simply supported slab for a hall having clear dimensions
supported span of 5.5m. The beam is required to a support live and 4m x 9m with wall thickness of 300mm. The superimposed load on
superimposed load of 15kN/m and 12kN/m. Use M20 grade the slab is 3kN/m . Assume suitable grade of concrete and steel.
concrete and Fe415 steel. Also check the slab for shear and deflection.
(b) A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section of size (b) Design a slab over a room 4m x 6m as per IS code. The edge of the
250x550mm overall is to be designed for a factored moment of slab are simply supported and the corners are not held down. The
250kNm. Compute the reinforcement required at the effective cover live load on the slab is 3kN/m 2. The slab has a bearing of 150mm on
of 50mm. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel. Adopt limit state the supporting walls. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
design method. (c) (i) Discuss the different types of stairs used in concrete structures
(c) Determine the limiting moment of T-beam having flange with with the help of neat sketches.
1250mm, web width 300mm, flange thickness 125mm, effective (ii) Explain short term deflection and long term deflection.
depth 550mm. The beam is reinforced with 8 bars of 25mm on the
tension side. Use M25 concrete and Fe415 steel. 5. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 10 x 2 = 20
(a) Design a circular column to carry an axial load of 2000kN using
3. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 10 x 2 = 20 helical reinforcement. Use M25 mix and Fe415 steel.
(a) A reinforced concrete beam has an effective depth of 450mm and a (b) (i) A short reinforced concrete column of size 250mm x 300mm is
width of 300mm. It contain 4 bar of 20mm diameter. Calculate the reinforced with 4 bars of 20mm . Determine the safe load the
shear reinforcement needed for a factored shear force of 300kN. column can carry. The grade of concrete mix and steel
Use M20 mix and Fe415 steel. reinforcement used are M20 and Fe415.
(b) A simply supported beam is 250mm x 500mm overall. It has 2 bars (ii) Discuss briefly the difference between behaviour of a short
of 20mm going into the support. If the shear force at the centre of and long column.
support is 110kN at working loads. Determine the anchorage length. (c) (i) Give a brief classification of columns on the basis of different
Use M20 mix and Fe415 steel. criteria.
(c) (i) Define development length and explain its significance. (ii) Explain briefly how interaction diagram for columns under
(ii) Explain the difference between flexural bond and development combined axial and bending can be drawn.
(iii) How vertical stirrups help in carrying shear? Discuss briefly
different types of shear stirrups.
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