Biosafety During Industrial Production
Biosafety During Industrial Production
Biosafety During Industrial Production
Benefits of Biosafety practices
Manisha Bano
Rai Business School, New Delhi
Submitted by:-
Girish Wasudev Ghugare
Type of Project
This is to certify that Girish wasudev Ghugare, students of MBA (Industry Integrated) from
Rai Business School, New Delhi have completed their class project in GMP GLP BIOSAFETY
REGULATIONS titled ,“ Benefits of Biosafety practices”,under my guidance and supervision . I
wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
Manisha Bano
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the faculties of RBS, New Delhi,
especially my internal supervisor Manisha Bano, without whose guidance this project would
not have been possible.
what is biosefty
Biosafety During Industrial Production
Need for biosefty
What is biosafety?
Biosafety is a term used to describe efforts to minimize the potential risks that may stem from
the use of biotechnology or products derived therefrom. With specific reference to genetically
modified organisms (GMOs), biosafety aims at “ensuring that the development and use of
GMOs, and products derived from them, do not negatively affect plant, animal and human
health, agricultural systems, or the environment”. GMOs are living organisms, which unlike
chemicals do not become diluted once introduced into the environment; instead they disperse
to new habitats and multiply. The transgene product (toxin or enzyme) is continually
produced once the GMO is metabolically active, thereby posing a risk to health and the
Laboratory biosafety describes the containment principles, technologies and practices that are
implemented to prevent the unintentional exposure to pathogens and toxins, or their
accidental release .
Over the last two decades there have been significant advances in genetics which have
resulted in increased interest and investment in biotechnology. Modern biotechnology
encompasses processes, which allow the manipulation of the genome at the level of the gene,
referred to as recombinant-DNA technology. This has been employed to introduce new traits
into plants such as resistance to herbicides, insects, fungi and viruses. Fruit ripening, starch
content, oil profile and male sterility have also been altered via genetic engineering,
achieving results that would not be possible using traditional breeding techniques, as genes
are invariably moved across species.
The technology’s potential has given rise to major concerns with respect to the
possible adverse environmental, agricultural, human, animal and plant health consequences
due to the introduction of genetically engineered crops. This has led to the development of
regulatory regimes or biosafety systems that are specifically applied to ensure that the
products created by the new techniques are as safe as those of traditional biotechnology.
Laboratory biosafety and biosecurity mitigate different risks, but they share a common
goal: keeping VBM safely and securely inside the areas where they are used and stored.
Laboratory biosafety is the expression used to describe the containment principles,
technologies and practices that are implemented to prevent unintentional exposure to
pathogens and toxins, or their accidental release.
A comprehensive biosafety culture translates into the understanding and routine
application of a set of safe practices, procedures, actions and habits that protect the
people working with biological materials.
Laboratory biosecurity may be addressed through the coordination of administrative,
regulatory and physical security procedures and practices implemented in a working
environment that utilizes good biosafety practices, and where responsibilities and
accountabilities are clearly defined. Biosafety and laboratory biosecurity are
complementary. In fact, the implementation of specific biosafety activities already
covers some biosecurity aspects. The systematic use of appropriate biosafety principles
and practices reduces the risk of accidental exposure and paves the way for reducing
the risks of VBM loss, theft or misuse caused by poor management or poor
accountability and protection. Laboratory biosecurity should be built upon a firm
foundation of good laboratory biosafety.
Through microbiological risk assessments performed as an integral part of an
institution's biosafety programme, information is gathered regarding the type of
organisms available at a given facility, their physical location, the personnel who
require access to them, and the identification of those responsible for them. A
laboratory biosecurity risk assessment should further help establish whether this
biological material is valuable and warrants security provisions for its protection that
may be insufficiently covered through recommended biosafety practices. This approach
underlines the need to recognize and address the ongoing responsibility of countries
and institutions to ensure the expectation for a safe and secure laboratory environment.
A specific laboratory biosecurity programme, managing the identified biorisks, should
be prepared and designed for each facility according to its specific requirements, to the
type of laboratory work conducted, and to local and geographical conditions.
Laboratory biosecurity activities should be representative of the institution’s various
needs and should include input from scientific directors, principal investigators,
biosafety officers, laboratory scientific staff, maintenance staff, administrators,
information technology staff, law-enforcement agencies and security staff, if
appropriate. A sound code of practice should be included for personnel practice.
Laboratory biosecurity measures should be based on a comprehensive programme of
accountability for VBM that includes:
1. regularly updated inventories with storage locations,
2. identification and selection of personnel with access,
3. plans of use of VBM,
4. clearance and approval processes,
5. documentation of internal and external transfers within and between facilities,
and of any
6. inactivation and/or disposal of the material.
Likewise, institutional laboratory biosecurity protocols should include how to handle
breaches or near-breaches in laboratory biosecurity including:
1. incident notification,
2. reporting protocols,
3. investigation reports,
4. recommendations and remedies, and
5. oversight and guidance through the Biosafety Committee.
The protocols should also include how to handle discrepancies in inventory results, and
describe the specific training to be offered, and the training that personnel should be
required to follow. The involvement, roles and responsibilities of public health and
security authorities in the event of a security breach should also be clearly defined.
Documenting procedures to manage behaviour and the interaction of workers with the
facility and its equipment should also be considered.
These issues should be addressed according to a goal-setting approach to make sure the
objective of minimizing biorisks is reached, rather than following a prescriptive
approach to demonstrate compliance to a given set of rules. A goal-setting approach
furthermore enables facilities to be creative, imaginative and innovative, allowing for
responding to unexpected events, and for new findings and considerations to be easily
incorporated into existing management systems. Goal-setting principles-based
approaches enable staff to deal with the unpredicted and unfamiliar in the most prudent
and safe manner until more expert opinion can be obtained.
Laboratory biosecurity is more than just the safeguarding of dangerous pathogens and
toxins from individuals or organizations who would use them for harm. While
protection of dangerous pathogens and toxins is obviously appropriate, the scientific,
medical and pharmaceutical communities should also consider protecting materials
with historical, medical, epidemiological, commercial or scientific value. These
decisions should be taken with due consideration to the fact that scientists serve only as
temporary custodians of valuable scientific assets whose past and current value to
science may be understood, but whose utility for the future can only be estimated.
Some VBM have intrinsic value and they need to be preserved for study by future
generations of scientists. Their transfer and sharing should be encouraged or
maintained as long as appropriate documentation allowing to track them is available.
Thus scientists have a duty to maintain VBM according to current best practice. If a
decision is taken to destroy unwanted or unnecessary materials, protocols must be
followed to ensure their full and complete destruction and documentation. The
protection of VBM includes appropriate storage conditions, documentation of their
storage, use, transfer to more appropriate laboratories, or proof of complete destruction.
The classification of biological materials as VBM should be left to their caretakers
(laboratory managers and scientists) who should know and understand their value and
should be able to address and define the level of protection required. To address these
issues, the caretakers of VBM should consult with partners, e.g. in the research
community and in the security, intelligence or information technology (IT) sectors to
ensure the protection of their valuable assets against identified biorisks. If the facility
holding the collection cannot ensure its protection, the laboratory manager together
with the responsible scientist(s) should make arrangements to safely transfer them to a
more secure site. In this way, policy-makers, scientists, laboratory directors and
security engineers, supported by journal editors and publishers of research results, may
achieve an appropriate balance between the protection of VBM and the preservation of
an environment that promotes legitimate microbiological research.
All microorganisms, natural or laboratory-modified, may be included in the broad
definition of VBM. Although some agents have heightened capacities to cause harm if
intentionally misused, virtually all may have legitimate uses for medical, commercial
and scientific applications. Their value should prompt a responsibility to limit
opportunities for VBM to be inappropriately accessed while at the same time preserve
opportunities for their study and legitimate use, e.g. for the development of improved
vaccines, diagnostics and therapies, work that requires handling, using, transporting,
transferring and sharing of VBM.
Countering biorisks:
The advances of science open doors to infinite possibilities to make use of acquired
knowledge and techniques (9). National authorities and laboratory managers should be
able to provide for a legislative and/or regulatory framework defining legitimate and
ethical research projects and keep an oversight on laboratory activities and personnel.
Systems and controls should be in place to avoid illegitimate or unethical research.
Researchers, laboratory workers and biosafety and laboratory biosecurity managers
should communicate and collaborate, and strive to find the correct ethical balance for
the activities performed. A voluntary code of conduct can be more effective than one
that is imposed provided it is understood and agreed among stakeholders.
The code of conduct should involve evaluation of the purpose of the work,
consideration for its impact the publication of research results, and enumerate
considerations and conditions for or against the publication of results that may have
dual-use implications (21). In 2001, a research team backed by a federal grant in
Australia created a genetically engineered mousepox virus unexpectedly capable of
evading vaccine-induced immunity (12). Although the results of the research are not
criticable, the publication of the research details has generated strong debates
worldwide. Comprehensive bioethical reviews should be carried out and documented
before final decisions are reached on the publication of data, balancing pros and cons of
their dissemination.
As one example, influenza viruses of the subtype H1N1 that had been the cause of the
1918-1919 pandemic were reconstructed in 2005 from tissues of recovered permafrost
preserved victims and used in BSL3 containment laboratories for pathogenicity studies.
Further studies are now planned to combine the genes of the H1N1 pandemic virus
with the highly pathogenic H5N1 to investigate virus transmissibility and hopefully be
better prepared for a new pandemic. The balance between the lessons one can learn
from those studies and the risks of synthesizing potentially new deadly viruses may be
argued, but bioethical considerations, international review and control of this research
should be extensively examined. There is for example no international agreement, other
than specifically for variola virus DNA fragments, that stipulates which sequences may
be handled in a laboratory without notification or without specific authorization, and
there is no international agreement on what kind of biosafety containment level and
laboratory biosecurity practices should apply for specific situations (22). These
decisions should be left with national or international biosafety-biosecurity-bioethics
committees, who should request laboratory managers and laboratory workers to take a
responsible risk management approach, and show proof thereof. Only open debates,
transparency and documented reasoning may help gain the support of the global
Natural risks
Biorisks are not confined only to adverse events related to the accidental or intentional
release of VBM. Risks are also represented by natural disasters, threatening the
containment and laboratory biosecurity of laboratories in regions at geological risk
(earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, etc.). When constructing or maintaining
laboratory facilities in such regions, the possible negative outcomes of release of VBM
during natural adverse events should be considered, and acceptable biorisk
management provisions should be planned.
Transport of materials
The use and storage of VBM should be limited to clearly identified areas. The only
VBM permitted outside a restricted area should be those that are being moved from one
location to another for specific, authorized reasons. Transport security endeavours to
provide a measure of security during the movement of biological materials outside of
the access-controlled areas in which they are kept until they arrive at their destination.
Transport security applies to biological materials within a single institution and
between institutions. Internal material transport security includes reasonable
documentation, accountability and control over VBM moving between secured areas of
a facility as well as internal delivery associated with shipping and receiving processes.
External transport security should ensure appropriate authorization and communication
between facilities before, during and after external transport, which may involve the
commercial transportation system. The recommendations of the United Nations Model
Regulations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (23), providing countries with a
framework for the development of national and international transport regulations
include provisions addressing the security of dangerous goods, including infectious
substances, during transport by all modes.
Transfer of materials
Many countries request to file import and export permits for biological materials before
the transfer of such specimens is authorized. These procedures allow for registering and
tracking of materials entering or leaving a country, and they are particularly important
in the case of alien or dangerous pathogens.
In some instances, stakeholders may deem their collections of VBMs so valuable to
warrant the secure storage of a duplicate set in a different location. In such cases,
transfer notifications should be established and their access secured.
Industrial biosecurity programme
Intentional misuse of a
biological agent
should be drawn up detailing the circumstances under which law-enforcement
personnel may be summoned, the protocol to follow once on-site, and the scope of
authority for all parties involved. Regular on-site training and orientation for the local
law-enforcement agency is also recommended.
At facility level, it is recommended that the ultimate responsibility for VBM should lie
with the laboratory/facility manager or director, who should be responsible for
providing the appropriate conditions to minimize breaches in biosafety and laboratory
biosecurity. The facility manager may delegate this responsibility to the principal
investigator for routine activities. However, the facility manager will respond in case of
biosafety or biosecurity breaches.
At international level, national authorities should be ultimately responsible for breaches
in biosafety and laboratory biosecurity that may be at the origin of public health
emergencies of international concern
7. Training